56_When Three plus One Does Not Equal Four

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56_When Three plus One Does Not Equal Four

Post by Diaho »

When Three plus One Does Not Equal Four

“Sobbash, it’s so good to see you, although under the circumstances maybe I should have come to see you after all.”

Zachary’s greeting seemed hollow to me, just like the looks I was getting on the bridge of this ship. A ship I never wanted to step foot upon, however, sometimes, you can’t have what you want in life. I was born and raised Abh. I am genetically Abh, yet I want nothing to do with the Abh as a whole. Sobbash was aware of this fact and it is one reason she became governor over the councils recommendation that I succeed Lafiel. I can’t stand the Abh and we do a lot of business with them. Admiral Bebaus places a hand on my shoulder and says.

“I’ll let you use a conference room, follow me and I’ll take you there. I can sense that this is not a comfortable place for you to be. Once I get you there I’ll bring Sobbash and Zachary as well. So if you’ll follow me.

I follow the Admiral to the room once there I establish contact with the planet it is then Seelnay switches the link to secure and expresses her concerns over what is going on not only planet side but-.

“Noel we’ve been monitoring several communications from those Dorian vessels. It is our opinion here, once you get done what ever Sobbash has planned, you return here, to the end Eliana will pick you up and return you. Also you should know we’ve deployed her group between the Dorian ships and this planet. I sense some things not right and although I can’t place my finger on it. I don’t feel the Admiral has been completely honest with us, and Minister Targa, personally I don’t trust him any farther than I can move this planet if you get my drift.”

I understood Seelnay completely, with her telekinetic abilities she could wreak havoc on the planet by simply willing components to move where they need not move. So her not trusting the present situation, using this example, has lead me to believe Sobbash need not spend all night chatting with Zachary. Their conversation approaches my location I end the link with Seelnay and wait for their arrival.

“Captains log First Officer KO recording: we are about three hours from Defiance and Discovery. Robert, Lily and Jinto have been sorting through the mountain of data that’s been generated since this ship became ‘whole’ once more. All three are regenerated and Leo has completed its repairs. Lyra on the other hand shows as operational but ‘off-line’ from the others. I’ve been monitoring Lafiel since we recovered Lyra and Leo her EEG shows normal brain activity. I would have figured by now, Lyra’s curiosity about our ‘mission’, she would have established a link by now. But it remains quiet, just a bit too quiet for my liking-”

The general alarm sounded, the main display switched over to the area where Defiance and Discovery were located. They were properly identified as friendly. It was then the display switched modes to a long range scan. It showed a fleet approaching their position I estimated close to three hundred ships and more appearing on the display as the system recognized them.

“Engineering we need to pick up the pace. What’s the maximum allowable speed with the ships attached?”

“All speeds through Trans Warp are available.”

Orion’s answer caught us all off guard, Trans Warp, what was that? Kenesh’s response was even more confusing.

“According to the data we could have been there thirty seconds ago-”

“KO we’ve got company the proximity sensor just went active, where are you?”

“Kenesh time to intercept, at a speed that won’t shoot us to the other side of the galaxy.”

“Intercept course to friendly ships plotted, estimated time of arrival eight minutes at Factor Six awaiting conformation.”

Orion had intervened yet again it was then I realized Engineering was strangely quite a quick check answered many questions. Orion had total operational control of the engineering systems. It was not a time to question; Plakia and Dai were defenseless against such numbers.

“Battle stations execute the course at once.”

The ship leapt into the unknown; it’s been later reported that when we depart in this way it is compared to a meteor crashing towards the sun. A sight I’d like to witness one day.

“Battle stations execute the course at once.”

With those words Illusion fell silent and disappeared not only from our link but I could no longer sense their presence.

“Dai, status report I’ve lost all contact with Illusion.”

“Mains are down, we’re on auxiliary cells, and Arisa’s pulling her hair out. Everything crashed about two minutes ago.”

“Dai listen carefully we lost Illusion about the same time you lost power have Arisa wait for a bit. Their last ETA will put them here in six minutes.”

“Why am I not surprised, that ship, how I want to learn it secrets because it was Illusion, indirectly, that put us in this position in the first place. I think they owe us at least an explanation- okay Plakia I’ll be patient but if they don’t get here soon I’ll have to dabble in the workings whether I like it or not.”

“Captain the area is receiving high intensity scanning estimated the lead ships will be here with in the hour.”

Dai left a trail alright and it’s leading them right to us. For the moment we’ll wait if KO’s not here soon I’ll have to try to escape with Dai in tow something I’m not looking forward to at all.

“Engineering, bridge, stand by.”

“Engineering standing by Captain.”

“Make ready to tow Discovery.”

“Aye Captain just give us the word.”

“Princess we are in position, I also have received conformation of another sub division entering the area we’ll number just under fifty ships. We should be able to offer proper protection once the Abh leave.”

“Understood, once the shuttle leaves the flagship we’ll take them aboard and return to the planet. Your orders are to prevent any unauthorized interference, co ordinate with the Chief of Staff, planet side for your exact deployment.”

“Very good Your Highness, have a safe journey then.”

The link closed, I wondered what my father was thinking at this moment, I’ve spent a lot of time away from home and, in his opinion, ducking my duties yet this planet I’m taking quite a liking to in fact I might think about-.

“Look Sobbash I’ll be completely honest, I want to be President of Doras about as much as you wanted to be Governor of Shahrazad.”

A guarded admission on Zachary’s part but given what has happened recently, yeah I wouldn’t want the job either. Noel sits quietly in the corner of the room, for a moment one could think she was sleeping however she was far from it.

“Zachary exactly what are you after? Not to be pushy, mind you, but we’re here and you’re being quite indirect with your conversation. Face it, someone wants everyone in this room either dead or incapacitated, a thought neither I nor Sobbash are happy about. Now its time to come clean or I believe its time for us to go Sobbash.”

Her eyes never opened only her lips moved as she spoke, Zachary stared at her not believing what she was saying, or better yet not wanting to believe what she did say, either way if there was a conversation ice breaker Noel has just shattered an iceberg. Zachary returned his gaze to me and said.

“I don’t want to go back to Doras, not now, maybe later after things settle down. I guess what I’m asking is for asylum. Admiral Bebaus is bound by treaty to respect and execute requests from Doras; where as the agreement between Doras and Shahrazad is not a treaty and gives you latitude to-”

“Let me get this straight, you want us to place you planet side, ask the Abh to violate their treaty and risk an interstellar incident because you’re not comfortable with being President? Hopefully Zachary there’s more to it than just that.”

Most humanoids when pressured or cornered, for lack of a better phrase, break out in a cold sweat. Dorian’s however, have a different temperature regulation system. Zachary’s sudden change in skin color and emitted fragrance told me that Sobbash had hit a nerve and fairly hard.

“Get me off this ship and I’ll be happy to tell all until then you’ll have to trust me-”

“Trust you? Let me tell you something, if what you got to say doesn’t make a lot of sense, not only will I not give you asylum, I’ll personally deliver you to Targa myself. You got that Mr. President?”

A stunned Zachary faced Sobbash; I on the other hand had to applaud the outstanding bluff Sobbash had just executed. No, we would not hand Zachary over, in fact we didn’t have a starship capable of taking him to Doras at this time, but what Zachary did not know would not embolden him to keep this farce going. Well played Sobbash I don’t think I could have done better myself. Negotiations with the Admiral went smoothly and with in the hour we were aboard Eliana’s ship heading home.


“Thirty seconds to sub light. Shields and weapon systems on line, I’ve got numerous targets, which Orion is monitoring, so far we’re in stand by mode. The link with Defiance is being reestablished, KO, Plakia’s on audio for you.”

“Discovery’s on backups something crashed their systems about the same time you came charging this way. We need an answer or I’ll have to tow Discovery clear of this cloud.”

Before I could answer Plakia, Lyra came on line and-.

“Scanning disabled ship there is a marked resemblance to this ship except- Orion did you try to merge with that ship?”

A coded data link appeared to my right is would seem Lyra and Orion were having words in a machine language that was streaming by at an incredible rate. The data ceased and then Lyra said.

“Commencing repairs estimated completion time ten standard minutes.”

Before we knew it reactors were charged to maximum a beam was being projected from the combined ship slowly passing over Discovery. Communications were down, sensors off line; all we could do was watch as the scan slowly moved over Discovery from bow to stern. Once completed the strange glow from Discovery was gone and when sensors returned to functionality Scholar said.

“I’ll be, this scan shows Discovery fully operational, the hull no longer polarized and all power units on line.”

Communications restored Arisa’s voice boomed over the link from Discovery.

“In all my years I’ve never been aboard a ship while it’s received a complete refit and in record time I might add. Just for the record we’re fully operational all systems in the green and transporters fully functional besides the hull being de polarized. Normally I’d ask what just happened, but I’ll leave that until we’re home, safe and sound.”

Discovery repaired, ships approaching us about thirty minutes from contact maybe we should go home-.

The door to the bridge opened and Lafiel entered, taking a seat at the science station she inserted her data crystal in the ship and said.

“KO under normal circumstances retreating would be a logical choice however there are too many unanswered questions to leave just yet. Lyra have you examined the data I gave you?”

“I have and I’ve reached the following conclusion with a hypothesis, the ships intercepting us are the same ones that we encountered over two centuries ago. The abandon space portal was recently deactivated, it is possible for us to make it operational and use it. The only unknown is where does that portal lead to? Also we owe those ships; they did take Pegasus from us in a most distasteful manner.”

Wait, those ships are two centuries old, and Pegasus another ship or group of ships was destroyed by these ships yet Lafiel wants to stick around and investigate. My thoughts must have been extremely intense because Lafiel and Lyra answered my questions in unison.

“We thought we got them all yet those blips approaching us say otherwise unless you have further input mistress.”

“That Sord has something to do with this, it’s on our navigational charts but it’s denoted as a ‘black hole’ which in theory is correct, but there are only a few races able to effectively enable and disable a Sord. Just which race are we dealing with? If they’ve mastered Sord travel you do realize the threat to our worlds that poses.”

“Bridge, engineering, is Lafiel on the bridge?”

“Go ahead Jinto I’m going to bet you’re bored am I right?”

“I’m not sure bored is the operative word lets just say Robert and I are, how should I put this, ah feeling just a bit helpless Orion has control we can monitor systems but any attempt to-”

“Mistress have I over stepped my boundaries? Normally once joined we relieve those aboard of their normal duties so they can-”

Orion just let them monitor and adjust as necessary unless it will affect our efficiency then notify them of that fact. Jinto is that what you desired?”

“Yes Lafiel, Robert and I are investigating this ‘Trans Warp’ option. Actually if what we’ve seen is correct we and any ships we encompass in a force field can-”

“Mistress, Trans Warp, Transitional Warp to be exact, is Space folded and compressed; it’s only fault, if you want to call it one, is it should only be used to cross vast empty sections of the universe. Solid matter, planets and suns have a tendency to suffer destabilization if the field interacts with them it can be quite disastrous, unfortunately. On a positive note and as a safe guard only the four of us can execute the maneuver. Carbon based life forms have a tendency to be rather, excitable when placed in stressful situations. So our designers, in the interest of maintaining a cohesive space, gave us the capacity to determine if Trans Warp is warranted and moderate the maneuver.”

I sat listening to what had transpired and wondered why we were here in the first place. These four ships seem to be able to operate on their own, why do we have to be here, it was then it struck me. Although autonomous they lack intuition, common sense and the rest of our ‘human’ emotions. So they needed us to contain their machine logic and temper it with our emotional illogic I wished I could meet one of those original designers. I took a moment to daydream, it was then Lafiel pulled me back to here and now.

Leo, I want a full tactical assessment and our options, Orion I need a complete weapon survey and Lyra devise a strategy that lets us investigate the space portal while remaining invisible. Dai, Plakia; Lyra will send over coordinates move to those so we can encompass you with in our force field. The rest of you verify the data we’re receiving. My plan is to investigate the Sord while the approaching fleet still thinks we’re hiding in this cloud. If they discover our deception then we’ll take them head on.”

“Analysis complete we can complete the mission as stated with one exception; the calculated force of the approaching fleet will exceed our combined output in an all out attack. Recommend we not go all out, but use some diversion that you recommend.”

Interesting they do need us; they have logic, but lack the ‘sneaky’ part of free thought. My mind is designing our next move when-.

“KO, Kenesh figure out a way to split them if necessary, all ships prepare to cloak and set in a course for the Sord. Shields up encompass the other two ships and execute the course.”

I find it ironic that once we arrived on the Island Sobbash dragged Zachary to the former training center, a build which bears the following inscription, “From These Halls We Will Spread Justice and Equality through out the Galaxy.” A lofty goal, which, to this day, Lafiel embraces with great zeal; I wonder how Sobbash interprets that inscription. Sobbash’s justice does not exactly follow Lafiel’s teachings, either way I feel sorry for Zachary if he tries to deceive Sobbash. On home turf, Sobbash is unconquerable something Zachary’s about to learn in earnest. As we are walking back Eliana gives me a progress report considering Sobbash put me in charge as she dragged Zachary off.

“We control the system, there are check points established. What I wanted to share with Sobbash was, while we were in the atmosphere, the Abh moved out quite unexpectedly. We monitored highly encoded traffic between the flagship and a relay station that feeds the Capital the content of said traffic-”

“I’ll bet Duhiel’s having a fit, I wonder if they’ve noticed Kenesh is missing and now they’ve lost their chance to influence Zachary. Yeah, I bet the Capital is having a royal hissy fit. It does not concern us at the moment and even if it did we couldn’t do anything about it. Just so you know, you’re protecting us until Lafiel and company returns, but, you are not to take any offensive action unless you’re directly threatened. You brief your people and I’ll get with mine, now, that detail you left with Sobbash, they’re just observing correct?”

“Actually Noel it’s a little more than observing, how should I put this, they’re suppose to prevent the spillage of ‘purple blood’ if you get my meaning.”

I understood completely, that means what I sensed from Sobbash was no pretense. She was genuinely furious when we left the flagship. I know why as well, when Lafiel gets wind of this, she’ll probably spill that ‘purple blood’ herself. The last thing she ever wanted was to cause direct discourse for the Empire, which, in a small way, she still held in high esteem. Duhiel’s reign has been pretty rocky, there were changes made and as we feared made too quickly. Lafiel kept us out of the fray, for our own good, but with the passing years, even though we’ve tried, slowly we’re being drawn in to the ‘Empire’s’ affairs. Some things going to come to a head, maybe it already has, what ever happens this is a bad time for us to be very short handed.

We split up on our return and briefed our staffs; Eliana’s had few questions while Seelnay and Greta were well-

“Noel why is it you always end up with the most unpleasant assignments? What I’m saying is you’re more than capable of grilling Zachary but I guess Sobbash is going to wine and dine the man-”

“I’ll disagree with the wining and dining aspect but the grilling, if you saw how furious Sobbash was you should be glad I’m here and she’s not. Now for the last item, there is a detail observing Sobbash and Zachary, five of Eliana’s hand picked security staff. They are to prevent the spilling of ‘purple blood’, now, you really want Sobbash and I to switch places?”

It’s been decades since I’ve seen Seelnay and Greta, both, left speechless, in my mind it was well worth the effort I put forward today.

“In scanning range, Sord scanning in progress our pursuers are still heading for the cloud, they’ve not seen our departure.”

“Very well, I want to determine if we can open the Sord, but more importantly, alter it so only we can use it.”

Alter a Sord? Is that possible? Kenesh and I stare at each other then move our gaze to Lafiel; she is linked to the ship and in a deep discussion with, monitors show, Lyra, I wonder what those two are planning? It is then-.

“Leading groups are within firing range and they are pounding our old position, the firepower I’m seeing exceeds-”

Out of nowhere Lafiel answers

“The combined firepower of this group, you’re correct KO, that is why we will not engage them at this time, but I don’t want them to follow us either. They know not from where we came from nor shall they be able to follow us. Sord gives us the ability to move without being tracked that is why opening it and controlling it are our prime objectives.”

I was stunned with the amount of time it took them to vaporize the gaseous cloud, once completed they started intensive scanning of the area. Their overlap was coming dangerously close to our present position and I was unsure of how this alien cloaking system functioned. One thing I knew for sure our cloak was inferior to this, we would have been discovered by now-.

“Mistress estimate time to conflict twenty standard minutes. It should take them that long to realize we’re not there. Hypothetically, based on data acquired in our last meeting, they’ll fan out and start randomly firing large energy blast in an effort to find us.”

Orion was not painting a rosy picture, in the mean time Leo had finished the final weapons check and reported we were at one hundred percent but we could not go one on one with them. Damn redundant machines telling us what was pretty obvious from the beginning. I guess they enjoy hearing their own voices? Okay now I’m beginning to lose it, they’re machines right, not beings?

“Lafiel, we’ve got movement in the ranks, looks like they figured out we’re not there. The nearest group is one hundred fifty million kilometers and paralleling our course. If they deviate to their port they’ll-”

“Sord activation possible in four minutes once inside, we can alter the sequence.”

“Make for the Sord time to contact?”

“At present speed ten minutes a speed change might give us away.”

Lyra, give me one minute warning, KO at that time we’ll rush the Sord. Dai, Plakia do you understand?”

“Understood we’ll stick to you like glue.”

“Engineering, be ready to supplement automates and KO bring the fleet to battle ready.”

“Lafiel fleet answers battle ready”

Lyra it’s all in your hands now.”

“Damn that Sobbash she stole Zachary from the Abh and is sheltering him, this alters the plan totally.”

From behind Targa a mysterious voice answered him.

“Not so fast minister if we can’t get Zachary to come to us then we’ll just have to go get him.”

Targa stared into the shadows and said.

“You’re going to march in there with an Abh fleet and who knows what other ships are present and take him by force? Well your record for being aggressive does precede you.”

“Minister if you’ll check you’ll find the Abh have left the system, there is a token fleet guarding the system and Shahrazad’s ships are, well, they seem to be missing, so if I take a moderate fleet with me. I’ll bet we can have Zachary in as little as ninety six hours. All you have to do is say so and I’ll set sail at once.”

“Just to be accurate, should you fail, this conversation never occurred-”

“Look here Targa I’ll succeed but if you try to sell me out, like you did the others, this system will be turned to dust. Just remember who you’re dealing with and I won’t fail. I owe that Abh princess big time; this embarrassment will just be the beginning of my revenge.”

The door opened and a rather large figure exited it. Targa breathed a sigh of relief and realized he had just formed a pact with the devil.

The daughters Bebaus inherited many traits from their famous parent; the elder was soaking in the tub when the youngest barged in message tablet in hand tossed her a towel and said

“Put this on, father’s on scrambled, our doomsday channel, you ready sister?”

Out of the tub and properly wrapped the tablet was activated.

“I’m sorry to intrude but I need you to do something of great importance and report your findings directly to me and no one else.”

“Father I don’t understand, are you not orbiting Shahrazad?”

“No I’m not I can’t tell you where I’m headed but you’re on the boarder with Doras am I correct?”

“Yes father we just arrived but how, never mind I shouldn’t have asked. What do you need from us?”

“Have your picket ships start scanning for a substantial fleet movement, the fleet won’t be Dorian and will probably be class one cloaked. Estimate numbers and direction but DO NOT give chase. Forward that information to me at once on this channel.”

“Understood father we will comply with your request to the letter.”

The link closed but the conversation was far from over.

“You understood him? How could you, he was very vague, class one cloak easy for us to detect, but, okay sis, spill it you know more than I?

“And my dear sister that is why you’re chief of staff and I sit in the center seat. Execute the order and once I finish my bath I’ll explain it all. But right now I was just relaxed when you barged in, I going back to that state once again. Now if you’ll excuse me dear sister.”

“That salvo was close Lafiel, give them another few minutes and they’ll have our position.”

Cloaked and standing ten thousand kilometers from the Sord’s event horizon Lyra finally communicated the words we were all waiting to hear.

“Activating the portal in one minute, for approximately forty-five seconds, on my mark, mark.”

Once open not only would we have to move with great precision but speed and there was the possibility of encountering enemy fire as we did. Another salvo fell short of our stern and a group of ships were approaching our position. The moment that Sord went active they’d know where we were. I hope this technology was up to the task.

I sensed a familiar energy surge as the Sord opened; the edge of the event horizon just missed our ships, once stable we moved like the wind.

“We’ve caught them off guard, they’re just realizing what we’ve done, six ship are trying to reverse course and follow us, I sense energy readings but, they weren’t at the ready, Lafiel we’re going to make it.”

My optimism was a little early; out of nowhere three ships appeared and started firing with disrupter beams at our approximate position. They were not only trying to find us but prevent our attempt to enter the Sord. Dai and Plakia had come about with in the field and were laying down covering fire. I also sensed they left a few surprises for our pursuers.

“Time to Sord entrance?”

“Twenty seconds.”

“Time to Sord closure?”

“Thirty seconds.”

“Dai don’t dally, the Sord will close ten seconds after we enter and I don’t want you on the wrong side.”

“Understood we’ve done and returning to our previous position. You know I’ve always wanted to do this and now I’ll not be able to see its execution, oh well.”

“Sord entrance in three, two, one, we’re in, closure in seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. We’ve got company, at least two ships followed us and the rest are just outside, they’re trying to gain entry.”

“We’re on those who entered, you make sure the rest stay outside for another thirty seconds after that I doubt they’ll want any part of this area for a long time to come. Dai I’ve got the one to port you get the other one.”

The fire fight didn’t last very long and even though we were in the Sord, Plakia’s surprise gift could be felt. Chained anti matter mines detonated in a wild fury leaving the entrance to the Sord littered with ships and unstable energy chunks.

“That should keep them at bay for a few years.”

I was doing a passive scan of the area when Lyra commented.

“Three point four seven years to be exact. I’ve never seen anti matter weapons used so effectively before might I ask how?”

A display appeared as Dai explained

“I used fifty four homing mines they approached the ships and impacted in a triangular pattern around their engine core. Once all eighteen ships were primed, the mines detonated, it consumed one ship after another, until there was an energy vortex produced. The idea is that it became a mini black hole with a stable bottom. Anything else with in its gravitation pull would be sucked in but the side to the Sord, the bottom, would effectively remain stable and it seems it worked.”

“You’re a bit blood thirsty I understood you to be a more civilized race yet-”

“You’re mistaken Lyra this was the most effective option. The only other outcome would have been an all out confrontation between our two forces. Would you mind projecting the total loses if that had transpired?”

Lyra conveniently dropped off line. I had done the scenario and at best the system would have been littered with ships and bodies. What we did was lance a boil and let it drain instead of removing the offending limb completely. Plakia was a tactician; I wonder when she devised this little maneuver.

Kenesh sat staring at the Sord profile it seemed like she knew where we were or better yet where we might be going. I glanced at the navigational display and received a shock this Sord will take us to the Lobnas system, a system which held a lot of history for two members of this crew.

“Sord contour ready placing it on the main viewer.”

The display went active Lafiel got one look at it and called Jinto to the bridge.

Robert and I were wading through a pile of data when Lafiel called me to the bridge. At first I wasn’t going but the tone of her voice, I’ve only heard that tone a few times since I’ve known her, it conveyed the message of ‘this is serious you need to be here’. Reluctantly I left Robert to wrestle with the data alone and headed for the bridge. When the doors opened and I saw the main display and I understood Lafiel’s urgent call.

“It’s a custom engineered conduit disguised as a Sord, in theory there should be only one exit, however KO found this when she did the detail scan.”

The scan was displayed and there was a hidden junction about mid way, behind a force field it laid, and it leads straight to the Sord at Shahrazad entering it just before the event horizon. Any ship using that would have an element of surprise because it wouldn’t be detected until it was in our space. I already knew the platform couldn’t react fast enough and say a small fleet exited in that manor we’d be overrun in no time flat. We had a problem what to do about it was the next question.

“I question Targa’s loyalty, in the past few months before all of this transpired he had little to no ambition yet suddenly he started wielding power from a source I’ve yet to locate. There was an Abh security officer named Kenesh, she was feeding me Intel but it seems she’s gone missing. I know for a fact a power, not the Empire, has it sights on Doras and its resources. The wholesale takeover has left the government a mess with Targa heading it. I truly believe not only do those seeking Doras want it but they want this world and its secrets. Sobbash all I ask is you keep me safe until I can uncover who is pulling Targa’s strings. I think it will be of benefit to both our worlds.”

Zachary’s statement filled in a few blanks, Kenesh; I should have known she was involved in this in some manor. I hope she still lives because when I get my hands on her she’ll wish-. Damn inconvenient this is becoming, I know one thing, someone is trying to upset the delicate balance in this galaxy and at the moment we are helpless to do anything about it. Personally I don’t know who to trust. I even question Zachary and I’ve know him way too long. I leave Zachary with the detail and call a staff meeting including Eliana. I’m about to drop a bombshell and I want every one on the same page from the same source.

“Who ever constructed this I want them to know we haven’t found this exit but on the other hand we now have a need to get home A.S.A.P. If we use the exit, they’ll know, if we exit at Lobnas, they’ll know. We need a way out and now.

“Mistress it is possible to accomplish that feat and leave no trace. I’ll need about thirty standard minutes to accomplish it where is the destination to be?”

Lafiel keyed in the co ordinates for the Sord at Shahrazad and said.

“Just outside the Sord and hope we’re not too late. Dai, Plakia devise a secondary defense for the Sord in the event we can’t close the exit from this route. Lyra when you done with the data report to me.”

Two flashes of Lyra’s console acknowledged Lafiel’s request. I wondered how Orion was going to exit this place and not leave a trace. I kept scanning making sure we were alone for the time being.

There is nothing like open warfare in a staff meeting. I presented what facts I had and let their imagination run wild I was about to rein them in when, a quiet till now, Noel said.

“Humm after our secrets you say, and you want a short list. Well let’s see, a short list of those who desire what we know? Um, ah, ‘everyone’, that about covers it I think.”

Eliana’s face flushed Noel was right every race that had come across Shahrazad and seen its marvels wanted a ‘piece of the action’ so to speak. Noel wasn’t finished though she continued by saying.

“Likely candidates for top five races that want our secrets and are willing to take them by force. Number one has to be the Zon Empire no doubt in my mind about it. Number Two the Dorian’s. Number three the Empire. Number four-.”

Sobbash stopped her there, the thought of the Empire taking something from this world by force, she didn’t want to hear it, but, the Zon Empire, this situation reeked of something Minchi would contrive but without proof it was a hallow conjecture, yet.

“Say Minchi’s planning something, what would be her logical course of action?”

Laughter breaks out in the room it is Seelnay at the source. Wiping the tears from her face she regains her composure and says.

“Minchi, logical, Sobbash be real, she’s tried how many times and failed? If we’re facing her and say she’s finally learned her lesson we could be in serious trouble. If she brought a fifth of the armada with her we’d be out numbered at least ten to one. Those are odds I don’t favor by the way.”

Sobbash opened a link and-

“Progress report.”

“If nothing else goes wrong Independence can launch in fifteen hours however I wouldn’t take her out of the system. You wanted a mobile weapons platform she’ll be that and a little more.”

Sobbash thanked Paveryua and closed the link. She turned to those assembled and said.

“I plan on putting Independence in high orbit it will provide defense for the planet. I want the platform trained on the Sord and have a crew constantly monitoring it. Not knowing how or when Lafiel will return I don’t want us downing our own ships by having the platform set on ‘automatic’. Eliana set your forces to the two major routes into this system that the Zon might use and assume they might be coming at us from Doras. If I'm wrong then so be it, but given the information at hand and the Abh fleets sudden departure, I can only assume this was just a prelude to a larger operation. Opinions don’t be shy this time say what’s on your mind.”

The conversation lasted another hour once everything was settled Seelnay and I returned to our post on the way back she thought out loud and for once I could answer her.

Independence was, it was suppose to take months, how in less than seven days was-”

“Those Suran freighters that arrived right after Paveryua got here, one held parts, the other had three thousand engineers and crafts men aboard. Paveryua brought a full repair crew with him. Donald’s been keeping tabs on their progress it was he who told me about the effort. Don’t be surprised if Donald joins them it was his ship after all.”

Seelnay stopped and looked skyward you could see the emotions flow across her face in that position she said.

“Dawn’s ship too, a ship without her captain I wonder-”

She lowered her gaze and I saw the tears from her eyes looking me in the eye she continued.

“I can’t stop them but I came close to losing them once if that was to happen again I-”

Moving past me she headed back to the command center.

Jumping out of a Sord had never been accomplished before, yet the formula look simple enough, however the energy required was-. We needed to do something and fast I was getting activity from the Lobnas end of this tunnel. Someone was heading our way.

“Unable to give you accurate numbers but there are more than a hundred ships easily. They’ll be with in our sensor range in another half hour. Given their sensors are no better than ours, we better be gone in the next fifteen minutes.”

“Ready to execute the first maneuver however Orion reports it’ll be back into normal space just outside the conduit. Once our position is known we’ll make for Shahrazad.”

“Let’s leave before the welcoming committee arrives eh?”

“Execute the order.”

With a flash of light we exited the conduit and ended up in normal space. Scrambling to ascertain our position it was Scholar that said.

“My initial scan shows we’re almost one hundred light years from where we are supposed to be. KO you want to confirm my observation using the system to our stern about five light hours off.”

I plugged in the system and compared it to the star charts. Scholar was close we were ninety–seven point seven light years from Shahrazad in open space. What a navigational error or was it? Orion was not responding in fact only Leo showed on line. Dai and Plakia had survived the trip and were establishing a comm. link

“If where we are is really where we are, we’re on the other side of the galaxy, you wanna confirm my data?”

I told Plakia she was right and at this moment we were operating with out the rest of the ship. Her response was.

“You’re telling me we’re out in the middle of nowhere and the bus is broken I swear we need to get better luck this just-”

“That’s enough mother please stop criticizing and do something helpful like seeing if there is something around here we can use as a catalyst, Engineering report.”

“On emergency power, reactors, initial scan shows them inert yet Leo has power, Lyra’s in hibernation mode and Orion took the brunt of the blow. We’re diving into the manuals but right now we can move just not real fast.”

“How fast is fast Lafiel and where are we heading?”

Lafiel sat staring at the star chart I could see her fingers tracing routes when-.

“We’re disabled, Dai you and Plakia are not, but even at your best speed you’re six months or better from home. Unless you find a Sord which in this area I’m assuming that’s extremely problematic. I suggest we head towards home with the ulterior motive of it is also the same direction in which the nearest star system lies, any questions?”

“Just one Lafiel, my original one, how fast is fast for you? I say that because Dai and I can tow you at up to light speed if you can not maintain that then let us tow you while you work things out on your end.”

“Lafiel we can’t maintain much more than point two five of light, but without main power, the structural locks won’t take anymore than point seven-five of light so Robert and I agree, towing us would be preferable. We’re not sure how the ship will respond we might accidentally kill what power we have but if we’re not feeding the drive unit's then-”

“Very well, rig for towing, anyone who’s not involved in this operation, log into the engineering computers grab a section of the manual and start reading. There has to be a reason all of this has transpired, something the ship itself did not know about.”

The maneuver executed we’re free of the conduit but the force field is down I verify the Dai is with us and we try to contact Lafiel our initial scan of the ship brings this from Dai.

“Plakia they’re dead in space. I sense only marginal localized power being generated, comm. is down receiving their ID and that’s it. Scan shows no atmosphere leakage, but, wait I receiving a comm. link, patching us in.”

The conversation with Lafiel came as a bit of a shock, yet we just did the impossible, it would have been a miracle if it went off without a hitch. As we rigged to tow them a request from Arisa came over the link.

“I asked Dai she said to pass it by you so I am, our ship is fully operational theirs isn’t. They are more alike than different request permission to transport over I know I can be of assistance.”

We needed a break, those ships we left, I’m sure are heading for Shahrazad, and we’re out in the far reaches of no where unable to help. I gave Arisa permission and told her to be careful.

“Ariel you’ve got the coordinates for engineering correct?”

“I’ve found it there’s an open space suitable for transport you’re really wearing a space suit?”

“I’m trusting, but not that trusting, commence transport.”

I was scanning the emergency system manual when a flash of light in front of me caught my eye. Standing before me in a space suit was Arisa. Removing her helmet she said.

“Transport successful however Ariel you aim is way off. I’m on the bridge, but that’s ok, I’m in one piece that’s all that matters.”

“Ah okay you made it I don’t know how I got the bridge and engineering mixed up but you’re there.”

“Ah KO you mind telling me where engineering is, this ship of yours is monstrous even I’m a bit confused.”

Lafiel nodded and I escorted Arisa to engineering, lets say I’ve never seen two people so happy to see one person before; the hug Robert applied to Arisa was impressive. I left them and returned to the bridge in the fond hopes we’d be underway and soon. On the bridge I place my crystals in the console and pick up on a very interesting conversation between Defiance and Discovery.

“Why are your readings and mine no longer in sync?”

“Don’t know Dai our star charts don’t seem to sync up either. You show that system at four point five light hours, I show it at four point seven five hours with these differences we can’t precede with the tow if we’re not in sync.”

I was about to say something when Arisa chimed in and said.

“It’s this space we are in, it’s confusing everything. Dai remember our first moments after Orion left us it’s the same thing basically there is nothing wrong with this ship. Something about our arrival distorted the space we’re in. We need to leave and now. Fixate on a point, a planet or large object and move us towards it. The system degradation grows by the minute so get a move on.”

Katra Bebaus sat in the center seat she had just been handed a report of a large ship movement from the Doras system but the direction had her confused and the ship type even more alarmed. She opens the secure link to her father and issued the report, his response was.

“You’re sure of this information no mistakes.”

“Quite sure father, it’s been triple checked, to the point I had a shuttle trail them for almost an hour in the hopes it was a diversion. But the course remains the same towards Lobnas prime. Why go there? There is nothing of importance there just an old Sord and a few planets I don’t think it’s even an occupied system anymore not after that disaster on Lobnas II a few decades back.”

“Keep scanning just incase it was a well thought out diversion and if you see anything else call me. Thank you and goodbye.”

The link closed and Admiral Bebaus sat pondering the report. He decided his original hunch was still the correct one and orders his fleet to remain where they were. Something was afoul on Doras; Targa was being too elusive for his taste and with Shahrazad’s fleet out, it made perfect sense to gain an advantage while this situation was ongoing. His leaving the system left it open to invasion, an invasion, which from his present position, would actually be a rout. But only Sobbash was aware of his hunch and he was aware of her defensive posture. The only thing that would surprise him was the return of the fleet, something neither of them expected in time.

“Chief engineers log Arisa recording: it took almost two hours but we’re clearing the distortion we created. The reactors are slowly coming on line and the automates seem none the worse for wear, all except Orion, his initial activation was met with numerous errors, this last activation has gone smoothly. I await the onboard diagnostics to spit out a report, if it was operating with those errors before; it’s a miracle that we’re alive.”

“Lafiel, Arisa reports we have full power Leo and Lyra are operational and in standby mode Orion is activating without errors at the moment she say we can head home at factor eight but no faster.”

“Time to Shahrazad at that speed, thirty point two eight six hours, to be exact, any faster will require Orion to be online which he’s not and after the errors I’m sure Arisa wants to test him before use.”

“Encompass Defiance and Discovery in the field and head for home. Arisa give us every ounce of speed you can and get Orion back on line ASAP.”

Thirty hours, a lot can happen in that time, hopefully Sobbash has a hint of what’s going on and has prepared if not there may not be a home sweet home to go back to.

To Be Continued in: Home Sweet Home

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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