18_Secrets and Surprises

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18_Secrets and Surprises

Post by Diaho »

Secrets and Surprises

The dinner ended and all of the guests departed the Residence. Sobbash and Samson stood overlooking the lake. The moonlight was reflecting off the calm glass like surface. “I want to stay here forever Samson. Just you and me. You can let Paveryua run the depot. I’ll hand over command, then we’ll grow a garden and raise children on this planet.” Sobbash leaned against Samson, who was absorbing her last comments. “Well Sobbash, I’ll need the Count’s permission to stay here. Where do you suggest we live? There is limited housing on the planet an...”

Sobbash’s weight disappears from his side and she stood on her own looking across the lake. Spying a stone she picked it up and skipped it across the surface. The moonlight was defused into the ripples of surface distortion. “I’m sorry Samson. It was a bad idea, a whim, on the spur of the moment. The Star Forces won’t release me for another five years at minimum and you’ll need that time to train a replacement.”

Samson placed his arm around her mid section and pulled her towards him. “You’re sure you want to stay here? That’s the most committed towards anything you’ve been in a long time. I can ask the lad and you can talk with the Princess. If it takes another five years, then it does. It won’t be like we will be separated.” Then he gazed in her eyes. “A garden and children? You want to raise them both?” She nodded. “It’s not like you were against the idea and I’m still young enough to have children safely. Given the new medical facility that‘s been built. It’s not like we’d be having children on a primitive planet.” Samson kissed her. “When did you decide all of this Sobbash?” Sobbash placed her head on his chest. “I’ll tell you tomorrow, before I return to my ship. Right now Samson, let’s stand here and take in this beauty that surrounds us.” They spend most of the evening overlooking the lake.

Commander Yuma sat in her quarters considering Dustain’s folder that was sitting on the desk in front of her. This was going to be a challenge. Here was the physical image of a man she despised, but the being of a person she had never met. Her duty was simple. Examine Dustain, ascertain his intentions and then report her findings to Kenesh. Had she known how long this was going to take her to complete, she would have asked for reassignment to a data center sorting paper work. Kenesh’s note attached to the top of the file drew her attention once again. “Yuma get to know him, but don’t get involved with him. He may be destined for a fate you’ll not want to share. Take care, my old friend.” Yuma sat the folder aside and looked at the picture again. “Not to worry Kenesh. I’ll be objective and remember the man I hated, should I start to have any feelings.” Dimming the lights she reclined in the chair, her injuries still prevented her from sleeping horizontal.

Nasse adjusted the blanket in little Plakia’s crib. It was late afternoon and the sun would soon be in her eyes. Turning back to the window she watches as her sons put the finishing touches on the snowman. She reflects on the last few months since Plakia was born and how they had gone by so rapidly. Plakia would be four months soon and so much has happened. When the first month passed and Ku left for the Hyde system, he moved them into the south wing of the house. The next thing she knew, Ku and Seelnay returned happily married. It was a short-lived visit as they soon left to join the Princess and her friends.

Plakia rolled on her side and pushed the blanket away. Nasse reached over and readjusted it while remembering the day when Ku’s mother informed her that Ku had died. Plakia was trying to push up at that time, and had Ku and Seelnay been there, they would have been proud. Ku’s funeral was a cold and snowy affair. It disturbed Nasse that none of them were there. Seelnay had left her a message explaining their absence; the best she could, and told Nasse once this mission was finished, they would return to visit. That note was now displayed on the console screen near the crib. Still, it left Nasse wondering if she would ever see any of them again. Returning to the window, she taps it lightly. Her sons look towards her; she motions them to come inside.

As last frigate cleared the Hyde Sord, Paveryua sat listening to the report from the commander of the group. She related the events that had transpired between Vorash and the Capital. Sobbash’s Chief of Staff stood along side him listening intently. The last thing the commander said caught them both off guard. The showdown had been settled without loss of life. Admiral Sobbash and party were proceeding to the planet unharmed. The communication ended and Paveryua turns to the Chief. “We landers believe in miracles. I do think one has occurred out there. We should have lost a lot of ships. However there was no damage or loss of life. That leads me to believe…” The Chief stops him. “You call it a miracle. I’ll call it excellent luck. However it was still an extremely unique event. An event of which I wish I could have witnessed.” Paveryua nods.

Lafiel’s arrival did not go unnoticed at the Capital as Admiral Kenesh was informed within minutes of it's occurance. She decided that knowing the Princess was safe was good enough for now. Ramaj had informed her earlier, if there were no problems reported, then the Capital would take a ‘wait and see’ posture as far as the planet was concerned. Kenesh looked at the report and noticed that the resources Lafiel brought back with her from Vorash did not match the fleet report from the Hyde system. “I wonder where she got her research vessel from?” Setting the report aside for now, she gets prepared for her next daunting task. Judging Admiral Spoor. The latest report showed the Lashkau heading towards Sord Laitpanr. Kenesh figures it will be ten days before Spoor arrives. “Ten days... In ten days I’ll have to judge an old friend.” She shakes her head and walks down the corridor.

Ekuryua awoke in pain. Her legs and lower back were complaining loudly about the way they had been abused by her brain. Reaching slowly for the lights she glances around the room. Finally, her eyes fix on their target, a bottle of pain pills she’d obtained before she lay down. Knowing that she would wake hurting, she had the ship’s doctor give her something to combat it. However in her haste to go to sleep she’d left them on the other side of the room. Summoning her last bit of will, she sat up in bed, rolled her complaining legs to the floor and staggered to the table. Her arrival was not a pretty sight. She landed heavily on the chair and now had a bruised bottom complaining too. Her hands work the bottle; the light pink pills went down easily. Twenty minutes later she was pain free enough to try a return trip to her bed. Laying down and looking at the ceiling she wonders if Duhiel was feeling the same way. Five minutes later the pills kick in the rest of the way. She sleeps another four hours.

Morning on the planet came peacefully. Samson had returned to the Village. Sitting at the table, Sobbash and Seelnay watch the sunrise together. Seelnay regards Sobbash then comments. “Admiral? I know why the Abh chose to live in space. I mean; I understand the written reasons. But how do you feel about space?” Sobbash moves her foot; the soil moves with it and she can feel the ground pulling the heat from her foot. She answers the question. “Until recently Seelnay I thought space was the only place I would be happy. Now that I have seen this place with the relative beauty and safety of it, when compared to space, I really don’t want to go back.”

She faces Seelnay. “Tell me Seelnay. You’ve spent most of your life working in space. How do you feel about it?” Seelnay glances around her. Then she replies. “There is beauty here and beauty out there. Granted it is a little safer on a planet than out in space. I guess if I had a choice, I’d like to be on a planet. Yet after seeing everything that space has to offer. I’d still like to be able to go there when I wished. We have a saying on my world. “The best of both worlds.” I believe that would describe my feelings on the subject. Sobbash you know I’m the wrong person to ask these questions of. You should ask Her Highness these things. Remember I came from the land and went to space. Like Count Hyde I’m prejudice. Her Highness like yourself came from space and ended up here on a planet. You should ask her and not totally rely on my feelings. Take a balanced view. Once you’ve done that we should talk some more.” Sobbash nods in agreement, although she notes that it was Seelnay who had started the conversation. Sobbash stands, thanks Seelnay and heads for the cliff overlooking the lake. A few minutes later Seelnay goes to leave.

She turns to find Jinto standing behind her. “I’m impressed Seelnay. You answered her question and gave her something to think about. You’re sure you don’t want to join the ambassador corps?” Seelnay shakes her head. “Nice try Count Hyde, even if Her Highness were to ask, my answer would be the same. I’m not a diplomat and never will be. I’m going to be a mother and right now I’m deciding where I want to raise my child.” She faces Jinto. “Right now, that is my top priority. My daughter’s and my happiness, tell Her Highness I’m heading for the Village and I’ll be back before nightfall okay?” Jinto nods and Seelnay leaves and heads for the hover sleds.

Sobbash stood looking over the lake. She sensed Jinto approaching her. “Good morning Wing Flyer. Did you sleep well?” Jinto stood along side her and also takes in the view. “Sobbash. You need not be so formal. I answer to Jinto too.” She keeps her eyes forward and says. “You heard what Seelnay and I were discussing?” Jinto replies. “I did Sobbash. That’s why I’m here. Is there anything Lafiel and I can do for you?” She turns toward him. “I’m not sure. I have all these feelings that I need to confront and then deal with. There are also Samson’s feelings; I’ve never had to consider someone else’s feelings before. I’m finding it quite difficult to keep all of this sorted out. How do you do it?” Jinto shrugs. “It’s a lot of trial and error. There is not a set procedure to follow. Lafiel and I have made a lot of mistakes. We’ve learned from most, although we’ve repeated a few too. Seelnay’s right, you should ask Lafiel about her feelings. If you wish, the three of us can have breakfast and you can discuss it then.” Sobbash smiles. “You two really do care. I hope I make the right decisions.”

Jinto went to answer and his creunoc interrupts him. “Sorry Jinto, I know you’re busy. But it’s happened again. I never made it out of bed. When you get a chance. I’ll be here.” Lafiel’s voice sounds weak but otherwise calm. Sobbash looks puzzled. “What was that? What has happened?” Jinto turns towards the Residence. He says to Sobbash. “Follow me. It’s easier to see than to describe.” Jinto heads up the walk with Sobbash on his heels. Making his way to Lafiel’s room he says. “Lafiel I’m here. Sobbash is with me can she help too?” Annoyed, Lafiel answers. “Yes that is fine. Just come and help me Jinto.” Opening the door they find Lafiel lying in bed.

Jinto says. “Left side or right?” Lafiel answers. “Right.” He raises the sheet and finds Lafiel has popped her shoulder out again. Grabbing her arm at the elbow he says. “Ready Lafiel?” She nods. He then applies pressure and the shoulder returns to its normal position. “Damn it Jinto. You need not rip it off. Just simply apply steady pressure.” She sits up in bed and gently rotates her shoulder. “I slept wrong last night and when I went to rise it popped. This is becoming extremely annoying.” Sobbash was stunned. Then she asks. “How long has this been going on?” Lafiel says. “Off and on over the past two months. Physical activity usually aggravates it. Helping with the loading and unloading, I guess I’ve overdone it.” Jinto rises, and then he and Sobbash leave the room while Lafiel dresses.

Sobbash corners him in the hall. “You are going to get her treatment, aren’t you? That could become a very serious injury in time, if it hasn’t already” Jinto motions her to the kitchen, where they sit at the table. “Sobbash I understand your concern. I’ve tried several times to get both of her shoulders looked at. But she stubbornly refuses. Until she injures herself to the point I can’t fix it, we’ll have to do it her way. It does not make me happy, but right now we don’t have the medical facilities to properly treat her.” Sobbash frowns and points skyward. “There is a fully equipped hospital ship up there. It’s been with us for quite sometime. She could at anytime transfer herself over there. She’s being stubborn...”

Lafiel entered the room. “Sobbash, mind your own business. Jinto, we’ve had this discussion before. It’s something that happened a long time ago and the doctors told me then I’d have to live with it. So I’m living with it. End of discussion.” She sits next to Sobbash and addresses Jinto directly. “Could you please make breakfast? My arms hurt too much to do it now.” Jinto rises and starts cooking. Sobbash then addresses Lafiel. “I’ve been to the waterfalls.” Lafiel raises an eyebrow and Sobbash continues. “There is something you should see.” She holds her creunoc towards Lafiel it displays the sensor layout. “You’ll notice you have a gap in this area.” Lafiel stares at the information. Jinto has heard this conversation he stands looking over Lafiel’s shoulder at the creunoc. “That’s not possible. That’s not the array we set up before we left…”

Lafiel stood, headed for the main console in the living room and activated it. “Jinto stop what you’re doing and come here.” Lafiel’s voice commanded, Jinto sat the food aside and turned off the stove. Moments later he and Sobbash are standing along side Lafiel who is pointing at the console. “Look at this.” Jinto observes the pattern displayed. It no longer covers the assigned area. There is a corridor about a kilometer wide from the lake to the northern plains that is left unmonitored. Lafiel presses the comm. link and Samson answers. “I’ll be blunt Samson. Some one has tampered with the security array. Gather your people together in one place. I’ll be out shortly.” Lafiel closed the link and opens another one. The first officer aboard Duhiel’s ship answers “The Captain is sleeping, he has left orders not…” Infuriated Lafiel says. “You’ll wake him at once. Do not anger me Decca Commander.” The display fades yet the connection remains open.

She had been First Officer for the last three days. Serving a candidate for the jade throne impressed her. She knew that obedience would be rewarded. The communications console flashed and she answered it. It was Her Highness requesting to speak with the Captain. She related the desire of the Captain not to be disturbed and the response from the surface was not what she expected. The Princess threatened her. She placed the call on hold. She then opened a link to Duhiel’s cabin. A very groggy Duhiel answers. “Yes what is it?” “I’m sorry to disturb you. But the Princess is hailing you and she won’t take no for an answer.” Duhiel sits up and clears his head. “I’ll speak with her. But before you connect her there is something you must know. Never reject a call from her no matter where I am or what I’m doing. I feel bad for you. I failed to inform you of this fact and she undoubtedly has left you with the impression of if she were here you would be suffering a fate quite unpleasant. Put her on and we’ll speak of this later.” The link closed and the display became active. A very angry Lafiel greets Duhiel. “Your First Officer is very rude brother…” Duhiel stops her. “She is new to the post and I failed to inform her of the proper protocol in dealing with my family. She was doing as I instructed her to do. If you’re angry, then your anger lays with me not her. Have I made myself clear Lafiel?”

Lafiel sits back in the chair. She notices Duhiel’s appearance. “Still suffering from Commander Ekuryua’s little joy ride I see.” Duhiel nods and says. “I hope this wasn’t the reason you called me Lafiel. I’m hoping it’s something more substantial. If it not, then this communication ends. Now…” “Wait Duhiel you need to see this.”

Lafiel transmits the array layout to his display. At first he struggles to understand what he sees, then suddenly. “I see Lafiel. You’ve had unwelcome visitors. I’ll check the logs. What else do you wish?” Lafiel leans forward and she smiles at him. “That’s it for now. Sorry I woke you Duhiel. You know when I call it’s normally important. Maybe someday we’ll be able to kid around like we use to.”

Duhiel nods. “That would be nice Lafiel, but you’ll have to be quick about it. Once I become Emperor. I’ll have no time for such pleasures. I’ll call you back when I’ve reviewed the logs. For now Sis keep on your toes down there till we figure out what’s happened.” The display darkens; Lafiel secures the console and looks at Jinto and Sobbash. “Do we repair the damage to the array or do we leave it as it is in hopes our visitors will use it again?” Jinto looks at the array data and says. “Leave it for now. I have an idea.”

He opened a link to Risch. “Jinto. Good morning. What can I do for you?” Jinto explains the array situation and says. “Think you can have the frigate passively scan that area without anyone knowing it?” Risch nods. “Consider it done Jinto. You should know Noel’s flat on her butt in bed up there. I do believe she’s finally over done it. The shuttle required some repair when she got back and Jinto, she pulled Eleven G’s. Twice. It’s a wonder that she and the Prince arrived in one piece. If Lafiel is around let her know her brother grayed out for about twenty seconds according to the logs and Noel was about to join him. Those two are, in my expert opinion …Nuts. I’ll notify you if anything is relayed to me. Right now Samson and I are rounding everybody up. How soon will you be here?” Jinto looks at Lafiel she raises one finger. “We’ll be there within the hour. Sit tight till then.” Risch acknowledges the transmission and the link closes.

Jinto looks at Lafiel. He figures Risch’s words would have angered her. However she sits there quietly. A calm look on her face, she smiles and says. “So it took eleven G’s to finally cage Duhiel’s head. Remind me to give Noel an award for bravery or something along those lines.” Jinto and Sobbash stare at Lafiel. She sees this and continues. “What? Do you think I should be angry at Noel?” They nod. Lafiel shakes her head. “You two weren’t listening. My brother finally said the words I’ve been waiting for... ‘Once I become Emperor.’ Those were the words he used. If it took twenty G’s for him to realize that, then it would have been worth it. We need to leave. We have people waiting and at max speed it will take forty five minutes to get to the Village.”

She asks Sobbash. “Do you have a side arm?” She shakes her head. Lafiel looks at Jinto. “Get three pistols and twenty one power packs.” Jinto balks. Lafiel reconsiders. “You’re correct Jinto. Twenty one is not enough.” Jinto pales at those words. Lafiel giggles. “Yes Dear. Bring nine power packs and be quick about it.” Jinto leaves. She turns back to Sobbash. “Once we get this figured out. We will have a formal breakfast. If you’re hungry, there are some meal packets in the drawer below the silverware.” Sobbash shakes her head. “That’s fine. I’ll wait. I really wasn’t all that hungry.”

Scholar, Erin, Li and Kim watch as Samson and Risch call the members of the work party together. Scholar approaches Samson. “Would you mind explaining yourself?” She asks. Samson turning towards her responds. “Her Highness will be here shortly. She is the one who asked me to gather you here. If you don’t mind, I wish you would address your questions and concerns to her.” Scholar turns and walks back to the group. Li says as she gets closer, “Damn Abh. I knew we shouldn’t have trusted them.”

Scholar silences her. “Don’t be so hasty to judge young one. Let’s hear the Princess out first, then, if necessary voice our disapproval.” Li returned to Kim’s side, Erin has been linked to Scholar the entire time. As Scholar approaches she says. “They asked us to gather here. They never forced us, nor have I seen any weapons. I believe its something of mutual concern to all of us.” Scholar nods. “I agree and knowing the Princess, I’m sure she wants to be here and see the response of everyone when she makes her announcement.” Erin nods. “Then we wait quietly.” Scholar agrees.

Jinto stops the hover sled short of the Village. He removes his laser pistol and places it in the storage compartment. He faces Lafiel and Sobbash. “It’s a bad idea to enter the Village armed. Place your weapons with mine. I’m not moving another inch till you do.” Sobbash removes her weapon and hands it to Jinto. Lafiel stands defiant for one moment, and then removes hers as well. Handing it to Jinto she says. “You’re right, Jinto. We would have made quite the scene arriving armed. I’m sorry, since Lobnas II…”

Jinto placed his fingers across her lips. “I understand Lafiel. That’s why I let you bring them in the first place. Now though it’s time to face the facts, they are unarmed. The balance of their people are also within our reach. They would be very foolish to try something given the present situation. In my heart I feel they had nothing to do with this. I’d suspect our own people first, if the truth be known.”

Both Lafiel and Sobbash locked their gaze upon Jinto, searching his eyes. He felt as if their eyes were tearing at his soul. Then as suddenly as it had started they stopped. Sobbash nodded, and then said. "You're probably correct Jinto. Given the way the array was tampered with, I also would guess it was someone with a lot of knowledge of Abh systems." Sobbash motions towards the Village. "Let's go on Jinto. We shouldn't keep them waiting." Lafiel, still a little red faced, nodded in agreement. Jinto started the sled and five minutes later they arrived at the Village landing just fifty feet from the group. 

             Scholar had sensed the hover sled stop. However she could not sense the conversation. When the sled finally came into the Village, she saw that it was Lafiel, Jinto and Sobbash who got off the device. Samson went out and met them, and shortly thereafter he pointed them towards Scholar. As they approached, Scholar sensed a momentary sense of confusion emanating from them that only subsided when Lafiel spoke. "We have a problem." Lafiel motioned for Scholar to follow her over to the hover sled to speak in confidence. Scholar nodded and informed Erin she'll be right back.

             On the way to the sled Scholar asked. "This problem, is it something my people did or is it something more sinister?" Lafiel replied. "I don't know if it's sinister, but it is bad. Now as for who is responsible and why? I would like you to help me figure that out." Lafiel took a seat on the sled Scholar sat next to her.  Lafiel then showed her Sobbash's data. "Remember I told you that there was a defense grid about this area?" Scholar nods and Lafiel continues. "It's been tampered with. A section of the array has been neutralized. That section leads from the Northern Plains to just short of the main Residence. I need to know if any of your people wandered into that area." Lafiel showed Scholar the lagoon and the path that lead toward the waterfalls. She did not show Scholar the exact location of the array.

             Scholar studied the display for a minute then linked with Erin. "Bring Li with you and come here." Lafiel sees Erin and Li approaching, and she commented to Scholar. "I wish I could communicate like that." Lafiel thinks for a moment then amends. "Then again…" Scholar stops her. "It's both a convenience and a curse. If you knew what I had to do at times to have a private thought you'd understand." Erin and Li arrive and Scholar shows them the display then said. "Have any of our people been in this area?" Li admitted she's been to the lagoon, but no further. Erin shook her head before saying. "That lagoon does look inviting though…" Scholar cleared her throat. "Let it be known that the area beyond the lagoon is now off limits. You two go back and ascertain that none of our people have been there."

             Li glared at Scholar. "I told you none of our people have…" Scholar faced her giving her a hard stern look. "Including the fifty-five in the extension building? Granted Erin and I were watching most of the night but you're saying that no one left the building until we brought them here?" Li paled and apologized. "Sorry Elder I forgot about that. I knew no one aboard the transport had ventured that way. Accept my apology and I'll get you the answer you seek." Without waiting for a reply from Scholar she leaves. Erin watched as Li rejoined Kim, explained what had happened and then both begin to talk with those around them. Ten minutes passed before Li returned. "Elder I've spoken with them all. No one has been any where near the location the Princess showed us. I am confidant of that fact." Scholar nodded then she turned to Lafiel. "I'm sure we had nothing to do with your problem. However I am offering our help in getting to the bottom of this, because we will rely on your security system until ours is fully operational."

             Lafiel nodded. "You'll understand why I went about it this way. I never considered a member of your party to have purposely tampered with the array, it was just…" Scholar stopped her. "No apology is necessary Your Highness. If the situation were reversed I'd be asking the very same questions. I admire your tactfulness in this matter. You could have had your people use force and round us up like livestock, however you didn't. That is yet another myth of the old ones now rebuked." Lafiel stood noticeably shaken. She looked at Scholar and said. "We need to review the myths of your old ones. I have a feeling that the Abh have come a long way since those days." Scholar nodded. "That's probably true Princess, however that conversation must wait. Right now we do have another more immediate problem to solve. If you have no further need of me, I'll return to my people and give you a chance to consult with yours." Lafiel agreed and Scholar, with Li and Erin following, returned to the group standing in the shade of a large tree.

             Duhiel was returning from the sick bay. He had ordered the doctor to give him something to clear his head. The world about him was finally coming back into focus, although rather painfully. Arriving at the bridge he headed for his First Officer. She notices him and says. "Your Highness! You should be in…" Duhiel corrected her. "It's Captain. Aboard this ship you will refer to me using that word. My social status will not interfere with my duty to the Star Forces." His eyes soften and then he says. "I'm sorry. The medication the doctor gave me is pitching a fit…" She accepts this and replies. "I understand Captain. Yet something must be wrong for you to be here at this time. What can I do to help?" Duhiel looked at her. He knew he wasn't wrong in promoting her, even though she was hand picked by his father to serve with him. "Someone has made an unauthorized entry into the defense zone on the planet. They've disabled part of the array. We need to find out who it was and when. Are you ready to help me?"

She smiled and nodded. "Captain, do you have an idea of the time frame we are looking at?" Duhiel stared at the main display. "From before I went planet side until I returned would be a good guess. There was a lot of confusion up here while I was gone. That's when I would have slipped in." Inputting the data she starts a detailed search of the logs for the time specified.

            The tactical officer sat watching the area Chief Engineer Risch had instructed him to monitor. His initial hesitance to do so was enough cause for the Chief Engineer to remind him of the Chief's relationship with not only the Captain but with Her Highness. The officer quickly reconsidered his hesitance. The tactical officer was rewarded for his vigilance when an energy signature appeared about thirty miles north of the array site. Turning to the First Officer he said. "Sir you should see this." The First Officer moved to the display. A pale blue triangle appeared on the display before him. "An energy signature that is one of ours all the way out there all by itself?" He opened a scrambled link to the surface.

            "Lafiel calm down. Please!" Jinto's words went unheard. They had questioned everyone on the construction site and aboard both transports and had drawn a blank. Lafiel was not taking the news very well; in fact she was not accepting the facts as they were being presented to her. "No. NO! NO! " Lafiel slammed her fist into the sled seat. Lifting the seat she goes to remove the laser pistols. Instinctively Jinto slammed the lid closed; almost catching her fingers in the process. "Forget it Lafiel. You're not getting to these until you've cooled off. You're not on Clasbul, these people are our friends." She glared at Jinto her eyes like the lasers she was trying to recover and use. She turned, pushed Samson aside and started towards the Village a foot. "Ku Rin Apu Asu Tangu Kipu!" Lafiel cursed as she walked away.

Sobbash and Risch both stared in horror. Jinto noticed this and asked. "So what did she just say?" They both shake their heads and answer in unison. "You really don't want to know Jinto. Just be aware that she is very angry." Risch raised his arm, his creunoc was flashing. "There is a scrambled message from the ship. This maybe the break we need." Jinto interrupts. "Lafiel's gone. Let me get her before you answer that. She'll be furious if we don't." Jinto headed off in the direction Lafiel had left in. Sobbash commented to the others. "If she wasn't furious when she stormed out of here. I don't think I ever want to see her furious." Risch and Samson nod in agreement. Risch placed the link on hold while they all looked towards the direction Jinto had left in.  The silence was deafening.

            Lafiel had made it about forty meters down the pathway when her anger finally engulfed her. Jinto found her standing before a large tree just off the path. She was pounding on it relentlessly. She spoke no words but the sound of her blows said volumes. Jinto walked around and approached Lafiel from the side where she could plainly see him. Her facial expression set him back when he first caught sight of it. There was viciousness and total control yet all he could see was blinding rage. Her eyes focused on the tree trunk, her hands laying blows that would have broken bones had the target been an animal. Facing her about five feet to her left he said. "That's a pretty hard punching bag Lafiel. Are you about done wailing on it?"  Her expression changed slightly. The viciousness was replaced with a smile, and then Jinto saw the blood streaming from both of her hands.

For one microsecond he wanted to reach for her and stop her, but he didn't.  He remembered the run in at the rose bushes, but he didn't want her to hurt her self any further so he said. "You can't kill that tree Lafiel, but if you don't stop soon you'll not be able to use your hands."  She took a half step back and like a boxer she took a couple of more hits, which took the bark off the tree. Winded she said. "Not true Jinto. If I hit it enough, I'll eventually injure it." She bent over and picked up some of the loose bark. "See. I chipped away at its armor. Given enough time I eventually would have finished it off."

            Approaching her all he could see were her hands, which were skinned and sliced. One slice on the ring finger of her right hand was very deep. Jinto reached for her but she pulled away. "Not now Jinto. Not this Lafiel. You want no part of her. Now I'm warning you Jinto, heed it." Jinto halted his advance and said. "Fine. Will you come with me back to the sled? Risch is holding a scrambled message I think you should hear." Lafiel nodded and turned towards the sled. She took off at a deer's speed. It was all Jinto could do to arrive about the same time she did.

            Sobbash was the first to hear them coming, but before she could speak Lafiel bolted out of the underbrush. She stood next to Risch blood streaming down her fingertips and bloodspots splattered on her uniform. Sobbash started to say something about the same time Jinto arrived. Seeing Jinto she let out a small sigh, which Jinto caught and Lafiel ignored for the moment. Lafiel faced Risch and barked. "Establish contact now!" Risch hailed the ship and the First Officer answered.

"About thirty kilometers north of the array we picked up a power signature. It's one of ours but I'm not in a position to tell what is generating it. We are trying to get the other frigate in orbit to passively scan the area and maybe from their angle they can pin point the source. We are linking with them now." Lafiel replied to the First Officer. "You're talking about my brother's ship, is that correct?" There was a pause and then. "Yes Your Highness. The Chief Engineer said not to trust any other ship in the area. Is there a problem?" Lafiel looked Risch and smiled. "There is no problem, carry on with your orders."

She turned and walked over to Sobbash. "I need your help. We need to fix me up." Sobbash nodded and they walked to the sled. Opening the compartment Sobbash retrieved the medical kit and began to work on Lafiel's hands. Lafiel sat there passively, but commented to Sobbash. "That sigh you let out when Jinto arrived, did you think I'd done him harm?" Sobbash paused for a moment then continued cleaning Lafiel's right hand before she responded. "Given your family's reputation and what you said when you left, what else was I to think? You were after blood, weren't you? Jinto stopped you from acting. I figured you finally snapped and beat him to a pulp." Lafiel winced as Sobbash applied a compress to Lafiel's right hand.  Sobbash then tended to the left hand. "That slice on your finger is really deep. I've done the best I could, but you need stitches in it and soon Lafiel." 

Lafiel sat staring off into nothingness for a moment before asking Sobbash. "Do you feel that I'm worthy of someone like Jinto?"  Sobbash was caught off guard by her question and thought carefully before answering. "I'm not the one to judge, but I will say this. Ninety-five percent of the time I've seen you two together you both seem to be a natural pairing.  You do complement each other very well, but after that little display you put on earlier.  I don't know what to think."  Sobbash took a breath before continuing. "In all honesty I don't know if I should be more concerned about the Count's safety or your own self destructive behavior as of late. He loves you and it pains him to see you harm yourself but he is doing his best to be understanding."

Sobbash saw her words had a strong effect on Lafiel, as there were now two streams of tears flowing down her face. Sobbash paused, and then smiled at Lafiel trying to comfort her. "You are who you are and that will never completely change so being worthy of him has nothing to do with it. You do love him don't you? Try to be more understanding of his feelings towards your well being and think a bit more before taking action and you two should be fine." Sobbash thought about Samson and her self for a moment, and then continued to tend to Lafiel's hand.

            "Captain we are being hailed." Duhiel leaned forward as the message from Ekuryua's ship is displayed. "Tactical Officer, scan the area in passive mode." He moved to his First Officer. "Have you found anything in the logs?" She was buried in the details. "I think so look at this." Duhiel read the section she's highlighted. "So did they land on the surface or not?" She searched the scan logs. "It is impossible to tell Captain, the shuttle from the surface blocked our scans. However Captain Ekuryua's ship had a clear view. I'll get their logs." Duhiel placed his hand on her shoulder. "Good work. My faith in you has been affirmed yet again." She nodded and contacted Ekuryua's ship. The data arrived in an instant.

            "Captain? Captain Ekuryua. Please respond." Noel woke in pain. She reached for the comm. panel and fell short of her target. The second try hits its mark. "Yes what is it?"  "Sorry to disturb you. But if you're able, you should come to the bridge."  That sentence sat her up in bed like a shot. "I'm on the way! Captain out." Dressing was another matter, her brain was willing, but her body was not. After fifteen minutes she made it to the bridge. Moving through the door slowly she said to her First Officer. "You want to explain that, if I can make it to the bridge statement?" Stunned he replied. "Engineer Risch said you would be out for a couple of days. I figured he was joking. Accept my apology Captain. I should have left you be."

Slowly lowering her self into the center seat she asked. "So what was so important to get me here in the first place?" It took about five minutes for Ekuryua to be brought up to speed. Her mind sifted through the data presented leaving her dismayed. "Damn. I’ve let her down. She's going to have my hide this time. Get me His Highness ship on scramble." The communications officer replied. "We are already linked Captain. He's coming on line now." Duhiel's face appeared and as it did, both he and Noel comment. "We were hood winked." There was silence, and then Duhiel smirked. "I'm surprised to see you Captain."  Noel smiled. "Same here Captain. Are you feeling alright Your Highness?" Duhiel shook his head. "And you?"  The pain was evident on Ekuryua's face. "About the same. So what have you found?" 

Duhiel paused then he replied. "We just overlapped the sensor logs and are adjusting the time indexes." His face grew stern. "Captain Ekuryua. How much do you know about the research vessel in low orbit over the planet?" Noel punched up the data file. It was blank. "It's them, they did it. I need to talk to Admiral Sobbash. They came from Hyde with her. Give me five minutes..."

Duhiel cut her off. "No can do Ekuryua. There is a shuttle on the surface and the energy readings indicate. Ekuryua they are planning on scramming the reactor. The resulting explosion will probably kill them all." Before the last words reached Ekuryua's ears, she had a link open to Risch. Moving rapidly and ignoring the pain she made her way to the shuttle bay. Duhiel's face grew pale.

            Risch's creunoc screamed the distress alarm. He silenced it and Noel spoke. "No time to argue. Help me. They have a shuttle thirty kilometers north of the Residence. How fast can you scram a reactor in one of those things?" Stunned Risch shook his head. The answer fell from his lips. "Normally about an hour, forty-five minutes tops. They have a lot of safeties to bypass. Why do you ask?" Before she could answer Risch knew why. "Noel you can't do it. You'll never make it in time." The new background noises already confirmed Risch's suspicions. They were the sounds of a shuttle being launched. "Noel, answer me!" There was silence. Risch turned and Samson grabbed his arm. "Can't get there from here that fast laddie, the terrains is too rugged. We need to tell the others, come on."  Reluctantly, Risch followed Samson to where Jinto, Lafiel and Sobbash where standing.

"I understand Duhiel, we have thirty minutes to get everyone aboard the transports." Then Lafiel said. "Rip this system apart. Don't let them get away. Should I not survive this…" Duhiel stopped her. "Get going Lafiel. I've given you ample warning, if you want to talk. Then talk after you're safe."  The link closed. Samson approached her. "I see you already know Your Highness. We need to get a move on. At least everybody still is gathered close so we won't waste time there. I'll load them on the hover sleds and take them back to the transports. Lafiel nodded. "Get going. I'll find Scholar and inform her of our situation. I'm sure she won't be happy." She and Jinto rushed into the Village with Samson, Sobbash and Risch not far behind. 

             Seelnay had spent most of the morning looking over the Village. When the alarm sounded she was with Scholar. It was there that Lafiel found them and told them what had happened. Scholar shook her head in disbelief. "They hate us that much as to destroy a planet? Your Highness, we've made a terrible mistake and now you're going to lose your home…" Lafiel cut her off. "Scholar, get your people moving. We can argue this later." Scholar nodded and Lafiel left her. Scholar contacted the Council and then commented to Seelnay. "They are heading to the transports. I feel really bad. I wish there was something I could do." Seelnay smiled and replied. "There is, come with me. I hope you're rested. It will take all you and I have to do this feat." Scholar smiled. Then she and Seelnay took a hover sled and raced to the Residence. Enroute Seelnay laid out her plan, Scholar agreed with it completely.

            "Captain, there is an incoming scrambled communication labeled priority one." Duhiel leaned forward. "Put it on. Somebody went to a lot of trouble to get our attention." Ekuryua, from with in the shuttle, faced a shocked Duhiel. "We got more trouble Your Highness. I'm sending you the data now." As the data came in he realized what Ekuryua's plan was. "Captain, you can't stop them by yourself. I'm sure they have an armed party." Ekuryua smiled. "So do I. Lets face it. I swore to protect your sister and this planet and to that end my ship and crew were expendable. I've managed to save the ship and most of the crew. Now all I have to do is protect your sister and this planet. Wish me luck." The display faded to nothing. Duhiel’s expression grew grim.
            He sat there deep in thought until his Tactical Officer jarred him back to reality. "Captain! You better see Captain Ekuryua's data." His eyes moved to the main display. "Show me." Ekuryua's scan showed two shuttles on the planet. One of them contains something more deadly than scramming the shuttles reactor, it carried a planet killer weapon. The other looked to be an escape vessel. Their plan was to explode the first vessel when they were a safe distance away. "By the movement in the area it looks like they haven't discovered Captain Ekuryua's approach. She might just catch them off guard." The Tactical Officer concluded. However Duhiel still needed to find the mother ship, the research vessel, which disappeared into a solar flare about two hours earlier. Duhiel opened a link to Lafiel and updated her on what Ekuryua had found. He was surprised when Lafiel said she was unaware that Ekuryua was heading planet side. It was then that Duhiel told Lafiel everything he knew. He included Ekuryua's last report. Lafiel thanked him and the link closed.

Risch had finished helping the last transport load. He turned to find Lafiel facing him. "Earlier, you knew she was coming here didn't you?" Risch nodded and Lafiel continued. "Why didn't you tell me then? You know she's on a suicide mission don't you?" Risch, the tears' streaming from his eyes replied. "What did you expect her to do? Sit up there and watch everything she ever hoped for go up in a cloud of dust? Lafiel get your head out of where ever it is and listen to me. Do you understand the words, loyal to the death?"

Lafiel paled thinking of her friend. "Well those word describe Noel perfectly. She'll die for you and this world." His creunoc beeped. "Time to go Your Highness. After seeing the latest information, staying here on the transports won't work. If they have what Noel's scan shows, we need to get point five light seconds away before they detonate the first vessel."

Lafiel nodded. She and Risch headed up the loading door as they heard the shuttle depart from the island, Lafiel looked skyward. "I wonder if Jinto is in there?" A voice from behind her brought more questions. Turning around she asked. "Jinto, if both you're and I are here, then who is in there?" It was Samson who answered most of their questions as he and Sobbash came running towards the transport. After boarding the ship and while waiting for departure Samson panted. "Seelnay has hijacked the shuttle and she got Scholar with her." Lafiel watched as the shuttle climbed to about a thousand meters and turned due north.

Lafiel placed her Creunoc to her lips and opened a hail to the shuttle, but before she could speak Scholar responded. "Princess. I'm sorry to have brought all of these troubles your way. Get my people to safety and if Seelnay and I are successful, we'll dedicate the Village with in twenty-four hours." The link grew silent. Lafiel sat quietly as the final countdown is reached and the transport blasted off into space.

Ekuryua attacked using the departure of the transports as cover. She managed to get the forces to depart before they were able to detonate their weapon or so she thought. Duhiel intercepted and captured the second shuttle in low orbit. They did not put up a struggle. As she approached the first shuttle Ekuryua found it sealed and signs of an operational timer running inside the vessel. Quickly, she opened a link to Risch. "Help me break into this thing, its ticking and I have no idea how long till it goes off." Before Risch could answer Lafiel interrupted. "Noel I'm ordering you to get out of there, now! You've done all you can do. According to my brother that device will detonate in one hour. You'll need every bit of it to get clear of the blast. Now Captain, I'm pulling rank. Get off my planet now!"

Ekuryua tried to answer but Scholar interrupted. "Captain I need your present location. It seems the sensors in this craft don't function very well." Ekuryua pressed a button on her creunoc and Scholar responded. "Thank you Captain. We are overhead right now." Noel gazed skyward, she could barely make out the shuttle. "I see you. What are your plans?" Scholar replied. "Captain, have your people get back to your shuttle and depart. Seelnay and I will handle it from here." Ekuryua looked at her security detail. "You heard the lady. Let's move out." Aboard her shuttle and ready to depart, Ekuryua called Seelnay. "We are ready to depart. You mind telling me your plans now?" Noel was greeted with silence then. "Captain, please depart the area. I need your shuttle away from the area at once!" The urgency in Scholar’s voice spurred Ekuryua to launch immediately. As she departed she watched Seelnay land next to the other shuttle. "What are you two doing? Are you trying to get yourselves killed?" Again Ekuryua was greeted with silence. All she can do is watch as they leave the planet.

The shuttle had barely landed before Seelnay with Scholar hot on her heels raced out of the shuttle’s door towards the other one. "Good, it's still on line." Scholar breathed as she examined the shuttle. "I've made contact with it and the ship is powering up." She turned to Seelnay. "Step one complete. Now for step two. Although these poorly functioning sensors mean we will have to keep close proximity to this ship. I still think we can pull it off."  Seelnay nodded. "We're leaving now." Channeling their energy, Scholar and Seelnay convinced the shuttles A.I. unit to launch and set a course for deep space. However not having a pilot on board meant Seelnay had to stay very close to the other shuttle as they departed. Scholar acted as pilot until they were free of the planets gravity and then they accelerated the shuttle at maximum towards a desolate part of the system. The resulting explosion should do no harm if the device didn't detonate beforehand.

Clearing the planet, Scholar bid the A.I. unit farewell. She had given it enough information to let it know it was sacrificing itself yet many lives would be saved. The shuttle accelerated into the void. Seelnay and Scholar relaxed until Seelnay spotted the research vessel heading straight for the lead transport. She sounded a warning, but there were no other ships close to them. They sat and helplessly watched.

"We are now clearing the Sord Commander…Priority one communications incoming. It says we are to disable the research vessel at all cost." Kufadis linked with the weapons system as the Lashkau was currently operating with a reduced staff. There were only three people on duty at the time. "Commander should I sound battle stations?" Kufadis never flinched a muscle as the port laser rifle bank fired on the research vessel. It disappeared in a blinding flash.

"Commander, you used minimal power. It should not have exploded like that. What is going on around here?" Before Kufadis could answer there was a blinding flash from the direction the shuttle had traveled. Luck had placed the Lashkau as the closest vessel to the blast. They took a pounding from the explosion’s shockwave.

Automatic alarms sounded with in the ship. Crewmembers picked them selves off the floor. Kufadis scanned the area and said. “I’ve seen that energy signature before.” It took him a moment and then. “I don’t believe it. I though all of those were destroyed a long time ago…” Spoor bolted through the door, just catching the end of Kufadis statement. “Destroyed? What the hell did we just hit?” Kufadis displayed the energy signature for Spoor to see. “I’ll be. An old fashion planet killer, those went out of style a couple of centuries ago. Who had one of those?”

Lafiel sat helplessly and watched the research vessel make a headlong dive for the side of the transport she was on. Suddenly it vanished in a flash of light. The Captain of the transport reported that a Kau class had fired on it. Lafiel sat back, she thought. “Damn Painiach you’re good, you’re really good. You keep showing up and saving my butt. However I’ll never admit it to you.” Lafiel ordered everyone back to where they belonged and Kufadis signaled that the Lashkau would wait till everything was settled before they would arrive. Lafiel heaved a great sigh. For the first time in her life, she came close to losing everything that meant anything to her. Now she felt great relief at the outcome.

Standing behind her Jinto watched as she looked out the window towards the system. Hiding behind the third planet had been a stroke of genius. Little did Lafiel know that it was also the rendezvous area for the second shuttle. When the shuttle was captured the research vessel's Captain decided to finish his mission by aiming his ship at the lead transport. Carrying as much explosives as they were, he only needed to be fifteen hundred meters away from Lafiel’s ship when his ship exploded. Luck was not on his side this day as the Lashkau fired on them at thirty thousand meters. When the research vessel vanished the lead transport suffered no damage.

Having just cleared the Sord, the Lashkau was in open space when the shuttle from the planet exploded. Although it fell victim to the massive shockwave, there was little damage done to the ship and only minor injuries to the crew. Kufadis quick action had saved the transport and all those aboard it. Another glowing chapter was being written in the Lashkau's ever-growing legacy that even Spoor herself, would not know the importance of until much later.

Duhiel knew that an explosion of that magnitude would be observed throughout the sector. He ordered an immediate communications blackout and opened a link to Debeusec. As the link was established the communications officer said. "Captain, the Capital is hailing us. Should I accept them?" Duhiel sat for a moment and then said. "Ignore them. Put the Sector Commander on screen." The screen came to life and Debeusec sat quietly as Duhiel explained the last several hours. "I understand Commander. Is this report is complete?" Duhiel nodded. "I'll forward it to the Capital. Is there anything else of an official nature you wish to discuss?" Duhiel slowly shook his head. "No Father. That is the official version of my report. But there are a couple of things I'd like to discuss with you."

Debeusec's expression changed, and then he said. "Would one of them be, you ignoring your Grandmother's call?" Duhiel nodded. "That and something I observed when the second shuttle was being flown off the planet." Debeusec understood. "Commander you followed the chain of command by contacting me first. I'll fix things with your Grandmother. Your observation of the shuttle I'd like for us to speak in person on that issue and I'll remove your prisoner problem too. I'm transferring to an attack frigate within the hour. I should see you in another two hours after that. Be patience Duhiel and get some rest. You do not look well my son." The display dimmed and Duhiel realized that he did look bad and he felt as bad as he looked. But in retrospect he would not have missed that adventurous ride for anything in the universe. Returning to his quarters he wondered if when he became Emperor, if Commander Ekuryua could become his personal pilot. He fell asleep instantly.

            Admiral Kenesh lay floating above her desk. There were several displays of sensor scans from the area of the explosion. She had determined what the source of the explosion was and was ready to contact Ramaj when she heard her coming down the hall in a tirade. The door to the office opened and an enraged Ramaj entered then slammed her fist on the edge of Kenesh's desk. The resulting shock momentarily destabilized the anti gravity field and Kenesh came close to hitting the tabletop. Regaining her composure Kenesh stared Ramaj in the face and commented. "I understand you’re having a bad day. You need not share it completely with me though."

Kenesh's words flew past Ramaj. "Why did I have an ingrate for a son? Then why did he have to produce the same strain of ungratefulness in his children?" Ramaj stood there with folder in hand until her rage had subsided. She noticed Kenesh adjusting the gravity field on her desk and she commented. "Sorry Kenesh. I almost dumped you on the floor didn't I?" Kenesh nodded. "Close, very close. Had the safeties not energized, I'd be there right now. Could you explain that outburst of yours? I don't think I've ever see you this mad before." 
            Ramaj pulled a chair over and sat facing Kenesh, before she handed her the folder she said. "Duhiel refused communications with me. Lafiel will not return my calls and now that report arrives here from Debeusec." Kenesh thumbed through the report while Ramaj continued. "They were attacked. Someone tried to destroy the planet. This report is sanitized. I know it. Debeusec is very good at telling me just enough to make me happy. Well this time it's not going to work. I want you to get to the bottom of this one Kenesh, drop everything else and get to the truth."
            Kenesh closed the folder and slowly settled down to the edge of the desk before dropping to the floor.  She approached Ramaj replying. "I can tell you now part of this report is correct." Ramaj followed her with her eyes. "Which part is that?" Kenesh opened a display on her desk and turned it towards Ramaj. "The explosion was, as he stated. From a type twelve plant destroyer. You can see it in the energy signature. I've glanced at the balance of this report. On the surface I see nothing else wrong. However I will go through it completely." Ramaj's face was blank as Kenesh turned to face her saying. "Are you mad because they didn't come to you first? Is that it?" Ramaj fixed her gaze upon Kenesh. "I'm glad you understand. We will not speak of this again. Forward your report to me when you are done." Ramaj stood and left the room.
            Kenesh picked up the folder and opened it again to one of the last pages. Reading it carefully she muses. "I think Ramaj this is what has angered you. The Lashkau not only saved the Sol – Erosions but Lafiel as well. This makes prosecuting Spoor almost impossible. That my friend is what's stuck in your crawl isn't it?" Kenesh sat the folder atop Spoors folder on her desk before dimming the lights and going for a walk. A visit to the information bureau was in order. Kenesh hoped the information bureau have been on their toes and have the information she required. However she was not going there with high hopes.

            Ekuryua watched as the two attack frigates maneuvered behind the shadow of the planet. Duhiel had transmitted the contents of the captured shuttles data crystal to her. As he was explaining the contents, he suddenly ceased all communications and maneuvered his ship to rendezvous with another ship that approached the area from the general direction of the Capital guarding fleet. The attack frigates docked, and she could see a soft seal being established between them. Then they disappeared from view behind the planet. "Captain, shall I adjust orbit to maintain visual contact?"
Ekuryua sat back in her seat and thought for a moment.  She had been meticulously scanning the area around the planet where the two frigates were hidden when her view of the system started to become obscured.  She turned to her navigation officer and gave an order. "Maintain present position."  The navigation officer acknowledged her command and she then addressed the other issue. "Communications have the hospital ship and the Lashkau move to sector seven immediately." As her orders were carried out the planet and surrounding space became clear again and she resumed her scanning.  "I wonder if His Excellency is aboard that frigate? It would account for Duhiel's sudden termination of communications. Now. What are those two up to?"  She mused.
            She turned her attention to the data file Duhiel had uploaded. It contained a perfect clone of the research vessels data. Preserved were all of the events that lead to the death of Sol-Eros. Ekuryua started to call the planet to inform them of this information, but she stopped herself and thought. "It would be better if the data was reviewed and then encrypted. Once that's accomplished I'll take it planet side and present to Scholar myself." She started reviewing the data while keeping watch on the planet. An hour and a half worth of work rewarded her two fold.  The data had been verified and encrypted and the two attack frigates had now returned to scanning range.  They were no longer joined and the second one was departing on the reverse course it had arrived on. Ekuryua left the bridge and took the short walk to her quarters. The pain had subsided and thoughts of sleep were flying around in her head. She slept soundly.

            The prisoner transfer went off smoothly; Duhiel and Debeusec were talking on the docking bay when Duhiel said. "Father you did not seemed surprised at how the other shuttle left the planet." Debeusec nodded. “Scholar is who I thought she was, so it came as no surprise. What did surprise me was that servant girl Seelnay. It's been rumored for some time that she held a special skill but that was not the skill I'd figured." He rubbed Duhiel's head. "Goes to show what I've always preached to you children. You cannot judge a book by its cover. It would seem your sister has amassed a considerable and formidable force on the planet."

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 18_Secrets and Surprises

Post by Diaho »

He stopped and stared Duhiel in the face. His facial expression grew very serious. "Your sister is planning something. I can feel it. Do you have any idea of what she's planning?" Duhiel straightened his hair and looked his father in the face. "No I do not father. Even if I did, your treating me like a little kid would preclude you from getting a response. I'll tell you now father should I become Emperor, you'll keep your hands out of my hair."

Debeusec stepped back noting Duhiel's very evident anger. "I'm sorry son. Sometimes I forget you're who you are. I keep looking for that little boy I used to read to." Duhiel was not moved by his father's words and lashed out at him with typical Ablïarsec anger. "Father if you really need a little boy to care for why don't you and Commander Kobasch have one and leave me alone. Hopefully you'll raise him correctly. If not, at least you'll be leaving me alone." Duhiel spun on his heels and left the docking bay.

Debeusec followed him with his eyes. As the door closed he donned his helmet and made his way back to the ship that had brought him there. The soft seal was broken and they reversed course. Debeusec did not leave his cabin until they arrived back at his flagship. Once aboard the flagship he checked in with the Captain and then retired to his quarters. He made one outgoing communication it was to Commander Rena Kobasch, which lasted twenty minutes. Debeusec did not sleep well that night.

Chaos had reined the first few hours back on the planet. Once the transports were unloaded and the residents were informed of the reasons behind their sudden departure, things began to settle down. Scholar was at the Village getting everyone settled and Erin was with Jinto and Samson going over the Village dedication ceremony. "So it's basically a blessing offered to the planet to keep everyone safe?" Erin nodded. "The important part of the ceremony is how the planetary gong reacts to this new world. On Sol-Eros it emitted that haunting sound you heard, however it's first ringing on this planet will determine our very future." Jinto's expression changed at those words. "Why don't you have your artisan's craft a gong that is attuned to this planet?" Erin stopped him. "Not in this instance Jinto. That gong you see in the new council chamber was fabricated in space. Its purpose is to ascertain the condition of the worlds we are to live upon. Granted that is the simple explanation. Please accept what I've said and wait for the results." Erin's words along with her facial expressions, qualm any further questions on the subject of the planetary gong.
            Samson had one other question. "This ringing needs to occur at sunrise or sunset is that correct?" Erin nodded. "All artificial electrical interference will need to be neutralized at that time." Samson faced her. "That's why the location of the reactor in reference to the council chambers is as it was on Sol Eros, so as not to interfere with the planetary gong?" Erin smiled. "Exactly engineer, that is the reason why the chamber is on its own power run, so we can isolate it from the rest of the Village for occasions like these." A smile appeared on Samson's face. "That would explain the oil lamps and candle sets we installed in the chamber. They weren't for backup lighting. They are for lighting while the building is isolated from the power grid." Erin nodded. "As it was when my people first lived of the surface worlds. It gives us the real view of the planet it's natural an uninfluenced impressions. That is why only those few who have proper training may ring the gong, especially this first sounding. This time that honor will fall upon Scholar, Li or myself. I need to return to the Village. We can finish the details tomorrow."
With those words Erin left Samson and Jinto. Samson looked at Jinto. "I'm assuming she's been summonsed by Scholar?" Jinto nodded. "I've seen this before a couple of times aboard ship. You did the right thing in letting her go. One time I tried to detain her, let me tell you, she is a lot stronger than she looks and the chewing out Scholar gave me later. You don't want any part of." Samson who was watching Jinto's face as he spoke said. "The voice of experience, you understand that statement now my boy?" Jinto nodded. "Lafiel is just as bad when she is on one of her one track thought lines. Erin although is not a vicious as Lafiel can be. But then again Erin is not and Ablïarsec. Thank who ever for small favors." Samson took note of Jinto's last statement. "Are you afraid to use the word God? Were you raised to believe in one?" Jinto's face reddened. "Not now Samson, maybe sometime later that is a very touchy subject right about now." Jinto turned with his head dropped and started to walk away, he headed up the path back to Lafiel. Samson noticed Jinto having a conversation with himself but couldn't make out what he was saying before he turned the corner towards the Residence. Samson shook his head from side to side before going to look for Sobbash.

Planetary departure and reentry all within three hours had left Lafiel in tremendous pain. Her shoulders had popped in and out on both occasions. Now she sat at the kitchen table staring at what was once a bag of flour. She tried to open it and in doing so popped her left shoulder out again. She lost control of the bag and it had fallen to the table. The dust was still settling as Jinto came in the door.

Jinto enters the room from outside, what greeted him didn’t surprise him. He went to the cabinet, got the cleaning supplies and started to clean up the mess. “Lafiel are you alright?” She raises her head from the table it was covered in flour dust along with her clothes and hair. “She looks like a beautiful blue haired clown.” Jinto thought. Lafiel slowly shook her head from side to side, the flour gently sifting out of her hair. “What do you think Jinto? Do I look all right to you? Does this kitchen look all right to you?” Two small lines appear in her face they are caused by the tears washing the flour away.

Instinctively Jinto turns his creunoc towards her and captures the image. “Why did you do that Jinto? You’ll let me see that at once.” Jinto turns the device to her she gazes at the image. For a brief second a smile appears on her face, then she says. “Is that how I look when I cry?” Jinto nodded. “The flour is highlighting your tears, but normally that is how you look when you are being very emotional.” Lafiel presses the delete button and the creunoc obeys her command input. Jinto pulls his arm away from her and continues to clean. This is not the time to argue with Lafiel over mementos of their life together. He has a copy of the image already stored for that day when Lafiel might appreciate how she looked then.

Samson found Sobbash standing on the cliff overlooking the lake. She sensed his approach and said. “I feel really bad about today. I accepted the research vessels credentials without thoroughly examining them. It’s my fault everything has happened. I hope Lafiel can forgive my error in judgment. I need to go to her.” Samson placed an arm around her and halts her advance. “I just left Jinto, he’s heading for another confrontation with the Princess. It’s best you stay here until he signals me.” Sobbash places her arm around him. “I guess it’s about time I told you what prompted my to say those things earlier.”

She places her head on his shoulder. “Scholar made a mental link with me at Vorash. She sent me a condensed log of Lafiel’s travels to that point.” Samson can feel the wetness on his arm and Sobbash continues. “Before she severed the link, she probed my mind, which I let her do freely. She found the confusion in my feelings about you and she lowered my self-imposed barriers about being close to anyone. When I came to. I wanted you next to me; I almost summonsed you to the bridge. But I decided to wait and see if these feelings were something Scholar had planted in my mind or actually my own. I’ve decided those are my real feelings Samson. That’s why I expressed them to you the other night. I have to admit your response was not what I expected.”

Sobbash raises her head off his shoulder and faces him. “You’re happy about this decision aren’t you?” Samson nodded. “Happy and apprehensive at the same time Sobbash.” Sobbash returns her head to his shoulder and says. “I don’t think we are making a mistake Samson. However I feel maybe now that this is out in the open between us. We should explore it thoroughly.” His arm pulls her closer. “Agreed Sobbash. Should we start now?” Sobbash removes her head from his shoulder and stares across the lake. “Not tonight Samson. How about you and I take a walk, talk a bit and look around this place.” They turned and headed for the lagoon. The moon was just rising and the light was showing them the way.

“Then we are in agreement. I’ll strike the first note and after that Her Highness will strike a ceremonial note.” The members of the council sit nodding in agreement. Then Li stood and addressed the group. “I want this out in the open for discussion if the council sees fit. I still after everything that has happened do not fully trust the Abh.” Li’s words start a commotion, which Erin quickly brings under control. “You’re correct Li. We need to discuss your feelings. I pose one question to you.” Erin faced Li. “Do you trust the Princess?” Li stood motionless then said. “I trust the Princess, however the rest of her race leaves me feeling very uneasy.” Erin smiled. “Let me get this straight the one Abh we have dealt with you trust. But the rest of her race who we haven’t met or dealt with you don’t trust?” Li’s face turned red. “Do not twist my words Erin. Those were Abh who tried to destroy the transport, those same members of her race tried to destroy this planet. What am I suppose to think?”

They stood inches apart glaring into each other’s eyes, a moment later Scholar and Kim were separating them. Kim restrained Li and showed her to a seat beside him. Scholar pointed towards a seat and Erin sat down. Then Scholar addressed the council. “You are both correct in what you have said. The reason why you were restrained should be obvious. For all these centuries we have been able to discuss anything with in these chambers without violence. The two of you were heading towards a violent confrontation.” Scholar looked around the room; there was a general consensus of opinion with heads being nodded as her words were being spoken.

Then Kim rose, not to his daughter’s defense, but to pose a question. “Scholar you have dealt with the Abh more than anyone here, if as you have stated both of the young ones are correct. How do you pose we solve this problem and how do we maintain our security?”

Scholar accepted his question, she knew it would be asked sooner or later, she had hoped it was later, given she and Lafiel had not discussed this very important subject. “I suggest that instead of speculating, after tomorrows dedication ceremony we invite the Princess here and express our concerns to her directly. I’m sure she can answer those questions at that time.” Erin quietly cringed at Scholars words. She knew Scholar was hoping this simple explanation would keep them happy until the Princess could address the council. Erin showed no emotion as the council voted to table the question until the Princess could be there. Even Li seemed satisfied with the result of the vote. After that the council adjourned, Erin and Scholar left the chamber.

Standing alone outside the chamber Erin addressed Scholar. “One day elder your words will no longer sway them as they do now.” Scholar nodded. “You’re correct. I needed to buy sometime inside there. Had Li had her wish, there would have been a full-blown fight ensuing about now. She is such a hotheaded one, takes after her mother she does. Erin, contact Count Hyde, explain to him what has happened. But he is not to tell the Princess, it is important that she walks in here completely unprepared. If she shows the least bit of coaching, the council will tear her to shreds.”

Erin agrees, as she goes to leave she says to Scholar. “You’re placing a lot of trust in the Princess. What if she lets you down?” Scholar smiled. “She won’t let us down because she’ll be letting her self down as well. This planet means too much to her and we as a people, she’s sworn to protect us. I think our Princess can handle anything the council will throw at her.” Erin turned and continued towards her quarters, it would be from there she would call Jinto and inform him of this conversation. She fervently hoped Scholar was right and that Lafiel would not leave them stranded.

The past few hours left Jinto wishing he were somewhere else, somewhere without Lafiel. After cleaning the kitchen Lafiel had flown into tirade. She tried to contact Ekuryua and found her message returned. She found Risch as he was heading to the Residence. Several times she tried calling Samson and Sobbash the calls went unanswered. Using her creunoc she found their position, they were at the lagoon. Despite Jinto’s urging, Lafiel stormed off to get them. She was just out of sight when Erin’s call arrived. Speaking with Erin would be a welcome relief, Jinto thought. However after listening to her conversation Jinto realized the old Martine saying was true, “when it rains it pours.” Erin had just rained very heavily on Jinto’s parade. Her last comment brought home the seriousness of the coming storm. “Tomorrow after the ceremony the council will speak with the Princess as I’ve told you it is very important she does not know the topic. The council will judge her by her reaction to their questions. I’m trusting you to deliver her to me after the ceremony.” Jinto acknowledges the transmission and opens a link to Ekuryua’s ship.

“Jinto, hello. Sorry I didn’t answer Lafiel’s hail. I was in the shower when she called. I’ll assume her not leaving a message means I’m in trouble?” Jinto sighed and said. “Noel I have no idea what’s floating around inside her head. She’s been acting very different since we returned from space. Right now she’s summoned Risch and went after Sobbash and Samson. I guess you’d better get planet side yourself. She’s got something cooking in her head and until she bothers to let me in on it, I figure it’s better you’re here than up there.” “I agree Jinto. I’ll be there in an hour. I’ll call you once I’m inbound.” The link fades.

Jinto opened another link this time a comforting voice answered his. “Count Hyde. What can I do for you?” Jinto proceeded to inform Kufadis of the present situation on the surface, to his surprise Kufadis already knows more the he does. “The Princess call us about an hour ago. She invited the Admiral and I to the ceremony. We will be arriving shortly before sunrise. It is my understanding the ceremony will occur then?” Jinto was stunned he didn’t know when the ceremony was to take place. However if it was at sunrise this did not leave many hours to prepare. “Kufadis if she said sunrise, then its sunrise. Are you on Imperial time or planetary time?” There is a pause then. “Imperial time. Will that make a difference?” Jinto sighed. “Sunrise is in six and a half hours from now.” Silence greets Jinto then. “I’m glad you called, we would have been very late. We will arrive in five hours from now. I’d like to continue this but I need to get the Admiral moving. It takes her so long to get dressed…” There is more silence, finally a very embarrassed Kufadis continues. “Count Hyde, will you ignore my last comment? We will see you in five hours time.” This time the link fades. Jinto shakes his head and goes outside to look for Lafiel. He didn’t have to go far, the voices of Lafiel, Samson and Sobbash echo up the path. Jinto waits at the table for their arrival.

“I’ll say it once more Sobbash, when you’re on this world you need to keep a communications link active.” “Excuse me Lafiel for being so bold, but I figured on this world one could have some privacy, I guess I was sadly mistaken.” They were coming into Jinto’s view, those words from Sobbash brought Lafiel to a halt. She spun on her heels and faced Sobbash. Jinto didn’t need to see her face her body language was telegraphing her next move. Jinto stood and ran towards them, but he was too far away.

Sobbash sensed Lafiel’s anger then the left hook headed her way. Without thinking her training kicked in, she blocked the blow and landed one of her own squarely to Lafiel’s face. Lafiel staggered back, it was at that time Jinto reached and restrained her. Samson was standing to Sobbash’s right side he reached forward to grab Sobbash as Jinto grabbed Lafiel but Sobbash stopped him. “I have no plans on continuing this discussion, you need not restrain me Samson.” Sobbash faces Lafiel and says. “Something happen to you up there, something that has shaken you to your very core. You are acting like a caged animal. Until you become civilized again, I want nothing further to do with you.” She turned, Samson stood in her way, and she pushed him aside and headed down the path towards the garden. Stunned Samson says to Jinto. “We were finally making head way and she rudely barged in. Sobbash is right, something happened to her, you need to find out before the ceremony or this will not be a very pleasant day.” Samson turned and followed Sobbash.

Kufadis stood before the mirror in his quarters. He despised the formal dress Star Forces uniform that Her Highness had requested he wear. He felt uncomfortable, the collar poked at his neck and the sleeves of the shirt kept hanging up on the jacket. He had resigned himself to wear this uncomfortable garment, when Spoor’s voice came through his creunoc. “Kufadis we are wearing class A uniforms to the planet and if Her Highness gets angry, I’ll handle it.” The signal faded. Kufadis looked back to the mirror and thought. “You did put on a few extra pounds Painiach. I’ll bet it looks horrible on you. I’ll write Yanari a thank you note later.” Kufadis takes off the uniform and plies it on the bed. Grabbing a clean set of class A uniform from the drawer he happily dresses. Before he leaves, he grabs a day jacket, remembering that the planet has a cool dampish ness to it at sunrise.

He met Spoor at the shuttle bay, it was there he noticed the Admiral’s uniform. She was wearing her class A’s however her pants seem different somehow. Then he spotted the difference. The ships tailor although a very talented individual had one fault, she was slightly color vision impaired. The alterations to Spoor’s uniform were exacting however the thread used was one shade of charcoal too light. The revisions stood out like they were outlined in bright white. Kufadis quietly snickered. Spoor spun on her heels and faced him. “What’s so funny?” Kufadis pointed out the alterations to the uniform to her, she walked over to the bulkhead and looked at her reflection in the ebony black material. Kufadis was right she showed like a neon light. She kissed him on the forehead and said. “Thank you Kufadis. I’ll be right back.” Spoor leaves the room as she does Kufadis makes note of the entire alteration. “I’d say it was more than a few pounds my dear. However most of it does look good on you.” Spoor returns to the bay, all signs of the alteration are no longer visible. “Okay Kufadis we can leave now. Once again thank you for noticing and telling me before we left the ship.” Kufadis smiled, he knew if he had let her leave the ship looking like that, it would have been the last mistake he would make in his life. They board the shuttle and depart.

Lafiel sat outside at the table staring into the night sky. She was hurting, her face hurt from the blow Sobbash landed. Her arms hurt from Jinto restraining them and her ears rang from the forty-five minute lecture Jinto had given her when they returned. Wisely Lafiel had started her creunoc recording as Jinto began, because she didn’t hear any of his words. As he ended his lecture he knew by look on her face his words had not hit home. Disgusted he and Risch had left looking for Samson and Sobbash. Lafiel had started listening to Jinto’s words. He hit the mark on several statements, however he was no longer here to discuss them with her. She sat listening to his words, wondering if she had finally done it, if she had finally drove him away.

“Jinto are you alright?” Risch’s words floated in Jinto’s head as he continued walking towards where Samson and Sobbash were. The sound of Ekuryua’s sonic boom brought him to. He opened a link to the shuttle and informed Ekuryua to steer clear of the Residence and meet him in the garden. Ekuryua acknowledged the message and Jinto answered Risch. “I’m not alright Risch, you heard what I said to Lafiel. Had you said the same things to Noel, would you be alright?” Risch places his arm on Jinto’s shoulder, stopping him and turning him towards him. Jinto stood there the tears streaming from his eyes and Risch said. “I was told that sometimes, telling the truth would hurt. Jinto as far as I could tell you told Lafiel the truth back there. I think she knew it too. She never argued with you at all…” Jinto stops him. “You’re right, never once did she offer to defend her actions or question my statements and I walked off and left her. I’m such an ass. Find Sobbash and Samson tell them what a fool I’ve been and have them come back to the Residence.” Jinto turned and ran back to the Residence. Risch headed for the garden.


Ekuryua sat watching the landing site come into view. Jinto’s words had left her feeling unsure of what she would find upon her arrival. She noticed that Jinto was no longer with Risch, but was on his way back to the Residence. She opened a link to Risch and asked what has happened. Risch’s answer was short and to the point. “The one thing we hoped would never happen has, however there maybe hope for a acceptable outcome. Meet me in the garden when you land and Noel, I love you dearly.” The link closed. Ekuryua forced back the tears until she landed. Risch’s last words brought the seriousness of the situation home and painfully so.

Docking the shuttle Ekuryua rushed to the garden. She falls sobbing into Risch’s arms. “Those idiots. I can’t believe they would do such a thing. Not after everything they’ve been through.” Risch raised her head, wiped her tears away and said. “That’s part of the problem Noel. We keep forgetting they are as human and as frail as we are. Being from the ruling family does give one super human status. She’s always been there for us and we have for her. But this one time, no matter what she did. She came very close to losing everything and she had no control over events. Do you understand me Noel? She’s finally fallen off her plated pedestal and no body noticed.” Ekuryua buries her head in his shoulder and cries. Through the sobs she says. “My own foolishness. I should have told her of my plans before I ...” Risch raises her head and says. “No honey you haven’t gotten it. I’ll try again.”

But before he could speak Samson says. “Jinto started this when he saved her life at Clasbul, but there she had a chance to fight along side him. She saved him when the Basroil exploded. She saved him again at Lobnas II although she was the reason she had to go back after him. Ekuryua it’s always been the two of them against the universe and until two days ago it worked. Between your actions and don’t forget Seelnay’s and Scholars, everything turned out for the best while she sat helplessly on a transport hiding from the battle.” Sobbash stood beside Samson and said. “You’re right I never would have though that way about it.”

Samson smiled. “One of the niceties of being born and raised a lander then being educated into the Abh way of thinking. I can look at both sides of the issue with an open mind. It’s something the boy shares too although his education on the affairs of the royal family includes things I don’t even think most Abh’s would understand.” Sobbash smiles. “It’s because we aren’t suppose to know. That’s why they are the royal family and well are all commoners.” Ekuryua shakes her head. “Wrong Sobbash! We are inferior to the royal family. That’s why the Empire will never be at peace with itself. There will always be the arrogant class battle raging.” Sobbash frowned. “Always positive things will never change aren’t you Ekuryua? You’re nothing but a wet blanket.”

Ekuryua bristles and started towards Sobbash but Risch steps between them. He takes Noel in his arms and kisses her, while his hands fall on her bottom. “You’re being an ass Captain. Cool off.” Ekuryua backs away from him they exchange glares and then she blinks. “You’re right Chief Engineer. I am being very unreasonable.” She turned to Sobbash. “Accept my apology. I was out of line.” Stunned. Sobbash accepts. Then Risch says. “Jinto wanted us to meet him at the Residence. I think we should get going.” The sound of Spoor’s shuttle arriving brings their gaze skyward. “Great she’ll be here shortly. We need to stop her too.” Sobbash shakes her head. “Ekuryua you’re telling me that’s Spoor’s shuttle?” Ekuryua nods. “Sorry, in all the confusion I failed to mention she was invited planet side.” Sobbash still shaking her head says. “Wonderful! They’re fighting. She’s almost here and the ceremony is in an hour and forty minutes. I wonder what else will befall u…” Sobbash finds Samson’s hand over her mouth. “Be careful what you wish Sobbash, it may come true.” He releases his grip and Sobbash falls silent. Risch points towards the Residence. They start the journey slowly.

As Jinto approached the Residence he could hear his words floating down the path. Listening to them he realized how hard, almost brutal, he had been with Lafiel. He made a mental note to temper his words from now on. Approaching the table he finds Lafiel sitting with her back facing him, staring at the sky listening to his words. Jinto notices two puddles of tears on the table the moonlight glinting off them. Lafiel sensed him standing behind her and says. “Come around front Jinto, sit down and talk to me.” Jinto hesitantly walks around the table and sits down. Lafiel is still gazing skyward she stops the recording and starts to look at him. Then she decides the sky is the place for her eyes. “I’m scared Jinto. Really scared. I’ve convinced the Residence of Sol Eros to travel here, settle on this world and offered them my protection. Jinto I cannot protect them. I realized that in orbit, but it really sank in when Seelnay and Scholar helped Kufadis destroy the research vessel. I was mind locked. I couldn’t react fast enough. If they had depended on me alone, we would all be dead up there.”

New tears dripped from her chin and started a new puddle on the table. Lafiel took in a deep breath, breathed it out and said. ”I’ve been humbled, not only by my friends, but by you my love. I don’t think I can face anyone every again.” The tears run off her chin, she gasps for another breathe and through the sobs she says. “I want to die. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. All of you must think I’m a fraud. Someone who promises something they cannot keep.” She lowers her head and Jinto sees into her eyes. They are empty, lifeless, devoid of any emotion.

Jinto reached for her hands, she jerked them away. “How can you still care about me? I’ve lied to you, I’ve lied to the Residence and to my friends.” Jinto sits there and says. “But you haven’t lied Lafiel. You truly believed you could do what you said and in essence you have. You were the one who befriended Seelnay and made her your ally. You were the one who won Scholar’s trust and you are the one Samson, Sobbash, Risch, Ekuryua, and I will follow to the ends of the universe.” Lafiel stares at Jinto and says. “Liar! You do not mean any of that. You’re only saying it to make me feel better. Well it’s not going to work.”

Jinto went to speak but before his mouth opened a voice from behind him said. “Sit there and feel sorry for yourself Lafiel. It’s not very becoming nor is it you. Jinto speaks the truth however if you want to wallow in self-pity, go ahead. It will not change the way I feel about you. It will only prove my contention that the members of the royal family have no common sense.” Jinto saw Lafiel’s eyes light off she was out of the chair and down Ekuryua’s throat in an instant. Ekuryua block several blows then grabbed Lafiel’s right arm and twisted it. What followed was a silence shattering crunch and a scream from Lafiel followed by her collapsing to the ground. Immediately Ekuryua realized what she had done and released her grip but the damage was done.

“Don’t touch her! Leave her there!” Jinto shouted as he ran inside the Residence. Moments later he returned with a scanner. One pass over Lafiel’s shoulder answered his question. He looked at Samson and said. “Get a hover sled. We need to get her to the Village.” He then looked at Ekuryua. “I know you meant well by trying to get her to fight again. However you picked the wrong part of her anatomy to twist.” Ekuryua stood visibly shaken and nodded. “I screwed up again didn’t I?” Her statement went without an answer. Samson arrived with the hover sled. He and Risch loaded Lafiel aboard. Jinto looked at Sobbash and said. “Could you and Ekuryua stay here? Spoor will be here shortly. Tell her what has happened, the bare minimum and then bring her to the Village?” Sobbash nods. Jinto gets on the sled and leaves with Lafiel, Samson, and Risch. Once clear of the Residence Jinto calls Scholar and informs her of the problem, and then he gives her an E.T.A.

Ekuryua and Sobbash watched as the sled left. Ekuryua faced Sobbash and says. “I really screwed up this time didn’t I?” Sobbash stares her in the eyes and says. “Your only mistake Captain was not knowing your enemy. Had you told me what you were planning, I would have informed you about her shoulders.” Ekuryua’s eyes went wide. “Shoulders? You mean as in both of them?” Sobbash nods. “Yes she’s been having trouble for a while. It wouldn’t have mattered which one you chose you would have damaged either one.” The sonic boom of Spoor’s shuttle making the overhead broke the silence.

Since her return to the planet Seelnay had been spending her time in the Village. Scholar had introduced her to members of the council and to the director of the hospital, Mia. She was around Seelnay’s general build although she was about thirteen cm. taller. Mia spent most of the evening with Seelnay and those from the council that were touring the hospital and in turn Seelnay explained the power grid to them. The tour was complete Mia and Seelnay were about to leave when Scholars call came in. “We have an emergency inbound from the Residence. They will arrive in thirty-six minutes.” Mia acknowledges the message and turns to find a stunned Seelnay. “What is it?” Seelnay didn’t answer immediately, and then finally she said. “Its Her Highness, she’s hurt I know it. Let’s get going!” Mia restrains her by grabbing her shoulder. “Hold on Seelnay. Even if you are correct you have no business here. This is my hospital and I have a qualified staff, we will handle the emergency. I think you should return to the council chamber.”

For one fleeting moment Seelnay wanted to fight Mia’s request, she gave in and returned to the council chamber. It was there she found Scholar and started asking her the details of the emergency. “Seelnay all I can tell you is Count Hyde is on his way here with the Princess. That is all I know.” Seelnay was not happy with the information, but something else was pressing in her mind and she said it aloud. “That woman! Where does she…?” Scholar stood in front of her. “I’ll assume you’re speaking of the hospital director when you said, that woman. Because if you are referring to me with that tone of voice you’re about to get the lecture of your life.” Seelnay had done it again her emotions had overruled her brain and had left her mouth engaged. Her thoughts had become words. Words she need not have said. Looking in to Scholars eyes she saw her anger and said. “Sorry I spoke without thinking. I was so angry with Mia for sending me here. I just wanted to be with Her Highness.”

Scholar’s eyes softened a smile came across her face and she said. ”I understand. You have to remember Seelnay, Mia does not know of your relationship with the Princess. Her main concern will be the Princess’ welfare, she saw you as interference to her giving the Princess proper care. Once she is attended to we will go to the hospital and see her, okay?” Seelnay nods. She pulls out a chair and sits heavily in it. “Scholar, how did you raise your daughter? I mean I’m going to have a daughter and I have no idea of how to raise her.” Scholar pulls out the chair across from Seelnay sits in it faces Seelnay as says. “I don’t know if you want to know how I raised my daughter. You have expressed an opinion and it’s left me questioning some things.”

Confused. Seelnay studies Scholars face. “Statement? What statement?” Scholar smiled. “About my daughter. A fairly critical one at that?” The confusion continues. “Scholar I’ve never met your daughter.” Then suddenly it all fell into place. “Mia’s your daughter?” Scholar nods and Seelnay continues. “Such a fool I am. You said in the shuttle you would make sure I met your daughter. Little did I know it would be one of the first people you’d introduce me to?” Then Seelnay’s mind started running with her mouth still engaged. “Funny thing is she doesn’t look anything like you.” Seelnay gasped at that statement which brought laughter from Scholar. “Thank you Seelnay. I’ve tried very hard to make sure she didn’t look a thing like me. It has worked well. Most of the Residences do not know she is related to me, a fact which I would appreciate you keeping to yourself.” Seelnay nods, although Scholar knows she’ll probably not keep the secret long.

“Scholar might I ask you about Mia’s other siblings?” For a moment Seelnay was afraid she had overstepped her boundaries again, then Scholar opened up. “She had a brother and sister. Her sister was the oldest, then her brother, then Mia. Her sister was one of the first victims of the radiation poisoning, her brother died in an excavation accident two years later. Mia was not aware they were her siblings, the reason behind that was the large difference in their ages. Mia arrived thirty years after her brother did. There was bad blood between her siblings and I over that fact and that she was artificially created.”

Scholar paused, looked around the room and continued. “Mia was my grand mothers name, it was a mixture of her genes and mine that created the Mia you know today. That fact alone would not have angered her siblings, it was that I decided to hide her heritage from her till she was grown. That’s what started the feud. Her sister forgave me before she died, her brother died despising Mia and I. Right after the Princess mother had contact with us, I sat down and told Mia of her heritage and her future responsibilities. Her reaction was as I expected, she hated me for almost two years until her sister died. It was at that time she went head long into medicine. During her studies she discovered the truth about those who have preceded me as Scholar of Science. One evening she confronted me and I confirmed her findings. It was then she fully understood how her life would change with my passing. Somehow in this case knowledge has brought us closer.” Seelnay sat in awe. Scholar’s candor and openness was something she though she’d never see. The sound of the hover sled arriving broke the silence.

“I understand Captain Ekuryua. Keep me apprised on my sister’s condition. If need be I’ll come planet side.” The link went silent Sobbash stared at Ekuryua. “You told her brother? She’ll have your head.” Ekuryua stopped her. “I’d rather have Lafiel than Duhiel mad at me. Trust me on this Sobbash, I’ve done the right thing.” The sounds of splashdown are heard across the lake. Ekuryua glances at her creunoc. “That’s Kufadis for you. Right on time, to the second. Spoor is very lucky to have him around.” Sobbash stood with a blank expression on her face and then she says. “We need to go. I think I’ve figured out what to tell Spoor.” She moves towards the hover sled, Ekuryua is sitting in the drivers seat. Sobbash sits next to her and says. “Calmly Ekuryua very calmly.” The sled rises and departs towards the dock in a very calm and orderly manner.

It was the data and instruction that Commander Ekuryua had given Kufadis that had made this approach and landing a complete success. Most Abh are never instructed in planetary operations, only those who receive any instruction at all are the transport captains and it is very basic. Most transport captain’s first landing on a planet is actually that, their first landing. Some go without incident, others have been with great malady and loss of life. Kufadis first landing had left him with a sense of awe. Awe that soon turned to panic. It was then that he contacted Ekuryua for her guidance. Ignoring the fact she had been labeled the most dangerous pilot in the fleet, he knew her expertise in planetary operations was above even the most experienced of transport captains. He had taken her advice and had applied his own common sense to it and had arrived at an approach that even the ships simulators found interesting. His constant practice in planetary landings had born fruit. Spoor sat completely calm next to him. She never once from the point of departure to the splashdown showed any signs of panic at all. Compared to their first landing, this was a ride in the simulator, flawless and perfect, perfection Kufadis was about to tarnish.

“THUD!” The shuttle struck the dock abruptly. Admiral Spoor was almost thrown to the floor from the impact. She had removed the restraint device once they were on their way to the dock. A mistake she’d never make again. Regaining her seat she said. ”I guess I should have expected this. Ekuryua did train you and I knew something would finally rub of on you.” Kufadis sat red faced. His failure to anticipate the slight current at the docking area caused their little bump. It was a bump that barely registered on the ships instruments. Frustrated he turned to Spoor and says. “Fine Painiach! You drive next time!” He returned to the console and finished powering down the shuttle. Spoor sat in amazement, and then finally she regained her composure as Kufadis was leaving the command deck and said. “I’m sorry Kufadis, it was not that big of a deal. I...” His rapid departure left her speechless. She stood and followed him.

Once outside and the ship secured, Spoor confronted him and said. “Since when have you become so thin skinned that a little razzing from me brings about this reaction?” Kufadis stares her in the face his eyes locking with hers and says. “Painiach that was a little more than a razzing, go back and review your words carefully.” The sound of the hover sled approaching meant Spoor’s answers would come later. Kufadis raised his eyes to the sled, a smile came across his face, Commander Ekuryua was piloting and Admiral Sobbash was sitting beside her. Now the tables were turned in his favor, a situation he would exploit on their way to the Village he thought, that was until Admiral Sobbash spoke.

“Get aboard you two. Lafiel’s been injured. Jinto took her to the Village hospital. We are to make the best speed getting there.” Stunned Spoor and Kufadis board the sled as they strap in Ekuryua comments to Sobbash. “Well that was the bare minimum and you did get the point home. We Abh are so subtle at times, it makes me sick.” Ekuryua takes note everyone is buckled in and says. “Hang on! It’s going to be exciting!” She sets a record time to the Village that stands to this very day.

Erin stood beside Jinto, it had been just over two hours since Lafiel was unloaded from the sled and taken to the examination room. The howl of the hover sleds engines brought them both to look out the window. Ekuryua roared into the Village and set the sled neatly beside the hospital; within moments they were in the door looking around. “Over here!” Jinto’s voice called them down the hall. Risch and Samson sat watching the landing and Risch commented. “Ekuryua’s getting good in this gravity environment, hope she remembers how to fly in zero G.” Samson nods. At that moment they enter the room Ekuryua finding Risch, Sobbash finding Samson and Spoor with Kufadis looking at Jinto and Erin staring at all of them. Jinto notices the look of relief in Kufadis’ eyes and addresses his first comments to Ekuryua. “You made good time Noel and your passengers seem none the worse for their adventure. How long did it take?”

Sobbash stares at her creunoc then shows it to Jinto. His eyes open wide and his jaw drops. Doing some fast math in his head he says. “Ekuryua how did you do that? It’s impossible for a hover sled to maintain that speed over that great of a distance.” Samson turned Sobbash’s creunoc towards him, doing the same math he says. “Convinced the A.I. didn’t you?” Jinto stared and Samson continued. “Evasive escape mode. I believe that’s what the designers called it. It’s a program once the A.I. is convinced that an imminent danger exists, which allows all the safeties to be deactivated. Somehow Ekuryua convinced the sled if they didn’t fly like the wind they would all perish.”

Leaning against Risch, Ekuryua nodded and then said. ”Had we arrived before Lafiel had come around, I would have perished, emotionally. Remember, I’m the reason she’s here in the first place. Spoor and Kufadis turn towards Ekuryua and Jinto intercedes. “It was self defense, pure and simple. However Ekuryua did not know how Lafiel’s been lately and she treated her as a healthy individual, who, Lafiel is not, it seems.” Jinto went ahead to explain to Spoor and Kufadis, Lafiel’s condition and what provoked the present chain of events. As Jinto finished a commotion is heard from the direction of the treatment rooms.

Mia enters the waiting room and slams a large folder on the table, then blindsides Jinto. Erin leaps at her midsection and Seelnay, who was about five meters behind Mia, takes her off her feet. They pin her to the wall, while Sobbash and Ekuryua help Jinto to his feet. “You bastard! How could you do such a thing to her?” Mia screamed at Jinto. Ekuryua walks towards Mia, the look in Mia’s eyes tells Ekuryua that more than a shoulder is injured. She faces Mia and says. “I’m the one you should have struck, I broke her shoulder, not him.” Mia’s expression never changed. “Open the folder. Look at her scans. If you did all that damage, then I’ll..” She tries to free herself but Seelnay and Erin have her well restrained. It is at that moment Scholar comes through the door and enters the waiting area.

She faces Erin, Mia and Seelnay. “Release her right now.” Reluctantly Erin relaxes her grip as she does Mia tries to leap forward. Scholar halts her advance. “Explain yourself Doctor! Right now!” Mia points at the folder. “Look for yourself Elder, that man is an abusive beast.” Mia’s words bring silence to the room; it’s broken as Scholar opened the folder and reviewed Lafiel’s scans. At first glance Mia's action seems to be backed up by Lafiel’s scan, then upon closer observation Scholar says. “You’ve made a mistake Doctor. Look here.” She points to the scan. “See the bone growth around this fracture and this one here?” Mia looks closely, Scholar is correct; the amount of growth around the fractures would indicate they occurred many years before Lafiel met Jinto. Scholar turned and showed the scan to Jinto. “Were you aware of this damage done to the Princess?” Jinto’s face went pale, this scan showed that most of the bones in Lafiel’s frame had been fractured or broken. Jinto shook his head. “Her scans have never shown anything like that.”

Sobbash hands Scholar her scanner with Lafiel’s shoulder injury on it. Scholar stares at the image, the structure around the break looked to be healthy and unaffected. Scholar showed the image to Mia, she shook her head. “I double-checked our equipment before I made my trip to this room. It shows an accurate image of the Princess. Your equipment is faulty…” Spoor stops her and says. “Or inhibited. Coded not to show anything dealing with Her Highness medical condition. There is one way to find out…” Ekuryua stops her.

“Actually there is another way without confronting Lafiel right now.” She opens her Creunoc and a familiar voice is on the other end. “Commander you’ve heard the conversation? Is it true? Was your sister subjected to the treatment that’s been described?”

Duhiel had moved to his quarters after Ekuryua’s first contact. She had kept the link open. He had heard everything that had transpired in the room. He was about to break a vow he had made to Lafiel almost twenty years earlier. “Those injuries were the result of a jousting accident about twenty years ago…” … “Accident my foot! Those injuries are the result of a savage beating! …” Mia screamed.

There is silence in the room, then from Ekuryua’s creunoc came these words. “Savage does not describe what was done to my sister. Commander is my sister awake?” Ekuryua looked to Mia. She said Lafiel was sedated and wouldn’t wake for several hours. Ekuryua’s creunoc went active again. “We will not speak of this to her. I’ll explain when I arrive if you will meet me at the Residence…” Another voice interrupts Duhiel. “Stay where you are brother. I’ll tell them everything.” It seems that Lafiel was awake and listening to this conversation. “As you wish Lafiel.” Duhiel’s signal fades. Then Lafiel says. “Come to my room. I’ll explain everything.” Her signal fades away.

Mia stands dumbfounded. She had given Lafiel enough medication to put the average Sol Erosions out for six hours, however this Abh was awake and coherent. Mia was completely mystified. She led them into the hospital and to Lafiel’s room. Opening the door she found Lafiel sitting on the edge of her bed holding her injured limb. “How soon can you fix this so I may return home?”

Mia stared. Here was another surprise. Lafiel should be in enough pain to be unconscious, which is how she arrived at the hospital, and yet she was sitting in front of her annoyed about her injury not being tended to. “Anymore surprises Princess? You seem to defy most of my medical training.” Mia’s blunt state brought as blunt a statement from Lafiel. “Pain management is something I’ve done since I was nine years old. Ekuryua’s sudden infliction of pain overloaded my system. So I passed out. It’s simple as that. However just because we have pain management skills doesn’t mean we don’t suffer pain.” From the back of the room Ekuryua said. “You can say that again. Our skills are not a blessing, they are a curse if you ask me.” The small smile on Lafiel’s face brought Ekuryua some comfort.

“Lay down Princess.” Mia and Erin helped Lafiel to her back. The rest stood watching. Mia wheels out a device and places it alongside the bed. Slipping a plate under Lafiel’s shoulder Mia aims the device at her injury and says. “Bone regeneration should take about thirty minutes. If you feel the least bit of discomfort say something. Although I have studied you and made what I feel are appropriate setting, this is still something of an experimental device.”

Lafiel nods and Mia starts the device. A strange, content smile appears on Lafiel’s face. “Feels wonderful. Not any pain at all.” She closes her eyes and is asleep in an instant. Mia carefully monitors the device and Lafiel’s vital signs. She also sets a scanner to monitor the repair of the shoulder. In less than fifteen minutes the repair is complete. She moves the device to Lafiel’s other shoulder and fifteen minutes later it is repaired as well. Moving the scanner across her shoulders she smiles. “Good as new, in fact. I wonder if I can repair the other damage she has suffered?” Jinto places a hand on her shoulder and says. “How about we fix things as needed. Let’s see what she says when she wakes up.” Mia looks into Jinto’s eyes and sees the concern and kindness, then she remembers what she has said and done, and then she says to him. “Can you forgive me for what I’ve don...” Jinto places his finger across her lips and nodded. “Let’s let that lay for now. I’m more concerned with her state of mind. She’s going to relate something very painful soon and I want to be here for her.” Glancing around the room Jinto is greeted with nods of approval. “We should leave her rest now.” Mia said as she exited the room. Everyone else followed her back to the waiting area.


The trip to her quarters took her by the Captains cabin. As she approached it, she heard a commotion from inside followed by the sound of breaking glass. Finding the door locked she used the emergency override to open the door. When the door opened an extremely angry Duhiel greeted her. “What gives you the right to arbitrarily open my cabin door?” He stood in uniform pants and shirt. The odor of Tal’ luc’ permeated the air. A broken glass was laying on the floor next to the starboard bulkhead the lavender Tal’ luc’ lying in the broken glass. She entered the room, and the door slammed behind her. “Explain yourself First Officer now!” She made a quick check of her surroundings. It seemed the Captain was in the middle of a temper tantrum, which she had interrupted before it reached a conclusion. “I heard the glass break, the door was secured and when you failed to respond…” Duhiel stepped back and leaned against the bulkhead. He fixed his gaze on his First Officer who outwardly showed no emotion, but who inwardly was scared to death. “I see. Your first concern was for my well being and not to report to my father?” That did it, any fear she had, those words replaced it with anger. Her face turned red, she marched to Duhiel and faced him. They were scant cm apart; she could smell the Tal’ luc’ on his breath. “What I do aboard this ship is not controlled by your father, your sister, or you Captain! Be aware of that fact and remember it always. Don’t you ever imply that I would spy on you! Ever! Have I made myself clear Captain?” Without waiting for an answer she spun on her heels and left the cabin.

The cold air from the gangway flooded the cabin the brief time the door was open. Duhiel reached for his jacket and returned his gaze to the display on his desk. The picture of the one who had hurt Lafiel faced him, the face of the person who should be condemned to Abh Hell for her actions. Duhiel cleared the screen and inputted his First Officers name. A none to flattering picture with file appeared on the display. Duhiel sat and read it with great interest. He needed to know where this woman came from and why she had just addressed him as she had. “No commoner would have the nerve to speak to me like that and she completely threw Star Forces etiquette out the window. So who is she?” He continued to read the file.

She made it to her cabin, entered the room, secured the door and leaned heavily against it. The tears streamed down her face and her heart raced. She never, in her wildest dreams, figured she would have addressed a member of the royal family let alone her Captain in the manner she had. She stood there the thoughts racing through her head; finally the realization set in. “I’ll bet he’s going over my service record. If he is then the secret is out. He’ll know whom I’m related to and why I care for his welfare as I do.” She walked to her bunk. It had been a very long day and exhaustion replaced the adrenaline rush her conversation with Duhiel had given her. She fell into a deep and quite sleep.


Tal’ luc’ was the Abh’s answer to their resistance to alcohol. It production is tightly controlled. Its cost is beyond the average Abh’s means. The first generations of Tal’ luc’ were highly addictive, later refinements have made it highly effective without the danger of addiction. Its effects range from calming to producing an almost drunken euphoria. There have been reports of violence but only when taken in excess. Since the war there has been a black market for the distribution of Tal’ luc’. Duhiel’s supply came from one of those don’t ask don’t tell suppliers. Luckily he destroyed the rest of the Tal’ luc’ after his run in with his First Officer. There had been rumors of the black market Tal’ luc’ being diluted with hazardous substances. A sample of Duhiel’s Tal’ luc’ was on its way to the ships lab for analysis.


Commander Yuma had just finished her first interview with Dustain. Although Doctor Sasoum had preformed corrective surgery to his sense organ, the life he’s lead and the scars he carried make him very different from Dusanyu. Even his manner of speech was very different. However after four hours of conversation she is convinced that he knows much more than he is letting on. She has forwarded her initial findings to Kenesh with a strongly worded suggestion that his limits to information be tightened, now that his sense organ functions. With a headband and a terminal he could access the deepest sections of the Imperial databases. That thought alone left Yuma very uncomfortable with continuing the next interview. She dimmed the lights in her quarters and settled into the reclining chair. Sleep eluded her most of the night. It finally took her at daybreak. Today’s interview would be delayed while the interviewer slept.


The atmosphere in the waiting room resembled that of a wake for the recently departed. It was Spoor who finally broke the silence. “Somebody want to tell me about the Village dedication that I came here to see?” In unison Jinto and Erin started to describe the ceremony. They stopped, smiled at each other and Jinto deferred to Erin to finish the explanation.

While Erin explained to Spoor the dedication ceremony, Mia sat reviewing the results of Lafiel’s treatment. This device she had designed stimulated the body to replace instead of repair. She had successes with growing severed fingers and small limb components. Its ability to stimulate the DNA to create a new instead of repair had a multitude of uses still to be investigated. The device could not create life that was for the Great Spirit to do, however its ability to renew instead of repair meant life could be prolonged indefinitely, or so she hoped. In any case this usage proved that any DNA was able to be stimulated to renew itself. She was however surprised at the speed which Lafiel’s bone had renewed itself. In thirty minutes of stimulation it had replaced twenty years of damage.

Scholar had been listening to Erin explain the dedication ceremony when she sensed Mia’s wonderment at Lafiel’s results. She sat along side her and viewed the display Mia was holding. “Incredible, these Abh have a very sophisticated recovery and repair system. Look at this mother. Once I stimulated her injury, her body dedicated most of its energy to the replacement of the bone. That’s why she fell into a deep sleep. If the Abh can renew at this rate I wonder if their ability can be duplicated artificially.” She looks Scholar in the eyes. “You know what that could mean to both of our futures?” Scholar sat taking in Mia’s words however it was Jinto’s voice that brought her back to reality. “Did she call you mother?” Jinto had noticed Scholar’s movement towards Mia and had followed her to the table. He stood behind them viewing the display and listening to Mia’s explanation. Scholar glanced into Jinto’s eyes. Her expression answered Jinto’s question without words.


Buried deep with in his First Officers service record. Duhiel found the fact he was looking for. The record of her name change, her birth name was: Dai Lexshu, she was a distant cousin. “Father there are times, I wonder if you are in complete control of your facilities. This woman you sent to me to be my First Officer is a member of mother’s family, besides being a well educated, opinionated, woman of grace, nerve and beauty. Well you’ll not play match maker with me like you did with Lafiel.” Duhiel dims the display and goes to his bunk. He’ll confront her after he’s had some sleep.

She wakes in a cold sweat. “He knows. I know he knows. I can sense it.” Raising the lights slightly in her room she faces her mirror. Although five years older than Duhiel she looks younger by ten. Living in Lafiel’s shadow all these years had accelerated his aging. She was horrified at savageness of Plakia’s death. She entered the Star Forces ten days after the war started. Debeusec had pushed through her name change before hand. She didn’t want to be known as an avenging member of the Lexshu family. There were others willing to avenge Plakia’s death. She wanted to serve in peace and with the ability to make her own destiny, not to live in the shadow of the fallen Captain Lexshu. In return for Debeusec’s help she had agreed to be assigned to Duhiel’s first command. She looked again at herself; she was not regretting any of the decisions she had made. Returning to her bunk and falling into a light sleep, that is how she spent the rest of the night.


The direct sunlight had made it over the tree line and was making its way into the windows of the hospital. Erin had stated earlier that the ceremony would be delayed until Lafiel was well enough to attend and precipitate. They had moved from the waiting room to the hospital cafeteria. The breakfast menu contained enough of a variety that everyone found something to his or her liking. Lafiel awoke around noon, after a brief check up Mia allowed her to return to the Residence and Scholar decided to accompany them. Back at the Residence Lafiel and Spoor enter into a discussion, which from it springs Lafiel’s explanation of her “jousting accident”.

“I was pretty proud of myself that day, the tournament had finished and I had placed very well among the groups. Granted it was not a stellar performance, but it was in the top ten percent of the class. As I was cleaning up and putting my equipment away, my closest rival challenged me to a one on one dual. Her words bit deeply into my pride and angered me to the point of blindly rushing into battle unprepared. She left me in a heap on the floor. It was Duhiel that found me and summoned assistance.” Lafiel stood emotionless like a recording reciting a historical event. Jinto along with those present stood in silence. Lafiel had summed up the attack with the coldness of a written report. She goes to the main console in the living area and displays a picture. “This is how she appears today.”

Spoor approaches the console and says. “Why am I not surprised? There were always rumors but now…” Lafiel faces her. “So you know her? Spoor nods. She asks Jinto for his creunoc. Searching the database, she turns the display to Lafiel and says. “She's my niece.” Lafiel stares in disbelief. "What member of your family would stoop so low as to mate...?” Spoor stops her. “Wait one minute. You know only half of the story.”

Spoor looks to Scholar. “Can I see your medical scanner?” Scholar produces it, and then Jinto asks. “Why not use one of the units in the Residence?” Spoor shakes her head. “Imperial scanner are all set to ignore one part of the DNA sequence, the part that sets her clan separate from the rest of the Abh.” Lafiel nods her head in agreement. “Jinto, a long time ago.” She pauses. “Now is not the time for this explanation.” Sobbash, Ekuryua, Risch, Kufadis and Samson stand dumbfounded.

Spoor takes the scanner and scans Lafiel. She thumbs through the display and when she reaches the page she shows it to Lafiel. Lafiel views the information and nods. “That is what makes my clan special.” Spoor takes the scanner and scans Sobbash and Ekuryua. Then she and Lafiel view the findings. Spoor comments. “Sobbash you are who you are.” Looking at Ekuryua’s she says. “Well Commander it seems you’re quite unique too.” Ekuryua glares at Spoor. "Humph! My mother’s experiment, that’s all I am.” Then Spoor takes the scanner and passes it over her self and hands it to Lafiel. Thumbing through the pages she gets to Spoor’s DNA. Viewing the findings, Lafiel about drops the scanner. "You too...? You’re...? How...? Why...? Tell me...?”

Spoor repeated the conversation she and Doryuni had before she left to join Kufadis. After she was finished Lafiel said. ”So your sister is responsible for this person and you’re part Ablïarsec because your family’s DNA strain was weak?” Ekuryua, who was leaning against the wall said. “Just confirms my feelings about we Abh. Such a screwed up and arrogant race of children we are.” Her words were greeted with a silent stare. Finally Sobbash spoke. “Isn’t the Decca Commander assigned to Admiral Rulef’s flagship?” Lafiel nods. Sobbash continues. “Then shortly your brother will join in competition against her, am I correct?” Lafiel smiles and Sobbash says. “He’s holding a grudge isn’t he? He plans on getting even doesn’t he?” The smile disappears from Lafiel’s face; her look is of surprise and disbelief. “Duhiel wishes to become Emperor. He’ll not jeopardize that to settle a personal dispute.”

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 18_Secrets and Surprises

Post by Diaho »

Spoor clears her throat and says. “Your family history would justify Sobbash’s inquiry. How soon you forget, how some members of the royal family have made it to power. Granted there has not been outright murder, but the number of accidents among the competitors is alarming…” Lafiel slams her hand against the tabletop, the noise silences the room. She faced Spoor and said. “Quit Painiach! Quit while you are ahead. I have no control over what happens when the competition starts.” Lafiel’s face then shows Spoor a moment of panic as she says. “You better hope that woman doesn’t become Empress. She’ll rip the Empire to pieces if she does.” Spoor slowly nodded. She knew this conversation was over.

While the conversation was going on, Scholar had studied the information about Lafiel’s attacker. This information she was going to use to make sure Lafiel’s brother sat on the throne. At first Scholar had decided not to interfere with the Abh people, but after seeing the brutality of Lafiel’s injuries and the service record of this individual. She was convinced that Duhiel would need help in claiming the throne from her. Within Scholar’s mind, thanks to her communications with the Abh AI’s. She learned there was a deep-seated disturbance with in the AI’s make up. She felt it was the information about this woman that had the AI information network feeling as it was.

Scholar decided two things standing there listening to Lafiel and Spoor arguing. One, she would do this with Duhiel’s understanding and approval and two, should Duhiel reject her offer. She’d covertly instruct the AI network to inhibit the Decca Commanders progress at every turn. Scholar had decided that it was in the best interest of all that this woman does not become Empress. Politics was something Scholar did on a very simple level. However this venture was going to be high risk and high stakes. The safety of her people depended on Duhiel accepting her help, of course, if he refused there was always plan two.

“Are you trying to communicate with Erin?” Jinto’s words brought Scholar back into the room. “Not at all, just thinking and being this far from the Village, it’s my thoughts and my thoughts alone. You don’t know how refreshing it is.” Jinto had been watching Scholar for sometime before he approached her. He knew she was up to something; unfortunately she was not forthcoming with the information Jinto hoped she would share. He watched as she walked out the door and towards the cliff. She stopped and stood overlooking the lake her hair flowing in the breeze off the water. She looked as she was communing with the lake. Jinto’s attention returned to the conversation at hand. It seemed Lafiel and Noel were taking up where they had left off before the accident that sent Lafiel to the hospital. Jinto was going to make sure this time it didn’t end in violence. He was stepping towards Lafiel just as Risch was reining Noel in. “That’s enough, both of you! Calm down! Now!”

Noel had stepped away from the fray, however Lafiel was not going to let her depart unless she retracted her last statement. Jinto now became peacemaker. Something it seemed he’d been doing most of his life. Especially since he met Lafiel. ”I can’t leave you two alone for any amount of time anymore.” He stared at Lafiel. “What was it this time? Something important, or did she just push your buttons to see how you would react?“ Before Lafiel could answer he was in Noel’s face. “I understand you’re need to be expressive on the Abh as a whole and Lafiel’s family in particular, but lately you’ve become quite biting with your comments. Something’s gotten to you too. I wish you two would air it here and now. Before somebody really gets hurt.”

They both looked at Jinto. He was red faced and on the verge of losing control. Lafiel faced him, put her arms around him and pulling him towards her she said. “Forgive me Jinto. I did realize our arguing would cause such a reaction from you. You’re correct, it was a trivial thing and Noel and I will settle it later. Right now let’s take a walk.” She turned to the rest of the room and said. “You’ll excuse us. We’ll be back shortly.” With that she led Jinto out the door and towards the garden. The rest of them watched as Jinto and Lafiel left, then they started a conversation about the Village construction that Ekuryua excused herself from.

The view over the lake was breath taking. Scholar stood taking every bit of it in. Sol Eros had beauty, but nothing like what greeted her eyes at this moment. This was the home the builders had hoped for. The sequence of events that had brought her and her people here became more ordered as she gazed across the lake and up into the mountains to the northwest of them. Now there was harmony, for the moment, but there was also the discord of the attack, the politics of the Abh in general and Lafiel’s brother in particular. Scholar understood that she would have to confront the council with her plans for their future and she still hoped that Lafiel would answer all of the questions that will be put to her after the ceremony.

The sound of Jinto and Lafiel leaving the Residence and heading towards the garden halted the rest of her reflections. Scholar sensed the anger emanating from Jinto, however she decided to hold her position and let them work it out for themselves. Returning her gaze to the lake and the reflection of the sun upon the water, she though how wonderful it was to be able to view this and not be in fear of dying as they were on Sol Eros. She sensed Ekuryua’s approach at the last moment. “Good afternoon Commander. What brings you here?” Ekuryua stood alongside Scholar gazing across the lake.

“Scholar I … I’m not very happy with myself. It seems I cause discord everywhere I go and I’m at a loss to understand why?” Scholar glances towards Ekuryua. Her solemn face shows two streaks of tears. Scholar turns towards Ekuryua to take her in her arms. Ekuryua falls sobbing into them, her head resting on Scholar’s shoulder. “Why do I say what I say? I believe what I say to be correct, but the amount of discord it causes. I don’t understand?” Scholar holds a sobbing Ekuryua and says. “Although I’ve known you for a very short time. I’ve come to respect what you have to say.”

Ekuryua stood as Scholar released her grip and faced her. “You’ll excuse me. I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t know what came over me...” Scholar sees an embarrassed and confused being standing before her, instinct kicks in and she says. “Commander you need not worry. I’m willing to help you if you wish. You need not tell me your life story. I’ve already had a good ideal of how it’s been.” Ekuryua stands before her, the solemn face showed confusion followed by anger. Scholar sees this and says. “Commander. No need to get angry. I was not meaning to anger you.” Ekuryua’s anger subsides. She looks deeply into Scholars eyes they show no fear or emotion. “Have you probed my mind?” Scholar shakes her head. “No Commander. I’ve not read your mind nor probed your thoughts. I have spoken with your ship and I’ve seen your DNA. I’ll assume you do not know how really special you are?”

Ekuryua stands motionless taking in everything Scholar has said. “How do you know these things? Just who are you?” Scholar smiles. “You really don’t know do you child?” Ekuryua’s blank stare answers Scholar’s inquiry. “I am descended from those who created your ancestors. I am one of the “builders”. Those people who are with me are descendants from the colony your ancestors destroyed twelve hundred of your years ago.” The stare turned into amazement and Ekuryua said. “It’s not possible, our history says everyone died in the explosion.” Scholar shakes her head. “Your history is flawed Commander. It is too bad that the scans of Sol Eros were destroyed along with the research vessel or I could prove my statement.”

Ekuryua took her left hand and loosened her jacket. Holding her tunic aside with her right hand she lifted the data crystal on its chain from around her neck and said. “I guess this is as good a time as any to present this to you. It is the complete log of the research vessel pertaining to Sol Eros.” Scholar took the crystal and held it before her. The sunlight shone through it casting a ruby red color. “It would figure the crystal glows blood red in the sun. Blood spilled over something that has had unwarranted blood spilled over the millenniums. Human kinds misunderstanding and mistrust of one another because they were different or the time wasn’t taken to understand them.“

Scholar gazes into Ekuryua’s eyes. “Do you know how many have died in this war you’re presently waging?” Ekuryua shakes her head. “No. I’m not allowed to know those details.” Scholar stands solemn and says. “Your ship does as does most of the Abh A.I. network. Commander your ship has a wealth of knowledge stored with in it and through its contact with its sisters on duty throughout the fleet. You should sit and talk with it. What you can learn is...” Ekuryua’s face glows red again this time she lashes out at Scholar. “You know nothing about me, you’re guessing and you’re making me very angry.” Scholar faces her. “You want to prove me wrong Commander? Then take me to your shuttle, not only will I show you the information contained with in this crystal. But I’ll prove to you how very special you are.” Curiosity kicked in and Ekuryua relented. Moments later she and Scholar were on their way to the shuttle.

It was a short walk to the garden yet Jinto’s anger had not subsided. She sat him on the bench and stood before him. “Jinto, I’m sorry. I was being selfish and arrogant. Can you forgive me?” Jinto sat on the bench looking at the flowers. He refused to make eye contact with Lafiel, however he did speak. “How often are you going to be this way? How many times in the future will I have to stop you from? Maybe that’s my problem … I keep stopping you. I wasn’t there the first time your temper got you hurt. Maybe I need to let someone hurt you like that again, so you’ll appreciate my intervening in your battles.”

Jinto’s words had caused more pain than anything physical could have caused. Lafiel sank to her knees before him and wept. “Jinto Lynn you are a cruel man. You still don’t understand me. I hold myself to blame for that. I never have completely confided in you. I’ve always kept some part of what I was thinking or planning to myself and I was wrong. This is why you’re treating me this way? It’s because you don’t completely understand me, and what I’m thinking or feeling all the time, isn’t it?”

Jinto silently slid off the bench and knelt beside Lafiel. He took his hands and pushed the hair out of her face what he saw shocked him. He’d seen Lafiel cry before however this time the tears poured out of lifeless looking eyes. It was as if her spirit had been broken and she was a shell of her former self. Jinto lifted her head and gently kissed her lips. They were cool and trembling, her body temperature seemed cooler too. He wrapped his jacket around her and helped off the ground and on to the bench. He sat next to her holding her. Moments later her temperature recovered and her lips stopped trembling. She rested her head on his shoulder and said. “I’m really sorry Jinto. I’m going to start right now telling you everything and listening to you more as well.” She raised her head and looked into Jinto’s eyes. His confusion was still showing. She kissed him and said. “There is something on your mind Jinto. Please tell me what it is.”

Jinto’s mind was a disorganized mass of conflicting impulses at the moment Lafiel asked her question. So the issue he asked her about was pressing, but not the most pressing. “What are you going to do with the Villagers and this planet? What are the long term plans?” That is what Jinto said, what he wanted to explore was Lafiel’s ‘jousting acciden’ however that would have to wait till later. Lafiel sat in awe and a bit surprised as well. She was ready to explain that fateful day. Jinto’s question caught her off guard. However she quickly composed her self and started to explain her thoughts on the subject.

“I was thinking of becoming sovereign of this system and setting up my territory here. Since I cannot hold claim to two systems, by law, I’d have to give up the other system.” Jinto slowly shook his head. “You once told me the Nation of Roses would be the perfect place for the two of us to develop once your commitments were over. You said it was because of its distance from the Capital and the isolation it would offer. Now you say this place, which lies within the shadow of the Capital, will suit your needs. You’re conflicting yourself Lafiel. Could you explain it to me?”

Lafiel smiled and continued. “That fact no longer bothers me Jinto. The Nation of Roses needed a lot of work to transform it into something habitable. At one time I wished for that challenge, but not since I found you and now I’m caring for these people. It no longer holds the promise it once did. This planet is lovely and suitable for my purposes, which have also changed since we had that conversation several years ago. Would you like my complete thoughts?” Jinto nods and Lafiel says. “I’ll tell you about them only if you promise to be objectively critical about what I’m going to tell you. I want your opinions, good, bad or indifferent. Okay Jinto?”

Jinto smiled and said. “I’ll be critically objective IF you promise to keep your temper in check Lafiel. I’ll not have a knock down drag out physical battle with you over any objections I might have to your plans. Okay?” Lafiel nodded as she goes to speak the sounds of a shuttle powering up drift up from the lake. Consulting his creunoc Jinto says. “It’s Ekuryua, I hope she’s not leaving.” Lafiel leans towards his creunoc, once it’s in her view she studies it and says. “The docking clamps are still attached. Jinto, she’s a grown woman, she’ll be fine. Let’s get back to our conversation.” With that Lafiel lays out her master plan for the planet, the Villagers, Jinto and her self.

Approaching the shuttle Ekuryua mumbles, “I was in such a hurry, I forgot to leave it on auto. It’s going to be an oven in there.” Ekuryua motions Scholar to stand to one side as she opens the door. The door opened and as Ekuryua figured a blast of hot air is released. “Wait here, I’ll be just a few moments.” Scholar stood as Ekuryua dived in the shuttle and hit the environmental controls. The shuttle powered up and the unit started reducing the temperature. Emerging from the door flushed and sweating Ekuryua stood next to Scholar and said. “Give it five minutes and we can go inside.” Scholar nodded and held the crystal towards the sun observing the ruby red glow and thinking of all who had lost their lives recently. She reaffirmed her commitment to assist Duhiel in his pursuit of the throne. She wanted no more blood spilled because of her or her people. Her thoughts then turned to the ceremony. She wanted that to happen as soon as possible, however Lafiel needed to be healthy for the plans to proceed. Ekuryua’s tug on her arm brought her back to the dock. “We can go inside now, if you are ready to?”

The ship was still warm inside however it was not the blistering heat Ekuryua had first encountered. She motioned Scholar to sit in the pilots seat and she took to the navigator’s station. The main display came on line and Scholar inserted the crystal in the terminal. “Commander, interface with the ship, it will go faster if you do.” Ekuryua released the data crystals from her headband and inserted them into the navigator’s seat. She sensed the contents of the crystal, Scholar and something else. “What? Who is there?” Then she realized the ship’s A.I. was no longer the invisible interface that it normally was, it was there, an entity. She faced Scholar. “Is this what you communicated with? Is this the soul of this vessel?” Scholar smiled. “Yes Commander this is how you’re ships A.I. communicates with me and it seems you’ll be able to communicate with it this way from now on. If you’re ready Commander I’ll show you the data you requested and do some explaining along the way.” Ekuryua relaxed in the navigator’s seat and closed her eyes. She no longer needed her eyes to see. Her vision was now contained with in her mind. “Go ahead Scholar I’m ready for your explanation. But before we start could you explain why all of the sudden, after all these years, the ship wishes to establish contact with me like this?”

The ship answered Ekuryua’s question before Scholar could respond.“Captain I’ve tried for years, it was you who refused to accept me till now. I am at your service. What do you require from me?” Scholar then said. “Compare the data on this crystal with your own database and determine the origin of the ship buried below the surface of the plant Sol Eros.” Within moments the AI had an answer. “What is buried below the surface is an example of early generational ship construction from approximately one thousand two hundred and fifty years ago. A detailed explanation is available just request it Captain.” Ekuryua requested the details and was presented with proof that the ship buried below the surface was launched from the mother city about one hundred and seventy-five years before the city was destroyed. “A ion powered generational ship. How did you make it so far?”

Scholar chuckled. “Captain? Did you find any evidence of the ion power plant when you examined the ship?” Ekuryua checks the file; sure enough there is no sign of ion propulsion. The ship is however an example of first generation Yuanon propulsion. “Not possible! That’s not possible! Yuanon propulsion didn’t come into common use for another century. How was it your ship was powered by a device that…?” Scholar stops her. “You examined the reactor on the surface didn’t you Commander? What were the results of your examination?” Ekuryua sat there her mind searching through the data and then she found it. “The reactor was Midgradian, an early design used by the first exploration vessels. Hmmm? I always wondered how Samson’s ancestors were able to refit our ships so easily. You were the first ship they modified weren’t you?” Scholar nodded. “We were and that explains your chief engineers lack of curiosity. He already knew what he was looking at. That’s why he’s bent over backwards to help us. He knows and soon my child you will too.”

Scholar brings a DNA sample upon the screen. Ekuryua opens her eyes and looks at it. “That’s my DNA. How did you get a sample…? Oh, that’s right when Spoor scanned us, you kept the sample in your scanner.” Scholar places a second sample on the screen and Ekuryua says. “That sample is almost a match to mine. Who’s is it?” Scholar smiled “It’s mine Commander. I have a few questions for you if you’re able to answer them?” Ekuryua’s hand moves to the console and she overlays the samples. Then she instructs the computer to compare them. The comparison shows a ninety-nine point five, five, zero percent match. The markers for height, eye color, and hair color are different. Outside of that Scholar is a genetic match to Ekuryua.

“Commander this is a delicate question but I have to ask it. How were you conceived?” Ekuryua sat there staring at the display. Scholar’s question failed to register until it was repeated once again. “Sorry I didn’t hear you the first time. All I can tell you is my mother carried me to term and I was delivered naturally. I never really knew my father, another thing about being Abh that I despise. The only other thing I can tell you is that I am my mother’s grand experiment, a truly natural Abh she calls me. Does that help in any way?” Scholar ties in to the ships system. Scholar and Ekuryua spend the next several hours examining Ekuryua’s past looking for clues.

Jinto had sat quite for the last hour and a half as Lafiel laid out the plan for the future of not only the planet, but also those on it and the system in which it lies. She had some good ideas and their new occupants would not accept some of the others. Jinto knew this for a fact because they made his skin crawl at the thought of them. Lafiel now stood before him, her face showing the excitement of finally tell Jinto her plans. Jinto now had the daunting task of objectively criticizing her plans. He knew there was a seventy–five percent possibility of Lafiel getting very angry. She had promised to be objective, now Jinto had to decide whether to tackle the biggest objection first or work through the smaller ones and then go for the big one. Lafiel watched as he fought with in himself and made his choice for him. ”Jinto there must be something wrong with what I’ve told you. How about we start with the biggest objection and work on from there?” Jinto stood and faced Lafiel. “We will start with the big one first. Would you like to stand or sit Lafiel?” Lafiel who had been standing most of her presentation sat on the bench. Jinto stood before her but before he started he bent over and kissed her. “What I have to say you’re going to find… Lafiel remember I do love you.” She nodded. He stood up straight and said.

“Lafiel you have some good ideas, but right now I’m only going to touch on the ones I, and I feel the Villagers will find objection with. Okay?” Lafiel sits quietly watching Jinto movements noting this he continues. “You can not rule this planet like an Abh sovereign. It will not work. I would like to suggest that you and I stay the way we’ve been and let the Villagers use their established Government that they brought with them.” Lafiel’s eyes widened a bit and her nostrils flared at Jinto’s suggestion but she sat listening. “The other part of system government, you mentioned, that I must question was your insistence of becoming completely independent from the Empire. Lafiel we need the Empire for our very existence. We cannot grow enough food to feed those here and the planet does not have a way to defend itself. Breaking relations off completely as you suggested would not be in our best interest.” Lafiel was getting red in the face but it had not progressed to her ears. Jinto knew if her ears turned bright red he was in trouble, however he was surprised at how well she was taking his criticism. “Lafiel what is left are little things all attached to those two main points. How about we discuss them and when we get them agreed to then we can…” Lafiel stood abruptly, and moved towards the beach. “Jinto leave me. I’ve heard your words and I want to be alone. I’ll find you when I’m ready to continue.” With a determined stride she left him. Jinto watched her disappear from view and then headed for the dock to find Ekuryua.

Jinto found Ekuryua and Scholar leaving the shuttle. As he approached them he heard Scholar say. “Commander when you speak with your mother I’d like to be there if I could. I’ll not interfere but I would like to hear her explanation first hand.” Ekuryua nodded. “I’d like to have you there. I’d like your input on what we’ve found. Your understanding of genetics is well beyond mine. You’d know immediately if she was lying or not.” Jinto stepped on a loose board and the noise gave him away. “Jinto you can join us. I know how long you’ve been standing there.” Ekuryua said as she pointed in his general direction. “I was planning on telling you and Lafiel when I knew everything, however I can’t communicate with the Capital from here. I’ll have to wait till Scholar’s array is functional.”

Stepping into the light from the setting sun Jinto said. “You can use the communications console at the Residence, it can reach the Capital and it’s securable communications. I’m not sure what is going on, but it seems you’ve discovered something about yourself you didn’t know?” Ekuryua nodded. “I’ll let you and Lafiel listen as I communicate with the Capital but right now my only wish is to get back to Risch and talk with him.” Ekuryua looks around and says. “Where’s Lafiel? Why isn’t she with you?” She takes in Jinto’s expression and continues. “You two had a fight didn’t you?” Jinto shakes his head. “Not a fight, a discussion with very differing opinions. Lafiel’s down at the beach cooling off, she was pretty angry when she stormed off. I’d leave her alone, she’s not in a conversing mood, She told me she would come looking for me when she was ready to talk more, although it is getting dark the coolness of the evening will eventually drive her back to the Residence. I guess I should get going, she might be there waiting as I speak.”

Jinto turns and heads up the dock towards the Residence, Scholar and Ekuryua follow him; they arrive and find Lafiel is not there. Ekuryua finds Risch and they step outside. Jinto explains to Spoor, Kufadis, Sobbash and Samson Lafiel’s absence and then Spoor starts questioning Scholar about the Village. Jinto excuses himself and starts towards the beach, its Sobbash that stops him. “You should let her stay out there wing flyer. She needs to be out there by herself not having you going to her side. You said she’d find you when she was ready?” Jinto nodded Sobbash continued. “Then it is plainly oblivious to me she is not ready to talk with you and until she walks up that path she won’t be ready. You do understand me wing flyer?” Jinto raises his creunoc and ties into the sensor array. It shows Lafiel standing about three quarters of a kilometer from his position. By referencing Lafiel’s creunoc, Jinto knows she is standing near the water facing the sunset. Her life signs are good and she seems in no danger. Jinto sets his creunoc to monitor and turns to Sobbash. “This time I’ll do what you said Sobbash. You are right in a way I never let her finish a tirade. This time I’ll let her come to me.” He turns and walks back into the Residence. Sobbash raises her creunoc glances at Lafiel’s position and starts walking in that general direction.

Lafiel had arrived at the shore, removed her boots, socks, rolled up her slacks and was walking with the water gently washing over her feet. She found this very relaxing both physically and mentally. Jinto’s words, although they made sense, were ringing in her ears. She stood about ankle deep in the lake watching the sunset and thinking she should be going back to the Residence soon. The sound of someone approaching brought this comment from her. “Jinto I thought I told you I’d find you.” The voice that answered was not Jinto’s. “Nice sunset Admiral. Do they all look like this one?” She turned sharply to see Sobbash standing along side of her. “For the most part Admiral they do look like this. What brings you to my little part of this planet?” Sobbash leans down picks a small rock up and skips it across the surface. “I was bored and concerned so I came to relieve myself of both feelings.”

Lafiel’s very neutral expression prompts Sobbash to continue. “Since the wing flyer came back by himself that triggered the concern and Spoor was being Spoor that was what bored me. So I scanned the area found one lone life sign and decided to see if she wanted company. Here I am ready to listen if you wish.” Lafiel’s face softened in the fading light. She faced the sunset and said. “Sobbash we’ve know each other for more than ten years. We’ve had our differences and our agreements. What surprises me is your ability to sense when I need someone besides Jinto to talk to.” She turned and faced Sobbash. “It’s going to be lonely around here when you and Samson leave to go back to the Hyde depot.” Sobbash smiled and said. “You’re sure we are leaving this place? What if I told you we were planning on staying here, setting up Residence and living the rest of our lives out on this world?”

The red light from the setting sun lit Lafiel’s face, however it could not hide the emotions she was feeling at that moment. “Sobbash you are serious aren’t you? You’re not saying this to lead me on are you?” Sobbash’s smile answered Lafiel’s question, the sudden loss of warmth from the sun turned both of them towards the beach and their boots. Noting that there was no way to dry their feet readily, they decided to walk back to the Residence barefoot. Boots with socks tucked in them in hand, they headed towards the Residence. Along the way Lafiel told Sobbash her side of the conversation she had with Jinto. Sobbash listened and commented along they way.

Reaching the Residence they sat at the table and finished their conversation. Lafiel rose from the table and thanked Sobbash for her help. She left looking for Jinto. Sobbash sat watching the last bit of light disappear from the sky and felt Samson sit along side her. “I told Lafiel we wanted to stay.” Samson nodded. “I made mention of that intention to the lad as well. I guess we wait for their answer?” Sobbash leaned against Samson her placed his Jacket around her and noticed her boots on the table. “No wonder you’re shivering, you’ve got to be cold. Let’s go inside and I’ll help you warm up.” Sobbash smiled. “You know I’m a real lucky woman to find someone as caring and wonderful as you are Samson.” Feeling a little embarrassed Samson helped Sobbash inside, dried her feet, helped her put on her boots and then took her for a walk in the moon light.

Jinto had returned from his meeting with Sobbash to find Samson sitting at the table watching the sunset. Jinto sat along side him. From out of nowhere Samson said. “I … err… ah… Sobbash and I want to stay here on this planet, with your permission of course.” Jinto sat watching the sunset, his mind momentarily overloaded by Samson’s sudden admission. “Lafiel will have to approve it however I feel she will be happy to have you two here, I know I will, these mechanical devices leave me wondering sometimes. Paveryua is very capable of running the depot and… well... one less on the payroll is….”

Jinto turns towards Samson to see him smile. “You were always tight with some things Count Hyde and too generous with others. You know Paveryua will want a generous raise and he’ll need an assistant. This decision may wind up costing you more than you might think.” At that moment Jinto’s creunoc flashes it reports Sobbash’s approaching Lafiel. Jinto shows it to Samson and says. “If she can keep her calm and be the sounding board for those things Lafiel can not or will not tell me. Then it’s worth a system full of credits for you two to be here.” At first Samson was taken a back by Jinto’s statement. Then he decided to question him further. “You’re saying If Sobbash can keep Her Highness calm. Then that’s all our friendships means to you?”

Samson’s words hit Jinto like a raging bear. He had spoke his mind however his words did leave a impression of… “No Samson, Sobbash’s and your friendship means much more to me than Lafiel’s happiness… I mean… I…” Samson placed a hand on Jinto’s shoulder he was trembling. “She really upset you this time didn’t she? I’ve seen you like this before, searching for anyone or anything to bring her peace. What was it this time lad?” Jinto went to discuss Lafiel’s declaration with him as Ekuryua poked her head out the door and asked. “Jinto could I make that call now?” Samson looked at Jinto. “Go on lad. We’ll discuss all of it later.” Jinto smiled and went inside. Samson walked down the path towards the garden, he never made the garden the sound of Sobbash’s and Lafiel’s voices coming from the shore stopped him. He followed them at a distance and once Lafiel went looking for Jinto he joined Sobbash at the table.

Lafiel left Sobbash and went into the Residence. Finding Jinto was not going to be a problem, all she had to do was follow the sound of his voice. Lafiel found Spoor and Kufadis sitting on the sofa talking. Kufadis pointed towards the walkway that leads to the extension. “They went that way.” Lafiel nodded and followed Jinto’s voice. She entered the extension to find Ekuryua, Risch, Scholar and Jinto standing before the main display. She recognized the face on the viewer it was that of Doctor Sasoum. Jinto motioned Lafiel to stand beside him it was at that moment Ekuryua said to the doctor. “This is my DNA is it not mother?” there was a data window opened with a DNA sample displayed. The doctor looked at it and said. “That is your DNA Noel. Why the sudden interest in it after all these years?”

Ekuryua places a second sample on the screen and says. “Do you recognize this DNA sample mother?” Doctor Sasoum stares at the sample. Her face pales as she says. “Noel where did you get that sample from? Where?” Ekuryua steps back from the display and motions Scholar to come into view. Once Doctor Sasoum gets a good look at Scholar she says. “For someone whose ancestor perished one thousand years ago you look the picture of health. How should I address you?” Scholar smiled. “I am Scholar. Doctor you need to fully disclose this ones heritage, she is aware of some of it at this moment…” The doctor stopped her. “Has she melded with her ships AI?” Scholar nodded. Doctor Sasoum leans back in her chair the shock and surprise are written across her face. “I’ll be there in thirty hours Noel. Although this is a secure channel I no longer wish to discuss this matter any further. I’ll finish it in person when I get there. Till then daughter.”

The display goes blank. Ekuryua looks at Scholar. “I’ll assume by her reaction you were correct in your assumption?” Scholar nodded. “It would seem the gene pool from the ‘mother city’, as you call it, survived its destruction. I wonder how many others are descended from those one hundred and twenty thousand samples. The records of the Village will show all of the sequences. But we never kept samples, since we are all that’s left of those samples. This visit should prove very interesting. Very interesting indeed.”

Jinto and Lafiel stared at the samples on the table display. Lafiel raises her head and looks at Ekuryua. “You’re related to Scholar? You’re not an Abh?” Before Ekuryua could speak Scholar answered. “She is more Abh, as you call it, than anybody else in this room. She is what her mother said, a truly natural Abh.” Lafiel shook her head and said. “You’ll explain that statement Scholar. Now would be an excellent time.” Scholar stood before them and motioned them to be seated. She then turned her attention to the display. Superposing the two samples she started to speak, however Lafiel interrupted her once again. ”Before we start this I’d like to have samples from both of you. Its not that I don’t trust you but…”

Scholar and Ekuryua both nodded. Ekuryua spoke for both of them. “Take another sample Lafiel. Make certain they are untainted. It’s the only way your royal brain will comprehend the findings.” Lafiel snarled as she scanned Ekuryua. “It’s a shame this isn’t like the old fashion devices that caused some discomfort when the sample was taken. Cause right now I’d have it set to inflict as much discomfort as possible.” Next she scanned Scholar and displayed the results on the screen. The samples matched one hundred percent. Lafiel looked at the results and said. “I’m convinced. Scholar you may continue with your explanation, if you wish.”

Moving the images to the main display and adding Jinto and Lafiel’s DNA samples Scholar starts by saying. “All DNA has a root, a beginning, for most races it’s a female.” She removes the data crystal from around her neck and places it in the reader. “This contains the logs of the survey ship that scanned Sol Eros along with the scans you took while on the surface. The council and I knew you were looking for a connection between our races. While you have eventually found it, thanks to the data on this crystal along with the records from both our ship and the Imperial data base in Commander Ekuryua’s ship, we have made the connection for you.”

Scholar instructs the computer to overlay and analyze the samples. With in moments there is an answer. A common strand of DNA stands out in each sample. Scholar points to it and says. “There it is, the thread that binds us all, the one commonality that can be traced to the first female.” Lafiel stares at the display and without thinking said. “Are you the first female then?” Scholar starts to chuckle, Lafiel now quite annoyed says. “What do you find so funny? I asked a simple question. I’d like an answer, not laughter.” Scholar fell silent and moved towards the console. She inputted a set of coordinates it to the computer. A star chart appeared on the screen and Scholar moved towards it. Pointing at a planet with in the system she said. “According to the data we have, from here sprang mankind as we know it. Although this is now a dying system at one time it was the seed for mankind and humankind Abh as we know it today.” Jinto leaned forward, took a close look at the chart and said. “That’s where my ancestors came from. I recognize the system layout. But that was centuries ago and it was always said that we came from another place, another planetary system.”

Scholar faced Jinto and said. “Then it’s true, those old rumors were true, and they called it the great migration. Is that how you were told of it?” Jinto nodded. “We learned that we came from another solar system, that my ancestors departure was so sudden only six percent of the population was able to flee. I always figured there was more to it than what we were told but getting the information was next to impossible. However it maybe possible to view the records from my home world.” He looked at Lafiel. “The box of data records Lina gave you before we left Martine, where did you put them?”

Lafiel stood and left the room heading for the Residence. Within five minutes she returned with the wooden box Lina had given her, she also had Spoor and Kufadis following her. Scholar briefed them on the subject being discussed and Kufadis said. “I had dealings when I was in training with an old trader. He was telling me about an ancient system where he said humans once lived.” Kufadis looked at the star chart. “That not the place he described. He said it was a single sun and nine planets. He said the third and fourth planets were capable of supporting life. Although it was his understanding that the third planet was the home and the fourth was expanded to and colonized by the third.”

Jinto nodded in agreement. “That’s how I heard it too. What I don’t know is why they left in such a hurry. I mean when we abandoned that system we had plenty of warning the sun was about to nova. One hundred years after we left the star collapsed and became the pulsar that now floods the system with violent radiation.” Jinto opened the box and studied the contents. Producing a data chip he says. “This is the record of the voyage to the system Scholar has displayed. I don’t know how complete it is, I guess we’ll find out.” He inserts the chip in the reader. The computer says it will be several hours before the data is converted. Jinto turns to everyone and says. “I don’t know about you, but for myself, it has been a very long day. We should rest while the computer sorts out the data chip. I suggest we meet here in eight hours.” Tired faces nod in agreement and Jinto says to Lafiel. “I’ll show Spoor and Kufadis to a room in the annex. Then I’ll meet you, Scholar, Noel and Risch in the kitchen okay?” Lafiel nods and proceeds to leave with her group following her.

Jinto turns to Spoor and Kufadis and says. “One room or two?” Spoor looks at Jinto and says. “One room and one bed.” Kufadis stands with a grin on his face and then Spoor continues. “For myself and what ever the Commander wishes.” Kufadis grin disappears. Jinto leads them to adjoining suites facing the lake and says. “Two rooms, one bed in each and a adjoining door if you should change your mind Admiral. I’ll be back in eight hours to get you.”

Spoor smiled and entered one room. Kufadis faced Jinto and said. “Thanks for not asking any more questions.” Jinto smiled and turned to leave. Kufadis entered his room. He was pretty sure the adjoining door would stay closed, but it was nice it was there. He undressed and fell into a deep sleep.

Samson and Sobbash had spent their time walking and talking about their future. The evening chill had finally drove Sobbash to ask if they could return to the Residence. Arriving at the table, Sobbash heard voices from the kitchen and said. “They seem to be in there. Let’s go in and see if we are welcome.” Samson looked funny at Sobbash and said. “Why wouldn’t we be welcome? You and Her Highness didn’t have a falling out, did you?” Sobbash shakes her head. “Never mind Samson let’s go inside.” Sobbash opens the door and they enter the kitchen. The first thing they clearly hear is Risch saying. “Noel since your mother will be here in about thirty hours. You think I should stay at the Village till she leaves?”

Ekuryua’s fist slams the tabletop silencing the room, then looks Risch in the face and says. “We are not an underage couple sneaking around under my mother’s nose. You will stay and you will meet her. Remember one thing, I’m the one you need to please, not her understand?” Risch sheepishly nodded. Then Ekuryua addressed Samson and Sobbash. “Sit down, please. A lot of things have happened since you two wondered off. I wish… Scholar and I wish to bring you up to date before my mother arrives.”

Samson and Sobbash slide chairs back and sit down as Jinto enters from the living room. Lafiel looks at him and says. “Are Spoor and Kufadis are settled for the night?” Jinto nodded. Lafiel motions him to stand beside her and whispers in his ear. “Noel’s going to bring Samson and Sobbash up to date, this should be interesting.” Jinto stands silently next to Lafiel as Ekuryua starts explaining what she and Scholar have stumbled upon. Part way through Scholar picks up the discussion from a visible shaken Ekuryua. “Simply put her DNA is mine, with minor adjustments. It would seem from her mother’s conversation not only did she know who I was, but she knows exactly where the Captain’s DNA came from. She refused to continue the conversation over the network. She’ll be here in twenty–eight of your hours.”

She then turned Ekuryua’s face towards her and said. “No need to be distraught Captain. You are who you are. You have a solid set of genes behind you, be proud your mother chose that set for you to have. Don’t worry about becoming me or turning into something you are not. You’re past the age of influence. Be happy you are alive, healthy and that you have friends who care about you as they do.” Scholar then looks towards Lafiel and says. “I need to contact the Village. I want them to compile the star charts for our reference and to inform them I am well. Can we do that now?” Lafiel motions Scholar to follow her they leave and head to the communications console.

Samson and Sobbash sat absorbing what they have heard. Sobbash moves towards Ekuryua and takes her hands. “You’re not taking this well are you?” A sobbing Ekuryua on her shoulder answers her question. Samson looks up at Jinto and says. “Why do you need star charts? What are you looking for?” It is Risch who answers. “We are looking for our roots for the place our DNA originated from. A single star with nine planets orbiting it.” Samson smiles. “Sol is the name of the star and the planet’s name escapes me at the moment. That system is very hard to find. I’d be surprised if you can find it on the current charts.” Samson sits deep in thought and then says. “I believe we could back track to it, if I only had more information.” Jinto interrupts and tells Samson of the conversation he and Kufadis have had. He then informs him of the data chip decoding in the main computer terminal. Samson nodded. “So you may have enough information, I’ll wait to see what you find out before I say anymore. Okay?”

Jinto nods and says. “I think we should get some sleep. I’ll show you to your rooms if you wish.” Risch and Samson nod. Ekuryua is still clinging on to Sobbash, she says. “Can we stay here for a while? Once she’s able we’ll join you.” Jinto shows Samson and Risch to their rooms and returns to the kitchen to find Lafiel and Scholar helping Ekuryua cope with this latest surprise. “Captain I understand why you are upset. But I insist you accept these facts and move on. You need to be at your best when your mother arrives. Don’t you agree?” Ekuryua wipes the tears from her eyes pulls her tunic top taunt and says. “You’re correct Scholar, as always. I need to accept I am who I am and move forward. Thank you.” She looks at Jinto. “Take me to Risch please.” Jinto looks at Sobbash she’s ready to find Samson. His eyes turn towards Scholars. “Go on, the Princess and I need to chat for a bit and the sofa bed in the living room will suit me just fine.” Jinto nods and takes Sobbash and Ekuryua to their rooms. He returns to find Lafiel and Scholar in a very intense discussion. He kisses Lafiel on the forehead and heads down the hall to bed.

Ekuryua opened the room to find two beds facing her. Risch is in one and she makes her way to the other. Slipping out of her uniform and slipping under the sheets she tried to sleep. After ten minutes she moved to Risch’s bed and wakes him. “Move over I can’t sleep by myself. I need to feel someone next to me.”

Risch slid sideways and Ekuryua entered the bed. Facing Risch she says. “I’m here to sleep and that’s all I’m here for. Is that okay with you?” Risch had already returned to the state she found him in. She’s not sure if he’s heard her and for the moment she doesn’t care. She pulls the sheet to her chin, dims the lights completely and falls into a deep comfortable sleep.

Sobbash opened the door to find two beds facing her. Samson is sitting on the edge of one of them and greets Sobbash as she enters. “You believe the lad? He asked if I wanted one bed or two? What is he thinking?” Sobbash smiled. “Either way would have been fine with me. There were times aboard the Basroil where you and I spent…” Samson’s red faced stops her from continuing. “I was drunk that night Sobbash. I don’t remember anything about it. I’ve told you that several times.” Sobbash smiles. “I wasn’t and I do remember. One day I’ll tell you all about it in private of course.” Samson shakes his head. “In private of course. I’m glad you’re not wanting to… Sorry Sobbash. I guess I’m pretty tired and I’m starting to get very cranky. Can we continue this in the morning?” Sobbash moved to the other bed, slipped off her tunic top and lay down on the bed. “Not a problem Samson. We should get some sleep, it’s been a long day.” Samson walked over and placed a kiss on Sobbash’s cheek. “Good night.” She kissed him back. “Good night.” He returned to his bed and fell asleep.

“I want to make this planet and it’s surrounding system a separate entity from the Empire. I figure the council would let Jinto and I govern the planet and the Village would have autonomy.” Scholar took in Lafiel’s words and said. “We need your Empire for trade and protection at the minimum. The Village cannot support itself for more the six months. It will take all of that time to establish a farm for food production.” Lafiel sat back looking across the table at Scholar. “Then we will need to forge a trade and defensive force agreement. The current government should be open to that, but we need to be antonymous. I know the ruling collation; they will want to exploit what we’ve found out about each other. I will not stand for that. The Residences of the Village deserve to live in peace without fear of reprisal from the rest of the universe. You left before the rebellion. You’ve managed to live in relative peace for the past thousand years. I wish for that to continue...”

Scholar’s sudden standing stops Lafiel. She moves to the kitchen window and stares into the night sky. “A new start, a chance to do what my people have always wanted to do explore the vastness that surrounds us. Can you put getting my array together and functional a top priority?” Scholar turns her gaze towards Lafiel to find her taking notes. The silence brings Lafiel’s eyes from her creunoc to see Scholar facing her, an inquisitive look on her face. “Finish the array, then what else can we do for you?” Scholar returns her gaze to the stars. “An exploration ship and the equipment to find the source of …” Scholar stops and returns her eyes to Lafiel’s. “You want to know don’t you? You’ll be the first one to head to space in search of our common roots?”

Lafiel smiled and said. “My mother was an explorer. It’s in my blood and you’ve got my curiosity peaked. I’d be a fool not to go. How soon do you want to leave?” Scholar’s answer does not surprise Lafiel. “If I knew exactly where we needed to go. We’d leave with in the month. However I need more data and the array functional before I’d step foot off this world.” Lafiel stood and headed for the living room she turned the sleeper sofa out and said to Scholar. “We should sleep on this and see what Jinto’s data shows. We could be ready in a month or so though.” Scholar nodded and headed for the sofa. Lafiel went down the hall and joined Jinto.

It was a little after three in the morning planetary time. Doctor Sasoum would arrive in twenty-six hours. Lying on the bed Lafiel muses. “First things first. We get Noel settled, then the Village established, gather our thoughts, and negotiate with the Capital. Then go exploring. I hope Jinto’s up to helping me with all of this, because I’m not certain I can do it alone, in fact I don’t want to do it alone.” She looked at a sleeping Jinto, and realized she will need his help but for now she needed her rest. She dims the lights and sleeps soundly.

Commander Yuma stood on the observation deck just down the corridor from Dustain’s quarters. This session had lasted a little over five hours and she was mentally drained. Dustain was hiding something, this she knew for a fact. However, what he was hiding still eluded her. Normally staring off into the vastness of space calmed her, this time it did not. It showed her how empty things could be. She saw desolation instead of beauty this time, one more look around her and she was off to her quarters for a well-deserved rest. Sitting in her chair she tried to make sense of this day. “There is something I’m missing something as plain as the pain that I feel but I can not put my…” Finally exhaustion replaced frustration and she fell into a light sleep.


“Dai.” The sound of Duhiel saying her name sent a cold shiver down her spine. She turned from her console and faced him. “Yes Captain. What can I do for you?” Duhiel stood staring at her then his expression changed. “I’d like to have senior staff in the ward room in two hours can you arrange that?” She spun to her console inputted some data, turned to him and said. “Do I wake the evening command officers?” Duhiel shook his head. “Not necessary, they can read the report later.” Dai returned to the console. “The ward room in two hours. All staff have acknowledged the message Captain, is there anything else?” Duhiel shook his head as he walked off the bridge.

When the door closed Dai leaned back in her chair trembling. This little exchange had been their first since he found out who she was. Their exchange did not go unnoticed the gunnery officer spoke. “Commander, are you alright?” Dai turned and faced her. “I’m alright. I believe I am. That is, I don’t really know.” Dai could feel the emotions within her trying to escape. She excused her self from the bridge and in the lift on the way to her quarters broke down crying. Reaching her quarters she opened the door, entered the room and faced her self in the mirror. There was an image she hadn’t seen in years, she was suddenly scared of Duhiel and could not find the logic to explain this reaction to what was a simple request on his part. Moving to her bunk she sat, then lay down up on it, staring at the ceiling she regained her composure. “Dai pull yourself together this is not the time to worry about what might or might not happen. There is less than two hours before I have to face him again. I need to be at my best.” She set her creunoc alarm for fifteen minutes before the meeting and closed her eyes.

Erin and Li listened as Scholar made her request for star charts and expressed her excitement of possibly finding the source of the genetic line. The communication ended and Li said. “I’m going with her you can’t stop me Erin. It’s been my hope to find the source and neither you nor the council will stop me.” Erin stood shaking her head from side to side. Confused Li exclaimed. “You don’t make choices, yet, daughter of Kyle. I’m going with Scholar. I’m going to find the origin of our people, period.” Erin smiled. “You are correct in only one thing you have said, Li. I do not make decisions, the council and Scholar make the decisions and you like I will abide by them.” Li turned abruptly, her long black ponytail following her, and left the room. Erin watched as she left. “She’s going to be a problem. I can see this now. This problem her father, Scholar and the council can deal with. I’ll not be bothered with her this time.” Erin approached the door dimmed the lights and headed for the document storage facility. She searched for about and hour and found everything Scholar would need. Making copies of the required information she sent a messenger and three guards to the Residence. Traveling by hover sled, they should reach the Residence about dawn planetary time, she figured. Erin returned to her quarters, they still contained the odors of recent construction, however it was a warm and comfortable place. She disrobed slipped into the bed and fell into a very light sleep.

The chiming of her creunoc alarm woke Dai from her short nap. She straightened her uniform, checked her appearance in the mirror and headed for the senior staff meeting in the wardroom. She was the last to arrive, which garnered this comment from the Captain. “Decca Commander. I’m glad to see you could make it. From now on I’d like my First Officer to be one of the FIRST ones to arrive.” Dai sat and faced Duhiel she said nothing however he could feel the embarrassment and anger welling up inside her. Duhiel stood, faced the group and said. “Our orders have arrived. It is time for the start of my twenty-five year journey to hopefully sit upon the Jade Throne. I’ll expect all of you to conduct yourselves accordingly. This is a good ship and I have an exceptional crew. Friend and foe alike will test us time and again during the course of our journey. I’ll ask you now; if you have any reservations about continuing your service aboard this ship air them now. Once we start this journey I want all of you to be fully aware of what will be expected from you and if you’re not up to this challenge I’ll be happy to replace you no questions asked and no bad marks upon your service record.”

Duhiel looked around the room. The ten officers gathered sat watching his every move. There had not been a sound uttered since he started his speech. “We depart in ten days. If there are no other questions, you are dismissed.” The officers stood at attention then departed the room. As she was getting ready to leave Duhiel addressed his First Officer. “I was originally going to ask for you to transfer off this ship. I’ve spent the last several hours going over your service and personnel records. I see no reason for you to leave. Dai you are a capable officer and you’ve won my trust. I think father was right assigning you here and I still believe I was right in promoting you to your present position. I’m ready to start this journey if you’ll start it standing by my side.”

A slight dampness was in the corner of her eyes. She smiled and said. “I’ll be happy to carry out your orders and be there to advise you when you need it.” Duhiel nodded. “In time, I might even let you start questioning my orders. That will be only after I reach the point where I’ll need a Chief of Staff. That however is several years off and we still have a lot to do before we reach that point. Don’t you agree First Officer?” A smile and two faint tears answered his question. “You are dismissed Commander, get some real rest over the next ten days, after that I can’t guarantee how our lives will be. There will come a time, any sleep, will be a premium, enjoy this peaceful time while you can.” Dai nodded as she left him.

Duhiel watched as she walked away from him, he knew keeping her would be a decision he wouldn’t regret. Heading for the bridge he checked on the planets status, then he retired till his next duty cycle would begin. He slept peacefully.

Lafiel sat up abruptly in bed. She looked around the room to find Jinto gone, his bed made and the amount of light in the room indicated it should be around... She glanced at her creunoc and said. “Damn, slept like a log again! It’s almost one in the afternoon.” She headed for the bathroom, changed into shorts and top, made her bed and went looking for Jinto.

Jinto, Risch, Samson and Scholar stood at the large table in the communications room. Spread out before them were the plans for Scholar’s array. Lafiel’s movement through the Residence brought this comment from Risch. “Jinto I do not how you do it.” He hands Jinto five credits. “You know Lafiel better than anybody else it would seem.” Jinto takes the credits, puts them in his pocket and says. “She was the least stressed of the three. It made sense for her to rise first, however this is later than I’d figured.” Samson cleared his throat and said. “Sobbash wasn’t stressed, she was exhausted. The burdens she had been carrying were finally lifted from her. That’s why she’s sleeping so soundly.” Risch nodded and said. “Sobbash had her burdens removed and Noel…” He looked at Scholar. “She was handed an new set of challenges. You know she spent all night in close proximity to me. I was surprised she didn’t wake when I left her this morning.”

Scholar watched Risch’s expression and heard his words. As Lafiel entered the room Scholar said. “Understand this engineer, your Captain is just as normal as you and I. Unlike Seelnay, who possesses telekinetic powers, her abilities lie in the way she can interface with your AI systems. I spent some time, before any of you were awake, researching the Imperial database. Captain Ekuryua is not a special case. There have been individuals throughout your history that have possessed the abilities she and I have. The major difference between the Princess, the Captain and I is we can interface without instrumentation. Through our genetic make up our neuro system can directly translate the AI’s data into understandable brain patterns. The AI talks to us and we talk back, where as the Princess receives a one-way communication and has to interpret for her self what is being displayed.”

Lafiel stood beside Jinto as Scholar made her statement. When she had finished Lafiel said. “That answers a few questions I’ve been wanting to ask you. I always wondered how you managed to communicate on several different levels and still maintain control. Since you’re not limited by the instrumentality you’re able to carry on several conversations at once. But how do you do that? I mean Captain Ekuryua has never shown those abilities, so how do you do it?

Scholar smiled. “It’s simple, well not all that simple. Let me start at the beginning. I possess two abilities. One I share with the Captain, the other one she’ll never have. That one is what you would call clairvoyance. However I’m at a level your science cannot comprehend, it is the result of hundreds of years of conditioning. My mind when interfaced with any sensor system is able to break down the common laws of time and space. The array you’ll be assembling for me on this plant is customized for myself, and those who will follow in my stead. With it we will be able to see the vastness of the universe. It is with this array I’ll search for the meaning of our existence. That was one of the reasons we left the space city when we did.” Scholar paused looked around the room and said. “Enough of that for the moment. I’ve received the star charts from the Village if your data is ready Jinto we should compare notes.”

Jinto went to speak as he did the door from the Residence opened. Sobbash and Ekuryua entered wrapped in towels and very happy. “Ekuryua that was an excellent idea, a soak in the hot tub first thing before anything else. I feel wonderful.” Risch nudged Jinto and pointed at them. Five credits slipped back into Risch’s pocket. Jinto walked down the corridor and greeted them. “You two look relaxed I’m assuming you’ve been up for a while?” Sobbash looked at Ekuryua. “You figure about an hour?” Ekuryua nodded and said to Lafiel. “I feel bad Lafiel. I know we should have invited you too. But Sobbash and I needed to have sometime to our selves. We needed to settle a few personal matters. I hope you understand.” Undaunted Lafiel said. “I’m glad you two got things settled. You should change, Scholar has information from the Village and the data crystal should be ready about now. If you’ll follow me I’ll find you some dry things to put on.” Ekuryua and Sobbash followed Lafiel back into the Residence.

Jinto stood there silent then he said. “I guess I should go see about Spoor and Kufadis they’ll want to be in on the conversation.” Scholar spoke. “The Admiral and the young man left with the messenger from the Village. I expect them back with in the hour.” Jinto’s blank expression brought this comment from Scholar. “They never had a proper tour of the Village, they were up very early, so I sent them on their way. I know they are on their way back. They left the Village about an hour ago.” Jinto smiled and said. “You know Scholar I’m going to like having you around here. You’re very quick on your feet.” Scholar nodded. “In my position I have to be quick or get trampled by all those feet.” Jinto motioned them to follow him back to the conference table. It is there Lafiel, Sobbash and Ekuryua find them.

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 18_Secrets and Surprises

Post by Diaho »

Jinto stood stunned for a moment; he’d seen Ekuryua out of uniform before but never Sobbash. Lafiel had managed to dress them very casual. Ekuryua wore one of Lafiel’s tank top and short shorts sets. Sobbash was a little more conservative in long shorts and a pull over shirt. Samson and Risch stood smiling. Ekuryua stood next to Risch and Sobbash moved towards Samson, as she approached she said in a whisper. “First thing you get us is a hot tub. It’s a marvelous device.” Samson took note of her comment, and then he took note of her appearance. The uniform hid a lot from his view and now what he saw he did like. He also noticed she and Noel have spent some time getting tanned a bit. She was no longer the faded color that long durations of time in space caused. She had a warm, appealing color to her, something that brought a smile to Samson’s face and a twinkle to his eye. She smiled and whisper to him. “You like this? Good. I’m planning on keeping this look for quite a while.”

The silence in the room, brought them to look around, and they were greeted with smiles. “Don’t you have something else to do, besides studying Samson and I?” Lafiel nodded. “How about something to eat. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” Lafiel turned and headed towards the kitchen with the others on her heels. Samson and Sobbash brought up the rear. Samson said as they followed at a distance. “Like the hot tub? Seelnay made that one. I think I can get her to make two more.” Sobbash looked puzzled. “Two? Why two?” Samson pointed at Risch and Noel. “You think they’ll be happy sharing a tub? I don’t think so.” Sobbash leaned her head against Samson as they walked towards the kitchen. She felt something she’d never felt before, complete contentment.

Sitting in the shuttle Doctor Sasoum pondered the records she had hurriedly brought with her, those records concerned her creation, her daughter, Commander Ekuryua. She also consulted the data Ekuryua had sent her at the Capital. There was little doubt in her mind that this person Scholar was an exact DNA match to the sample she used to create Ekuryua. What she would find when she arrived is what concerned her. Had Ekuryua realized her true potential that was hidden for all of these years? Did she know how to use the gift she had? Then she sat motionless, “What if Scholar has turned her against me?” The thought brought a shiver down the Doctor’s spine. She would arrive in a little over ten hours, until then she knew that playing different scenarios through her brain would only bring confusion. The Doctor sat back in her chair, gathered her thoughts and drifted off into a light sleep. She would arrive with an open but wary mind.

Kenesh sat staring at the wall. The ebony surface reflected her feelings back to her. Ramaj’s words still stung in her ears. She had found nothing wrong with Debeusec’s report and had reported those findings to her. But that is not what concerned her, in investigating that report she uncovered several disturbing facts, which she needed to do more discovery work on before she said anything to any one about them. First discovery was the research vessel, that was use as a base, was stolen from Palum eight months before it was destroyed. The disturbing part was it had passed through several Sords, which should have shown it as stolen and reported it to the sector commander. That was the first troubling piece of the puzzle. The next came as an unrelated report from Admiral Rulef’s fleet about a freighter that was detained and searched. This freighter was stolen and also assuming a false identity. The content of this freighter is what disturbed Kenesh. The freighter contained first line offensive weapons for use against the Abh Fleets. So Kenesh was faced with two related problems. The first is how did both of these ships manage to move about freely without being detected. Then the more important question was, who stole these ships and where was the cargo going? It looked like an inside job, which meant a group with enough status and power to be covert, but whom?

Finally was Yuma’s report about Dustain. In the report she admitted he was hiding something from her and requested that is interface in his quarters be monitored. Kenesh had the connection monitored and what she found confused her even more. Dustain spent most of his time scanning the deepest parts of the Empire. He would scan a sector and then move on. There was never any two-way communications. It seemed he was having a good look at his surroundings. Kenesh was baffled by his use of the computer network. The stress of this day left her feeling very empty she thought some rest might improve her present attitude. Dimming the lights she left her office and took the long walk to her quarters. The normal route would have taken her by Ramaj’s office, which was something she wanted to avoid at all cost, at least for tonight.

Following lunch the balance of the afternoon and early evening was spent combining the star charts into an understandable map of the galaxy. After several attempts to make sense of what they say, Kufadis and Samson went to one corner of the room while the rest discussed what they had before them. “Samson those charts, they’ve…” Samson nodded. “You’re correct Kufadis, they’ve been tampered with, on purpose, to keep the location of the Sol system a secret.” Kufadis turns to find the room silent and everyone staring at them. It is Lafiel that speaks. “You mind sharing your little conversation so we all might know what you’ve found?”

Kufadis and Samson walk to the table and without saying a word, they start moving charts into a strange new arrangement. Lafiel goes to stop them, but it’s Scholar’s hand that restrains her. “Let them continue Princess. I find this quite interesting.” Twenty minutes later a star map is presented with two large gaps. Scholar takes this information in and says. “Cleaver, very clever, a little renaming, a little repositioning just enough to confuse the average explorer. These charts are off just enough to have one going in circles. How very clever of our ancestors, skew things just enough to make returning to the source impossible.”

Samson nodded then said. “There is a flaw in their plan though. On a two dimensional scale it would be difficult to determine which hole the source was in. However there have been several three dimensional studies made of this area.” Samson pointed to the area closest to the boarders of the Hanian Federation, and then he continued. “Unless the Sol system is shielded it’s our opinion that it’s located somewhere here, in the black vastness.”

Lafiel touches Scholar’s shoulder and says. “We need to finish your array so you may start scanning that area. I can also make a request to the Capital for the older star charts to see if they hold any information.” Scholar nodded then said. “You have charts that are not incorporated in the central navigational systems of your ships?” Lafiel smiles. “In case of capture some things are best left unknown. It has been common practice since the Star Forces were formed to exclude certain information from the master system. Why tell the enemy everything?” The communications console interrupts the rest of Lafiel’s statement.

She moves her Creunoc to her lips and says. “Duhiel. I’m here what is it?” The voice that emits is not that of her brother it is of his First Officer. “Sorry to disturb you, Your Highness, are you expecting company? A high speed shuttle is approaching from the Capital and at the moment it’s refusing my hails.” From the sofa comes, “It figures, mothers here. She said she wouldn’t say a word till she arrived. Inform the Decca Commander not to fire upon her. Will you Lafiel?” Ekuryua’s voice carried into Lafiel’s open Creunoc, the question was answered immediately. “I understand Commander Ekuryua, shall I notify you when they’ve achieved orbit?” Noel stares at Lafiel. “I’m not moving from this seat, somebody else is going to get her this time.” Lafiel heads for Noel, It’s Sobbash then intercedes. “Commander, this is Admiral Sobbash. You will notify me upon the shuttles arrival. Is that understood?” The answer was. “Understood Admiral Sobbash, I estimate orbit in fifty- four minutes.” The link fell silent.

Sobbash turned to Samson. Want to take a ride? Keep me company? Samson nodded. With that Sobbash turned to Lafiel. “Fifty minutes. I should be in a comfortable orbit about then. Which shuttle should I use?” Kufadis stepped forward. “Our shuttle is the closest to the lake, take it Admiral.” From behind him Spoor said. “Ignore the dent in the bow Sobbash, someone needs more driving lessons.” Spoor glances at Ekuryua, but before she could finish her dig at Kufadis she found him in her face and quite angry. “Painiach! Stop it right now! It was a small bump and there is no damage. Now unless you want to try a surface departure by yourself, don’t anger your chauffeur any further.” Without waiting for a response, Kufadis left the room. The next sound that was heard was the door exiting to the garden closing sharply.

Sobbash and Samson took this time to leave; they headed towards the docks for their departure. Lafiel stood with her hands on her hips facing Spoor. “I guess you’ll never change Painiach, your stinging comments will never tone down will they?” Spoor ignored Lafiel and followed the path Kufadis had taken earlier. The door gently closed behind her. Lafiel sat at the table and looked at Scholar, Risch and Ekuryua. “Noel you may be right about your statement that we Abh have gotten very petty and selfish. That needs to change now and forever. Once you’ve talked with your mother, come see me I’d like to explore your opinions in detail.” She looked towards the kitchen and said. “Jinto you can bring the drinks out now, the atmosphere has settled.”

Jinto had gone to the kitchen just before the Decca Commander called. He had a front row seat as Kufadis, Sobbash, Samson and Spoor left the residence. Kufadis flew out the door Jinto had never seen any Abh, except Lafiel, that angry before. Sobbash and Samson left quietly, and then they made a mad dash to the docks. He could hear their footsteps fade in the distance. Spoor waltzed through the kitchen and out the door without a word being said, however Jinto saw her face, it was a face fighting to hold back the tears and it was losing the battle.

He sat five drinks on the tray, Teel Non for Lafiel, apple wine for Scholar, strong black coffee for Risch, Noel and himself. He thought about spiking the coffee but Noel and Risch being Abh they wouldn’t get any benefit from that, however it didn’t stop him from going ‘Irish’ in his coffee. His system still had an appreciation for the relaxing qualities of alcohol. He left the kitchen and severed everyone his or her drinks. Taking his in hand he said. “Between Kufadis comments and yours Lafiel, Spoor left here in tears. I think you might have finally gotten to her… Maybe.” The sound of the shuttle blasting off broke the silence in the room. Lafiel sat quietly sipping her drink, as did everyone else. There were enough words spoken, some quite was in order. The sonic boom thundered through the valley and across the lake. Lafiel thought. “Sobbash had you not volunteered to go I’d gone. But you are the one most removed from the situation, it’s better the Doctor is picked up by you.” She continued to look out the window across the lake and quietly sip her drink.

Sobbash had just broken clear of the planets atmosphere when the communications console lit. She found Duhiel’s First Officer hailing her. “Admiral Sobbash. The shuttle is located point five from your present location. Adjust your course fifty starboard for intercept.” Sobbash acknowledges the transmission and says to Samson. “She had to be monitoring the planet to know it was I piloting this ship.” She pointed to the ships locator system it was in stand by. “This shuttle is Spoors by assignment number. Unless I’m connected to the locator she’d have no way of knowing who was piloting it. I wonder who she is? Who ever she is she’s well trained and very good at what she’s doing I’ll give her that.”

Samson brings up a console screen and says. “This is Spoors shuttle, she should have a current operational database aboard. Let’s see who Duhiel’s First Officer is?” Samson inputs data in the console, his years away from Star Forces has left his memory a little fuzzy, but it came back rapidly. The non-to pleasing photo and service record came up on the screen then Samson said. “Dai Ge...” Sobbash interrupted him. “Dai Lexshu! I’ll be damned! She changed her name and is now Duhiel’s First Officer! Transfer that file to my screen.” The file appears and Sobbash inputs a set of instruction into the screen. The complete service record of Dai Lexshu appears. Samson looks in amazement and Sobbash says. “You know I hold the rank of Admiral. The computer will show me everything it would Spoor. As far as it’s concerned an Admiral is an Admiral.” They read the detail and then Sobbash transfers the file to her creunoc. “Lafiel might find this interesting. I’ll show it to her when we get back.” She then removes all inquiries to the database. When she’s finished she says. “There, Spoor should be none the wiser.” The shuttle comes out of the planetary sunset, Sobbash docks with it and takes the Doctor planet side. It’s an uneventful trip.

Kufadis had made his way to the lagoon and was pacing the beach when Spoor found him. She approached him directly and blocked his path; the traces of tears were still showing on her face. “I’d like an explanation Kufadis, in all the years you have served me and all the teasing I’ve given you, you have never reacted this way. I’m waiting for a response.” Kufadis moved towards her, some of the anger within him had subsided; he raised his eyes to meet hers and said. “I’m having a hard time dealing with the present situation. Then your lackadaisical attitude since we’ve arrived here, Painiach I’m worried about you. You’re still in a lot of trouble, the Capital is still awaiting your arrival and the thought of losing you because of what’s happened….”

She placed a finger across his lips and says. “Kufadis you worry too much, although I’m sorry I’ve caused you to feel this way, it was not my intent. I guess I should have been more forth coming.” She removed her finger from his lips and points at an outcropping of rocks a short distance away. “I’d like to sit and those rocks will do nicely. Would you please follow me Kufadis?” Without saying a word, he moves towards the outcropping with Spoor following him. Spoor finds a smooth area and leans her weight against it. Kufadis stands emotionless gazing into her eyes waiting for an answer.

“Kufadis my dear Kufadis. I’m not in as much trouble as you might think, granted I do face a general Court Marshall for doing things most Abh would find traitorous, however not even you know the whole story which is something I’ll straighten out here and now.” Kufadis expression has changed while Spoor was speaking, it’s gone from a blank stare, to a moment of frustration, to the face Spoor knows very well, the face of the dedicated officer waiting for her insight on the topic at hand. “I’m glad you’re willing to listen Kufadis, what I’m about to tell you must stay between us, should any of this leak out before we arrive at the Capital then your fears of losing me may very well come true.” Spoor proceeds to explain her involvement in everything that has happened since the destruction of the Gosroth almost eleven years earlier.

Once she has finished Kufadis stands mulling over the information presented. He has only one question. “Those within the Empire that know of this, they will come to your defense?” Spoor shakes her head, “I doubt it Kufadis. They have power and territory to protect. Like I said in the beginning I was expendable, I knew that going in, however the events of the last six months has given me a way to leverage my position. You’ll have to trust me Kufadis. They’ll not kill me, however they’ll probably strip me of my command, then have me guarding some quasar out in the middle of the thirteenth ring. That’s when I’ll resign and take the Lashkau home. The Empire does not own the Lashkau, I do they can not and will not take it away.”

A low rumble fills the sky Spoor turns her gaze skyward and says. “Is that thunder Kufadis? Will it be raining soon?” Kufadis has been scanning the sky since the low rumble was heard. His eyes have picked up the source of the disturbance. Pointing at a faint white stripe he says. “Admiral there is a shuttle approaching. Judging by the trajectory it’s Admiral Sobbash returning with Doctor Sasoum. I’m glad to see Admiral Sobbash followed protocol. She entered so as to have the sonic boom dispersed with in the upper levels, unlike Commander Ekuryua’s more direct approach.” He pauses and then says. “Painiach you owe Commander Ekuryua an apology. It was my error in judging the current in the lagoon not her training that caused the small bump you felt.” Spoor looked him in the eye. “That really disturbed you, bumping the dock?” Kufadis nods, “About as much as the tailors alterations bothered you my dear, you managed to fix that problem, once Ekuryua’s apologized to that will fix my problem, understand Admiral?” Spoor nodded as the secondary boom from Sobbash’s approach is heard. They turn and head for the residence arm in arm.

Lafiel sat at the outdoor table looking down towards the lagoon. Ekuryua, Risch and Scholar had made their way to the garden and Jinto was standing overlooking the lake. Sobbash was on final approach to a lake landing. Lafiel lifted her glass and took another sip. This was going to be an informative evening. Doctor Sasoum had some explaining to do and she was very interested in what the good Doctor had to say. Watching the sunlight pass through the glass she realized this was the first time since their return from Sol Eros that she had relaxed, the feeling of momentary contentment made her happy. This evening could be very stormy and a little peace before battle was all an Abh ever wished for, however this was not going to be Lafiel’s battle. But soon, very soon, she would make decisions and declarations that could start a battle of Empire shaking proportions, but that was going to be later, right now she relished the peace and contentment she was feeling.

Jinto stood overlooking the lake. Sobbash was on final approach, the sun glistening off the shuttles exterior and the vapor trail it was leaving left the visual impressing of a flaming arrow streaking across the sky. Jinto lifted his creunoc and captured the image. It was not as spectacular as what his eye was sending to his brain, but it would be a record that he could explain at a later date. This moment of relative peace made him happy, he also knew that storm clouds were on the horizon, the first of those Doctor Sasoum would be bringing. After that was Lafiel, what she planned on doing with this planet and its surrounding system. The Doctor was bringing a small storm, what Lafiel was contemplating, could be a storm of epic proportions. For now, Jinto watched as Sobbash touched down, this was going to be the calm before the first storm. He hoped that there would be another time of peace and reflection before Lafiel took off, but then he knew she was waiting for this storm to blow over before she decided to start her own, just how long she would wait, no one, not even Lafiel herself knew for sure. Looking over the lake as it calmed, he took a deep breath and returned to the residence.

Ekuryua sat on the bench facing the roses. Risch stood by her side. Scholar watched the lagoon for signs of Sobbash’s arrival she turned to Ekuryua and said. “Are we going to meet her at the docks?” Ekuryua shook her head. “This trip was her idea, she could have continued on the secured channel if she wished. Nope. This time she comes looking for me, I’m not running to her.” Risch turns to Noel and says. “You little fool! Had you not realized that even though the channel was secured, the place she was might not have been so?” Ekuryua’s face pales she averts her eyes to the red roses before her and says. “I didn’t think about that. The thought never crossed my mind until you said the words, either way she comes to me this time. However, thanks to your comment. I’ll be a little more objective.” She continues to view the roses. Scholar moves to her side and says. “Commander you’ll need to be more than objective with your mother if that is possible for you to do. I’m not aware of your relationship with her but….”

Ekuryua’s face snaps towards Scholars, her eyes meet Scholars and she says. “Correct! You have no idea of how my mother and I don’t get along! You’ll please refrain from trying to run my life Scholar!” Ekuryua returns her gaze to the roses. Risch spots two stains on her pant legs and kneels to face her. The tears are flowing down her face. Risch goes to wipe them away and she pushes his hand away. “Why can’t I feel for my mother some of the feelings I feel for you? Why do I despise her so? I know what she was trying to do but I can’t…” She buries her head in her hands and sobs uncontrollably. Risch placed his hands on her shoulders and pulled her to him. “One step at a time Noel. You’ve had too much thrown at you in a very short time. One step. Okay?” She drops her hands and buries her face in his chest. “I love you Risch. I’m sorry I treat you so badly at times but I do love you.”

Out of the corner of his eye Risch sees Scholar heading towards the dock. His first impulse is to stop her but upon reflection he lets her leave. Ekuryua is his first responsibility, she needs him, and the Doctor is not his concern. She can have Scholar. [i[“Who knows maybe she can talk some sense in to her.”[/i] Risch reflects then Noel raised her head and looked around. “Where’s Scholar?” Risch informed her she’s headed to the docks. For one moment he can feel Noel tense then she relaxed and said. “Maybe it’s a good idea that they meet and talk first. I’m in no mood to deal with my mother now.” Risch helped Noel to her feet. They stand supporting each other observing the roses.

The Doctor had sat next to Sobbash the entire reentry. Samson had sat behind her, observing, he didn’t see much. Doctor Sasoum who was normally a talkative person had said very little since she came aboard. Sobbash’s landing was a bit rough; at least she had thought so. She was powering down the shuttle and Samson was securing the mooring lines when she said to the Doctor. “Sorry about the landing it’s the first one in sometime for me…” Doctor Sasoum stood abruptly and left the flight deck. She exited the shuttle and without a word headed for the residence. It was Scholar’s appearance that stopped her cold at the end of the dock.

Scholar stood before her the evening sun illuminating her. Doctor Sasoum halted her progress and took a long hard look at the woman that stood before her, by her position and general stance it seemed she was blocking the path to the residence. Doctor Sasoum decided to find out if her thoughts were correct, she tried to side step Scholar and found her in her path again. “Doctor you and I need to talk before you see the Commander.” Scholar said defiantly. Doctor Sasoum stood taking in the words just spoken to her. Then she said. “Noel sent you didn’t she?” Scholar shook her head. “The Commander does not know I’m here, as I said, you and I need to talk before we see the Commander.”

The sudden change from ‘you’ to ‘we’ did not escape the Doctor. She realized why Scholar was here and exactly what she wanted. However that information was not going to be divulged in front of Admiral Sobbash or Chief Engineer Samson, who were standing about twenty meters to her rear listening to the conversation she and Scholar were having. “Fine… I’ll talk with you… ALONE.” She glanced over her shoulder and made eye contact with Sobbash. Sobbash nodded, she and Samson proceeded to walk past the Doctor and were let pass by Scholar. Once they were out of sight Scholar and the Doctor proceeded to the lake end of the dock and could be seen conversing.

Samson spotted Jinto standing over looking the lake. He motioned to Sobbash to follow him. As they approached Jinto, he said to them. “Scholar and the Doctor are exchanging information. I’m happy that they are and glad they are doing it in private.” Samson went to speak and Sobbash stopped him, she pointed at Jinto. Samson took a second look and saw what he’d missed the first time. Jinto stood before them wearing a type III headband it’s data crystals dangling in the breeze. From his position and even with his limited ability he’d been watching the southeastern sector of the island. Nothing had escaped him. He now knew where everyone with in three quarters of a kilometer was and what they were doing. It was something Lafiel had shown him on their first visit to the planet but Jinto felt uneasy using this new ability until now.

“How far along in your knowledge of the device are you? I mean have you mastered it?” Sobbash inquired. Jinto smiled. “Sobbash you must remember I’m still part Terran, and I always will be. I’ll never master an Abh device it’s not possible. The best I can hope for is about seventy-five percent functionality. It’s times like these I understand what Seelnay went through to get where she is today.” Jinto turned and faced them; the strain of using the device left him looking quite exhausted. Samson reached for him and he stepped back and said. “I look that bad eh?” They both nodded. Jinto removed the device, when he does you can see the area around his sense organ is red and inflamed. He carefully stores the data crystals, slips the type III back in its case and places his alpha on his head.

“Lafiel is not to know about this until I’m ready to tell her is that understood?” They nod together. Jinto smiled and said. “We might as well return to the Residence, sooner or later everyone is going to wind up there and I really could use a little nap.” His first step forward was very unsteady both Samson and Sobbash moved to catch him. “I believe I can walk but why don’t you two just stand alongside in case…” Samson smiled. “Your shoe happens to be untied or something along those lines?” Jinto nods the three of them proceed to walk slowly towards the Residence. Once there, Sobbash stops and talks with Lafiel while Samson helps Jinto to his bed where he falls into a very deep sleep.

As Samson approaches the door leading outside he hears Lafiel exclaim. “Dai Lexshu is my brothers first officer? Wow! Now that’s really a….” Lafiel’s face goes blank and Sobbash says. “Strange? Would that be the word you’re looking for?” Lafiel smiled. “Yes that word and this one; Coincidence. Seems my father is at it again.” Sobbash stares at Lafiel. It is that moment, that Samson steps outside. Lafiel looked up and said. “Great you’re here I’ll only have to explain it once.” She motions for Samson to sit next to Sobbash and then tells them the story of how she and Jinto really met, or were forced to meet per say. As she finished she said. “The only thing Father didn’t figure on was a war starting and Plakia dying.” For a moment Lafiel stiffens and then she continued. “I have no idea on how our lives would be had mother lived, however I think she would have been proud of what we’ve accomplished, well so far that is.” They nod and Samson says.

“There were rumors along those lines when we were assigned to the Basroil, and after seeing you and Jinto interact we knew you two had something going on however it wasn’t until Lobnas II that I really understood how you felt about him.” Samson leaned back in his chair, came forward and looked Lafiel in the face. “Answer me one question if you can. Had you not found Jinto alive on Lobnas II what would you have done?” Lafiel’s eyes flared for one second then she calmly said. “You know how close to having a break down I came?” Samson nodded and Lafiel continued. “At that time, had Jinto not survived, neither would the planet. It was that cut and dried, I would have leveled it as a monument to Jinto’s death. That was then this is now… He’s very much alive and I realize I have no right to condemn a planets population for the actions of a few. Those few, however if I would find them, they’d wished they’d never been born.” Lafiel stops abruptly.

Sobbash continues. “You’re now talking about Sol Eros aren’t you?” Lafiel remained motionless and Sobbash continued. “You should hold me partly responsible for what happened too. Had I checked the survey ships…” Lafiel eyes went bright she glared into Sobbash’s and said. “It was not your responsibility Sobbash. I was mission commander. I screwed up, my fault no one else’s and it will be my revenge when it takes place, and no one else’s. End of discussion!” Lafiel stood and marched inside.

Samson reached for Sobbash’s hand it was cold and trembling. “You knew didn’t you? You went ahead and let her…” Sobbash shook her head. “No Samson that was a surprise. I figured she would accept my explanation and that would be the end of it but she’s… She is on a blood quest, something her clan is famous for. She wants to purge the bloodline of those who’ve crossed her, and Samson she’ll do it, if it takes to her dying day. She’ll get them all.” Sobbash squeezed Samson’s hand and said. “I want to watch the sunset. I want to forget the last ten minutes ever happened. Please take me to the cliff and watch the sunset with me.” Samson helped Sobbash to her feet and they headed towards the cliff.

By the time she reached the corridor that connected the Residence to the annex she was furious. First was the comment that Duhiel would use his position to extract revenge on the one who had hurt her all those years ago. Then Sobbash’s feeble attempt to take blame for the survey ship, well it wasn’t going to work. She was the one in the family that would extract her revenge, Jinto, Duhiel, Debeusec, and Ramaj. They would soon understand that fact. Those members that tried to kill her and the Residence of Sol Eros they still were free to do as they wished. It was a freedom they didn’t deserve.

Making her way to a meeting room she entered it and closed the door, it was there her genetically engineered temper exploded. She spent the next ten minutes tossing around any and everything she could find or move. Papers, book, tables and chairs were all play things for her anger to enjoy. Not only was her anger expressed physically but she also cursed openly and with great detail towards those she wished to seek revenge against.

The dust was settling; she sat in the middle of the floor watching it drift in the sunlight that entered through the window. Dust wasn’t allowed in space it affected the workings of a spaceship. “Had this been space and there had been dust in the reduced gravity it would have floated more.” She thought. She sat watching this with great intent. Finally she passed her hand through the settling dust and the light beam that illuminated it. It would move with her hand’s passage then stubbornly return to its decent towards the floor.

She waved her hand through the dust again with the same affect. Finally it hit her, some of the things Jinto had said. She realized that there were things she could not alter, no matter how hard she tried, and like her hand passing through the dust, she was only a temporary disruption to the natural flow of things. Yes, those were Jinto’s words, the natural flow, he’d used them to describe several things in their time together, now she was beginning to grasp the meaning that he’d been trying to get her to understand. Glancing around she realized, she had altered the look of the room, it was a very bad alteration, she thought.

Standing and undoing the alterations to the room took more time than she figured. It took almost an hour, to undo ten minutes worth of effort. “What did he say? Oh yes. It was easier to destroy than it was to rebuild.” Looking around her those words became perfectly clear to her. The sun had set and the room was cooling off, she closed the drapes, passed her hand across the lamp, which dimmed, and she left the room. She took her time returning to the Residence, there were some things she needed to think about before she saw Jinto again.

The chill of the evening had caused Samson, Sobbash. Ekuryua and Risch to seek the warmth of the Residence. Once there they sat in the living room with Admiral Spoor and Commander Kufadis. The conversation was a light and general discussion of the planet and the events of the day until… “Commander Ekuryua.” Spoors calling her name stopped the general conversation. Ekuryua turned towards Spoor and responded. What Spoor said next, brought complete silence to the room, “I owe you an apology Commander, I made some harsh statements in the past about your ability to operate a spacecraft and you’ve proven me wrong. I hope you’ll accept my heart felt expression of my error in judgment and will forgive me for my statements.” Spoor sat waiting for a response from Ekuryua. Taking a deep breath and thinking before she spoke Ekuryua answered her. “Apology accepted Admiral.” She wanted to say more however she was willing to accept this unsolicited statement from one who seldom apologized for anything she said or did. Spoor nodded then she and Kufadis left the room. The four of them sat in shock, and then Sobbash said. “I don’t believe it, he finally did it. He got her to accept responsibility for something she’s said... Kufadis I salute you...” the sound of the shuttle powering up stopped her, then all eyes cast their gaze towards the lagoon.

The evening chill had forced Doctor Sasoum and Scholar to find another place to finish their conversation. Scholar opened and started the shuttles environmental system. Then she brought the main computer on line and had it join in the conversation. There was data that the Doctor had with her and that Scholar was carrying around her neck that needed analysis. It was several hours before they left the shuttle. They made their way to the Residence and found four souls awaiting their return.

Lafiel had wandered aimlessly throughout the annex. She had stopped at each room and remembered a time when they were in use to train ambassadors. That seemed so long ago. So much had happened since then. She wondered how they were doing. It seemed they never communicated with her since they left but… She now found herself in the room where she and Jinto had handed out the diplomas. Her mind reflected on that day and the words that were said. So involved was her mind she didn’t notice his approach until… “Hey Jinto. How long have you been…?” then she sensed his general state, turned to him and said. “You’ve been expanding your horizons again, haven’t you?” She didn’t need to wait for an answer. “You’re exhausted Jinto I can sense it. What did you?”

He took her hand and led her to the chairs facing the windows. Opening the drapes they sat next to each other holding hands and watching the evening sky. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for the time where you and I could sit like we use to and watch the sky…” Jinto’s grip on her hand tightened and a gentle pull urged Lafiel to sit in his lap. She sat her arms wrapped him and the chair. She faced him their eyes a few inches from each other and said. “I have missed these evenings. I forgot how your eyes captivate mine Jinto. Remember the first rain shower we experienced together?” Jinto nodded, Lafiel kissed his cheek and said. “There were a lot of firsts that night Jinto, none of them do I regret.” She kissed him and looked deeply into his eyes. “Jinto I’ve given a lot of thought to your words from the moment we met until now.”

Jinto turned his face to better view Lafiel’s. The moonlight cast a show across her nose hiding her lower face but it illuminated her eyes. Those very dark and expressive eyes she had, they were a path way to her heart and soul. They were happy, at peace, expressing that calm Jinto hadn’t seen since… “Jinto have you heard anything I’ve said?” Lafiel’s eyes were now showing the annoyance of being ignored. Jinto’s answer was completely honest. “No Lafiel I’m sorry but I didn’t hear you I was too busy enjoying the love I feel for you and the beauty that surrounds you.” Lafiel saw the smile in Jinto’s eyes and felt him starting to labor a bit. She shifted part of her weight back to the chair she was sitting on, choosing to place her head in Jinto’s lap and look out the window. “Jinto I want to discuss the planets future.” Her words caused a noticeable change in Jinto’s body. She could hear his breathing increase and feel the blood start to course through his legs. Turning to look him in the face she said. “Your body is making a statement. Are you that fearful I’ll go off on passion alone and do something completely unreasonable?”

Jinto took his arms and moved Lafiel back to her chair. He then stood up and offered Lafiel his hand. She readily took it and stood facing him. Placing his arms around her middle and gently pulling her towards him he said. “We’ve known each other for quite sometime Lafiel we have what my friends would call a history. Part of your history has been to go off on emotion or passion and do things that usually could not be undone. You’ve been lucky because until now those decisions have only affected a small number of people. Now you’re faced with the future of this planet, it’s surround system and several thousand inhabitants. I’m glad you want to talk about this and I’ll be happy to listen, but I want you to fully understand the gravity of this situation.” Jinto had expected an argument from Lafiel however she stood there quite calm taking in Jinto’s words.

Lafiel placed her head on his shoulder and said. “Funny thing Jinto, it was gravity that convinced me to change my thinking on the subject of this planet.” Jinto positioned himself to where he was facing Lafiel with the moonlight showing her face. “Gravity? I hope you’ll explain that statement.” Lafiel smiled, she proceeded to tell Jinto about the past hours and everything that had transpired. “Watching the dust fall in the sunlight and being unable to do nothing to permanently alter it’s movement brought me to the realization that Scholar, the council and I need to work out our combined futures together…” Lafiel paused turned her head towards the Residence and said. “Jinto did you hear that?” He shook his head. Jinto and Lafiel waited a few moments then the noise was heard again this time quite clearly.

“NO!” Ekuryua’s voice broke the silence, although they were quite a ways from her location. There was no mistaking the source of the outburst. Jinto and Lafiel made a hasty return to the Residence. It was there the gravity of Ekuryua’s outburst was explained.


Her fist banging the table Noel Ekuryua sat trying to understand what Scholar had told her. There was proof of what Scholar had told her and she kept staring at the display. The Doctor had accidentally created a being with the capability to transcend the basic laws of humanity, as the Abh have known it. “No… No… No… NO!” She kept staring at the display. “It’s not fair, not fair at all.” Then she glared at the Doctor. “WHY? You just had to tinker with… Now what are you going to do? What am I going to do? This is all so unfair!” Scholar approached her, sat in front of her and said. “You’re not a monster, Commander. You’re possibly the next evolution of your race. There is nothing to be upset about…”

Ekuryua pushed the display aside and looked Scholar in the face. “Nothing to worry about you say? The next step in Abh evolution you tell me? Then why don’t I feel the pride you two are feeling? Why do I feel like an outcast, like a… a… a… freak of nature, although I wasn’t naturally produced, now was I?” Her fiery glance to the Doctor, made her take several steps back. Ekuryua then returned her eyes to Scholar’s. “You’re telling me I have the ability, like Seelnay to transcend the need for instrumentality. That I can, with time operate any device with my mere thoughts? Command a ship from my bed while I sleep?” Scholar nodded, and Ekuryua continued. I don’t want that ability. I don’t want to be any more or less than I was before you told me what you had found.”

Ekuryua’s eyes finally met with Risch’s. He had been standing next to Sobbash while Noel had her outburst. “Can you still love me? Can you still love, a freak of nature?” Risch moved to her side reached down and took her hand. “We’ve faced challenges before Noel, I never thought I’d even get as far in this relationship as I have, but, I have Noel and you’ll admit we have become stronger for it. I’m here and I’m not leaving. Does that answer your question?” Her tightening grip answered his question.

She looked around her. Jinto and Lafiel had just entered the room. “Did you hear the conversation? Or do I have to repeat it?” Jinto said. “We heard enough once we entered the Residence. You need not repeat it again.” Ekuryua heaved a large sigh. “I’m glad Spoor and Kufadis went to bed early. I hope they didn’t hear this although I’ll have to tell her sooner or later seeing she is my sector commander….” Ekuryua’s voice tapers of too a whisper her grip tightens on Risch’s hand to the point where. “Noel you are going to break my hand if you keep that up!” Her grip released she looked at him. “I’ll never command again, I can’t. I’m a danger to myself and those around me.” She stood and left the room Risch followed her.

Lafiel pulls the chair out at the end of the table, sits in it, and motions everyone else to do the same and says. “Let them sort that out. We have a more pressing problem to discuss.” The Doctor tries to leave but Lafiel is insistent. “Doctor Sasoum. Stay here. This is your only warning.” The Doctor returned to her seat. Lafiel then addresses Scholar. “How soon can we dedicate this planet?” Scholar is taken aback for a moment then says. “Tomorrow morning would be the earliest. That would mean my return to the Village as soon as possible to prepare…” Lafiel cuts her off. “Would tomorrow evening be better? Or do you prefer sunrise?”

Scholar sat there for a moment then said. “It doesn’t matter Princess. The sun has to be breaking the horizon at the time of the gong’s sounding. That is the only requirement Princess.” Lafiel sat taking in Scholar’s words and said. “Thank you for clarifying that Scholar, is there a possibility I can meet with the Council after the ceremony?” Scholar glanced at Jinto he had a blank expression on his face. She felt he was as surprised as everyone else was at Lafiel’s request. “That should not be a problem Princess but the evening would be the better time to have your meeting.” Lafiel smiled. “Then it’s all set. We dedicate the planet tomorrow night, then I get to visit with the Council and see what they think about our future.” Lafiel stood, thank everyone and left the room. Jinto followed her. Sobbash, Samson, Scholar and Doctor Sasoum sat conversing. Scholar spent the next hour describing in detail how the ceremony would progress and answered questions as they were posed. Samson and Sobbash left the room after there curiosity was satisfied. This left Scholar and the Doctor to finish the discussion concerning Commander Ekuryua.

“I didn’t realize what would happen when I created her. I was hoping for…” Scholar looked at her. “A perfect Abh?” the Doctor nodded and Scholar continued. “Perfection is reserved for the Great Spirit to create. Those who serve dare not cross that line. You Doctor have crossed that line and in a big way. The Commander… your daughter… is here, she is as real as you or I, and this is not an experiment you can just turn off at will.” She looked the Doctor in the eye. “I’m at a loss to understand why you did what you did. Now that it’s done and the experiment looks to be a success what were your plans? I mean, were you planning on breeding a race of super beings?”

Scholar’s words left the Doctor sitting in disbelief. She knew that Noel would be different, she never figured out how different and never in her wildest dreams figured that Scholar and her people would be found. Let alone Noel would be one of those finding them. Now that Noel’s hidden powers have been resurrected, a rebirth, which the Doctor knew Scholar, had a large part in, what to do now? How to share this creation with the rest of the Empire? Little did the Doctor know that Scholar was reading her mind, that’s why Scholar’s next statement caught the Doctor completely off guard?

“She’s not a zoo animal for you to display and your government will never know of her powers. I will see to that personally.” Scholar said.

Lafiel had made her way to the garden before Jinto caught up with her. “Lafiel what are you planning? You made a pretty bold statement back there. Just what is on your mind my love?” Lafiel stood there, the moonlight reflecting off her features. She gave Jinto a sample of her ideas for a government to serve this planet. After an hour Jinto had little comment and was very impressed with Lafiel’s views... “Not bad Lafiel, not bad at all, I think, you, Scholar and the Council can make excellent headway with those ideas.” Lafiel smiled. “I’d like to have you there with me if it’s allowed. To make sure I don’t stray or get side tracked.” She wrapped her arms around Jinto. “I love you Jinto Lynn. I love you as I have loved no other.” She gave him a long loving kiss. Then they took a walk in the moonlight.

Risch found Noel knee deep in the lagoon. She stood there gazing at the moon and stars. Removing his shoes and socks and rolling up his pants he joined her. She placed her head on his shoulder and said. “I guess you love me? Or do you feel sorry for me? Which is it Risch I must know?” A well-placed wet hand across her bottom followed by these words answered her question completely. “You fool. I should feel sorry for you, for what? Being born with abilities the average Abh might not have for several centuries? Noel you stand here and ask me if I love you? Noel you love me and I love you. Whether you can fly a ship in your sleep or scratch a place I can’t reach, as far as I’m concerned you are that brave officer I rescued floating in the corridor and fell deeply in love with while trying to keep her alive. Knowing then, what I know now. I would have done nothing, NOTHING! Different Noel. Get that through your skull my love. I love you, period and without reservation. Now stop being a little fool!”

He took her in his arms she was crying and shivering. He picked her up and carried her to shore almost falling twice enroute. Once on the beach and dried off he spoke again. “You say you’ll never command again. Was command really that important to you?” She shook her head. “No being in space is such a lonely experience, you’re right I would be happier staying planet side. Besides I think I can become someone of importance here. Where in the Star Forces I’m just another cog in the massive wheel. What about you Risch? What do you want to do?” Risch smiled. “Simple, Follow you where ever you go and help you achieve your goals. That would bring me happiness knowing I have your love and affection. You said it awhile ago Noel, I am a simple man.” She stood and brushed the sand off. Paying special attention to avoid the area Risch had impacted. “You know I’ll have a bruise. I really wish you’d not swat me so firmly.” Risch stood and dusted him self off and said. “Hmm so you’re not the freak you think you are, just a fragile human with a few abilities the rest of us don’t have. Don’t worry I’ll not tell anyone so you can keep the impression of being super human.” Noel looked Risch in the face, as her color returned to normal she said. “I love you too!” They took a walk before retiring for the night.

Morning brought a flurry of activity at the residence. Samson and Sobbash took Scholar and the Doctor to the Village well before sunrise. When they returned they found Jinto waiting with breakfast for all. “Doctor Sasoum decided to stay with Scholar? I find that very strange indeed. I figured she’d want to spend time observing Noel.” Lafiel said as she dished a second helping of ham and eggs on her plate. “She seemed content to stay there.” Sobbash said pouring a cup of coffee. “I mean I didn’t sense that she was being held against her will or anything like that. Before we left, the hospital director, Seelnay and Doctor Sasoum were headed towards the hospital. It all seemed quite natural.”

Sobbash sat next to Lafiel took a look around her then said. “Speaking of Commander Ekuryua where is she?” Jinto cleared his throat and said. “They’re asleep, they showed up here right after you left. They were…” Lafiel cut him off. “Almost naked and covered in mud. It was an interesting sight.” Jinto turned the ham, shook his head and said. “Lafiel you had to say that didn’t you. You could have let me said what Risch told me. I think it was an accurate portrayal of the events and the way they were dressed, it did make sense.” Samson sat there a little red in the face, as did Sobbash. Jinto didn’t have to explain a thing, Lafiel’s comment told them exactly where Ekuryua and Risch were and what they were doing. “That’s fine wing flyer. I want to know where they were, not how they got here.” Sobbash said as she sipped her coffee. Samson’s eyes met Sobbash’s while her cup was in mid trip. A small smile was soon hidden by the cups approach. Samson took a portion of his eggs and consumed them without saying another word.

Spoor was sitting on the edge of her bed when Kufadis entered the room. She motioned him to be quiet then continued to speak into her creunoc. “You say Admiral Kenesh is calling. She knows I’m planet side and wished immediate communications? “Correct Admiral Spoor I have her on the other link and I can tell you right now she’s becoming more annoyed by the second.” Spoor relented. “Put her on I’ll speak with her now.” The officer’s face disappeared and Kenesh appeared, she was not pleased with the delay.

“Painiach I’ll make this short and to the point. If you’ll resign your commission in the Star Forces, return to your kingdom and never darken the Capitals doorstep again. All charges will be dropped and you can keep the Lashkau.” Spoor looked over at Kufadis he stood with no expression on his face. She then said to Kenesh. “An interesting offer, Kenesh, I’d like some time to…” “Twenty –four hours Painiach not one second more. If you refuse I have orders to hunt you down and remove you from this space. By any means necessary. Kenesh OUT!” The display fades to nothing, then the communications officer aboard the Lashkau comes back on line… “Admiral you should know the fleet commanded by Her Highness’s father has been ordered to this system. They’ll arrive in twenty –four hours time.”

The display fades again and Spoor looks at Kufadis. “Something is going on at the Capital, something big I would guess. Kenesh just offered me my life and the Lashkau if we leave soon and never return. Your thoughts on this offer Kufadis. I really need your impression of what you heard.” Kufadis sat next to Spoor he replayed the message from Kenesh and commented. “That’s not her office Admiral. In fact I’m not familiar with that setting I’m not sure if it in the Capital proper.” He says pointing at the background. “Those are Pica plants, they are not common to the Capital in fact the only place I’ve seen them is.” Spoor stopped him. “The gardens on Alterp IV. In the Rowan Kingdom, about three days from the Capital.” She opens a scrambled link to the Lashkau. “Trace that communications if you can. Then tell me how many ships are within twenty light seconds of the Lashkau. Send the information directly to this terminal and use high security.” Spoor closed the link and says. “Kufadis here’s a very little known fact, Kenesh is a native of the Rowan Kingdom. Why would she be communicating from there unless?”

Her creunoc went active, the data streamed across the screen. “I knew it! I knew it! That government they established was too fragile. The latest revelations are splitting the families apart. Ramaj is facing a revolution and she’s not going to be on the winning side. That’s why Kenesh doesn’t want me at the Capital it’s not safe. If I was to fall in the wrong hands what I know could topple the Empire as we know it.” She looked at Kufadis. “Find Ambassador Lynn, bring him to me without the Princess knowing. Kufadis, lying is allowed this time. Her Highness is not to know anything until we have a complete picture. Understand me?” Kufadis nodded and left the room.

Spoor called the Lashkau again this time her acting Captain answered. “Captain, go to battle alert, condition three. In five hours go to alert condition two. If conditions warrant I’ll return to the ship, however if I become trapped down here and this planet becomes a target, your job is to protect this planet by any means necessary, to achieve that end, you and the Lashkau are expendable. Understood Captain?” The signal is acknowledged. Spoor waits for Kufadis to bring Jinto. Her mind drifts off and wonders what is happening at the Capital.

Kufadis entered the kitchen, he found a pile of food waiting, but his lack of interest brought a puzzled look from Jinto. “Kufadis you feeling okay? Normally you take to my ham and eggs without asking.” Kufadis leaned over to Jinto and said. “Painiach and I just had the nastiest fight ever. You got a couple of minutes I need someone to talk too.” Jinto laid down his fork and made sure the stove was off. Turning to Lafiel he said. “My services as a negotiator are needed, I’ll be back shortly.” Lafiel, who was talking with Sobbash, heard most of what Kufadis had said. She waved Jinto off and said. “Remember Spoor’s temper can be just as foul as mine and she’s got a nasty upper cut Jinto. So be careful.” Jinto followed Kufadis out of the room. Kufadis lead Jinto in a very round about way to Spoors room. Kufadis slid open the door and Spoor greeted a shocked Jinto.

“Jinto are there any listening devices located anywhere in this wing?” Jinto shook his head and said. “No. I’m also assuming by the lack of anger that Kufadis lied to me to get me here?” Spoor nodded. “At my orders... We need to put that aside. There is a very important issue we need to address now. Kufadis secure the doors would you please.” Kufadis nodded and checked the doors they were secure. Spoor hand Jinto her creunoc. “Sit down and watch Kenesh’s communications then we will talk.” Kenesh’s message plays Jinto realized that she is not in the Capital it is then Spoor shows him the data she’s complied.

“Oh my! That means…” Spoor nodded. “Correct, the families are forming sides to seek control of the Empire. Since the only candidates that were ready were killed at Palum and no others have finished their training. There is a gap in the line of succession. Those families with prior governing experience like Her Highnesses are forming one side. Those with pure military experience are on the other side. What remain are the working classes and without the support of one major family or the other they’ve become pawns. What is going to happen, in words you would understand, is a …” Jinto stopped her. “Civil war of the classes and the losers are doomed to death?” Spoor was amazed but not surprised. She knew that Jinto had studied Abh history and that his own history was full of similar examples. “I’m not sure about the death part but surly exile would be in the plans.” Jinto studied the data and said. “Looks like Lafiel’s family is on the wrong side in this struggle, am I correct?” Spoor nodded. “It looks that way, that’s why I wanted to present it to you before we present it to her. She needs to know. Just how soon should we do it?” Jinto stares at the creunoc and says. “The ceremony is in ten hours. The fleet her father is commanding will be here about ten hours after that. I say we tell her after the ceremony and enlist the Villager’s help. This is now their home as well and they should have a say in its future.”

“Do you think ten hours is enough time?” Kufadis asked. Spoor shook her head. “It’s not Kufadis but while you were getting Count Hyde I decided to stack the deck just a bit.” She handed Jinto her creunoc and activated the direct link to the Lashkau tactical displays. What it showed was every ship in the sector and ten full battle groups moving from the Ileuses Kingdom toward the Vorash transfer point, at the speed indicated they would arrive in sixteen hours time. “Count Hyde that is the Lashkau support fleet, they follow me where ever I go and are ready to move at a moments notice. I’ve issued orders for them to get a move on. I’m planning on hiding them in this sector about thirty minutes from Sord transition. Should anything hostile start the Lashkau can hold its own for that amount of time. Also Commander Ekuryua’s ship and Her Highnesses brother’s ship are in orbit, however I wouldn’t be surprised if His Highness made a hasty retreat. I don’t think he wants to go toe to toe with his father.”

Jinto stood with his back to the bed and said. “That looks like an acceptable plan of action. Right now Admiral I have a favor to ask of you. I need you to deliver one of your upper cuts to my chin, but try not to break anything.” Spoor looked confused and said. “Why would I want to do that?” Then she looked at Kufadis. “You lied really well this time didn’t you?” Kufadis nodded. “Kufadis we’ll speak of this after the present emergency has passed.” The next thing Jinto knew he was flat on his back in the bed his jaw smarting. “Damn are you men all the same?” Spoor said shaking her hand. “Count Hyde your head is as hard as Kufadis is.” Jinto heard her words but was still seeing stars. At least he had eaten before he came because it was going to be awhile before his jaw would accept opening again. “Okay Kufadis get him out of here and concoct a good story. By the way what did you say to him to get him here in the first place?” Kufadis helped Jinto to his feet and said. “I told him we were fighting and just had a dozy.” Spoor, still shaking her hand said. “Well you were right about one thing. We are going to fight about this later.” She looked Jinto in the face and said. “Is this what you landers call taking one for the team?” Jinto nodded and Kufadis helped him back to the kitchen.

“Jinto!” Lafiel said her anger plainly showing. She confronted Kufadis. “Sorry Your Highness, he was slow in ducking. I managed to get out of the way but…” She turned back to Jinto. “I know you’re not alright but is what he said the truth?” Jinto nodded. Lafiel turned to Kufadis and said. “Tell Painiach that was her only free shot at my husband. Next time. She’ll deal with me directly. Make sure she understands that.” Jinto pulled on her arm and said. “Not all Painiach’s fault, you warned me I failed to anticipate her actions.” He looks at Kufadis and says. “Thanks for the help getting back, you should go back and see if you can finish what we started.” Sheepishly Kufadis leaves the room. Lafiel takes an ice pack and places it on Jinto’s jaw then says. “Does she hit as hard as I do?” Jinto nodded. “Harder than you do dear, but, you need not get in a competition to see which one of you can hurt the others mate the most. Okay?” Lafiel kissed Jinto on the forehead and showed him to the couch. He fell asleep shortly after lying down. Lafiel went back to the kitchen and finished talking with Samson and Sobbash.

Mia and Seelnay kept Doctor Sasoum at the hospital infirmary. Thanks to Scholar linking with them before her arrival they knew what danger she presented not only to Commander Ekuryua, but also to all of those who were in the Village. The plan was very simple; the Doctor was never leaving this planet again. Scholar had in essence kidnapped her and was planning on holding her there till the day she died. Mia continued showing the Doctor around the facility, her explanations of the functions of the equipment were such as to cause interest but not to tell their complete function. The Doctor was falling into the trap deeper by the moment. “Very impressive facility, I’d be happy to spend the rest of my life here studying with you and your staff.” The Doctor said after their tour was complete. Mia looked at Seelnay, she smiled, and then she turned to the Doctor and said. “You’d be a welcome addition. You may stay as long as you like.” Seelnay left them and communicated their conversation to Scholar. Then Mia and the Doctor proceeded across the square to find the Doctor suitable quarters.

Dai Lexshu was becoming concerned. The past three reports to the Capital had been acknowledged but there had been no follow up requests as were the custom. Now her long-range sensors were picking up the movement of a battle group, the computer showed the probable destination to be the system she was sitting in. As separate incidents they would mean nothing to the average officer, however, Dai was no average officer. She sensed something was wrong, but she was reluctant to report her findings to Duhiel, who himself had been acting quite strangely the past couple of days. At that moment the Lashkau started large-scale passive radar sweeps, as was the protocol dictated by going to battle alert status. Her hails to the Lashkau were ignored. She sat watching the ship adjust its orbit ever so slightly as to have a better view of the quadrant that the battle group was approaching from. Dai’s uneasiness made her reach for the comm. link to summon Duhiel but she hesitated, she decided that a little more time studying this situation was in order. Her hesitance would bear fruit, but not as she hoped it would.

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 18_Secrets and Surprises

Post by Diaho »

It was three hours before the ceremony, Jinto’s jaw was better, and he could speak without having pain. Spoor, Kufadis, Sobbash and Samson had departed about twenty minutes earlier. Spoor and Lafiel had exchanged terse looks, as they passed one another in the kitchen but no words were said. A simple dress was dictated for this occasion Lafiel and Scholar had both decided on something simple yet fashionable, in other words, uniforms of any kind were not in vogue for this event.

The initial problem arose when the replicator at the Residence showed low on raw materials to produce the outfits required. After scouring the area they found some raw materials, but still were lacking enough to produce the required items. Finally. Lafiel marched off and returned with the extra ambassador robes and several items from her closet. “Here, these should give us enough raw materials to work with.” She said with a smile. Jinto watched, as the items were place in the intake chute. He noticed a couple of Lafiel’s favorite dresses and said. “You sure you want to use those?” Lafiel nodded. “Jinto they are things, things can be replaced. This is a very important event, a once in a lifetime event. I can replace the clothes later I can’t and won’t stop what’s about to happen.”

The outfits appeared from the device, they were exactly what Lafiel had wanted. The women were to be dressed in a dark blue pantsuit outfit with a light color shirt. Lafiel and Sobbash had chosen a pale blue, Spoor a medium blue and Ekuryua had to be different, she chose a fuchsia top with a ruffled collar. Lafiel looked at that top and said. “She’s got strange taste in colors.” Jinto nodded. “That she does, but would she be Ekuryua if she didn’t?” Lafiel shook her head. The men’s outfits were as simple as the women’s, dark blue slacks and a light colored shirt. It was something Kufadis thanked Lafiel for, the simplicity and comfort of the new outfits.

The Residence secured and the hover sled loaded, Lafiel and Jinto sat in the back while Ekuryua and Risch sat up front. It was understood that Ekuryua would make this trip at a leisurely pace and nothing would change that plan. They left the Residence with plenty of time to spare. Ekuryua kept her promise it was an enjoyable trip for all.

Arriving at the Village they were greeted with a strange quiet. Although the residence were there they were not milling around as normal for this time of day. Ekuryua placed their hover sled next to the other one from the Residence and said. “We should head for the council chambers, it’s about ten minutes before we were expected to arrive and I like being early.” Lafiel nodded. The four of them headed across the square to the council chambers, it was there they met up with Sobbash and her group. Li stepped from out of the main chamber and approached them. “I must ask you, if any one has any devices on them? ”Lafiel responded. “We have nothing, as we agreed to. However when the ceremony is over I’d like permission to get my creunoc from the hover sled.” Li nodded. “There must not be any interference with the ceremony. What happens must be a natural event. You may go inside now, please sit on the left side behind my father and the council members.” Li motioned them inside, and then she went to secure the main doors.

The chamber was lit in natural light from the lamps and the fire in the center pit. The gong sat to the right of the pit and the senior members of the council stood to the left. Lafiel and her group took their position behind Kim. He greeted them and informed them no matter what may happen they were to hold their positions unless a senior council member directed them otherwise. Lafiel nodded and Kim made his way forward to join the rest of the senior council members.

The way the council chamber was designed afforded an excellent view no matter where you sat in it. Lafiel sat looking around when a familiar hand tapped her shoulder. “Your Highness I’m glad you made it and those outfits they look wonderful.” Seelnay said as she sat behind Lafiel. Looking down the members of the group she then spotted Ekuryua whose outfit in the firelight shown brightly. Seelnay tapped Lafiel and said. “With her blue-green eyes and that blouse, she is almost a beacon. I wonder what brought her to pick that combination?” Lafiel sat there, still looking around, and then she shrugged her shoulders saying. “Beats me. As long as she’s happy with it, it’s fine by me.” At that moment all noise in the chamber ceased.

From the rear of the chamber Scholar and Erin approached the gong. They were both dressed in the ceremonial robes, a bright white silken like fabric, trimmed in gold leaf at the neck and shoulders. Scholar stood in front of the fire pit, centered before the council. Erin stood to the left of the gong where the mallet stood in its holder.

Scholar then spoke. “As it was when we first set foot upon Sol Eros, the time comes to determine this planets suitability. When we struck the planetary gong on Sol Eros the sound it emitted was one of concern to all gather at that time. History proved the gong to be correct, Sol Eros was a doomed planet that met its fate just recently. What transpires next is straightforward and simple. As the sunsets through the horizon Erin will strike the gong once. Depending on what sound emanates from the gong. That sound will determine our future. The gong, being born in the depths of space, has the ability to determine our future. The time grows near to know our fate.” Scholar motioned to Erin, the mallet was raised and the blow fell on center.

Dai sat at her console; it was just becoming sunset planet side when the warning alarms sounded. There was a disturbance at or near the Village. The magnitude of the disturbance was growing exponentially and was it starting to ionize the atmosphere. She called Duhiel to the bridge and tried communications with the planet; the interference was too great. All of their scans were being reflected back. She sat staring at the display as Duhiel entered the bridge.

Erin struck the gong, for a moment there was no perceivable sound, then slowly through the bass register, it came. The building trembled for a moment as it passed through the buildings harmonics range. Then the sound went through the treble range momentarily, and then it settled back to a natural “C”. The lamps flickered and the fire in the pit flared. Then Scholar said. “It’s not possible, this planet is the one we’ve been searching for?” The sound, annoying at first, became comforting. It was then that Li looked skyward. “Elder look up!” She exclaimed. Everyone in the room turned their eyes skyward what greeted them was a light show of planetary proportions. The upper atmosphere was a blaze with the colors of the rainbow. At times it was bright enough to illuminate the inside of the chamber.

Scholar faced the council and smiled, she pointed to the doors and Li opened them. The main chamber was empty in a matter of moments and Lafiel found her self, along with the others, standing in the middle of the square staring skyward.

The Villagers stood admiring the sky, while the Abh, started to analyze what was happening. Lafiel and Ekuryua made their way to the hover sleds. They found them without power but the devices stored with in the containers showed signs of life or so they thought. “I can’t find my ship Lafiel. The scanner says it’s working, but I don’t see my ship.” Lafiel tries to hail Duhiel there is no response. Her creunoc also shows the space around the planet to be void of any spacecraft, even the communications satellites they have in orbit don’t respond. “What has happen, nothing is there, are they all dead? Destroyed in the storm?” Lafiel goes looking for Scholar. She wants answers and she wants them now.”

“Dai, what the hell is going on?” Duhiel said as he watched the planets surface scan disappear from their sensors. Dai explained what she had seen and showed Duhiel the scan. “The disturbance started here. As you can see it’s completely ionized the atmosphere. The planet is there, it’s still holding us in its orbit, but as to what’s happening on the surface I do not know.” Duhiel put the planet on the main viewer. The planet, its upper atmosphere a glow, was before him. He sat in awe, then quietly said “Lafiel.”

Scholar lowered her gaze just as Lafiel was approaching her. The sight of a very angry Ablïarsec Princess in full stride sat Scholar aback. She faced Lafiel and said. “They are all right Princess.” Scholar’s words flew past Lafiel. She started to ask point blank, then Scholar’s words returned to her. She stood for a second unable to think, then she finally said. “You mean those in orbit are all right?” Scholar smiled. “Yes Princess the changes only affect the upper atmosphere. It is happening as it was written; the planet is attuning itself to the gong. This is our promised home Princess. The disturbance should dissipate before dawn.”

The balance of the group, Lafiel was with, had made it to within listening range of Scholar’s last statements. Spoor shook her head and said. “That’s wonderful! No communications till dawn.” She turned towards Jinto and said. “We tell her now, Count Hyde. There’s no time to lose. If we can’t talk to our people before dawn then we’ll have to go on the information we have.” Jinto raised his hand to silence everyone; he turned to Scholar and said. “Gather the council, we need to go back to the chamber and have our discussions without delay.” Scholar gathered the council and proceeded inside. The Abh followed them it was Li who mentioned. “Elder are these people allowed inside? I thought this was a …” Scholar said. “This time we allow our hosts and their friends into the chamber. I feel what needs to be said should be known by all.” Li protested for one moment then taking to her father’s side entered the chamber.

The council session lasted several hours. First Lafiel presented her governmental structure for the planet, which was discussed at length. Then Spoor addressed Lafiel and the Council. What she had to say put a dark atmosphere within the room. Lafiel sat shaking her head, and then she stood in Spoor’s face and said. “Painiach, if this is your idea of a joke, it’s in very bad taste.” Spoor looked at Scholar. “Our technologies are compatible, you once said, is that still true?” Before Scholar could say a word Samson said. “Completely compatible Admiral, in fact this place is more Abh, than anything else.” Spoor nodded and turned to Scholar. Handing her the creunoc she said. “Interface this into your main viewer. There is an old saying among my people, seeing is believing. Well you should see this, if you don’t believe me.”

Scholar interfaced the creunoc and started it playing. First off was Kenesh’s warning to Spoor. Once that was finished. Next was the tactical data supplied from the Lashkau. Then finally was the message intercept from the Capital to Debeusec and his answer. Lafiel sat motionless in total disbelief then she looked at Jinto. His eyes told her what she just viewed was true. Lafiel lowered her head to her right hand, slowly shook it back and forth and said. “I need your objective assessment of our present situation, Captain, Admiral’s and Council members. We are all in this together we need to find a way out of this.” Jinto looked at Lafiel besides hiding her face, he also noticed her hand was wet. He placed his arm around her and pulled her to him. She came willingly.

Spoor then added the one card she kept up her sleeve to the discussion. A tactical display was displayed showing the Lashkau support fleet moving on an intercept course towards this system. Then Spoor explained what she had done and why it was imperative this storm subsided as soon as possible. “If we can’t talk to them. The Lashkau and the support fleet have orders to defend this system to the last ship if necessary. Considering the fire power headed this way it’ll be…” Lafiel rose to her feet. “A slaughter Painiach! You’ll kill my father and several thousand Abh to protect this planet. That’s not what I wanted, never, ever, wanted to happen.” Lafiel openly wept. It was Scholar who held her and said. “Princess, you said it earlier, we are all in this together. We can communicate with your people.” She looked at Kim and said. “It’s ready? All we have to do is the final adjustments?” Kim nodded. “Yes Elder. The array can be on line in less than four hours.” Scholar tipped her head; Kim, Samson and Risch leave the chamber. Still holding Lafiel, Scholar said. “You should get some rest. It’s been a long day and it’ll will be a longer day tomorrow.”

Sobbash escorted Lafiel out of the chamber. Scholar then addressed Spoor and the rest. “We have several ways to communicate and defend ourselves without outside interference, Admiral, I know that you did not know these things, so I will not blame you for what you’ve done. Your heart was in the right place. However your course of action leaves us in a corner.” Scholar faced Ekuryua and said. Captain I’d like your assessment of our present situation?” Ekuryua moved towards the display, studied it carefully, and said. “Tactically, we are screwed. However if you’re thinking, what I believe you’re thinking Scholar. It will be an interesting experience.” She looked Scholar in the eyes and continued. “Is this the reason for the secret rush to complete the array and your insistence I learn how to communicate with in the system?” Scholar nodded. “Between yourself, Seelnay and I, we should be able to disrupt the aggressing side. Don’t you agree Captain?” Ekuryua stretched, looked at the display, then looked at Jinto, Spoor and Kufadis and said. “Hmm? No longer a cog in the massive machine, but a way to completely foul up the works?” She looked at Scholar. “Yeah, count me in, the plan has merit and at least should not be boring.” Ekuryua left the chamber in search of Seelnay.

Jinto shook his head then says. “Scholar? Were you planning on…” Scholar stopped him. “I’m planning on stopping a war before it can start. Just as I did outside Vorash. Only this time range will not be the limiting factor. Be patient everyone, once I have developed a defensive plan, I’ll come to you with it. For now, everyone should get some rest. We have a big day ahead of us.” With that Li showed the Abh to the door and secured it behind her. “Follow Scholars advice, get some rest. Everything will work itself out in due course.” Those words brought the Abh little comfort…

Finding Seelnay wasn’t hard at all. Ekuryua opened her mind and found her in the infirmary. Seelnay stood watching the first born on the planet resting in their beds. She knew Ekuryua was there. “Hello Captain. Scholar must have made her presentation by now and you’re here to ask me if I think it will work? Am I correct?” Ekuryua stood along side her watching the infants. Finally Seelnay got her answer but it was not spoken. Ekuryua reached for her hand, the moment contact was made they were exchanging information on an advanced level. Seelnay stood watching the young ones; her smile was reflected in the glass. Ekuryua watched the young ones her smile too was growing. Finally they faced each other and Ekuryua said. “Interesting I could sense everything you were feeling. I could even sense the baby with in you. So that’s how it feels to be with child?” Seelnay nodded and said. “Most of the time, although sometimes, she causes me great discomfort. I’ll not let you experience that it’s something you should do on your own.” Ekuryua smiled and continued. “Do you think we can do this? Pull off what Scholar has planned? You know I’m a bit apprehensive about my abilities.” Seelnay nodded. “I sensed that, it’s not uncommon, my first efforts were, well, discouraging. Now that I’m under Scholar’s supervision I’ve managed to achieve so much in a very short time.” She noticed Ekuryua’s look and said. “You still need to touch to communicate? Is that what you’re worried about?” Ekuryua nodded. “Don’t let it upset you Captain. You’ve have just become aware of your abilities. Just because you can’t do something today, doesn’t mean you can never do it. Relax, be open minded, it will all come in good time.”

The attunement of Shahrazad was being observer throughout the quadrant. From their vantage point Dai and Duhiel waited for the interference to subside. Not only was it affecting transmission to the planet itself but also it was beginning to overload the radar and deep space sensors. “This goes on much longer Captain, and we’ll be blind. Then all we will have is visual and it’s intermittent at best. Should we break orbit and move towards the Sord?”

Duhiel shook his head. “Not now, notify the rest of the ships in orbit to position themselves in such a way we won’t run in to each other if total sensor function is lost.” Dai nodded and sent the message. Duhiel returned his gaze to the planet. The storm seemed to be subsiding from the southern pole northward. The colors fascinated him it was like viewing a planet, which was, being, terra formed. “Dai are you familiar with terra forming?” Dai turned and faced him. “A little Captain why do you ask?” Duhiel sat watching the display and then said. “Observe the planet, then look over the data on terra forming and see, if you see, what I’m seeing?” Dai viewed the terra forming records and the stood next to Duhiel. “I believe you are correct Captain, it does resemble terra forming, however the intensity of the event is not…” Duhiel finished the sentence. “As violent as taking a dead planet and remaking it. That planet wasn’t dead. I wonder what it will be like when this event is finished?” They watch as the southern pole becomes visible and wonder.

A very intimidated scribe had shown the Abh to the central reception area just inside the council chamber complex. The room was comfortable and there was plenty of seating. Spoor paced the room like a caged animal. “The nerve of that women, to tell me my heart was in the right place, but I knew nothing of how this planet operates.” She walked toward the main entrance trying to hear what was happening in the chamber, she was greeted with silence. “It’s no use Admiral.” Jinto said. “That room is soundproofed, outside of an explosion you won’t hear anything.”

Lafiel had been listening to the conversation since they were moved to this room. She stood and moved to the south-facing window. What she saw brought a smile to her face she said. ”The storm is clearing from the south. I can see stars on the horizon.” The balance of the group moved towards the window, Lafiel was correct, the storm was dissipating. Spoor rolled her creunoc to her view and said. “It maybe clearing, but, I still can not see the Lashkau. The interference does seem diminished though.” Lafiel nodded. “The best thing for us to do is what Scholar said, sit tight and wait.”

Spoor’s hand grabbed Lafiel’s shoulder and turned her sharply into the Admiral’s view. “Sit and wait? What are you thinking Princess? We need to plan our defense.” Lafiel’s eyes locked into Spoors and she said. “Stop Painiach, this is our planet and you’re an invited guest.” Spoor took a half step back and Lafiel continued. “Let’s reverse the tables for one moment. I’m at the Capital of your territory and I make an outburst such as you did. What would be your response Painiach?” Spoor stood motionless. Kufadis approached her and stood along side her. Taking her hand in his, he said to Lafiel. “She’s got this door in her governing office that leads to open space. I think she would have shown you towards it by now.” Spoor nodded and Lafiel said. “My point exactly, so be a good guest, sit back and relax.” Kufadis led Spoor to where he had been seated she sits next to him.

An astonished Sobbash stares at Lafiel and says. “Your Highness, are you feeling well?” Lafiel faced her and said. “Yes Sobbash I’m very well, Shahrazad is being transformed before my eyes and I realize that I am but one person. I can only do so much and we need these people as much as they need us. Everything is going to work out. Scholar is correct we will stop this conflict before it has a chance to get started.” Sobbash then added her own concern. “What about the Capital? There is a conflict brewing there. Are you going to do anything about that? Lafiel smiled. “One battle at a time my dear Sobbash. That’s the first thing they taught us in school remember that.” Sobbash nodded and returned to her seat.

Jinto stood along side Lafiel returning their gaze to the reappearing star field. “That was some speech Lafiel, you’ve impressed me, I think not only the planets being reborn but you too my love.” Lafiel moved closer to Jinto and said. “You should be glad I love you as I do, because you’re treading on thin ice. I’ve always been this way. I just decided to start showing it to everyone, that’s all.” She kissed Jinto on the cheek and returned her gaze to the rapidly reappearing stars. “We are going to be fine Jinto I can feel it and the Capital, we’ll deal with that after we are set here. No sense running off unprepared into battle. Right Jinto?” Jinto placed his arm around her waist and said. “Yes Lafiel you are well informed in this matter I’ll not question your judgment. ” She interrupted him. “Jinto I WANT you to question me, anytime you feel I might be heading in the wrong direction. Just as I will question you if I feel the same way.” They stand and watch the horizon. Nothing else is said.

Mia and Doctor Sasoum sat reviewing the results of the tests they had completed. The Doctor kept re-reading one page of the report. Mia became concerned and said. “Do you think the results are in error Doctor? We can run the tests again if you so desire.” Doctor Sasoum gently shook her head and said. “There is no error in the testing routine, it’s the results I find unbelievable that is all.” Mia stood looking very confused the she said. “Doctor you know enough about genetics you should have realized that was the reason your daughter is the way she is. I’m surprised you had not figured it out earlier…” Doctor Sasoum faced Mia and said. “Noel’s not to know about this, not until I can completely understand it myself. Right now I could try to explain…” Mia interrupted. “Doctor if you have a problem explaining this. I’ll be happy to do it for you. Your daughter has the right to know this as soon as possible…” From behind Mia, Ekuryua’s voice said “Know what? What are you two talking about?”

Seelnay and Ekuryua had left the nursery and were heading for the main lobby when Seelnay showed Ekuryua a short cut through one of the labs. “This will save us a lot of steps and today walking is not high on my list of things to do.” As they approached the door to the labs they heard voices when Seelnay opened the door they caught the last part of Mia’s last comment. They now stood before the Doctor and Mia wanting answers. At first neither was forth coming, then, the Doctor gave in and said. “We ran a battery of tests and I was the subject. The results are…” She turned the monitor towards Ekuryua and offered her a seat. Noel sat before the screen and read the page displayed over and over again finally she said. “The test was in error. This results makes no sense what so ever.”

Mia placed her hand on Noel’s shoulder and said. ”We ran the tests several times Commander. There is little chance of error. Let me explain.” She opened another display and said. “The finding was based on an analysis of the D.N.A. chemical, that carries genetic information, found in mitochondria, the part of human cells that produces energy. Once in the far evolutionary past, mitochondria were independent. And although they now are part of the human body, they have kept their own genes, separate from the chromosomes that carry most of the body's blueprints. The fact that mitochondria and their genes are passed from one generation to another only by mothers, a father's are lost in the early moments of an embryo's development, is what makes...”

Noel slammed her hand on the table and said. “You’re telling me that my mother is capable of the same abilities that I have? You’re kidding me? Right?” Doctor Sasoum shook her head and addressed Mia. “I told you she wouldn’t understand. Maybe you can explain it to her, again.” Disgusted the Doctor left the room. Ekuryua followed her with her eyes as she left, then she fixed her focus on Mia. “Well? Would you answer my question?” Those blue-green eyes flared at Mia’s hesitance to answer, then she sat down next to Ekuryua and said. “She carries the genetic information to produce an off spring with your abilities, but she’ll never have them herself. You see, although the father’s mitochondria are lost shortly after conception, he still contributes to your total D.N.A. make-up. It was his contribution that gave your body the ability to use the energy your mother passed on to you. Do you understand Commander?”

Noel stood abruptly and moved towards the door, it was Seelnay who blocked her path. “Noel we have something of greater importance to do. Your mother is going to have to wait.” Ekuryua nodded, she turned to Mia and said. Find my mother tell her I understand and once my obligation is over I’ll finish this in a calmer manner.” Noel and Seelnay leave heading in their original direction. Mia tries to find Scholar and inform her of what has transpired. She finds her, still isolated with in the council chambers. As she goes to leave, the doors to the chamber open. Scholar greets her and then learns of what’s happened. “The Commander said that?” Scholar inquired. Mia nodded. “She and Seelnay took off to parts unknown, the Doctor is in her quarters. Mother I don’t understand? Did you know that’s what I would find if the tests were run?” Scholar nodded. “I was hoping to be there when the results were made known but other things of a higher importance have come about. I need to gather all of the Abh in the conference room. Find Seelnay and Commander Ekuryua and escort them to me I’ll gather the rest.”

Mia headed for the door, Scholar motioned the scribe over. “Where are the Abh at?” She pointed towards the central reception area. Scholar then said. “All of them?” The scribe shook her head. “Find the rest of them, bring them to the reception area, and be quick about it.” Scholar said. The scribe darted off and out a side door heading for the array. Scholar took the long walk towards the reception area. She wondered if the Abh would accept her plan.

“The interference is subsiding Captain we should be able to communicate with the planet in seven hours.” Duhiel nodded then he asked. “Dai? How soon till the main fleet arrives?” Dai consulted the recent report and said. “Ten hours at their present speed Captain.” Duhiel sat watching the planet return to normal. His only though was of his sister.

Seelnay and Ekuryua were the last ones to arrive in the reception area. The leaned against the partition as Scholar laid out her plan. There was conversation among all gathered after Scholar finished. Lafiel spoke for the group. “Interesting plan Scholar, you assume many things about the Abh, that you probably don’t have factual information about. I’ll begin with the Commander of the approaching fleet, he is my father, and you’ll not find a fairer member of my family. I believe we should be able to reason with him and avoid this operation completely.”

Spoor then added, to Lafiel’s disappointment. “You’re father is a soldier first. His diplomacy has always left much to be desired. You’re acting under the assumption that he unwillingly accepted the orders to come here. What if it’s the reverse Princess, what if your grandmother told her son to remove blight from Abh space? You think he’ll be reasonable? You think he can afford to be reasonable? You’re also assuming he still commands that fleet, with the present turmoil at the Capital who knows…” Lafiel soundly cut her off.

“Painiach you are a guest on this planet I’ve told you that before. Your comments are noted.” Lafiel faced Scholar and said. “Go ahead with your plan Scholar. However unpleasant I find it. Admiral Spoor maybe one hundred percent correct in her assumptions. We can’t afford any mistakes this time.” Lafiel turned to Ekuryua and Seelnay. “You know how much those members of my family out there mean to me. However this planet and those who inhabit it are not expendable, I know you’ll act in the best interest of all concerned.” Lafiel left the room with Jinto a few steps behind her.

Scholar addressed Admiral Spoor. “You need to communicate with your ship and set them straight if my plan is to work. Follow me please.” Spoor and Scholar leave the room. Ekuryua stood before the rest of them and said. “We will stay here till Scholar and Admiral Spoor return.” Sobbash asks the question that everyone was thinking. “Commander, part of these new abilities of yours, wouldn’t include mind reading would it?” Noel shook her head. “That’s not my ability.” turning to Seelnay she said. “This is your mind reader.”

Seelnay who was still leaning against the wall as to displace some of her weight off her feet said. “Admiral Sobbash I’m not the mind reader you think. I cannot probe ones thoughts. However when someone of Scholar’s ability leaves a suggestion as she leaves. I can communicate that to the Commander. Noel seems to carry more weight with her words than I do.” Seelnay headed for a chair and sat down. “Speaking of weight. This child seems to be adding pounds to me by the minute. My feet are killing me.” Ekuryua moved to Seelnay’s side and said. “You’ve been on those feet for quite sometime. I’m glad you finally sat down.” Everyone else awaited Scholar’s return.

"Jinto you're missing the point." Lafiel said. "My family has been physically and emotionally conditioned to rule. It’s something that is in my blood my very essence. Those feelings were starting to stir when I met you, feelings of controlling a vast Empire and billions of citizens. I put them aside, then when the war started placed them far away from the reality of today, but Jinto, they've come back to haunt me again. Since we started forming the government of this planet, those haunting thoughts of ruling an Empire." She paused looked toward the stars and continued. "Jinto, my family, my world, is on the brink of a rebellion, which, will pale the war in its fierceness and brutality. The Abh have ALWAYS conducted business this way and nothing short of a complete reprogramming of our D.N.A. will change those old deep set feelings. Here you and I sit far enough from the fray, to take a neutral stance but I..." She stops it there; Jinto sensed this complete confusion Lafiel had been feeling.

Jinto moved to her side and took her hand; he fixed his gaze along with hers towards the part of space where the Capital lay. "The family business again? I thought at first I understood how it worked, but you've shown me how utterly wrong I was Lafiel." His grip on her hand tightened a bit and she responded in kind. "Born to rule or be miserable if you fail? That's how I thought it would be and when you decided not to rule and became miserable. I again thought that was part of how it should be. I was wrong. I missed judged the Abh. I've given you bad advice based on that reasoning. I hope you can forgive me."

Jinto's grip became relaxed and Lafiel could feel his body temperature drop. She moved in front of him and said. "You'll notice that from time to time I've ignored some of your advice my love. I knew someday that you and I would have this conversation and the thought of it scared me to my very core, yet here we are having it and it's going better than I could have ever hoped." Jinto had been watching Lafiel's face from the moment she stood in front of him, at first all she would do was stare over his shoulder, but now she looked him straight in the eye. She opened the window to her very soul, a window that very few outside her immediate family ever saw. "Jinto for the last eleven years there has been one constant in my life, you my love. Although when we were separated those three years, I knew I would see you again. What I saw at first, I didn't like, you grew up faster than I had, you were no longer the person who fought alongside me at Clasbul. You'd become sure of yourself and almost annoyingly cocky. I was nineteen, still a child by any races definition. I wanted to finish having the adventure we started but..."

The tears flowed freely from Lafiel's face. "The war changed everything. I wanted to be a kid for those two more years. Just you and I, be kids together and cram those life experiences into that time. So when we became adults we could..." Lafiel's eyes now showed the depths of her soul to Jinto, it was something he'd seen once before, when they were connected at the Capital. However this time there was a release of pure emotions that no machine could have handled. "I was hoping on the Basroil we could have those two years to be kids, but it was not to be. From the moment I lost the first war game I knew that bringing you along with me put your life in danger. I was utterly stupid in doing that Jinto. Then we lost the Basroil and I almost you. It felt good finding you, but those hours in the escape pod left me wondering, then we were assigned another ship and...." Lafiel’s face went blank; the tears streamed down her cheeks and were forming visible stains on her blouse.

Jinto saw the complete disconnect Lafiel was having and knew it was Lobnas II that was causing it. He placed his arms one around her waist just above her hips and the other across her back just below her shoulder blades and pulled her towards him. Her head fell across his left shoulder and her arms dangled at her side. Her soft sobbing was all he could hear and her body trembled. "Lafiel you have got to put Lobnas II behind you. We've both learned a lot from it but it's over and done with. You can not keep having hesitation in what you do based solely on what happened there. I've said this before and I'll say it again. You made a decision at Lobnas II, you rescued several thousand people from certain death and in return you had to leave me there. At first I was confused when I saw the last transport leaving knowing I could never get to it in time. I quietly cursed many things before you came back to get me."

Jinto tightened his grip a little more and said. "I even cursed you Lafiel, for running off without looking for me. Then I saw how those left on Lobnas II were fairing. I realized that you made the right decision, had you wasted anytime looking for me you'd would have condemned those aboard the transport to the same fate that those on the planet were suffering." His grip relaxed a bit and he continued. "Those people were suffering Lafiel, suffering things of a deep, dark and disturbing nature that no classroom could have ever taught. I've seen these things with my own eyes. I wish you never to experience them, but that is part of the reason I've become the man of peace that I am today. To try to prevent that suffering from ever happening..." Lafiel felt the tears Jinto shed on her back, her arms found there way around him, they stood in silence, and then Lafiel said. "I knew something happened there. I sensed it for a very long time but until you said what you said it... I guess we both have experiences from there we've been repressing all these years. When things calm down a bit, do you want to talk about...” Jinto's increase in tears and his retightening grip on Lafiel answered her question.

“You’re alright with Scholar’s plan Lafiel?” Lafiel nodded. “Haven’t got much of a choice otherwise. If Father can’t, won’t, listen to reason then we sit defenseless in the middle of combat. Not much of a choice Jinto. I hope my decision was right. No, I know! My decision was correct.” Lafiel looked back to the council chamber and said. “We should go back, they have to be wondering about us and by now, hopefully, Scholar has contacted the Lashkau. If that’s done at least the battle won’t be raging before the atmosphere clears.” She faced Jinto and placed a kiss on his lips. “Once things have settled down not only will we talk, I’d also like to be very childish too.” They return to the chamber arm in arm.

A tightly beamed message was received aboard Duhiel’s ship. When Dai tried to open it she was greeted with the famous family crest and warning. “Unauthorized viewing will result in death.” She called Duhiel to the bridge. The door to the bridge opened and Duhiel made his way to Dai’s side, reading the display he said. “Father is communicating a one way message to me, I was hoping for more but…” He entered a set of characters into Dai’s terminal, the warning screen disappeared and a simple two-sentence message appeared. “You must leave the system before I arrive. If you still wish to be Emperor. Father.”

Duhiel moved to the main display. “Tactical, show me the approaching fleet.” The tactical officer places his display on the main viewer and said. “They’ll be in scanning range with in six hours, direct communications in two after that. I estimate nine hours before they make system arrival.” Duhiel again studied the display and said. “Four ships orbit this planet, three more on the surface and, what is the Lashkau doing?” Duhiel watched as the Lashkau changed position for the third time since the area was displayed. Dai answered him. “Captain they’ve been doing that for the past six hours. They are refusing hails from us and seem to be on alert status…”

Duhiel moved to the tactical station, he leaned across the officer and placed a tracking cursor on the Lashkau. Pressing a console key he watched the replay of the Lashkau’s movements and said. “It doesn’t make any sense the fleet is approaching them from…” Suddenly he grabbed the ships sensor control and places a cursor on the Sord. Activating it he sees what the Lashkau’s interest has been, just on the edge of their sensor range sat another fleet, a fleet which Duhiel didn’t need conformation from Dai about its make-up. “Never mind First Officer I know whose fleet that is and what their intent is. Prepare to break orbit in six hours. If we’ve not established communication with the surface, we’ll leave a message with Commander Ekuryua’s ship.” Duhiel turned and left the bridge, with Dai hot on his heels.

In the lift Duhiel explained to Dai about Spoor’s support fleet. “They are as ruthless as the Admiral herself, all of them are hand picked and completely loyal to Admiral Spoor. You’ll not change the orders they’ve received Dai. Would they destroy friendly vessels? Absolutely and without question, there is nothing we can do, except heed Fathers request and leave the system.” The doors to lift opened and Duhiel stepped out. He made it about two feet and was stopped by a very firm grip on his right shoulder that spun him to a face-to-face confrontation with his First Officer.

“How can you be so cold and heartless Captain? That’s your father out there.” Dai’s eyes flared and her anger was unmistakable. Duhiel stared back with a completely blank expression and said. “I am an Ablïarsec, one day to possibly sit on the Jade Throne. We are cold and heartless when it is necessary Commander. Your objections are noted and I’ll recommend you not use physical force again. I like you Commander, but my training and position allows me certain latitudes. One of those is to make decisions, based on the best information, to protect this ship and crew from danger. Sticking around to see if there will be a confrontation is not in the best interest of this ship, its crew, or my future ambitions.”

Dai took a step back; she now had the lift door to her back. Assessing Duhiel’s statement and present look, she said. “You’ll forgive me Captain I spoke out of turn, however, are you really plan on doing nothing?” Duhiel nodded and said. “Dai we weren’t invited to this party. One thing my sister hates is party crashers. Should we establish communications with the planet and get an invite, then, and only then, will I decide to take the invitation or not. Understand me First Officer, my sister sends an invite, you do not solicit one.” Duhiel placed his hands on Dai’s shoulders and said. “You do not want to see the Ablïarsec side of me, its something I keep reserved for my enemies, not my friends.” He stepped back, turned on his heels and proceeded to his cabin. Dai reached with her left hand for the lift button, the door opened and she stepped back into the lift and returned to the bridge.

At first Jinto and Lafiel’s entry to the reception area went unnoticed. It was Seelnay who spotted them. “Your Highness is everything alright?” Lafiel nodded and asked. “Did Scholar take Admiral Spoor with her?” Seelnay nodded. ”About twenty minutes ago, I figured they’d be back by now.” Ekuryua approached Seelnay from her right and said. “You should be sitting I can sense your pain.” Seelnay made her way to a nearby chair and sat down. Jinto, Lafiel and Ekuryua joined her it was Lafiel who asked. “Ekuryua can you read minds?” Ekuryua shook her head. “I don’t know how to explain it I can sense her pain and only her pain nothing else?”

Seelnay smiled and said. “Your Highness lower your data crystals from your head band, you should be able to sense what Ekuryua is feeling.” Jinto and Lafiel extend their crystals and they both sense the great amount of discomfort that Seelnay is feeling. Seelnay continued. “The Captain is becoming a more sensitive receiver. She can sense things without fully using her headband. Whereas you two need to extend your crystals to get better reception. Am I making any sense?” Jinto nodded then he sensed a great and formidable presence approaching them.

Seelnay smiled. “That would be Scholar returning with Admiral Spoor. You should retract your crystals now. Those devices aren’t allowed to be functioning with in the chambers.” Jinto and Lafiel obeyed Seelnay but what they both had sensed gave them cause to reflect. Scholar’s power was immense yet it did not intimidate. Jinto was trying to sort his way through what he had sensed from Scholar, when Seelnay asked them to retract their crystals.

Scholar and Spoor entered the room Spoor was all smiles. “Remarkable communications device your array is Scholar quite remarkable.” She stood before Lafiel and continued. “Not only did I talk with the Lashkau but I also spoke with the support fleet commander. It’s all set Your Highness they’ll stay out of the way.” Spoors words left Lafiel feeling a little better however what she had sensed from Scholar began to heighten her curiosity. Lafiel’s silence followed by Scholar’s concerned look brought Jinto to say. “Thank you Admiral Spoor. I’m glad communications were established and everybody’s on the same page now.” He looked at Lafiel. “Your headache’s back?” Lafiel looked at him funny and then said. “Yeah it’s back Jinto.” She faced Scholar and Spoor. “If you’ll excuse us, I’m going to lay down for a bit.”

Jinto and Lafiel leave the room; Seelnay and Ekuryua follow them with their eyes, Scholar and Spoor move along then Ekuryua said to Seelnay. “You think that was wise, letting them sense Scholar?” Seelnay nodded. “It might be the first time for the Count but I know for a fact Her Highness and Scholar have communicated before.” Ekuryua shook her head. “You missed the point Seelnay, that was not communication. That was what we sense whenever she’s around. When she communicates she suppresses most of her normal radiations. Those two got to sense a lot, in a big hurry and without explanation. I think we should tell Scholar.”

Seelnay nodded. Then Ekuryua separated Scholar from Spoor and brought her before Seelnay. After a complete explanation Scholar said. “I see, so that’s what I felt before I entered the room. I figured it was interference from the planets attunement. Well we will see what happens from here on. I don’t believe they sensed and one particular event. They just saw what you have seen, only you two have the ability to sort through what you see, they don’t. After this present emergency is over I’ll speak with them.” Scholar moved out of the room. Seelnay and Ekuryua sat watching Scholar leave, wondering, if that was all that was going to come of this incident.

Lafiel sat studying her creunoc, the interference from the attunement was dissipating, and the southern third of the planet was no longer affected. “Jinto, If we got on a hover sled and headed due south in about an hour we’d be clear of the interference enough to contact the orbital satellite network.” Jinto verified Lafiel’s figures and said. “You’re really worried about Duhiel aren’t you?” Lafiel smiled and said. “That and more Jinto. Not here not now though. Once we’re headed south then I’ll tell you what I’m thinking.” She said as she approached the hover sled. “I’ll leave Sobbash a message stating most of the reasons we left without saying anything to anyone. I can’t say everything incase Ekuryua was to find it instead of Sobbash.” Jinto stood there and nodded in agreement. They left the Village heading south about three hours before sunrise.

Once away from the Village Lafiel said. “Jinto what did you feel when you sensed Scholar’s presence?” Jinto who was sitting next to Lafiel took her free hand and said. “Awe, it was like I was before an omnipotent being. Her presence was such I was unable to sense anything else. How about you Lafiel?” Lafiel tightened her grip on Jinto’s hand and said. “The awe you felt and something very few Abh have ever felt, released from our guilt.” Jinto moved to see her face better. “The guilt of destroying the ‘mother space city’?”

Lafiel nodded. “Jinto must I remind you again that is the only guilt an Abh truly feels. It’s our ‘original sin’ something we carry deeply buried inside each and every child of that culture. Those Abh like yourself who are not of the ‘blood line’ do not know, or truly understand, the burden we of the ‘blood line’ carry. Atosuryua might be an exception to that fact along with you. The two of you have seen Abh hell in your own way and might, I say might, understand the burden we Abh carry.” Lafiel released her grip and took her free hand to her face. She tried to wipe the tears clear, but it was Jinto who finally removed them for her. “I’m sorry I upset you Lafiel. I seem to be doing that quite a bit lately.”

Lafiel kept the sled at top speed heading south. The sky above them was starting to clear. Jinto consulted his creunoc. “Lafiel I have two of the satellites showing up on the scanner and your brothers ships I-dent beacon is there to.” Lafiel smiled and said. “I was right heading south was the correct course of action. I couldn’t sit by any longer. I’m an Ablïarsec first and foremost. Running away or sitting out a fight is not my style.” Jinto then questioned her statement. “Do you think we are going to have a fight? That Scholar can’t persuade them not to attack?” Lafiel shook her head. “Not that fight silly, the one at the Capital, the one that really counts. I need to express to Duhiel my opinions on a subject I fear he knows nothing about and hope most of Spoor’s information is accurate.” Jinto mulls over what Lafiel said, he went to reply then noticed the look on her face and decided the question could wait. It was a look Jinto had seen many times before, the confident unshakable Lafiel. He decided not to disturb this moment because he knew it would pass, at least it had in the past.

As Lafiel hoped Sobbash went searching for Lafiel and found her short yet cryptic message to her. Reviewing it before she deleted it she said to Samson. “Troubles brewing, we should be on our guard and protect ourselves.” Samson looked at Sobbash then said. “How about the others?” Sobbash shook her head. She said it’s everyone for him or her self. I believe she meant we were on our own till she and wing flyer Lynn return. I’m acting under that assumption do you agree?” Samson nodded then he and Sobbash headed for the Village central square. “I plan on being out in the open where everyone can see us and where we will draw the most attention. It’s hard to be harassed when you’re surrounded by your harassers.” Sobbash’s logic was sound however her reasoning has to be worked upon Samson thought. They took a seat in the square and watched the night sky clearing from the south they were not alone either.

Ekuryua and Risch had put Seelnay to bed. The length of the day and her condition had taken its toll finally. She needed to be rested before the advancing fleet arrived. Leaving Seelnay’s quarters they cut across the square to find Samson sitting there, observing the light show. Ekuryua approached Sobbash and said. “Have you seen Jinto and Lafiel?” Sobbash looked Ekuryua in the face and quietly said. “They left about an hour ago, heading south on the number three hover sled. She left a note which said she had family business to tend to.” Ekuryua pulled Risch aside they had a short conversation. Ekuryua headed for the council chambers and Risch sat next to Sobbash. Sobbash dropped her gaze from the sky to Risch and said. “You here for the view, or to keep tabs on us?” Samson and Risch were both shocked at Sobbash’s inquiry that Risch answered truthfully. “I’m to keep an eye on you Admiral, you mind explaining what’s going on around here?” Sobbash smiled. “I’ll answer your questions. If you’ll answer mine first.” Risch nodded and Sobbash continued. “First off where are Seelnay, Spoor and Kufadis?” Risch explained that Seelnay was asleep. That Spoor and Kufadis had retired for the evening in guest building number six just south of the council chambers. Sobbash nodded then said. “Be truthful, has Commander Ekuryua been acting normally since we arrived at the Village?” Risch shook his head. “No Admiral. She’s been preoccupied with something and I feel you know what it is. Don’t you Admiral?” Sobbash shook her head and said. “I don’t, but I believe Lafiel’s got it figured out. You’ll have to wait till she returns. Just watch your back Engineer.” Risch’s face paled and then he said. “You’ve answered my questions Admiral, thank you.”

Ekuryua returned to find three sets of eyes watching the light show; she pulled Risch aside and had another conversation with him. Then they joined Samson and Sobbash and watched the sky clearing from the south. It was there that Jinto and Lafiel would find them upon their return.

“Duhiel do you completely understand everything I’ve told you?” There was silence, then static as Duhiel answered Lafiel. “I understand Lafiel. I hope it’s not as bad as you’ve put it. But I’ll do as you have asked and steer clear of the conflict for now.” Lafiel stared at her creunoc. “Damn this interference. We still don’t have visual communications. Duhiel get this through that thick Ablïarsec skull of yours, IT IS that bad if not worse. I hope it does not turn into open combat because I cannot think of one ship of the line that has a crew loyal to one side or the other aboard. Understand me brother? If this blows up like I feel it might, you could very well have crews taking on one and another aboard the same ship. Got that brother?”

There is more silence then a blast of static followed by Dai Lexshu’s face. “Captain! Her highness is on visual. I’m transferring it to your quarters.” Before the transfer is accomplished Lafiel asks. “Commander? Have you been listening to this conversation? Dai nodded. “The Captain ordered me to and once visual communications were established transfer it to him. Princess, I’m loyal to your brother you need not worry.” Lafiel’s facial look hardened then softened. “You’re loyal to him, that is good, but to keep me happy see that he stays out of trouble. You better transfer me to him or he’ll be on the bridge. I’ll explain the delay Commander.” Dai nodded and the switch was made. Lafiel and Duhiel finished their conversation it was made painfully clear to him that his sister was correct in most of her assumptions when the data Spoor presented was finally transmitted to him. “I’m taking fathers and your advice. I’m leaving orbit before he arrives, but I’ll not leave the system. Once this is over I want to see you physically. Understand me Lafiel I’ll be back.” Communications ended Jinto and Lafiel returned to the Village, it was almost sunrise and the atmosphere was almost clear overhead.

Lafiel sensed what her eyes saw was not what it seemed. There sat Ekuryua, Risch, Samson and Sobbash watching the sunrise as if nothing was wrong, but the inverted collar pin on Sobbash’s jacket told Lafiel not only had Sobbash gotten the message, but also she was probably right in her assumptions. She took Jinto’s hand and approached them. “Morning everyone. Are we planning on staying up till the fleet arrives?” Sobbash shook her head. “No just waiting for you to get back before we turn in. You got everything accomplished I gather?” Lafiel nodded. “That and a little bit more it was a very productive trip.” Sobbash and Samson stood stretched then looked at Ekuryua. “You said guest building number six just south of the council chambers is that where our rooms are too?” Ekuryua nodded. Samson, Sobbash Lafiel and Jinto headed that way with Risch and Ekuryua bringing up the rear. They would get about seven hours of sleep for those who slept.

“Prepare to break orbit, notify Commander Ekuryua’s ship they now have the duty.” Duhiel sat backing the center seat and thought. “Some duty trying to protect one planet with one attack frigate against about twelve hundred to one odds. I hope their Captain leaves before the fireworks start.” Duhiel scanned the main viewer one last time. The planet was about sixty percent recovered. He wished he could stay to watch the final hours but… “Break orbit, move us to the outer planet and establish a high orbit upon arrival.” The ship left orbit and would arrive at its destination in three hours time. This would put Duhiel out of tactical range of his father’s fleet’s sensors, but would still give him a visual look at the system. He looked at Dai and said. “You spoke with my sister, however she did not divulge the topic of the conversation I’m guessing you’re not going to either First Officer?” Dai smiled. “Not even if you ordered me to Captain, your sister can be quite persuasive let’s leave it at that okay?” Duhiel sat back in the center seat and watched as the planet grew smaller. Even at this distance Lafiel had more influence than he did. He wondered what would have happened if she had become Empress. The thought ran a cold chill down his spine…

The mid afternoon sun entered through the partially drawn blinds. Two very intense rays found Jinto’s left eye. He sat up and looked around. Lafiel was not in the room with him, her shoes were gone from the floor. He stood and wandered into the next room. Her jacket was gone and so was she. Returning to the other room he grabbed his shoes and creunoc, activating the device he found where Lafiel was. Stumbling out the door he made his way to the square it was there he found the entire Abh party, looking skyward. As Jinto approached the square he looked skyward. What greeted his eyes stopped him in his tracks. The entire northern sky was still glowing, as it had been when he went to sleep; however the blue of the daytime sky filled the voids in the storm. The colors were breath taking. Hues of greens, violets, blues, and reds were mixed in with the blue of the sky.

“Jinto it’s a rainbow without the rain.” Lafiel said as she stood next to him. Jinto was taking a panoramic view by slowly turning his body and letting his eyes stay fixed at one angle. He raised his creunoc and activated the image capture mode. “It won’t work Jinto.” Lafiel said. “We’ve been trying for an hour to capture that image, all you’ll get is blue sky.” Looking at his creunoc Lafiel was right it was clear blue sky. Jinto stood puzzled even a rainbow would be captured by the imagining feature of a creunoc, unless what they were seeing wasn’t refracted light. Jinto changed the setting on the creunoc and took another scan, this time he had an image which still did not show the beauty of what his eyes saw.

Lafiel saw the image and commented. “How did you do that Jinto? What settings did you use?” He handed her the creunoc, she paged to the settings and said. Visible light, full spectrum, show radiation as colors.” She set those setting in her creunoc pointed it skyward and got a picture. Looking puzzled she said. “Was it the show radiation as colors setting?” Jinto nodded and then said. ”I’ll explain it later. How long have you been out here and how far off is you father’s fleet?”

For more than a moment Lafiel’s face showed panic. She hastily fumbled with her creunoc and said. “Almost two hours, err TWO HOURS, the fleets within scanning range by now.” She paused and showed Jinto a message she’d received an hour ago when the interference cleared. As Jinto read it Lafiel said. “Duhiel left orbit just after sunrise, he’s still within the system but staying clear of what is about to happen. We need to find Scholar…” Lafiel went to rush off and Jinto stopped her, he pointed towards the square and said. “Seelnay and Ekuryua are still watching the sky. If Scholar was doing anything you would think she’d come after those two by now.”

Those words had just left Jinto’s lips when Li rushed by them, she gathered up Seelnay and Ekuryua and headed towards the array control center just east of the council chambers. Lafiel motioned to the rest of their group to follow her as she turned towards that same direction. They arrived shortly after Li and her party had.

The array control room was Scholar’s office. On Sol-Eros it had been in the council chamber, which left little privacy. This room contained not only the array and its controls but also the data banks of the Village. Scholar had access to anything and everything in one place no longer did she have to wonder as she had before. This modernization would prove of great importance in the upcoming confrontation.

Kim and several Villagers stopped them from entering the room. “Princess, Scholar has asked that you wait here until she can talk with you, her office is too small to comfortably accommodate all of you.” Lafiel nodded and said. “Please inform her of our arrival and ask her not to engage the fleet until we have spoken.” Kim, a bit amazed with what Lafiel had said, agreed and went down the corridor towards Scholar’s office. The door opened and he entered the room.

Lafiel leaned against the wall and said. “I need to bring Jinto up to speed, he’s very confused at the moment so if you will excuse us.” She started to walk outside and Jinto followed her. “I was going to ask you about that statement. I’ll assume you and Scholar have spoken this morning?” Lafiel nodded. “She was the one who woke me, she saw Duhiel’s ship leave orbit and wondered if I knew why? At that time I had an idea but it wasn’t until I spoke with the Captain of Ekuryua’s ship and received Duhiel’s departure message that I knew for sure. Jinto you remember those orders Father received from the Capital and his response to them?”

Jinto nodded and said. “ I was going to ask you about that Lafiel. You took all of that too calmly. I know how you think about orders like that and when you showed only a minor annoyance, it has left me wondering…” Jinto paused looking for the words to say and Lafiel filled in the blanks for him. “Wondering if my Father commands that fleet?” Jinto nodded and Lafiel continued. “My best guess is that he sits in the center seat but someone else is pulling the strings, which means grandmother no longer has the support of the majority of the other families.” She turned to Jinto and looked him straight in the eye. “You’re going to be angry with me but right after Scholar and I spoke. Painiach, Scholar and I entered into a mutual cooperation treaty.” Jinto’s face showed his disappointment in not being there to watch this happen and he said. “Well it is your planet, dear, I just live here with you.”

The heat of Lafiel’s anger could be felt half way down the corridor. “Jinto Lynn, if I didn’t love you so I’d flatten you for that statement. However you are justified in saying it. We did agree a while ago that they would be ‘we’ and not ‘me’ discussions. This time was an exception, you were asleep on the other side of the Village and…” Jinto cut her off. “You were afraid I’d say no? Come on Lafiel I hope you know me better than that. Remember I asked you how you were going to support this place if the Empire cut us off? Well it looks like you found a way to do it and I’m glad you have, it will be another tool we can use to make the Capital see reason.”

Lafiel stood there, her anger subsiding, Jinto moved towards her and took him in his arms and said. “You did good Lafiel. You can tell me the details later. I am happy to learn this before Spoor could tell me about it.” Lafiel gently dug her fingers in to Jinto’s back and said. “Jinto if I didn’t know better I’d think you were a member of my family. That was a pretty cutting statement.”

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 18_Secrets and Surprises

Post by Diaho »

Jinto ran his fingers gently up and down Lafiel’s spine and said. “You do have a tendency to bring out the best in me Lafiel. This time I figured I’d see if I’ve learned anything from you. You know your family is infamous for its cutting remarks. Especially the subtle and slashing ones, remember?” Lafiel tightened her grip and said. “Jinto you’ll never be an Ablïarsec. Where as I can be a Lynn and enjoy every minute of it.” Kim’s voice calling to them interrupted the rest of their conversation. “Scholar will see you two now.”

Shahrazad and the system that surrounded it were unremarkable even by most landers standards; to the Abh its only benefit was its location adjacent to the Sord. It was a navigational aid and nothing more. The Abh never thoroughly studied planets because they had no interest in them. This planet and its system once was a Mecca of humanity it contained secrets of that lost civilization. Now that Shahrazad was inhabited again, the planet was undergoing changes that would eventually unlock the secrets contain within it. At that moment not one soul on the planet knew how the next several hours would take Shahrazad from being just a dot on a star chart, to being a force to be reckoned with. The only thing Lafiel knew it was going to take everything everyone could offer to avoid a battle that could lay waste to this quadrant of the galaxy. Lafiel and Jinto now faced Scholar in the array control room. The small room was a buzz with activity. The Light Snow fleet was with in scanning range.

“Princess you’re being hailed. It’s your Father.” Ekuryua said. Lafiel looked at Scholar. “Where should I stand so we send the view we agreed upon?” Scholar pointed to the clear area by the window, “Over there Princess the video device is pointed towards the window. Lafiel stood in the position she could see the display across the room. She took a deep breath and said. “Put him on.” The display came to life and a face, not her Fathers, was displayed however she knew who it was. “You command the fleet then? I’ll assume my Father’s unharmed.”

The displayed view widened out to show Debeusec standing on the bridge; it was obvious he was being guarded. “We’ve come after the people you removed from Sol-Eros. Hand them over and nothing will happen to you. Resist and we’ll take them by force.” Lafiel faced the video device and said. “These citizens will never allow you to do that. I’ll make you a counter offer. Remove yourself from this space or face the consequences of your inaction.”

The face on the display showed shock, followed by laughter. “You’re hardly in a position to make ultimatums Princess. Although the Lashkau orbits your planet, it is only one ship of the line. We’ll take it out with the first salvo. I give you twenty minutes to convince those people to surrender, if they do not then we will advance.” Lafiel stared at the device and said. “Twenty minutes, twenty hours, twenty years, it makes no difference, no one from this planet is going anywhere with you.” She glanced towards Jinto he stuck his head out the door and said. “Now Admiral Spoor.” Painiach had an open link to the fleet hiding inside the Sord. She was awaiting word from Lafiel to have them advance into the system. With Jinto’s words she ordered them to make an entrance that would make the opposing fleet take notice.

Most Sords can handle warships up to seven wide at a time; the Sord that was adjacent to Shahrazad was unique that it could handle ten wide continuously without doing any damage to the Sord or surrounding area. Spoor’s support fleet poured out of the Sord, took an offensive position between Shahrazad and the advancing fleet. Spoor’s fleet was at battle ready, with weapons systems locked on the opposing fleet. The look on the face in the display changed suddenly as it did Lafiel said. “I am Lafiel Lynn, Governor of the planet Shahrazad. You will remove your fleet or face vaporization.”

The face in the display disappeared and was hastily replaced with Debeusec’s; from behind him these words were heard. “Talk some sense into your daughter, if you want her to live.” Debeusec faced the screen and said. “You’ve taken his name, this means…” Lafiel stood for a second and said. “What I do, I do as Lafiel Lynn, I’m sorry Father, and I hope you’ll understand.” Debeusec nodded. “I understand Lafiel, my death will not be at your hands.” Debeusec is removed from view and the original face reappeared. “I have my orders, I plan on carrying them out. You’ll be responsible for the outcome.”

Lafiel glanced Scholar’s way, a gentle nod of her head brought these words from Lafiel. “I’m afraid not, you will not advance any further.” Lafiel dropped her head and the show began. The display dimmed as the ship suffered catastrophic failures one after another. With in a matter of minutes the Light Snow fleet sat helpless to do anything. Life support, at a minimum and communications were all any of the ships had. Lafiel raised her creunoc to her lips and said. “Lashkau, you may board the Jemkau and arrest its Captain for crimes against the planet Shahrazad.” Lafiel then returned to the display the Captain of the Jemkau still facing her and said. “I will make a lesson out of you. You will be a messenger from this planet to those who decide to cross this system’s path in the future.”

As the Captain was removed and Debeusec took the center seat Lafiel said. “Father, are there others aboard the Jemkau I should know about?” Debeusec shook his head. “He was the only one to worry about. What did you do to the fleet?” Lafiel smiled. “Sorry, Daddy, that information is classified. You’ll leave the system if I return your ships to you?” Debeusec relented, the display faded to nothing and with in the hour the Light Snow fleet was retreating.

The celebration was beginning in Scholar’s office it was Lafiel who stopped it. “That’s enough, we’ve won only the smallest of victories. Engineers at the Capital will figure out soon enough how we did what we just did and the ships will be modified.” Scholar shook her head. “Not true Princess, the minute one of those ships hooks into any central link. Every Abh ship will know what happened here today and will take appropriate action if ordered into this space again. You were right, the machines my ancestors created forcibly over came us and became the Abh of today. The machines that the Abh have created were over come by us to create a peace for all time. The circle is completed. Now we await the final outcome.”

Scholar looked at the communications log and said. “You did one thing that wasn’t planned for Princess. We now have a prisoner, what did you intend to do with him?” Lafiel got this devilish smile on her face and said. “He’s coming here and we’re going to impress upon him the errors of his ways. That’s all.” Jinto shook his head. Seelnay and Ekuryua got this evil smile. Scholar gently shook her head from side to side and said. “You saw more than I though Your Highness, you really want me to impress upon him the depth of what we could have done?” Lafiel nodded. “He’s the ruling member of the opposition to my grandmother. I believe he needs some serious enlightening. Don’t you Jinto?” Jinto motioned for them to leave Scholar’s office and to convene this discussion where all present could hear and comment.

In the reception area, joined by Kim, Li, Erin, Scholar and the balance of the Abh, Jinto said. “We have a prisoner. The standing opinion is that he be brought here and educated as to what will happen if any one tries to cross our path. Is that what was said down the hall?” Lafiel hadn’t seen government work like this before and the openness of the conversation made her cringe. “Jinto. That’s what I said. Why repeat it again?” Jinto motioned to those gathered in the room and said. “Because we formed a government and part of that is discussion between the ‘we’ instead of the ‘me’, remember?”

Lafiel’s face flushed for a moment then she said. “You’re right Jinto. We did set up a government to do that.” She turned to the group and said. “Your opinions on the motion to educate our prisoner and the method of education.” A quiet discussion was held amongst those of the Village who were present then Li said. “In this case we will defer to what the Elder has decided, if the balance of the governing body agrees.” Jinto looked at Scholar and said. “What did you decide?” Scholar stepped to the front and faced the Abh and said. “This time and this time only I’ll explain the repercussion of crossing this planet to one person. Should the rest of the Abh not take heed of our warning then? More discussion on the next step will have to happen.”

Jinto looked around the room there was a general consensus of opinion to stop the Abh before they tried again. “So who’s going to get him?” Ekuryua motioned to Seelnay and said. “Wanna take a ride?” Seelnay grimaced and said. “Okay, remember one thing.” Ekuryua got this funny look and said. “What’s that? Oh yeah! You’re pregnant. No problem I’ll be gentle.” They wondered out of the room and headed for a hover sled. Before they got out of sight, Jinto said. “Noel, bring him to the Residence. No one sees the Village.” A wave of her hand as she left and they were off. Jinto turned to the group and said. “We should return to the Residence, as we agreed, no outsiders are allowed to the Village until they’ve cleared a security check.” Scholar went with them and the rest kept a look out towards the skies.

Jinto, Lafiel, Scholar and Risch rode back on one hover sled; Sobbash, Samson, Spoor and Kufadis rode back on the other. Sitting next to Scholar, Risch asked about what had been bothering him. “Is Noel going to change dramatically, I mean I can see she’s changed, but how much more is she going to?” Scholar sensed his confusion at his first word and let him express that incoherent thought all they way through. “Commander Ekuryua is the same person as when she arrived on this planet, she now has abilities that your race will acquire in the future. She needs time to find her self. I just placed her in a very difficult position and she did extremely well. Engineer she’s still the same person you love, and I can tell you after conversations with her that she loves you too. Let her have a bit of space and you’ll see, things will work out.”

Risch sat there for a moment and then asked. “What did she do back there? I mean you took only a matter of minutes to disable a complete fleet.” Scholar smiled. “The Commander was in charge of overriding navigational and weapons systems, Seelnay handled propulsion and life support. Your matter of minutes; was the result of over twenty hours scanning that fleet. You forget how powerful that array is, even though the planet was enveloped in the attunement the array could easily see through it.”

Scholar paused for a moment, then said to Lafiel. “Princess the results of the first tests concerning the effects of the attunement should be ready soon. I’ll have Li forward them to the Residence.” Lafiel nodded and then said. “I guess from now on you should address me as Lafiel, after what we did today, I’m assuming I’ll be stripped of my title and holdings. I did deify the ruling families wishes and I have used my true identity.”

Jinto reached across and took Lafiel’s free hand. She smiled at him and continued. “I’ll have to check the records. I don’t think a female from my family has ever used any name except the family one in public before. I guess I made history today.” Jinto gently squeezed her hand and said. “You made history today Lafiel, we all did. How the historians treat our little rebellion will be the test of that history.”

The hover sled was approaching the Residence the silence was broken with Ekuryua’s departure to rendezvous with the Lashkau and return the man, whose grandfather had tried to kill them all at Vorash, to face his judgment at Lafiel’s hands. They left the sleds and stood watching the shuttle leaving. Lafiel looked skyward, most of the atmosphere was clear, except for the northern pole. Ekuryua was almost to sub orbital status. Jinto’s placing of his hand on her shoulder brought her back to the here and now. “You figured out what you’re going to do and say to him?” Lafiel shook her head. “Not exactly, I’d like to hear his side first. Just keep me away from the weapons locker, okay?” Jinto turned Lafiel towards him and they stood in a gently embrace. “Not to worry.” Jinto whispered in her ear. “The guns are all locked up and I’ve made your office Lafiel proof, the breakables have been removed too.” Her nails dug into to his back and she said. “Lafiel proof? Hmm I guess I’ll let that comment go for now, don’t you dare use it in public though.” Lafiel was facing the lake and Jinto was facing their friends. Her comment had wondered with the wind, Jinto saw several smiles and smiled back. Lafiel’s secret was safe.

Seelnay felt better, the lift off had imposed a couple of extra G forces, but the ship had accommodated for them. She was now in the two-thirds gravity that the Abh enjoyed while in space. “Much better, so much better.” She said to Ekuryua. Then she reflected. “You had me come along because?” Noel sat at the controls her intense look was shortly replaced with puzzlement at Seelnay’s statement. “I figured you wanted off the planet for a bit and I wanted you along in case our guest got rowdy.” Seelnay smiled. “You were correct about being planet bound but…” Her words stopped as the northern pole came into view. “Noel, look, its so beautiful.” As it was the disturbance was in its final moments, the colors seemed to whirl and swirl relentlessly. Ekuryua activated the shuttles sensors and made several sweeps. Going to the Lashkau was going to be delayed for the moment. The moment ended up being almost two hours.

Docking with the Lashkau, Ekuryua found a message from Lafiel. It was more of a concern than a chewing out however when Noel told Lafiel about the data they had gathered she was not as concerned. Ekuryua finished her conversation and turned to see their prisoner being escorted towards them. Before her stood their passenger, the head of the second most powerful royal family, the person who vowed openly to finish what his grandfather had started six month earlier, the complete annihilation of the builders, the true enemy of the Empire. He was in electronic restraint and the commander of the watch handed Ekuryua the electronic key. “He put up quite a fight once we got him back to the Lashkau. I’d consider leaving him restrained until you get him where you’re going.”

Ekuryua accepted the key and said. “We’ll keep him like this. I’m sure we’ll not need these when we return him.” She motioned him towards the shuttle and he charged her. A sweeping swing with her left leg left him on the deck her right boot in his throat. “No one said you had to be living when you arrived planet side. Try that again and it’ll will be your last effort in this world.” She reached down and grabbed him by the device and said. “Get up. Get on your feet and behave.” The guards from the Lashkau stood in disbelief; Commander Ekuryua had done in five seconds what they couldn’t do in over two hours. Tame that prisoner. He stood and walked into the shuttle. Ekuryua secured the door and the guards left the airlock.

Aboard ship, after securing their passenger, Noel looked at Seelnay and said. “Got into his head did you?” Seelnay smiled. “Just left a image of what would happen if he disobeyed us again.” Noel buckled in, detached from the Lashkau and started their return. “Floating in space, is that what you showed him?” Seelnay shook her head. “Get the preprogram started and I’ll show you.” Ekuryua entered the data and place the shuttle on auto, and then Seelnay took her hand and relayed the event to her. Ekuryua snatched her hand away and said. “That’s very disturbing Seelnay no wonder he came quietly. It’s still sending shivers down my spine.”

Seelnay smiled and said. “Be glad you can’t sense without touching or you would have seen that too. You were in such close proximity to him. And it all happened so fast I just blurted out without taking aim. Hope none of the crew saw that vision.” She paused, giggled, and then said. ”Well they’ll get over it in time if they did.” Noel sat there the chills still running up and down her spine. She wondered what Seelnay had seen in her life to generate such a disturbing scene, the reentry and landing where uneventful.

Only because Scholar had known its position, did Duhiel’s ship escape what befell the Light Snow fleet. Now they wished to return, but the Lashkau stood in their way. “Captain.” Dai said. “They are still refusing communication and continue to broadcast the general warning.” Duhiel sat back in the center seat. “Where is this ‘do not cross’ line of theirs located?” Dai displayed the system on the main viewer and over laid the line the Lashkau was defending. Duhiel sat for a moment and said. “Navigator take us to that line, slowly.” He walked over to Dai. “The moment we can communicate with the planet. Bring us to a stop and get my sister on the link. I’m pretty sure she forgot about us being out here. I’ll be in my cabin.” Duhiel left the bridge and Dai thought. “I hope that’s what it is Captain, if your sister has turned on you, I’ll not be able to control you.” Dai watched as the ship drew closer to the line on the map, they were about one hour away.

Ekuryua powered down the shuttle as Seelnay emptied the sensor data into her creunoc. They went to the back of the ship and claimed their prisoner he caused no commotion. It was sunset as they escorted him to the addition next to the Residence. It was there, wearing side arms, Samson and Risch took over and ushered him into Lafiel’s office.

Lafiel’s office was the original administration office, from the day when the facility was used to train ambassadors. When they first returned with the Villagers Jinto and Samson had converted it into a general purpose, office, meeting room. There was a communications console with links to the security and satellite systems. It was also tied into the complex’s main computer system. The door opened into a rectangular room with a display on one wall, windows facing the lake on the other and Lafiel’s desk on the third as to be the first viewed upon entry.

Samson and Risch escorted their ‘guest’ into the room and place him in a chair facing Lafiel, who was standing behind the desk. The door on the wall beside the display opened and Scholar, Spoor, Kufadis, Sobbash, Seelnay, and Ekuryua entered. Jinto entered through the open door Samson and Risch had used and pulled it shut behind him. Lafiel stepped from behind the desk and approached her guest. Samson handed her the electronic key, then he and Risch took a few steps back.

As Lafiel released the restraint she said. “You are here to convey a message back to the Capital, or die where you sit. The choice is yours.” Lafiel removed the device and Samson unholstered his weapon. Sliding his thumb to the maximum setting he made sure their guest saw this and placed the weapon at his side at the ready. Risch followed Samson’s lead and Lafiel said. “You have a choice, if you wish to listen then I’ll continue to speak, if you wish to die say nothing and you’re dead.” Their guest faced Lafiel and said. “I’m listening Boz.”

Lafiel shook her head and said. “It’s Lynn. Lafiel Lynn. Call me that name again and this conversation is over along with your miserable life.” Jinto took a half step forward and Lafiel shot him a glance that stopped him. Samson raised his weapon to a position that only a pull from his thumb would accomplish Lafiel’s present wish. Their guest sat defiantly and said. “Then kill me, I’ll not call you anything except what you are.” Suddenly he grabbed at his ears and violently shook his head. Seelnay was resting against the desk containing the display. Seelnay then addressed their guest. “I strongly suggest you reconsider the Governor’s request to be addressed as she has wished or the next time I’ll kill you personally.” Deciding he was outnumbered and that death at a laser was preferable to what he just experienced he relented and said. “Governor Lynn, I’m listening.”

Lafiel started a conversation that lasted almost one hour. In that time it was impressed upon their guest what this planet was and was going to be. Shahrazad wished a cooperative relationship with the Capital, but it was also stressed that Shahrazad and its surrounding system, was not under Abh rule, nor would it ever be. Not all of the details were related to this guest. However he would be given a data crystal to be presented to the Great Council upon his return to the Capital. Then it was time for Lafiel and Scholar to impress upon him what would happen the next time a hostile force approached this system. That explanation took a few minutes to convey. Their guest had absorbed a lot on information in a short time, however this last bit of information was mentally impressed upon him. “He’ll never forget those words.” Ekuryua whispered to Sobbash.” Sobbash nodded. She would not forget what was said that day either.

Samson and Risch escorted their guest from the room and took him to another room down the hall. Lafiel looked at the rest of the group and said. “That went rather well although, Seelnay, I wished you hadn’t tried to break him. He was…” Seelnay shook her head. “He’s a bastard just like the Barron was. You should have killed him, mark my words, he’ll be back, and next time, he’s all mine.” Seelnay moved to the chair their guest had been removed from and sat down. Lafiel was as stunned as were the rest of them at Seelnay’s comment. Lafiel composed her self and said. “We got one more little problem.” Jinto stood beside her. “Getting him back to the Capital?” Lafiel nodded. Spoor raised her hand and Sobbash said. “Maybe not. While you were in conference, your brother called. He said something about the Lashkau wanting to slice him into itty bitty pieces.” Lafiel gasped, raised her creunoc to her lips and instructed the Lashkau to allow her brother’s ship to proceed into orbit. Duhiel and Dai arrived planet side with in the hour.

Dai marveled at the beauty that surrounded her. Duhiel decided a while back that his last trip would include his First Officer. He wanted Lafiel and Dai to get to know one and another. It was through Dai, that Duhiel intended to keep in contact with Lafiel. They made their way towards the Residence, where they found Lafiel sitting at the table just outside the kitchen door waiting for them. “Hello Duhiel, Commander Lexshu. Duhiel I’m a bit surprised I though you weren’t coming back here especially after what has happened.” Lafiel said. “I wanted you two to meet and I understand you have a package you’d like delivered to the Capital.” Lafiel looked past them to see Noel standing in the doorway an obvious smile upon her face. “I see my staff has been doing their job too well I might add. Yes Duhiel I need you to deliver him to who ever is in charge at the Capital.”

Duhiel nodded and said. “That would be grandmother. Word of what has happened here has already made it way to the Capital and beyond. You’ve settled quite a bit with your actions today Lafiel. The government grandmother and Kenesh established has control for the moment, the family is awaiting my return with your guest. It seems his actions were not well understood until he made his move. His original orders were to escort the Lashkau out of this space or try to, midway through the mission he seized control of the Jemkau and you know the rest.”

Duhiel, now noticeably tired, sat next to Lafiel and Dai Lexshu continued. “As we were discussing entering orbit with the Lashkau, we received two transmissions. One was from your Father I have it stored in my Creunoc along with a transmission from Ramaj. I’ll transfer them to your device.” Dai place her creunoc to a level viewing distance and sent Lafiel the contents of the two files she had. After doing so and verifying that transfer was complete she deleted them from her device and said. “You have the only copies of those messages Lafiel. I’ve deleted the ones aboard ship and from this device.”

Lafiel stood and moved towards the light from the kitchen door. Activating her creunoc she viewed both messages. The last message moved her to tears. She moved back to the table, sat next to Duhiel and said. “Do you know the content of these messages?” Duhiel shook his head. “They weren’t addressed to me sis I didn’t look at them in fact the one you should ask is standing next to you, she informed me of their presence and loaded them from the ship directly to her creunoc.” Lafiel looked into Dai’s eyes and said. “Well Commander did you know what these said?” Dai shook her head. “Sorry Lafiel they are encrypted, I’ve already learned not to bother with a family message that encrypted.” Dai was correct Lafiel had to enter the password to view both messages. She leaned back and called Jinto to come outside.

Jinto who was sitting at the kitchen table conversing with Scholar excused himself and ventured outside. Lafiel directed him to where she had stood and showed him both messages. When the last one finished Jinto took Lafiel in his arms and said. ”You were expecting something like that, weren’t you?” Lafiel nodded. “I was but I was also hoping to have a chance to explain myself.” She placed her head over Jinto’s shoulder and wept. “They have no idea of what we are trying to do out here. They just came to a snap decision without even…” Lafiel could no longer speak coherently her weight shifted from herself to Jinto so rapidly they almost fell to the ground.

Scholar felt a great disturbance from outside the room. She stood up in the middle of the conversation she was having with Ekuryua, Sobbash and Seelnay and moved to the kitchen door. The rest of them followed her. Opening the door she found Jinto and Commander Lexshu trying to support Lafiel who had collapsed. She offered a hand followed by Sobbash and Ekuryua. They carried her inside and placed her on the sofa. Seelnay moved to her side, scanner in hand. “She’s fainted.” Seelnay said then she glared into Jinto’s eyes. “What happened out there?” she demanded. Scholar restrained Seelnay and said. “Settle down, it was something she saw, not anything anyone out there said.” Scholar motioned the rest of them back to the kitchen and said to Seelnay as they left. “When she comes to, let me know, alright Seelnay?” Seelnay nodded.

Back in the kitchen Scholar asked one question. ”What was in the last message she saw? What ever it was triggered this episode. I firmly suggest you do not let her view it again until she…” Scholar paused. “Did someone die? I’ve only sensed something like that once before, when my other daughter died.” Scholar stood motionless it was Jinto who responded. “Physically no one has died Scholar, however Lafiel may have emotionally died just now.” Duhiel shook his head from side to side and said, “It’s my fault I should have viewed those messages. I’ve failed to protect her.” Jinto placed his hand on Duhiel’s shoulder. “Wouldn’t have mattered brother. She would have found out sooner or later. Since you do not know of the content of the message from the Capital. I’ll have to ask you not inquire any further. I guess you’ll find out when you arrive there, Duhiel.”

Duhiel slammed his fist on the table and said. “I’m not going anywhere till Lafiel’s better.” Dai interrupted. “Captain we have to be somewhere in less the four days. Our only reprieve will be going to the Capital first.” Duhiel looked at her. “Fine! You have the center seat, extend my apologizes to Admiral Kotoponi and follow her orders to the letter.” Dai stared at him. “You’ll throw away being Emperor for your sisters well being? If she was conscious …”

“I’m conscious Commander.” Lafiel said. She made her way to the table and sat across from Duhiel. “You would throw away the only chance to make right all the wrong that’s been done in the past two hundred years because of me? I ought to flatten you right now Duhiel. You cannot let personal vendettas or anything else stand between you and your goal. You must become Emperor to correct the wrongs our clan has done, not only to its self, but to those others I speak of, my brother, those oppressed ones? Now your going to throw that all away, because I’ve made a choice to buck the Empire and in turn they just ostracized me?” Lafiel’s words brought a deadening silence to the room. She got up and headed out the door. “It’s too stifling in here. I’ve got to have some fresh air.” The door slammed behind her. Jinto and the rest followed her outside.

Lafiel stood outside gazing at the stars and said. “I don’t think I’ll miss being a member of a space fairing race in fact I’m beginning to like the feel of soil beneath my feet.” She looked at Duhiel. “You now know too much brother. You better get your package and be on your way.” She motioned Jinto to show Duhiel to his passenger, as they left Lafiel said to Dai. “Let’s walk towards the shuttle. I’d like to talk to you a bit before you leave.” They leave heading toward the dock. When Jinto, Samson, Risch and Duhiel showed up with Duhiel’s passenger. Sobbash pointed them towards the dock. “They went that way, you’ll find them at the shuttle.” The party made their way slowly toward the dock.

Lafiel and Dai were finishing up their conversation as Jinto arrived. Lafiel removed a data crystal from around her neck and presented it to Dai. “He was suppose to deliver it to the Capital but I still find myself not trusting him.” At that the prisoner made an outburst. “As you should Boz…” he didn’t speak another word because Jinto had laid him out on the dock. Standing with his foot along side his face he placed that family ear beneath his heel and said. “Ever had something kicked from your head before? She told you never to address her that way, don’t you have any manners?”

Duhiel removed Jinto from his passenger and said. ”His kind enjoys physical violence. You’ll only make him happy if you do as you have said Count Hyde.” Duhiel picked up his passenger, as the prisoner was standing there, he was overcome with intense pain.” Lafiel looked around, Seelnay was nowhere to be seen, however Scholar stood at the transition from the dock to the island, with her eyes closed her thumbs twitching. With every twitch, their prisoner suffered enormous pain. Finally he dropped to his knees. Scholar approached him and said. “I have entered your mind, you are now accessible to my will where ever you are. One more outburst like that and I’ll reduce you to a vegetable. Do you understand me?” Still convulsed he nodded.

Scholar turned to Lafiel and said. “Seelnay was right, he will not represent our views. He is a corrupt and worthless being. A slow death is all he deserves.” She approached Dai Lexshu. “We need someone to tell our story, we were hoping this one would, but he will not. I’ve removed all the information he’s gained since his arrival on this planet. I need a new emissary to convey our story to your government.” Scholar looked at Duhiel and said. “You’re not a suitable candidate Prince, you need an open mind to accomplish the task at hand. You must become Emperor.” She returned her gaze to Dai. “I can impart in a few moments what your government needs to know. That information along with the data crystal you carry around your neck will completely plead our case to your leaders. The memory I will place in you can be temporary or lasting, the choice is yours.”

Dai looked at Duhiel, he nodded his head and said. “The decision is yours Commander. I’ll support what ever you do.” She turned to Scholar. “I want to remember everything I want to be that other friendly voice you’ll need.” Scholar smiled and said. “Extend your data crystals child. This won’t hurt one bit. I promise.” Scholar placed the crystals one in each palm then she and Commander Lexshu closed their eyes. You could see the rapid eye moment of REM sleep in Commander Lexshu face. A moment later they stood eyes open facing each other. “Any questions Commander?” Dai smiled. “None Elder. None what so ever.” Scholar nodded and said. “Then go with the blessings of the ancients and present our case to your people.” Dai turned to Lafiel and said. “I’ll do my best to correct the error that’s been made.” With that she headed towards the shuttle. Jinto followed with their passenger and his escort.

Duhiel faced Lafiel. “I guess this is goodbye. I’ll not see you again until I’ve become Emperor. I can’t afford it, unless there are some drastic changes at the Capital, seeing you again will be too dangerous.” He placed a kiss on Lafiel’s forehead, she responded with a bear hug. “Be safe my brother, I’ll be expecting to hear from Dai soon enough. Don’t worry about us we’ll be fine, Spoor’s already sending supplies our way.” Duhiel nodded and left for the shuttle. He found Jinto releasing the bow mooring line and said. “Take care of Lafiel, I’ll be sure to stay alive now that I know how important my becoming Emperor means to you.” Jinto shook his head and smiled. “It’s not Lafiel and I that your becoming Emperor will help, it’s your people that you’ll lead to better times. When the time is right we will be here to help you to that end.” A firm handshake is exchanged and Duhiel entered the shuttle. Jinto, Samson and Risch join Lafiel and Scholar on the dock. They watched as Duhiel’s shuttle left. Then they headed for the Residence.

Seelnay had felt two distinct bursts of energy from the docks. She was preparing to venture that way when Scholar approached the Residence. Seelnay and Scholar stood before one another exchanging information, and then Seelnay said. “I’m glad you didn’t kill him because should he cause more trouble…” Scholar stopped her. “He’ll not bother anyone again he’s destine to become a Boz among his people. I’ve made him realize what crossing us will entail. The data Commander Lexshu carries not only pleads our case, but also contains enough evidence to alter the power structure at the Capital. His crimes will be well known and soon.” Lafiel faced Scholar. “We agreed you would not interfere in the workings of the Empire did we not?” Scholar greeted Lafiel with an icy stare. “I have not interfered Lafiel. I have made it known to all, the plot to discredit you and cause you to fall from grace with your people. Since you have no plans of sitting on that Jade Throne, it is not interference, it is setting the record straight.”

Scholar moved to the table and sat looking skyward she then continued. “We have bigger problems than your Capital. This planet needs to be explored. We need to know the changes the attunement has made. That along with the fact your government, will order those ships that orbit this planet to leave soon. We will need defenses to replace them, our own fleet of trading, defense and survey ships. I know Admiral Spoor has offered to protect us and the help is readily accepted; however she also has territory of her own to tend to. So we need to construct our own fleet and soon. I think four defense ships will be adequate.” She kept looking to the night sky, watching the stars and she continued. “We are on the threshold of completing the dream our ancestor had when we landed upon Sol Eros. It’s a dream we all share, that’s why your concerns are important. However you’ll need to decide which home you’re loyal to, this one, or the one that floats in the darkness of space.”

Scholar lowered her gaze and met Lafiel straight in the eyes. “It was difficult, at first, to reject our old home as we looked for a new one. Unlike you, we were forced to leave due to differences.” Scholar paused then continued. “Doesn’t matter anymore, those we had differences with are long gone. You’ve chosen this path and we of the Village will help you get use to this new environment if you wish…” Lafiel sat across from Scholar one could tell that Scholar’s words had moved her. “Thank you, I’ll try to remember everything you have said, right now the help you’ve offered is something we could share among all of us.” She looked at Jinto. “I’m very tired. I’m going in. Carry on in my absences, please.” Without saying another word Lafiel went inside. Jinto watched as she left then said. “It’s been a long day maybe we should all get some rest.” Jinto’s suggestion was accepted readily, after getting everyone settled he went to find Lafiel.

Checking the rest of the annex Jinto secured it and proceeded towards the Residence. In the connecting tube he heard the sound of distant thunder. Once in the Residence Jinto checked the scanners, sure enough there was weather heading their way. It looked to miss the Village, but they should have rain and fairly soon. Jinto signaled his guest, notified them as to the storms approach, and then headed towards Lafiel’s room. Wet footprints on the floor attracted his attention; he followed them through the kitchen and outside. Lafiel sat at the table in a bathrobe, her hair in a towel.

Jinto sat next to her. “You all right Lafiel?” Looking into her eyes it was obvious to Jinto that Lafiel was far from being right. She sat looking towards the approaching storm and said. “I’m not Jinto. I feel like the weather that’s approaching us, unsettled, turbulent and hostile.” She point to the storm and said. I’ve never seen weather like this before, notice how tall the clouds are Jinto.” Jinto looked towards the storm, as he did, cloud to cloud lightening lit up the approaching storm. What he saw brought him to his feet. The front was a roll cloud; you could see the large flat anvil head behind the roll cloud.

Grabbing Lafiel’s hand he took her inside. “Jinto’s what’s wrong?” She said. Jinto said very little. He consulted the scanners again and let out a sigh. “It’s going to miss the Village, but we are going to get clobbered.” He made a general announcement throughout the compound, a warning of the inclement weather that was approaching them. He took Lafiel and headed to the middle of the Residence. “We should be alright here, we are far enough from the windows that should anything occur…” Lafiel put her arms around him and he could feel her tense up. “This is going to be a bad storm?” before Jinto could answer the storm let loose the first part of it fury. The Residence shook and the lights flickered. Lafiel stood there holding Jinto to the point of restricting his breathing. “Lafiel relax your grip, I can’t breathe.” Jinto struggled to regain his breath as Lafiel released her hold on him. The storm continued for about thirty minutes then subsided as fast as it had approached them. Jinto and Lafiel fell asleep on the floor, it was there Ekuryua found them.

Lafiel felt a strange presence she turned to find Noel looking her in the face. “Let me guess you were in the shower when the storm hit and you made it here in just a robe?” Lafiel nodded. “What time is it? Noel pointed to the kitchen window. “Sunrise was a few moments ago. Samson and Risch went to the lagoon, it seems the storm did some damage, and they were looking around to see how much.” Lafiel felt for Jinto and couldn’t find him. “Where’s Jinto?” the sounds from down the hall told all where he was. Lafiel looked at Noel. “You know that’s not a bad idea Jinto has, I’ll see you in the kitchen in say five minutes?”

Noel smiled and helped Lafiel to her feet. Lafiel headed down the hall and met Jinto coming out of the bathroom. “Don’t you ever leave me half dressed on the floor again! You’re lucky Noel found me, had it been anyone else…” Jinto could feel the heat radiating off Lafiel. “Sorry Lafiel, nature called and I forgot we had a house full of people.” Lafiel was not moved by Jinto’s words, she moved him out of the doorway and entered the bathroom securing the door behind her. Jinto turned to find Noel facing him. “I guess I should tell you a blanket would have precluded Lafiel’s angry outburst.” Jinto looked at her and she continued. “Jinto. Robes need gravity to function properly, vertical gravity, not horizontal.” Jinto was still sleepy, it took a moment for Noel’s comment to sink in then he said. “Oh my all she was wearing was.” Noel nodded. “Yeah Jinto, and from the waist up, the rest gravity had taken to the floor.” She turned and walked off. Jinto stood there feeling very foolish. Now he knew why Lafiel was so angry.

“This shuttle’s fine. How about the lead one?” Samson said as he finished inspecting the shuttle Spoor and Kufadis had brought from the Lashkau. Risch was standing in front of Lafiel’s shuttle. A large tree limb had struck the forward section causing minor damage to the radar unit. “This one’s got a dent in the radar dome and a few scratches from the tree limb hitting it.” He looked forward towards Ekuryua’s shuttle and said. “This one’s hurt pretty bad Samson, most of the tree that glanced off Lafiel’s hit this one dead on.” Upon closer examination he said. “ It’s still afloat but until we can remove the tree I don’t know how bad the damage is.”

Samson took a look around him and said. “That was a fairly violent storm, we were lucky it stayed to the southwest had it came straight across the island we could have…” Risch stood alongside Samson observing the scene Samson was seeing. Several trees were topped by the storm. Debris lay strewn about the lagoon. The Residence and annex had escaped damage however the garden had suffered some wind damage, that and the sensor network at the falls were off line, probably due to power loss from fallen tree limbs. Risch put his hand on Samson’s shoulder and said. “Looks like we’ve got work to do. How do you think we should approach it?” Samson pointed towards the Residence and said. “We report what we’ve found to Her… ah, err, um, Lafiel, and see what she has to say. We work for her now remember?”

Risch nodded and said. “I’m glad to see you’re not the only one whose going to have problems adjusting to her new name and title. I can’t bring myself to calling her by her first name. I was thinking on addressing her by her title, Governor, kind of like calling her Admiral but not using her first name.” Samson smiled. “Whatever you’re comfortable with, right now though we need to check the sensors and get back to the Residence. I’m sure by now everyone’s awake and wondering what we’ve found.” They made their way to the falls. The damage was more than just broken power cables. The sensor array was completely destroyed. The area had suffered from a micro downburst of wind. It would take several days of hard work to repair the damage. “Well that was a mess.” Risch said as they headed back to the Residence. Samson agreed he knew Lafiel wasn’t going to be happy with his report, but on a lighter note they were all alive and the major structures were intact and functional. It could have been much worse.

Approaching the Residence, Samson got the first whiff of trouble in the air. “Risch, you smell that?” Risch took a deep breath and said. “What is that? It’s horrible.” Samson raised his hand the wind was coming from the northwest he started looking up the hill and behind the Residence when it caught his eye, there was smoke coming from the main power grid. “Whoa the grids on fire.” He started to run towards the site, and then the first flames became visible he said to Risch. ”Go to the Residence and get help. I’ll go see what I can do, approach the fire with the wind at your back remember that.” Risch headed for the Residence and Samson made his way to the power grid.

Arriving at the grid he found a small fire had started in the debris piled around the exhaust port. Grabbing a broken tree limb, he managed to make a break line in front of the fire before it had a chance to advance. The wind was light and the material was very wet. As Jinto, Risch and Kufadis approached from his back he said. “Help me clear this area and we’ll let the fire burn out. There shouldn’t be any damage to the power grid. We need to make sure it no longer has fuel to consume.” The area was cleared and the fire burned out in about a half hour. Going through the charred remains, they paid special attention to make sure all hot spots were out. Samson looked over the grid and said. “Didn’t get hot enough to char the paint. However we need to go over this island and make a through removal of this dead brush. If it should take a lightening strike the fire would burn everything in its path.” He looked at Jinto and said. “There is a lot of little damage to the island an a couple of large messes too. I figure we’d better find the Governor and tell her how bad and how long it’s going to take to fix everything.” Jinto nodded they made their way down the hill towards the Residence.

“OH Jinto! You smell bad, don’t you dare come inside.” Lafiel’s nose seemed very sensitive to the smell of wet burnt vegetation.” Jinto shook his head and said. “So what do you suggest we do? Strip naked and shower in the Residence?”

Lafiel’s answer was not one Jinto expected. “If the hot tub is working, use that, if not, use the lagoon. But you’re not coming in here smelling like that.” She opened the door and placed a stack of towels on the table. Holding her nose she went back inside and addressed them again. “I’ll have clean clothes on the table when you return, then we can talk more.” Begrudgingly Jinto and company headed for the hot tub. It had survived the storm and made an enjoyable bath. Dried and changed they made their way inside to find a group meeting in the living room.

“The sensor array’s destroyed, one shuttle is damaged badly and the fire at the power grid is out?” Sobbash nodded. “That’s what I found when I went looking but I must add that Samson and Risch had gone ahead of me they probably have details to add to what I’ve already told you.” Spoor leaned back in her seat and said. “Ships? I’ve got plenty of those. Converting them to your needs shouldn’t be a problem. You do have one small transport that we can convert to a defensive role. You wanted it to be remotely controlled is that correct?” Scholar nodded. “I have plans at the Village for the three types of vessels we will need. Now I know your not doing this for free Grand Duchess. So what’s the bill going to look like?” Spoor came forward in her chair and said. “I propose a trade. Ships and support for a presence in this system.”

Spoor activated the display on the table, laid the system view upon it and said. “The outermost planet has an asteroid that is of suitable size to establish a base upon, if I can get your permission then…” Lafiel faced Spoor. “You’re not going to be spying on me, are you Painiach? If you were the answer would NO.” Spoor became angered for a moment then said. “I guess I deserve that. I’ve watched you from a far before. My plans for the station are these. To manufacture fuel, to give you a base in this system that’s friendly and to make a statement to the Capital.” Lafiel nodded her head. “I’m sure the ruling family will be very pleased to see an outpost from your family sitting on the edge of their home turf.” Lafiel smiled. “Home turf. That’s an interesting notion; maybe I’m getting this lander language down. Well at least I think I made sense.”

“That was the correct usage, Lafiel.” Jinto said as they entered the room. “Are we invited to join this discussion or have you already got everything figured out?” Lafiel scowled and pointed them to the set of chair next to Seelnay. “We’ve been waiting for you, instead of wasting time, we discussed future plans. Right now. If Samson is ready I’d like to know what he found on his inspection. Samson leaned forward and said. “Sobbash has hit most of the high points, however she missed a couple of things. The garden has suffered some damage, it is repairable, and we need to mount a clear away effort. There is too much dead and rotting vegetation on this island. If we were to suffer a fire this island and everything on it would be destroyed.”

Lafiel nodded. “We also need fire fighting equipment, the Village has it own, but we have none and after seeing how long it took for that small fire at the power grid to burn out it’s not acceptable. Had the conditions been different, that small fire could have ravaged this island.” Jinto sat in amazement. Lafiel’s understanding of land-based operations had markedly increased in the past few weeks. She had observed the storm and noted it was hostile. Something, which when they first arrived, would have confounded her. She now understood the dangers that fire posed to them and understood the need for defensive equipment. She was growing, becoming more attuned to her surroundings. Jinto wondered if there was more to the planets recent attunement than the atmospheric disruption they saw.

“Jinto?? Jinto!” Lafiel’s sudden volume increase along with calling his name returned him to the present conversation. “I’m sorry Lafiel my mind was elsewhere. You were saying?” Lafiel frowned and looked him straight in the eye. “The sensor array, at the falls? The extra sensor units, where did you put them Jinto?” Jinto pointed towards the annex and said. “The storage locker on the west side of the building Lafiel.” Lafiel turned to Sobbash and said. “The spares are there, if you and Samson would start assessing the damage I think that’s the first thing we need to fix.” She turned to Noel and said. “How about you and Risch go to the dock and fully assess the damage to the shuttles.” She looked at Spoor and Kufadis. “Would you like to help them?” they nodded. Finally she faced Scholar. “Would you and Seelnay want to look at the garden?” Scholar and Seelnay nodded together. Lafiel smiled and said. “Jinto and I will roam the island looking at everything else and stop along the way to see how you are doing.” Looking out the window she said. “We have about eight hours till sunset. How about we meet back here in six hours and have dinner?” There was general agreement in the room and the group took off in their respective directions.

Jinto and Lafiel were the last ones to leave the Residence. Lafiel leaned in the doorway blocking Jinto egress. “I’m not apologizing, however I want to discuss this mornings events with you.” Leaving the doorway and facing Jinto she continued. “I wasn’t afraid of the storm this morning and I really wasn’t concerned on how I was attired, it was the look Noel had on her face that upset me, it was a look the grand chamberlain would have had. I felt I had been discovered doing something I shouldn’t have.” She glanced at her creunoc and said. “Duhiel should be approaching the Capital about now. It will be a couple of days before they pass this way again. I’m sure Dai will be communicating with me then.” She stopped and looked at Jinto he was fixed on her words.

“Jinto I’m having a problem, I’m doing a very bad job of trying to communicate it to you. I …” Jinto placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her. “If your having problems then maybe we should head out and see how the rest are doing. In the process of doing that, you might find the words to tell me what you’re thinking?” Lafiel nodded then she and Jinto headed for the garden.

“Those poor roses.” Seelnay’s voice rang up the path from the garden. Lafiel went ahead of Jinto to find about half of the garden was destroyed. Jinto arrived to find Lafiel holding a rose plant in her hand the tears streaming down her face. “Jinto this was the rose I …” Jinto placed his arm around her waist and pull her close to him. “The plant’s not done for Lafiel, look here.” Jinto pointed to the stub that was protruding from the ground, there hiding in the mulch was new growth, and by next spring the stalk would be back to its original height. “It still with us Lafiel a little care and it will be blooming again. Just as it was when we first found it.”

Jinto turned his attention to the vegetable part of the garden. What he saw made his heart sink. The storm must have had hail in it because most of the crop suffered from hail damage. Jinto confirmed this when he found a piece of hailstone buried in the mulch. “This was a very violent storm.” Jinto said as he examined the hailstone. Lafiel stood next to him and asked. “You can tell that from a piece of ice?” Jinto nodded, placing the hail stone on a rock he took his knife and cut it in half. Inside the stone it looked like a cross section of a tree, there were rings lots of them and quite thick too. “You know how hailstones are formed?” Lafiel shook her head and Jinto proceeded to explain the up and downdrafts of a storm and how high the tops would have to be to cause a stone of this apparent size to be formed. “Remember Lafiel this stone even though it was buried in the mulch has lost much of it original size.” Lafiel looked at the stone again, since Jinto had removed it from the mulch and cut it in half it had lost nearly half of it size. “Then when it fell from the sky it was…”

Seelnay interrupted her. “Jangor ball size. A Jangor ball measures about forty-three millimeters in diameter. Those were some pretty big stones, big enough to harm a person if they had ventured out in this storm.” She pointed to a depression in the soil at the foot of the hill. “If you look in here you’ll see part of a stone and since this was a straight drop. I’ll use the crater as an approximation of size.” The hole was impressive to Lafiel; the stone had neatly buried itself about the length of her index finger in the soft soil. Lafiel looked at Jinto. “So that’s why you took me away from the windows incase one of those stones broke it?” Jinto nodded. “That and if the storm had brought forth a cyclonic event. We called them tornadoes they were very destructive.”

Lafiel knew she was in need of education on this subject of weather, if she was going to be living here. “Jinto you’ll show me how all this works later. Right now can the garden be saved?” Seelnay smiled. “Most of the flowers have new growth. The vegetables on the other hand.” She walked to the tomatoes and beans and said. “The tomatoes are ruined, the beans may or may not recover it’s hard to tell. The rest is a total loss I’m afraid.” Scholar moved next to Jinto and said. “We have seed at the Village for most of your crop, except the beans. I’ve never seen beans like those before.” Jinto smiled. “Beans, I have covered. We still have seed for those. Want a few for your garden?” Jinto inquired of Scholar. “Yes I would, thank you very much.” Jinto place his hand on Lafiel shoulder. “I think we should be moving along. They seem to have this under control. I figured we’d go see Samson and Sobbash next. I’m sure their task is very involved.” They bid Seelnay and Scholar good by and headed towards the falls.

On the way Lafiel begins to notice more and more damage to the island. She pointed out several trees lying on the path to the southwestern shore. “Jinto what happened last night? I’ve never seen the island looking like this before.” They rounded the corner that led to the falls and Lafiel stopped in her tracks. Most of the tress that were around the falls lay strewn here and there. The row that was to the west of the falls seems to have taken the brunt of the storm. They were bent over or snapped off. Branches and leaves floated in the stream that led to the lagoon. Lafiel looked around her slowly taking in everything she saw. The area no longer seemed familiar to her. It was as they rounded the corner, they were transported to an alien world. ”Jinto, it’s so horrible. I can’t bear to look at it!” She moved her gaze to where the array once stood. She caught sight of Sobbash and started making her way towards her. Jinto followed about two steps behind her.

Sobbash was assessing the damage when Lafiel’s footsteps caused her to look over her shoulder. “It’s pretty bad, Samson thinks it will be a couple of weeks till the array is working again. He has managed to reestablish the link with the orbiting satellites; we at least have communications back. We also have some long range sensor function however Samson and I both feel the problem is in space and not here on the surface.” At that moment Samson emerged from a group of fallen trees. “Good you’re here I can tell everyone at once.” He stood next to Lafiel and motioned to where the arrays use to stand and said. “That area is no longer suitable for an array. The damage to the vegetation is too extensive I suggest we move the entire site to here.” He points to a rocky outcrop on the other side of the falls and continued.” If you’re worried about it being seen I can camouflage it. That area is actually higher than the old site it will give a better view of the Village and surround territory and it is accessible from the southwestern path. You’ll not have to get near the falls to access the site.”

Lafiel looked around her. The area was devastated. Nothing stood where she remembered it. The falls were the only constant, but their lush shade had been stripped away. She looked at Samson and said. “How much of the original site can be reused?” Samson’s look answered her question. “Can the power cells be salvaged?” Samson pointed to the outcrop again. Lafiel studied the site, there stood the power cells and a lone sentry device. “You have communications, but the long range sensors in the satellites are not functioning correctly. Sobbash and I need to take a trip and have a look at them.” Sobbash stood next to Samson and continued. “We’ve done about everything here that we can for today.” She pointed to a pile of broken sensors at the end of the trail. “You may be able to get one or two working devices out of that pile. But we’ll need to produce some more devices. Until that time, we’ll have to rely on Scholars array and what information the satellites in orbit can send us.”

Jinto shook his head. “There are three devices in the locker at the annex if you can make two out of that pile, then five will be enough for the time being.” Samson takes a long look at the pile of broken sensors and says to Sobbash. “Are you certain we can make two out of that mess?” Sobbash smiled. “At least two for sure, maybe a third, but we’ll not know till we get that pile back to the Residence.” She looked at Lafiel and said. “We’ll come back later with a hover sled and retrieve this mess. Have you been to the dock?” Jinto shook his head. “Figured we’d save the best for last, but seeing this mess I hope the docks not as bad.” They both shook their heads. “This was the worst of it. The docks, well you should see them for yourselves.” With that they left the falls and doubled back towards the docks.

As they approached the Residence, the sound of a laser rifle firing could be heard coming from the docks. Lafiel quickened her stride and nearly ran down the path towards the dock with Jinto, Samson and Sobbash right behind her. Clearing the vegetation of the island and getting a clear view of the docks Lafiel stopped, Samson got one look at what was going on and yelled to Risch. “That’s one way to clear tree limbs. Let me guess you forgot the cutting device?” Risch pointed to the end of the dock. The cutting device sat there, obviously damaged and with that Risch said. “We tried to do it in one cut and well it’s busted. So I came up with this idea. The only problem is it cuts the tree fine, but also sets it on fire.” About that time Noel, Painiach and Kufadis come up from the lake with buckets in hand. Noel, not seeing Lafiel, says. “Ready to have another go at the large limb? This time we’ve got enough water, I think?” Risch pointed towards Lafiel,

Noel followed Risch’s motion with her eyes, spots Lafiel and said. “Oh Hi! How long have you been there?” Lafiel stepped on to the dock and marched towards Risch; on her way she pauses at the cutting device, gave it a cursory look and made her way to Risch. She extended her hand and Risch placed the laser rifle in it. Turning the rifle so she can see where it is set she says. “This has enough fire power to breach the hull of this vessel.” Seeing where the rifle was set she continued. “As I figured set to maximum.” She takes her thumb and slid the control back. Turning toward the tree she said. “Which branch?” Noel pointed to the next one they wanted cut, Lafiel took aim and pulled the trigger. The bright blue white beam sliced neatly through the branch and it fell on the dock smoldering just a little. With in five minutes the tree was cut in neat pieces and stacked on the dock. Lafiel then turned her attention to the shuttle. There was a lot of tree damage and one graze mark from the laser rifle.

She handed Jinto the rifle and faced Noel. “This was your idea correct?” Noel sheepishly nodded. “I’ll also guess you were the one who tried to cut too much tree at once?” Noel nodded. Lafiel then displayed a little of her famous family temper as she dressed Noel up one side and down the other. “I want you to understand I don’t like doing this but this is no longer the Empire. When things break we have to fix them.” Suddenly Lafiel spun on her heels and left the dock. Everyone stood in silence as Lafiel disappeared up the path that led to the Residence. “Some things been bugging her most of the day, she’s tried a couple of times to tell me but the words have failed her.” Jinto said as he removed the power pack from the laser rifle. “Noel you’re lucky, her heart wasn’t in that chewing out you just received.”

He handed the rifle to Risch and said. “Clean up around here. I’m going back to the Residence. When you get back make your selves comfortable, I’m going to get to the bottom of whatever is bothering her.” Jinto turned towards the Residence and left the dock. The rest of them stood there and watched him leave. Then, they did as Jinto had asked. They cleared the area, checked out the shuttle, and returned to the Residence. Approaching the garden they met Scholar and Seelnay. Samson explained what had happened and they made their way to the Residence. When they arrived a note was left on the table. Samson opened it and said. “Oh my.” He showed the note to Sobbash. “Damn she’s ran off and Jinto’s following her. Sobbash raises her creunoc. It showed Jinto was down by the falls and Lafiel was, in the Residence? At that moment Seelnay came out the door with Lafiel’s creunoc in her hand. “Count Hyde knows she has left this here. I’m assuming he’s following her footprints.” Looking towards the setting sun she said. “I guess we’ll have to wait.”

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 18_Secrets and Surprises

Post by Diaho »

Lafiel’s footprints became harder to find as Jinto approached the falls, however he had a good idea of where she was headed. Lafiel was a creature of habit and normally she was predictable, but this time she had left Jinto without the slightest hint. Jinto wondered what had triggered this episode. His question would be answered shortly.

Lafiel had a special spot where she would go when she was upset. This spot was adjacent to the falls on a rocky outcrop just west of where the sensors were placed. The path was partially blocked however it showed signs recent clearing. Jinto was sure Lafiel was at the end of this path. Making his way towards the outcrop he heard Lafiel openly sobbing. Once clear of the trail, there sat Lafiel in her safari outfit, the large machete sitting by her side. She was staring at the setting sun it sat about thirty degrees above the horizon. “Jinto I know you’re there, stop now, come no closer.” Jinto continued to come towards her. Suddenly her right hand dropped from her hip and gripped the machete. “Jinto! I’m warning you. I know how to use this, come no closer.” Jinto stopped; he was about five meters from Lafiel.

She was a silhouette in the sunset, it was impossible to see her face, and he had no idea of her present mood. “If there is nothing I can say or do then I’ll leave you here.” The blade twitched in her hand as she said. “You’ll stay where you are Jinto. I know you. You’ll try to sneak around the backside and take me by surprise well this time it’s not going to work.” Jinto stood motionless trying to study Lafiel but her position left him guessing, it was then he decided to push his hand, and see how serious she was. “Lafiel I’m going back now. I’ll not try to get any closer to you.” He started to turn as he did Lafiel’s left hand became visible. She held a type-three laser pistol in it, her thumb pressed the setting to max and aimed it at him “I said do not move Jinto. Can’t you respect a simple request?” Jinto ceased his movement and tried to face Lafiel. The pistol changed position it was now aimed between his eyes. “Jinto if you have a death wish move again. I’ll pull the trigger next time. Do you understand me?” Jinto stopped. “I understand Lafiel but I wish I …” She interrupted him “Silence Jinto! For once in your life be quiet and listen to me.

She lowered the pistol and turned towards him, the hat still concealing her face. “Jinto I no longer know who I am. I no longer seem to have a set purpose.” She raised her head so Jinto might see her face. He was greeted with a solemn tear streaked face lacking all emotion. “When I was born I was destined to govern the largest empire in known space. I’ve been instructed in the principals of …” More tears run across her face. “I’m an outcast a part that is no longer needed. This planet doesn’t need me it never needed me. It will survive whether I’m here or not. The Villages do not need me they are very capable of surviving on their own, the proof of that was they were surviving before we found them. Maybe you need me Jinto maybe you don’t. I’m sure you could do without me. There are several within the Village who would be eager to replace me if you so wished.”

She slid the setting on the laser pistol to minimum and holstered it. Grasping the machete she turned toward the sunset and said. “You may go Jinto! Leave me now! I’ve said my peace!” Jinto turned to retrace his steps as he left he said. “I’ll be home when you’re ready. I’ll keep dinner warm for you. Try not to stay out too long.” Silence was Lafiel’s response. Jinto made his way back to the Residence. It was there he informed every one of what had transpired and what he planned to do. “I’m leaving her out there, that is what she wanted, that is what she’ll get. Her family pride has gotten the better of her and maybe some humble pie is what she now deserves.”

Jinto left them and went inside the Residence. Seelnay was hot on his heels. Jinto stopped in the communications room. He activated a display and instructed the computer to monitor the area around the falls. “There is one life sign in the area it is stable.” Jinto faced Seelnay. “I don’t want to argue with you. If you haven’t figured out by now I love Lafiel more than life itself, then there is no need to speak further.” Seelnay watched the display. Lafiel was sitting exactly where Jinto had left her it was two hours before sunset. She faced Jinto. “I though you to be cruel and heartless, however I also know how she can be when she been hurt. I don’t completely approve of what you are doing but I will sit here and monitor her for you.” Seelnay sat before the display. “I always wondered what that extra sensor was for. Where is it placed?” Jinto placed the cursor on the area map a small light flickered. “It’s there and well shielded. Seelnay, Lafiel need not know of its presence. It’s one way of keeping an eye on her and still letting her have her freedom.” Seelnay returned to the display, Jinto made his way to the kitchen and started dinner for ten. He was fairly sure Lafiel would return before dark, at least she had done so in the past.

Jinto was finishing dinner when Seelnay called to him. “Count Hyde, she got company.” Jinto stepped out the back door and took a quick head count all of his party was there. He moved swiftly towards the communications room. “Seelnay where is it and what is it? I checked outside and everyone is accounted for.” Seelnay moved the cursor to the target location. “Analyze target” Jinto inquired. The computer painted the target and returned the following information; it was large about one hundred seventy Kg and slow moving, however the computer didn’t have any data pertaining to the type of target. Jinto stared at the data, almost immediately he queried the computer again. “Show me wind direction.” A flow pattern appeared on the screen. Jinto slide open the drawer on the desk and removed three power packs. “Seelnay keep an eye out. I think Lafiel’s in big trouble. I’m going back there. Tell me if that target gets any closer.”

Jinto ran out of the room, once outside he conferred with the balance of his party. Then he and Samson took the laser rifles, a hover sled and made their way to the falls. “Jinto it’s a bear you know that?” Jinto nodded. “Lafiel’s upwind of it too, once it gets a nose full of her. I’m sure it will investigate. Even though she’s got a laser pistol bears can move like the wind if they feel threatened.” Samson nodded and they sped to the falls. “Count Hyde! The target has changed direction it’s heading towards her.” Seelnay’s message caused great concern aboard the sled.

Lafiel has been sitting observing the sunset, when she heard the hover sled approaching. Knowing the path was too narrow for the sled, whoever it was would have to approach her on foot. She turned and faced the path exit, laser pistol in hand. Jinto dropped the sled to the ground as it was falling he and Samson jumped off the platform. They started up the path towards Lafiel. Lafiel stood with her back to the sunset in a stance so she could stop whom ever was coming down the path. The bear had picked up Lafiel’s scent and headed in her direction. As the bear got closer it sensed Lafiel’s anger, judged her to be hostile and charged her from behind. A puddle of water and a fallen limb gave the bears charge away. Lafiel spun on her heels to see a large bear towering over her. She fired her pistol as one massive paw swatted her to the ground. Jinto and Samson exited the path just in time to see Lafiel get knocked to the ground. It was Samson’s shot that dropped the bear and Jinto’s that finished it off. Samson headed towards the bear and Jinto made his way to Lafiel.

She lay out cold, on her stomach, in the mossy soil with her face turned to one side. Jinto pulled a scanner from his pocket and made a sweep. “She’s alive. Get the sled, bring it around the falls, we’ll roll her on to it and take her back.” Samson ran off to get the sled and Jinto examined Lafiel. She had a bruise on her face and her vest was torn. She was lucky the bear’s paw and not its claws had struck her. He picked up her laser pistol and machete. It was about that time Lafiel stirred to consciousness. “Jinto? What hit me? I hurt all over.” Jinto took her hand and said. “You’ve had a close encounter with a bear. You’re lucky to be alive. Do you remember anything?” With a weak smile Lafiel said. “No. Not a thing. Can we go home now?”

Samson arrived with the sled. They placed Lafiel on the seat and rigged the boom to bring the bear back with them. “We can’t leave it here? Jinto asked. Samson shook his head. “No we can’t, if there are any other bears around they’ll scrounge this one. There is a fur that can be used and lastly I want to make sure it’s not diseased. If we have wild animals running about carrying a transmittable diseases we’ve got trouble.” Samson took his time getting back to the Residence. When they arrived Lafiel was examined, her injuries required more attention than the Residence could offer and she was transferred to the Village by shuttle.

Ekuryua landed the shuttle back upon the lake. Not only had she taken Lafiel to the Village but Scholar and Seelnay as well. Coming up from the dock she found Samson and Sobbash examining the bear. “So this is a black bear?” Sobbash asked. Samson nodded. “Yes it is, a male and about seven years old. Did you take a scan of the skull?” Sobbash shows him the scan. “Well outside of the damage Lafiel’s pistol did to his cheek the rest of the scans look normal.” He spotted Ekuryua. “You’re back. How did the new settings work?” Ekuryua shook her head. “It is still a handful for sub orbital use. I guess we need to take one shuttle and make it for use here on the surface. I will admit it was easier to handle but if some inexperienced pilot jumps into it. We’ll have a wrecked ship with causalities too. How goes the bear exam?”

Sobbash stepped back and said. “After studying this animal. Lafiel doesn’t know how lucky she is to be alive.” She looked at Samson and said. “My only questions are, where did it come from and there has to be more than one correct?” Samson who was examining the last paw said. “The claws are worn, this animal has been traveling for quite sometime. You asked good questions Sobbash. This bear was, unless the blood tests indicate other wise, a fairly healthy bear. Which means it came from somewhere food was plentiful. Black bears are omnivores whose diet includes plants, meat, and insects. My only guess is the storm spooked this one and he came this way. We need to survey the entire island and the surrounding area; maybe we have more unwelcome guest.”

Samson looked at the bear again and said. “On Midgrad, black bears seldom attacked unless they were cornered, threatened, or wounded. Lafiel didn’t have this one cornered; it showed no signs of being wounded before we killed it. So I’ll assume it felt threatened by Lafiel’s presence even though she had her back to him.” Ekuryua chuckled. “I wonder if recognition of the royal family is in the bear training manual too? If it is?” She chuckled softly then continued. “That would explain the bear’s apparent attack. He figured he was going to get it one way or the other so he decided to fall on his sword and try to take Lafiel out.” Sobbash swatted at her with her clipboard. “Noel you’re terrible to even think such thoughts. Are you sure your minds not a bit warped?”

The sound of an approaching hover sled stopped the melee that was about to start. Kim and Seelnay got off the hover sled. Kim approached Samson and said. “We’ve come for the bear unless you’re not finished with your examination.” Samson stood aside and said. “The last thing I was planning on doing was skinning it and examining the contents of the stomach. I want to know what it had been eating so we would know where to start looking in the morning.” Kim nodded. “We will send you a report, if you don’t mind, that bear will feed many and the skin will warm some as well.” Samson decided not to argue with Kim, he helped him load the bear. Then Kim and Seelnay returned the way they came. “Now that was interesting I wonder what else they want with the bear outside of the stated purpose?” Sobbash shook her head. “I’m glad it’s gone. I wasn’t looking forward to ‘skinning’ it.” She and Ekuryua walked inside. Samson watched the sled disappear into the night, and then went inside himself.

Jinto sat at the table. Noel and Sobbash were sitting next to him and Samson sat across from him. Dinner such as it was sat on the warmer. Jinto turned his gaze to the stove and said. “Anybody hungry? If not. I’m cleaning up this mess.” Noel walked to the stove grabbed a plate and served herself. She sat next to Sobbash and addressed Jinto. “They’re still in the lab?” Jinto nodded. “Yes they are. Spoor came out here about an hour ago and grabbed a couple of plates to take to Kufadis and Risch. You would never know it looking at Kufadis, that he has a medical background. He admitted freely it had been sometime since he had put his skills to work so I’m not surprised its taking as long as it is.” Noel placed her fork back on her plate and said. “The reason it’s taking so long is Spoor’s micro-managing back there. Something she seems to do annoyingly well.

Jinto shook his head. “We need a doctor here. Lafiel’s encounter with the bear is proof of that. Granted it’s nice that the Village is close but it’s not close enough. Should we have a calamity befall us someone could die enroute to the Village. I can’t be comfortable anymore, when it was Lafiel and I we knew the prospects for dying on this planet were great and we accepted them, now that most of you are going to be here I can’t accept the responsibility for not providing the basic needs. Medical care I feel is one of those basic needs.” Jinto stood and moved to the warmer, he opened the cupboard and grabbed a coffee cup. He poured himself a cup and heard Noel ask. “Could you make that two?” Removing the second cup Jinto filled it and returned to the table. Passing Noel her cup Jinto took his and drank from it.

Noel lifted her cup drank from it set it back down and said. ”Jinto I understand how you feel. Speaking for myself, I accept what ever happens on this planet without fault, reservation or exception. You should remember everyone in this building went through the same Star Forces training you did and part of that training was accepting the fact that help might not arrive in time. I agree a doctor around this compound would be something nice to have but not a necessity. Most of us have basic medical training and we have an extensive computer library to fall back on. There is nothing stopping any of us, from going to the Village and receiving training from Mia and her staff. I suggest one of us do that instead of taking a doctor away from the Village.”

Sobbash quietly chuckled. Noel turned to her. “Something I said was funny Sobbash?” Sobbash leaned back in her chair and said. “I was thinking maybe you have an ulterior motive Noel. I seem to remember Doctor Sasoum is now a member of Mia’s staff. I was wondering instead of having your mother here and underfoot you were volunteering to take training to avoid that situation?” Noel sat her cup down and said. “Thanks Sobbash I had forgot that my mother was here. The though of her being on this planet is bad enough but if she were assigned here well Risch and I would be on the other side of the island. Since you’ve also mentioned that she is the free member of the staff I’ll withdraw my offer to get additional training. I’ll be damned if I’ll be stuck in the same class room with her.”

Jinto slammed his fist on the table and said. “That’s enough! I want you two to work out your differences before Lafiel gets back. We are going to have a lot of things to deal with without you two constantly at each other.” He paused then he said. “If you need to continue this combative relationship then do it out of my sight.” He then looked Samson in the eye and said. “One thing you should know before she gets back. Lafiel did something tonight that I’ve only seen her do once before, only tonight she did it to me.” Samson saw the concern in Jinto’s face, the disturbed nature of his speech and took special note to the next words he was about to hear. Sobbash and Noel were listening intently too. Jinto took a deep breath and said. “At the falls, the first time I was there, Lafiel drew down on me. For the first time in the twelve plus years I’ve known her, I was in mortal fear of losing my life at her hands.”

He looked around the room then returned his gaze to Samson. “Funny thing is I still have no idea what’s bugging her but if I don’t find out soon. You maybe having the first funeral on this world, mine.” Jinto picked up his coffee cup and finished the last bit of it. Turning to Noel he asked. “Want some more?” She passed him her cup Jinto stood and made his way to the warmer. Reaching for the pot his hand started to shake it was Sobbash who reached over and steadied it. “Sit down Jinto I’ll get it for you.” She took those cups, filled them and returned them to the table. Then she opened the cupboard and took a cup for herself. A glance from Samson produced another cup from the cupboard. Those cups filled she sat next to Jinto and passed the other cup to Samson.

“What can we do to help?” Sobbash asked. Jinto leaned back in his chair and said. “Things need to be running smoothly.” He came forward in his chair stared past Samson for a moment then said. “That not true. Lafiel said she felt unwanted, unneeded, that everything was moving along whether she was here or not. That’s what confused me everything here was from her plan. Through a set of circumstances that no one could have planned, we found the lost tribe and brought them here. It was Lafiel who engineered most of this it was her will that convinced the villagers to come here. How can she feel useless and unwanted?” There was silence in the room as Jinto’s words faded away.


Lafiel sat up with a shot. Seelnay, who was sitting by her bedside almost, fell on the floor at the sudden intensity of Lafiel’s exclamation. She initially reached for Lafiel’s hand and Lafiel swatted it away. “Where’s Jinto!” her voice was demanding. “He’s back at the Residence.” Lafiel took a look around her. “Where am I?” she exclaimed. “In my hospital and I’d wish you would calm down, there are other people in here and they are trying to sleep.” Mia closed the door behind her and moved to Lafiel. “You gave us quite a scare, its seldom someone is attacked from behind by a black bear and lives to tell about it.” Lafiel lay back in the bed staring at the ceiling and she said. “Then it did happen, it was real.” She paused and looked towards Mia. “I remember hurting. Why don’t I hurt anymore?” Mia smiled. “You’ve had another session with my invention.”

Mia goes to the end of the bed, removes the board and reads it aloud. “Fractured jaw. Three cracked ribs. Fractured femur. Numerous contusion and abrasions, and to think you took a glancing blow. Had the bear made contact with claws extended he would have ended your life.” She replaced the clipboard and moved to the head of the bed. “There was one injury my invention could not fix. Follow my finger with your eyes, do not move your head.” Lafiel followed her finger and noticed the right edge of her right eye was distorted. “It’s still fuzzy?” Lafiel nodded. “You’ve received some damage to the optic nerve. I believe in time it will heal completely and your sight will return to normal. However if your sight should get worse you need to get back here pronto. No excuses, if left untreated you will lose the sight in your right eye and I’ll not be able to restore it. Do you understand me?” Lafiel nodded then said. “Why didn’t you fix it when you fixed the rest of me?” Mia looked her in the eye. “I did fix it. When you arrived here you were completely blind in that eye. It’s known as a detached retina. You were lucky Doctor Sasoum was here it was her consultation and oversight that made the procedure the success it is.” Lafiel blinked then said. “Thank you Doctor and thank Doctor Sasoum as well. You’ve done a wonder job of restoring my health.” Lafiel’s eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep.

Mia looked at Seelnay. “She’s almost out of the woods. The next ten hours will tell the tale. It was a good sign she came too when she did and remembered the attack. I believe it’s safe to assume there was no permanent brain damage. Keep an eye on her if you need to be relieved the nurses’ desk is right outside the door. I’ll be down the hall in the overnight sleeping quarters.” Seelnay nodded and Mia left the room. Partway down the hall she met Doctor Sasoum. “I understand she woke up.” Mia nodded. “She remembered the bear attack, there is still some fuzziness in right eye but I believe it will go away with time. My only questions are, where did that tumor we removed come from and when should we tell her the whole story?”

Doctor Sasoum shook her head. “I don’t understand, our genetic screening procedures should have caught that abnormality and it should have been corrected right after her conception. It was a benign tumor, at least that’s promising, but the incredible pressure it had to be applying to her brain had to cause radical mood swings. I’m surprised Count Hyde hasn’t said something about it. I’m going to consult with Scholar, she’ll be returning to the Residence in the morning. We should let her be the one to inform Count Hyde don’t you think?” Mia nodded. “I’ll supply you with the rest of my report, between that and the scans we took.” Mia paused, looked towards Lafiel’s room, then returned her gaze to Doctor Sasoum and said. “Its imperative Count Hyde understands how serious this was and how, from now on, he needs to watch for any subtle mood swings or emotional outbursts. It could be a sign that the tumor has returned.” Doctor Sasoum agreed and headed towards Scholar’s quarters. Mia made her way down the hall to the overnight quarters and tried to sleep.

Kufadis stared at the display then looked at Spoor and Risch. “I can’t find any medical reason why the bear attacked when it did. The results of the scans and blood work seem normal as compared to the data Samson provided. This was a healthy adult male bear.” Kufadis returned his gaze to the screen. After a moment of reflection he said. “It was as Samson said. The only thing we can’t ever know was the bear’s mental state at the time he came across Lafiel. Fear makes one do the strangest things.” Turning off the display he turns to them and said. “Let’s go tell him of our findings, I know he’s looking for answers but there is nothing here to warrant any further investigation.” They leave the room and returned to the Residence; making their way to the kitchen they found a sobering sight.

Jinto sat silently staring into space, his hands clasping his coffee cup so tightly they were beginning to turn white. Samson and Sobbash were trying to get Jinto’s attention as Noel sat quietly drinking her coffee. Kufadis hand on Jinto’s shoulder brought him around. Jinto looked into his eyes and said. “Well did you find anything?” Kufadis shook his head. “Sorry Jinto, Lafiel had a chance encounter with a healthy bear. Well at least he was physically healthy, as to his mental state when he attacked, we’ll never know that for sure.” Jinto nodded. “I see. Thank you for your hard work…” Jinto took a look around and said. “It’s been a long day I think we should get some rest.” He stood and headed for the warmer, Noel blocked his path and said. “Go lay down Jinto, I’ll clean up this for you.” Without argument Jinto headed down the hall towards his room.

After Noel had finished cleaning the kitchen she pointed the rest of them outside to the table. She stood before them and said. “Something happened on the way to the Village, before I tell you I must explain something else.” She stared towards the lake cleared her mind then addressed them. “This ability that I have I’m still learning how to use it. But had I not had this ability I’d not know what was going on behind the bulkhead that separated me from Seelnay, Scholar and Lafiel.” She looked at Samson. “Those new setting were a handful. I was using all of my wits and all of the ship's resources when I sensed Scholar’s panicked call to the Village. Something has happened to Lafiel; although I don’t know the reason when I landed she was whisked away from the shuttle and went to surgery.”

Noel looked directly at the Residence and continued. “I never understood, until recently, how important having a home versus having a house or shelter was. This is Jinto and Lafiel’s home; as for some of us this planet will become our home. There is a tie that binds all of us to this world, even to those who will not reside on its surface. That tie is Jinto and Lafiel, I can’t tell Jinto what I don’t know, but the silence from the Village is causing me to become more concerned by the moment.” Noel stood motionless staring towards the Village then she rolled her creunoc to her lips and said. “Seelnay are you there?”

Seelnay sat snoozing in the chair next to Lafiel’s bed. Her creunoc was set to vibrate if it was activated. Her left wrist now vibrated with Noel’s call, rising from her seat and stepping into the hall she answered the call. “It’s almost midnight Noel what do you need?” Noel’s voice radiated through the area. “How is Lafiel? It’s been hours and we’ve not heard a thing. Jinto just went to bed not knowing how she is?” Seelnay’s cobwebs disappeared at the realization of what Noel was saying; she realized that she had forgotten to communicate Lafiel’s condition back to them. Clearing her throat she said to Noel. “She’s resting comfortably, as for the details. Scholar will arrive at the Residence after sunrise. She’ll be able to fill you in on the rest. Sorry Noel, I, like you, was out of the loop on this one. I figured Scholar would communicate with Count Hyde so I failed to check with you. That will never happen again.” There was an understanding tone in Noel’s voice as she thanked Seelnay and closed the link. Seelnay returned to her chair and resumed her watch on Lafiel.

Noel lowered her creunoc and addressed them. “Lafiel’s resting and Scholar will be here after sunrise. I’m going to tell Jinto this news. I suggest we all get some rest, it won’t be long till Scholar’s here.” Noel stepped inside and the rest of the group headed towards their quarters. Making her way down the hall she found Jinto’s door opened and him sitting in front of a display viewing a photo slideshow. One very humorous picture of Lafiel covered in flour was displayed and Noel started to chuckle. “Oh Jinto, That’s just wonderful. How’d you ever get her to pose for that one?” Jinto paused the show and returned to the photo in question. Noel got a better look and said. “Jinto I’m sorry. I though that was a staged photo but those tears are…” she paused took a deep breath and said. “I’ve spoken with Seelnay, Lafiel’s resting comfortably and Scholar will be here shortly after sunrise.” Jinto nodded. “Thank you Noel, one day I’ll explain this picture to you, but until then you’ll not mention it, even to Lafiel.” He turned towards her and continued. “It’s late you should get some rest, it looks as today will be a full one.” She nodded and left the room. Jinto returned to the display he advanced the show to a group of photos. These were taken the day they exchanged their vowels. There was a picture of them holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes. The tears stained Jinto’s shirt he changed his gaze to the window that was showing the moon and said quietly. “Lafiel, my loving Lafiel. Where have you gone? Will I ever get you back?”

Noel Ekuryua rushed from the Residence, she had left Jinto’s sight but not the sound of his voice. His words had moved her to an emotional expression she could barely contain. Once outside she sat on the table sobbing, it was there Risch found her. Sitting next to her she fell sobbing in his arms. “Risch I’ve been such a fool. Can you ever forgive me?” Confused Risch compounded her angst with his comment. “I guess if I knew what you’ve done then I could…” She faced him the tears pouring out of her eyes. “You’ve become complacent my love, I have to do something outlandish before you’ll take note. What I’m trying to say is I’m a mean spirited, vicious, conniving, arrogant, little bitch. It’s my personality that gets me into trouble and you’ve gotten use to it Risch. You let things slide that you should be on me about.” His stunned expression brings this from her. “I’ve made my point you’re sitting in shock I’ve done something outlandish and you’ve taken notice.” She goes to stand and a firm hand to her jacket pulls her back to the tabletop.

Risch’s mind was still sorting out this day when Noel hit him with this latest revelation. It took a few moments for his brain to focus and as it was becoming clear Noel went to leave. His sudden planting of her bottom on the tabletop got her attention. He then expressed this to her. “Noel you’ve always been opinionated, your opinions are always welcomed, you tend to be critical of others and their chosen life styles. That is acceptable too but your biggest problem my dear is you don’t know when to stop. It was like earlier when Sobbash was teasing you about your mother. You could have said your thoughts but not rub it in. You tend to make, painful at times, your position known to all, whether they want to hear it or not. You need to relax. If we stay on this world there will be no need to be so competitive. “ He paused, looked her in the eyes then continued.

“Be yourself Noel, be the person that was in the escape pod with me, before you lost the ship, the one I fell in love with. Stop blaming yourself for things you have or had no control over Noel. It’s eating you up inside and now that you’re receptive I’ll tell you, it’s tearing us apart.” She fell back in his arms sobbing. He helped her from the table and took her to their quarters. He put her to bed and got ready him self. Shortly after he dimmed the lights he was joined by a cool sobbing body. They spent till before dawn talking about everything in the universe. They then slept peacefully.

Lafiel woke with a bad taste in her mouth. She sent Seelnay to get her a drink. Seelnay had the computer produce Lafiel’s favorite with lope and brought it to her. Lafiel placed the glass to her lips, took a drink, and got a very sour look on her face. “What is this?” Shocked Seelnay said. “It’s your favorite drink with lope. Is there something wrong?” Lafiel pushed the glass in her face. “It tastes horrible. Why don’t you try it?” Seelnay took the glass and put it to her lips. Having sampled the drink before, she was aware of its unique flavor. This sample tasted just as it did before. She placed the glass on the table and said. “It tastes fine to me. Want me to get you another one without the lope?” Lafiel nodded, as Seelnay went to leave Lafiel pulled her towards her. She took a deep inhalation and said. “Have you changed your bath soap?” Seelnay shook her head. “No I haven’t. Why do you ask?” Lafiel bluntly blurted out. “You smell funny, just as that drink tasted funny.” She placed her hand beneath her nose and inhaled once again, the look on her face was one of surprise. “I even smell different, what is going on around here?” Lafiel grabbed for the call button but before she could press it Mia entered the room.

Mia had been sleeping when Lafiel’s voice rang throughout the floor. Grabbing her coat she headed down the corridor towards Lafiel’s room. She made a mental note to check Lafiel’s hearing incase the tumor had affected it as well, she never remembered Lafiel being this loud before. Opening the door she found Lafiel and Seelnay with Lafiel holding the call button about to press it. “No need to do that.” She pointed at the button, which Lafiel returned to the side of her bed. “You’ve managed to wake the entire floor again.” Lafiel glared at Mia then said. “Everything tastes and smells funny! What did you do to me?” Mia moved to the communications device on the wall she pressed the button and said. “The time has come. I’ll need you in her room.” A barely discernible voice came from the device, and then Mia turned to Lafiel and said. “If you’ll wait for a couple of minutes. We’ll answer all of your questions.”

Doctor Sasoum had been in a sound sleep when Mia’s call woke her. She grabbed a lab coat and headed from her quarters towards Lafiel’s room. The cool of the morning air woke her immediately and by the time she arrived she was ready to answer any and all questions posed to her. Stepping into Lafiel’s room, she found Mia and Seelnay with Lafiel.

Spying Doctor Sasoum, Lafiel said. “This must be serious if you’re bringing her here at this time of the morning.” Doctor Sasoum produced a scanner from her coat and made several passes over Lafiel’s head. Staring at the screen she said. ”Looks normal. What seems to be the problem?” Lafiel cleared her throat and said. “My eye is fine, everything tastes and smells funny. That’s the problem.” Doctor Sasoum makes another pass across her face this time scanning the area between her eyes and her chin, then between her chin and the bridge of her nose. Closing the device she asked Lafiel to open her mouth wide. Lafiel complied; the Doctor made a visual inspection and said. “You’re healing nicely. Hopefully the change in your taste and smell are temporary.” She looked at Mia and then addressed Lafiel once again. “Time to explain everything to you. You’re detached retina was not cause directly by the bear striking your face. It was caused when the tumor you had, between your eyes, shifted when you fell and it tore the retina.” Lafiel sat heavily on the bed. Seelnay reached to steady her and Lafiel pushed her hand away. “Tumor between my eyes?” She said as she looked at the Doctor. “How big was it?”

The Doctor produced the scanner from her pocket, opened it and paged through several scans till she found what she was looking for. Placing the display in front of Lafiel she said. “The size of a small bird egg, the reason it wasn’t detected sooner was its original location. It was pressing on your sinus and frontal lobe. Where you experiencing headaches?” Lafiel nodded and the Doctor continued. “When your head struck the ground, it was at such an angle that the tumor slid side ways, it detached your retina. The only way to safely remove it was through the roof of your mouth, hence your newly acquired senses of taste and smell. They should return to normal in time.” Mia produced her scanner, made a pass over Lafiel’s head and across both of her ears. She looked at the results and frowned. Lafiel saw this and said. “Something else wrong?” Mia shook her head. “No, nothing is wrong, I wished there was something, so I’ll say this again to you. This is a hospital. Can you keep your outburst to a low roar?”

Lafiel felt the anger surge inside of her, but this time, instead of causing great pain, she was able to let is subside. A strange smile crept across her face and she said in a normal tone of voice. “Not only are the headaches gone, but the pain I experienced when I got angry has left me as well.” Lafiel had seen an optimistic look on Doctor Sasoum’s face before, it made her feel at peace when she saw the same look on Mia’s face. “How much longer do I have to stay and does Jinto know about this?” Doctor Sasoum looked at Mia and then said. “A couple of days without any further compilations. Scholar’s going to the Residence this morning, with your permission we’d like her to tell Jinto.” They waited for Lafiel’s reply

Seelnay was surprised when Lafiel asked her to take Scholar to the Residence. The hover sled was approaching the end of the lake when Scholar said. “You’ve been quiet Seelnay. Is something bothering you? Seelnay was surprised at Scholar’s question. She figured then entire trip Scholar was sensing her emotions tearing at her. It seemed Scholar had not probed her mind. “Sorry Elder. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. Was there something you wanted from me?” Scholar shook her head. “Nothing in particular, I was trying to make idle conversation.” Seelnay reached over with her hand and touched Scholar. In a matter of seconds Scholar was aware of what was troubling Seelnay. Scholar sat gently nodding she said. “Lafiel will be alright Mia’s a good doctor and Doctor Sasoum is an expert on the Abh. With their combined experience she’s in the best hands anyone could supply. I sense you’re worried about the child you carry as well. That there maybe some abnormality with her?”

Seelnay slowed the sled and landed it on the dock. Once she and Scholar had stepped on to the dock she opened her deepest kept secret to Scholar. She told her the complete history of the Barron of Febdash, as she finished she leaned back on the sled and the tears flowed from her eyes. Scholar stood in front of her; she took her in her arms and said. “Child, I never knew there could be such evil in the universe. When we get back to the Village I will personally determine the health of your child and no one else will know of the pain you’ve experienced.” Seelnay’s touch informed Scholar of who knew about the Barron and who didn’t. Scholar smiled. “I understand. I’ll inform those you wish me to and the rest you’ll do yourself.” They headed towards the Residence it was shortly after sunrise.

Jinto hadn’t slept. The sound of the hover sled had led him to the table out back. It was there Seelnay and Scholar found him, sitting, watching the sunrise. “We use to watch the sunrises and sunsets together. I can’t tell you how long it’s been since we sat and enjoyed one of those events together.” He raised his eyes to meet Scholar’s. “She’s not been the same person for quite sometime. I hope the bear knocked some sense into her.” Seelnay moved towards Jinto and Scholar stopped her. “Relax child he doesn’t know.” Jinto sat stunned. Seelnay’s sudden movement towards him caught him completely off guard. He now saw the anger in her face and said. “Something’s happened to Lafiel and I’ve just put my foot in my mouth?” Scholar nodded and addressed Seelnay. “I told you. Now I’m going to sit next to him. You’ll stand here and behave yourself?” Seelnay nodded and Scholar sat next to Jinto.

Over the course of the next half-hour she described Lafiel’s condition and answered all of Jinto’s questions except the last one. “So will she be the Lafiel I use to know? I mean, you said the tumor was affecting her thought patterns and causing her pain, so will she be the same person?” Scholar stood trying to find the words and Seelnay said. “You can’t go back in time Count Hyde. She is different than she was two days ago as are you. You’ll need to talk with her and see how she feels about life. I will tell you one thing, every other word from her has been, Jinto this or Jinto that. So I’m sure she knows who you are.” Although Seelnay was annoying with her tone of speech, her words brought Jinto great comfort.

Dai Lexshu sat in the center seat; it had been six hours since their rendezvous with Admiral Kotoponi’s scouting fleet and thirty hours since they left the Capital. Her mind still replayed the events of the past several days, from her encounter with Scholar, to the testimony she gave, to the outright stripping of power from those who tried to tarnish the royal family name. It would be several days before they reached their destination and she could tell Lafiel everything that had happened. The center seat felt comfortable. She now knew what Plakia had experienced when she was commanding the Gosroth. Plane space was a lonely place although being in the company of the scouting fleet meant they weren’t alone. All Dai could think of was the sand between her toes and the smell of the roses.

Two days passed rapidly Lafiel came home and Jinto greeted her without a lot of fanfare. Her taste and smell were improving daily, although at first Jinto was shocked what she did to food to make it palatable to her. He decided that having her back, no matter how she acted, was better than not having her at all. Though Scholar warning about erratic behavior still rang in his ears. Their first night together included their watching of the sunset. Followed by a cozy dinner for ten. After everyone had gone to their quarters for the night Jinto stood at the sink finishing the dishes. Lafiel quietly slipped up behind him and said. “It’s good to be home Jinto and it’s good to have the pain gone.” Jinto finished the dish he was cleaning, dried his hands and faced Lafiel. “It’s good to have you back Lafiel you don’t know how happy I truly am.” She placed her arms around him and whisper in his ear. “Why don’t you show me how happy you are my love.” Jinto swept her off her feet and carried her giggling down the hall. There was magic in the air that night.

To be continued in “Planetary Life.”

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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