60_The Battle for Shahrazad Showdown

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60_The Battle for Shahrazad Showdown

Post by Diaho »

The Battle for Shahrazad: Showdown

“I have ten Zon class one warships entering the system, course one - one seven by six two – two, distance, one quarter of a light day, speed, point nine – five of light, course projection and arrival on screen.”

“Kenesh bring the fleet to battle stations; inform Shahrazad, Nefee and Eliana as well.”

The sounds of the ship coming battle ready, while familiar, are also a bit unnerving. KO sits quietly monitoring the main display. Scholar has contact with those in our fleet; Kenesh has run a couple of weapons simulations and is ready. I sit watching a link opened to engineering so Robert and Jinto are aware of what occurring up here. I also have one other duty. Jinto placed a scanner in Lafiel’s quarters about a half hour ago it is my job to keep tabs on her and if necessary assist her. Right now she’s sleeping peacefully I feel not for long.

“Lily not to worry, I did put her in a deep sleep, however, if necessary, she’ll be able to react if we are attacked.”

I worried not for Lafiel, but more for all of us something Scholar I’m sure has picked up on.


“As soon as the scout reports in I want a maximum battle speed approach to Shahrazad plotted and ready to execute. Helm slow us further we should be just out of their defensive network, I’m not ready to announce our arrival.”

Ten Zon warships slow to a literal crawl the scout which left ahead of them should be approaching the system from the sunward side shortly. It is hoped they find Shahrazad undefended to which their approach will be unchallenged yet…

“Captain’s log scout Zuzu: navigating this course has proven a greater task than I initially anticipated. The time for our report grows near and we are still far from the point where we will have a good look at the system. Hopefully our silence will let the fleet commander know we have not made it there on time, however we need to report and soon or the chances of the fleet being discovered increases with time.”

The forces defending Shahrazad have positioned them selves using natural obstructions as defensive wall, so to say, while the area is covered there are a few small gaps in the coverage that remain. The Suran defense fleet has positioned themselves in the largest and most distant point from this area. They now have a distinct advantage to view the system as a whole and…

“Admiral. Sensors are picking up a single vessel heading towards Shahrazad from the gas belt between planets six and seven. I’ll put it on the main viewer.”

The ship becomes visible and the computer identifies it, a Dorian scout shuttle with limited shielding and a very crude cloak. Viewing this information the Admiral concluded.

“This is a crafty one sending that scout to an almost certain death to find out if the system is ripe for the taking. I’ve heard this individual is quite ruthless but… here’s what we’ll do, I’ll not give our position away, but I want Sobbash to know she’s being spied upon. Their present course will take them close to the fifth division. Order them to disrupt the scout’s cloak and wait for a response from Shahrazad. If in the mean time the scout tries to transmit, jam it, but be stealthy about it.”

“We are approaching the co-ordinates, starting scan of the area. The energy levels are quite intense, a battle of some sort happened here, but I’m still unable to get a clear picture of the inner planets. We need to move in closer.”

As they moved in closer a blast of energy hit them causing their cloak to fail. Scrambling to reestablish it they saw.

“I have an image of the area around the Sord, it is littered with… the advance group, Captain they been defeated I’m sure of it.”

“Send that information and get our cloak back before we are discovered.”

“Unable to transmit that energy wave knocked our communications out and the cloak generator is unresponsive.”

“Princess we’ve picked a small vessel just outside the sixth planet. Sensors identify it as a Dorian scout ship which seems to be disabled. I’ve sent the third group to investigate it and detain the crew. We have notified Shahrazad. Any further orders Your Highness?”

“No you’ve done well Captain, open a link to KO I wish to speak with her directly.”

“Link established you’re on Princess.”

“KO, that scout ship, I believe it is a forward observer. I’ve detained it and will question its Captain-”

“I agree. It’s part of the approaching Zon fleet which has slowed to a literal stand still. I’m changing plans if they won’t come to us we’ll go pay them a visit. There has got to be a way to settle this part without further bloodshed. Those other ships, we’re going to have a fight on our hands no doubt about it. But if we can neutralize those ships then it’s ten against, never mind, we’re still out gunned maybe.”

*“Captain’s Lexshu you’ve been listening?”
“Ready when you are KO. Plakia and I are itching to get in a fight.”
“Dai I have a request. Have your transporter ready, if you get co-ordinates from this ship, transport any life forms you see directly to your brig. Have a security detail there as well, you’ll understand all later.”
“KO will comply but I hope you know what you’re doing?”
“Dai it’s called preventing a galactic war. You have your orders move on my mark”*

“Eliana, Independence will stay with you incase the other fleet drops in unannounced we shouldn’t be long, Illusion out.”

*“We go, at ten million kilometers you two become visible and issue a surrender demand. We’ll keep you covered. I want this ship to remain mysterious as long as possible.”

“Ten against two, I like those odds and the ace up our sleeve I like even better. Plakia I’ll take the lead you follow to our starboard side.”

“Right with you Dai.”*

“Scholar you’ve passed on the plan?”

“I have, everything is set.”

“Go Kenesh the sooner the better.”

“Nothing from our scout?”

“Nothing sir and its well past the time agreed upon I have to assume-”

“Sir, warships de cloaking to port, scan shows it’s the Discovery and Defiance from Shahrazad.

“How why… Battle stations raise shields disperse the fleet-”

“We are receiving a surrender demand, communications are being jammed I can’t reach the main fleet. Your orders?”

“Good Dai keep them busy, Lyra how does the scan go?

“Two ships remain… I have them Captain, transferring co ordinates to Discovery.”

“Okay Dai grab them and let’s get this over with.”

“Co ordinates received transport commencing… Dai transporter chief reports four soul directly transported to the brig.”

“Captain we had four arrive but two of them have to be dispatched the other two wish to talk to you.”

“Ariel you have the bridge I’m on my way to the brig keep them talking.”

It is a short decent to the level where the brig is located Dai Lexshu made it in record time rounding the corner she sensed the presence of -.

“Minchi, Tara, welcome aboard-”

“Save it Abh, we are grateful for saving us but we beseech you not to attack our fleet.”

“I don’t believe that was ever the plan but if you can help persuade them-”

“We’ll do more than persuade lead me to a communications terminal-”

The first salvos hit amidships there was little damage yet.

“Fools they want to get themselves killed let me talk to them before it’s too late.”

“Follow me ladies.”

Leo from where did that attack originate?”

“Captain it was from the ship we transported the beings from.”

“Target them and give them an example of what were capable of. Do little damage but knock some sense into them.”

“Locked on, firing on your command.”

“Let them have it… FIRE.”

We had made it the bridge when KO opened up on the lead Zon warship. Minchi and Tara watched in amazement while the ship was displaced by blast after blast with only minimal damage being registered. Once the barrage subsided a warning was issued from KO.

“I strongly suggest you surrender at once lest all ten of you suffer as your leader has and this time you’ll not receive a ‘joy’ ride.”

That voice, Minchi knew it well, it was not the voice she expected either but none the less she knew KO meant business. Having Dai link with the third ship in the far fleet Minchi and Tara started a dialog.

“Commander! Your Highness! Where are you?”

“We’re aboard the ship that fool opened up on, the same fool who kidnapped us, ordered Nora on a suicide mission and almost got all of us killed. You are ordered to surrender and take the lead ship into custody. If they don’t come peacefully blast them to bits.”

“Commander… I will obey is there anything else?”

“Follow the orders of this fleet and hopefully the government will see our side and show some leniency if not we’ll…”

Minchi looked at Dai and continued.

“You weren’t planning on putting in prison were you?”

“Not my decision the only thing I can say is you two have got a lot of explaining to do. You also have to set your little sister straight at this moment she’s planning a ‘holy’ war…”

“WAIT, Nora’s alive? You didn’t kill her?”

“Was never our intension, we figured out after Zachary was involved, there was a greater influence behind all of this, simply put this didn’t fit your or Zachary’s normal thinking patterns. A lot of people have perished because of this individual and this time we plan on putting a stop to it once and for all.”

“You realize there are captive members of several races aboard those ships, you plan on killing them as well?”

“There is an old saying, ‘the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few’.”

Minchi and Tara took a long look at Dai and were convinced that this was going to be either a bloodless battle or an epic bloody event. They doubted if anyone could pull off a peaceful ending to all of this.

“I’m assuming we’re going to be your ‘guest’ for awhile?”

“For awhile, your system has to be convinced that going in the right direction, even if it’s contrary to their training and or beliefs, will be beneficial in the long run.”

“We’ll not be aboard when the ‘main event’ commences?”

“No by that time you’ll be reunited with your little sister awaiting a hearing and your ships will in custody of the Abh, as an independent mediator. I believe you expressed that in the past, Admiral’s Bebaus have agreed to ‘watch’ over you and your fleet.”

“One last question if you’ll answer it. That brat Abh Princess, I’m assuming she’s running this show?”

“No, you heard the fleet commander’s voice earlier, and that’s all you need to know.”

With that Tara and Minchi were returned to the brig. The ships followed us to a pre arranged point, where ships from the Abh fleet took custody of them. At that time Tara and Minchi were transferred to a ship that had come from the planetary defense facility for a reunion with Nora.

Meanwhile aboard Eliana’s flagship a second operation was underway.

“We’ve captured the scout ship and are ready to send the ‘false’ transmission.”

“Let’s send them a welcome they can’t refuse then slam the door in their faces. You have my blessing continue with the operation.”

Eliana reflected on what the scout commander had said right before he died.

“You weak females, our commander believes you’ll never amount to anything substantial. And that your race should be removed for the universe forever.”

It was at that moment he lunged at Eliana and she killed him with her bare hands.

“Weak females, boy have they got a lot to learn, unfortunately I don’t think they’ll live that long.”

“Commander I’ve received a transmission from the scout. It states the system is in control of the Zon fleet and that all resistance has been neutralized.”

“Have you verified the message?”

“Yes Commander the transmission bears all the encryption the scout had… the visual image was taken from the scout itself. I believe it is an authentic communication.”

“You’re willing to bet our lives on that eh? Well I’m not that trusting. Move us to the edge of the system and start an intensive scan. When I see it with my own eyes then I might believe it.”

“Princess, message sent and acknowledged by the enemy fleet. We are taking the scout ship to Shahrazad for interment.”

“Well we’ve baited the trap but I have a feeling the bait might not be enough for the victim to enter the trap. It’s up to KO now. Her plan has merit but I question leaving an ‘open’ corridor for the enemy fleet to navigate.”

“Eliana have faith in her, although young, she has a brilliant tactical mind-”

“Sobbash I understand, it’s your world and your lives you’re trusting to her, but I still have reservations that are all.”

“Noted. I’ll take your concerns under advisement, Eliana I only ask you follow her orders and keep questions to a minimum.”

“Fine Sobbash, however I’ll not endanger my fleet over something I deem inappropriate or reckless. So far she has impressed me but…”

“I understand and I’ll monitor the progress from here… Sobbash out.”

The link closed and Eliana still felt uneasy an uneasiness she was going to express to KO directly.

“Admiral we have contact, ten large slow moving ships bearing one thirty six true, distance two billion kilometers, speed point zero two five of light.”

“So our opponent has decided to make his move. I believe our current position will be optimal for us to quietly interfere if necessary.”

“Maintaining this position is possible for another six hours without energy usage but we are drifting slowly towards a gaseous dust cloud which will interfere with our cloaking system.”

“Understood keep me apprized of the situation I plan on remaining invisible to all as long as possible.”

“Captain, the main fleet has entered sensor range. They are aggressively scanning the system. While we can deflect their scans I’m not sure if the picket fleet will escape detection.”

“Keep monitoring Leo and if there is any change, inform me at once, Scholar, you’re in contact with Dai, have her move Eliana’s fleet to the far side of the second moon to avoid detection. Then have the three of them move to point seven five. I want them to get really close to the co-ordinates before we start our attack.”


“Yes Kenesh.”

“I understand your plan but there are very few ‘outs’, incase we are out maneuvered, are you sure he’ll follow your plan?”

“He’s getting greedy; his target is the planet and the secrets it holds. We are an annoyance to him, but I also feel that this is his only chance to obtain his goal which I plan on robbing him of. The information Katra Bebaus supplied indicated a couple of weak points, which I plan to exploit, but we need to have those ships so involved that its only at the last moment they figure out what we are really after. Also Seelnay has verified that the Suran defense fleet is somewhere in the area. Not knowing where they are is the other reason I’ve left the opening I have. Their commanding Admiral I know very well he’ll see what I’m planning and position his fleet so they won’t be in the line of fire and, just so you know, we can detect them if they get too close. Hopefully they’ll prove useful…”

“KO Eliana’s on scramble for you, she’s very insistent on talking to you now.”

“Put her on.”

“KO I have questions about this plan. I’m not convinced it has adequate planning incase our foe decides to usurp your plans for his defeat.”

“I won’t explain in detail but given all the information I currently have I’m convinced that the planet is his goal and in getting to that goal he’ll make the mistake of greed overruling his better judgment. If you are that concerned you are free to withdraw to sector two ten and join up with the Abh fleet there.”

*“KO, are you insane? We need her ships-”
“Not now Kenesh not now.”*

A stunned Eliana faces KO. The last thing she expected was an order of retreat. Reconsidering what Sobbash said she accepted KO’s explanation and closed the link.

Eliana faded from view and KO found Kenesh facing her.

“KO I’d like an explanation of what I just witnessed you basically just blew her off why? Why KO?”

“Kenesh this plan needs to be followed to the letter you’ll have to trust me. I know you’re thinking I’ve got a death wish but trust me you’re very wrong with that thinking.”

Kenesh returned to her seat, it was then Scholar approached her and established a link.

‘I know everything you know KO and I believe it’s time we shared it with the rest of them. We need to be coordinated in our actions. I know Defiance and Discovery will follow your lead but Independence has a new captain who’s never served with you before. I can let everyone know with out compromising the plan… however Eliana is a problem…’

‘Don’t worry about Eliana she’ll follow the program when it starts to play out. Ok Scholar, tell them enough to settle their fears but don’t let…’

‘What Lafiel told you, yes I understand that, but I need to explain most of it so it’s believable. Leave it to me just hope he doesn’t make a move for a few minutes or....’

‘Then you better get a move on.’

Scholar linked with everyone involved and laid out the plan in more detailed. Captain’s Lexshu had pretty much figured out the details. Plakia Pratt took a little more convincing but soon she accepted the detail of the plan. Quietly Scholar communicated with Eliana, while amazed, she had already accepted that there were forces in play that she didn’t need to know about.

“Admiral I’m detecting fleet movement from Shahrazad displaying it on the main viewer.”

A new alignment appears the Suran Admiral takes in this new view and says.

“Well KO you continue to amaze me, you’ve left a corridor open knowing they’ll use it and we’re almost in position to cut off a retreat if necessary. I wonder what other talents you’ve been keeping secret.”


“Sorry commander, I was caught up in the moment. Assuming the opponent enters the open area that is now indicated, and once hostilities commence we’re in a position to close off this area. That will leave them only one exit, past Shahrazad’s main fleet and the fire power they wield.”

“And should they decide to reverse course and come at us?”

“We’ll have to leave them with the impression that exiting the way they came will be more costly than proceeding towards KO’s trap.”

“I see how do we notify them we’ve received this information and will be in position to comply?”

The Admiral motioned to the officer who was aboard the space dock, he came over, and the Admiral continued.

“The device placed aboard the ship Independence is functional am I correct?”

“Yes Admiral we’ve been receiving data from it for the past couple of hours.”

“Wait! We’ve been monitoring them and…”

“Calm down commander… by now they should have figured out the ‘extra’ device we placed aboard the ship. If not once hostilities commence we’ll let them know we can communicate without being detected.”

Taking a moment to reflect the Admiral expressed his only concern.

“I hoped that a telepath would be commanding that ship. Captain Pratt while an experienced space pilot has never shown any abilities, her first officer Dawn Dorin on the other hand. It is interesting that you happened to confront her parent when you left the space dock. Because of that we’ll have to find someone else to operate our device… should she sense you were the one who unintentionally attack her mother our plan could…”

“Admiral a question, just how long were you planning on keeping us in the dark about this definitely covert operation?”

“Till, about now… you’ve realized we had something up our sleeve. Her Highness has had fears that we might have sympathizers among the fleet. So waiting to the last convenient moment was paramount. Unfortunately there was a report from the sixth division of an attempt to give away our position but that threat has been ‘neutralized’. That is why all command decisions have been made here, and, until necessary, I have to keep the ‘fleet’ in the dark. Commander does that answer your inquiry sufficiently?”

The ‘need to know’, words that have confounded those who have never operated in the ‘shadow’ areas of combat. The commander now knew more that he ever wanted to, yet with this knowledge, the Admiral’s general demeanor has become crystal clear to him.

“Aye sir answered completely, I’m ready to carry out your orders without any further question.”

“Our scan of the system is complete. Accounting for the ships we sent in it would seem we managed to wipe out any resistance however we are unable to scan or identify any of our advance group. Last item we’ve picked up an Abh fleet just outside the system I believe it to be the ninth fleet but the numbers don’t correspond to the reported strength. They seem to be station keeping at the edge of the gaseous cloud between Sord and the edge of the system. I doubt they pose any threat to us. They’re not scanning nor show any state of readiness. Wait, they’ve started moving away from the system at normal sub light speed.”

“They’re moving out you say, I wonder if the Abh finally gave up on Shahrazad? Would any indication of the previous encounter be scan able from their present position?”

“Doubtful the gaseous cloud is directly between the planet and the fleet I would assume any readings they got, they probably attributed to the cloud itself.”

“Ready the fleet time to orbit around Shahrazad?”

“If we jump as planned, three minutes to the defensive grid and another forty seconds to high orbit about the planet.”

“Make the jump, destroy anything you come across.”

“Admiral’s personal log ninth fleet, I’ve taken our most experienced ships from this fleet, the fifteenth and have hidden them with in the gaseous cloud as instructed. The remaining ships along with those captured Zon vessels are departing the area. I truly hope this deception convinces our foe that the system is totally defenseless. If not KO’s plan will lead to the death of us all I fear. Katra has a very bold plan, almost a bold as KO’s, I plan on letting her execute it and will support her to the maximum. The lead ship of the departing fleet has a complete record of what has transpired up to their departure, should something unexpected occur the Emperor will at least know what he’ll be up against.”

“The decoy fleet is on the move, and we are sensing a marked energy increase in the enemy fleet. They’re inbound estimated two minutes forty five seconds to defensive grid.”

“Scholar, inform the fleet the plan is on.”

“Sobbash you have ships inbound estimated two minutes to grid parameter.”

“Understood Seelnay is up linking information to you, we know how the Suran are ‘reading our minds’.”

“Got it we’ll deal with it from here… Here’s hoping.”

“That we all survive, I agree, good luck, keep us safe.”

Sobbash’s link contained detailed information concerning a listening device placed aboard Independence. A quick study and the data is sent to Captain Pratt. The reply was startling.

“We, Donald Dorin, found it about a half hour ago. Dawn is with the unit, it seems to be a telepathic amplifier of some design. I’ll let you know what we find if we get the chance.”

“Forty seconds to optimum firing range, ground units answer ready, orbital units locking on, awaiting you orders.”

Noel Ekuryua examines the display for the final time, knowing well most of her defensive capabilities will be destroyed in their first wave. Her thoughts turn to the offensive weapons at her disposal, missiles and mines all capable of causing great damage to a ‘normal’ attack but these ships are far from the norm, a fact she has planned on. Her attacks will also be random exploiting any weakness KO and the ‘fleet’ discover.

“Set the system to automatic, have it target and continuously fire on the closest vessels. The platform is expendable although it is pointed in the right direction I expect it to not survive the initial attack.”

“Sobbash we’re ready.”

“Put up a good fight and be ready to go underground I fear they’ll make orbit you’ll be a target for sure.”

“I’ve already sent most of them there, it’s just three of us and the automates. Don’t worry we’ll be fine. It’s you I’m worried about, the command center, while shielded, will still take damage remember to duck okay?”

“Defensive systems have locked on and are firing on the enemy. The return fire has neutralized sixty percent of them; the remaining units are commencing a second attack. Results of the initial attack, we didn’t even scratch them.”

Independence reports the Suran’s are ready to execute the plan. Twenty seconds to planetary boundaries. Noel reports operations moved underground missiles and mines still intact.”

“Time to operation twenty seconds. KO, lead ship has opened fire upon the planet. Weapon strikes in unpopulated areas around the village and one hit close to the hospital.”

“Enough… Tell Katra she’s got a green light. We need to give them another target attacking the planet is…”

“Second wave positioning for planetary assault, I don’t believe it I thought they were after the planet…”

“They are, if they can’t have it neither will anyone else. All units plan B is now in effect draw them away from Shahrazad.”

“Katra they are after the planet with the intent of destroying it. I hope your plan works you’re green lighted. Go.”

Those words along with the initial damage estimated spurred Katra into action. Moving to the edge of the cloud she launches a mine attack towards the enemy fleet however these are not typical contact mines. They are programmed homing mines and their targets are weak areas in the ships attacking Shahrazad.

“Signal KO mines launched, awaiting further orders.”

“KO, mines are inbound estimated five minutes to target acquisition.”

“All ship start distracting them, Orion, target the lead ship and announce our presence. Leo, monitor those mines when they are about to impact saturate the area with false images. Let’s confuse them completely.”

“My Lord we’ve almost knocked their defense out. The first planetary wave struck with little damage we are retargeting…”

The blast from Illusion knocked everyone to their knees; the other ships around them were receiving fire from an unknown source. Regaining his composure the Commander said.

“So you think you can defeat me with stealth? Target the planet, don’t worry about…”

The second barrage from Illusion knocked the main power of line momentary. The Commander suddenly realized he was facing a move dubious foe than even he imagined.

“Tactical, where is that barrage coming from?”

Before an answer could be given the third wave struck causing shield depletion and minor structural damage. In a defensive move he had the fleet leave the planet behind and moves to a more defensible position, a position that puts him directly in the path of Katra’s mines.

“KO they’ve moved away from the planet right into the path of Katra’s mines. Mines are acquiring targets now. Defiance and Discovery are maintaining a barrage. Independence has move to cover the moon bases, Eliana has engaged three ships and is luring them away from the main formation with mines in tow. Noel is ready when you are.

“If we were to target all those ships how much damage could we do?”

“Captain Destruction of those ships is the only option as stated earlier we can go one on two but no more.”

“How much interference could we cause if…”

“Targeting, ready to disrupt when you are Captain.”

“Time to impact?”

“Twenty seconds for the lead group.”

“Fire in fifteen seconds.”

“Barrage in three, two, one, Reading multiple mine impacts scanning the area, I have seven of the ten ships disabled, Defiance, Discovery and the picket fleet have opened up on the two fleeing ships, one ship is targeting the planet.”

“Drop cloak. Open fire on that ship, we need to distract them.”

“My Lord, we’ve been attacked only three ships remain operational; the other two have sustained substantial damage and are retreating.”

“Target the planet continuous fire, damn you Lafiel I’ll destroy all you’ve acquired no one shall have it if I can’t.”

“Ship de-cloaking to starboard I’ve never seen…”

The image of Illusion appears on the viewer as the assault begins although the mines Katra launched didn’t immobilize them there was damage done and it was taking time to charge the main weapon for the barrage upon Shahrazad.

“Shields! Forget the planet, channel all remaining energy to the shields and launch everything else we have. We destroy that ship and I win!”

“They’ve raised shields and have launched numerous weapons at us.” The moon bases have also countered with interception missiles. Scans show they won’t put a dent in us.”

Leo, wipe space clean… Lyra, open a link to that ship and demand its surrender.”

“KO, are you insane you know he won’t surrender…”

At that moment the doors to the bridge open and Lafiel stands next to KO. Placing her hand on KO’s shoulder she says.

“He’s most ruthless when cornered, it’s the Abh blood that flows in his veins, watch your step.”

“Captain all inbound weapons have been neutralized. I’m reading an effort to charge their main weapon even though their energy output is steadily decreasing.”

Lyra force your way in, I want him to see his executioner Orion if they try to discharge that weapon vaporize them. Do not wait for my orders understand?”

“Captain understood targeted and ready to fire. You’re in Captain. Image locking on.”

A stunned Dustain faces KO; Kenesh turns away from the viewer only her Jade green locks are visible.

“Where’s Lafiel? Who the hell are you… what kind of ship is that…”

“For someone whose is about to die you sure ask a lot of strange questions. I’ll answer one, I am KO commanding the Shahrazad defense forces and I will be the one to rid the galaxy of you once and for all. For your crimes against all races you’ve been sentenced to immediate death. Fire!”

Illusion fired its main array at an almost defenseless foe obliterating the ship in one flash. Communications links were opened to the remaining ships ordering their surrender or they could join their commander. Six ships self destructed two were destroyed by the combined forces and one lone ship surrendered, its captain and crew were handed over to the Abh for judgment. The ship was towed to Shahrazad where it was dismantled and studied before its ultimate destruction.

Lafiel watched as the glows that use to be a ship blended into the fabric of space. Moving to Kenesh she sits along side her and holds her tightly. Knowing what has just transpired and that indirectly she was the instrument of his death. Scholar and Lily joined Lafiel. KO opened a link planet side while there was cause for celebration something was tugging at her emotions. Greta's face told more than words could.

“KO, Jinto and Lafiel need to get planet side as soon… KO now damn it, get them here now.”

Independence was aware of what had occurred planet side. A shuttle was already docking with Illusion. Jinto arrived on the bridge talked with Lafiel and then both of them, visibly shaken, made their way to the shuttle. After their departure KO informed the rest of them what had transpired.

“The first attack on the planet while it hit in an uninhabited area it triggered a massive earth tremor that affected not only the underground city but the Village and surrounding area. Independence and the Suran’s are enroute to affect rescue …”

KO fell back in her seat; Kenesh was the first to her side. The look on KO’s face the fear she sensed…

“Nefee can you hear me?”

“Kenesh is that you?”

“Clean up out here, no time to explain when you’re done come planet side.”

“Ladies we are going home now respond.”

“Defiance is enroute Discovery is right behind us.”

Orion, take us home.”

“Acknowledged, spaceport in four minutes ship separation commencing.”

“KO we’re heading home. It’ll be all right I know it will.”

To Be Continued in: Aftermath

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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