59_The Battle for Shahrazad: Engagement

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59_The Battle for Shahrazad: Engagement

Post by Diaho »

The Battle for Shahrazad: Engagement

“One orbital platform, fifty assorted vessels widely dispersed about the system, targeting information included. Looks like we’ve caught them off guard suggest we attack at once.”

“That’s the translation of the communication between the scout and their fleet”

“Thanks Lyra. Off guard he says if he only knew how true that’s going to be. Forward that to Eliana.”

“Captain Sord activation confirmed first wave exiting now.”

“Wait for their first attack, then return fire, Orion?”

“On the move Captain. Separation on your orders partial target lock confirmed I see about one hundred in the first wave.”

“Clearing the Sord and firing at preloaded co-ordinates I’ll have a damage report shortly.”

“Very well, once in the open target the platform I want it…”

The first wave of fire from Illusion blankets the area. The command ship along with several others receives substantial damage. Regaining their composure the commander says.

“What was that?”

“Unknown. Something out there, I’m assuming cloaked, just bombarded the area around the Sord. But the sensors are unable to determine a general location.”

“Commander I just received the data concerning our first attack. We completely missed our targets; it would seem they moved at our exiting the Sord. Looks like they knew we were coming I believe it’s a trap.”

“Disperse the fleet, tactical find the source of that fire and relay it to the rest of the fleet. Communications send the signal.”


“Send the damn signal before we’re all space dust, we’ve been duped. Damn that Abh Princess.”

“They’re scattering I think its time we became independent units.”

“Separation commencing targeting information relayed ready for the next volley on your orders Captain.”

From Lyra

“Captain, Scramble communications are being sent from the lead ship first group.”

“How many ships have cleared the Sord?”

“Estimate just over one hundred and fifty scan shows the egress is slowing.”

“So they are going to hold something in reserve. Target those ships and disable them I want their commander alive.”

“Targets acquired and awaiting your orders.”

“Fire at will.”

“Commander I’ve determined that the attack did not come from the picket fleet or the platform. The long range sensors have picked up something very disturbing.”

“Show me.”

The display appears: on just on the edge is a large fleet showing up as primary targets. It is then the tactical officer continues.

“The attack did not come from there but I wonder who they are and why they haven’t approached us. Unless they’re asleep they had to sense our attack or at least the…”

The sentence ended as the next volley from Illusion pounded the fleet. This time not one ship outside the Sord escaped its fury. As the back up systems came up the Commander said

“Damage report: not only this ship but fleet damage as well.”

“We’re on backup, communications are snarled, and it looks like everything outside the Sord suffered the same fate as we have.”

“And those ships within the Sord?”

“Unable to tell we only have local sensors, long-range ones are off line. I’m trying other ships to see if someone can scan within the Sord.”

“What about the advance group did they escape?

“Sorry Commander I can’t answer that at the moment one can only hope they survived.”

“Your Highness, sensors show that the last volley completely disabled the exposed fleet.”

“How many ships were there?”

“Sensors show two hundred and fifty – two targets have exited. I can also see another hundred hiding within the Sord.”

Eliana sat for a moment then it hit her; the numbers didn’t match…

“Start an intense sensor scan. Open a link I need to speak to KO.”

“Link ready go ahead Princess Eliana.”

“Open a link to their commander I want to discuss a surrender.”

Kenesh was establishing the link when Scholar cut in.

“Eliana on scramble she seems quite upset.”

“Put her on.”

A scene of confusion greeted KO. Eliana was issuing orders and …

“KO can you hear me?”

“Go ahead what’s the matter?”

“Scan the Sord, according to our numbers, about forty-five plus ships are unaccounted for.”

“Scanning, she’s correct Captain the numbers do not match, starting a wide sector sweep now.”

The explosion KO sensed as it happened.

“The platform’s been hit, Independence you’ve got company.”

“We’re on it, it’s a good cloak but not good enough there is gamma radiation leaking from every ship scan for that and you’ll find the rest.”

Captain Pratt locked her weapons on the radiation trace and fired. Five ships became visible and were dispatched within seconds. Dawn stood in awe and said.

“How, when, I never saw.”

“One advantage to being a merchant Captain you get to see all sorts of vessels. That cloak is a typical pirate design effective if you don’t know its weakness. Guess we’re lucky I was here, eh?”

“Continue the scan, target and disable the rest of them, Princess are you on?”

“Listening we’ve adjusted our sensors to scan for gamma radiation anything gets close and we’ll deal with it.”

“Commander Ekuryua, Damage report.”

“KO the platform is operational, however, I’ve lost the ability to move it; right now it’s pointed at the area between Defiance and the Sord.”

“Understood, looks like Independence has the rest of the area covered, right now I’m going to get this matter settled.”

“Commander the advance group has damaged the platform but…”

“But what tell me already.”

“They been discovered and dealt with before they got anywhere near the planet. You should also know we’re being hailed to discuss surrender terms.”

“Surrender! You’ve got to be kidding me the battles just begun, ETA on our backup?”

“Uncertain commander, we’ve lost real time tracking data, given what we had before the attack, I estimate another seventy minutes give or take.”

“Seventy minutes, they want to talk surrender, executive officer you’ll conduct a conversation, stall them as long as you can.”

“But Commander -”

“You have your orders; as far as they are concerned I’m not on this ship make no mention of me at all understand.”

“Yes Highness I obey and will do my best.”

With that the Commander left the bridge. The executive officer opened a link to start negations.

Thirty years ago Shahrazad signed a mutual defense treaty with several outlying systems. One of those systems, who has benefited from their help and support, has secretly launched their entire defense fleet, a fleet Shahrazad help them construct, to aid those who have given them so much. The fleet is approaching the system well cloaked and is positioning themselves to be able to strike in any direction with little notice.

“Admiral we are approaching the co ordinates our operatives transmitted, your orders?”

“We await the signal then attack. Instruct the fleet to set zero five zero as their ID beacon code lest they want to be classified as hostile and suffer a painful end.”

“Passing that code along to all ships, Admiral if I might inquire do you think we are doing -?”

“The right thing? If it wasn’t for the help and trade they’ve given us in the past, we’d be using ion power drives and still be a class Q world. We’ve prospered from our interaction with them. The Queen gave me orders to defend them to the death, while I’m in no mood to die today, I consider Her Highness’s request binding on this ship and our fleet. Help we shall and like the creatures we are we’ll come from nowhere and vanish back to the same.”

“Admiral we’ve arrived awaiting further orders.”

“That’s good; right now we watch and wait hoping we’ll not be needed.”

“KO the fleet commander is trying to establish contact it’s a pretty lousy signal; voice only.”

“Put them on.”

“I am Claria commanding to whom am I speaking?”

“I am KO commanding defense forces I suggest you surrender at once we’ve got you out gunned, you have one minute then we’ll open up again.”

“What assurances do I have that you’ll not fire on us anyway? I want guarantees-”

“They only guarantee I’ll give you is that you’ll not die if you surrender in the next fifty five seconds.”

“No room for negations-”

The sound of an explosion and the signal ceasing brings this comment from Kenesh.

“That explosion was in their engineering department if we don’t do something and quick-”

“Independence, prepare to transport the crew of the ship to your location.”

“On it KO.”

“Lock established twenty beaming over on your signal.”

“Security, armed detail to the transporter room, chief, transport, but hold them in the buffer until the detail arrives.”

“Got them all in the buffer the detail’s arriving now.”

“Captain the ship just exploded receiving communications from Illusion.”

“Put her on.”

“Captain Pratt did you get them all?”

“That we did heading to the transporter now.”

“Captain, Security Chief, you better get down here, we got a surprise in the transport. I guess we got the ‘real’ commander and she’s not happy.”

“Captain Pratt, move the prisoners to a conference room I want to speak with whoever is in charge.”

“Not possible, those and the brig are still in disrepair. You’ll have to speak to them where they are sorry.”

“I’ll find suitable accommodations, sit tight and I’ll get back to you.”

“Kenesh, open a link to the planetary defense facility, see if their brig is functional and if they have a detail to watch over Independences’ ‘guests’. I don’t want them aboard if we have another encounter, understand.”

“Yeah KO, she’s got her hands full enough, doesn’t need the enemy in her ‘hold’ so to say.”

“Defense is waiting for their guest; I’m sending the transport co ordinates to Independence now.”

“We’ll let Noel question them; it won’t take her long to get to the bottom of this mystery.”

When I got the call that I was to question the ‘commander’ of the forces attacking us, I placed the system on manual, instructed the chief to fire only if identified and to notify me if something occurs. I grabbed my side arm and met the detail outside the brig.

“We’re all set here conference lines are open and transport from Independence is commencing.”

Twenty souls appeared in the brig there were injuries among those and we started to treat them. A group of ten or so was massed in the center it seems they were trying to hide or protect someone it was then I said.

“I’m assuming your commander doesn’t want to be identified. Unfortunately you no longer have the option of remaining nameless. You can either come forward or I’ll start stunning all in the room until I find you. Your choice and make it quickly.”

A rustling in the room was silenced by movement from within the group, the outer edge parted. It was then I caught sight of the head of red hair coming at me.

Nora, Minchi’s little sister, by almost two decades, appeared. When last I saw her ten years ago she was an aspiring cadet, now she’s commanding an attacking fleet and I must admit she’s made all the typical cadet mistakes. The plot thickens. Straightening her uniform she approaches me and says.

“What manor of ungodly weapon was that you unleashed on my fleet? You cheated and need to be punished for it.”

I remembered Nora has a uniquely warped sense of justice, but right now I wanted to know where her sisters were and as I was about to inquire Nora broke out in tears and said.

“I’ve killed them. My failure will cause their death that is what he said as he took them prisoner and commanded me to attack you. Their aboard the lead pirate vessel destroy it and you’ll kill them.”

Nora’s sobbing, I approach her, bringing an image up on my creunoc I show it to her and asked.

“Is this the man who has your sisters?”

“Yes that’s the man. He’ll kill my sisters; he’s already killed so many I’ve lost count. Double crossed the pirates to get those ships. Started an interplanetary war somewhere off in space and took everything from them by force then killed off his allies. A most despicable person and I think the Dorian’s have had dealings with him as well.”

I move away from Nora, in leaving she asks if I can save her sisters. My answer is truthful as best I can give her.

“We’ll try I can’t guarantee anything but if the opportunity presents itself we’ll do all we can to assure their safety.”

I instruct the detail to continue to treat their wounded and get them a warm meal. Nora gives me assurance they’ll not put up any resistance as long as we return them to the Zon home world after this is over. To keep peace I tell Nora although those decisions are not in my hands I’ll recommend she receives what she’s requested and leave the room.

Moving across the corridor I move my creunoc to my lips and say.

“KO, Sobbash I’m assuming you heard it all?”

From Illusion

“We did and you should also know the fleet within the Sord has withdrawn and those outside the Sord have surrendered.”

“They what?!!? That’s why they’re here to tie up our resources. Gad he’s shrewd how many survivors are there?”

“Almost thirty-nine hundred we have no way to care for that many let alone rescue them at this time.”

“We were real efficient in disabling them they’ll run out of consumables long before they can affect repairs too.”

Aboard Independence

* “Dorin, Independence, are you on?"

“Receiving you Captain in position as you requested.” *

“KO, provide cover and I’ll rescue those at the Sord.”

“Rescue with what? Independence can’t even hold a tenth of those out there you’re crazy!”

“Exec, make yourself known, KO provide cover Independence out.”

The Ku Dorin drops its cloak and proceeds to systematically transport crews over. With their total capacity of twenty thousand, the thirty-nine hundred, barley fills the main hold. KO addresses Captain Pratt sternly.

“I believe you were ordered to evacuate the area. I need you to get this clear, you’ve got to follow orders-”

“KO court martial me later. I take full responsibility for the Dorin’s actions but this time I hedged a bet and at the moment I’m holding a pretty pat hand, Dorin when you’re done get back to Point Lima and await further orders.”

“Aye Aye Captain will notify you when we’ve arrived.”

KO, I’ve sent you the location of Point Lima, it should be well out of the battle, yet close enough to pull off another evacuation if necessary.”

The information appeared on the screen. KO leaned back in the chair. Kenesh was uncertain of what would happen next as was Lily, yet Scholar knew what was going to happen she’d seen this side of KO before.



“Tactical situation if you please.”

“With the evacuation of the opposing fleet I’d say we now have an advantage although I would not have though about having a transport standing by. I have to admit-.”

“We’ve been out maneuvered by a mere transport Captain. Store this in you database for future reference and make dam sure nothing gets close to the transport.”

“Data stored and transport location logged anything else captain?”

“The location of the other fleet would be helpful out side of that I’d like-”

“Sorry to interrupt your little chat but we’ve been getting some pretty strange readings. Could you scan these co- ordinates, I’m hoping its residual energy from the previous encounter but just to make sure.”

“We’ll have a look at it Dai.”


“Captain, I’ve received the co-ordinates and scanning the area.”


“Go ahead Lyra.”

“I’ve monitored several unusual communications coming from the repair facility the first was, what I believe, a routine report beamed to the communications net, yet there have now been three transmissions from the same source to- well out there, pointed out of the system and I can’t find a return source, it’s like a one way conversation-”

“Can you translate it?”

“I’m sorry it’s all numbers I can show you part of the last transmission if you like.”

The display fills with numbers arranged in sorted groups, it is Scholar who says.

“It’s a Suran number cube, without the key it’ll take months to decode.”

Kenesh adds her opinion as well.

“And with it being one sided we have no idea of what the stream is about it could be a lot of things.”

KO leans over to the open link and says.

“Sobbash you’ve been listening?”

“I have and Seelnay is on her way there in fact she should have arrived already.”

“I’ll leave it in your hands then. Leo, have you found anything?”

“Inconclusive Captain, however I suggest you have the picket vessels return to this location. Orion and I can provide defense and that puts our allies out of harms way.”

“Ladies you’ve been listening, instead of moving here I suggest you back up Independence and cover for the platform being damaged. Leo is that acceptable?”

“Logical Captain, I’ll update the database once they’ve arrived.”

“Captain’s Lexshu report your arrival that is all.”

“Let’s see if everything went as planned your decoy fleet should be engaged with the Shahrazad fleet and losing. Leaving the system a disaster area, something I’ll take advantage of, conducting an attack in the midst of all that confusion. Your front line vessels should be able to finish off the remnants of their rag tag fleet.”

“You’ve used Nora, how dare you, what if she surrendered what then?”

“Oh I doubt seriously she did that, because I told her if she failed, you two were going to die and your little sister is fiercely loyal to her siblings so.”

“You bastard we’d gladly die to see you die with us.”

“I figured you’d feel that way that’s why I’m transferring you to the lead Zon warship. Because if your sister has been capture she’ll tell the Princess you’re here and she’ll refrain from attacking to save your miserable hides. Remove them bind them securely and transfer them as I requested.”

Guards moved to them, and for half a second, the though of overpowering them and killing him entered and exited their minds. They’ll have their revenge a different way and live to tell about it they hoped.”


KO was deep in though when Scholar approached her something about the past few minutes had-.

“Scholar if, and I must stress if Tara and Minchi were to perish what would-”

“Nora is next in line; you’ve seen her in action. You really want to put a twenty year old ‘child’ in charge of the third most powerful nation state in this quadrant? Right now she’s manageable if those two were to perish in this next fight she’d be holding us responsible. Could she rally the Zon as a whole to commit a war of vengeance against us? I’m sure she’d be able to cause us a lot of unnecessary grief something we don’t need right now. But if those two are really-”

“My thought exactly, given what Lafiel has left me, my own experiences and my tendency to be devious when necessary, I wonder if he would pull a switch to protect his butt and cause us to be their executioners. But how do we-”

“We have their biometric readings I suggest we feed the information into the ship and have it find them. If we’re lucky enough maybe we can have them transported somewhere safe before-.”

“That’s crazy enough it might work. Feed the data in and let’s hope for the best, at least if we share part of this conversation with Nora she’ll know we tried to save her sisters.”

“You’re suggesting we not share the part about her being an uncontrollable child and starting a war with us upon her sister’s death?”

“Exactly, now get cracking on that upload and inform me when we know something more. I need to relax and reflect, my minds becoming mush.”

Seelnay had just arrived on the station making her way towards the location Lyra provided. She encountered a locked bulkhead, a trivial matter for a telekinetic to handle, however this bulkhead was more than just locked. The wave of stun knocked her back on her feet, she sensed the activation of a transporter and then the room seemed empty. Unlocking the bulkhead she took note of the transmitter and effects lying about. She was looking for the cube key but it seemed it escaped with the transmitter operator. Gathering everything she could find she transported back to Sobbash. She reported the incident to which Sobbash queried?

“A stun field, almost like they were expecting you, hm?

“Yeah pretty strange, the tech people are pouring over what I brought back but unfortunately the cube key escaped my grasp.”

“Get some rest being stunned has the tendency to take a lot out of one.”

“I will, but in the end there’s a Suran out there that will answer to me. I don’t like being deceived.”

“Sorry Admiral some how they discovered my location, I managed to escape with the last bit of data and the cube key.”

“I see and this data, the ship movements, important but I was hoping for a constant stream of information.”

“Maybe we should withdraw, if they suddenly change the codes.”

“Not happening you and I have the same orders, success or death, we’ll just have to hope the gods shed their favor upon us. Now who discovered you?

“I believe it was the telekinetic Seelnay, the door tried to open by its self, I triggered the stun field then transported out.”

“We better succeed, the only person more formidable than our queen would be her. If she ever caught you without an explanation I dread the result.”

Paveryua was sitting along with his companion when I approached them. She sensed my approach and turned towards me. I’m not sure what expression I had on my face at that moment but she nudged Paveryua and point at me before I could say a word. Paveryua took note and said

“I’ve done something wrong? I’m searching my thoughts now but Seelnay I do believe I’ve been-”

“Nothing you’ve done, its one of your contractors, I need a list of them. Somewhere we have a security issue and I need to find out whom and why before the main event starts.”

Handing her a data crystal he says.

“Fifty – five hundred plus or minus a few that should be all of them, if you need help I can-”

“Thank you but no, if this gets messy I want them mad at me not you. Your relations with them are too important to jeopardize over this matter especially if it turns out to be trivial.”

Seelnay takes the crystal and vanishes; Paveryua shares a glance with his companion and says.

“She’s seething, it has been many years since I’ve seen her that mad. Trivial, hardly, something extremely out of the ordinary has happened and right now we’ll have to be by-standers. Who ever is in her sights I do pity them.”

Aboard the ship that bears her name Seelnay starts running the names through the database.

“Computer; scan and cross reference those names with any ties to the Suran military or security forces. Also any recently released felons that might have a grudge against this world.”

“Executing, unable to access Suran database, system is locked.”

“I see, well lets see if I can’t find a back door someone left open.”

“Sir, nothing more from the advance fleet, I’ll have to assume they been defeated, and the prisoner transfer is complete.”

“Time to system boundaries?”

“Forty minutes.”

“Slow our group and have the Zon warships enter the area, if it’s a trap we’ll let them take the first wave.”

“You’re convinced something is wrong?”

“Not that, the manor her sisters had, send a scout ahead of the Zon, someone we trust. I want a detailed look at the system, could be, no not possible, all they had were those frail female warriors; Nora should have been able to take them down without fail.”

“As you wish, I’ll take your leave and issue the orders.”

Leaving the room the second in command thought.

‘Frail females, Eliana of Illyuisa would not see any humor in his comment. I serve, but not out of loyalty, I serve to survive and this man, I hope he is defeated somewhere by someone and soon. If he was to rise to power the galaxy would not be a pleasant place to live.’

“Admiral we’ve finished the analysis of the data from our scout, we’ve found a couple areas of interest. I’m sending you the data now.”

Katra reviewed the images and accompanying data. It looked like there might be a weakness in the ships design but it was still inconclusive. The only way to find out was to engage one in combat and have a trial by fire. She made the decision to forward this to her father and wanted to directly send it to KO but her ship was not on the comm. link, in fact it had never been visible on the scans since they had arrived in the area. The message sent she considered the following.

‘One way to be sure is to engage one of those ships and target the locations indicated in the data scans. However the last time we… engaged those monsters it took several ships to disable one now there are ten of them and… what if this data is … useless? We could be condemning those who engage it to death and a meaningless one at that. How I wish I could see into the future.’

Meanwhile; Seelnay had found an open door in the Suran net and was making an unannounced entrance when she found a system wide message that halted her progress. The message stated that the defense fleet was enroute to a ‘secret’ location and that all system interconnects were to be locked down at once. While reading the message her door was closed and locked securely. Capturing the data she transported to the surface to hand it personally to Sobbash. She wondered how secure their links really were.

Aboard the Suran flagship:

“Admiral, we have unknown contact just entering the system from the direction of the Lobnas system. They need to get a little closer for confirmation but if I was guessing I’d say they were Zon warships.”

“I see when you have it I want numbers and proposed direction, you mean to tell me they’re entering the system uncloaked?”

“They’re cloaked, this new system can see them, but that’s why I’m not one hundred percent certain they are who we think they are.”

“I see take no action, we’ll see if Sobbash’s people see them coming. If they get too close then we might have to tip our hand.”

“Admiral, define too close if you would?”

“Within planetary firing range, is that definition enough for you?”

“Yes Sir!”


“Go ahead.”

“I have ten Zon class one warships entering the system, course one - one seven by six two – two, distance, one quarter of a light day, speed, point nine – five of light, course projection and arrival on screen.”

“Kenesh bring the fleet to battle stations; inform Shahrazad, Nefee and Eliana as well.”

To be continued in: The Battle for Shahrazad: Showdown

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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