33_The Liberation of Martine

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33_The Liberation of Martine

Post by Diaho »

The Liberation of Martine

“Yeah hit them from behind while Lafiel gets slaughtered I’m not liking this plan at all Admiral. We need something better and fast. Lafiel is about one and a half hours out and oblivious to what is happening here. What if Debeusec isn’t around or has had to retreat to protect his group what if he can’t warn Lafiel? Hum? Admiral did you give that any consideration?”

I really hate it when Kufadis addresses me as Admiral; it’s his way of respectfully showing his disgust for the present situation. I can not fault him either we are in a pretty tight spot. Unless those vessels move away or are pulled away from the Sord entrance, our exit will place us in a cross fire. If the rebels are badly trained we might break out with minimal loses however if they are well trained and monitoring the Sord we’ll be cut to pieces. This waiting is driving me mad.

Our shake down is done Sobbash and Dai have reported no problems, I wish that was true for this ship. We’ve suffered several software glitches which at the moment have rendered our long range scanners inoperative. Although we are on the last leg to Martine we’ve barely using our speed. In the absence of the long range scanners we are plodding at maximum sub light speed. Sobbash and Dai are leading I’m following thirty thousand meters to Sobbash’s aft quarter.

“Risch have you figured out what is causing these disruptions?”

The silence from my creunoc told me I’m not getting answered at this time. Scholar left the bridge about twenty minutes ago to give Risch a hand. Noel sits in front of me studying our approach to Martine looking for any charted obstacles that we might encounter; I sit waiting for a reply from Risch. The boredom is growing.

The Jemkau and group had withdrawn towards the outer planets. Debeusec ordered Rena to move the Training Fleet to a remote point with in the inner planets. He hoped the interference from the gaseous cloud would mask their position. On hind sight this would prove to be a fateful decision.

“Can we communicate with the fuel depot without giving our position away?”

The communications officer said probably not every know frequency was quiet which meant both sides were observing communications blackout. He suggested that a shuttle be sent from the Training Fleet to notify the depot of what was happening. The decision was made and the order sent visually. Rena acknowledged the request and fifteen minutes later a shuttle departed for the depot. Debeusec moved his group to a place where he hoped he could intercept Lafiel before she made her approach towards Martine. However the path that was clear and hour ago was no longer.

The first rebel salvo exploded along the Jemkau starboard side. Damage was minimal but they’d been discovered. Not to draw the rebels towards the Training Fleet Debeusec made a course towards the Sord hoping that Spoor would use the diversion to exit if she was actually there. Also communications were sent to the depot notifying them of the present situation.

Dai and I had established a link when we took the lead. When the sensors showed a battle had commenced within the system we sent Lafiel a message as we went to light speed.

“Lafiel, Sobbash and Dai just went to light speed and are heading into the system. There’s a message that says a battle with in the system has occurred.”

It was no surprise to Noel when I slammed my fist on the chair arm. I opened a ship wide link and said.

“Attention crew. Something has happened around Martine. The other two ships have made a dash to the scene of the disturbance that is all...”

“Risch where are my sensors? We’re blind and something’s going on around Martine.”

The response was something I hadn’t planned on. Risch hit the system reset button the lights dimmed navigation and propulsion were still on line everything else was rebooting. When communications came back I tapped into the Imperial command frequencies what I heard gave new urgency to this ship getting to Martine as soon as possible.

The Jemkau had been blindsided fathers group was taking damage from two different directions. Dai and Sobbash were still six minutes out and we were almost forty minutes away. The long range scanners came on line I tied into the system what I saw cause a panic.

“Noel I see two groups Father’s engaged with one of them and the other is bottling up the Sord. Make for the Sord maximum speed inform Sobbash we are going to let Spoor out of the Sord and tell her to watch her back.”

The Independence arrived cloaked at our firing position in seven minutes. Dai and Sobbash had engaged the rebels along with Father’s fleet and were holding their own. We scanned the area and found out why Spoor hadn’t exited. An Elite Destroyer sat sixty thousand meters from the Sord exit it had another fifty or so type sixty six destroyers with it. My first thought was to take on the big fish. Noel and I decided to take out as many destroyers as we could, with the hope Spoor would exit the Sord in the confusion and between the two of us we’d clean house.

Our first salvo took twenty ships and the rebels by complete surprise. Spoor exited at the first explosions and targeted the Elite Destroyer. We were successful in taking it out along with its escort; however what we didn’t know is that there was more than one of them in this system and by accident they just stumbled up on the Training Fleet my Father had hid with in the inner planets.

“Commander I know I saw weapon discharges but this interference is terrible, we are blind. I think we should follow His Highnesses orders and retreat.”

Rena was about to order a withdrawal when the AI reported something very big heading straight at them the distance was less than thirty thousand meters.

“Order a retreat. Reverse course and head for the Hyde fuel depot. We’ll regroup there and leave the system.”

The order was sent and the resultant panic caused massive confusion. Rena decided to act as cover until the fleet could leave the area however the rebels saw them and opened fire.

It had been a half hour since we engaged the rebel fleet. The Jemkau and its fleet had taken damage. I had minor damage Dai had taken a couple of decent hits but she reported operational. We were getting ready to scan the area for stragglers when the comm. channels went active. The Training Fleet was taking fire from…

“Atosuryua repeat what you just said.”

“An Elite Destroyer and escorts are taking on the Training Fleet. They are out gunned and taking a lot of damage.”

We turned in unison and headed for the Training Fleets last known location. We had no trouble finding them that part of space was ablaze with light.

“Admiral the ships from Shahrazad are heading to the Training Fleets location at high speed. Communications are still down engineering reports we have propulsion and shields…”

“Head for the Training Fleet’s location and tell engineering to put priority on communications.”

Debeusec sat back in the center seat he tried in vain to scan the area but between the interference he hoped would hide the fleet and the fire fight that was in progress the sensors were almost useless.

“Lafiel I’ve received a message from Sobbash; she and Dai are heading to the inner planets radiation field, the Training Fleets there and under attack.”

We were on the other side of the system with a massive asteroid belt between us and the inner planets. Spoor and I conversed we knew there was a path somewhere through this field but time was of the essence. Between the two of us in less than fifteen minutes we’d blasted a corridor through the field. Communications showed Sobbash and Dai were well involved in the battle the Jemkau had joined them and we were a short distance away.

“Rena retreat now. You’ve taken enough damage.”

I watched as Rena’s ship made a slow turn to leave the field of battle. At that moment a destroyer exited the gaseous cloud that the fleet was hiding in. He targeted the ship, we fired to distract him but he dealt Rena’s ship a death blow.


It was later, when I was in sick bay; my second in command related the events that followed Rena’s death. It would seem I went off the deep end, I stood, forcible removed the gunner from her station, took that position myself and concentrated the ships fire on those who killed Rena. So vicious was my attack that the doctor was summonsed to the bridge where, with a hypo spray, he relieved me of command and stopped my assault on a burning hulk in space.

“Your Highness I’m sorry to do this to you. I know how much Commander Kobasch meant to you but until we return to the Capital I’m relieving you of command and confining you to sickbay.”

I said nothing I understood completely, my answer to him was to close my eyes and try to sleep, to sleep maybe to forget. I don’t think it will be that easy.

We arrived on the scene as the Jemkau was pulverizing a destroyer. It was only after the battle was finished and we were rendezvousing at the fuel depot did I learn of Rena’s death. I asked to see my father but was informed that he was confined to sickbay and would not see anyone. Later that day the Jemkau and what was left of the Training Fleet withdrew; leaving my brother in command of what fighting forces he had. We met in Paveryua’s office that evening.

Our losses were staggering, the training fleet was almost destroyed, and Duhiel had thirty ships left of the fifty-eight he started with. Spoor was down another forty ships and ten had substantial damage to them that would require repair before we tried to liberate Martine. Then there was Dai. She was not forthcoming about all the damage she had taken; however on the depot; Samson, Risch and Paveryua were able to affect repairs. Dai got a lecture from me about being a one woman army some how I’m pretty sure it didn’t sink in.

We weren’t sure if Martine had been informed of the battle, we also didn’t know if we got them all. Scanners on the depot could only see part of the system the interference that Martine was generating made some scanning impossible. It was only luck that we found what we destroyed, if we had wondered in not knowing that the asteroid field had been compromised we would have been slaughtered. Actually we took more casualties than I anticipated.

I gave the order for the assault troops to come to Martine; this would give us two days to gather what intelligence we could and plan our ground assault of Martine. Surprised? You should be. Let me guess, you figured as a trained Abh officer. I’d just sit up in space and lob ordinance upon the surface until they surrendered and you would have been right. But I’ve out grown that training, we are going to do the minimum amount of damage that we can get away with by launching an invasion of Martine with ground forces. Lala is leading the group of thirty thousand troops, not mercenaries either, trained combat troops. I plan on leaving as much of Martine intact as I can. Tonight the fleet rests; starting tomorrow the real work begins.

The Ku Dorin was packed with my troops behind us was a freighter Atosuryua had liberated on one of her trips, it contained the support staff and our ordinance. Liberated means it’s not of Abh construction and was probably taken as a prize but it’s ours now and we are using it along with this transport to launch the liberation of Martine. This will be our first full scale battle however I’m short some key personnel, but I’m still confident of a successful outcome.

I dismissed my staff and sat staring at the display on Paveryua’s desk. I was concentrating on the information I didn’t know anyone was in the room until.

“Hi sis you busy?”

I spun on my heels and Duhiel stood before me. I extended my arms and took him in a hug.

“How long have you been standing there? Why did you take so long to find me?”

My questions were silenced by his finger against my lip. I took a step back and found my brother had been crying. I reapplied my hug and he fell into my arms sobbing lightly. He related the conversation he and father had before the battle. How father feared losing one or both of them. He then related in detail what he felt as he watched Rena die and father go berserk. I tightened my grip on him as he finished his sentence he said.

“I know I’m not the first one to cry but how can I expect to be Emperor if something as simple as a death causes such a response from me.”

Duhiel had just experienced what I felt when Plakia died. His tears are genuine and given the circumstances justified in my opinion. I took Duhiel to the Independence once aboard I had the bridge cleared and we spent the balance of the evening having a long brother sister talk. He left with the understanding that although father never showed his emotions, when Plakia was killed, Rena was the last straw. He didn’t cry, he channeled his grief into anger and that’s why he pulverized that destroyer. In effect he took vengeance not only for Rena’s death but I’ll guess he took that stored grief over Plakia’s death and vented it along with the grief he felt for Rena.

I told Duhiel that father was probably mentally healthier than he was before Rena’s death. The initial look I got from him was as to say I have lost my mind, I was delusional, however after careful thought he finally understood what I was saying. The main viewer aboard the Independence was observing Martine. The sky was clear and the sun was rising over the enchanted forest. I zoomed in to show it to Duhiel that’s when I saw…

“No! What have they done? Those bastards! They’ve defoliated the enchanted forest. What kind of sick minds are we dealing with?”

Duhiel took my hand, he felt my anger, the same kind of anger he sensed from father as he attacked the destroyer. My brother turned me away from the viewer locked eyes with me and said.

“I’ve watched father go overboard and was unable to stop him. I can feel the same anger welling up inside of you as well sister. Promise me you’ll exercise the same restraint you’ve asked me to. You mean too much to me Lafiel. Should I become Emperor I’ll want a sane sister as a confidant, please restrain yourself for me and mother.”

Let it be known the Duhiel doesn’t use mother’s name lightly given the fact he’s said what he just said I have no choice but to follow my plan concerning Martine I hope there is a Martine left by the time Lala and the troops arrive. We leave the ship and go our separate ways. On my way to the crew quarters Noel steps out of the shadows.

“I was tapped into the ship when you were aboard, I was not eavesdropping, however I saw what you and Duhiel saw. Lafiel, I know how much Martine means to you and Jinto. I’ll do everything possible to help but you have to confide in me your thoughts.”

Lafiel was on the verge of doing something very selfish and childish. She told me what she was thinking. I agreed on the surface that it had merit; however in the larger scheme, it would serve no useful purpose. Although I’d really like to see the look on those rebel’s face when the three ships de cloak in the middle of the Capital and opened fire on those…

I had to stop my thought; if Lafiel sensed the amount of enthusiasm I was feeling, she might carry out that highly risky and totally uncalled for attack. I settled my self and started to walk back to the crew quarters. Lafiel followed me and was asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. I loosened her clothes and removed her boots. I took the bunk next to her. We slept until Sobbash got us later in the morning.

I had just left Jinto and was on my way to Mai’s office when the scribe found me. Li’s report of the encounter at the Martinees Sord had just arrived. I went to the council chamber and read it. The amount of damage our side suffered was shocking. Then came the account of the training fleet’s losses, I wondered how Lafiel was holding up. It was understood that there would be losses in this operation but these numbers were double our worst estimates. I checked, the transport and freighter had departed an hour ago I hope Lala knows what she’s walking into. I hope Lafiel makes wise decisions as well.

Lafiel had ordered us to rest, that was proving impossible for us to do. Dai and I were aboard the Defiance when Lafiel was aboard the Independence our AI’s were linked. We saw what Lafiel saw, I remember Jinto saying how beautiful the enchanted forest was and what I had just seen sickened me.

“Ariel, you ready to make a recon flight?”

Dai’s words came as no surprise. From the meeting we knew what Lafiel wanted from us and instead of waiting till nightfall was over the densely occupied parts of the planet, we decided a noon time visit would be just as unexpected.

“Captain the crew answers ready.”

“Detach the mooring lines. Alright Seelnay ease us out of here. Lets be real good neighbors and not wake anyone.”

The Defiance backed slowly out of the depot, once clear; we cloaked and made our way to Martine via the scenic route. This was a recon mission we were to look for anything in the system that didn’t belong and then scan Martine before our return.

“Sobbash, Dai has made her move. She just cloaked and is heading towards the sun.”

Atosuryua leaned back she turned in her chair and faced me.

“Are we going to follow, or just monitor her?”

I knew Lafiel was still sleeping, I told Atosuryua to ready the ship for departure, monitor Dai’s progress and I would inform Lafiel of what was transpiring. Leaving the ship and heading towards the crew quarters I wondered how upset Lafiel would be.

The loop around the sun was uneventful we were heading out towards the Sord when sensors indicated movement within the asteroid field.

“Seelnay are you sure you saw something out there?”

Although Seelnay was not Abh her mental abilities qualified her to access the AI. She said she had seen movement within the field and ships sensors had confirmed something was out there but what was it? We slowed and approached the edge of the field; our orders were not to enter the area alone. I respected those orders but there was something out there, sensors said so, Seelnay could sense something as did Ariel and I when we tied into the AI.

“Move us away from the field slowly. Although we are cloaked we still leave an energy stream. Direct all passive scanning towards the field as we leave and once clear report to Sobbash what we’ve found.”

We backed away slowly as the distance increased we noticed movement and then a weapon discharge. The blast was to our port side a clear miss but that meant the field had a monitoring system of some sophistication that detected our movement and targeted our approximate position. We need to report this as soon as possible, the transport will be traversing this part of the system when it arrives. What we didn’t know is that Sobbash already knew we were having trouble.

“Sobbash, Dai’s been detected and fired upon, she’s not suffered any damage but I don’t know what she’s discovered. You better get Lafiel up I think Dai’s going to need our help. I’ve contacted Spoor she’s organizing her fleet to remain here as our defense.”

I was moving towards Lafiel’s quarters when that message arrived. I found Risch at the vending robot informed him of what was happening. He made his way to round up the rest of the crew while I got Lafiel and Noel. I opened the door and found them both fast asleep. I shook Noel.

“Get up. Dai’s ventured off on her own and has found trouble.”

Noel rolled to her side and slapped Lafiel’s foot.

“Lafiel! Get up we’ve got trouble!”

Lafiel opened her eyes saw I was in the room and realized what was going on.

“Let me guess Dai wondered off and found something she wasn’t suppose to?”

I knelt down to Lafiel’s level and said.

“Better than that, she’s been fired upon, we need to go now!”

Noel was ready to go as Lafiel’s feet hit the floor. The three of us made our way to our ships Lafiel tucking her shirt in as we ran.

“Once clear of the depot break communications silence and find out what’s happened.” Lafiel shouted as we entered the docking area.

I’ll admit Atosuryua is good, I no more entered the ship and the gangway fell away. The mooring lines detached and we were backing out of our berth. On the bridge I found the reason for our sudden departure.

“It’s confusing the faster we try to move the more accurate the fire becomes. I’m just limping away from this area but I still can’t pinpoint the source of the attack if I didn’t know better there is more than one firing point.”

Atosuryua had broken communications silence, Dai had stumbled into a trap something neither sensors nor the AI had detected.

“Is Lafiel getting this information as well?” I asked as I took the center seat.

“She’s receiving it, what I don’t understand is how Dai got so deep into this before it snared her.”

I was about to make conjecture about that when there was communication from the Defiance.

“Stay away from us and pull your AI’s off line. Seelnay’s discovered how they are tracking us. We are preparing to attack as soon as the data is loaded.”

I consulted with Lafiel we stopped our advance and took the AI’s off line as Seelnay requested. Dai remained cloaked but her last position placed her on this side of the asteroid field about fifty light seconds distance. We had traveled about half the distance that Dai had although she had used her sub light drive we had engaged our light drives. Sitting cloaked Lafiel and I waited for Dai’s next transmission.

At first I didn’t know what to think, then came the blast from the asteroid field. Dai ordered our retreat and when I inputted the course I could sense something in the data stream something I couldn’t place my finger on until now. Cloaked we were electronically and visually invisible however we still left a faint energy signature that coupled with the AI’s random scanning is what the enemy was targeting. Had we been visible optically I do believe we would have not survived the first attack. We had stumbled on a variation of the mines Lafiel encountered many years ago. They too hid in the rubble of a battle then activated when they detected motion in close proximity to them, they were deadly. This variation was several remote platforms hiding in the asteroids, since we were invisible, well almost, their ability to deliver a mortal blow would be limited. Shields were holding and now that I knew how we were being tracked I ask Dai to take the ship to manual operation.

“All automates are off line Seelnay, Lafiel and Sobbash have responded. They have also gone manual. Now what is the plan?”

Seelnay demonstrated an ability I had heard of but had never seen in practice before. She linked herself to the ships sensors and looked for our tormentors. The main display lit up and targeting information began appearing on it. There were a dozen platforms in groups of three stationed with in twenty thousand meters of our present position. They had let us come into the trap then had closed the door on our retreat.

“Greta, manually target all of those platforms. Once the information is loaded we’ll attack.”

Painstakingly the data was loaded once accomplished we uncloaked and fired. The attack was a success however we also noticed that when the platforms exploded they would chain react with each other. If a vessel had been trapped at close distance and managed to destroy a platform the others in the group would self detonate in hopes of killing their attacker. A very devious device which left part of the field littered with debris. We backed away and joined up with Lafiel and Sobbash.

Noel, Sobbash, Atosuryua and I were witness to Seelnay’s attack. Scholar sat on the bridge and she smiled as she watched Seelnay target the platforms.

“Her encounter with Tay has given her the conviction to use all of her powers it would seem. I have to admit Seelnay has shown more ability than I previously thought she had. When we get back I want to talk with her at length.”

With that Scholar left the bridge, I ordered a return to the depot and had another talk with Dai. This time I do believe it took. After that we sent a communications shuttle to intercept the ground forces. They were not to use the Martine Sord, instead I want them to exit at the Deltoke Sord and Spoor would escort them from there. The area around the Martine Sord was proving to be defended better than I figured. What still annoys me is that twenty hours ago we traversed that area and took no fire, now we can’t get near the Sord without drawing fire. Were those devices there all the time or has someone delivered them after our arrival. If so where did they come from and what else do they have planned? I don’t like having more questions than answers.

An impromptu meeting occurred in Paveryua’s office upon our arrival. I planned to get to the bottom of this before we took on Martine. We had to, if there are rebels hiding in the asteroid field and we start an assault on Martine we’d be outflanked by maybe superior numbers. That wasn’t going to work but why can’t we find them why can’t? I was still tired my mind was not functioning I instructed everyone to stay on the depot. I had Paveryua continue to scan the parts of the system Martine wasn’t interfering with and went to lay down.

The transport captain has let my quarters I’ve been informed of our destination change. I asked him since we were going to Deltoke if I could arrange to pick up a couple of extra people that were supposed to be on this mission but got tied up in transit. He told me that would be up to Spoor to decide since she was taking operation control of this convoy upon its arrival. I didn’t like the sound of that and I could tell our Captain was not too thrilled either. We were eight hours from the Deltoke Sord if Spoor was waiting then my plan wouldn’t work if she was running late then I’d have a chance.

Lafiel and I had a long talk awhile back; her trust in Spoor and her desires are at conflict with how Shahrazad should respond to the balance of the galaxy. Lafiel wants a negotiated settlement, where Spoor wants it ended no matter the costs. I have orders from Lafiel to override Spoor if necessary, however although I have thirty thousand troops, Spoor has the Lashkau this is a lightly armed transport not a fair fight but I also have a ace up my sleeve if needed as well.

Arrival at Deltoke was uneventful and we were the only ships in the area. A shuttle from the orbiting platform arrived and left me my wayward comrades. Spoor exited the Sord twenty minutes later. My plan had worked and we convened in my quarters afterwards.

Sitting in my cabin were my hand picked commanders for this mission. We have known each other for a very long time and now that we were together, my doubts are removed and this mission would be a success.

“I thought I was going on this mission without you. Fate seems to dictate that you are coming along. I’m glad. I want to go over the plans and get your opinions before I take you below and introduce you to your troops.”

Spoor’s picked up the convoy and they’ll be here in twelve hours. I’m rested I have my staff and brother gathered in Paveryua’s office. The subject of this discussion is halting the interference that Martine is generating so we can have a good look at the system before Spoor gets back.

“Dai managed to get this information before she was attacked. As you can see Martine is now ringed with a three layer defensive grid. Taking them out won’t be a problem however this image taken when the sun was at an angle to Martine shows the real problem. You’ll note the third layer those closest to the planet are pointed at the planet not into space.”

Sobbash enlarged the image although a bit grainy it showed the inner ring was pointed at Martine. She reduced the image to normal and continued.

“The interference is from the second and third rings they’ve set up a grid which has two corridors of travel in them. Any attempt to enter Martine’s atmosphere without using the corridors triggers the grid. Now you’ll also note some of the platforms are aimed at the corridors to prevent an unauthorized attempt to enter that way as well. What I see as our next move is to determine if a cloaked ship can get close enough to the third ring to render it inoperative and still survive the onslaught of the other two rings.”

Risch and Samson studied the information about the grid Seelnay sat staring at the layout of the platforms. Dai and Ariel were using a layout map looking for a way into the grid. Atosuryua and Sobbash were having a discussion and Noel sat next to me. I was figuring out how to take out the third ring when Noel rose and walked to the display.

“Cloak a probe and send it here.”

She took her finger and traced a line around the perimeter of the platforms that were closest to Martine’s moon. I watched as she continued with the proposed flight path that lead past the moon and back to the depot, finishing that she explained her thoughts.

“Sending it this way uses the moons natural distortion as interference, also I’ve noticed something else, if the planet is set to be destroyed, when we try to retake it, would it make sense for those who wish to destroy it to be there? Dai you wondered how the trap was sprung I suggest this. At the time you left the sun, the moon was in a direct line with your flight path. To an observer on the moon you’d been a streak moving in a constant line, while not seen as a ship you would have been sensed as something artificial. That is my best guess as to how you were observed. I’m sure those on the moon were very surprised when you took out those platforms in one shot. By the way Seelnay I’d like you to share with us how you managed to see those platforms when sensors and the AI’s couldn’t.”

Seelnay had been making notes on a tablet. She moved it aside, placed her hands behind her head, turned her chair to face me and said.

“They told me where they were. I linked to them and asked their position and they responded. I doubt it’ll happen again those monitoring them were probably pretty shocked when I cut in on their control stream.”

Seelnay’s statement brought silence to the room. Scholar had been sitting in the corner observing this meeting, she rose sat next to Seelnay and said.

“What else did Tay teach you? Do you know the extent of your powers? I’d like to communicate on a level without words.”

Seelnay stood and left the room, Scholar followed her. I decided to let Noel send her probe as planned and left to find Scholar and Seelnay. Something didn’t feeling right about their conversation. I wasn’t sure who was hiding what, but getting to the bottom of things is something I do well, almost too well in fact.

“Scholar I’ll not have you rummaging around inside my head. Ask your questions I’ll answer those I wish to, the rest will remain a mystery for the time being.”

I could sense this was as far as I was going to get with Seelnay. Lafiel had managed to trail us and stood behind me she was not as gentle with her request as I was.

“Seelnay I have no times for games, answer our questions, too many lives depend of what you know.”

Seelnay decided that answering questions would be a waste of valuable time instead she demonstrated her newly discovered powers. A vending robot sat about ten meters from our location. Seelnay placed her hands in front of her palms turned to each other closed her eyes and concentrated. Scholar and I could sense emissions from Seelnay it was when the vending robot came to her and spoke that I understood how she did what she did.

“Mistress, I have one teal non with lope chilled, one chilled pomegranate and one chilled orange juice ready for you. Will there be anything else mistress?”

Seelnay removed the drinks and gave them to us she thanked the vending robot and sent it on its way. Sipping her orange juice she said.

“Using telekinesis I can influence a programmed device; however I can not reprogram one. Tay said that, with time, I’ll have that ability too. I was hoping it would manifest itself on this trip. Consider this Lafiel; we get me close enough to Martine where I order the outer rings to take out the inner rings, or I mange to get the inner ring to re aim towards space, either outcome would be acceptable but at the moment that is still beyond my abilities.”

Scholar and I stood in awe. Seelnay had shown abilities before but only on a limited scale. This demonstration was beyond my wildest imagination. Granted plugged into a ships AI I’ve experienced what Seelnay did, but I was plugged in, she wasn’t, all she did was project her thoughts into a device without instrumentality. This was scary too, given Seelnay’s past history; I wonder how much control of her powers she really had. My question was about to be answered.

“I see, you understand my abilities Your Highness but question my control. In the past you were justified in your concern let me explain something I’ve been working on. I’ve had Arisa place safeties in the AI aboard the Defiance. These safeties limit my ability to control the ship also if I have an unwarranted outburst they’ll protect the AI from becoming compromised. That’s why I had you and Sobbash take your automates off line. I didn’t want my first attempt at control to disable your ships. Lafiel, I’ve changed, you have to understand that, however, I’ll not blame you if you exercise caution where my abilities are concerned. Right now we have a project in front of us that will take everything everyone has to offer. I offer my services to you and I’ll abide by your decisions.”

Dammed if I do and dammed if I don’t. Seelnay has given me another dilemma to consider. Well yes I want her help I’d be a fool not to accept but what kind of a price does this carry with it? I’ll accept the offer and worry about that later.

“Welcome aboard Seelnay I think we should go back to the others and explain your new abilities.”

Li’s follow up report just arrived. I now have a decision to make, do I keep this new information to my self, or do I share it with Jinto. Jinto’s condition has stabilized yet I still seek out Mia’s advice before I decide. I hand her Li’s report after reading it she says.

“Erin. Do not tell Jinto this information. I’ll take the responsibility, as his doctor, for any repercussions that come for him not seeing it. He’s stable but that communication will undo several days of treatment. I can let that happen, not now, also I ask you not share it with Lina either. I know she’ll go to Jinto with it and I’ve already have had her removed from the hospital. I hope Lafiel has the strength to keep her convictions on this matter. I know how angry she can get and Martine means as much to her as this planet does.”

I thank Mia and leave her office on the way out I stop in to see Jinto. We have a brief talk in which I restrain from divulging any information that might upset him. I leave him sleeping his strength still has not returned to normal. I return to my office take the folder from my bag and lock it the top desk drawer. I sit looking out the window, its mid afternoon and the sun is shining through the trees out side my office. I try to imagine how Martine must look with its forest decimated and the tears fall across my cheeks.

“There that should do it.”

Noel sat viewing the preprogrammed course for the probe. Her intent is to launch it towards the moon and let it be affected by the normal gravitational forces any free object would encounter in that region. It’s taken some careful planning to accomplish this feat but the look on her face tells me she satisfied with her efforts. She moves to the computer, removes a programmer and hands it to me.

“Risch load this in the probe then send it to these coordinates, it should arrive at a speed of no more than ninety meters per second. At that speed and those coordinates it will intercept the solar wind that loops around the moon and heads out to deep space. Once clear of the moon the probe will make a slight correction and drift towards the depot once again when its close it will return to us. I have to stress that for this to work as I have planned, no interference from us can happen, in other words, if we see it going off course then so be it. If we lose it, then we try again, but I have this feeling, I can’t explain, that’s telling me some things not right on or close to that moon. Only way to be sure is to do what we are doing.”

Noel has an intensity at times that scares me, no let me rephrase that. I respect Noel, her intelligence is above normal and her personality, at times, doesn’t handle it well. She tends to come across at times as an overbearing genius. I’ve grown use to it, others have not and probably never will, but this time she’s even surprised me with her attention to detail and execution of this plan. I remove the programmer from her hand place a kiss on her cheek, watch her blush a bit and I’m on my way. I’ve got about thirty minutes to program and launch the probe to make Noel’s per planned flight plan.

Running in normal space has a tendency to make me nervous. We are six hours from the cross over to the Martinese system and Kufadis has been scanning our course as I directed. Call it a hunch, experience, or a premonition but I have the feeling we are not alone. This vast wasteland we are transversing has enough places where one could launch an ambush and the one being stalked would not know it was coming. I’m fighting the urge to do something out of character yet apprehension teamed with boredom is driving me to the edge.

The conversation I had with my staff concerning Seelnay went better than I had planned. It would seem most of them had guessed what had happened and of course the crew of the Defiance was very much aware of her abilities. After our discussion Seelnay returned to the ship Noel left to monitor the probe from the Independence and I sat with Scholar, Atosuryua and Sobbash considering our next move.

“Duhiel’s forces are positioned where if Spoor finds trouble he’ll be able to warn us and assist her. This inability of scanning within the proximity of Martine and it moons is troubling. Granted compared to the rest of the system it’s a small spec but that specs big enough to hide a task force in. Right now I suggest we wait for the probes return before we march off into the great unknown.”

My last sentence brought a raised eyebrow from Atosuryua, a smile from Scholar and no response from Sobbash. I was about to tease Sobbash when Noel summonsed me to the ship without delay. Scholar was with me Sobbash and Atosuryua headed for their ship as well. I came aboard to find Noel laughing.

“Lafiel look at this will you, those fools, did they really think we are that blind or wouldn’t go looking for a base.”

The probe had returned; the data and images it carried showed a complex on the largest moon orbiting Martine. On its swing around the moon it caught images of ships moored in the shadow however we could not determine how many ships or their type. Martine was a trap and even if we managed to disable the orbiting platforms there was a force hidden that would do the planet in.

I opened a channel to the other ships, Duhiel’s ship and Paveryua office. I shared the information we had gathered with them, then I stood before the viewer and said.

“I guess I should share with you something that’s been bothering me since we saw the platform arrangements. I’m convinced that Martine is the bait to lure us into being destroyed and of course the planet itself is expendable. I knew from Lobnas and other encounters we’ve had with those who we face. That they have very little regard for their fellow beings or the worlds they inhabit. Martine slapped the old alliance when they surrendered to the Empire. They tried to save face when they negotiated that ‘independence’ treaty with Jinto. But when the alliance collapsed and those who would not quit formed the rebellion; Martine became an obsession with them, to the point I believe their entire remaining forces are stationed around the planet.”

I carefully examined the faces on the viewer. Sobbash and Atosuryua took my message well, Dai and Ariel didn’t, in fact I could see Seelnay in the background as I spoke. Her emotions, while tempered, still let me know her anger at my assumption and her facial expression let me know she understood what I was going to say next. Duhiel, my brother is a hard person to get a reaction out of but I sensed urgency in his look that told me he too was ready for my next words.

“Spoor’s a little over two hours away in about forty five minutes her long range sensors will be scanning this system. The invasion force can not do their job if they can’t get to the planet and given the present circumstances we are probably at a numerical disadvantage. Yet if the moon scans the invasion fleet I see no reason that they won’t destroy Martine and then try to take out that fleet. We’ve tipped our hand ever so slightly, they know we are here, but I don’t think they know we know where they are. I plan on using that to our advantage. Ready your ships for departure, Paveryua the minute Spoor appears on the depot scanners ping her using the code I left on your desk. Duhiel I’m telling you right now your group is a rear guard group. I’ll not be responsible for killing the best hope of the Empire in a seemingly senseless battle.”

Duhiel’s facial expression changed, he motioned to someone on the bridge, communications were ended and his fleet took a position out of the area of the upcoming battle.

Sobbash and Dai’s images now filled the viewer in the next half hour we refined our plans. This battle depended completely on the element of surprise. Our three ships were invisible to the moon and those ships hiding around it. But we needed a diversion to pull the attention away from Martine. That code Paveryua was going to send Spoor was her arrowhead attack code if she moved towards Martine in that formation the ships in hiding and the moon base should be distracted long enough for our three ships to slip in and disable the platforms and their communications system. Once Martine was safe we’d attack from the rear in a pincer movement hopefully leaving our foes strewn about the system.

It wasn’t a brilliant plan by any means but it felt good and there was complete agreement among my commanders to its success. We departed the depot and made our way to the jump off point about one half light second from the Martinees moon and waited.

I’d finished my first sweep of the system when we were pinged from the fuel depot. Painiach saw the code and ordered five ships to remain with the transport and freighter while we attacked. I brought to her attention Duhiel’s force sitting off in a remote sector. She altered her plan, reclaiming three of the ships and having the other two head for Duhiel with the transports group.

Tactical information from Lafiel appeared on the viewer shortly after we separated from the transport. We were to lure out the main force while Lafiel hit the base from the shadows. While not a stunning plan I saw it as very functional and over Painiach’s objection I implemented it immediately.

At Spoor’s formation change Dai moved to a position where Seelnay could try to take over control of the platforms. Sobbash targeted the installation on the moon and I moved to a position where I could see the ships hiding in the shadows. Once Spoor’s forced was scanned I figured we’d have less than three minutes to disable the link to the platforms. I hoped the rebels took the bait without thinking. My hopes were answered.

Thanks to the ring of interference the rebels had established Spoor was able to get closer than I figured to Martine before she was detected. We’d caught them sleeping Spoor’s blatant charge paralyzed them momentarily it was at that time we acted.

Sobbash’s attacked vaporized the base on the moons surface. When Seelnay sensed the communications were severed she took control of the platforms turning the inner ring away from Martine. She also aimed the outer rings at the rebel ships. Spoor was getting tactical updates, once she saw they were surrounded, she opened up on them. Seelnay fired the platforms; we uncloaked and joined into the fray, which lasted about twenty minutes. There were no survivors we tried to take several damaged ships and they were destroyed by their crews to avoid capture. Seelnay deactivated the platforms and Lala’s force landed on Martine one hour later.

Lala’s forces met with light resistance it took her thirty nine hours to reclaim Martine. From orbit we followed her progress and also saw the devastation done to Martine. About a third of the forest was destroyed; farmland laid in ruin, rivers polluted, the atmosphere fouled an environmental disaster such as I’ve never witnessed before. Then her chilling report arrived.

The rebels had practice genocide on the people of Martine. Lala’s forces had found several mass graves outside of the major cities. It was impossible to determine the numbers exactly but of a population of over eight million she could only account for six million.

Her final line of the report broke my heart. Outside of the Capital she found a detention camp, in there she found the bodies of the members of the ruling party along with the body of Teel Clint. She buried those bodies except for Teel’s that body will be taken to Shahrazad for internment.

Martine was liberated but it was also decimated. Scholar traveled to the surface with Dai. Her observations concluded if we didn’t stop the forces unleashed Martine would be uninhabitable by years end a mere six months off. I had no choice I did something that I knew I would regret but Shahrazad did not have the resources to deal with a disaster of this magnitude, assistance started arriving three days later along with an unwelcome guest.

Li’s report sits on my desk. Mia released Jinto this morning with instruction not to leave the Village. I wipe the tears away fix my appearance and head to Mia’s office. I don’t see how she can have me keep this information from Jinto. I laid the folder on her desk; she opened it and read it. Closing it she handed it back to me and said.

“You may show him this, but he’s already aware of its content. Paveryua contacted him early this morning and delivered the news. Lafiel’s on her way here with Teel’s body. The interment will be near the falls.”

Jinto wasn’t hard to find Lina was with him as I approached; she saw me and excused her self. I handed Jinto the folder and turned away I was almost to leave when Jinto’s hand grabbed my arm. I turned to find him crying he dropped the folder to the ground pulled me close to him and started crying on my shoulder. I felt very uncomfortable, Lafiel should be here, not me yet I gave in and held him in my arms as he wept. We stood there for a few minutes I never felt at ease and I believe Jinto sensed it. He took a step back wiped his eyes and said.

“I’m sorry Erin I shouldn’t have done that, I … I…”

Jinto was fighting very hard to keep from taking me in his arms again it was then that Lina appeared thanked me and took Jinto off towards the square. I’m going to tell Lafiel about this when she returns although Jinto was grieving … I’ll feel better letting Lafiel know. I picked the folder off the ground and returned to the council chambers it was there I spent the rest of the day wondering how Martine was going to survive.

Teel’s body was in the hold Lala had just left me and I was heading towards Paveryua’s office with Noel when I heard.

“Lafiel, Darling, how are you?”

I had earlier removed my wedding ring from around my neck and placed it on the proper finger figuring I’d be blindsided and I was very happy that I did.

“Minchi Koizumi, long time since I’ve seen you, I’m well and you?”

Minchi Koizumi is the unwelcome guest I was expecting; she is second in line to the Zon throne. A bit of history; about two hundred years ago the Abh ran across the Zon and had a small war with them. At that time the Zon outnumbered the Abh but the Abh still managed to hold the conflict to a draw. The negations with the Zon took ten years to complete. The outcome makes Jinto’s deal with the Empire a very minor issue. The Zon are autonomous, the only thing that was agreed to is that the Zon would trade with the Abh exclusively. Well Minchi being here might strain that relationship however she has the resources I need until other arrangements can be made.

Another thing about the Zon they are very tall. Minchi stands one hundred and ninety one cm. Her beauty rivals any Abh I know and she’ll live into her mid to late one hundreds. The Zon do not alter their children as the Abh do Minchi is a product of natural reproduction. Her long brown hair and sky blue eyes coupled with her physical appearance has turned many a head in her life. Oh, how do I know her? She’s turned Jinto’s head on several occasions. Seems Minchi was in the same school Jinto was while I was at Captains school, they became friends, if I ever find out it was any more than that I’ll fry him personally. Minchi’s two years younger than I am and towers over me.

Minchi and I exchange pleasantries and work out an agreement for relief supplies. As I’m leaving she sees the Independence berthed and asks if there is a way she could acquire a ship like it... I told her it was a prototype and not in mass production. That appeased her for the time being.

“Never figured you’d make a pact with her Lafiel.”

Noel was walking at my side when she said that. She also noticed me nervous spinning the ring on my finger and said.

“You’re still afraid Minchi’s going to take Jinto from you? I wouldn’t worry she didn’t ask a thing about him this time.”

That was true but Jinto wasn’t here either I knew someday soon Minchi and Jinto will meet again I hope our relationship is stronger than her personality and looks. Yet somehow I wouldn’t mind losing to Minchi, Noel must have sensed what I was thinking because the look I got only I could have delivered until now that is.

“Don’t put Minchi in the front of the line Lafiel. That spot is already taken.”

We continue walking towards Paveryua’s office when I stop, raise my hand and stare at the ring. I don’t know why for a moment, then it hits me, this is more than a piece of jewelry, it’s a part of Jinto something he gave to me and me alone. I understand why when it’s around my neck and close to my heart I feel at peace. Noel is at my side she takes my hand and examines the ring.

“You know for a piece of metal it sure evokes a lot of emotion in you Lafiel. Guess you must really care about him.”

She heads into the depot office I follow. We meet Paveryua and set in motion the plans to restore Martine to its former appearance, which is going to prove a daunting challenge.

I was shocked to see Minchi walking through the depot. I figured after the last time she and Lafiel tried to share the same galaxy, this would never happen again. I guess I was wrong necessity makes for strange bed fellows. Atosuryua was bringing Dai and Ariel up to speed concerning Minchi. Dai shook her head and Ariel stared. Minchi’s beauty was hypnotic and Ariel was becoming entranced. A pinch from Dai and she returned to normal. It was at that time Lafiel and Noel arrived.

“The wheels have been put into motion. Minchi people will supply food, medical supplies and transport for those who wish to leave Martine. Scholar and Seelnay have been in contact with Tay and her people; they are going to supply the equipment and expertise to clean up Martine. I’ve spoken with Erin and the Council the area southwest of the Village will be made available as an encampment for those wishing to leave Martine and return after its stable once again. Lala’s people are doing the task of identifying those killed and burying the remains. It will be sometime before we have accurate numbers but scans of the planet show about two million life signs missing. Hopefully some escaped to caves or other places where the scan didn’t reach because if two million people died in the four weeks Martine was occupied…”

I stopped talking Noel made a move to my side it was said by those there I paled to the point they thought I was going to collapse. Regaining my composure I finished what I want to say.

“We have a long road ahead of us and I know by now Jinto has all of the details. Paveryua contacted him early this morning; he knows I’m bringing Teel home with me. While we are gone I want you to watch Minchi like a hawk. I’m trying to trust her but I’m sure she got other interests she’d like to explore while she’s here. She does not get time alone with Spoor or any of her crews also keep her out of the ships at all cost, if you got to stun her then do so. Noel and I will be back in a couple of days I don’t know if Jinto will be with us or not, if he decides to come I’ll let you know. Anything happens you get a hold of me or Noel understood?”

There were no more questions however Sobbash informed me that Duhiel had departed an hour ago and said he left a message aboard the Independence for me. I thanked her and left them. Noel and I wanted to get going as soon as possible. Duhiel’s message was what I expected. He was going home to see how father was and nothing more was said.

“Mooring lines and gangway clear Lafiel we are backing out of the berth light speed available in one minute.”

I sat in the center seat once clear I ordered max speed for Shahrazad. This was only the beginning of a long road of recovery.

To Be Continued in: Memories and Dreams Fulfilled.

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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