63_Shadows of the Past

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63_Shadows of the Past

Post by Diaho »

Shadows of the Past

Lafiel had finally fallen asleep when the alert link activated, Jinto quickly silenced it checked on Lafiel then read the dispatch. The fleet had been attacked there was no loss of life however a general recall of all Shahrazad assets and ships was being ordered. Conversing with the escort fleet commander Jinto reluctantly made course for a ‘safe harbor’ until the present crisis passed. However when Lafiel awoke and found she was a half light years from where she thought they’d be she was none too pleased.

“Jinto I understand your caution but…”

“But nothing Lafiel, we are carrying precious goods a few days delay won’t hurt them, an attack, however remote the possibility would leave Shahrazad without much needed provisions. Sorry Lafiel if we were doing anything else I would have not followed the directive but…”

“Jinto you are such a fool, the most wonderful loveable fool in the world but a fool none the less. I will admit I’m a bit disappointed we are where we are instead of where I wanted us to be. Yet given this forced change in plans, why don’t we head home, the last stop can happen some time else.”

I’m taken aback, Lafiel normally does not concede defeat this easily, something else has swayed her, something she won’t tell me about, but, if I had to guess I’d stake a bet on Cassie this isn’t her first crisis but it’s the first one where we haven’t been around to consult with. I wonder.

“Samson’s commanders log Eliana recording: Shahrazad fills my main viewer, the balance of the defensive fleet has checked in and we wait. This ship is the newest design and, except for Illusion, is the most powerful in the fleet. Our duty is protecting the planet. First completed five years after the attack it’s been refitted twice first a weapons modification lastly we were the test bed for the new Gen. seven star drive. Equipped with mines, light weapons, advanced rail guns and numerous secrets from the guardians, this ship alone is a formable adversary. The destructive power contained at my fingertips even awes me at times.”

“Staying here instead of returning home left my father in quite a quandary. I was to have succeeded him, however I decided there was much to learn staying here on Shahrazad. Cassandra becoming governor secured my position as planetary defense fleet commander. Where do my loyalties lie you ask? My home is here on Shahrazad although I could have ruled an entire system I find comfort here, my home, my loyalty is here.”

“Commander, the third division reports four Suran freighters have exited the Sord and are requesting orbital instructions.”

“Four? Wasn’t the original request for three? First officer verify the number of freighters and instruct the third division to ‘detain them’ until we get some clarification.”

Grandmother Noel had just arrived at my office the same moment the request for Eliana arrived. Ignoring her I brought up the manifests and became quite disturbed, we weren’t expecting anything from the Suran for a week or more. Looking over my shoulder Noel saw what I did and came to a conclusion, opening a link she said.

“Elle, you have uninvited guest, I suggest you show them the door at once.”

“Elle, you have uninvited guest, I suggest you show them the door at once.”

Noel’s voice resonated on the bridge, I knew what she meant.

“Stop those freighters, bring the fleet to battle ready, and give me a course to intercept.”

“Third reports freighters retreating towards Sord and Commander according to this the third has lost two ships already.”

“Those aren’t freighters and why aren’t we moving?”

“Course laid in at Sord in thirty seconds.”

“Go damn it; move it.”

Samson broke orbit in a most unorthodox fashion, something Noel Ekuryua would have been proud to see. Once clear of the planet Eliana targeted and commenced a barrage against the fleeing ships. Two escaped, one self destructed the forth reversed course and at high speed, came head long at them.

“Shields at maximum, fire…”

The weapons discharge from the opposing ship came as Samson fired its main battery although the distance between the ships was one point two five million kilometers; the missed volley almost dropped Samson’s shields and rattled those aboard. Eliana’s weapons officer had better aim and vaporized the vessel with one salvo. Still gathering her thoughts Eliana opened a discrete link to KO.

“Unless you’re engaged in battle… you should head home at once… we’ve been attacked, I’ve lost two ships, three more damaged and the Sord is currently unprotected… Acknowledge Illusion.

KO’s conference with the other three was cut short when Eliana’s message arrived.

*“Shahrazad’s been attacked… what is…”
“Never mind Kenesh, everyone lay in a course home, max speed.”
“But our commitment to the miners on Demos what about them?”
“Don’t worry Dai. We’ll be back, right now we’re needed else where.”
“I object KO; I think we’re being pulled away from here on purpose, requesting to remain behind.”
“Your senses tingling Plakia? Tell you what, I’m going now; Eliana’s request was directed at this ship. If you want to stay fine, but if we need help, no argument you drop what you’re doing and return. If you’re right Plakia we’ll be back in a flash.”*

Illusion cloaked and was gone; estimated time to Shahrazad was eighteen minutes. Plakia assumed command of the balance of the fleet and started a scan of the area. As the scan commenced sensors indicated Illusion’s mines had found something.

*“Three explosions bearing zero four five relative; distance forty million kilometers.”
“I’ll be damn KO actually hit something.”
“Don’t be so sure Kenesh, I’m running the numbers now, time seems about right it’s the distance that’s got me worried.”
“How so Plakia?”
“Dai we figured about point three five of light for a speed but, the time since mine launch, the intercept distance is all wrong it’s like…”
“They’ve reversed course and are coming at us?”
“Exactly, spread out now.”*

Moving to a defensive position about the debris field the fleet switched to passive scanning. It didn’t take long for their quarry to appear.

“Captain I’m getting an unusual energy reading from the approaching targets.”

“Show me.”

The energy scan appeared; Plakia got one look at it and said to the others.

“We’ve stepped in it hip deep; lay in a course home and launch when ready no arguments.”

*“Kenesh here, leaving now…”
“Dai, in trail of Kenesh, Plakia have you left?”

“One last scan and we’re gone; assume a beta formation once clear of the system I’ll bring you up to speed.”*

Slipping away was fairly easy. Once on their way Plakia informed them of her findings. A channel to KO was also opened at this time.

*“I’m posting an energy signature we received; everyone should find it interesting.”
“No way Plakia, we destroyed all of them it’s not possible.”
“Dai it’s entirely possible we’re running it through the ship as we speak.”
“KO, I hope we’re wrong…”
“Leo and Orion have both verified it as genuine ladies it would seem…”

“That thanks to several centuries of warfare, the dumping of excess war machines, and failure to destroy said devices. We are once plagued with the weaponry of the super dreadnought. The question is, is it just the weaponry or has someone found and reactivated one or more of those monsters?”
“Good question Plakia, I see you’re on your way back. Let’s secure Shahrazad and devise a plan from there.”*

Grandmother and I had just arrived at Cassie’s office when we received KO’s report. Sliding the tablet towards Noel, Cassandra said.

“I’m glad you’re here you know what this means?”

Taking the tablet and looking at the image, she said.

“Not even half a century has passed and this threat has returned. We defeated it last time looks like we’re in for a fight again. But who are we fighting and what do they really have? Weaponry is one thing but if they found…”

“If they have found and resurrected one or more of those monsters… the fight needs to be in deep space the planet can not survive…”

“I agree Cassie but first we need to know, where are our ships?”

“On their way here, Plakia decided not to engage them about Demos. And I need to ascertain if what came from the Sord, if there are anymore…”

Cassandra spun her seat and looked out the window the sight that greeted her was comforting her mind focused and she said.

“Sari, have Elle investigate the Sord and have KO report to me once she’s in orbit. Noel bring the rest of the staff up to date and meet me in the command center when you are done.”

Turning back she said one final thing.

“I’m contacting my parents and instructing them to stay clear of the system. They are basically unarmed and this menace, we need what they have and in one piece. So if you’ll excuse me.”

Sari and Noel left the room, opening a link she finally got Lafiel to talk to her.

“Hello Cassie, what’s so important that you are using…”

“Mother listen to me, I want you to remain at the Suran base. We have had an incident here and it’s not safe for you to return…”

“Incident? What kind of incident? What is going on?”

Cassandra sent the energy signature and Elle’s report to Lafiel. She scanned it and said.

“We’ll stay put for the time being but if… if it settles down we want to be there with you… your father and I, we love you very much.”

“Very well mother I’m glad you’re safe and I love you as well.”

The link closed and Lafiel called to Jinto, she showed him what Cassandra had sent. He took one look at it and said.

“She wants us to stay here because of our cargo, or because she doesn’t want us underfoot? Lafiel I think you’re wrong but I sense you’re going to um, borrow, a ship and head home which I’d like to discuss this further before you act.”

A heated discussion ensued and after an hour Lafiel relented, they’ll stay at the base for now. Frustrated she left Jinto and took a walk about the base.

Sitting a half light second from the Sord; Eliana was scanning the area. Those two ships that escaped didn’t make it out intact. Scraps of metal and energy readings indicate that they both suffer substantial damage. Launching a class six probe into the Sord was her next action. If it finds something then and only then will she dispatch a force to check it out. Due to the nature of the Sord itself a force entering one side could miss another shielded force approaching from another direction. Given her fleet had suffered damage sending a group in ‘blind’ was not an option.

On patrol, the fifteenth fleet of the Imperial Forces crosses into the Dorian system. Katra Bebaus has been on this patrol for almost a year and outside of giving aid where required, it’s been a peaceful trip… until…

“Admiral, scanning several massive energy discharges within the system, and this energy signature, the system has it listed as classified.”

Rising from her chair Katra approaches the tactical station, the energy signature is displayed on the screen, she sees it, pauses and turns to the communications officer.

“Raise the ninth, Exec, bring us to battle ready and bring the fleet to a halt.”


“Do as I say, do not question my actions.”

“Yes admiral.”

“Ninth fleet on scramble; establishing visual contact now.”

The display comes to life Kiri Bebaus faces her sister and says.

“You’re at battle ready what is the problem, sister?”

The energy signature is sent to Kiri once she sees it her expression changes dramatically.

“I see. I’ll relay this to central command what are you planning?”

“Not sure, I believe we need to scan the area but the disturbance is still fouling our scans. I’ve also have seen signs that Shahrazad’s ships have been here recently. You’re closer to there than we are contact the government and…”

“A little fact finding mission? You know if they want us to know…”

“I know sister, I know quite well, but ascertain their condition and report back to me… also make sure you get to the ‘proper’ individuals with in fleet command this information doesn’t need to be spread fleet wide.”

“Understood hopefully this signature is a ‘mistake’… but seeing the look on your face I seriously doubt it. I’ll be in touch stay safe sis.”

The link closes and Katra issues the following order.

“Have the fleet scan the system, if… and I do mean if any ship detects that signature approaching this group we will retreat no questions asked.”

The order is issued and the exec officer confronts the Admiral.

“Admiral with all due respects I …”

“In the ready room …now.”

They leave the bridge for the conference room and once there Katra explains the situation in detail.

“What you are seeing is a super dreadnought; we’ve encounter them before and it took two entire fleets plus everything Shahrazad had to defeat it. If we were to come across one of those fully operational with a ‘trained’ crew aboard our losses could exceed seventy percent. Now what you’ve seen and what I have told you does not leave this room, understand me? And if I issue orders and you fail to carry them out you’ll die before we all perish.”

Stunned the exec officer agrees to Katra’s orders, taking another look at the images she realizes just how dangerous this innocent incident could become.

“I’m sorry I questioned your…”

“Stow it, I’d been angrier if you had blindly followed those orders without question, in future however, remember your rank not your social position. Although on the social ladder you stand above me on this ship I’m the commanding officer.”

“Yes Admiral I understand.”

“Very good, back to the bridge with you and supervise closely the system scan. I’ll be in my cabin contact me the second something happens.”

A conversation between Cassandra and her commanders has been going on for several minutes when Sari entered the room. Placing the conversation on hold Cassandra asks…

“The look on your face Sari, this must be of some importance.”

“It is, you have a priority one communication from the commander of the ninth fleet. She’s not taking ‘you’re busy’ as an acceptable answer.”

Cassandra looks at Sari and is about to speak when from the shadows…

“I believe I can substitute for you, you’ve got your hands full here and I so enjoy conversing with the Admiral and her dear sister.”

Noel Ekuryua appears and moves towards Sari.

“Granddaughter it’s about time you learn how to handle high ranking Abh officers especially those two. Cassandra with your permission I’d like to…”

“Permission granted and try not to have a knock down drag out argument with her as much as you would like to.”

Noel nods and addresses Sari once again.

“Come child the lesson begins now.”

Cassandra returns to the conversation which wasn’t as ‘on hold’ as she thought.

“So Kiri is inquiring? Well I know what she wants… I’ve just asked Orion and Kiri’s location is approximately seventy light seconds from Sord Altos… it’s Katra’s position that will make sense; she on the outskirts of the Dorian system and according to what the sentry satellites are reporting she’s launching her own investigation…”

“Well that’s wonderful I should have expected that… okay lets return to the original discussion… what are we facing and where did they come from?”

“I can answer the where were they lately if that would help?”

“I’m assuming you’ve found something Plakia?”

“We have, examining the debris left at the Sord our attackers have been near an artificially created ‘black hole’ recently.”

“Let me guess you know where this place is?”

“I do exactly, seeing that I created it, I recognized its unique energy signature. I believe that is the first place we should investigate and that said I’d like Kenesh to accompany me.”

“Back to Lobnas, you realize that’s highly disputed territory. The thought of sending you there and you getting into ‘trouble’, you realize we can’t send assets to rescue you. I’m not leaving this system defenseless.”

“Cassandra there are other assets we can use. We still have the mutual defense treaty with the Zon I’m sure Tara has ships patrolling the area…”

“Excuse me Plakia but we haven’t eliminated the Zon from the list of usual suspects yet. Charging into that system expecting help from them that’s pretty risky…”

“KO I understand where you headed with this conversation and I believe Tara wouldn’t betray the trust we’ve had for the past thirty years. That said we all know there are rouge factions in the Zon Empire that would like to see both of us toppled. It could very possibly be one of those factions that we might be facing. Finally before we do anything I suggest the ‘alliance’ convene on the orbital platform. I’m sure the Suran ambassador has many questions concerning the attack we had here and I’d like to hear what the Zon ambassador has to say as well.”

“Where are the delegates at this moment?”

“Looks like most of them are already enroute someone sent an invite… Plakia why do I sense you’ve had a hand in this?”

“Quite simple KO you came roaring back here and left me in charge. After what we found I thought it imperative that the Alliance was aware of what had happened and were ready just incase our ‘foe’ decided that there might be better targets than this system… any objections?”

“Grandmother, I’ve said this before if I was able, I honestly feel we should switch seats….”

“Nonsense child what your problem is you have knowledge there and fail to use it properly. Between Sobbash, Noel and Atosuryua you have nearly two centuries of knowledge. Just because they have retired from ‘active’ service doesn’t mean they don’t care… I know you trust your parents and so do I but this time use what resources you have at hand, they WILL understand… if not I’ll be happy to EXPLAIN it to them.”

Cassandra stares at the gathered images before she can speak Noel entered the room.

“Well Plakia I thank you for the vote of confidence and you’re correct all Cassie has to do is ask. The thing we tend to forget is that this planet is our home… yes we can escape back to space but I kind of like it here… on a completely different subject Kiri has sent a mountain of data Katra has acquired she also has quietly informed the Empire of what we stumbled upon… the orders say assist if asked if not steer clear of any conflict… pretty typical response and not unexpected. I over heard what Plakia was saying about location… you’re kidding me… that system would be better off sucked into a black hole… I suggest we keep this information from Jinto and Lafiel as long as possible you know what her response will be… that said, I understand I need to get to the platform and play hostess, I’ll take my leave.”

Noel leaves and Sari approaches Cassandra before she can speak Cassandra takes action.

“Plakia since you sent out the invite I believe you should be on the platform. The rest of you assume a protective orbit around the platform. As far as Lobnas goes lets see what we glean from the meeting. I’m having the staff here watch the feed. Normally I’d be attending but in this case I want to be here just in case… we will reconvene after the conference is over… now if you’ll excuse me.”

Cassandra cuts the feed she looks at Sari and says.

“I’m asking you to keep all of this from my parents also I’m asking you to be vocal if necessary should I …”

“I understand Cassie we’ll make this work just wait and see… Sobbash and the others are waiting for you. You shouldn’t keep them waiting eh?”

Cassie leaves with Sari three steps behind her.

A high speed Suran shuttle enters the Shahrazad system, the ambassador is communicating with his escort.

“Admiral I understand but to send almost fifty ships to escort me… I’m at a loss a squadron would have been plenty.”

“I really don’t expect you to grasp the military situation but if you’ve noticed we are operating in stealth mode for a reason and just take it at that ambassador.”

The link closes and the Admiral address the ships Captain.

“You would think diplomats should be smarter but if they knew everything I guess they wouldn’t need us?”

“Admiral Do you feel we are going to be attacked?”

“Not sure but if something shows it ugly head we’ll be ready to chop it off… Shahrazad knows we’re coming correct?”

“Yes I’ve spoken with their central command we’ve been given an area to ‘park’ while the conference is underway.”

“I see I’ll leave it up to you right now the Empress wanted a report once we arrived and I shall not be tardy about it.”

“Good luck Admiral, memory serves, she was in a foul mood when we left.”

“Foul mood doesn’t come close to the lecture I got before we left and I’ll leave it at that.”

“Your Majesty I get the feeling I’m being set up, that this ‘conference’ is an instrument of the Alliance…”

“We’ve done nothing wrong ambassador get that straight. Now I’ve given you instructions and all the information we presently have. If the Alliance feels we are holding back then that’s their problem. You’re to communicate exactly what you were told, no more, no less, and NO GUESSING. If you really want to start a galactic incident you go into that meeting with your present attitude… if you do your days are numbered PERIOD.”

“I understand and will communicate exactly what I see before me but before I go in I must know does Minchi’s absence have anything to do…”

“Ambassador, what my sister is presently up to has nothing to do with the matter at hand. End of discussion, now carry out your duty as instructed.”

“Yes your highness.”

The link closes and the Ambassador heads for the conference. Although what she has is very little, in her mind, it will prove to be invaluable to those gathered at the conference.

The probe launched from the Samson has returned it contains information that Eliana finds quite disturbing. Opening a link to KO she forwards the data for further analysis. Aboard Illusion KO is listening to Leo’s initial take on what has been received and…

“Captain it would seem that those ships self destructed shortly after entering plane space. We didn’t do enough damage to cause this kind of catastrophic event. Self destruction… it defies logic… was that a suicide mission?”

“Possible. That aside have you finished the structural composition of those ships? We need to know their origin.”

“Not at this time Captain. The nature of plane space itself has altered molecular structure; however those pieces we recovered from the Sord event horizon show common alloys used in most modern space vessels and not any of the exotic materials that were found in the super dreadnaughts. Analysis of the energy weapons shows another problem; while they maybe as potent as those aboard the previous encounter these energy signatures do not match those we found about Demos.”

“Run all that data through the system I’d like a synopsis as soon as possible… Sarah, access the satellite net and see if we have any images of those ships as they exited the Sord… How soon till the conference starts?”

“The final delegate is arriving now, I’d say thirty minutes more or less.”

Leo having an answer in twenty minutes would be wonderful.”

“No guarantees Captain there is a lot of data to compile and room for errors if rushed.”

“I’d like to welcome you to this special session of the Alliance Security Council. At this time the Zon ambassador requests to address the group.”

Noel sits down and the ambassador begins to speak she states that five days ago a research station was raided by persons unknown. Stolen were power couplings, reactor casings, and a small freighter. An exhaustive search has turned up nothing so far. As she sat down the Suran ambassador rose he stated that within the last week several freighters have been pirated and what was removed were communications equipment and navigational gear. On the surface these seemed like unrelated events but give the fact that they occurred in the same time span and within one parsec of each other an immediate consensus of opinion seemed to lead to the fact that someone was restoring a space vessel and somewhere close to the area of the ship raids.

From planet side Cassandra watched the conference with great interest it was also being beamed to the fleet in orbit about the platform. A secondary link opened up between the fleet and central command, Dai Lexshu was offering up a plan of action.

“Given the location I believe Lobnas system might be the area to concentrate our search, yet what we encountered in and around Demos indicates that…”

“Dai, KO here we’re still running the data from the probe through the ship. While I agree Demos should be investigated the fifteenth fleet is in the area if Katra finds anything she should be able to handle it. Looks like we have another ah say fifteen minutes. I have some preliminary information that seems to support those were conventional ships that attacked the planet it’s … why in the hell did they self destruct?”

“To cover their tracks or delay our arriving at… that’s the problem where are we suppose to be in our foe’s eyes… Demos, Lobnas or here, maybe none of the above and until we know who… Opinions?”

Kenesh’s statement brings a hush to the link. Normally attacks against the Alliance and or Shahrazad those responsible made sure everyone knew who and why… this time it’s been six hours since the encounter at Demos and nothing not a peep. So this wasn’t the ‘normal’ group or groups wanting attention or after… just what were they after and where would they strike next?


“Sari I’ve said this before; addressing Noel and I with the same preface is confusing. Please address us by our names that way we will know who you are addressing. What do you need?”

The affect of Sobbash’s comment caught her off guard for the moment, she recovered and said.

“These super dreadnaughts, you’ve encountered them before just how dangerous are they.”

“Deadly my dear, if properly crewed and provisioned more than two are quite a handful, almost more than we can comfortable contain. One hopes that we are not facing that threat but it’s been quite sometime since the last encounter, I we thought we had destroyed them all but…”

“You’re not sure? Is that why Cassie is so disturbed about this?”

“The reason Cassie is like she is can be directly traced to a force attacking her ship and almost killing her. Her caution, while admirable, is also a source of concern, while I’ll not take over. I might have to suggest at some time soon that Cassie venture forward in spite of her hesitation to do so. Should that come to pass I hope you’ll stay neutral…”

“With all due respect, I serve Cassie and in that I also advise her. She has already asked that I keep an eye on her so if someone is going to rattle her, when necessary, I’d like it to be myself instead of either you or Noel. Can we agree on this point?”

Taking a half step back Sobbash looks into Sari’s eyes and says.

“I see it looks like you have the situation in hand. I’ll accept that and notify Noel as well but, as a backup, should you falter expect me to intercede okay?”

“Thank you for your understanding and any help will be welcomed.”

“Captain while we have not finished the probe analysis, however, I have found some information you might find interesting.”

Lyra I’m listening please continue.”

“I’ve examined the information presented at the conference and have found some information was not disseminated.”

“Oh? On purpose or…”

“Probably accidental due to the fact information about the super dreadnaughts is so restricted here’s what I’ve found. Besides the equipment taken all of those incidents involved raw materials disappearing as well, now alone they mean little but if you’ll look at the list of materials stolen I believe you’ll see a pattern.”

A list of materials appears on the screen a pattern becomes apparent KO is momentarily stumped then…

Lyra those materials when combined…”

“Produce the exotic materials required to repair and power a super dreadnaught. Quantities stolen indicate there maybe as many a three units but I see two with reserves more probable.”

“Or one set for a long term engagement, forward that information to the fleet, the planet and the platform.”

“We’ve finished the third sweep of the area I’ve forwarded the results to you. What my concern is an area between the fifth and sixth planet that we can’t….”

Alarms sound and the video portion of the link is lost, Kiri strains to hear the audio which is quite distorted…

“Three frigates lost two cruisers badly damaged… unknown energy readings… disperse the fleet all units retreat at once…”

The link goes silent and is replaced by emergency beacons popping up at the edge of the Dorian system. Pressing the comm. link Kiri screams her sister’s name with no response. Opening a separate link Kiri addresses the fleet.

“The fifteenth is under attack communications has been lost. Divisions one and three enter Sord and exit on the far side of the system. Divisions two and four you’re with me we’re entering the system from behind the sun. Our mission is rescuing the fifteenth. I’m sending out an energy signature should you encounter said signature you are to retreat at once. Stay in groups; cover each other with your shields and I must repeat do not engage any hostiles you find.”

Abh ships move in several directions Sord Altos opens and accepts half the fleet the other half advances at maximum speed towards the Dorian sun… arrival time is about a half hour.

Meanwhile KO is presenting the data Lyra complied a spirited discussion is on going.

“One dreadnaught is one too many and there is the possibility of two. Where are they? How do you plan on…?”

Dai is interrupted by Lyra.

“Captain, you better hear this, I’ve been monitoring the Imperial frequencies and...”

The audio feed between the fifteenth and ninth fleets is replayed while it sounds normal, the last two minutes of distortion and apparent confusion brings silence to the link… finally Kiri screaming Katra’s name and getting no response chills the group, it is then Orion continues.

“Captain I have confirmed eighteen to twenty Abh emergency beacons sounding in the Dorian system. Scans also shows the ninth fleet is no longer around Sord Altos it would seem they have responded to the Dorian system as well. Your orders Captain?”

“Elle hold down the fort… Defiance as soon as your Captain is aboard, follow us to Demos. Dai, Kenesh, on me, pick up navigation from Orion. Cassandra we’ll report to you as soon as we arrive.”

“Navigational lock established Discovery and Independence answer ready.”

“Form the bubble and jump.”

“Bubble formed jump commencing ETA ten minutes.”


A blinding blue – purple flash can be seen from the platform. Plakia arrives aboard Defiance three minutes later and is in hot pursuit of KO…

“Captain I’ve sorted out the last part of the transmission from the fifteenth to the ninth if you’re ready to hear it.”

“Play it Lyra.”

“Three frigates lost two cruisers badly damaged… unknown energy readings… disperse the fleet all units retreat at once…”

“Katra, KATRA answer me.”

To Be Continued in: “The Shadow Returns”

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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