48_Of Demos Doras Jinto and Lafiel

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48_Of Demos Doras Jinto and Lafiel

Post by Diaho »

Of Demos Doras Jinto and Lafiel

I’ve just finished talking with Sobbash; had I not know her all of my adult life I would have thought she was playing an elaborate ruse on me. But this was no ruse; Lafiel was a prisoner of the Argo Guild and on her way to Argos. It was early morning when I contacted His Highness he listened carefully to what I had to say then commented upon it.

“Kenesh you’ve done well I must admit I wasn’t expecting this answer, though given the current climate and who is involved it does not surprise me. Monitor the situation and if Shahrazad needs assistance we’ll quietly deliver it. But I must stress this in the strongest terms we will not get involved in a Zon, Argos war. If they wish to wipe each other from space then so be it as long as my sister and Count Hyde are safe that is all that matters.”

I figured that would be all he was going to say, I was wrong, he overlaid a star chart and continued.

“Demos, on the other hand, pose a different problem. Having that system revert to Zon control is unacceptable. I want you to verify that information as best you can because if the Zon are planning on taking that system the Empire shall not stand by while an ally falls. Just so you know I just sent reinforcements to Demos with orders to stop the Zon at all cost. A neutral Demos, is something the Empire will accept and for the most part Doras have left them a neutral world. The Zon controlling that system and the gates it contains becomes out of the question. You have your charge Kenesh I’ll be waiting for your response.”

Going against everything I’ve been taught. I open a link to Sobbash and convey Duhiel’s orders to her knowing good and well she’ll inform Zachary the Empire will be getting involved with Demos. My reason is simple; since the end of the Four Nations conflict I’ve strived to keep the Empire out of local conflicts. This issue of Demos, Doras and the Zon should stay just that but with their fleet contained the Dorian’s are on the short end of the proposition. With Zachary knowing the Empire is enroute to Demos maybe he can leverage a settlement without bloodshed. I hope this will be the case and on a personal note. I must disagree with His Highness. Letting the Guild and the Zon ‘go at it’, to coin his phrase, until death do they part is an extremely unwise move. But, although I hold a high position, I’m in no position to make policy on this level at least not yet.

“Captain’s log: Noel Ekuryua recording, there is something amiss, the ships we are pursuing have almost come to a complete halt. We’ve slowed our speed to maintain distance. Plakia and the Zon are still ten minutes from our present position and they too have slowed their approach. Ariel has just received a package from Shahrazad it contains a conversation between Zachary and Sobbash concerning where the balance of the Zon frontline ships are. I’m not surprised, Minchi is a tactical genius this would be something I’d expect from her but Demos, at this time, while this battle’s outcome is still uncertain. Either she has a lot of faith in this part of the Armada or she knows something I don’t. It’s time we had a talk.”

“Noel the links is active, the Commander of the Zon Armada is standing by.”

I stand, although my legs are still a bit shaky, I want to face Minchi standing. When I’m comfortable with my stance I have Ariel establish the link. Not to my surprise Minchi appears before me in full battle gear her sword at her side.

“Well, well, Abh, fancy seeing you here. I figured you’d be on that planet of yours and not out in the vastness of space. Oh how I do like surprises though and it would seem you now require my help. Humm.”

Zon are arrogant, insolent, some of the most impossible beings to get along with. But this greeting was quite tame compared to those I’ve received over the years I’ve known Minchi. It was a good start to a conference that will affect not only our lives but those around us. I explain the problem in detail and inquire as to Minchi’s intentions concerning the Guild. Her answer was textbook Zon.

“The Guild you ask, my plans for it are quite simple. Complete and total disbandment, those who wish to fight on will perish those who come to their senses I might let live. As for that vermin strewn planet, I’ll leave that up to you to decide. If the Guild is no more, Argos no longer has the capability to wage war that will be sufficient for me. Those billion or so inhabitants of Argos I have no use for nor will we feed them. That planet’s capable of providing for their needs they’ll just have to make do.”

The balance of the fleet along with Shahrazad has heard Minchi’s words. Minchi put the link on standby while I confer with our group. I believe this was a first encounter for both Cassandra and Plakia, seeing the stunned look on Cassie’s face confirmed that however Plakia was a stone faced as ever yet I did detect a bit of disgust in her facial features.

“Noel bottom line, as far as I’m concerned, is recovering my parents, if Minchi wishes an interplanetary war then let her have one.”

Plakia grasped the gravity situation and informed Cassie of her perceived errors in logic.

“Granddaughter you need to look at the big picture, we are about to make history and depending on what we do here and now. The balance of power in this region might shift to a point in a few years time we could be negotiating for our very existence with Minchi. You really think that’s what your parents would want just to save their lives? A complete undoing of everything the past thirty years have done?”

Cassandra’s color drained from her face along with all emotion. She closed her eyes and contemplated Plakia words moments later she opened her eyes and addressed us.

“Mother would have my hide if I undid what she and father have done. But given our present position what options do we have left to us to resolve this without a war?”

Sobbash’s message was a double edged sword; on the one edge the Empire was getting involved in the Demos affair, on the other it’s almost removed all of my negotiating tools. I was planning on giving the Zon joint control over the system in exchange they would not blockade the planet. I know that Imperial forces will not stand by and let me accomplish this; the Empire wants to maintain their control of the system through the present Demos government. This showdown had all the makings of a prelude to war; it would depend on who the Empire’s commander was and how much latitude the Capital had given them. I open an encoded link to the Abh commander hoping we can talk before they arrive at Demos.

“Admiral, we are three hours from Demos. I’m receiving communications from Minister Zachary. He’s claiming to be the leader of the Dorian government. Shall I put him on?”

Admiral Katra Bebaus, commanding the Fifteenth Fleet, sat listening to the communications officer, her first officer and twin sister Kiri was also listening. Exchanging glances to one another the first officer answered.

“Zachary you say, leader of the Dorian’s he says, well this should be an interesting conversation. Put him through, we could use some entertainment since this is a rather tedious mission we’ve been given.”

Aboard his ship Zachary waited for a response from the Abh commander, the captain of the ship has moved to the communications console. She hopes that seeing the transmission stream from the Abh ship will give them a leg up on who’s in command. The link ID reaches her, she knows immediately who they’ll be dealing with, and makes the following remark.

“I do believe at present Minister, if it wasn’t for bad luck, you would have none. Admiral Bebaus of the Fifteenth Fleet is coming online.”

Zachary sighed, of all the commanders in the Star Forces he was going to be dealing with these two. Tactical geniuses they were and while not as erratic as their famous uncle, they did have their moments of the family trait intervening. Rumor has it they emerged from their gestation tubes at the exact second hence neither one of them were the older sibling. In that vein, dealing with them, that fact had to be kept in the front of ones mind. They were two beings who thought and acted as one, to the point of one starting to answer a question and the other finishing it.

Negotiating with these two will prove a challenge, but with what was in the balance, Zachary knew it had to be tried. If not there was going to be an interplanetary conflict between the Zon and Doras with the Empire taking sides.
Zachary wanted the Empire out of the equation but the Fifteenth Fleet was one of the larger Abh fleets and those two would start a war just to see its outcome.

“Captain, lets not keep the good Admiral and her sister waiting any longer… Open the link.”

“Fleet Commanders log: First Princess recording. We’ve received a request from the Abh Fifteenth Fleet to pass through Illyuisa sovereign territory. I have denied the request as per my conversation with Sobbash and Minister Zachary. This will add another three hours to their arrival at Demos. It is our found hope Minister Zachary can produce a miracle in that time, if not, that region will become a battlefield. I’ve also notified Sobbash of the request; there was dead silence when I informed her which Abh fleet was enroute to Demos. She then thanked me and closed the link. I have also put our forces on a higher alert status and have curtailed ship movements in the affected area. Should hostilities break out I want to keep civilian causalities to a minimum. All we can do is wait and hope.”

“Personal log: Noel Ekuryua recording. The ships we were trailing have come to a dead stop in space. Those on an intercept course are approaching the area very slowly. The current plan is for Minchi to place a ring of ships, about the ship dead ahead, and take a force to stop those approaching. I’m still of the opinion as are Plakia and Cassandra that if we can get close enough to the ship to transport Jinto and Lafiel safely off that should be our course of action. With that understanding Dai is going to try to communicate those facts to Jinto and Lafiel as we approach the ship. If not there is a boarding party on each of our ships ready to go over and forcibly remove Jinto and Lafiel if need be. That will be the last alternative, not knowing how well armed or how many are aboard, I might be sending them to certain doom. That will be my decision alone to make and my burden to bear if need be.”

“Minister Zachary you are missing the point. My orders are simple and leave very little room for negotiation. We are to stop, at all cost, the Demos system from falling under Zon control; to that end this fleet is expendable. We’ll take every last Zon ship with us and if we are not victorious three more fleets wait at the border to complete the job.”

“I’m sorry Minister but what you suggest is impossible for me to do. The Emperor would have my head over it, so this conversation ends, now.”

My display goes dark the Admiral and her twin’s image fades from view. I tried but I’m not done trying. Opening a link to the Dorian ambassador on Demos I inform him of the upcoming confrontation and that he should notify the Demos government as well. With that accomplished I code two packages one to Sobbash the other to Dai in the hopes that if they know the present situation maybe they could get Minchi to call off her forces. It was a long shot but it was something I had to try.

Aboard the flagship of the Sixth Division of the Zon Armada, the Commanding Admiral is receiving a report that peaks her interest.

“Admiral we’ve intercepted two communications from the lead Dorian ship enroute to Demos. One was directed at the planet itself, the other was ship to ship while we can not decode the message we do know who the other ship was.”

Raising from her seat the Admiral moves to the communications officer, they share the data contained on the display. Once it sinks in the Admiral orders the information to be relayed to Minchi at once. Returning to her seat she addresses the other division.

“We’ve intercepted a transmission between the Dorian ships ahead of us to a group of ships somewhere astern of this division. Although we do not have a precise location, we have identified the ship communicating; it is the flagship of the Fifteenth Abh battle fleet. All units prepare for battle and all scouts expand your search areas at once. That is all.”

Returning to her seat she makes a statement to the bridge crew.

“So the Abh are going to try to stop us? This will prove interesting although I’d really like to know what those two ships said to each other… Communications office, the second the Mistress contacts us I want to be informed.”

“Kenesh I know it’s late but I can’t contact the girls. They are no longer in their patrol area and fleet command is stonewalling my inquiries. If you know where they are and can tell me that’s fine. But I’ve got this feeling of impending doom I can not shake off. Please if you know, say so, if you don’t know, try to find out and let me know.”

I was at a loss, but knowing what His Highness had said I assumed the Fifteenth Fleet was enroute to Demos. I could not tell the Admiral that fact, but I told him I’d look into it and reply as soon as possible. The link closed I brought up the latest fleet report and knew the Fifteenth was definitely on its way to Demos. Katra had just received the latest attack frigates with the finest trained crews since the war. Those ships along with the battle brigade she already had I’m now certain Duhiel was dead serious about starting a war to stop Demos from falling into Zon hands. I would wait for conformation before I told their father; he will not take this news lightly.

I can sense the tension rising within the ship, with Scholar and Seelnay’s help I’m going to attempt a fusion of my mind with Lafiel’s at a distance never though of. Robert and Arisa have coupled the output of the ‘dream box’ into one of the auxiliary sensor dishes. It is our hope to project a tight beam at the area that they are held in and establish communications. Lily is on her way to the bridge to inform Noel of this attempt and to refrain from engaging the Argos ships. Little did I know, a plan was already in motion to retrieve our companions and that our efforts would be pivotal in Noel’s next decisions.

“We’re a ready as we’ll ever be, Scholar will link with me and Seelnay you’re responsible for keeping us on this side of reality. Arisa is the amplifier ready and do we have a clear shot at the target?”

“Ready Dai there is nothing between the target and this ship give the word and you’re on line.”

A quick glance around the room and it was time. The device was activated and I was catapulted across a surreal universe to Lafiel’s conscious mind. The experience left us in awe, I had Lafiel open her eyes and I could see through them. They were lying in some sort of examination suite, Jinto was to her left, several voices could be heard in the background but they were just distant enough to be unintelligible. Slowly Lafiel moved her eyes about the room we got a fairly detailed layout of the area this time.

After that Scholar and I confronted the mass of confusion that was Lafiel’s subconscious mind. In the time we had, before the device started to overheat, we managed to place the proper suggestions with in her thoughts concerning the present situation. However when the time comes it’ll be up to her to convince Jinto of the subtle brainwashing they’ve received and hopefully their bound is stronger than the doubts they now feel. The last thing I told Lafiel before we disconnected is to say put, not to roam around, we’d come to them, they would not have to find us.

“System disconnected, Arisa do you think anyone noticed our signal?”

“Doubtful Dai, it was subspace distortion to any casual observer. If they did manage to determine that in fact it was a manufactured signal instead of natural noise, they would have no way of tracing it or knowing what it contained. The scan of their ships shows no increase in activity. I think we pulled it off and this time no one was the wiser.”

Dai’s attempt was underway when Lily reached the bridge, I asked Minchi to slow the execution of the plan just for awhile. She accepted but there was a new hesitation in her voice that I didn’t detect before, something was taking her attention for the matter at hand. I didn’t like how this was beginning to feel and once Dai was done I knew why. Zachary had sent Dai a coded package figuring she was in command of this expedition.

What this package contained was probably the reason for Minchi’s detachment from the present problems. Lakfakalle had sent the Fifteenth Fleet to intervene in the Demos system. Her two divisions were now outnumbered by at least ten to one if not more, it would depend if the new frigates had joined with the Fifteenth Fleet or not. But in any case Minchi had a sizeable problem on her hands. She was now out gunned at Demos. She was hours away from those divisions, at maximum speed, to offer any reinforcement to them. This was a commander’s worst nightmare, having forces spread too thin, or in this case, too many in one spot, too little in another.

Zachary was asking for Minchi to order a withdrawal from Demos before the Abh arrived. But it is my opinion, based on years of dealing with Minchi, once at Demos; the Abh were going to have to forcibly remove her ships. Zachary was hoping for a miracle and I’m afraid this wasn’t going to be the case.

Yet how would all of this affect our present plan? It was time to talk with Minchi and see if she’ll let on to what is going on, or would I have to tell her the sad state of affairs the Zon Armada finds itself in at this moment. I open a link to the flagship it is refused instantly. I leave the link open and consult with our other ships. Dai and Scholar have arrived at the bridge as well. While I’m a bit upset with them taking action without clearing it first, I have to admit their plan was bold and it seemed successful. Dai shared the results with us and for once the other two ships listened. They did not, nitpick the results to pieces as they have in the past. I next shared Minchi’s present problems with them, let’s say this discussion was not as peaceful as the first. Plakia was the more outspoken of the two and she made several good points.

“Noel since Minchi arrived I’ve been researching the times we’ve worked with the Zon on one matter or the other. While the results in the end were acceptable some of the situations we were put in were not so stellar. If Minchi wants to run off and defend Demos we should ask her outright. We are running out of time, it troubles me why the ships suddenly stopped and why their reinforcements suddenly slowed to a crawl. Something smells and smells badly. We need to go on, with or without Minchi’s help, or we are going to lose them forever.”

The Suran freighter Tai Pau sits in a remote corner of the Shahrazad solar system. The Suran’s are traders and acquirers. Some of their acquisitions have benefited Shahrazad some have not. They have a deep bond with Abh’s in general and Lakfakalle in particular. With that doing Sobbash’s bidding was with in the realm of possibilities however, in the Captain’s quarters, the First Officer and Captain were discussing the merits of this venture.

“Captain I must insist we not continue, picking up that woman and transporting her there is not in our best interest. I feel if the Empire gets wind of our doings they’ll come down on us this time. Imperial involvement we do not need.”

The Captain was a veteran of this way of life his First Officer was recently promoted to this post. It was time to set the ground rules concerning all future dealings with Shahrazad. An education was about to commence.

“You bring up only one valid point; we do not need Imperial involvement in our affairs. But you forget Shahrazad is run by Abh’s who have ties to Lakfakalle. Doing Sobbash’s bidding scores us points with the Abh in general. Also I owe her many things; one of them is the command of this ship. If it wasn’t for her and late husband Samson; this ship would not be here. I would probably be dead and you’d be flying a desk on some asteroid. Without going into anymore detail let’s say this Suran owes Shahrazad a large debit and leave it at that. Also we despise the Zon and if it wasn’t for Sobbash and her predecessor we would have probably been absorbed into the Zon Empire. So while you can quietly disagree, if you voice your objections to our operation within ear shout of the crew, I’ll personally turn you over to Sobbash. Have I made myself clear?”

The First Officer knew of the accident that left the Captain gravely injured. But he never knew it was a Shahrazad warship that had rescued him. The pieces of the puzzle that concerned the accident fell into place. So it was Sobbash and her husband that rescued him. He could see why the Captain was so touchy about the subject and why his rejection of the venture caused such uproar in the Captain. He apologized and ask how they were to handle the cargo they were about to receive.

“Should the cargo arrive inform it that we’ll pull it into loading bay nine. Make them aware that they’ll be held in an anti gravitation field, the bay will remain open and unpressurized. I will move the ship but it will not touch nor will the occupants be allowed access to this ship. There is a remote possibility if we allowed them to touch our property they might ask for asylum. In normal cases we’d drag them behind the ship in a tow beam but this case is far from normal. We’ll transport them but not give them shelter. I want you to make it clear to the occupants of that craft if they try anything we’ll eject them into space and notify the Zon of their position.”

If you were to put a Suran, Dorian and a Zon in the same room to negotiate anything it would take only a few moments for the words to fly. If there were objects in the room before you knew it they would be flying about as well. I understand the Captain’s motive for doing this he’s trying as best he can to prevent the Dorian head of state from falling into Zon hands. I’m sure this venture is costing Shahrazad a sizable sum, yet if Sobbash’s plans are to subject the Empress to Shahrazad justice and prevent a war from breaking out then our part does become quite important. I accept my orders and make my way to the loading bays. I thought the Captain a fool, how wrong I was. I’ll carry out his orders to the letter and without question.

The link with Minchi has been open for about five minutes. She’s seated and looking towards the image capture device but she’s not said a word. By observing her eye movements it would seem she’s receiving data we’re not privy to.

There is no more time to wait. I open the audio link from our end and proceed to query Minchi about her reluctance to speak; it is my second sentence concerning the Fifteenth Fleet that breaks the silence.

“So you’re aware of the intervention? Well there is nothing you can do about it and I hope you had nothing to do with it Abh.”

“Tell me now, are you going to help us, or leave us sitting. We’ve about run out of time I have to know now Minchi.”

We had taken up position behind the ship that carried Jinto and Lafiel. We were ready to move forward when the group intercepting of us came under relentless Zon fire. The escorts left to intercept the Zon forces and the ship we wanted sat alone in space unguarded. Minchi had done it; she executed the plan without warning, something I expected. I hope the modifications to our shields held as I ordered our approach.

“Tactical if you see any change in their output say so. Transporter the second you have a lock, transport them do not wait for conformation.”

Cassandra and Plakia approached from the sides we approached from the rear. The Zon were annihilating the ships ahead of us yet our quarry sat motionless and seeming unaware of what was transpiring. I was getting an uneasy feeling when tactical yelled.

“Sudden spike in all energy readings, if I didn’t know better they were going to jump.”

The number of nations that had stable FTL technology was few. Those who had effective cloaking devices are even fewer, yet this ship didn’t fit any known database. So what was this ship and more importantly where were they off to.

“Transporter chief reports they have Jinto and Lafiel aboard. Noel the ship has raised shields and turned abruptly. They’re going to jump.”

We watched as the ship turned about and as they left they projected a beam towards the Zon Armada. While we were not directly in the path, we did feel the effects of the discharge. Unlike the last beam that paralyzed our minds, this one incapacitated our systems. We suffered little damage, but half of Minchi’s armada sat dead in space. The ship left at high speed headed for…

“You’re sure about that there is no mistake?”

Ariel stared at the charts, projecting their departure course in a straight line; several systems were along their path. Two of them were the Demos system and our own system. I notified Sobbash that we had Jinto and Lafiel and about the ship heading their way. Dai, Scholar and Seelnay were in the transporter room and had already moved them to med bay. I awaited their initial scan and opened a link to Minchi.

“There are no causalities among the Armada. However forty percent of the ships have received some damage to their power grids. Would you mind telling me what hit us????”

I was at a loss for words I had no idea what had happened it all seemed a dream, or rather a nightmare that one couldn’t awake from. As Minchi took the rest of her operational ships and intervened at Argos, which surrendered after the first volley was launched. I took a moment to try to sort out what was happening. It was then Scholar appeared on my personal communicator and said.

“Noel leave the bridge quietly and come to med bay at once.”

I put Ariel in charge with orders to hold position and left the bridge. My movement was still sub par but I arrived at med bay none the less. Entering the room I find Jinto on life support and Lafiel demanding to see me. As I approach her I see a wild look in her eyes, before I knew it she had taken my hands and entered my mind. The room took a spin and it would seem Dai caught me as I fell.

Coming to I found myself lying on an exam table staring at Seelnay. I asked how long I’d been out and the answer was three hours. I tried to sit up but Seelnay put me back horizontal she told me we were on our way to Shahrazad, that Dai had taken operational control of the ship, and that Plakia and Cassandra were at Argos securing the system.

I asked where Minchi was; I already knew the answer, she took those operational ships she had and made a beeline to Demos. They should be arriving with in the hour as will the Fifteenth Fleet which had to take an extra detour when they were prohibited from entering Illyuisa sovereign territory. Well played Sobbash, very well played indeed.

I looked over at Lafiel she was out cold, it would seem, in the time I was out, Jinto had stabilized and was no longer on life support. But those thoughts Lafiel gave me, I again asked for Seelnay to let me stand and this time it was granted. I moved to her side and took her hand. I couldn’t reach her mind it was like a wall had been built and I couldn’t climb it. As I went to leave I asked their general condition. Jinto was recovering, Lafiel and child are stable. So she was with child, then Jasmine was correct. Yet something wasn’t jelling in my mind, it would seem a vital piece of the puzzle was missing. I left med bay and headed to my quarters there I informed Dai I was back among the living and had her relate the past three hours to me.

Sub space communications went from nearly silent to a commotion in less than five minutes, orders from Alliance planets to their forces telling them to brace for a possible invasion, garbled communications from the Demos system, a general order from Argos to all ships in the Guild notifying them to surrender at once. It would seem all hell had broken loose within several light years distance of Shahrazad.

Our protecting fleet was in position; Sobbash was in direct contact not only with Eliana but Kenesh as well. It’s the garbled communications coming from Demos that has her worried.

“Kenesh be honest with me, you’ve not heard from the Fifteenth since they had to circumvent Illyuisa space is that correct?”

Kenesh’s link went silent and a new secure link opened, by her side stood an old friend Admiral Bebaus it was he who spoke first.

“Greetings Sobbash it’s good to see you once again and I must admit you’re looking well. Now enough small talk, I’ll get to the point. The girl’s progress report is overdue by an hour, we’ve lost all contact with the Demos system and like you we keep getting garbled sub space communications. I don’t know what has transpired but given what I’ve pried out of Kenesh and the stonewalling Fleet Command has given me. I’ll assume they’re trying to prevent the Zon from taking control of Demos but I also get the feeling something else is going on and you have a good idea of what it is. So Sobbash I’m asking you as a friend to spill the beans tell us what you know or suspect, my children’s lives rest in you hands.”

There was a moment’s silence, and then Sobbash proceeded to fill in as many blanks as she could. With the information she gave Kenesh coupled with what Kenesh already knew a scenario was taking shape that could change the very structure of the galaxy as we know it.

I can’t relax let alone sleep Lafiel has shoved something in my head and it’s trying like the devil to escape. I try a technique Scholar taught me to separated ones conscious and sub conscious thoughts. My subconscious thoughts are a myriad of jumbled images scenes I’ve never seen before nor have ever dreamt about. But one thing is standing out in those images, a location on a star chart. I bring our system online and start a systematic search what flashed up in the third search matches what’s in my head exactly. Overlaying our present position on to the chart I call the bridge and have Ariel scan those co-ordinates. Her response sets off a chain of events in my head that …

“Noel those co-ordinates are just outside of the Sord at Gastovh. That Sord, if stable, leads to Demos with its exit behind their sun. If I were going to attack that would be a perfect route to use by the time you appeared on their scanners it would be too late. Also that Sord was recently active one ship has entered it in the last half hour.”

Those words, I felt faint. I leaned forward in the seat so the blood would rush to my head. As my mind cleared I got what Lafiel was trying to tell us. The ship they were on was planning on attacking Demos for what reason I don’t know but given their half hearted attempt to stop us at Argos and their sudden departure this is beginning to make sense. I ask Dai’s location she is in med bay with Scholar, even though Dai commands I order Ariel to inform Shahrazad and our other ships of this new information. It is then a startled Ariel says.

“Noel all links to Shahrazad seem blocked I can’t raise anything beyond the Demos system and what is coming from there is pure gibberish. I still have a link to the balance of the fleet what should I tell them?”

I open a ship wide link and say the following.

“Battle Stations, Dai to my cabin at once.”

I return to my conversation with Ariel and say.

Notify the rest of the fleet to halt what they are doing and proceed to…”

I take a second and verify what Lafiel’s thoughts are telling me. We need to rendezvous at the Solaris asteroid belt just outside the Demos system. I give that information to Ariel, it is at that moment Dai enters my cabin.

“Mind telling me what’s so damn urgent you couldn’t tell me before you issued orders?”

I placed the following information on the display, the projected course of the ship that left Argos at high speed, the Sord at Gastovh, estimated times given the speed that we recorded from said ship and a time line of events plus what Lafiel had dumped into my brain. Dai stared at the display then said.

“Promise me when we finish this mission you’ll stay on the surface and let me have some of the fun eh?”

I told Dai that she should be happy I was here else she’d have Lafiel floating around in her head and we all know how badly that would go.

“Independence ships log: Cassandra Lynn recording. We’ve secured the Argos system the remaining Zon ships have departed the area. Three Suran salvage frigates are laying claim to the damaged ships in the area and it would seem that this chapter is closed but…”

“Cassie, fleet flash from Discovery, it say’s drop what you’re doing and proceed to the Solaris asteroid field at once, max speed. Battle ready, the message repeats. Defiance is on the link asking for a synchronous departure.”

I open the link and set up our departure, we leave ten seconds apart and ten thousand meters distance from each other. We’ll arrive first, then Defiance will arrive ten seconds later, hopefully this is a rendezvous and not entering a full scale battle but Discovery’s message is pretty vague on details so…

“Minister Zachary the interference grows worse by the minute. It’s impossible to pinpoint the source it seems to be the same strength everywhere but not emanate from anywhere. Ship to ship communications is still possible all long range communications have been cut off. Demos, is broadcasting a general distress message, but I doubt it’s reaching anyone. Long range scanners are inaccurate; the last dependable readings we have showed the Abh fleet about twenty minutes from engagement with the Zon forces but if they’re suffering the same issues we are you would think…”

The Captain’s words bounced inside my head, this field that is encompassing the system. I’ve seen something like it once before but I can’t recall the time or place yet this seems eerily familiar. A sense of danger comes to the front of my thoughts. I order our ships away from Demos. We retreat to the outer planets it is there we realize a dramatic drop in the interference yet all long range communications are still garbled. I’m preoccupied; something deep inside my head is trying with all it’s might to come to my conscious thoughts yet…

“Bring the fleet to a halt have all divisions hold their position, tactical pinpoint the location of the interference at once. Communications, what do you mean we lost contact with the support groups?”

Kiri Bebaus is taking extraordinary measures after an unknown event has rendered the fleet blind and communications greatly impaired. She’s stopped a massive fleet in space, while assuring none of the divisions collide with their comrades. Now it was time to wake her twin, consult, and then make their next move. This rather tedious mission has taken on a new flavor and a rather startling one at that.

“Wake the Emperor at once; I do not want to hear any of your pre rehearsed excuses. You’ll wake him or suffer the consequences. Do you understand me, Wake him NOW!”

The squire complied with Nefee’s request, once awake the dear Admiral had a very blunt conversation with the Emperor.

“Your Highness, what motivated you to send the Fifteenth Fleet to Demos, knowing good and well my daughters have a long standing and well know grudge against Minchi and the Zon Empire. My thought is you want a war, well while you were sleeping the situation has changed drastically. We’ve lost contact, not only with the fleet, but the planetary system as well. Duhiel I swear if anything happens to those two because of your thoughtlessness, I’ll have your hide.”

Through the years Duhiel had endured many tongue lashings, most were members of the staff blowing off steam and were never taken seriously. This time was different Duhiel noticed a fire in Nefee’s eyes he hadn’t seen in ages. The words were, for the most part, correct he wanted a conflict between the Zon and the Empire. Minchi’s little build up in forces had not gone unnoticed yet to think that Nefee thought the reason he sent his daughters to Demos was to see them killed is absurd. And the thought of Nefee skinning him alive was even more distasteful. But the information about the communications why someone hadn’t waken him sooner to tell him this that is what Duhiel found the most disturbing.

“Nefee I thank you for telling me this and let me assure you it was not my desire to see your daughters die. I need to investigate this contact loss you speak of so if you’ll excuse me…”

The link fell silent. Nefee turned to Kenesh and said.

“Now he knows and now I know. Kenesh I have a favor to ask, contact who ever you need to contact and get this conflict shelved as soon as possible. If headquarters gives you any grief send them my way that goes for the boy king as well. Right now I have something I must do.”

Rolling his creunoc to his lips Nefee says.

“This is Admiral Bebaus prepare the fleet for immediate departure. I’ll give you the destination once I’m aboard.”

The message was acknowledged and Nefee addressed Kenesh once again.

“I’m going now, you don’t know where I’m going, you can guess all you want, but if you manage to stop the hostilities before they start use this code to notify me.”

Nefee hands Kenesh a data crystal and leaves the building. Looking out the window she observes him getting into a transport and departing the Capital. ‘How do I end up in these messes? Am I that trustworthy or am I just in the wrong place at the wrong time?’ Not having any time to ponder that thought she opens a link to Sobbash.

The ship is making unsettling sounds; granted we are traveling faster than we have since this ship was new. And engineering has just announced they’ve managed to squeeze a bit more out of our straining engines. This sound still bothers me. Estimated time to rendezvous is twenty minutes. Defiance has matched our speed increases and grandmother has also altered our arrival plan. Our time between dropping from light has changed, we’ll be there almost a minute after her and the distance has been altered as well. We’ll appear on the edge of the field while grandmother will appear behind the sixth moon of the eighth planet, just inside the field itself. Should we arrive and find it was more than just a rendezvous we’ll know about it.

“Kenesh I’m glad you called, I’ve got a lot to share with you I’m trying to find a logical place to start though.”

“While you’re doing that let me tell you a few things. Nefee just left here fleet and all, you can guess where’s he’s headed and he had it out with Duhiel as well. Let’s say we better hope no ill comes to those girls and leave it at that. Also, and of more importance, I had the data archive system do a scan for ships being strangely disabled, I just got the results. I’m sending you a copy of it right now. You’ll find it alarming to say the least. Lastly Nefee made a request before he left, he said to use any and all resources necessary to halt what is occurring around Demos. While that sounds nice I believe we are handcuffed on this one Sobbash. I believe we’ve done everything possible…”

“Kenesh hold that thought something’s come up I’ll be back shortly.”

I place the link on hold and turn my attention to the data Kenesh just sent. Here was a list of occurrences dating from almost five years ago. At first they seemed normal failures of equipment, but within the past two years the incidents have been more bizarre and occurred with greater frequency. I opened a link to Risch, what I heard was bedlam in the room. Not waiting from an explanation I grabbed the data and headed back to the operations center. Poor Kenesh would have to wait just a bit longer it would seem.

The trip from the governor’s office to the operations center takes about four minutes at a normal walk, I was there in ninety seconds. Entering the room I find three separate conversations going on it is the one from the Guardians complex that attracts my attention.

“Risch we’re in, we’ve cracked the last security firewall and what we found. I’m sure the ship we’re looking at the specifications of, is the one Noel and the boss encountered. I’d bet my life on it.”

On the other channel Lala had information just as important as KO’s was.

“Tay cracked the moment we gained entry to the computers. She’s been talking like a Midgradian magpie ever since. There is a reoccurring theme to her comments. The plan was working she says why did we have to interfere with it she continues, then a bunch of ranting about our interference causing the death of billions. Then it becomes gibberish once again.”

Atosuryua tosses her headset across the room and slams the console hard with both hands. I make the move to my old friend in time to here her mutter.

“Zachary just what were you trying to tell me, it makes no sense whatsoever. A purple haze in space, communications and scans disrupted or reflected back. What does it all mean?”

I shove the data crystal containing Kenesh’s data in the console and search for those terms. I put the information on the main display and say.

“Everyone, gather all the data we have, we need to send it to the fleet as soon as possible.”

Turning to Atosuryua I say.

“Do we still have a link with the fleet?”

She replies that we have a link with Defiance and it’s becoming shaky. Information enters the room, with time being of the essence I instruct Atosuryua to send it, without coding it, on a secure frequency to Defiance. It is then I make another move. I bring Kenesh back up on the screen and say.

“You have a way to contact Nefee am I correct?”

“I do Sobbash but it’s to be used when I know the girls are safe, why do you ask?”

I’m blunt, I lay out what has happened here and tell Kenesh I’m sending her everything we have. She is to send it to Nefee and incase our ships don’t get the message he’s to relay it to them then I add.

“Nefee needs to know what he’s walking into. If he can get that information to the girls, it’ll save their lives and the lives of countless Abh’s. You’ll find complete specifications for the ship they’ll engage, although its a hundred years old, its five hundred years advanced from anything we have. How it ended up in the hands it presently is, I don’t know, but I do know it’s a powerful weapon of massive destruction than needs to be stopped at all cost.”

Kenesh has the data; I can see her scanning it, I watch the color drain from her face. She faces the imaging device and says.

“Thank you, the information is on its way I’ll let you know if there is more information to share and Sobbash, if this goes badly. Do you have an opening for an intelligence officer with, at the moment, a spotless record?”

It was at that moment I realized how far Kenesh had stepped put on the limb. My guess she was acting independent and rogue. The price of peace is high, but what now, I wished we knew more.

To be continued in: An Unexpected Chain of Events.

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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