76_The Silent Society III

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76_The Silent Society III

Post by Diaho »

The Silent Society III

Marjee's communications arrived at Shahrazad every combat ship, except Illusion, had their systems activated. Something that neither Dai nor Plakia found amusing and as for Command, Cassandra was not happy at all. The two of them were on the main display in the Center as Cassandra is addressing the recent events.

"I get it that Marjee was making sure to garner their attention, I get that but… "

"Cassandra shall we chalk this up as a rookie mistake, I'm sure Eliana will set her straight, at least she only broadcast on 'our' tactical command set, had she broad banded she would have woke up every fleet between here and the Empire."

"Fine, actually it's not but; grandmother, aunty Dai, we can't afford any more errors. Now I wonder what Marjee found to make her go to that extreme."

"Eliana will be there shortly shouldn't be too long before we know something."

"At least KO is still sleeping, we got the communications system linked, but their tactical, as complicated as it is, we may never be able to fully integrate it into our systems."

"I'll bet Illusion knows something has occurred, as close to them as we are berthed Orion must have sensed the alarms activating but since we didn't move they might think it was a drill, however there is Marjee's message… I wonder."

"I'll have Sari check with Sarah, if there was, my guess is Sarah either missed or ignored it since we've heard nothing out of them."

"Cassie I just scanned Illusion, they are in docking standby mode. Only thing running is environmental, scan shows both Sarah and KO in their cabins… they might have slept through it… might have that is."

"Thanks Dai we'll continue this once we've heard from Eliana."

Aboard Pegasus images from the probe filled several viewers, Dawn and the Commander were examining one group, Marjee the other. On the main viewer Pegasus was providing an enhanced view of several of the objects, there was no mistake, who they belonged to it was Dawn that said.

"An Abh battle group verified several times over… now who is here, and what are they after? Pegasus, sort the images, I want any that give a view of any ship, where the bridge area can be viewed and those you find enhance paying attention to any markings you find."

"It will take sometime; Samson and Independence just entered scanning range, Eliana on scramble for you."

"Pegasus, I fear your little alert stunt will … Put her on and everyone brace yourself she's not going to be happy."

"Marjee I did something… wrong?"

"Activate the link and observe."

Probe images fade from the main viewer and are replaced with Eliana and Kenesh not looking happy at all. Eliana starts by saying.

"Interesting attention attracting maneuver Marjee thankfully only our ships were effected, had you woke the Dorian, Surans and the balance of the Alliance up, I would have given them your location and… So what is so important to send a battle alert?"

As Marjee was about to answer several images appeared before her, taking in what she saw she replaced herself with those images and said.

"Two hundred plus Abh ships sitting where you would have warped out, those are enhanced images do you recognize any of them?"

The image on the main viewer changes; we see Kenesh taking great interest in one image and she says.

"Magnify the image and enhance the insignia, I'll be damned, tactical, tap in to the net inquire as to the last known position of the 'Light Snow Fleet'."

"Captain, according to this information, six days ago, the fleet in question was located fifty-five light years from our present location."

"Bring up the Sord locator and inquire of the routing required to get from there to here."

A map is displayed showing it would take five days and seven jumps for an Abh fleet to arrive at the present location. Replacing her image with the Sord map Kenesh continues.

"This assumes that the Abh were where we have information indicating they were, this in our universe would be considered an emergency movement, now the question is why? Oh and if you're curious; 'The Light Snow Fleet' is commanded, at last observation, by 'Debeusec Abriel' Lafiel's father and Cassandra's grandfather."

Aboard Pegasus, Dawn was already aware of who was commanding that fleet, Marjee was searching records as Kenesh had commented. Pegasus was reviewing how emergency signals should be sent by tapping Samson's data base. Images of ships and Sord maps vanished from the main viewer; Kenesh and Eliana reappeared it was Eliana that continued.

"Command was wandering what the 'emergency' was, this should satisfy that inquiry, however how to investigate this along with the planet… Dawn, hold off on launching a 'bug' for the moment, we'll arrive in one hour, we'll meet on the outpost to discuss our next move."

Placing the link with Marjee on stand by Eliana asked communications the delay to Shahrazad using secured and unsecured links… less than thirty seconds secured and almost instantaneously unsecured. Thirty seconds was acceptable, opening the link to Command, images from Pegasus were transmitted with Eliana saying.

"What you're seeing is what put Marjee in a panic, at least two hundred vessels confirmed to be the 'Light Snow Fleet'. Cassandra, we're about an hour from having a face to face with Marjee. Do we concentrate on the planet and ignore what we've found or shall we investigate both?"

In the Command Center images appear followed by Eliana's voice. Raising her creunoc to her lips Cassandra calls, Lafiel and Atosuryua to the Center. Lafiel arrives first and is greeted with the image of her father's flagship gracing the large display. Making her way to Cassandra she says.

"I see why you called me. Where was this image captured?"

"At the location Kenesh and Eliana were about to arrive at, a probe from Pegasus and Marjee's quick actions obverted an embarrassing scene. Mom, how do we handle grandfather?"

Lafiel was paging through the images as Atosuryua arrived, Sobbash was with her, and as the image on the main display registered, Sobbash commented.

"Now that's an image I've not seen in quite sometime. What are we up to today?"

Lafiel was aware of what Sobbash meant so was Atosuryua, however Cassandra was in the dark and said.

"Trying to figure out why his fleet moved almost sixty light years via the Sord system in less than five days."

Sobbash and Atosuryua enter a side conversation as Lafiel address Cassandra.

"Father doesn't do anything on the cuff, that said with what has happened as of late, in not surprised to find a fleet near Arsis IV and given, to the Emperor, he's trusted family, you can be sure Duhiel is aware of his location and could have been the person who ordered the move. That means somebody somewhere has finally figured out there are missing people. "

"Now how the Empire knew where to look… that's the question and since no one has contacted us either directly or indirectly. It's my feeling that they, the Empire, figure they are the only ones involved. If this continues I may have to communicate with the Emperor about this. Something I'll not be looking forward to. I'm assuming that's why you called Atosuryua and me, and you got Sobbash as a bonus."

Lafiel and Cassandra take note of an animated conversation occurring between Atosuryua and Sobbash; we pick up the conversation with Sobbash saying.

"I realize that, and I knew what I was getting into when I followed you here. That said remember when I 'retired', I said it was time for those younger to take control so when the time did come they wouldn't have things 'dumped' on them. I was tired of 'responsibilities' and wanted to relax. These past years in the garden have been very comforting I've not regretted one second of it. The problem, as I see it is, Plakia, granted when it's come time to deal with the Empire either she's been conveniently occupied or Shawn's been placed in command, this time however, Shawn's never faced his grandfather before and respecting Plakia's wishes… That's what I'm getting at… what to do if we have to send Defiance out, who sits in the center seat?"

Silence fills the room, Lafiel approaches Sobbash and said

"Your logic still amazes me, I hadn't though that far ahead, but you are correct, and what you don't know is KO is out of commission as well. Do I sense the urge to return to space in your voice Sobbash?"

"Hardly, but neither should you venture off. I'm assuming… Cassie was the reason you called Atosuryua here was…"

Cassandra had moved to Lafiel's side and answered.

"The thought had crossed my mind, what I wanted from her was, she was the last person to have direct interaction with that fleet and her opinion those images is what I was going to ask about."

Atosuryua glanced at the inventory, thumbed through a few images and said.

"You're short around one hundred and fifty ships. I'm seeing his heavy cruisers, and battleships. What's missing is the 'fast' part of his fleet, the attack frigates, and fighters. Granted the probe may not have picked them up or they hadn't arrived as it made it's pass, but everyone in this room, except Cassandra, has had the 'pleasure' of being assigned to, or complementing, a fleet under his command. That said his fast attack ships might be off elsewhere or… that would be a question to answer. As to the question of me taking command of Defiance, I'll pass, it's been decades since I was last in a command position, Captain Pratt would do better than I, except she lacks combat experience, unless you're planning on having a warm body in the seat and Plakia still giving orders."

While this conversation was going on Sobbash was also looking at the data from Marjee's probe and found another irregularity which she made note of.

"Atosuryua, you're slipping, I don't see any support vessels, my guess since they are much slower than the rest of the fleet, they're probably still enroute and I'll bet that's where his 'fast ships' are, guarding his supply line. That said I'll bet they've not been there more that eight hours as the probe approached. It's been what, another three hours or so. I'll bet by now you'll probably find him at or close to being at full strength."

Cassandra absorbed the information and decided while she had this 'wealth' of knowledge at her call she'd get their advice on their next move.

"Marjee and Dawn are chomping at the bit to launch a 'bug' or two to the planet, Eliana wonders if she should split her forces and check up on Debeusec. I'll ask you for your input."

The conversation moves to the star chart in the middle of the room. Activating it Atosuryua places the forces in question on the chart and says.

"The probe mimicked a Dorian probe, if you'll notice besides the outpost that our ships are presently at, there is a Dorian research vessel about two light years from the Abh fleet. Why not have the Dorian's investigate what 'their' probe found and have them report to their outpost which will relay the results to 'our' ships. That frees Eliana to continue cataloging Arsis IV and should give her a free hand to decide what's next. On the other hand should the Dorian's hit Debeusec's famous 'brick wall' at least Eliana will know to watch her back. My opinion, gather information on the planet then deal with Debeusec only when necessary. That's my thoughts any other ideas?"

While Atosuryua was talking Lafiel and Sobbash were sharing information. Sobbash now knew everything that had transpired in the past forty eight hours including Marjee's close call with a live fire exercise it was that which she addressed.

"I've just seen the report from Pegasus detailing their encounter with ships unknown, presumably from Arsis IV, involved in a live fire exercise. My concern would be should their investigation be discovered before they had enough information, could they withstand an attack from, say the planet, using assets seen in the live fire event. I have a feeling three ships won't be enough… where are the Alliance's assets located?"

It was then Cassandra explained to Sobbash the present situation between them and the Alliance. First pale then furious, Sobbash took one step towards the door. Lafiel stopped her by saying.

"It's under control as much as could be done, the Council has returned our 'space' defense authorization. Now is not the time to for you to have a heart to heart talk with them… it's no longer part of your job description."

Lafiel's words hit hard, but they were factual, Sobbash returned to the star chart setting the resolution to one half parsec she took note of the Alliance vessels in the area and said.

"A training fleet, Vekk's fleet, a Dorian vanguard, so um, seventy five or so ships, sixty combat and the rest support, nothing less than five hours from Arsis IV… several lousy choices and not very reassuring… thou."

Sobbash's words highlighted Cassandra's worries without her having to say one word. A conversation continued between Lafiel, Atosuryua and Sobbash as Cassandra excused herself from the room. Once in the clear she connected to the command net and called Eliana.

"Examine the planet, but be aware the Abh are in the neighborhood. Should they take action against Arsis IV… unless asked, offer no assistance, in fact I'd be happy if my grandfather had no idea you were there. I'm holding Dai, KO and Plakia in reserve; you are to avoid any engagement with the forces in and about the Arsis system. If that means you have to abandon the system then do so. Covert is key to this assignment. Once you have the information then and only then will we decide or course of action. Another thing you should know is Seelnay is questioning those Vekk have in custody including that one person you have special interest in. Once I have her report I'll communicate with you. Stay safe."

The link closed Cassandra returned to the Center and found the conversation still on going. Taking a seat and listening is how she spent the next three hours. Little new information was discovered but she now had several different views concerning the present crisis.

On the deport Eliana had let Kenesh, Marjee and Dawn listened in on the one sided communication from Cassandra. After it was over she opened up the conversation regarding how to execute her request.

"I not sure exactly what has happened at home, but Cassie was quite explicit with how far we're allowed to go. I'm going to follow her request to the letter, as long as the letter doesn't expose us to danger. Dawn, find a suitable transport and bug it. Kenesh, you and I are going to take this time and 'train' Marjee… I don't like train… I like enhance her skills. Marjee your enhancement starts now. Dawn you've got your orders and you are excused. Kenesh shall we?"

Dawn leaves, returning to Pegasus she and the Commander along with Pegasus help locate and 'bug' a transport. Initial interface with the ship was problematic until Marjee instructed Pegasus to blanketly accept commands until her return. We pick up the conversation between Dawn and the AI interface.

"Bug on intercept course… can you explain what Marjee said. I don't understand 'enhanced training'."

"The simple explanation would be your basic operating system, when installed, you had abilities that needed improvement over time, those update could be called enhancements to the present programming. Marjee understands the 'basics' of her position, what Kenesh and Eliana are doing is improving her knowledge on several subjects to enhance or greatly improve her ability to operate in the present environment."

"A software upgrade but in terms that you learn by doing, where as I learn from the experiences around me… I understand but will Marjee be markedly changed, will I still recognize her?"

"She'll be fine, maybe a little sharper than before but she'll still be Marjee."

Aboard the Jemkau, Debeusec is informed that a Dorian research vessel is approaching the fleet opening a link we pick up the conversation.

"Dorian vessel I command this fleet, approach no further and state your attentions."

"We're checking out data from our probe that recently passed through the area. Do you require any assistance?"

"No assistance required, we are waiting for our supply line to arrive, once refueled we'll be on our way."

"I understand if the need should arise…"

"They'll be no need, keep your distance and good day to you."

The link closes and the Dorian Captain said.

"Come about, steer a course towards the outpost and make no moves that would pique the Abh's interest. Did you get the scan complete?"

"We did, over four hundred ships and most of them moored to tenders, they're not going anywhere."

"I see proceed as planned."

Both 'bugs' landed successfully. The first made its way towards the stream that lead to the compound. The second found an area where communications with a sentry satellite was uninhibited and established a link while following the first bug's progress. The first bug entered the compound and found the stream diverted to a pool at the midway point of its travel floating below the surface it enter the pool determined it to be almost thirty meters deep with what looked like several taps off the main pool. Descending and scanning each branch it was determined that water from this pool was entering some kind of underground facility. The bug returned to the surface and left the compound the way it had entered. Meeting up with the second unit it transmitted the data, which was received aboard Pegasus, and waited for further instructions.

As the data was being reviewed the Dorian's arrived at the outpost and reported what they had discovered. Eliana paced the room where they were meeting waiting for Marjee and Dawn to arrive. She had heard what the Dorian's had said she was waiting for the probes initial observations. The thought of a fully battle ready Abh fleet less than two hours from her present location left her feeling, uncertain. Atosuryua sat watching Eliana and said.

"You realize if Debeusec moves we'll know it the minute it occurs. The Dorian's left an observation probe in the area set to transmit as soon as his fleet starts to move. If it comes down to it I can try to reason with him. I believe he still respects my opinions. …."

"It's not that… I fear we'll find nothing of substance, get discovered, and disgraced. That the Alliance will fall and the 'Abh' will take over. It's been gnawing at me since… since this episode with the Zon began… call it a sixth sense, a premonition, what ever you want but… Kenesh something is so wrong I just can't place my finger on it and its interfering with my ability to …"

"Welcome to the wonderful world of command, I hear and understand, now let's go over everything once Marjee and Dawn arrive. Between the four of us we'll see if there is some underlying evil we need to contend with."

Exhausted, Seelnay returned to ship, the 'interviews' with Vekk's guests had yielded a wealth of conflicting information. Sorting through it in her mind, she came to the following conclusions. Arsis IV is a hostile planet; those guests had not been to Arsis IV before, she was certain that the 'Abh' had an idea of what was going on and had planted 'agents' with in the group. Greta entered the room as Seelnay was compiling the report; she stopped, looked her old friend in the eyes and said.

"Remember when we were much younger; getting started in business, some of the repairs that weren't necessary, some of the parts that didn't really need replacement, all to build an image of us being competent. I sensed that deception and more from those I scanned but, the underlying, consistent, thought pattern was a total disregard for the Abh, Alliance and any sort of authority what so ever. If those beings ever got their hands on substantial 'firepower' I have no doubt that an interstellar war would occur, no doubt at all."

Greta took stock of Seelnay, over the years she'd seen about every emotion from her, or so she thought, this calm panic she now sensed from her, a confusion that she never expected, she wished she knew exactly what she had sensed. Convincing her to file a preliminary report and getting some rest Seelnay agreed, report filed, Greta spent the next six hours at her bedside just watching over her.

At the Command Center a flood of information was arriving including Seelnay's report. Understaffed, experience wise, Cassandra called Dai and Plakia to help, upon arrival Plakia was faced with the current dilemma.

"Jemkau, why not, Scholar always said; 'When it rains it pours' although this might be more like a tidal wave. Seeing who is present I have to assume he still commands that fleet."

"Correct mother, confirmed by a Dorian survey ship four hours ago and still in the 'same mood' after all these years."

"Lafiel, remember one thing I told you about your father, he's always consistent, I'll bet he held the Dorian's at distance and was polite, yet blunt with them."

"He did and he was. Since you're here we have another issue, if we send you out and some how you end up dealing with him…"

"I'm dead in his eyes, long dead; I plan on staying that way. I've given this some thought the ideal would be for me to stay here, ideal but not practical, Shawn does not need to deal with him either. So… as unpopular as this would be, I suggest we… take Ariel from Dai, put her in command and send Arisa out as Dai's XO, while I stay here and knock some sense into KO."

"Arisa's not here, she's with Seelnay on her way back from Doras. Given the preliminary report from Seelnay, taking her away, I'm not fond of the idea grandmother, not fond at all."

"There might be another option… there is a very promising officer in the training fleet who I feel is ready to…"

"Not happening, we've got one 'rookie' commander too many at this time. I object."

"By that statement I'll assume Marjee is still a handful, point taken. Put this aside and lets get down to why you called us here, I understand you're information overloaded? Shall we have a look?"

Dai had listened to the previous exchange, excusing herself; she went out of the Center and opened a link to Ariel. A brief conversation occurred with the result of Ariel arriving at the Center. Approaching Dai she said.

"Are you sure about this? I'll take command if you think you can do without me. Granted the tactical officer should be able to handle both duties, unless you get into a fire fight then…"

"Then I withdraw, or not volunteer to be the tip of the spear, but given what's going on, we're at a disadvantage, especially if KO becomes a no go, leaving one ship home is bad, two is impossible and like myself you've had experience with Lafiel's father. Granted it wasn't the most pleasant of encounters but…"

"Unlike some 'rookie' I'll not give ground to him… I got it, don't really want it, but I get where you're headed. Do you think we should head back? I'm sure that by now you've been missed?"

"Time to jump into the fire, I guess, lets go."


Aboard Pegasus, Dawn and the Commander were going over the data from the 'bug'. One interesting fact was, the amount of water flowing into the complex and only the complex. The stream that leads into there was one of the largest in the area and realistically should be feeding the city but the 'bug' found no connection to the city.

"Area scan shows several remote wells that feed the city, and as Marjee explained barely keeping up with consumption. Are those water samples done? I'd like to know the composition of, not only the inbound water, but what was found in the complex's systems."

The Commander brought up the samples taken and it was the ships AI that continued.

"Sample analysis is almost complete, what is in the inbound sample, with some refinement, could be considered drinkable. What was recovered, especially from the containment pools, would be considered toxic even with specialized treatment. That said I point you to the area highlighted, that above ground storage, seems to be highly treated water, probably for consumption by those in the complex. The readings from the containment pools are ready to be displayed. You'll find the results on console four."

Results were consistent with industrial activity except for three remote pools, two contained remains of energy core production, heavy metals and some energy dissipation. The third and most remote pool contained a biological agent that upon further investigation brought panic aboard the ship.

"That's got to be an error, I'm sending the 'bug' back, it’s a short trip and I'd like conformation before we send this along. Go below and wake Marjee I want her here and conscious when the 'bug' returns."

The Commander went below as Dawn sent the 'bug' back, a semi sleepy Marjee arrived and found the results on the display, within seconds she was awake and…

"Insane, these people have no idea… do we have an analysis of this…?"

"Not yet I've sent the 'bug' back to do a detailed scan. I'm wondering if we should try to obtain a physical sample."

"No Dawn, I'd advise against it at this time. We have no idea what they concocted it might be kept in liquid form to avoid its becoming active. We could kill a bunch of innocent people if we did something like that. How soon till the 'bug' returns?"

"Twenty minutes, another five minutes to code and upload the data, say less than an hour we'll have definite data."

"Does Eliana know about this?"

"Not yet, I figured you'd want to break the news to her given your broad background and all."

"Yeah, that's what I get for being a 'genius' ha, if they only knew the truth."

Dawn and the Commander watched as Marjee's general disposition began to change. Opening the console to the ship's AI she started a conversation about the preliminary results from the surface contained. As the conversation continued Dawn realized why Marjee was insistent of not obtaining a physical sample. We pick up the conversation…

"Marjee history states that the most effective bio toxins are airborne, invisible to those affected until it's too late. The problem, as history states, is lingering aftereffects of the agent. As far as agents go there are those that only affects plants causing starvation, those that sicken with a kill rate below twenty percent, those that kill at fifty percent or better then the last, and most deadly of the agents. The 'custom' blended agent that can lay dormant for years and get triggered by an unrelated event, some custom blends are doubly deadly in that known antidotes actually worsen the effects of the disease. Until we know what we're dealing with caution is the prime directive and if its highly volatile, attacking the planet could render it… just so you know, approximate population, as determined by a passive scan when we arrived was just shy of twenty - five million."

Moving away from the console Marjee opened the link to Eliana, placing the preliminary results on the display she said.

"You can tell Command that, in my humble opinion, these people are serious abut what they want to do. Now what that is, your guess is as good as mine. The bio toxin was a surprise but not unexpected. What it is and how far along they are, who knows, we'll have an idea when the results of the second incursion arrive but until then…"

It's Kenesh that replies as Marjee is finishing her comment.

"I haven't seen anything like that since the 'four planets war', the United Mankind were developing weapons that could be classified as bio toxin in nature. There projected usage was to render planets uninhabitable until they figured out the 'Abh' were not interested in planets themselves just the resources of said acquired planetary systems. It was Abh mentality that prevented those weapons from being deployed. After the war, supposedly, they were all destroyed, supposedly that is. I wonder could we be dealing with descendants of those involved in that battle."

On split viewer Eliana was listening to Kenesh. Once finished she added her thoughts.

"As I see it we've stumbled upon a group bent of taking everything we hold dear from us. So um, stopping them, and throw in the Abh, considering they won't be forth coming about their reasons, we've got quite the dilemma. Do we act on or own, share what we've found with Debeusec, I know right now doing nothing is out of the question. Let's wait for the results. Bring Shahrazad up to speed and get a decision. That's all I can see at this time."

Marjee had listened to the conversation, out of nowhere she thought out loud and stated another view.

"Those Vekk has, are they the leaders of this group, and if so will those on the planet continue? What if this inaction comes from those on the planet waiting for Vekk's guest to arrive? What happens when they finally realize there no one coming or they get tipped somehow they have been detained? My worry is the Abh come charging in not knowing what is on the planet and release a certain death sentence, something, sorry Kenesh, Abh's are noted for, and unless I'm mistaken we're still part of the Alliance when do we clue them in on what's happening?"

The images on the screen were in shock and a bit of dismay Kenesh notably so. Eliana had this confused and far away look as Marjee finished, something clicked. Eliana became focused and said.

"Ouch Marjee, you did get your point across and painfully so. I agree we've lost sight of the 'big picture'. So here is what I suggest, we get the results, contact Command and share what we've found. Then suggest strongly that the Alliance and the Abh be notified of what we've found, and when we've come to a consensus inform all involved of what we're planning then see if there are any objections."

It all sounded good, the 'bug' should be transferring data it won't be long before they had an idea of what they're facing, hopefully.

Seelnay awoke with a start and caused Greta to fall out of her seat. The moment spent staring at each other was replaced by Seelnay saying.

"I'm getting old; I missed it, just figured out in my sleep is Marjee in charge at Arsis IV?"

"No Eliana is and Kenesh is with her, what's up?"

"Kenesh, excellent, I figured out the common link between those I scanned and if I'm right we've gotten ourselves into quite a mess. Have Arisa open a link to Eliana and Kenesh. Scramble it to where it'll take time to decode and let me know."

Greta leaves Seelnay exits the bed goes to the chair, slips on her boots and heads for the bridge.

When the communications officer announced the inbound communications Eliana figure it was Marjee with the 'bug' results opening the link she found a confused Kenesh followed by Seelnay after considerable delay. Once Seelnay saw them she said.

"Sorry for the delay and encoding the communication. There is a ten second delay so keep that in mind. I've had a realization after taking a nap. My first question is for Kenesh… Do you remember the name of the Hanian admiral who engineered the fall of command transport?"

Without hesitation Kenesh answered.

"Solomon Steward, I'll never forgive that …"

Forgetting the delay Eliana interrupted by exclaiming.

"That's not possible…"

Ignoring the outburst and waiting for the delay Seelnay continues.

"I scanned him, he didn't try to hide anything, including trying to kill your sister Eliana."

The ten seconds seemed like a year, when Seelnay's words arrived Eliana said.

"If you're correct, he has to be almost two hundred years old, why hasn't he aged?"

"My guess is cell regeneration, interrupted when you tried to cut his heart out. Thanks to that he'll age and die like most of us? Never realized you had a sister until recently, that's what threw me for a loop. Since you two know his history you'll understand why I scrambled this communication as I did. And if the Abh know who he is that explains your massive military presence. The Empire still has a price on his head, right Kenesh?"

"That would be an understatement, if memory serves it's not a monetary reward it’s a prestige award. You know how Abh like their bragging rights?"

"I do and my thinking is, we hand this guy over to Debeusec, get the Abh out of the way and take the planet apart."

As Seelnay is speaking Eliana is getting ready to inform her of a new development. As her words fade Eliana says.

"There's a new fly in the ointment, sending data across, we're still waiting for conformation thou."

The data sends as Eliana finishes, it should arrive timed to her finishing speaking. Data arrives Seelnay examines it and says.

"You just filled in a large blank, one of those Vekk has is a microbiologist, she was pretty tight lipped so to speak but her expertise is custom weaponized bio agents. Hopefully it’s an incomplete agent, hopefully. If you wish, we're an hour from Shahrazad we can deliver this to Command along with anything else you find."

"If you would that would be one less thing to worry about getting intercepted. We'll be in touch."

The link goes to stand by as Marjee comes on line.

"We got the data, its not in my database, whatever it is it seems unstable as in it is generating heat on its own, and the other thing we fear is that the container it's in might be leaking or ready to leak."

Eliana coded the data marked it extremely urgent and sent it to Seelnay. The data arrived Seelnay took one look at its coding and opened a link to the bridge, Arisa answered and Seelnay said.

"We need to get home on the double, crank it up, don't kill us but don't hold anything in reserve. Tell Greta to send a priority one flag message directly to Cassie. Don't route it through the net, give her our ETA and have her meet us at the station. Don't think about taking us planet side. Understood?"

The sound of engines straining was all the answer Seelnay needed.

Flag messages sent directly to creunoc style devices cause the display to glow bright red and the device to heat up. This is so if the user is other wise distracted the device will alert them. Cassie got the message instantly so did everyone else around her. Reading Seelnay's message and getting conformation from defense command that their ship was heading into the zone at excessive speed, Cassie turned over the Center to Plakia, grabbed Sobbash and said.

"You're elected, take me to the station and I'd like you there with me as well."

For one second Sobbash thought better, decided against it, followed Cassie to the shuttles and had her to the station as Seelnay roared into orbit around the planet reversed course and docked. From the airlock Cassie noticed Arisa and Greta were armed as they followed Seelnay. Entering the area Seelnay said.

'What I have to say this is not the place. Where is your shuttle?"

"Bay sixty… what is the meaning of this?"

Opening her jacket Greta tossed Sobbash and Cassie a fire arm and said.

"We're going to make a move to the shuttle; everything should be fine however the boss has had a 'vision' and we're going to make sure it doesn't come to pass."

The fifty meters to the shuttle seemed like fifty kilometers, once aboard Arisa took over and entered the planetary defense zone in a rather unorthodox manner instead of returning to the shuttle port she parked less than five meters from the front door of the Center causing quite the uproar inside and out. Entering and finding everyone present she had hoped for, she started her debrief with the data from Marjee, following that she added her complete yet abbreviated report to which Cassandra said.

"You're serious about this, and who the leader Vekk has is, aren't you."

"Yes, Eliana and Kenesh have confirmed who he is, that explains the massive Abh presence, okay massive might be overdoing it but, of all the fleets why his?"

Lafiel came forward she knew why.

"If he is the one responsible for the transport, then my brother and I know why. Aboard that vessel was the vast majority of one royal family, over the objections of the head of said family, as a result of that incident Duhiel, indirectly, has been blamed for nearly wiping out said family. If a member of our family brings him to justice, it won't replace those lost but it will convince those who feel we had a hand in perpetrating the ambush and subsequent destruction of the transport. Unfortunately my father is the 'perfect' candidate to clear the family name. However Vekk handing him over to father won't work, father needs to apprehend him, not have him given to him, especially by the Alliance. Did I tell you I hate politics?"

Seelnay heard Lafiel and said.

"It's totally irresponsible to even consider turning any of them loose so they can be re captured. I've seen in their minds they're capable of overcoming even the most elaborate measures. My opinion, we hand your father a body in stasis, and if he decides to 'thaw' him out, then lets him get away, it's their problem. Not ours, that is my opinion, take it or leave it."

That item got put aside for the moment; the toxin the 'bug' found became front and center. The discussion turned heated as Sobbash said.

"Are we responsible for that planet, no, should we interfere in its development, that seems to be the question along with the forces gathered there. If and I want to say if the toxin makes it way into the environment it would be something that would have happened even if we hadn't taken interest in the planet, then again, if it manages to leave said world and becomes a threat to the outlying worlds then… do we really know who's in charge of that world, who in their government we could contact to inform them…"

Dai interrupted by saying.

"That we been spying on them, we have infiltrated a facility on what is a sovereign world and now… what if the planetary government is in cahoots with the 'bad guys'? We've just tipped our hand and endangered those we have in the system. Given what we've seen there is no time for formal negotiations, yet the moment we take any action past what we've done so far, we are engaging in 'warfare', if not invasion of a planet we have no diplomatic relations with. The Alliance is not going to sit still for this, not at all."

Cassandra had listened to both sides and was seeking council from her mother and grandmother. The conversation was enlightening to say the least and ran to a dead end in short order. Plakia was for stopping them, Lafiel added at all cost, to which Plakia said at what cost? The cost factor could not be determined. Thinking out loud Cassandra said.

"Wonder if it's time to seek council from the Council?"

The room came to life once again and the discussion soon turned ugly. It was decided to let Marjee continue to 'explore' the complex avoiding any possibility of detection and for Eliana and Kenesh to do a space based recon of the area and find the home of all that firepower recently displayed. Dai was dispatched to Doras if a prisoner transport became necessary and to bring Vekk up to date. Plakia's plan was to leave the planet and visit KO. She was taking Seelnay with her. Begrudgingly Dai gave up Ariel and took Arisa with her. Ariel took command of Defiance shortly there after assigned as a reserve to Eliana's group.

Orders hit Eliana's display, after reading them she shared them with Marjee and Kenesh in person on the outpost.

"Carry on, snoop around, but don't get caught, outside of that we're handcuffed. Kenesh and I will look for the source of the fire power. Marjee snoop around the surface but be discreet. Seeing how this has gone, having the Abh show up unannounced would complete the mission."

Kenesh faces Eliana and says.

"Be very, very, careful of what you wish. Thinking like that will get us involved more than we'd like."

Returning to Pegasus, Marjee consults with Dawn and the Commander, a new plan is proposed; to scout the area outside the compound looking for a way in if it becomes necessary.

"It's obvious there is the main entrance which is heavily guarded and the access we've discovered along the stream but, should it become necessary to 'storm' the complex are there any other options?"

Dawn's observation brings a puzzled look from Marjee. Why would they be looking for a weakness, as the thought raced through her head it was self answered; they had a look at the area from below the surface, what if there was an entrance way to the surface an unknown or forgotten entrance, such as the stream. Marjee wanted clarification and asked.

"You're assuming that there might be another entrance on the surface to the complex, how would we go about finding it?"

Moving to the main viewer Dawn activated it and said.

"While you were gone we started, without consulting you, a survey of the area around the complex and found this."

The image of a partially overgrown building is displayed; the location shows it is adjacent to the wall that now surrounds the complex. Dawn continues.

"On first look it seems abandon, however the scan shows energy output, at a very low level, but output none the less. This next image is of the interior of the building, it shows dust covered equipment and faint glowing lights. From what the bug determined this was, at one time, the construction headquarters for the complex. We've discovered plans and, if you take a look at this image, a network interface, which I believe is still tied into the complex's network. We were waiting for you to get back so I could propose accessing this interface and see what we get."

Marjee looked and then …

"What are the odds of us being detected?"

Dawn states her thoughts.

"It depends of their security; I'm hoping being on this 'barely advanced' planet it would be pretty lax, I mean, who in their right mind would think the 'local' populace had the ability to hack in? To answer your question, the terminal in the building can be isolated and scanned. If it still is part of the network the bug can clone its identity and replace it. Before that thou what the terminal contains will tell me how far we can go in this plan. Say the word and in an hour I'll have answers."

Marjee takes everything in and after a moment of thought says.

"Keep the risk to a minimum; can you do this with two units?"

A smile crept across Dawn's face as she added this.

"Since you asked, I was planning on saying this, I liberated the 'bugs' Kenesh had and there are now four on the surface. The original two, those are still by the stream, and these two that have been roaming outside the complex. Guess I should tell you the companion to the one in the building is a defensive model just in case someone should get nosy."

Marjee stood tilting her head from side to side; she had to remember who she was dealing with. After this statement there was no doubt Dawn was Seelnay's daughter and just as crafty as her parent. Returning the look with a nervous smile Marjee said.

"Our orders were to investigate, and leave no traces, just remember that. I don't want to hear about a massive explosion, of our making, being reported on the planet."

"Will do, not the explosion, but the rest, you'll know soon. When did you plan on telling Eliana what we're up to?"

"After we have the information or… after the explosion…"

Dawn and the Commander moved to their stations, Marjee took to the center seat, once there Pegasus linked with her and…

"I will monitor their progress I can take control of the 'bugs' if necessary…"

("That's not necessary just monitor and if something is a miss tell them. This is their show… up to a point.")

"Monitoring, and if something becomes apparent tell them… what if…?

("Hopefully there will be no ifs, hopefully."

Cassandra knew Vekk would object, how strongly he objected is what took her by surprise. Suggesting he should release one of his 'guests', so the Abh could recapture him, brought this from Vekk.

"Governor Lynn, with all due respect, have you lost track of all your senses? After speaking with Seelnay turning those 'beings' loose on the galaxy, would be like indiscriminately attacking populated planets for 'fun and sport'. No Governor. Actually 'hell no' I've got them and you can't have them. Plans are; judicial proceedings in cryo and, once found guilty, dial the units to max. There is no way I'm going to be responsible for any actions they might cause, and, if the Abh want him that bad I'll give him to them 'on ice', if that doesn't make them happy then they can have him once he's properly 'freeze dried'."

Not what she wanted to hear, not at all, however had Vekk agreed she was unsure of what her next move would have been. So actually she ended up somewhat relieved, temporarily.

To Be Continued...

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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