71_Patience is a Virtue

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71_Patience is a Virtue

Post by Diaho »

Patience is a Virtue

Pegasus commanders log, Marjee recording: We're enroute to Shahrazad however I've noticed Samson is not with us. I'm using this occasion to practice tracking and the result is.

"Marjee, Samson's course remains the same and their speed has not increased. Projecting the course line I have no idea where they are headed. Shall I execute a long range deep scan?"

"Proceed and place the results on the main display."

Aboard Discovery Ariel takes note of Pegasus scan and says.

"Captain, Marjee is getting a bit curious; she just did a deep scan of Samson's extended route.’

"Open a link now."

Returning to Marjee, the scan completes as Dai's message arrives.

"Cease scanning at once and take no action no matter what you see."

Confused Marjee complies, it is then Pegasus displays the results of the scan. Extended along the course appears Illusion and almost a dozen ships surrounding them. Alarmed, Marjee calls Shawn to the bridge. His arrival is greeted with.

"I was practicing following Samson and I started a deep scan, which Dai told me to cease, but here is the result and I don't know what to think."

Staring at the display, Shawn enhanced a few areas, what he saw prompted him to inquire of Dai.

"You informed Marjee to cease scanning; do you have any idea of what we've discovered?"

"Doesn't matter, we're not involved, nor shall we change course, is that clear enough Commander?"

"Crystal clear, remaining on course estimated arrival seven hours present speed."

"Commander, send me what you have, we're increasing speed but not changing course, new speed factor six, arrival in one hour forty five minutes."

Aboard Discovery Dai and Ariel examine the scan from Pegasus. The results are on the main display and enhanced as Dai comments.

"A dozen first line battleships and KO sitting in the middle of them. Calculations show at present speed Samson is still better than seven hours away. I hope they are both patient if not, they are both dead. Send what we have to command and open a link to Pegasus."

Shawn examines the scan in detail its then that Pegasus makes the following observation.

"Commander I'm troubled by the scan… let me explain, this is the image Illusion, if you'll take note there is no signature surrounding the vessel. It's my conclusion that they are stationary and have lowered their defenses completely."

"A sitting duck, no not that, a decoy, hardly, and Samson is taking a leisurely path towards them, hm?

"Commander, Discovery on scramble, switching to main viewer."

The viewer becomes active as Dai is addressing the recent events.

"Commander we've reviewed the results of your scan and have forward them to command. Our orders have not changed, we are to proceed to space dock and await further instructions. Any curiosity you may have, you will keep to yourself when we arrive. Do you have any questions?"

Shawn looked at Marjee she was unexpressive, returning to the viewer, he stated that they understood and would obey. The image fades and Marjee says.

"Is this normal? I feel like an outsider at the moment, Shawn your feelings on this matter if you please."

Shawn turned away from Marjee and faced the viewer. As space streaked by, he emptied his thoughts, considered the situation, and then said.

"Not normal as far as my limited experience has seen. Marjee we are the extension of the councils wishes and there have been times that their wishes have not been expressed fully. I believe I'm as confused as you are but… Pegasus, given the information gathered can you ascertain the origin of the vessels in the scan?"

The display illuminates and images appear those in the database are tagged those not are highlighted. Taking his limited experience Shawn formulates a hypothesis.

"I have an idea of who those ships might belong to. However until I have more information unfortunately Marjee I must leave you in the dark because if I'm wrong and … I don't want to be the cause of a misunderstanding."

Shawn leaves the bridge, confused and slightly annoyed Marjee inquires of Pegasus.

"Can you identify those vessels?"

"An encryption is in effect, the commander entered a code to encrypt the data. Marjee I've been searching the Alliance databases and came upon a 'white paper' written by Shawn's grandmother that you might find of interest."

"Show me the document."

The document entitled; 'The Problem with Surplus Materials of Conflict' was displayed. Marjee took note it was dated twenty years ago and recently updated. The crux of the paper was after centuries of conflict there were areas of space that contained the 'dumped' remnants of conflicts. The contents varied but the thrust of the discussion was discarded warships and weapon systems. It would seem the Alliance has encountered products of wars past in the hands of those who did not develop them. The subject of war surplus graveyards was discussed in detail highlighting those planets and systems that had been discovered and the remnants of warfare found there.

As Marjee read, her shock at the data became apparent; Pegasus picked up on her increased physical readings and said.

"Marjee, a moment of your time, remember that I am a product of conflict, cast aside once the conflict passed. I've scanned the paper and can see the point of it; also, I too am concerned with the number of destructive devices cast aside instead of being disposed of properly. In the same thought had I been disposed of properly um…?"

"I was thinking that as well. Shawn, um the Commander, must have seen something he recognized and that's why he left. Although I'm not okay with this and I want you to make a formal log entry stating my displeasure about being left in the dark. I'll abide by the orders I've received and wait. And Pegasus since you know me, you'll understand this. I don't 'wait' well."

"Acknowledged Marjee, log entry made, twenty minutes from space dock syncing with Discovery for deacceleration maneuver in eleven minutes. I suggest you relax till then."

Marjee relaxed in the seat; taking in the viewer view of space, she tried to put out of her mind the recent events. As she said earlier she doesn't do waiting very well.

In the command center; Pegasus impromptu scan was becoming the subject of much discussion. The objections of Tao were being aired at the moment.

"Our agreement was not to do any scanning of the area. Why wasn't Pegasus informed of this beforehand?"

Cassandra, while coming to Marjee's defense, reminded Tao of the orders issued concerning the subject

"If you'll remember it was you who decided to keep Marjee in the dark. An informed Marjee would have received the same orders that Discovery did. What happened was a progression in her learning curve, she saw something that wasn't right and investigated it. It is what any of us would have done had we not received that order. Tao, keeping an inquiring mind out of the loop is going to keep producing issues such as the one we're discussing. At the moment you, and the council, control what we're allowed to tell Pegasus. I seriously ask that you meet and reconsider your actions."

Tao left the room; Cassandra took a deep breath and said.

"Once Pegasus is docked I want Marjee and Shawn in my office. They're not to discuss with anyone the data they accidentally acquired."

Unfortunately Cassandra's orders came too late. Aboard Defiance Plakia's communication device had just activated. Noting the security code requested, she secured her cabin door and activated the device. Shawn was to the point.

"Grandmother, hear me out before you respond. I'm well aware I'm breaking the chain of command, but… I've forwarded you a scan from about an hour ago. Study it carefully and, grandmother I'm very uneasy with what I've seen, as you requested I've kept Marjee in the dark but she's no dummy it's not going to take her long to put two and two together and when she does if I'm not able to either confirm nor deny her findings I might as well transfer back to Defiance, because as you said 'if she doesn't trust you, you have no place in her life'."

Plakia opened the data and viewed the scan. Shawn could tell the moment she saw what he had seen and by her reaction he was convinced she too was in the dark.

"Shawn, besides the two of you, who else has seen this data,"

"Auntie Dai and I assume she sent it on to command, I left Marjee on the bridge, we're approaching the space dock I need to go. Can we discuss this later?"

"Shawn, it looks like we can not, you're getting orders now. We never had this discussion if you're asked. Communications ends."

Stunned Shawn watches the display go dim. It is at that moment Marjee calls him to the bridge. Exiting his cabin he makes his way to the bridge. The door opens and…

"We're to report to Cassandra upon arrival and we're to keep quiet about what we've seen, your opinion Commander?"

Shawn wanted to tell Marjee about his conversation, he couldn't, if it came to it, he'd bear the brunt of it and leave Marjee unscathed.

"We go see Cassandra and listen. Let's approach it that way and see what they have to say first, then you can voice your objections. I do believe that would be the course I'd take; ignoring the fact Cassandra's my older sister, I'd listen first."

Marjee took in what Shawn had said, considered it and agreed. They were in the deacceleration maneuver; it would be less than a half hour before they were in Cassandra's office.

Aboard Samson Eliana was still a little under four hours from KO when a discrete link opened, a data file arrived, with the attached note: 'You should know what you're heading into'. Opening the file and viewing its contents Eliana calls her first officer over.

"Take this file and feed it into the system, find out exactly what KO's up against and devise an escape plan, remembering we can do no damage."

"One wonders what the council was thinking when they agreed to this um folly…"

"That's enough Commander I gave you an assignment, I didn't ask for your opinion on this matter."

"Aye Captain that you did, accept my apology. I'll have you a plan with in the hour."

Sari had just entered Cassandra's office she had information to report.

"Let me be blunt, before you issued the order there was communications between Pegasus and Defiance that abruptly ended when receipt of the order was accepted by Defiance, but that's not all, four minutes after the order was issued Defiance and Samson communicated for less then two minutes it was a one way link."

"Shawn shared with Plakia and she shared with Eliana. Basically we are still in compliance with the agreement we've forwarded no information have we?"

"Cassie that 'we' is a very narrow definition, should any of this come to light…"

"It won't not after we 'talk' with Marjee and Shawn. Plakia and Eli will do the right thing and what KO doesn't know won't jeopardize the mission, I hope… just to be safe, have staff plan a 'rescue mission' and coordinate with Vekk, he'll keep his data safe."

"You know if Tao or the council finds out they'll have your hide."

"Then we make damn sure they don't. I'll leave that up to you."

Sari leaves, once in her office she executes Cassandra's orders as Shawn and Marjee enter.

"Go on in she's waiting for you."

They enter and the door closes, once closed Sari picks up her conversation with Vekk.

"Your group will be on stand by; if necessary you'll join up with Independence and task force. You have worked with Captain Kenesh before am I correct."

"That is correct; let her know our group consists of three heavy cruisers, four attack vessels and my flagship. We'll arrive at the designated area in two hours time."

"Very well Vekk, report on station and good luck."

Exiting Cassandra's office Shawn reports back to Defiance, having her first officer removed Marjee heads to the café just south of the command center. Feeling alone she orders a rather stiff drink, as it's delivered it's intercepted by a command officer who says.

"You need to keep your senses about you. You'll never know when you might be needed."

Looking around Marjee spies Noel and her drink. Not wanting to give in readily she addresses Noel.

"Me, needed, HA! Cassie just took my first officer away and basically told me I was in 'reserves'. So why shouldn't I have one 'stiff' drink um? You tell me Noel."

"Because, I'd like my CAPTAIN with a clear head, Captain."

A stunned Marjee looks at Noel it finally hit her, as Noel continued.

"If you feel up to it we need to rendezvous with Independence. The rest of your orders await you aboard Pegasus. If you're up to it Captain?"

Marjee made the mistake of having Noel operate the shuttle to Pegasus. Arriving feeling like she'd had that drink she said.

"No offense but next time I'll drive."

There was no objection from Noel.


Aboard Samson the tactical officer is addressing Eliana.

"Captain I've enhanced that scan from Pegasus. You'll find this rather interesting."

Moving to the station Eli observes the display and says.

"What a conglomeration of antique technology, except for those four vessels, are you certain of the identifications?"

"Double checked; four first line Zon warships no doubt about it."

"Didn't the Zon misplace…"

"Six warships of that classification, your memory is correct Captain, two were recovered and I'm betting there are the other four. Now who is… and why are… I can't answer those questions. But Captain, Illusion could easily defeat that group. Why are they sitting there defenseless?"

Eliana returned to the center seat, they were two hours from Illusion with more questions than answers. Perplexed Eliana patiently watched as they grew closer not knowing what lies ahead.

Tao stormed into Cassandra's office totally ignoring Sari's presence. Lowering the folder she was holding Cassandra found Tao few inches from her and Tao's anger was apparent.

"WHO authorized you to move the fleet? WHERE do you think you're going to send them?"

Closing the folder and placing it on the desk she returned the look she was getting and said.

"What have you concocted? Why is Illusion sitting defenseless and why is Samson on a very leisurely pace heading towards Illusion? You said earlier this was an undercover mission and what I needed to know I'd know… So the cover's been lifted but not blown, unless you tell me to mind my own business, which in that case I'll stick my nose deep in this and protect the fleet in general, your choice Tao… And, next time you decide to 'march' into my office the greeting you'll get will not be this cordial."

Tao moved back, she figured if she caught Cassie off guard… um that didn't work… she had to tell her something but what was she allowed to say…. Cassie was too calm her demeanor was too 'normal' Tao hadn't angered her or at least Cassie wasn't showing it. Still trying to decide what to say Cassandra continued.

"I'll give you an hour. Go back to the council and see what they want to divulge. But no more than an hour, because exactly one hour from now, I'm 'releasing the hounds' no exceptions, ONE HOUR!"

Tao retreated, this had completely backfired, which Gwen had warned might happened, but like her mother she failed to heed the warning. And now, back to the chamber, accept her punishment and come up with an acceptable story to tell Cassandra.

Captains log Dawn Dorin recording: We've been on station the past ten hours quietly recording the events occurring around us. My ship, the Mirage, is an information gathering device. We have been in this sector awaiting Illusion's arrival and have slipped to within five hundred kilometers of their position. We can stay cloaked for another seven hours then… well by then this should be over.

"Captain we're drifting away from the observation area should I apply a correction burn."

"Show me the rate of drift. If we can wait till Samson's arrival their signature will mask our correction."

The amount of drift was nominal it would be a few hours before contact was lost, and Dawn decided to wait. Stealth was her friend and in this case she needed all the friends she could have.

"Have there been anymore transmission from the gathered forces?"

"No Captain I'm surprised no one noticed Pegasus's scan which leads me to believe…"

"They're either very low tech or have no idea of how to operate the ships they have."

"I concur Captain it is as we've seen before, they concentrate on propulsion and weapons, figure out navigation enough to move and ignore the rest either due to sheer ignorance or lack of 'warm bodies'."

"Have we been able to determine who we're dealing with?"

"Not really Captain, with the ability to scan for life forms muted, I like to know whose doing that was, I can't tell you who, but I can tell you who we're not dealing with."

"Oh? What magic did you use?"

"Thermal images of those vessels show the climate controls are set to maintain a thirty-five to forty degree Celsius internal temperature. That's the comfort range of most desert worlds; this would possibly eliminate most of the tropical and sub tropical worlds. I've narrowed the list to ten known worlds, with six of those having hostile residents."

"Could it be a world that has a desert and not desert climate?"

"Possible but research shows even when that is the case the desert dwellers look for cooler climates. I'm assuming that average planetary temperatures are in the range shown aboard those ships therefore…"

"So six worlds maintain that average, show me the list if you please."

The list appears on the screen, as her training kicks in she shuffles planets in order of her personal knowledge of them. There is one planet that moves to the top of her list. She's dealt with them before it was a very memorable encounter. Arsis IV; a semi arid planet orbiting a gas giant its home to a nomadic tribal race that inherited, (read stole) technology from the aftermath of the four nation's war. Their primary use for what they had was to create a more habitable planet but those ambitions were cast aside once those in charge realized what their new found power could be used for.

Heading to space they start to collect the space junk left from wars past; with this new leverage they start raiding the neighboring systems. Stealing tech, keeping what they needed and 'marketing' the rest, unfortunately some of the 'marketed' goods wound up in hands that knew how to use them and it's been root of many a conflict over the past century. Dawn surmised that 'if' those involved were from that planet, they had taken a very bold and dangerous step forward. It was something that needed to be stopped here and now.

"Prepare a probe; load everything we have and the ships log into it. We'll launch it once Samson arrives; keep feeding it data till the last moment. I'm sure command will take interest in what we're finding."

Samson arrived forty minutes later keeping its distance it still generated enough of an EM field that Dawn set the probe adrift, and adjusting her position to account for drift. Once the probe cleared the area if slowly fired its engine and headed to Shahrazad, estimated time to optimal range for its data to transmit was forty-five minutes. With in the hour command would know everything she knew. She just hoped nothing occurred within that hour span.

Arriving last Marjee was scanning the area when…

"Captain, an object, I believe to be a probe has entered scanning range… projecting course… it's headed for Shahrazad."

Moving to the communications station Noel inputs a data stream and sends it to the probe. The probe slows and alters course. Two minutes later it's along side Pegasus transmitting its data. Taking note of where it's from Noel says.

"Something else to worry about; it seems we've got a listening post out there and no one was told about it."

Opening a secure link Noel said.

"Kenesh, we've intercepted a probe from Mirage, transferring the data to you and sending a tight beam transmission back to command. It would seem Dawn has a 'front row' seat to what ever is occurring out there."

Kenesh scans the data and then comments.

"[This is getting stranger by the minute, given what I've seen and Dawn's observation… I have to assume… there's an arms deal transpiring out there… at least from my experience that's how I see it, Comments?"

Plakia was first and not amused…

"Why are we becoming… Kenesh I hope you're wrong… I'm still sorting through all of this and…"

Dai followed with this opening.

"My thought is… who are we buying arms from or what are they selling that we'd be interested in, if that's what's occurring?"

Marjee had read everything the probe contained and said.

"Arsis IV, if that's who's involved, is a very desperate planet. They've squandered vast resources and have very little to show for it. There was a time not long ago I was suppose to visit and confer with the tribal elders about a power plant, but that fell through at the last moment. My understanding is those who hold power live very well and those who do not; barely survive. Rumor had it there was a faction that had gained some power and was challenging the tribal leaders. The question becomes, if it's Arsis IV, who we are dealing with tribal elders or…"

"Ladies, orders are incoming from command. We're to take up a position in the adjacent system that will put us minutes from KO and Eliana… orders dictate stealth, we'll leave in this order one minuet apart. Defiance, Discovery, Pegasus and I'll bring up the rear. Orders state we're not to engage unless there is a clear and present danger. Also Dai; find Dawn upon your arrival fill her in on what's going on. Shall we?"

Ships cloak and vanish, arriving Dai seeks out Dawn. Approaching her position a visual signal is made and responded to. A low power signal is sent and responded to. Moving back to the fleet Dai says.

"Dawn's a bit shocked we're here but it's been, to quote her, 'too quiet'. There has been a barrage of light signals between KO and one of the opposition vessels but Dawn's just far enough removed to decipher what is being said."

"Orders say we wait and that's what we'll do… I've targeted everything surrounding KO and Eli… first shot fired. I'll start, the rest of you tie into my tactical and chose your targets."

Captains log KO recording: Samson just arrived and now that the rest of 'trade goods' are here we can start negotiating in um good faith? The aggravating part of this is light signals… we agreed to that so no one would know where we were, however a couple of their older ships are leaking so much waste that sentinel satellites for at least a parsec have to be sounding the alarm. I just hope no one gets noisy and breaks up this little party. I'm sure I know who I'm dealing with even though I've not heard any language their transmission style and language usage leads me to believe they are either from or familiar with Arsis IV. I'll give them this; who ever I'm talking to knows exactly what they want and they also know that what they have to trade has great worth. The present impasse concerns dragging us into a conflict; the original deal was for arms in exchange for vessels and the crews that were aboard at the time of their… theft… they say they acquired these from another party but I have my doubts. Looks like round three is about to begin.

"Orion is what we discussed earlier, can that be accomplished?"

"If Samson keeps drifting towards us very possible I can have shields up before they can charge a weapon, but, Captain there is something else. With the amount of random energy floating about it's hard to tell the status of those ships. They may already be fully charged in that case we're going to take damage if it becomes a shoot out."

"Very well continue as planned IF there is a change, go defensive… We'll hold fire until fired upon."

"KO your party is ready to continue or so the signal says."

"Thanks Sarah, Lyra; send we're ready to continue."

The conversation continued, the only problem with this method is one can not judge the feelings of the other. Light signals show no frustration or anger but KO was becoming both and figured the party on the other end must be feeling the same. She called for a break in communications and sent Eliana a coded signal.

Aboard Samson KO message was being relayed much to the communication's officer confusion.

"Signal from flag reads as follows… Have you got a crock of hot coffee, my maker just went foo. And I so want a cup, keep's me awake it does, oh make it black, straight up no condiments."

Eliana transferred the message to her tablet; her close examination brings a smile to her face as she says.

"Tactical, our approximate distance from Illusion."

"Twelve thousand meters and slowly drifting to their port beam."

"I see let me know when we're at ten thousand meters… Engineering, Bridge."

"Aye Captain, if this is inquiring about the previous conversation, we're monitoring Illusion at the first flicker we'll be ready."

"It does concern that and I have some follow up we're to be defensive until fired upon.'

"That'll be a tough one but we're up to the challenge."

"Very well chief you'll know something the minute we do, Bridge out."

Confused the communications officer address Eliana.

"Captain, how did you glean… um I'm assuming that was a code you and KO worked out before we left."

"Exactly and it's a need to know, what you need to know is to translate KO message exactly, it matters not, whether or not it makes sense or if its grammatically correct give me it word for word."

"Aye Captain word for word it is."

Returning to her seat Eliana composes a message back. When delivered it brings a smile from KO.

In excess of an hour had come and gone. Cassandra instructed Sari to inform her of anything from the fleet. She departed heading to the council chamber. Someone there owed her an explanation of what was going on, although she had a very good idea of what was a foot. Approaching the chamber she's stopped by the scribe and informed that the council is in session. Asking for a tablet she transcribes a message and instructs the scribe to deliver it at once.

Within moments Tao is exiting the chamber tablet in hand. Approaching Cassandra, Tao is in a panic.

"How could you, do you realize what you've done? All the work we've done and you're going to throw it all away."

Cassandra stands firm examining Tao at length before saying.

"Balance of power; one part consults with the other before acting. Now I'm not letting the council have its way until I received a briefing. Once I see what you have done, without my knowledge or consultation. I already know you approached KO and Eliana, but as Governor and military liaison, you need to talk to me. A rescue mission? Really? I doubt anyone but our forces will need rescue. Okay Tao you've got two minutes to come clean or I'm ending this party and what ever happens, happens."

Tao was about to speak when Gwen appeared and said.

"Not here, not in the open, if you'll follow me I'll give you the explanation you requested."

Entering an empty room Gwen went to speak but before she could Tao erupted.

"I can't believe you're giving in to her; there is no way possible that she would know where those ships are. We took such care…"

Cassandra produced a tablet opened an icon and displayed the image before Gwen and Tao. Then said

"I believe this is the location, I believe the number of ships there might surprise you. Now answer this, are we acting as an agent for the Zon Empire to reclaim their property?"

Gwen and Tao took in the image it was Gwen that said.

"Not possible they said two ships plus the four, there's a small fleet there. Oh my, what have we done, we were lied to and…"

Cassandra took back the device and said.

"Okay tell me everything, what we're doing there, who is involved, what was supposed to be the outcome and be quick about it."

The conversation took less than five minutes. Finally showing emotion a frustrated Cassandra left the chamber. Once in the clear she opened a link to Sari.

"I need to talk to Kenesh what's the delay?"

"Two minutes, the relay is experiencing solar interference. We're not receiving anything from any of our vessels in the area. Cassie there's a good chance she might not hear you."

"Establish a level six link from my location, find Vekk get him on a secure link and be prepared for anything. If it would do any good I'd strangle me a couple of 'civil servants' if it would do any good."

"Link open and I've got Vekk on channel six when you're done."

Making sure she was alone Cassandra transmitted a data package then said.

"Kenesh, you have a green light… I repeat you have a green light."

Opening the link to Vekk, Cassie said.

"I know our ships slipped away from you without warning for that I apologize, I'm sending you their position, place your forces approximately one half light second from their position and maintain communications black out. Our fleet knows where you'll be. If you're needed you'll know."

"I see Governor, data received and they're not that far from us. I expect we'll be in position in less than fifteen minutes stealthily of course, Vekk out."

Taking the short way back to her office Cassandra arrives to find Sari in a heated conversation. Seeing Cassie she abruptly ends the call and says.

"That was the Zon ambassador; she's peeved to say the least and demands a meeting with you to quote her 'at once before there are hostilities between our two nations'."

"And your response was?"

"Something about a vacation in the northern regions of the Zon home world, that's when you arrived so out of courtesy, I hung up on her."

"Notify security, she's not to leave the residence, if she tries, outside of killing her, they may use what ever force is necessary. Although Minchi doesn't like her we might… no don't kill her."

"I'm going to guess by that little outburst the council…"

"Those, fools… I need to keep a level head; we'll discuss this after the emergency has passed. Actually I hope it doesn't make it to an emergency, just a minor skirmish would be fine."

Aboard Independence Kenesh receives Cassandra's data and message, barely.

"Communications, verify what you heard."

"Captain, I'm certain she said we have a green light."

"Open a low power link and scramble it to the max."

"Captain you're on."

"Ladies I've just received orders from the top, first thing, Dai are you still in communication with Dawn?"

"We are although interference is getting worse in the area."

"Here's the plan. First off Dai get to Dawn, have her move back to a safe distance and tell her the moment anything happens here, she's to head home and once clear inform the Alliance of what's going on. While you're doing that the rest of us will slowly move into position around the group and target only the older ships. Those four newer ships are not expendable or so my orders read. Dai since you'll be last take up a position between Samson and the four ships in question. Everyone else optimum firing range and do nothing unless Samson or Illusion take fire… Then slice and dice ladies. My understanding is Vekk and his group, are in the area as well. Should a fire fight ensue, assume they'll be coming to our aid so try not to take them out by accident. Any questions?"

The link was silent and the operation began. Aboard Illusion Leo made a statement out of nowhere.

"Captain; Pegasus is approaching the area although well cloaked I can still see the energy signature."

"Hm if Pegasus is here then the rest of them are here and something's happened that we don't know about." Sarah, inform Eli I want a coffee with extra cream and sugar, the last cup was too bitter."

"Message sent… response two or three spoons of sugar?"

"Tell her four suddenly I have a sweet tooth."

"Message sent and acknowledged."

Aboard Samson Eliana's, issuing orders which are causing confusion on the bridge.

"Tactical, load the profiles of our fleet into the fire control computer and be ready for anything. Engineering take auto attack off line and load tactical into the system, highlight our ships as non targets. Communications at the first sign of trouble open a scrambled link to the entire fleet and use the Suran tactical frequencies as well."

"Captain? Um you're confusing us…"

"Okay I'll spell it out for you, the balance of the fleet is out there and they've got orders to open fire at the first sign of trouble. There is probably a Suran force out there as well, since Illusion still suffers from communication issues. We'll be directing what ever transpires is that clear enough?"

"Aye Captain sorry for the misunderstanding…"

"I'm glad you asked because there WON'T be any problems… now that you know."

Aboard Illusion KO is facing another little problem.

"KO I know where Pegasus is, they are off the port beam and by their location. I would assume there is one ship either side of them. They are at optimal firing range and by their dispersal, the newer warships are not a target."

"Kenesh I hope you know what you're doing because if this next session doesn't go well we will need your help."

"Lyra do we dare link with Pegasus?"

"I'd strongly advise against it. Given their position any signal will pass right across the bow of the ship we've been negotiating with, garbage in the area or not, unless their deaf and blind they're going to know. The next message has arrived; they are willing to take what we offered and they'll release the ships to us."

"Tell them we accept and await delivery instructions. Maybe this nightmare is over."

"Push the cargo out the hold and let it float towards them… I asked for verification and that's the message."

"Nuts, with our holds open neither one of us will be able to form a force field, maybe their not as dumb as they seem. Let's comply knowing we're not alone … signal Samson to proceed and Leo be ready."

"Understood Captain, Samson is dispersing its hold as I speak and so are we."

Aboard Pegasus Marjee is interfaced with the ship and observes…

"Noel, there is a stream of cargo floating from KO and Eli towards the opposing ships."

"There is? So both of them have their holds open to space? That's not good. Keep at it let me know the moment they're finished."

"Marjee, take note of the third vessel, their hold just opened yet their not in line to intercept the incoming cargo."

Marjee moved her attention to the third ship then noticed another ship further off had opened its hold. This ship was in line of sight, switching to optical and magnifying she exclaimed

"Old style energy cannons… what… Pegasus target those ships… stand by if there is an energy spike …"

The words had barely left her lips, when two pinpoint beams of light were emitted. One hit Illusion the other missed Samson however Pegasus didn't miss. Kenesh, caught off guard, de cloaked and brought her defenses on line, the balance of the fleet followed in kind.

Aboard Illusion the hold door sustained damage yet the ship was still operational. KO was about to open direct communication when the balance of the fleet uncloaked and targeted their opponents.

"*Eli, get them to stop. Pegasus did limited damage but I got the feeling those I am talking to had no idea…"
"I'm on it how badly damaged are you?"
"We'll live, go, Kenesh won't be patient much longer."*

From Samson Eliana takes charge.

"Hold your fire we're still talking to them."

*"You're kidding; they just took a pot shot at you missed and hit Illusion. My orders say…"
"Can it Kenesh, keep your finger on the trigger but I'll call the shot…"
"It's you they've got targeted not me… we'll wait…"*

"Marjee I have a damage report... Both cannons disabled with minimal damage done, I have the next round targeted however Samson has ordered a cease fire."

"Obey the order, Noel how's Illusion?"

"Minor damage to the cargo door, Lyra say's they're operational… Nice shooting but how…"

"I've seen those cannons before; antique as they are, they're capable of doing a lot of damage… I hit the power conversion grid; unfortunately, if anyone was near, they probably didn't survive the explosion."

Noel was impressed with the amount of 'calm' Marjee had just exhibited. Now she was monitoring the newly opened link between Illusion and the lead ship of the opposition… lets say there were explanations being expressed by both sides. We pick up on KO trying to continue…

"We kept our end of the deal; we sent you what you desired. You stated that those ships, acted without your knowledge. I'll accept that, we're still willing to let you return. But if you insist on altering an already agreed on deal… we can take what we came for, if that's how you want it."

Silence filled the link then an electronically altered voice agreed to KO's statement and they withdrew from the area. Vekk joined with Illusion and Mirage headed back home. Placing the Zon ships in a tow beam, most of the fleet returned to the border between the Alliance and the Zon Empire, minus Pegasus. There was a reception waiting.

"Your Highness the Alliance fleet approaches they've retaken our ships."

Relief overcomes Tara, it was Minchi who 'lost' the ships… she took it upon herself to 'correct' her sisters 'grievous' error. Opening a link she gets a surprise, figuring KO would address her, she finds a defiant Eliana on the other end, and she wasn't pulling any punches.

"Tara, dear, why did I feel you'd be at the end of this road? We kept most of the deal, you got your ships back and those who had them were allowed to leave unscathed um almost, they shot first and we disabled their weapons. But if it hadn't been for one of my junior captains, we'd wiped them from space. Now that this is almost over care to explain why we did the dirty work instead of you getting your dainty hands soiled?"

Tara tried to explain without getting to the real cause but…

"Oh be honest my dear… your little sister is at the root of this problem… fine I can accept that and leave it there. But how did you find out those people had your property? More importantly did you know or were you aware of whom they actually were? I'll leave you with that oh and one other thing you should know. You're getting your ships back but they've been stripped clean of anything of value… they did leave all the energy conversion devices alone, but the AI and anything else that they could unbolt they did. You're going to have to tow them home and I hope there wasn't anything of importance aboard."

Stunned Tara closed the link with out saying another word, taking the ships from KO she left. Eliana opened a link and said.

"Is there any progress with the investigation?"

"We're following them and I'm quite sure they're unaware of us being here, two of those ships leak like a bad roof. Are you joining us or are we on our own?"

"We've delivered the ships… the home guard and KO, are heading home. I have one stop to make before I join you. Just remember you're to follow, not engage, and if necessary lose contact. I don't want them aware of our presence not now. Is that clear Marjee?"

"Crystal clear, Princess, we'll keep you apprised Pegasus out."

The link faded and Eliana said quietly "I wish she wouldn't address me like that."

To be continued in " Pack Rats of the Galaxy: Discovery and Investigation"

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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