49_An Unexpected Chain of Events

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49_An Unexpected Chain of Events

Post by Diaho »

An Unexpected Chain of Events

As we were about to enter the Sord a priority message from Kenesh arrived. Quickly reviewing the contents I order the fleet to a halt. It would seem if we had used the Sord and gone straight to Demos we would have fallen victim to what seems a well planned trap. A trap that was about to consume my daughters fleet as well. I opened a fleet wide link and said.

“The Sord exiting to Demos been compromised, this journey will have to be made in normal space. We’ll split the fleet into two parts, I will approach Demos from the Dorian system, and Decca Commander Woo will head in from Sord at Gastovh. Those arriving at the Sord will station keep until the condition of the surround space can be determined. I must emphatically insist should any ship or group of ships encounter a haze or distortion in space, start to lose sensors and or communications. They are to reverse course at once then report such an instance to this ship.”

Closing the fleet wide link I bring the commanders on line. It is there the details of Kenesh’s report are divulged. A couple of the commanders are feeling quite uneasy about this entire operation and state their objections. I give them the option to continue or stay here. We are running out of time by avoiding the Sord we’ll arrive two hours later than I wanted and this conversation is taking already precious time away from our effort.

When given the choice of staying or continuing those commanders came to their senses and we were on our way. I gave orders to Decca Commander Woo if they encounter the fleet from Shahrazad they were to relay the data package to them if needed. If asked to join an effort to free the system they were to follow any orders from the commander of the Shahrazad fleet without question. I sent my best commanders in that group ones who knew the commanders of their fleet.

“Captain’s personal log: We’ve received a data transmission from Shahrazad, upon review I’ve ordered Independence to slow and I’ve moved the rendezvous point one half light year from the original location to a small planet in the Laos system just outside the Sord at Gastovh. Communications are difficult and scanners are becoming inhibited. We have a partial lock on Discovery and are moving on an intercept course. I’ve got to stop them before they reach the original rendezvous point that area is now completely compromised.”

“Sensors have become unstable the contact is fading we’re going to lose them.”

I make my way to the weapons station and relieve the officer on duty. I bring the visual system on line and activate the infra red spectrum analyzer. It takes a few moments but I have Discovery on the system and say.

“Helm come starboard thirty, be ready for instantaneous course corrections. Engineering set main weapon to sixty percent power. Communications the second they drop from light start sending visual signals.”

We were eight hundred thousand kilometers and closing rapidly getting their attention was going to take a bit of finesse and it had been ages since I had fired a weapon visually. Then it appeared, an asteroid two hundred thousand kilometers in front of them just to their starboard side. In an instant it was in my viewer and I fired.

“Noel, there’s been explosion off the starboard side, I’m unable to determine the cause.”

“Ariel, slow to sub light, shields at maximum, tactical what do you see?”

“Scanners are useless; communications are also inhibited switching to visual.”

Our first sweep of the area showed something had blasted an asteroid to pieces but didn’t vaporize it. Continuing the scan to our starboard we found the answer. There sat Defiance sending old fashion coded light signals. After a few moments we got the message and followed them back to where Independence was.

As we approached the co ordinates the interference subsided and communications were restored I had only one question for Defiance and I asked it the minute the link was established.

“So who’s the crack shot aboard your ship?”

It was then I noticed Plakia was sitting at the weapons station, with that answered I continued my questioning.

“I appreciate the effort you put forward to get our attention, but firing visually, that went out of style fifty years ago. What if you had missed and hit this ship?”

“I would have jarred your fillings and spilled your coffee Noel. I did set the main weapon to sixty percent just incase, but as far as I’m concerned this justifies my insistence for complete cross training. But that’s a subject for another time. I’m sending you a report from Shahrazad which once you review it you’ll understand why I took the actions I did.”

The data transfer was complete, the first glance halted my breath; things Lafiel had put in my head began to make sense. Dai, Scholar and Seelnay were in med bay. Jinto was semi conscious however he contradicted everything he said. Lafiel on the other hand was still out although her brain activity had increased, by the book she was in a comma.

Her unborn child was being monitored closely at the first sign of distress there was a makeshift gestation machine aboard and Scholar was confident, with the ships doctors’ assistance, the transfer could be accomplished. I on the other hand hope it didn’t have to come to this. I make the call to med bay and ask for them to join in the conversation. I also give them access to the data Plakia sent over. Once the three ships are linked Cassandra has her say even before we can review the data.

“Why aren’t you orbiting Shahrazad instead of being here? I could have sworn that was your purpose when you went streaking out of Argos. Care to elaborate Dai, Noel, somebody? Toying with my parents lives is unacceptable…”

Dai and I had the same thought simultaneously and were about to speak when Scholar unleashed a response in a manner that I’ve not seen her use before.

“Young lady your narrow thinking is beginning to disturb me greatly. I haven’t forgotten for once second why I’m still alive and who it was who rescued my people. You seem to forget what they stand for. Should I take the time and remind you again? I hope not, but there is something I will tell you. Given the data we’ve just received, versus our original intent upon leaving Argos, this has moved to the top of the list. If you can not cope with the present situation then I suggest you hand the center seat over to someone who can follow orders.”

We were stunned. Cassandra continued to stare at Scholar trying to read her and what she read wasn’t what she expected. In the time Scholar had delivered her lecture Dawn had moved from her station to Cassie side. When Scholar demanded an answer to her final question they consulted and Cassie addressed us.

“My apologies, let’s get this over and done with. I’m listening.”

“Captain’s log, Plakia Pratt recording: Following the Council’s orders we sit waiting for a Suran freighter. All I know there is to be a cargo exchange then we are to return to the planet.”

“Captain, communications from the freighter, their captain wishes to speak with you directly.”

I stand and the link is established. Once my image appears I can see a marked change in the captain’s disposition it is evident in his first words.

“Human. I have Sobbash’s cargo, I’ll jettison it about five thousand meters off your port side. It’ll be your duty to deal with it from there and good luck.”

The link closes and with in a matter of moments a shuttle is ejected from the transport. We rein it in and stow it in bay five. It is as they are leaving the freighter sends a warning.

“Human. Inform Sobbash that space has become an even more dangerous place to be than normal. It would seem all forces are on the eve of galactic warfare just be cautious. Human.”

My newly commissioned first officer stares in disbelief. She’s just watched her captain being addressed in a most derogative manner and she has her say about it.

“I wished we were armed I’d send a flaming laser up that idiots butt. How dare he say those things…?”

“Belay those thoughts lest we start a war. You have no idea of the history humans; the former United Mankind in particular, has with the Suran race, do you?”

She shook her head. I gave her the general overview of the atrocities that the Suran’s suffered and why, in their minds, the Abh’s are their saviors.

“Believe me when I say, that captain was showing all the respect he could towards me. In my dealings I’ve had cargo haphazardly jettisoned into space without a please, thank you or kiss my…. Then to issue that warning, he didn’t have to do that, he could have contacted Sobbash directly. So in the future, dealings with that race are handled very thoughtfully, am I understood?”

The Sord at Gastovh, one of the dozens of Sords activated during the war. It is extremely unstable and used as a point of reference in space hence it being called Sord at Gastovh instead of Sord Gastovh. We sit in its shadow as we contemplate our next move. As we see it the following is happening around Demos. The mystery ship has rendered the area completely hostile, their intentions still remain unknown. Part of the Zon Armada and Abh Fifteenth fleet are also in the area, intent on stopping each other from taking Demos, with Zachary and six ships somewhere in the mix suing for peace. We wonder if Minchi and the balance of the Armada have made it to this part of the galaxy as well.

Plotting a course line between Argos to Demos and beyond the picture changes drastically, depending on whether they alter course upon leaving Demos, if they leave alive that is, they could head to the most populated section of the galaxy. We are deciding if our three ships can make a difference in settling this conflict or shall we continue towards Shahrazad. Plakia and I are tackling the question Cassandra is remaining silent, however it is Noel that has me worried.

From the time we received the data from Sobbash she’s sat carefully reviewing every last scrap of it. Scholar sits with her; although they are not speaking, I can sense a constant stream of telepathic communications between them. One, on an observing level, could conclude they were trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle by matching pieces not knowing what the finished puzzle looks like.

I can hear Scholar and Noel in the distance. The conversation they are having; they’re going about it in the wrong manner. Demos is just a diversion. They have no intent of … I open my eyes I’m in a med bay but where?

“Welcome back to the living princess. You had us all worried.”

Seelnay’s voice, I glance around the room and standing my feet is Seelnay. But where am I, why do I feel so strange and why is Noel in my head? I try to sit up and realize I’m restrained. Seelnay moves to my side, takes my hand and explains in a way only she can. I’m still dazed but my next request is granted at once.

“Release me and find me something suitable to wear. I need to get involved in the conversation now.”

As Seelnay goes to disable the restraint the ships doctor returns to the room. She is not letting the patient go until there is an examination. Passing a scanner over me and making two passes over my midsection she says.

“You’re stable for the moment; if you feel the least bit of weakness or discomfort. You get back here at once. Do you hear me?”

I’m confused, I feel fine why all the concern it’s not like I’m…. I grab the scanner from the doctor’s hand and page through the results.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. When did this happen?”

The scan says I’m with child, but how, when, who and why? Seelnay has my clothes as she helps me dress, she comments.

“Princess if you don’t remember that’s fine, as far as the gene donor it’s the same one as Cassie had, and by the way he’s in the other room sleeping. You two have had quite the adventure this time, but we’ll fill you in on all of that later. Right now you said you have to get to the bridge? If so I’m your guide.”

I could walk but the doctor insisted that I take another conveyance. Seelnay place me on the cart and wheeled me to the lift. She commented that a few hours earlier she had wheeled Noel to the bridge in the same manner. I didn’t feel honored, but I wondered why Noel was here to begin with and what happened to her as well. The door opened. I stood there the conversation was…

“Dai lets be realistic about this, we have three ships, no element of surprise, against one ship that has already crippled us in the first encounter and left a quarter of Minchi’s forces out of commission in our second encounter. They say the third time is the charm and I’m not feeling really charmed. Then there is the matter of my daughter and the Count of Hyde…”

It was then I decided to enter the conversation. I thank my mother for giving me the opening. Stepping into the open I say.

“I should be the least of your worries. Now would somebody give me a briefing so I may join in this conversation?”

I’ve always liked making the entrance to a room where I bring silence and stares. In this case we did not have the time for that to occur. I got my briefing alright, Noel came to me took my hands and said.

“Great you’re awake. I give back to you, what you gave to me, and I’ll be much happier about it.”

Thoughts flowed back into my head. Thoughts that filled in the blanks from before, I thanked Noel sat for a moment to gather my thoughts then said.

“Demos is a diversion, our captors hoped that their intervention in the conflict would move forces from their real targets which are Shahrazad and Lakfakalle. You should also be aware of the following, that ship has the ability to alter space at will. Someone scan the Sord at Gastovh and give me the results.”

Ariel scanned the Sord and reported it as still unstable, it was then the light came on in my head. I remembered that the mystery ship had entered the Sord recently but how? Lafiel caught the look of confusion on my face and continued.

“It would seem Noel if you had retained my thoughts just a bit longer you would have had the answer to the riddle. I’m not quite sure how they do it but that ship is capable of normalizing a Sord long enough for them to utilize it…”

“Engineering to bridge, we’ve figured it out, we know what that ship is and how to possibly defeat it. If the information Sobbash sent is correct the reason they’ve made a stop at Demos is to refuel. It would seem that ship uses a highly exotic energy source and the closest source is the first planet of the Demos system. If we can get to them before they’ve refueled we stand a chance. According to these specifications once able to generate full power for sustained periods they’ll be difficult, if not impossible, to defeat.”

Lafiel sits next to Ariel, Dai and Scholar stand to my right. Seelnay is behind Lafiel and I sit in the hot seat. Thoughts race through my head. It is then I get an idea.

“Ariel, bring up the Demos system on the main viewer, Computer display the changes to the Demos system if the first planet was to be destroyed.”

A hush fell over the ship as the computer gave it interpretation of the system minus the first planet. There would be a subtle impact on the second planet but long lasting effects would be minimal. I sat staring at the computer readout; the silence in the room was becoming annoying finally I said.

“I see one of three choices. First we rush of to Shahrazad and wait, with a good possibility of suffering a defeat. Second we try to intercept the mystery ship and fight it in a weakened state or third we destroy their fuel source, that is, if they haven’t refueled already. My guess is that without fuel and weaken given the forces amassed at Demos we should be able to take them down once and for all. Are there any comments?”

“Ministers personal log Zachary recording: It’s been an hour since all contact was lost with the planet. From our present position we were detecting two large forces sitting about two million kilometers apart. Sensors are useless radar is extremely inhibited. Communications between our ships is being done with light signals. Yet this purple haze in space my mind’s finally realized the cause. It was five years ago and although there were no injuries it left my command vulnerable to attack. If this is from the same source as before, I need to make the Zon and the Abh aware that this is their enemy and not each other. With that we are moving slowly to the closest group in the hopes we can communicate with them.”

“Battle Alarm, Admiral to the bridge, tactical, distance to the fleet, weapon’s officer, give me a firing solution at once.”

Zachary was approaching the Sixth Division of the Zon Armada and the officer on duty was about to take defensive measures when the Admiral hit the bridge.

“Admiral on the bridge.”

“Situation report.”

“We’re detecting movement from outside the fleet in our direction, unable to determine if they be friend or foe, their position is six thousand kilometers off the port beam and creeping towards us.”

“Creeping you say, communications anything on your end?”

“No Admiral communications are pretty much useless outside a range of sixty thousand meters…”

“Tactical anything?”

“Just from the motion sensor and I still don’t have a lot of faith in it either.”

“So it could be a ghost or… Main viewer engage give me visual of the area at once.”

The crew was stunned why hadn’t anyone of the bridge though of looking around with their eyes until now. The image of six Dorian cruisers approaching them the lead ship signaling in code caught them off guard.

“Reading the message now: It says the haze is your enemy open communications link and once in range we’ll explain. The message repeats Admiral.”

“Open a link then reply message received awaiting voice communications.”

A light signal emitted from the flagship, Zachary had gotten though to them now he had to convince them of the truth. The commanding Admiral was receptive and as a show of faith he let Zachary approach the fleet to with in rock throwing distance. Communications lasted a few minutes and with that Zachary continued with his plan, positioning his ships between the Zon and the Abh. Then he opened up a communications link between the two opposing forces.

At first the Bebaus sisters were unreceptive then once Zachary asked them for a better explanation they slowly came around.

Now where was the ship causing this located? With sensors useless and motion detectors unreliable they only way to find them was to visually scan the area, but where were they located and more important what were they doing here in the first place?

The discussion lasted a few minutes and a decision was made, with that we were about to leave for Demos when.

“Noel multiple targets, six, no, seven groups approaching from port. ID beacon indicates its Admiral Bebaus’s fleet.”

“The Fifteenth Fleet?”

“No the Ninth, communications link is opening, Decca Commander Woo is requesting voice contact.”

“Put her on.”

“Dai it’s been a long time how’s life as a lander treating you?”

“Ariel switch to visual and reestablished the link.”

Decca Commander Woo appeared on the viewer her demeanor changed abruptly when she saw who was facing her.

“Apologies Admiral Ekuryua, I thought Captain Lexshu commanded this ship.”

From out of image view Dai was trying very hard to keep from busting out in laughter, Noel took note of this action and continued the link with the Decca Commander.

“What brings you to this location?”

“Well to be brief Nefee had it out with the Capital and mounted a rescue mission to retrieve the Fifteenth. We are to approach Demos from this direction and…”

“Are you aware of what is waiting at Demos Decca Commander?”

“We are and if you have the same information that we have we’re both looking for a mystery ship…”

“That is running low on fuel and heading for the first planet in the system?”

“Interesting Admiral that would explain many things we’ve been wondering about. Our orders are, if we encountered you, we’re to offer all assistance you needed to accomplish the task at hand. Nefee said we were to take orders from you directly if need be.”

“And where is the good Admiral as we speak?”

“On his way from Doras with the Zon and Dorian fleets in tow at least that was the plan. If the Zon offered any resistance then it might be just the Dorian’s coming to the party. My question to you is where is the balance of the Zon Armada located?”

“An interesting information exchange, so they want to know where we are, let’s show them. De-cloak the Armada at once.”

“Noel, looks like Minchi’s been here the entire time, multiple de cloaks all quadrants she does have us surrounded.”

“Ariel, add her to the link and send her everything we have on our opponent.”

The real time link from Discovery was working once again, we could see what was going on but still had no way of communicating with our fleet. Sobbash stood observing a conversation between Noel, Admiral Nefee Bebaus’s Ninth and Minchi’s Zon Armada. It would seem the information had been received it was then a very familiar voice was heard in the background. Lafiel’s voice echoed in the room it was then I made my way to Sobbash’s side. Arriving I find tears gently running down her face. She senses my presence and says.

“Atosuryua… She’s alive and it would seem none the worst for it all… I … I want her to know we can hear her but I guess I’ll have to accept a one sided conversation for the moment. Was there something else you wanted to say?”

There was and I informed Sobbash that the transport was on its way back with the cargo. And that Plakia Pratt had relayed a warning issued from the Suran freighter. Hearing my words she moved from the main display and opened a link to the forces orbiting us.

“Sobbash your words bring joy to my heart, to know she’s alive and well. As for your transport we have it on the scanners they’ve requested permission to enter the defensive ring and it’s been granted. They should be planet side in about thirty minutes. I also took the liberty of informing Ms. Shangal of the transport’s arrival. She told me to tell you the welcoming committee was ready and waiting as you had discussed with her previously. It doesn’t surprise me what the Suran captain related to the transport. We’ve been monitoring communications from up here and it’s getting rather tense. I’d say we should be prepared for any and every thing.”

Sobbash agreed and the link was closed. She returned to the main viewer, in her absence KO had been watching the conference. It was over, she informed Sobbash of what had transpired and Sobbash became alarmed at Noel’s plan to halt the mystery ship.

“Destroy an entire planet? Just like swatting a bug? Why? Why would she even consider such a drastic action and you say Lafiel agreed with her? ... Atosuryua work on getting a link re established with the fleet I need to get a bigger picture, something’s missing and I want to know what it is. KO, keep watching that feed and let me know what happens.”

Sobbash faced me once again she instructed me to forward Kenesh an edited version of the conversation we had received. I was to remove any references to the Ninth Fleet, Zon Armada and the outcome of the conversation… We still couldn’t believe Noel would entertain the idea of vaporizing a planet. Sobbash wanted Kenesh to know Lafiel was alive and of her observations aboard the mystery ship. If they were truly targeting Shahrazad and Lakfakalle forces need to be put on alert. One hoped Noel would stop them at Demos but at what cost…

“Captains log Noel Ekuryua recording: Our engineering staffs have been reviewing the scans of the mystery ship. Now that they have what looks like semi accurate data we’re going to try to punch through the interference they’re generating in the area. I need to get through to Zachary I sense he’s gotten the Abh and the Zon not to fight with each other but they need to know our intent once we get to Demos. I really don’t want to be in a friendly fire episode.”

The link between us and the other ships in our group is beginning to experience interference. The Ninth Fleet disappeared for two minutes before contact was reestablished. Minchi’s sitting off our port quarter if we were to slow suddenly there would be an unavoidable collision. Ariel is watching our distance carefully. Dai and Scholar are in a discussion with the engineers, Lafiel and Seelnay have been quietly chatting since we left Gastovh. I’m considering our next move when…

“Noel, give this a thought. Say Seelnay and I take the shuttle and make our way towards Zachary…”

“Out of the question Lafiel, you’re in no condition to be out gallivanting around space. Just what do you think you could accomplish that we couldn’t?”

In all of the years I known or have served with Lafiel, that had to be the most outlandish idea that’s left her lips and this time I had cut her off cold before she had a chance to explain herself. Her surprise was evident as she turned and walked away from me. Returning to her previous location she and Seelnay started talking once again. I wished I had paid more attention to her but right now my interest lie elsewhere. Dai and Scholar were on the verge of getting to the bottom of the haze when I noticed that Lafiel and Seelnay were no longer on the bridge. My shortsightedness where Lafiel was concerned coupled with the conversations going on around me became evident just as Ariel said.

“Noel unauthorized transport from this ship to Independence has occurred and we’ve lost contact with Independence and Defiance.”

“Computer, locate Seelnay Dorin.”

“Seelnay Dorin is no longer aboard this vessel.”

“Damn you Lafiel, Ariel get the link back up, tactical lock on to the Independence and the moment the shuttle bay opens notify me.”

“Noel, a shuttle just launched from the ship, it has cloaked and disappeared.”

“Ships log First Officer Dawn Dorin recording: Cassandra took her mothers appearance on the bridge of the Discovery with a measure of relief. At the moment she’s listening intently to a conversation between the engineering staffs and Dai Lexshu when…”

“Dawn, the link has failed, there are intruders in the shuttle bay, correction, the bay is opening and the shuttle is departing.”

“Donald override shuttle bay doors stop that launch!”

“Sorry bridge, controls are not operating, I’ve have no access to that section.”

“Give me visual of the bay on the monitor.”

I watched as shuttle rose from the pad and left the ship. The moment it was clear it cloaked and vanished from our scanners Cassie was at my side when I said.

“Computer replay the last five minutes of the shuttle bay security logs.”

The images started to appear it looks like our mothers had transported from Discovery directly to the shuttle bay but what concerned me was the lack of personnel in the area. Cassie continued to watch the record while I made my way to the shuttle bay. Arriving there I found a very confused bay chief waiting for me.

“I don’t understand this we were following the bridges orders why all the fuss over it?”

I extracted the log from the shuttle area and returned to the bridge. Entering the bridge I find Cassie furious, in all the years I’ve known her I’ve never seen her so angry. And where was all this anger being directed? It was being directed at Noel Ekuryua. Cassie was unaware of the information I had. I pushed her aside and told Discovery to stand by that we would be back shortly.

“You better have a good explanation for this Dawn because Noel was clueless until they noticed mother had left, although she had given Noel a clue of what she was planning, Noel over looked it. Just as a lot of things got overlooked that began this mess in the first place. My mother should never be underestimated…”

Thank you Cassie for a perfect setup I inserted the data from the shuttle bay and started it playing. It would seem about twenty minutes ago the bay chief received orders from the captain of this ship to prepare the shuttle for launch. It was to be refueled and rearmed. The orders carried the captain’s authorization and so they were never questioned.

Our mother’s had put their minds together, a dangerous thought to consider, and hatched this plan while we were involved in other matters. We were as much at fault as was Noel and her crew were. Face it, between the two of them they have the abilities to easily do what was done, and if properly provoked, they could have left us dead in space. But they must have had another alternative to what we thought they were up to and it came to light in the manifest of what was loaded back on the shuttle.

Unlike Discovery which had little armament aboard Independence was carrying a battle load of assorted ordinance. Six high powered homing mines had been loaded aboard the shuttle. So what did they plan to do? I was beginning to get a very uneasy feeling about all of this. Cassie continued to stare at the list of ordinance loaded and said.

“Dawn open the link I know what they’re up to.”

Cassandra was in the middle of blaming me for her mother’s disappearance when Dawn told us to wait and put the link on stand by. In the mean time Plakia was being a bit more considerate in her questioning of the events that led to Lafiel and Seelnay disappearing when Cassie rejoined the conversation.

“I’m sorry Noel. Seems mom and Seelnay out thought the both of us this time, without a lot of detail this is the list of ordinance they had loaded on the shuttle before she and Seelnay took it. It should look familiar.”

Oh yes it looked very familiar, Lafiel had once use that very variety to halt a ship. Now I knew what she was up to, she was going to disable the mystery ship before it could get to it refueling point. Lafiel I hope you’re right and they haven’t refueled already, because if they have, the two of you are on a one way mission.

“Princess we are doing the right thing aren’t we?”

Seelnay’s question was not unexpected. Before we left I had recorded a message to Noel, Cassandra and my mother. According to the shuttles clock the delay has passed and they know what we’re up to, for Seelnay to come with me was a big but necessary step. I’ll need her abilities if we are to accomplish righting the wrong Jinto and I started.

“Right and wrong don’t figure into this conversation Seelnay. We are doing the only thing that can be done. As a sole ship and free to maneuver at will, we can make better time than those ships we left. They are barely crawling along keeping in contact with one and another. What the mystery ship requires won’t be found lying on the surface of the planet they’ll have to go to the surface and find it. They may have to dig for it, I don’t know that for a fact, but considering the time they’ve been in the system and the slowly reducing intensity of the haze I do know for a fact they’ve not refueled. Our first course of action is to find the other ships, warn them of the danger, and place them such as they won’t become involved in our plan. That is the reason I left those detailed plans aboard Discovery. I find it hard to believe that Jinto and I were so oblivious to what was occurring around us that we missed that ship being built. It’s a fine ship Lily and Robert have done well. So are there any other questions?”

Seelnay has always been loyal to me, actually little more than Jinto has been, but that’s another matter. Before I left I made sure Jinto wouldn’t trouble Noel, ship’s doctors and hypo sprays, don’t know what I’d do without them. I left Noel with quite a mess and I’m sure when we meet again I’ll get a well deserved earful from her. Sensors and radar are at maximum. Seelnay is scanning the space before us visually. It is as I hoped we make contact with a lone Dorian cruiser. They inform me of Zachary’s location and with in a few minutes we are sitting off their port side.

“Minister Zachary a ship has appeared astern. We are being hail on the common defense frequency, yet the code being used, I don’t recognize it.”

Zachary made his way to the communications station. Pulling up the lead data stream he said.

“There is only one person who dare use this code… My stars she’s alive…”

Plugging in the appropriate pass code the image stabilizes and Lafiel faces him.

“Zachary I’ll be brief you’re about to receive a package from me believe its contents and act accordingly. Now if you’ll direct me to the flagship of the Fifteenth Fleet I need to greet a pair of sisters.”

She looked well almost too well. We received the package and I sent her towards the last known position of the flagship. Reviewing the information contained I passed an order along to the Zon commander as instructed. We started a withdrawal from the area to a place indicated in the package Lafiel had presented to us. I then wondered how she’ll be received by the twins.

“Princess I have the flagship on visual adjusting course to come within…”

The shot across our bow missed by ten thousand meters…

“All stop Seelnay, shield to maximum, so Katra, that’s how you greet me. Open an open link to the flag ship at once Seelnay.”

“Admiral the scout ship has halted its progress and has taken a defensive stance. I’m receiving communication in the clear from them.”

Katra Bebaus leaned forward to see the communications console; it was true, they were being hailed as if they were in the same room. A sudden chill took to her, she ordered the ship to stand down and opened the link, the greeting was…

“You should be glad I’m not your father, I believe his line to you would be, don’t think you’re grown so big child as to ignore your elders like this, remember you’ll still fit across my knee if necessary.”

“Well accept my apologies Your Highness, it would seem not only have you escaped your captors, but you’ve managed to find me. Now what can I do for you?”

A data package was sent to the flagship. Once reviewed the Admiral decided to hear Lafiel out, Lafiel’s first sentence brought everything to light.

“Katra that ship can’t be allowed to refuel or leave this system. I hope you understand these facts, now I’m requesting you move to the position indicated and wait for our signal. Should you see a massive explosion and not find us then our plan went wrong. That would be the time for you to join with your father’s forces and the Zon Armada. You must keep them from completing their mission at all cost. Zachary has dispatched a cruiser to intercept your father and pass the information to him. Our fleet with half of his fleet and Minchi’s four divisions are approaching from Gastovh. Katra with in the hour you should have fifty percent of the firepower in this sector of the galaxy standing by, but our ships call the shots. You’ll follow their orders understand me Katra?”

Having the responsibility removed from her shoulders Katra accepted Lafiel request and moved her fleet out of harms way. They would know in the hour if Lafiel was successful or not, also in that time reinforcements should arrive as well. A quiet Kiri approached her sister and said.

“Father’s on his way here, I wonder how mad the Emperor is at him this time?”

“I don’t know sister, why don’t you ask him when he gets here.”

Sobbash has become my shadow; I’m trying desperately to establish a link with our fleet. I have noticed with in the past half hour the interference now varies in intensity. There has been a couple of time I’ve seen Discovery’s ID beacon only to have it disappear in a mass of static once again. When we saw that Lafiel and Seelnay had made their exit, Sobbash became incensed, she immediately blamed herself for Lafiel’s actions, indirectly that is. At this moment Sobbash and Kenesh are communicating. I have an idea of the topic, I’m glad it’s Sobbash and not me trying to explain someone whose whole life had defied explanation. Sobbash and I both had a general idea of what Lafiel is up to it’s her taking Seelnay along that’s a bit confusing.

“Admiral, sensors indicate a lone target is intercepting us. ID beacon indicates it’s a Dorian cruiser; I’m receiving communications from the ship in Abh directed at you sir.”

Nefee Bebaus tapped into the communications and listened. It was true they were being hailed in Abh and the voice was…

“Slow the fleet; open a link to that ship, at once.”

Communications were established and the information transferred to the Ninth Fleet. A quick review gave Nefee more information than he required. While Lafiel’s plan was unique in scope its execution required a safety ring to be established around Demos Three Zero One the first planet orbiting their sun. Details of the plan show that Nefee and his forces would be the blockade that would prevent reentry into the Sords on the parallel axis from Gastovh. For her plan to be successful they had to be in that location in less than forty five minutes time. A quick check showed them about twenty minutes at top speed from the location. Ordering the fastest ship ahead he stayed with the slower Dorian and Zon ships. They, in essence would arrive almost at the instant Lafiel executed her plan.

“Communications officer send this package directly to Shahrazad at once, code it most secret and wait for a reply.”

Nefee sat back in the seat Lafiel’s last request was for Sobbash to know exactly what the plan was and to make sure she knew before the battle commenced.

Admiral given the present interference I know the package was sent but I doubt we’ll be able to receive an answer in time.”

To Be Continued in: Demos Three Zero One

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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