84_Return to the Source VI

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84_Return to the Source VI

Post by Diaho »

Return to the Source VI

'So sleepy, why am I so sleepy… there was something important that I needed to…'

Marjee drifts off once again however before she completely loses consciousness her eye spies the navigational display… 'High speed to… where are we going? Those co ordinates I …' Sleep takes over.

"Scholar, Marjee awoke momentarily but she's back in a sleep state."

"Very well, have you found the planetoid in question?"

"I have; two hours and it'll be a difficult landing."

"Transport device is functional, correct?"

"Fully operational why do you ask unless."

"I fully intend on transporting down, collecting the items I need and returning. Plot the fastest course home while I'm on the surface."

"You'll need a life suit the atmosphere will not support you."

"We'll see about that when we get there, right now plan on a three hundred kilometer orbit lock on the northern pole area. I'll be on the bridge."

"As you wish Scholar."

Making her way to the bridge she checks on the balance of the crew and finds them all in a deep sleep which will last until they reach Shahrazad. On the bridge she pulls up the recent scan of the planetoid and says.

"Soon very soon, then to home and the start of a new… I hope we're accepted unlike we were in the past."

Cassandra and Noel met with the Council, it turned out to be a very short meeting. Tao stated unless they had undeniable evidence of Scholar's actions they were done listening to them and asked them to leave.

Still fuming Noel and Cassandra returned to the Command Center, rounding a bend in the trail they saw Erin and Li enjoying one of the many gardens. Approaching Erin, Noel said.

"Can we have a word with you? I believe the two of you might be familiar with the topic." Erin agreed and Noel explained everything they had told the Council. Erin's reaction was opposite that of Tao's, she started questing Noel at length the last questions proved the most relevant.

"Let me get this straight, you're bringing the survivors from the asteroid here, to Shahrazad?"

"That's correct and once they were enroute, Scholar commandeered Pegasus and was last seen heading for the Sol Eros system."

"Noel, define commandeered as it applies to this incidence."

"This is where the data is a bit sketchy, Marjee reported subtle changes in Pegasus once Scholar had interfaced with it. She was planning on confronting her about it and that's the last we heard from them. To take Pegasus from Marjee either she's incapacitated or worse. And that doesn't account for the others on board who would have tried to stop her."

"Noel if you'll excuse us for a moment."

Erin and Li moved aside and had quite the animated conversation. The fountain in the garden muffled most of the conversation however facial expressions told a lot. A few moments later they returned and Li said.

"What have you done or are planning to do about this incident?"

Noel looked at Cassandra, with a nod of her head, Noel spoke.

"Transports are on an alternative route here, the fleet minus Paveryua is waiting outside the defensive grid for Pegasus arrival. Scholar's got a few questions to answer before we…"

Erin grew pale and said…

"You're not planning an armed conflict?"

"Depends on how Scholar reacts or doesn't react. If she tries to muscle her way in, we'll have no choice but to stop her. Unless you know why she's doing what she's doing we have to assume her intentions are not honorable."

Li looked at Erin and said to Noel.

"Three hours, give us three hours. If you've not heard from us by then, we've failed."

Erin and Li left; their direction was towards the Council Chambers. Cassie looked at Noel and said.

"I do believe we hit a nerve and really hard. I guess it's to Command we go and see if anything has changed?"

Noel turned, shook her head and said.

"Why three hours, the message was delivered now if the Council believes the messengers."

Tao sat smugly at the Council table as Erin and Li entered. Li made a move towards her which Erin halted. A confused Tao was taking in this scene but before she could speak Erin said in a voice all could here.

"You just met with the Governor of this world and blew her off didn't you?"

Tao was a bit stunned and said.

"They were spouting some nonsense about Scholar and…"

"You didn't believe them? Computer; voice recognition; access and display planetary defense status plus fleet location."

The main display became active; the defense grid is at level three of four. Paveryua was shown escorting the transports to the alternative grid entrance and Illusion was inbound to join the fleet, the balance of which was in the passage between open space and the grid. Sentinel probes were positioned to cover all exits to the passage and a newly laid mine field was covering the far reaches of the passage."

Erin looked at Tao and said.

"That's the welcoming committee for Scholar, they believe she incapacitated the crew and stole the ship. If she puts up any resistance… you figure it out."

"Those fools we have to stop them…" Tao exclaimed.

"You're the fool and the only way they are going to listen to you, is you have to come clean about everything, including the initial reluctance of accepting the survivors, in such a way so they'll believe you. You have two and a half hours to do so that was the deadline we agreed on."

Erin and Li left the chamber once outside Li said.

"Thanks for stopping me I was about to …"

"I know, the thought crossed my mind as well, lets assume the Council remains silent. We need to find a way to tell Scholar what awaits her but only at the very last moment. If we give her too much warning she’ll try breeching the blockade."

They head into the Village and stopped at Dawn's residence, pleading their case Dawn agrees to help, under one condition.

"As an independent organization I have some freedoms but if either Command, KO, or Cassandra goes to fall on me…"

"We'll provide all the cover you'll need, many thanks, now how do we hack into Pegasus?"

"We're going in the side door, why?" Vekk's question didn't faze Shawn in the least.

"That's the way it's going to be. The front door has a welcoming committee which we want to avoid at all cost."

Vekk fumed but understood. It'll add another hour but….

The first result of Jasmine's data compiling was ready, she was notified of that fact and made her way to the data center. Upon arrival and seeing the initial results she made a frantic call to Dr. Sasoum who said.

"Why am I getting this call, why didn't you call Mia?"

"I need an independent observer; Mia is involved too deeply in this to trust her judgment."

"I'll be there shortly… this better be as important as you say or…"

"I guarantee you'll not be disappointed."

Marjee's telepathic powers, while defined also fall out of the definitions established. As her abilities awoke, she realized that she could use a 'dream world' to accomplish normal communication tasks. She made it to said dream state and is sorting through the momentary information she saw before… 'Sol Eros; Scholar's previous home, why are we venturing there?' realizing she must remain in a sleep state as far as Pegasus sensors are concerned she reaches out in her dream to Seelnay, who initially was unresponsive but…

Seelnay's sleep was devoid of dreaming when suddenly Marjee appeared and said.

"We must remain sleeping but… we're heading to Sol Eros or what's left of the system… do you know why?"

The nightmare that entered Marjee's head; uncontrolled sorrow, followed by a sense of loss and anger, it was an emotional outburst that she could barely tolerate… with in a moment she understood it all. Sol Eros was where Seelnay lost her husband Ku. She'd experienced the whole event in a matter of seconds. It was then Seelnay appeared in the dream and said.

"You now know my most secret, secret… there are very few who do… once we are past this I'll explain, but for now… Scholar has the ship… Greta and her group are too isolated to be of any assistance... Taking back the ship will be a tall order, and we should wait till the last possible moment… Pegasus scans every twelve cycles… we are getting close… return to dreaming I'll enter when I've sorted this out…'

The title Chief of Medical Branch still belonged to Doctor Sasoum, although she'd not done daily clinical work after returning to a research role, she was far from being 'rusty'. The hospital was currently a bit short staffed with Saio at Doras continuing an advance study course; however her return was expected shortly. Approaching the data center she entered and found Jasmine waiting for her. Jasmine brought the Doctor up to date and said.

"These are the scans of those enroute to the planet. I need your expertise because… once you see the results it will be self explanatory."

Doctor Sasoum at first thought Jasmine was side stepping but when the first screen of results with several sections highlighted were viewed she said.

"You've crossed referenced these with our data bases."

Jasmine brought up a second terminal the information, Dr Sasoum stared at it in silence. Moving between terminals and making notes on a tablet she finally said.

"We are the only people who know about this is that correct?"

"It is, not even the data techs have any idea of what I, um, we have seen."

Raising her creunoc and opening a link she said.

"If you're not doing anything important could you stop by the data center as soon as practical?"

"On my way."

Turning to Jasmine, Dr. Sasoum consulted her pad, thought a minute and said.

"How many people are coming this way?"

"About thirty thousand, are numbers important?" Jasmine asked.

"We'll need to isolate and scan every one of them, if this data is correct, what is Scholar bringing us exactly?"

From behind them a voice is heard.

"That's an interesting statement mother, care to elaborate on it?"

Noel had wasted little time in getting to the data center. She had heard the last part of what Dr. Sasoum said and when presented with the results…

"Are you one hundred percent certain of this? There can be no errors?"

Dr. Sasoum said it wasn't one hundred percent that she needed more scans before a certainty could be confirmed, but she also said.

"While not a biological hazard, nor an infectious disease, it is something we need to confirm before moving forward. Frankly in my opinion, from a genetic stand point, its mind boggling, the good type I think. Half of me wishes, Saio was here."

Noel asked them to keep this information under wraps for the time being. She also informed them of what Command thought had transpired aboard Pegasus. Jasmine was stunned the Doctor however.

"Noel if that is true, then Scholar has deeper ties to Pegasus than any of us ever figured, while her abilities exceed most on this world, to subdue the entire crew, she'd need outside help… that also means that ship had hidden abilities we hadn't found."

Noel pondered the Doctor's words and asked.

"You've studied Scholar at length given what you now know and your experiences…"

"Daughter, that woman's mind works on so many levels you'd need a quantum computer to keep up. Do I think she's a danger? My inclination, I'd say no, there is too much on this world that has great meaning to her. But your guess is as good as mind as to her next actions, and, Sol Eros… there are, to this day, living members of the group we brought back… if they seem unfazed then maybe…."

Noel took in everything her mother said, and then instructed them to continue the research with what they had and keep Mia out of the loop. Noel leaves and the Doctor said.

"She's delivering a child at the moment, so she'll be occupied for the balance of the day. Jasmine, I've got this, you really need to make an appearance at the hospital to avoid attracting attention, and if something comes up I'll contact you."

Jasmine leaves, the Doctor transfers data to her tablet and returns to her office.

On the edge of the Sol Eros system Pegasus slows to sub light and makes its way to the planetoid in question. The amount of debris made it difficult to establish a synced orbit above the area Scholar had indicated, but after the third try it was established.

A force field was established and an atmosphere appeared about what seemed to be a building of some type. Bowing to Pegasus request Scholar donned a spacesuit and transported down. Approaching the building she accessed a control panel and a door opened. Scholar made a few trips in and out of the building bringing objects with her on each exit. Taking inventory of what she had acquired and then making what seemed to be on last look inside she requested Pegasus transport the material to a secure hold and place a level four force field around it. Objects disappeared; Scholar secured the building and returned to the ship. Once aboard she said.

"That hold must remain shielded until we return home… the success of the ritual depends on that and if the ritual fails all aboard the transports will suffer a violent death."

Pegasus responded that the hold was secured, but this ritual; there was mention of something in the database but…

"Not to worry, when the time is right you'll understand everything. Did you plot a course home?"

Three possible courses appeared; one through normal space, one via the Sord which seemed to still be active and the last and most treacherous through the Nebula, with the last Pegasus voiced this warning.

"Scholar while the last course is the fastest I must dissuade you from taking that route, should we encounter any energy variations I can not guarantee the safety of the objects in the hold."

That explanation was good enough for her, that hold contained their future; something not to be trivialized nor sacrificed for an early arrival. Direct or via the Sord… the Sord could contain the same problems as the Nebula. Direct it would be and at max speed six hours would place them at the entrance to the defensive grid.

The conference was over early, Saio, instead of staying the extra two days, decided home was where she wanted to be. From her cabin, aboard the shuttle, she was observing Shahrazad and noticed a change in their approach to the planet. Panning her view she spotted the fleet deployed at the main entrance to the defensive grid. A slight chill took her and at that moment she realized coming home was a good idea after all. Checking in on arrival she received an urgent message from Dr. Sasoum to meet her in the data center. Acquiring her traveling gear she made her way to the center, there, she was apprised of the current situation, shown the scans and the preliminary results. Taking it all in, she said.

"You ran a cross match, am I correct?"

"I have and… those people… that genetic make up, there is no question… but… where did they come from. Why is Scholar so interested?"

Saio looked at the data and accessed the records of those brought here from Sol Eros. A quick comparison yielded the following results and this from Saio.

"They are related to each other, genetically and yet, those Shawn scanned, there is something quite different about them, something I can't quite put a finger on… how soon will they be here?"

"I'm not quite sure about that; however Noel would know why don't you surprise her and get the information you seek along with sharing what we've just found… oh and Saio, the Council is to know nothing about this…"

A puzzled look came over her face, she understood what the Doctor had said and figured Noel would explain at length. She left the Center and headed to Noel's office, there she conveyed what she and the Doctor had learned and asked her questions. The information exchange lasted almost an hour. Once completed Noel said.

"Transports will be here with in one solar day, you've got till then to figure everything out and when Scholar will arrive; its six hours at Pegasus maximum speed, if she already left Sol Eros, she could be here by dawn tomorrow, if not sooner. You picked an interesting time to return I must admit, and I'm glad you're back."

Saio informed Noel, it was getting boring on Doras and coming home, if she knew what was waiting in advance she'd been here sooner. Saio left, Noel went to the Command Center, shared with Cassandra everything she knew and Cassandra shared everything with KO who told the fleet… getting this response from Plakia.

"That answers a few questions and poses some more, I'm with KO I don't think, given the information shared here, that Scholar will be a threat, but with that said why didn't she tell Marjee up front what she needed? That's the part that's rubbing me the wrong way. Commandeering the ship and supposedly incapacitating the crew, that's what's got me a bit riled up."

Since first interfacing with the asteroid, Pegasus was aware of a task that needed to be accomplished before they arrived at Shahrazad. Initially impossible, after Scholar unlocked more of its processing powers the task….

"Scholar, the compilation is complete, the data is ready for you to view and on a side note, you were correct in most of your assumptions."

Still a few hours from home, Scholar took in the summary, her mood changed as she dove deeper into the presentation… she'd been spot on… retrieving the devices from Sol Eros, they will be needed and…

"Pegasus, this time line and given where we are, your analysis of our future."

"With what I know now and the history of those from this time line, we should be 'safe' assuming we never venture out to the stars again… my only concern is in the last section of the presentation, which I hope you will take to heart."

Scholar advanced to the part in question, and viewing it twice, she terminated the display, leaned back in the seat and said.

"I knew this would be, weighty, however if this is the truth of this time, those from this line did a great disservice to not only the inhabitants of this Sol, but those descendants who probably died thinking… I'll be on the bridge, continue to monitor our guest and have you sensed anything from them."

"Since Marjee awoke that one time I've sensed nothing… it would seem your containment plan was effective."

In her dream state Marjee was standing in a field of flowers, their color and fragrance filled her senses to the point that the presence of Seelnay almost slipped by.

"Nice dream… I've managed to do some 'exploring', given my talents, I've found Scholar retrieved devices from Sol Eros… they are protected by a force field which I can not penetrate without tipping the ship off but from what I sensed and knowing Scholar… whatever she's up to, she's doing to preserve life… I don't think she's a threat…"

"That's all well and good Seelnay, if that's so, why didn't she come to us? Why do this to us?

"My opinion, this all happened too suddenly, I feel if she took the time to explain, she'd lose the chance of accomplishing what ever she done… it's a feeling and speaking of that I must go it's scan time."

The image of Seelnay fades, Marjee senses Pegasus scan, fighting the urge to lash out she places her self in a deeper sleep state.

Dawn leaned back from the console, Erin and Li took note of her expression and said.

"That's it, we're in, can we…."

"Not so fast, if Scholar follows approach protocols, the ship will announce its arrival about two minutes from the sentinel satellites. Once that happens we should be able to enter through the authentication data stream. You'll have a minute or two max to plead your case… sorry its the best I can do not knowing where they are, if they were sending a data stream home, hacking that is child's play, this way…."

Erin and Li were busy composing a message to Scholar, once completed they handed the crystal to Dawn and said.

"The second you're in, send this and open a scrambled command channel, it's the best we can do; also I want an image of what awaits them."

Dawn generated an image distorted slightly to avoid giving Scholar targeting information just incase Erin and Li are wrong in their assumptions. She places it in the data queue and said.

"If the command link opens press this button and it'll be transmitted to Pegasus, if the ship still retains our programming, it'll understand and alert Scholar about the 'welcoming' committee."

The waiting game is now on when Scholar will arrive is anyone's guess.

In her office Dr. Sasoum was loading the data from her tablet into her console. A second display was active with a historical time line displayed. It was this time line Saio saw as she entered the office…

"History lesson, I don't understand the object…" Saio was cut off.

"Not so much a lesson but a genetic time line, there is something in these scans that's triggering something inside me, something I'm going to get to the bottom of before those people arrive."

Genetics was Dr. Sasoum's strong suit, if something was triggering a memory within her it was something that should be investigated. Although Saio's strong field wasn't genetics she could still help with comparison analysis. The Doctor gave her a genetic sequence and said.

"This genetic sequence is from the scan. Feed it into the system and accept a ninety five percent or better match. Hopefully you'll only have a few hits should it go past twenty, halt the search, and tell me about it."

Setting the parameters Saio starts the analysis; it not long before a match is displayed then a second, third, fifth, tenth, at thirty she halts the program and says.

"That's thirty and only thirty eight percent of the data base compared."

The Doctor returned to where Saio stood and viewed the results… after a moment she said.

"This was not what I expected, if there is no error then… I wonder if we have any information concerning their planet of origin."

She called Noel and inquired as to the origin of those headed to the planet. Noel had little information, which prompted this from the Doctor.

"I had Saio run a basic type and match program on a genetic sample from one scan… the parameters were… ninety five percent type match triggered. Preliminary results; we stopped at thirty matches out of thirty eight percent of the total database. I would have been impressed with thirty matches out of the entire database. Scholar has me baffled. What she's doing is raising a red flag in my opinion. I do hope I'm wrong but, we need to dissect the findings further and one thing I'm certain of a complete medical scan of all who enter is in order, no exceptions."

"Mother what you're implying if true… defies our present logic… even as Abh, the supposedly masters of genetic manipulation… continue the research I hesitate presenting what I've heard until I have more facts to back it up…"

"Problem is, until I have a complete database of those aboard, I can only give a partial outlook, but, from what I see before me… I'll be frank and say what you're thinking… it's possible Scholar has found the long rumored, lost ancients but, if true, they should not be living and yet…"

"Gather what you can before the transports arrive; we'll meet with Cassie and maybe the Council… I still feel they know more than… get the data together and let me know…" Noel thinks, 'oh Scholar, for years the mystery you've woven'

The link closes and Dr. Sasoum says to Saio…

"Reset the parameters to ninety - nine percent match and run the entire database… I have a feeling we'll still have a hundred total matches, at ninety - nine percent the probability of mutation should be eliminated… well get on it, I'll be sorting through the balance of Shawn's scans."

Saio resets the parameters and starts the analysis again.

After the scan Marjee raised her sleep level, returning to a light sleep she found Seelnay and inquired the following.

"I wonder why KO didn't come after us. She was the closest ship to us…"

"That's simple Marjee, KO works on the needs of the many… she probably prioritized the transports over us… now knowing her as I do… I believe we'll find her waiting at the defensive grid… probably with a sizeable force… she'll try to ascertain our intentions and if she deems us hostile… well you know KO…"

"Wait… you really think… that KO would fire up on us…"

"Marjee what is the current population of Shahrazad? Remember what I said the 'needs of the many' yeah; I think she'll try to stop us and with every resource she has. That's why I figured out the proper time to try to interfere with the ship. Once we get close, the sentinel satellites will send a transmission requiring us declaring our intentions… normally it's an automatic exchange, but, if KO's waiting, I'm sure she'll challenge us, that moment of confusion is when we try to disrupt the ship… I say we interfere with the auto defense system… if Scholar knows she's defenseless with what she's got on board she'll give in."

"Nice plan however, we're immobilized, you planning on jumping up and trying to exit your room…"

"Marjee, stop, think, what am I? I'm a functioning telekinetic, I can operate things while in this state… you're just going to have to trust me… what I want you to do is run interference, distract the ship, or Scholar, maybe both and if we project our thoughts correctly we might raise Greta and her group… but I'm not relying on that. We need to wait till KO challenges and those two become blindsided... Think you can do that?"

It was at that moment Marjee realized how Scholar had gotten to them… she agreed to help and confided in Seelnay who said.

"Good I'm glad you figured it out on your own… now that you know, once we start, you'll know what to do to counter her… as far as I can tell we have about four hours. I suggest we both rest till then. There won't be a physical strain but… we'll both probably have a nasty headache when we're done… it scan time, later…"

Marjee returned to her sleep state as the scan started.

Noel was contemplating what Saio and the Doctor had said. She was about to find Cassandra when her terminal flashed an alert. Reading the data and confirming what she saw with out letting those at the source know, she opened a link to KO and said.

"It would seem Dawn, at Erin and Li behest, has hacked into the authentication stream to the sentinel satellites. There is a message stored that will trigger the minute Pegasus accesses the system… I thought you should know and I feel you should let it proceed, but be ready to … I know what your options are I'm glad I won't have to make that decision."

"Thanks for the heads up, now I'll let you in on something… Three hours from now, if not sooner, I plan on separating Illusion; bringing the balance of the fleet to battle stations and taking control of the defensive grid. If there is going to be a confrontation no ground based personal will be involved… I hope what ever Erin has planned works because if it does not, I'm putting a salvo across Pegasus bow."

"I'll let Cassandra know your plan which, I personally hope, you do not have to execute."

The link closes Noel finds and informs Cassandra… gently shaking her head as they walked Cassie said.

"Scholar, her present regeneration, the Council, that asteroid, those survivors… Noel, is it all worth it?"

Taking a couple of quick steps ahead of Cassandra, Noel turned and faced her then said.

"I don't have firm data to support what I'm about to tell you but…" She told Cassie everything she, Saio and the Doctor had discussed then continued.

"If all is as it seems, then, yes, everything that's happened will certainly be worth it… if our observations are correct."

Cassandra was stunned, she felt something like this might have been possible but… the two un's were swirling in her brain. Uncertain and Unknown… they continued to the Command Center to await Pegasus arrival.

Aboard Paveryua, Shawn had been a party to the discussions between Command and the Fleet when KO stated if Scholar put up any resistance she'd… turning to his first officer he asked her the following.

"You know KO better than anyone aboard this ship… she's not bluffing is she?"

Marjee's First Officer and formerly one of KO's cadets said the following.

"I was taught that command decisions were the most difficult to make, but once made, unless the situation changes drastically, they should be followed through. Assume at this moment if Scholar puts up a struggle KO will take any and all measures to stop her."

This conversation pained her because if what she said does indeed transpire, she stood the chance of not only losing her Captain but her close friend Marjee. Shawn detected the sincerity of her comments and let the subject rest.

Pegasus slowed as it approached the sentinels, sensing this Seelnay prepared to 'pull the plug' on the ships defenses that, the only way they could be reestablished, is someone had to manually 'throw the switches' again. Marjee also sensed the reduction in the ships movement and was ready to 'interfere' as needed.

Contact was made the message Erin had recorded was sent and the link opened as it did, Scholar who was on the bridge said.

"Not possible, where are the transports, why isn't the fleet protecting them. The image was then displayed showing the transports position several hours old. A wave of anger surged with in Scholar it was the ship that interjected.

"Scholar, focus on the message the defensive grid is at level four and we are effectively surrounded KO has enough amassed fire power to…"

Scholar, at that moment, had a minor mental melt down; this was not what she expected, at the very moment of confusion within Scholar, Seelnay acted and Marjee tried to take control of the ship. Ships defenses dropped and Marjee was relentlessly attacking Pegasus, but he did manage to relate this message to Scholar.

"We're defenseless and I'm being attacked from within…"

The main console went dark; it was KO's image and voice Scholar saw and heard next.

Aboard a separated Illusion KO was witness to a take over only Seelnay and Marjee could have engineered, as Pegasus defenses dropped KO opened a link to Scholar. A panicked Scholar appeared and KO said.

"You're defenseless, I've got the entire defensive grid and the Fleet targeted on you… Once I see Marjee is alive and well…"

Scholar's response was…

"You were supposed to be guarding the transports how dare you…"

"You're in no position to demand anything… you stole that ship and unless I see Marjee shortly, what ever you have in that hold protected by a force field I'll…

"Okay, okay… I'll wake them all just hold your fire…"

Marjee was awake the moment she entered Pegasus; although more powerful and capable than before, Marjee knew all the 'weak' spots and unleashed a pent up fury the likes no one planet side had ever seen. The system succumbed to her with in minutes, it was then she found the reasons for Scholar's actions. Seelnay had awakened once the ship was subdued and was making her way to where Greta and her charges were, when… the mental message from Scholar hit her… moments later Seelnay sensed all aboard were awake and tried to link with Marjee. What she sensed from her, she interrupted Marjee and met with her in her cabin. Entering the cabin a visibly exhausted Marjee said.

"Help me to the bridge. If KO doesn't see me shortly everything we've accomplished will be for naught."

KO's patience was running thin… linking with Orion she sent a disrupter beam across Pegasus's bow at a distance that would rattle the ship. It was a couple of minutes then Marjee's voice was heard.

"Cease fire KO, we control the ship, I'm on my way to the bridge… unless you toss me on the floor again, for which you owe me."

KO apologized, she ordered the ground based grid to stand down, but kept the Fleet at the ready. Marjee entered the bridge to find a very disoriented Scholar sitting in the command seat.

"I was acting in the best interest of my people or so I thought." Scholar muttered.

Marjee stood before her head still buzzing from her encounter and said.

"Madam Prime Minister or should I address you as simply Scholar?"

Scholar looked in Marjee's eyes and said.

"It's Scholar, and since you addressed me in that manner; I'll assume you blasted through all of my roadblocks?"

"I did, the ship will be operational shortly, while your motive was sound and admirable, your execution left much to be desired. I'll be interested in see what the ship has to say about all of this. For the moment, I return to you, a command that predates all here and listening. This is your only chance, tell us all you know and a notice to those listening it's going to be quite a shock. Please keep an open mind. KO, how far out are the transports?"

"Another twelve hours present course and speed… do you need them here sooner or later?"

"Scholar, can we be ready in twelve hours?" Marjee asked.

"Twelve hours will be fine, I take it you'll be helping me?"

"If it was up to me I'd have you put in irons but you deal with Marjee, and Marjee we're all in the dark over here, mind shedding some light on all of this." KO's response was expected Marjee took it in stride and said.

"Once the ship is operational the information it contains, if what I've seen and sensed is accurate, like I said earlier be in for quite the surprise."

The message from Fleet Command was simple:

"Pegasus secured, threat level one, proceed as planned, be here in twelve hours."

While KO's message brought relief to Shawn he wondered if Scholar had given up or… there was no sense in inquiring further he'd find out when they got there. Advising Vekk that there would be no further delays brought this from him.

"I wonder just how much firepower KO had to use. Well if the scanners go nuts when we approach I'll guess we'll know."

Not the comforting words Shawn wanted to hear not in the least bit.

Pegasus had maneuvering thrusters… Marjee moved the ship to its docking bay, as the system was coming back on line. An astonished AI found Marjee instead of Scholar addressing him.

"Did you manage to get everything sorted out?"

"I have and I also have made a note never to tangle with you again… Marjee that anger…"

"Learned a lesson did you… good now we're all waiting for…"

"I'll need Scholar's assistance there are a few things I can't quite correlate to…"

Scholar moves to the interface, sat before it and keyed in a long series of numbers. It was then Pegasus responded.

"Ah I see the difference, give me a moment and I'll be ready to proceed."

The main viewers, everywhere, on ships, and the surface went split screen. Two planetary systems were displayed. One obviously Shahrazad, the other its twin with the exception of a seventh moon, Scholar moved to the display and continued.

"Shahrazad on the left, our world Aurora on the right, we, myself, those in the Council and aboard the transports come from a parallel universe, through an accident which I'll explain later we ended up here. As for the extra moon, compare the asteroid belt to the size of the moon and the explanation is self evident."

Muffled noises came over the comm. link but undeterred Scholar continued.

"Our race was on the verge of extinction in our universe and, this one as well. We gathered our best and brightest and headed to the Sol system in particular the planet known as Earth. We were involved in a fierce battle; the other side unleashed a weapon of immense power it literally tore a hole in the fabric of space and time. We were swept through said hole, this ship and the three transports it was escorting. The space we were tossed into was peaceful enough; this ship had suffered moderate damage. The transports faired better but after careful calculations we determined not only were in a parallel time but over two thousand years later than we expected to be."

A second display activated and Scholar said.

"Sol Eros as you know it was close by… we made orbit, repaired Pegasus as best we could and sent it off on a fact finding mission, hence its references to early twenty-first century Earth. The data we got back was encouraging enough to send the transports on to Earth… that, in hindsight, was our fatal flaw… by the time the transports arrived they found Earth locked in conflict after conflict. Establishing a colony on Mars they waited for us to join them… that never happened until now… As mankind reached to the stars it wasn't long before they were discovered… and imprisoned on the asteroid after a genetic modification was done which we will have to undo or all on the transports will die."

From the surface Noel inquired.

"You are the ancients from another time line are you not?"

"We are." Scholar said and before she could add anything else Noel continued

"Then Tay and her kind were your sworn enemies, this explains much, how you were able to interface with the technology as you did, the improvements to the climate, and the constant roadblocks every time we got close to the truth. While I can almost forgive you; being a little more forth coming would have paid dividends."

Scholar took in Noel's words and said.

"After what those from this time line did to the planet Earth I couldn't tell you, I though there might be hidden hostility, I wanted my people, when we found them, to be welcomed, not segregated, because of their abilities or the calamites of the past."

Noel thought and continued…

"The great thinkers, builders and servants of the past... you're telling me they were from this planet in this time line?"

Scholar took in a deep breath let it out slowly and said.

"It looks that way, however, something happened, I'm hoping it was related to a natural disaster, but the course they charted on Earth does not fit in with the teachings we still follow today… that information is still within those aboard the transports and hiding in the depths of this ship… I truly sorry everyone for everything I did, but, I was trying to protect those dearest to me."

With a pause Noel asked the question on everyone else mind.

"What you brought from Sol Eros is… genetic modification equipment, am I close to being correct?"

Scholar paled for a moment then said.

"I see you discovered the key for the locking code… then you have an idea of what has happened… let me expand your knowledge as well as explain what we are up against. Long ago we found if a person was placed genetically in a semi sleep state they consumed less provisions and the mental toll of long confinement was reduced. Those from this world knew that as well however when the confined those heading here they only applied part of the process… they left their minds awake trapped in a semi dormant body… the announcements were mental torture… the rebellion told me that some were trying to break free… I need to perform the entire process, or ritual, as the writings call it or we'll have mass suicide on our hands with in a matter of days since they're no longer under the influence of the asteroid. The equipment I removed from storage at Sol Eros will do just that. All I have to do is make it to the surface and set it up before those in the transports arrive. Although it's not going to be that simple is it?"

Pegasus main viewer switched to the Command Center; visible were Cassandra and her staff, Noel plus the Doctor, Saio, Erin and Li. Erin approached the center of the screen and said.

"While I no longer lead the Council… I can still condemn your actions, I know you thought you were acting in the best interest of our people but you left us hamstrung… you had all the information neatly locked up. If Noel and party hadn't hacked in and found part of the truth… you'd probably be ashes. I know the last regeneration was rough but we'll need to have a complete follow up done this time… no exceptions we can't afford another incident…"

Indigent was Scholar's present expression, she cut Erin off by saying.

"Review all you want, I know what I did wrong I've admitted it and apologized for it… but those two 'children' running the Council that's where you need to start the examination… I'll not air any further grievances I have in public but I think you two get the message…"

Erin moved away from screen center and joined Li… they became deep in conversation. Cassandra approached and said.

"A shuttle is docking with you at the moment… take any help you need from the ship... and Scholar, unlock Pegasus, we want access to ALL the data contained within… once done with the ritual, you have some more explaining to do."

"As you wish, and Cassandra thank you for all of my… um our people."

To Be Continued In: Return to the Source: Epilog

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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