68_Wait… You're Serious About This Aren't You…?

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68_Wait… You're Serious About This Aren't You…?

Post by Diaho »

Wait… You're Serious about this aren't you…?"

It's been six months since Pegasus landed on Shahrazad, landed you say? Yes landed. Scholar was and wasn't correct in her assumption. This planet was a remote base for those who built Illusion and Pegasus. They were assembled here, but, the 'guardians' were not the creators, just third party assemblers, a fact that Noel recently discovered. I'm looking at a comm. link from the Suran high command. It details those found aboard Doral's flagship. They were a rather diverse group; most of them had a price on their heads for numerous digressions against several solar systems. Those rewards were split among the Alliance. Thanks were sent from several neighboring systems with one exception, 'The Pirate Haven System'. It would seem one of their war lords was a member of the crew and her death has outraged most of the system.

A bit of history: Pirate Haven is aptly named because this is where those who stood against the Abh in the four systems war and those who had political disagreements were exiled to almost a century ago. Over that time various riff raft have made the system home as well. Government, in the normal sense does not exist, it's a tribal system arranged by either race or political beliefs. The two habitable planets contain between four hundred and six hundred - fifty million inhabitance. The numbers fluctuate depending on the political climate of this area of space. Being tribal, it's always been survival of the fittest, and there has been mass genocide in the past. One thing that binds them, although loosely, is their contempt for establish authority no matter who it is or how powerful that authority might be.

Normally left to their own devices, enforcement expeditions were only mounted in the most extreme of circumstances. The most recent one was to capture those responsible for a mass environmental disaster on one of the Zon 'harbor' worlds. It came close to rendering the only habitual planet in twenty light years polluted beyond recovery. A fire fight of epic proportions occurred with the Alliance killing or capturing almost ninety percent of those responsible.

Those who escaped back to the 'Haven' thought their safety was assured, it proved not to be. A transport carrying those who escaped was boarded by Dorian and Suran forces just as they were entering the 'Haven'. The fire fight that ensued from that boarding not only destroyed the transport but took down five cruisers and left several other ships damaged. As I said the one thing they all despise is 'established' authority.

With that said a threat was issued, pointed directly at Shahrazad and those involved with Doral's death. Cassandra dispatched; Dai, Plakia and Kenesh to the system with the option of detaining those who persisted in wanting blood for, in the opinion of the council, a trivial event.

Illusion sits berthed beside Samson. It took awhile to unravel the mystery of how and why Sarah was stunned in KO's cabin. Lyra was as fault, under the false impression that Sarah was about to do KO harm. She triggered a cabin wide stun field. After a complete review of the security system, adjustments made to detection and protections systems then Illusion was returned to 'active' service. The crew was planet side getting a well deserved rest.

Once ashore KO and Eliana squared off over KO's behavior and Eliana's uppity ness. A discussion ensued; just falling short of an all out knock down drag out fight. Observers said later they thought progress was made; Members of the crew's involved were not sure what had transpired. It seemed the 'tip' of the iceberg had been exposed but the balance still remained invisible.

"Robert, how's Lily doing?"

"Better, the girls are with her, they seem to generate more comfort than I do."

"Son, have you looked at the data from Pegasus? I was trying to figure out…"

"You know, I have to agree with Saio's assessment, even though we are genetic engineering 'masters' nature still has the last call. Losing those boys I'm … I um well…"

"You need to put that out of your mind for now… we've got other issues to deal with, the first is arriving in three hours."

"Have we verified her identity; is she really Paveryua's daughter?"

"Several times over… there is no doubt of her genetic line. I wonder why Pav never mentioned her thou?"

"Probably for the same reason Samson had trouble introducing me as his son. Maybe she can shed some light on Pegasus. We're at a stand still."

"I'd be happier if most of the fleet was back as well although Noel's is coming to the surface to meet, um Robert, how do you pronounce her name?

"Maarchje; (maar-chje) old earth Hebrew if I remember correctly he was probably drunk when he named her."

"Does it have a meaning?"

"Nope, it's just a name; let's see how she introduces herself. I'm betting she's shortened or abbreviated it in someway."

"I hope so, if not I might give her a nick name of my own."

"Captain, more below and starboard they're firing."

"Engineering status report?"

"Well, shields at one hundred percent they're holding and probably will for the next several hours. The 'bad guys' fire power combined might show a power drop if they concentrated fire on one spot. Right now it's like swatting flies on a hot summer's night."

*"Plakia what did you say to them?"
"Kenesh I told them resistance was futile but you know how well they listen."
"Who else beside me is taking fire?"
"Dai here they just opened up on us they've got Arisa mad spilled her tea, you realize if we return fire."
"I know, we'll wipe them out, and then we'll have more problems than we came to solve."
"Ladies let's generate a stun field and leave them with a nasty headache."
"Stun them and disarm those ships that'll give them something to think about… um maybe?"
"Generating a wide area stun field in four, three, two, one... Execute."*

Defiance's field leaves almost one hundred ships disabled, two hours later they're disarmed and the fleets on it way home.

*"You realize this was a stop gap measure… they be rearmed and after us in six months or less… we gained nothing."
"Not so, we disabled them they were expecting death and martyrdom. We took that from them, they might think twice about getting embarrassed again."
"I hope you're right Plakia. And Arisa says you are indebt, one cup of royal jasmine black tea, for your lack of tact, she says."
"Oh I am? I believe we can satisfy Arisa's craving once we return home. Speaking of we should be back in time to meet Pav's daughter. This could prove interesting eh?"
"KO and Eliana are planet side you really think they'd let her come aboard unchallenged?"
"I've heard she can hold her own… should prove educational."
"Ladies if you'll excuse I'm pulling out all the stops see you at the space port."*

Discovery vanished with Defiance and Independence in hot pursuit.

The transport arrived at the space dock and shortly there after a shuttle arrived at the surface hub. Atosuryua stood ready to greet one passenger aboard the shuttle; little did she know others were planning on getting to her first. Landing, the docking door opened and two command officers appeared out of nowhere and entered the shuttle. Aghast Atosuryua watched as KO and Eliana sorted through the eleven passengers till they found her. They emerged with a stunning red headed woman with royal blue eyes. Atosuryua opened the table and the image displayed matched the woman KO and Eliana were escorting towards the ground transport station.

Clearing her throat and gaining their attention she said.

"And where are you taking our guest to?"

With a nonchalant yet mischievous look Eliana responded.

"We're taking her to lunch and then to see Cassie, did you have other plans Commander?"

Silently Atosuryua stood there taking in this scene; she'd been out maneuvered and out ranked. Granted she commanded the shuttle port and shuttles but those two had her dead to rights. There was no sense in getting into a power struggle because her orders said that she was to escort the passenger to Cassandra. That was going to happen after an unplanned side trip and although KO could be a bit irresponsible at times if Eliana said they'd deliver her to Cassandra then she'll be delivered as stated.

"No, ladies have an enjoyable lunch and have Sari notify me when you arrive at the command center, Bon appetite."

Turning back, they headed towards the ground station, when out of hearing range KO said.

"That was… almost too easy, I'd figure she'd put up a bigger fuss than she did."

"Told you even though she's a commander, we, even on the ground, outrank her, how ever in the future…"

"We should not try that stunt again eh?"


They were almost to the transport when.

"By your actions and appearances, I'm assuming you're KO and since you're not Abh I'm guessing you must be Eliana?"

"Very perceptive and absolutely correct, and you are, um, how do you pronounce your name?"

A smile crept across her face removing an ID badge she displayed it and said.

"It's Marjee; I altered it after father's death. It was becoming a source of confusion and that usually lead to disagreements which made my job either quite difficult or nearly impossible. For some reason everyone felt that if they could not master my given name then um…"

"It was generating disrespect, I so hate proper hierarchy. If you know the story behind my going by KO then you know I understand why you did what you did."

"There were a couple of occasion that father tried to explain it to me, but it was after his death that mother took me aside and spent a couple of hours… Um a curious question you could have gone your entire life as KO why did you even mention the name you were given?"

"Wasn't my idea originally, unfortunately on this world there are few secrets. After my DNA profile revealed who I was… well it took an act of change from the Council to make it as it is today, but, there are times I still find reference to my original name in archive records. When I do, depending on what the record contains, I either have it sealed or destroyed. But we're discussing you, if you know who I am, then you know all you need to for now."

They boarded the ground transportation and headed to the village. Once there and settled in a very comfortable and private restaurant the discussion continued.

"My origin you ask, simply put my mother got bored one evening and while my father slept, okay she said he was sleeping, I'm voting on passed out, she acquired a genetic sample and the rest is history. With one very important exception…"

"You were supposed to be male? Am I correct?"

"Exactly, when Samson adopted Saio it affected father. He found out, at that time, they were unable to have children. When Robert was born, through what ever happened on this planet, Father was determined to have a son as well."

"Your mother didn't get the message? Or … um…"

"She was convinced I was male when I was implanted. Father went away; actually he was here when I was born so he was completely unaware of mother being with child let alone me being born till he was home. At that time they didn't communicate very well, her being a very headstrong woman, and my dad being who he was. Although I was there the discussion that ensued lasted almost two days. Fortunately I remember none of it to which my mother is quite happy. I was so young that it didn't leave an impression. Mother related that father took one look at me once he was convinced that I was his genetically and uttered my given name then placed it in the official record over my mother's strong objection. To earn my fathers favor I attended some of the finest engineering schools in the quadrant and although my knowledge exceeded his, my gender put him off. It was when death was upon him that he finally acknowledged my abilities and told me he was proud of me. KO, Eliana, I know most of your history and now you know some of mine. However I'm here to help solve a mystery and that mystery is named Pegasus. I've enjoyed the meal and the conversation and do hope we'll have time to expand on this meeting but right now, in my opinion, time is of the essence and I'd like to meet Cassandra but more importantly Robert, Risch and Lily."

KO looked at Marjee and then at Eliana returning her gaze to Marjee she said.

"Before we leave here there is one thing you need to know, once we explain it to you you'll understand why Lily will not be present."

A very brief explanation of Lily's current physical conditioned was stated. Marjee was surprised at the news said she understood and would not push the subject any further. The trip to the island was quiet with Marjee looking out the window at the setting sun.

The door to Cassandra's office stood open, Sari and Sarah were in view as was Lily, Robert, and Risch. Cassandra was helping the girls get their mother comfortable.

"Lily you didn't have to come we could have sent you a detailed report…"

"That's not why I'm here. Missing seeing Uncle Pav's daughter in person, not in this lifetime, once I meet her then I'll be good and go back home. But you were the one who said this would be a short visit and might be her only one for quite sometime… Sorry I'm staying."

The platform from the mainland was insight of the gardens that were a highlight of the island. Jinto and Lafiel were walking through the garden when a commotion was heard coming up from the platform.

"KO, you failed to mention how stunning these gardens are. Here it is, almost sunset, and I'll not have time to take this in."

"Marjee you're assuming this will be your only visit to this world, let me tell you this place tends to grow on one and rapidly."

"You're staying the night, am I not correct? There is lodging on the island, stay here, and before sunrise venture to this spot. The view will knock you off your feet."

Even in the fading light Lafiel could pick out KO and Eliana, the third person, she's Pav's daughter? If so Lafiel was sure she was planned on being who she was and whispered to Jinto.

"That child was engineered to be who you see… there was never a chance in hell she'd be male. I'll stake everything I know on that."

"I'll trust your impression Lafiel but… you're telling me her mother planned her life to run this course as well?"

"If you have doubts, reflect on my life as an example of parental interference."

Jinto slipped an arm around her middle and pulled her close to him, she kissed him on the cheek as they watch the group head for Cassandra's office.

Entering the office complex the light from Cassandra's open office door shown down the corridor, KO stopped, turned to them and said.

"It seems the 'welcome' mat is out, I wonder if a certain shuttle commander has communicated with the 'front office'."

"Entirely possible KO, only way to find out is press forward eh?"

Placing Marjee between them KO lead them down the corridor, entering the office Sari took in the view and said.

"Atosuryua you two aren't, I'm assuming you um 'escorted' her here. Doesn't matter, I have a request for your presence here, so you've saved me the time of looking for you."

A bit indignant Eliana looked at Sari and said.

"Since you're under that impression I'll not burst your bubble, but be a good girl and let Atosuryua know we arrived alive will ya."

Making their way from Sari's office to Cassandra's they got their second surprise, Lily greeted them from a seated position.

"I figured it wouldn't take long for you three to find each other, however, why do I get the impression you've already 'bonded'."

Marjee moved to Lily's side and knelt beside her, looking at her she said.

"Father was taken with you for a reason I never understood till this moment. I bring greetings from mother and a data crystal. But I must admit my surprise at…"

Lily looked KO in the eyes, returned her gaze to Marjee and said.

"My condition, such as it is, will improve. I'm glad you were gently told I was trying to figure out how…"

Marjee took Lily's hand and said.

"Our fathers would dive headlong into a problem and solve it, then sit back and consider the ramifications of their action once they were done. I've lived like that all my life, until now, I sense how really tired you are and although I'd like to spend the rest of the night talking shop… and it's Marjee…"

Stunned Lily looked at her, then, it came to her.

"Telepathic, aren't you, Marjee, and I approve of your alteration of your name."

While this was occurring, Sarah had moved to KO side, Eliana joined Risch and Robert while Cassandra sat at her desk taking in everything. KO had sensed a presence but, had figured it was…

"Marjee you were reading my mind at dinner weren't you?"

Smiling at Lily then rising to her feet she faced KO and said.

"Something that’s not in my 'official' records, at age twenty on Demos it was discovered that 'mother' had given me an edge, genetically speaking. I transferred to a medical center on Doras and came across an old acquaintance of yours, Zachary. The Dorian's helped me understand my new found 'ability' and how to control it. Zachary went a bit further and taught me how to silently use it to ferret out facts. It has served me well, until now. I've sensed the abilities of those around me and decided when I was scanning Lily's thoughts, to confide in you my abilities."

At that moment a communications from Sari office was heard…

"We're home, hope your office is empty because, six to transport to your location."

The energy field radiating from Sari's office gently raised the hair of Marjee's head, it subsided and the noise level rose considerably.

"Transport complete you did well, this time."

"You insist of having your atoms scattered across the universe it's a wonder you arrive in one piece, no wardrobe malfunctions this time?"

"No Arisa, everything went well I'll check in later Dai out."

Looking at the assembled group she said

"Ladies, shall we?"

Marjee was looking towards the door when they entered, some she recognized from pictures, one she immediately felt her presence. Dai and Ariel, Plakia and Dawn, plus Kenesh and Scholar entered the room. Moving towards Scholar, Marjee said.

"I'm honored, I've been told so much about you…"

Scholar placed her hand upon Marjee's forehead and a link was instantly established, less than a minute later they stood facing each other looking like 'old' friends. Scholar took a step back and said.

"I've been waiting for you, I hope what I left with you, brings you peace."

Marjee looked at Scholar then at those assembled and said.

"Suddenly, I have to admit, I'm quite tired, can we continue this conversation later? Also even though I hadn't planned on it could someone lead me to my father's grave, I'd like to see it before I get some rest."

Cassandra rose from her chair and said she would escort Marjee, there were no objections. Lily invited Marjee to visit her before she left to which Marjee agreed. It was an orderly exit from Cassandra's office; a meeting was set for late morning. The room cleared, Cassandra and Marjee exited towards the falls. Approaching the site Marjee was taken with its appearance. Energy torches lit the path and each head stone was illuminated. A monument, a star blazing through space stood in the center of the area. Approaching her father's grave Marjee knelt, tears flowing down her face she said.

"I know how many times you tried to express yourself to me and how many times you couldn't find the words. I have to admit, leaving your feelings with Scholar was something I never expected. I've avoided this world for that sole reason I couldn't bring myself to try to understand you. Thanks to Scholar and you my dear father I understand and thank you for all you quietly did for me."

Coming to her feet she spied Samson's grave and Charles's along side it. Reading the inscriptions and noticing the dates she said.

"Charles and Samson died on the same day? Cassandra do you know how Samson passed, father never brought up the subject...

Marjee saw Cassandra's face in the torch light and realized she had said something… Cassandra reached for Marjee's hand and placed it on her head; she relaxed and opened her mind to her. It took only a few moments and Marjee knew more than she had wished for.

"I'm so sorry Cassandra I thought Shawn was your only sibling…"

"We kept the incident from general knowledge; I ask that what you've learned tonight goes no further."

"Is this why you insisted on bringing me here?

"Yes and to ask you to reconsider staying for as long as you wish, I know your mother is working with the Suran's on the dreadnought and was expecting you to join her shortly but…"

"It would seem the mind link wasn't a one way affair. I'm impressed then again you are one of Scholar's students. I'll take this conversation under advisement no other promises, okay?"

Cassandra escorted her to lodging and made sure she was settled before leaving. Just as she was getting ready to enter her residence a familiar voice spoke to her from the shadows.

"Interesting lady, yes?'

"Much more than that, she's an ally and a friend but I sensed a power that could rival KO's in a heartbeat. What little she let me see says she'll fit in to this world nicely, but we need to let her do it at her own pace, pushing her will only…"

"Bring forth an explosion that we might not be able to contain."

"Well said mother, KO will need to be informed…"

"You'll excuse me but I already had a conversation with both of them. Eli can be a sounding board along with KO and I made sure they understood what would happened if they futzed this up."

"Futzed? Pretty strong language from you Mother, did they get the message?"

"Yeah they begrudgingly got it and I told them what they'd get if they failed, it wasn't pretty either."

"Normally I'd be angry that you interjected yourself into this without asking, however I'm letting it pass because you still have a way of getting your point across."

"Good night Cassandra"

"Good night mother, send father my love and sleep well."

"I shall."

Morning on the island brought a light mist covering the ground for a depth of about one third of a meter. Marjee watched as the mist swirls around her, moving to the spot KO had indicated. According to her communicator it was approximately twenty minutes before visible light would arrive on the island. The horizon already was projecting hues of blue and gold as the sun came closer to becoming visible. Torch light reflected off the mist causing the garden to take on an eerie appearance. Undaunted she positioned herself and waited.

Down the path leading towards the lagoon Eliana and KO were positioned so they could see the gardens. Holding a viewer Eliana said.

"There she is a little early but right where you told her to be."

"Her curiosity is about to be rewarded, but Eli we're not interfering, I'm not dealing with Lafiel, not after that little 'chat' we had last night."

"The mist will enhance her experience, KO did you order up this?"

"No, no, nature at work and soon nature will make its presence known… I wonder how she'll react."

Lafiel discovered a species of flowers a few decades ago. Their beauty is only surpassed by how they react to the first light of morning. And KO had placed Marjee in the middle of the flower bed surrounded by the thirty-five known varieties of the plant. Sensing the sun, at a given light level, they raise off the ground to approximately one half to one and a half meters, once extended the blooms open wide and orient them selves towards the sunrise. Adding the mist, the effect should be enhanced, if not a bit frightening.

Sunrise occurred and as planned the blooms rose and surrounded Marjee. Neither KO nor Eliana sensed anything strange coming from Marjee. Curiosity caused them to venture up the path and the sight that greeted them was… Marjee, her arms extended, gently turning about the blooms, stirring the mist ever so slightly, spying them she said.

"It's beyond my wildest expectations and well worth the wait thank you KO, thank you so much."

A bit of disappointment was shared among KO and Eliana however Marjee's reaction came as no surprise considering whom her parents were. After enjoying the view they made their way towards the command center. A warm meal and then the postponed meeting followed.

Noel Ekuryua stands before a display and starts the meeting. In attendance are KO, Eliana, Marjee, Cassandra and Scholar.

"Good morning everyone, I'll be as brief as possible however given the amount of information I need to …."

"We get the picture Noel just start talking we'll catch on." KO said.

"I'll do you one better I'll hit the high points you can read the rest on your own. As to the question of age, Pegasus is older by fifty years although thanks to its maintenance bots you'd never know that. Technologically speaking it's on par with Illusion, given the fact it was first it's no wonder that Illusion is better I'd like to say Illusion was their crowning achievement."

"Major difference and here's where we were stumped for awhile, ton for ton Pegasus has more fire power than Illusion but a shorter endurance. It would seem the builders figured it out shortly after Pegasus was launched and the plans for Illusion were undertaken. Their unique utilization of four vessels that merge into one yet can also operate independently was and is to this day 'pure genius'. Speaking of innovation we have figured out how these ships maintain themselves, finally."

"What had us confused initially was the composition of each ship, their metallurgy differed so much we thought, at first, they were produced by separate divisions on separate planets. Not so, they were made here, however, in their travels they needed repair and their 'bots' took raw materials from where ever they were and synthesized compatible materials to use. Basically with out a lot of detail those ships are a history of their travels and with that now we've realized how some of the exotic metals they contain were formed."

"You've got mechanical data in the packet, the major problem and the one we hope Marjee can solve is the A.I. unit aboard Pegasus. Its ability to communicate with Illusion remains although they don't 'talk' much anymore. We can power up individual systems but we can't get it to 'fly'. The recent core dump from Pegasus showed no anomalies yet for lack of better words its gone dormant."

Marjee was intrigued with Noel's comments she had seen most of the data beforehand yet this anomaly with the AI was news to her. She had studied with the top specialists in artificial intelligence although there were two schools of thought; one is how the Abh do it and the other is how everyone else does. Being more human than Abh, she lacks the sense organ in her forehead, although she is telepathic. Marjee decided to become acquainted with both AI designs, however after seeing the systems aboard both Pegasus and Illusion neither of them fit into the 'current' designs. She realized then and there this wasn't going to be a 'five minute' fix.

Noel had stopped talking and was observing Marjee, so engrossed in thought was she, that the silence in the room escaped her senses until Scholar mentally tapped her on the shoulder. Startled and returned to the present she said.

"You'll excuse me but I think I might know why Pegasus is doing, or in this case, not doing what it should be. I'll need to get aboard to verify my findings thou. Is that possible at this time?"

Marjee was expecting an answer from Noel since she was in charge of the maintenance of Pegasus. Scholar coming forward and speaking was something she wasn't expecting and then Scholar request was…

"Before you have contact with Pegasus or Illusion you'll need a complete medical workup. I know it's something you're not expecting but that’s the rules. Any questions?"

Marjee had a thousand questions but they didn't concern the exam. She agreed to the workup, KO and Eliana escorted her to the village; Saio and Jasmine were waiting for her. Once they left Scholar, Noel and Cassandra continued on a different topic Cassandra started the discussion.

"You sent her off without much as a clue why, do you think that was wise?"

"If she is as smart as we think she'll figure it out. I didn't want any preconceived notions floating around in her head."

Noel moved to the display and said.

"We've made some progress with the interface, and Marjee's notes contain that information. There is a common denominator that we're missing. I've had Lyra sorting through the latest data dump with zero results. Its funny KO could control the ship via Illusion until it landed then poof Pegasus shut down for all intents. Something's missing, hopefully Marjee figures it out."

"Cassandra, Noel I know how anxious you are to get Pegasus operational but don't put all your hope on the child. She, while intelligent, is still growing emotionally. I sensed that from the very beginning, knowing what I gave her from her father will in time stabilize her emotionally but pushing her to Pegasus unprepared is extremely unwise."

"So that's why you insisted on a complete workup you wanted a baseline incase…"

"Incase she has an adverse reaction to Pegasus? Exactly, everyone one in this room knows how Illusion changed KO, admittedly ever so slightly, but it did change her…"

"Hold on Scholar, are you trying to say you think Pegasus might…"

"Better safe than sorry, isn't that what your mother always says?"

"We should inform her that there is a possibility…"

"We will not, she has to have no preconceived notions, none whatsoever. This is one case where knowledge might be hazardous to ones mental wellbeing."

"Scholar if anything befalls her, the parental vengeance that will ensue I really don't want that possibility."

"You'll have to trust me on this one, remember the company she is with and I'm sure Noel you'll be there as well. Odds are nothing will happen but…"

"Okay, but, Saio has to give her a clean bill of health both physically and mentally before she gets within five kilometers of the base, if her physical is a no go the she goes no where near, understood?"

"Perfectly I'm glad we're on the same page now if you'll excuse me I'm off to visit the clinic."

With that Scholar leaves Cassandra and Noel watch, when she is out of range Noel says.

"Just to let you and you alone know, I've tried on several occasions to communicate with Pegasus on a one to one level. I believe that part of the AI is, not broken but seemingly unresponsive. Lyra has stated the same conclusion but can't run a diagnostic, she keeps getting 'system inhibited' as a response. Now if Marjee can get the system up and running, something we've been unable to accomplish, and I or one of the senior tech's are there, we can pull the plug before anything 'funny' happens. Now if you'll excuse me I have a date with a stubborn AI unit."

Noel leaves Cassandra alone, waiting a few moments; she opens a muted a link and says.

"You heard everything?"

"That I did and I'm not surprised in the least. Cassie you're right in one thing, knowing Marjee's mother like I do, anything happens to the child and she'll arrive with a Suran battle fleet demanding blood. I'm as uncomfortable with this as you are but, either we get Pegasus up and running or we scrap it. It's taking up valuable resources, resources we should be using in other ventures. This region of space is far from peaceful we're working on borrowed time I fear. That said having another ship adds to our strength but it's got to be fully operational. How are the plans for the new cruiser progressing if I might ask?"

"Propulsion and weapon systems are in; as soon as the hull sections are joined it's off for a shake down cruise. Still another six month to a year before we dare put it on the line. Crew training is progressing, but they are a very 'green' crew. Only seven of the seventy have any space let alone 'combat' experience. In an emergency we could put a seasoned crew aboard by taking from the fleet; however I'm not comfortable with that plan."

"Anything your father and I can do to help you will inform us correct?"

"I will right now I'm going on a fact finding, feeling out mission. We've not heard from the Suran's for awhile think I'll give them a 'buzz' and see what they've found."

"I'd like to hear the results from that buzz; you'll let me know Cassie?"

"I shall now if you'll excuse me I need to gather my thoughts."

The link closes and Cassandra takes a walk in the garden to clear her head.

Meanwhile at the clinic Saio and Jasmine have made a discovery of their own concerning Marjee.

"She said she studied on Doras didn't she?"

"That she did and I'll bet she doesn't realize what she learned while she was there."

"She's in a passive scanning mode and doesn't realize it. No wonder she's a 'wonder kin' she walks into a room and…"

"Knows what everyone knows without them knowing she's scanned them. Then she takes all that information and with her ability sorts through it and comes up with the most logical solution… my stars she's a walking talking Lyra without being uppity… we should let Scholar know…"

"You do that Jasmine, I'm getting in touch with Cassie I think more than one person should know about this."

As Saio was leaving the room the door opened and KO entered.

"Sorry ladies but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Could I see the report just for a moment?"

As Saio hands the report to KO she says.

"You understand this is confidential if anything was to…"

"I know, but you should know, once we leave here we're suppose to escort Marjee to Pegasus. Unless you feel she's not fit to go aboard…"

"Oh she's quite fit in fact…"

"Wait she scored higher than I did… Dang just how… I got a feeling about this…"

"KO it's out of your hands. Now you know, use what you know wisely and do not inform the patient of what you've seen. You understand what I just said Commander?"

"Very loud and quite clear, now, if you'll excuse me."

KO and Saio leave, KO meets up with Eliana and Marjee they take the long route to where Pegasus is KO needed some time to sort things out. Once there she leaves Marjee with Eliana and seeks out Noel. After a brief conversation Noel tells KO she's not surprised at the information but will take extra care while Marjee's here.

Their original orders were to escort Marjee to Pegasus then depart, KO made a decision and once Marjee was with Noel examining the outside of the ship she confided in Eliana what she had learned.

"No way… I don't think I can handle another 'you' and she's unknowingly sneakier than you… Think I'll be heading home all of the sudden sitting on the throne sounds good…"

"Knock it off Eli. If for one second I thought you were serious…"

"KO in a way I am but I want you to be aware of what is going on. I figured out the scanning when the flowers didn't send her into hysterics. The rest, rumor has it, if she can’t raise Pegasus it's to be scrapped, if she is as good as you say she's our only hope. Just so you know I understand your concerns but we also have a lot invested to have it scrapped. It's out of our hands but I think we should still stick around for a bit just incase, you know…"

"Yeah I know there's a bunker to the left, if memory serves it overlooks the bay Pegasus is parked in and the seating is um comfortable… shall we?

They moved to the bunker and took up seats over looking the bay.

Examining the exterior of the ship with hover platforms Noel and Marjee had made it to amidships when…

"Noel how operational is this ship? I mean what I've seen so far indicates, it looks complete."

"You are correct, outside of the inability of the main system AI to initialize, it's ready for space. As far as a crew goes, at optimum ten to fifteen personal mostly to keep an eye on parts of the ship sensors aren't monitoring. Pegasus was designed to project the builder's intent without the need for a large crew. Like Illusion the ships AI would make the appropriate response and the crew would maintain the system. One thing I'm not sure of is whether its AI is like Illusion's, let me explain briefly. KO's input is required and her decisions can override the ships AI's. I say that in the plural because there are four separate yet joined systems aboard Illusion. A system we're still learning about to this day. Pegasus is an unknown."

Marjee raised the hover platform to a height where Pegasus was completely viewable. While massive it was also a work of art in its own right. It was then her father's curiosity kicked in, she thought. 'I wonder what this ship is capable of I must get it operational failure is no longer an option.'

Hovering next to Marjee, Noel could sense what she was thinking and said.

"Are you ready to venture inside or do you desire a continued look out here?"

"I'm ready to have a look inside… let's do this shall we and Noel, I've seen enough, I'm staying I think I've found a home, I'll make mother understand later."

"You're serious about this aren't you? I'll give you all the moral support you need; right now I'd like to introduce you to your next project. Hopefully it's not a long term one.

The bridge was dimly lit at first; Noel activated the lighting system and brought the levels up. Looking around her Marjee was awe struck. Here was a technology centuries old yet actually better and different than that in use today. Noel brought up a system diagram and displayed it on the main engineering console. Marjee took the seat and instantly became self absorbed in it contents. Noel moved to the communications console and opened a link to Lyra.

"Commander good morning… um I'm sensing a presence that I have no record of aboard the ship."

"It's okay Lyra, her name is Marjee enter her into the security, access level one double alpha."

"Double alpha clearance, then she's the one KO was talking about."

"That is correct let me know when it completed."

"Clearance list updated she has access to all functions aboard not only Pegasus but this ship as well."

Hours passed Marjee was making some progress and was about to call it a day when Lyra's remote terminal went active.

"This is not a drill… emergency recall, all crew members; launch as soon as possible, Samson acknowledges recall."

"Lyra, explain the recall?

"System locked authorization required."

"Ekuryua Noel, epsilon one five five activate."

"Acknowledged Ekuryua Noel Commander, Security established, transmitting information, desired in text or spoken?"

"Lyra, talk to me."

"Present time is twenty one hundred thirty hours… at twenty one hundred fifteen hours communications between this planet and the Suran observation team was established; a normal conversation ensued until twenty one twenty at that time interference jammed the signal; at twenty one twenty two several Suran emergency beacons we set off in the general location of the observation team; an emergency recall order was issued by governor Lynn at twenty one twenty five. That is all."


Marjee was not as absorbed as Noel had thought turning she found her standing in front of the captain's chair her hands gripping it for support. Moving towards her Noel started to speak but…

"Not possible first father and now… I won't accept it… I can't accept it… Noel I have to go with them I must go with them…

Before a word could be spoken the link went active again.

"KO we're ready coordinates laid in you lead we'll follow and be on your port six."

"Illusion to group, engage, maximum speed."


Marjee collapsed and fell into the Captains seat. Noel opened a link and said.

"Medical emergency bay thirty one."

Closing the link she tried to wake Marjee with no effect. It would be minutes before help arrived but she seemed stable or so Noel thought.

Aboard Independence Scholar was conversing with Kenesh. Noel's message echoed throughout the bridge Kenesh went pale and Scholar's blood ran cold.

"Scholar you can't we're leaving let Noel handle it."

Scholar bit her lip, Independence launched in support of Illusion two minutes later.

To be continued in: A Tempered Vengeance

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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