50_Demos Three Zero One

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50_Demos Three Zero One

Post by Diaho »

Demos Three Zero One

Demos Three Zero One, an uninhabited planet orbiting the Demo’s sun every sixty-two days, its orbital eccentricity and rotational speed makes it a difficult planet to successfully orbit and land upon. Although landings have been accomplished in the past, those were unmanned craft of exploration and half ended up crashing on the surface of that world instead of landing.

“Captain’s Log Dai Lexshu recording: Lafiel left us a detailed plan that she is going to execute in the next forty–five minutes. It is her intent to clear the area surrounding Demos Three Zero One, for a distance of seven hundred and fifty thousand kilometers of all friendly ships. Then she and Seelnay would seek out the mystery ship, disable it, before it has a chance to orbit the planet and refuel. Her hope was not to destroy the planet but to disable the ship so it could be captured and studied. After a brief consultation we now know why Seelnay went with Lafiel. Lafiel is going to use her ability to remotely operate devices at a distance but what their exact thinking was remains a closely guarded secret.”

“Seelnay it looks like everyone is where they belong, it now up to us to finish this once and for all. Do you understand the plan or should I go over it again?”

“Not necessary Your Highness, I know what has to be done. I just hope we make it out of here alive.”

“Arisa you’re sure this will negate the haze, that’s a lot of energy being expended wastefully if it doesn’t.”

“Oh ye of little faith, then again most of you are Abh so that quote has no meaning to you; yes it is going to work. If I can have your attention I’ll demonstrate what we’ve accomplished.”

Discovery generated a field before it and the haze dissipated. Collapsing the field, the haze returned, although not as dense as before. With that Arisa continued.

“While we can not remove it we can push it out of our way. Here’s the tricky part. Given the output of our three ships, the size of the group surrounding us, the only way this will work is for our ships to form a triangle with the other ships in the area of the effect. As we move forward we’ll push the haze towards its source and as we leave an area the haze will fill in behind us. Once we reach the other ships, most notably the Fifteenth Fleets new frigates, then things may change. It is my understanding that they utilize the same deflector systems that we do. If that is true then we can send the modifications to those ships and instead of three we should have at least seventy-five ships or better to use. Should that come about we could selectively clear larger areas in the hopes of pushing their own defensive weapon back up on them. Have I lost anybody so far?”

It looked good on paper and the system did perform as Arisa said it would, but could our three ships keep the field intact until we met with the other group? Dai was examining that aspect of Arisa’s plan I on the other hand had a thought that I shared aloud.

“Here’s the problem, that ship needs to refuel and soon. So one would think it would be trying to get close to the planet. However the source of the haze seems to be stationary which indicates either they are going to wait us out or…”

Dai turned abruptly and finished my sentence.

“They’ve launched a shuttle or a remote retrieval device towards the planet in that case…”

I finished Dai’s thought.

“They are purposely shielding the planet from us by putting this barrier in our way. What if we pushed their barrier towards the planet and blind what ever they sent there? Don’t you think our adversary would cease the field lest their own plan gets fouled up?”

There was silence on the link yet I could sense intelligence radiating from my staff and from the other ships as well. What did that stuffy training officer once say? Commanders motivate and inspire I believe I’ve just done both.

“We’ve moved as many resources as time will allow if what you’ve told me comes to pass we’ll be ready for them. But Sobbash, this discussion about vaporizing the first planet of the Demos system, are your people seriously considering doing this?”

As best as I could I tried to explain, with no knowledge whatsoever, what their thinking was. I believe I made a convincing argument because Kenesh shook her head and said.

“Given the experience aboard those ships and the record of Noel Ekuryua, one would have to believe that their options are few and for the betterment of the galaxy this would be their last resort. Sobbash you realize the repercussions destroying that planet will cause?”

“Kenesh you realize the losses that will be incurred if that ship makes it to this part of the galaxy fully operational? There are approximately sixteen billion life forms between here and Demos. I for one do not want sign their death warrants, one planet versus sixteen billion you tell me because I just told you.”

Kenesh closed the link without saying another word for which I give thanks. Had the conversation gone on much longer I would have had to broach the subject of Lafiel’s whereabouts that was a subject I was in no position to discuss.

“Personal log Noel Ekuryua recording: We are pushing the haze towards its source, in that we are heading to the co ordinates Lafiel left us. I have decisions to make and this time I’m on my own. Communications with Shahrazad are still impossible. As senior officer I have conferred with the command staff and our engineering department heads. The conversation was short lived and an opinion could not be reached. My dilemma is if we are to defeat this foe, I’ll have to show to those, who I wish not to see, our most guarded of secrets, the one system that gives us superiority over the current generation of warships. It is our ability to carry out covert electronic warfare at distance. As far as I know no other race has figured out why our three ships can command the respect and awe that we do. Because, while not new to the galaxy, this system, we discovered and refined from the Guardians, gives us the ability to compromise most operational systems, in fact we’ve yet to discover a ship we can’t control. I truly believe the reason Minchi’s sitting off our stern is to witness this system in operation in the hopes of gleaning enough information to duplicate it for her own use. That would shift the balance of power in the wrong direction. Something the Council and Sobbash would never forgive me for. Yet if that ship gets loose and destroys Shahrazad and Lakfakalle while I kept our secret safe… I’ve got to find another way or hope Lafiel can do what she says she can.”

“I just got a glimpse of Independence’s transponder they’re on the move. I’m having trouble sorting out who is who but I also have successfully scanned Demos Three Zero One you’ll find the results interesting.”

I tapped into Seelnay’s data stream there was an object orbiting the planet. It was in a rather haphazard orbit but it would seem they’ve sent someone or something to search for the energy source. That is verification that the source of the haze is truly the ship we seek, yet this object in orbit demands a closer look as well. Clearing the edge of the haze long range scanners show Nefee’s fleet almost eight million kilometers from the planet that is the proper position to respond to an escape attempt. Yet I’m devising another plan in my head one that might save further bloodshed.

“Seelnay focus a tight beam on the flagship of the Ninth Fleet and let me know when you have a link established.”

“Admiral, I have a request for communications but this ID I don’t understand its origin.”

Nefee moved to the communications console, the ID made perfect sense to him and he said.

“Clear the bridge, move operations to the stand by unit, get a move on people.”

Shocked faces greeted his request but within two minutes the bridge was clear. Entering the reply code the main viewer came to life with a familiar but noticeably tired face greeting him.

“Lafiel I’m glad you’re safe, what can I do for you?”

“Nefee I need to know the exact composition of your forces can you send that information?”

Data streamed into Lafiel’s head. He had the forces Noel had with two exceptions, his numbers were smaller and he lacked the latest generation frigates that the Fifteenth Fleet had. She gave her plan a second consideration and then shared….

Nefee’s image switched from Lafiel to a detailed tactical display the likes of which he’d never seen before. Every ship he had plus most of the other fleets appeared on his display it was then Lafiel said.

“I’m sure you’re wondering why I had you clear the bridge. This should be explanation enough, while experimental, this is our latest achievement in multi functional scanning technology. Although it’s unable to scan a cloaked ship it can penetrate most interference, and has a functional range of up to ten million kilometers. Nefee I’ve known you all of my life I trust that you’ll keep this discussion between us but I have a problem. Noel’s fleet is on the wrong side of the system and our opponents know it. While it would be easier for her to slam her way here the losses… Nefee enough have died already what I propose is this…”

The display changes as Lafiel moves forces about. At the present Nefee’s Fleet sits squarely in the departure path from the Demos system with the Zon and Dorian fleets blocking the Sords. Lafiel’s plan moves part of the Zon and Dorian forces to a position where if the mystery ship tries to run at the Abh fleet. They will be able to surround the ship and hold it while Noel’s forces attack it from behind and either side. Lafiel indicates that those forces being moved should remain cloaked no matter what. With the proposed deployment laid out Lafiel said

“Nefee there is an object in orbit around the planet. Once I’m finished here we are off to investigate and stop it if necessary. If it is what I believe it is and we destroy it, be prepared for any and everything to happen. Lastly I know you and Duhiel have had your differences should something occur and we… Look out for my brother will you…”

Nefee said he would and wished Lafiel luck the link closed and Seelnay said.

“Princess I’ve just seen another side of you… you seem to be an expert liar…”

“Seelnay I didn’t lie to him I just failed to tell him the whole truth, there is a difference. Right now move us to the object in orbit and say no more on the other subject till this has passed.”

“Nothing Ariel?”

“Not a thing Noel is it as if space has encased them, according to Lafiel’s plan something should be happening about now.”

Lafiel told us to wait and as much as it pains me to do so we will follow orders however there are those among us who wish to proceed with the original plan before we lose our window of opportunity. Unleashing an all out assault while the shuttle’s still out there is unwise. I’ve convinced Minchi to hold fast. Decca Commander Woo and the Fifteenth Fleet are following my orders. We wait but I’m not sure how much longer to wait.

“Bridge, engineering, our gremlin is back, I’ve got Robert and Arisa on the link and we’re looking into it. Suggest you notify Discovery of our problem and move to a defensive position.”

I acknowledged Donald’s transmission and opened a link to Noel. This was a bad time for an old glitch to rear its head. I had faith in the staff but I wondered why now after all this time it suddenly reappeared.

“Captains log Noel Ekuryua recording: Cassandra has notified us of an anomaly aboard Independence that will preclude us, for the moment, pushing the haze back upon the mystery ship. The Fifteenth Fleet has given us five frigates, which was so generous of the girls to do so. We are in the process of modifying their systems but it’s still another ten to twenty minutes off. I was worried that Lafiel had not acted but with this latest glitch I hope she’ll wait a little longer. Energy readings in the area are fluctuating, the haze is no longer is as dense as before but…”

“Noel, short range radar is no longer inhibited. If we switch to the long range mode I’ll bet I can spot their ship and the shuttle as well.”

“Stay as we are, if for some reason Lafiel’s within close proximity of their ship, our scan might give her position away. Hold on any actions until we see or hear something from the shuttle.”

Our approach to the planet took longer than I expected. The object turned out to be a manned craft of some type with a probe extending from it pointed at the surface of the planet. We crept close enough for us to passive scan it. Two life forms were aboard along with what resembled a lander of some kind. The ship was well armed and partially shielded I got the impression it was their thinking they were the only ones here.

They were about to get a surprise Seelnay and I moved away from them and launched two mines with a twenty second delay on their fuses. It would take about a minute for the mines to drift towards the craft by that time they would be armed. We moved away and waited for the fireworks to start.

“Noel sensors indicate two separate explosions have occurred from the approximate location of Demos Three Zero One. Energy signatures are that of the mines Lafiel took with her. The haze is dissipating, correction, the center of the haze is moving towards the explosions.”

Ariel’s report has left me convinced that Lafiel found something at the planet and took it out; this has caused the ship to move towards the planet. While it shows signs of being weakened, at least comparing energy readings from it earlier, to now, I’m still convinced that ship still carries enough of a punch to render half of our ships inoperative. For the moment we will stay where Lafiel put us, but at the first weapons discharge from the ship all bets will be off. One shuttle can not dodge the massive energy we’ve seen before and I think Lafiel is aware of this as well.

Three Suran freighters have aligned themselves between the Abh Ninth Fleet and the relay station at Doras. A sub space link has been established between Shahrazad and Admiral Nefee Bebaus. Taking into account the communications delay from the Ninth coupled with the link from Discovery Sobbash now has a clearer picture of what is happening at Demos that along with Nefee relating the conversation he and Lafiel had. It would seem that extreme caution was being used. But she also knew those who were out there as well. Every commander had at one time or the other has thrown caution to the solar winds. She knew Noel would be the last one to go diving head long into battle yet…

“Risch have you gotten any more data concerning the glitch aboard Independence?”

“No Sobbash, only Donald’s original report to Robert and Arisa. What bothers me is, unlike last time, this seems to be system wide. If you’ll remember last time it was in the service system, the replicators and vend bots were constantly cycling. Here it manifested itself first in the lighting system and has been reported in several other non essential systems. But it wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that no system aboard is immune to this glitch. Hopefully they don’t wind up in a position to test my theory because I could see systems resetting right and left it is an unnerving thought.”

“Minister those were definitely Shahrazad mines that exploded. No one else uses that energy signature but where were they launched from?”

“Do we still have contact with their fleet?”

“No and the interference has gotten worse it would seem the source of the haze is heading towards the explosions.”

“Put tactical on the main viewer.”

The tactical display showed the location of the explosions and the movement of the haze. Zachary noticed an opening between their present position and the Demos sun. He issued orders to the five ships to follow him around the back side of the Demos sun and they would approach the area from the orbital path of the first planet.

“Noel we’ve got trouble, Zachary’s on the move and we are not talking to them.”

“On the main viewer Ariel, Dai to the bridge.”

It was true Zachary was on the move his position was such that he saw the hole in the haze before anyone else had and took a bold move to escape. But where was he headed and why go in that direction. It was then Dai hit the bridge she saw the proposed flight path and said.

“Zachary you fool, what do you think you can do with six outmatched ships?”

Noel was confused, Dai took the pointer and altered the projected course ever so slightly. It showed Zachary was heading towards the planet to approach it from the sunward side while the haze was approaching it from the shaded side and somewhere in all that was Lafiel.

“Dam fool hero he saw the explosions and figured he could be of help. He’s going to end up getting himself killed if he’s not careful. Okay Noel you’re in command while he’s not given away our position he’s going to make a move that will affect all of us, so do we sit by and watch or do we…”

“Break communications blackout, order the fleets to trail, at a safe distance, the source of the haze and wait further orders, Battle Stations, order Independence to the rear and tell Cassie the topic’s not open for discussion.”

We had adjusted our orbit so we were on the opposite side of the planet when the mines exploded. Retracing our steps we find the ship destroyed and then see that the mystery ship is approaching the area. Just as we were about to leave Seelnay made an observation that momentarily halted our departure.

“Tie into the scanners and watch the edge of the haze closely.”

I did as Seelnay instructed and to my surprise what I saw was something reacting with the haze and turning it back upon itself. For half a second I was at a loss then I made a wide area scan and found the source. Demos Three Zero One was making its closest approach to the sun and as it approached the solar radiation was jumping off the scale it was this radiation that in effect was deflecting the haze back to its source.

Doing some quick math I came to the conclusion that in another few hours the radiation would be at such a level that it will render the haze ineffective and it would take at least ten days or more for the planet to emerge from this part of its travel to an area where the levels would be as they are now. We had them or did they have us I couldn’t stick around any longer to find out I had to get back and tell Noel of our findings.

“Seelnay get us out of here loop us around the sun and back to where we came from.”

The radiation was affecting our cloak this was a good thing because as we were about to go to maximum sub light six Dorian cruisers came into scanning range. We altered course and rendezvous with the lead ship. Zachary was surprised to see us.

“Governor good to see you’re alive…”

“Listen Zachary no time for hellos. I want to get a message to Noel you tell me which ship and I’ll send the data over but we need to get it to her like five minutes ago so…”

The trailing ship in the group came up on the link; Lafiel transferred the data over and told the Captain that no one else was to see this; he was to deliver it to Noel period. The Captain acknowledged the order and was off in the direction he had come from.

Lafiel then shared the information with Zachary and recruited him and his remaining ships to act as a rear guard while Lafiel approached the planet once again.

“Zachary its simple we need intelligence on that ship, you have five messengers left. If need be I’ll send everyone of you back to Noel but that ship has got to be stopped here and now.”

“Noel there is one Dorian ship returning from the far side of the sun, we’re being signaled it seems they have a message from Lafiel for you and only you it would seem.”

I received the message and after reviewing it I whole heartily concur with her observation it was the same as we had seen here using our deflectors to make our way through the haze. The message continued it said that they were going to observe the ship’s approach to the planet and relay information via this courier ship. I sent back a message to Lafiel that we are approaching the planet for the dark side and would wait for her attack signal. I also sent her operational data concerning Independence and told her I consider it unwise to commit them to this operation.

“Minister our ship are in position we’re ready to establish the link.”

“Open the link, Your Highness, Admiral Ekuryua can you hear me?”

The link was a success, a tight beamed signal between the shuttle and Discovery from around the Demos sun. The need for courier ships, and their possible detection, had been removed. Constant conversation now flowed between the shuttle and the fleet from Shahrazad.

“Engineering, bridge, give me an update.”

“We’re continuing to chase our gremlin I’ve isolated shields and weapon systems but I’m still not convinced that they are safe from interference. We’ve already had an anomaly in the propulsion unit. I think it’s been rectified but I’d recommend we ask Discovery to move even further back from the forward ships than we presently are. Honestly sis I think we are on the verge of a complete system shut down but I don’t know how to stop it or what’s causing it.”

Dawn switched off the intercom and opened a link to Discovery. After conferring with Ariel they received orders to move another half light second from the area. The sub light engines came on line for approximately ten seconds then failed. They were adrift but heading away from the main fleet.

Seelnay and I had made our way to the dark side of the planet and had just began our observations when.

“The haze is dissipating and I’m reading wide spectrum EM interference it’s like…”

I sensed it as well and I knew what was about to happen I issued the warning almost too late.

“Noel, break formation, incoming attack.”

I could sense movement, moments later a massive blast from the mystery ships main battery pulverized the front line of Noel’s forces. Although the interference was enormous I could sense damage to at least half a dozen ships most seem to be Zon. Our link with Noel was broken, yet, I don’t think our attacker knew we were here. It was then Seelnay brought something to my attention.

“Princess, take note of the mystery ships shield signature just as we approached it and it fired.”

I took a look and saw what Seelnay was talking about; it was just as I had expected, they were running low on energy. Just as the weapon fired a gap in their shields became evident not a large gap but a gap none the less. I pondered the situation and came up with a plan. I discussed it with Seelnay and she agreed it would work but had one reservation.

“For us to do that they’re going to have to fire again and it would seem to me that was a warning shot across the bow. I do not sense nor does instrumentation show anymore spikes in the energy readings.”

We needed to talk to Noel I had to make her aware of what was happening but … we retreated ever so slightly as to be in line of sight with Zachary’s ship. We sent him instructions via light signals and waited for a reply.

Lafiel’s warning probably saved our lives but, the blast took out several of Minchi’s front line ships. She made a strategic retreat from the area. Woo’s ships had escaped damage the Fifteenth was out of range when they fired. Our link with Lafiel was broken; it didn’t take long to figure out why. Zachary was now down one cruiser, a ball of fire and debris show where they had perished. It was then that Lily came on the intercom and said.

“Although devastating, that attack was seventy percent of what we originally encountered and lasted one third of the duration. It is Robert, Arisa and my feeling that if we were to provoke them into a fire fight they would lose power. However there is a fifty – fifty chance it was a rouse to get us to do exactly what we are discussing.”

I closed the intercom; we were still in contact with Woo’s ships and Defiance. The interference made it impossible to determine Independence’s location but given it was on the move away from the area I assumed it was safe. With that I ordered our groups to a position where we could concentrate fire upon one location and opened up on our attacker.

Seelnay and I were out of position when Noel attacked, caught off guard at their actions. The mystery ship took a defensive stance, that time, between the start of Noel’s attack and their response, gave us just enough time to get into position.

“Wide spectrum energy shift indicated they’re charging the weapon.”

“Understood Seelnay let me know when that hole opens up.”

“Starboard thirty, a weak area has appeared it’s big enough for our purpose.”

“Locked on and launching in three, two, and one. Mines launched, back us out of here.”

Three mines entered a gap in their shield heading for what we believed to be their reactors. As we back away another broad blast emitted from the ship. This blast was one half of the strength of a few moments earlier. Their shielding facing the onslaught was also weakening. Our mines found their mark and exploded.

“All ships open fire continuous rate at the designated location.”

That location was their main weapon I was hoping in a moment of weakness to render it useless.

“Spike in energy readings.”

“Shields to maximum, brace for impact.”

The blast hit us and Defiance a glancing blow, Woo lost two ships. I was about to order a withdrawal when…

“Explosions from the mystery ship, three of them, energy signature… they’re mines, enemy energy readings dropping, scanning the ship. Secondary explosions occurring, the interference is dissipating, putting it on visual.”

Before us lay the massive ship defenseless, numerous explosions were occurring. We watched in awe.

Just before the mines exploded Seelnay and I both sensed what could only be described as a scream, a terrifyingly horrific scream. It took a second and we both realized where it came from.

“Princess the EM interference is off the scale scanners are no good.”

“Zachary how many ships are with you?”

“Four, is there a problem?”

“Seelnay, send him Cassie’s last know position.”

“Zachary you’re with me, head for that area and start a search pattern.”

The link closed, when Zachary saw what they were after he knew why the abbreviated conversation had occurred. Opening a link to his ships he told them where they were going and what they were looking for. Closing the link he sat back in his seat and hoped they would not find what he was envisioning.

Within five minutes of the mines exploding there was a last massive explosion that left the mystery ship, a floating debris field. I was assessing the situation when Ariel chimed in.

“Noel there is activity in the outer asteroid belt I can see movement of several ships but the interference is keeping me from getting a clear picture.”

I told Ariel to keep tabs on it and we continued our investigation. Lafiel’s mines really did a number, there was very little left of the ship to gather. We were making our third pass through the debris when Ariel switched communications to inter ship audio…

“Independence this is Lotuce respond… I say again Independence this is the cruiser Lotuce please respond.”

A deafening silence fell over the bridge; we listened as several Dorian cruisers called out and received no response. It was then Lafiel’s voice was heard.

“Independence, Cassandra. Do you read me? Answer me child do you hear me?”

“Ariel put Cassie’s last known position on tactical and open a link to Lafiel.”

We had a front row seat, although our ability to talk to Nefee ended with the first volley. Discovery kept sending data. It was after the battle was over that…

“Independence this is Lotuce respond… I say again Independence this is the cruiser Lotuce please respond.”

Then it was Lafiel’s turn, with a passionate plea for a response.

“Independence, Cassandra. Do you read me? Answer me child do you hear me?”

I stood next to Sobbash, Risch and KO were at my side Greta states the obvious…

“What happened, where is Independence? The boss has to be going crazy…”

Noel is in my ear, I tell her to keep her distance, that there are already too many ships wandering around the area. I ask her to activate the long range ‘management system’ and scan for any traces of energy readings from Cassie’s ship. Seelnay and I have not spoken a word but in sharing the tactical station we’ve had our discussion and have accepted several facts for the moment. First and foremost the ship must be intact there is no sign of energy discharge that would be around had they taken a direct hit. Secondly what ever happened happened suddenly and without warning, their emergency beacon was not deployed. Right now we were scanning the area looking for them and transmitting on all known frequencies in the hopes someone would respond.

Fleet Commanders log Katra Bebaus recording: we’ve witness the destruction of a powerful foe who it seems we’ll never know anything about. The Fifteenth Fleet survived the incident intact. The Ninth Fleet reports the loss of two cruisers and their crews. The Zon Armada retreated early in the battle, the Zon ships with the Ninth Fleet have returned to the main force and their perceived course indicates they are returning to the Zon home world. The Dorian Fleet remains in system along with those ships from Shahrazad. I’ve rendezvous with the Ninth Fleet and am awaiting orders. What is disturbing is the communications coming from the site of the battle it would seem Shahrazad has a ship missing. I’m also under the impression my father’s not leaving till he knows the fate of said ship.”

“Minister, debris field off the starboard bow, there are strange energy readings coming from the area as well.”

I activate the main viewer and laid the position of the mystery ship upon it. Then I had the computer plot the path the weapon discharges would have taken. This area lay in the path of the last volley however the density of the field told me this had been recently created. Placing shields and deflectors on maximum we ventured into the field.

“I have a very faint energy reading not consistent with what we were reading earlier, it’s to port about nineteen to twenty -two. I believe sensors just gave me a return that might be a vessel hull.”

“Come to port twenty – one, docking lights to maximum, sensors continuous sweep.”

As we plowed through the field it became evident that there was something of a non natural origin ahead of us. Dust and debris continued to hamper our visual scan of the area but sensors were beginning to paint an outline on tactical. Given the general size I believe we’ve found Independence.

“What is the location of the other cruisers?”

“Two of them are on their return sweep they’ll be in the area in about ten minutes. The other two along with the shuttle craft are just finishing the long end of their sweep another half hour or better.”

“Send out our position to the closest two and have them come this way, tactical distance to object?”

“Approximately five hundred thousand meters and approaching the object at six meters per second.”

“Engineering can you channel more power to the deflectors we need to move faster if possible?”

“Minister we’re running in the red on output right now I can give you a bit more but only for a short period. If we were to lose deflectors and shields the debris would pound us to bits.”

The engineer just expressed my worst fear we stepped up our speed and ten minutes later…

“There they are off the bow about three thousand meters.”

Our lighting reflected off the ship it was evident the debris had had its way with the ship. We saw several hull breaches and traces of atmosphere escaping into space.

“Scan for life signs, launch our emergency beacon, and engineering can we extend our shields around them?”

“You’ll have get along side the ship and we can do that but not from this distance.”

“Beacon launched, our two ship report they are another ten minutes out and thanks to the path we cut they are making better headway than we did.”

“Good when they arrive have them extend their shields about the ship as well then we’ll try to board it.”

“Seelnay there is an emergency beacon, it’s from Zachary’s cruiser, plot an intercept course and…”

“Lafiel, Discovery and I are enroute to the beacon. From what we can gather the ship is in the middle of a massive blast created debris field. Interference in the area is still inhibiting long range communications. Our ETA to the beacon is fifteen minutes Defiance out.”

“I have the course plotted; I also have readings from the Dorian ships that entered the area. It would seem they’ve made a pathway of sorts to the location of the ship. We’ll enter the field from that sector it’ll add another minute or two but in the long run it’ll be much faster.”

Shields and deflectors to maximum, engine output to the max as well. I could feel the warmth from the reactor creeping into the flight deck. We were still within safety limits but just barely. I was going to get there before mother and Noel did.

“Father we’ve detected a beacon being launched. From what we can gather it’s coming from one of the Dorian cruisers. It should be noted that all of the search ships in the area are converging on that location.”

“I see Katra I believe it’s time you returned to your normal patrol area and we’ll handle everything from here on.”

I acknowledge my fathers orders and we departed the area. As we slipped through the Sord I wondered just what handle everything meant. It would be several weeks before I would know that answer.

“Ships log Zachary recording: we’ve established a stable field around Independence, our scans show several pockets of atmosphere aboard the ship and we have found a dozen life signs a few are faint. We are getting ready to board the ship there is a gaping hole amidships big enough for a person to enter through. A rescue team is about to leave…”

“Minister we are being hailed.”

“Open the link.”

“Zachary hold your people, if you are planning to use the hole amidships that won’t work. That area is the armory it’s double walled and computer locked. Give me a moment and I’ll open the airlock at the docking bay.”

“Seelnay is there power on that deck?”

“Yeah the bay’s unpressurized I’m going to try to open it now.”

The bay opened and we entered the dark ship. Having only one pressure suit on board Seelnay was going out while I stayed here, after making a very convincing argument for me not going. I used the shuttles docking lights to light the bay as Seelnay convinced the airlock to open.

“Zachary, send your people over. They will enter through the docking bay and Seelnay will give them assistance maneuvering around the ship.”

“On their way and your other ships are arriving as well.”

“Noel can you hear me?”

“Just like you’re next to me, go ahead.”

“I’ll assume transporters won’t function in all of this interference am I correct?”

“Correct we are looking at making a pathway out of here and dragging Independence clear. Have you any indication on how many are …”

“No, Zachary’s original scan showed about twelve life forms, there is a crew searching the ship. Right now I’m trying to access the ships master computer in the hopes of knowing what happened. I suggest you withhold nothing and just blast a path out of here. The field seems to be less dense in this area and it is also the shortest distance to open space.”

“Fine, give us fifteen minutes and I’ll blast you a pathway home.”

We lost data from Discovery when it entered the debris field; however the link with Nefee was reestablished about two minutes later. It was then the Admiral let the other shoe fall.

“Sobbash we’ve known each other too long so I’ll not wander about the garden. From what we’ve intercepted your ship is in pretty bad shape. I have a question for you, how many were aboard the ship when it departed?”

“Crew complement is forty – five.”

There was silence on the link then Admiral Bebaus spoke once again.

“Sobbash, initial scans indicated there were twelve life signs found spread throughout the ship.”

“Thank you Nefee keep monitoring the situation and notify us of any changes.”

Sobbash stood and gave the seat back to KO who would continue to monitor the progress. With that she informed the room she was going to clear her head and to notify her of any changes. Upon Sobbash leaving Atosuryua said.

“Twenty - six percent of the crew survived? What the hell happened out there?”

“Seelnay where are you now?”

“Just outside engineering, I’ve got to see if we can get some power, it would make moving around a lot easier if we can.”

“Just so you know Zachary’s repair crews have most of the hull breaches sealed if you can get the system up try going for life support first.”

“I keep forgetting these are a Dorian design it would make sense for Zachary to have patch pieces. Ok I’ve gotten to the department it seems for the most part it is intact. The emergency bulkhead is closed I’m going for the over ride now.”

Seelnay coaxed the bulkhead open moving to the interconnecting doors she found the section had atmosphere, but had low oxygen content. Closing the access door she opened the door to the department there she found five crew members barely clinging to life, one of them was her son Donald. Main power came online and she flooded the ship with breathing oxygen. Taking a sample she then removed her helmet and moved towards Donald.

“Donald, wake up son you got to help me get this bucket back on line.”

A slightly daze Donald took a breath of air and looked his mother in the eyes his words were disjointed.

“Am I dreaming? Is that really you? How when???”

“It’s me get your bearings and tell me what happened.”

While Donald rested she tended to the others in the room. One had injuries that required immediate attention. The other three were suffering from the latter stages of oxygen deprivation they were breathing normally and would recover. She then turned her attention to the data management system put it back on ships power and made a ship wide announcement.

“Rescue crews environmental pressures are stable you can remove your helmets. Attention crew if you can hear my voice pick up something and bang the nearest object with it. Ships sensors are on line they’ll pinpoint your position.”

Seelnay opened a link to Lafiel and said.

“The ship is pressurized; there are extra suits just off the airlock. I’ll meet you on the bridge.”

Lafiel already had a suit on and was making her way towards the access to the bridge.

“Cassie did you hear that? Wasn’t that my mother’s voice? Cassie, answer me. I’d be by your side but my legs are pinned tight.”

Dawn could see Cassandra from where she was she was breathing but unresponsive. The bridge was a shambles she still wondered how the two of them had survived. A large beam had fallen; it had crushed the navigator, communications and tactical officer. The beam rested on the console that was the only reason Dawn wasn’t crushed along with the rest. When it fell, it struck the center seat from behind, pushing Cassie to the deck. Dawn was sure she had impacted the deck hard and probably had suffered a concussion.

I arrived at the lift to the bridge, manually opening the door I found the shaft filled with debris. I made my way to the service way that lead to the bridge it was there Seelnay found me.

“Lift’s useless we’re going to have to go this way what bothers me is the amount of debris in the shaft. I’ve never seen that kind of damage before. Are you sure the bridge is still intact?”

“It’s holding pressure although Zachary reported hull damage we should be alright. Tell you what, just to be safe, helmets on ok?”

We climbed the ten meters to the bridge, the access door was partially blocked but a couple of good kicks and we were in but what we saw… the area was devastated I found Cassandra laying face down on the deck it was then Seelnay turned and found Dawn pinned to the deck. Helmets off I tried to tend to Cassie while Dawn talked to Seelnay.

“Targeting complete Defiance answers ready when we are.”

“Lafiel said hold nothing back that’s what we’ll do, FIRE! All batteries commence continuous fire, Arisa watch the limits.”

We put on a show to make any one take serious notice. Between Defiance and us we cleared a thousand meter wide eight kilometer long passageway in about twelve minutes. Attaching tow lines to Independence we moved it to open space about twenty minutes later. Zachary’s ships held a stable field around us while we evacuated fifteen living souls and retrieved the thirty that had perished. The Dorian fleet along with the Ninth Abh Fleet would escort Independence home. Defiance and I made a hasty exit towards Shahrazad.

Once clear we opened up a secure link to Sobbash and sent her information, we realized later, she already had. Of the survivors aboard this ship three were in critical condition. Those being Cassandra, Dawn and the transporter chief, Cassandra had a concussion, three broken and four fractured ribs, one had come very close to puncturing her right lung. Dawn’s legs were broken and her pelvis fractured, the transporter chief had metal embedded in his chest from the impact of debris with the ship. The saving grace for him he was next to the hatch when he was struck and managed to seal it before the entire area depressurized. The rest suffered from bruises, abrasions and oxygen depravation. Their prognosis was good it was Cassie and Dawn that had our ships doctor worried. After the report, Sobbash made a request that told me things were not going well at Shahrazad.

“Noel I’ve read your report on the condition of the remaining ships. When you arrive here go directly to the station. There they will be refitted and rearmed. I’m going to have to send Discovery and Defiance out once again. I want you and the original crew back on the planet with no argument. This is the reason why, because I can already see the wheels spinning in your head.”

Dai was in the room, as Sobbash spoke. When the subject of going back out again was mentioned she came to my side to read the information Sobbash was sending. The data appeared on the screen it didn’t take a genius to understand the urgency in Sobbash’s voice. It would seem the ship we encountered was the prototype and there were another three ships in the computer records from the Guardian’s complex. Their approximate locations, although almost a hundred years old, were displayed. The closest, and the one Sobbash was sending Dai after, was located on the edge of the Zon Empire. Sobbash said it bluntly.

“There is one in a thousand chance that someone will stumble upon this ship, I can’t let that happen. We’ll retrieve it ourselves and return it to Shahrazad to be studied. The location of the other two ships needs to be verified as well but they are in remote parts hardly explored. I guess what I’m saying is we get this one then go looking for the other two and if necessary destroy them before someone can activate them.”

Dai stared at the data display and took a serious look at her fleet. Before she could express herself Sobbash continued.

“Dai I’m sorry to have to do this to you. I know what being down one ship is like, if it is any comfort, we’ll have a third ship ready in ninety days and hopefully Independence is repairable. But I must stress these ships once operational are more powerful and deadly than what you just faced. We can’t let this happen and right now we can’t trust anybody else to do this job.”

Dai accepted her orders and closed the link. Opening a link between Defiance and Discovery, she and Plakia discussed their new orders. It was at this time I left the bridge returning control of not only the ship but our fleet back to Dai. My next stop was med bay I had some visiting to do.

Scholar had been given the task of watching over Jinto while Lafiel had been away. Entering med bay I find the two of them hovering over Cassandra. Lafiel seemed none the worse for her experience yet I sensed something from Scholar that made me take her aside.

“Something’s bothering me Noel, Lafiel only spent a few minutes with Jinto and has been here the rest of the time. Cassandra’s out cold she is only responding to strong stimulus. Yet, Lafiel is standing there carrying on a conversation as if she could hear every word. I’m puzzled?”

I set Scholar’s fears to rest. It would seem that Abh parents have a deeper link with their offspring than most species do. I for one know Lily and I had almost a constant link, although we don’t know what one is doing from one moment to the next. Should a situation arise we seem to know when one requires the others presence. It’s something we’ve come to accept as normal. I guess Scholar is still learning something new about us on a daily basis even after all these years. Since I have Scholar’s attention I ask her to come with me as I round up Lily, Robert, and Seelnay.

“Mother I’ve never felt so helpless in my life. When the systems started failing we managed to seek shelter behind a planetoid, it was a blessing and a curse. Had we taken the blast head on we wouldn’t be here but the blast fragmented the planetoid so suddenly that we got pelted instantaneously. I know Donald was trying to get the shields back online maybe he got a partial regeneration underway before we were hit I don’t know. All I know is something hit the bridge and the next thing I knew I was on the floor with Cassie laying in front of me just out of my reach. When I look around for help all I saw was death. Mother, I’m seriously reconsidering going back to space again.”

Standing in the doorway to Dawn’s room I’ve heard everything she’s said. The single tear runs down my face. Getting Seelnay’s attention I motion for her to join us in the hall. I have the five of us gathered and make a request that is first greeted with confusion then amazement. I ask them to relate everything of importance about this ship to the current crew then prepare to leave for Shahrazad once we get to the station. I give the excuse that the fleets on its way out but I fail to elaborate on where or why. They depart all but Scholar, she’s read my mind. I know she has and her comment confirms that fact.

“Three more, why in the name of… do races build weapons of that caliber in quantity, I’m assuming you haven’t the foggiest idea why we are staying behind do you?”

I didn’t I had a hunch but if that was true Sobbash would have said something to me about it unless… We were six hours from the station another hour past that we’d be back on Shahrazad I hoped then Sobbash would come forth with an explanation until then I’m going to get some rest I have a feeling long hours await at home.

To be Continued in: One of Three

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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