Updated FAQ

These are the site rules. They are suggested reading. The vacuum of space is a cruel master. Then tell us if you like the forums. You are welcome to post ideas and complaints. Everything you post here will be read by all.
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Updated FAQ

Post by Ekuryua »

What is the purpose of this site?
This site exists to provide information for English speaking fans of Hiroyuki Morioka’s work. It also serves as a medium for the discussion of this work, as well as related science-fiction topics. Finally, is a place for the fan community to enjoy themselves.

Who is the Project Lafiel Committee?
The PLC is a group of individuals who founded this site. They hail from various corners of the world, and share a love of Mr. Morioka’s work. We all keep in touch with each other, and work to improve this site.

Can I donate to Project Lafiel?
No. This site is privately funded.

Will Project Lafiel host fansubs of Banner of the Stars III?
No. Due to our adherence to international copyright law and intellectual property rights, we cannot officially support any unofficial fansubbing project. Furthermore, we encourage fans to buy Seikai DVDs that have been released in the United States, in order to support the author and increase the possibility of future US releases.

Will Project Lafiel do fan translations of Morioka’s works?
No. While it is unfortunate that the majority of Mr. Morioka’s work remains untranslated, we cannot officially support a fan translation. There are several reasons for this. First of all, a fan translation would violate international copyright law and intellectual property rights. Second, while some fan translations are good quality, only a translation where the author himself had input can be considered valid. Third, some of us feel that the original fan translations of Crest of the stars may have hurt the sales of the Tokyopop translations. Therefore, should Tokyopop or some other publishing company choose to translate the rest of the novels, we would like to see an even playing field.

Why did Tokyopop stop releasing Seikai novels?
Unfortunately, the Seikai novels did not sell well in the United States. We do not know if they have plans to continue releasing them in the future.

Can I get my fan fiction posted on the main site?
No, we use the main site only for material that fits into our Canon Policy. You are welcome to post your fan fiction in the forums.

Isn’t writing fan fiction a violation of copyright?
Under United States copyright law, fan fiction is considered a derivative work. Although its legality is dubious, most authors and studios do not oppose fan fiction as long as the fan fiction writer does not profit. Since Mr. Morioka has seen the fan fiction posted on our forums, and has not expressed disapproval, we feel that it is acceptable. However, should he at any time ask us to take down our fan fiction, we will do so without delay.

What are the Seikai Short Stories?
The Short Stories are a series of fan fiction stories written by Diaho, the administrator of this site. Diaho has been writing these stories for several years, and his work has been praised by the fan community. They are available in the forum.

What is Formal and American Barohn?
Barohn, which is the constructed language Mr. Morioka created for the Abh, can be written in one of two ways in English. The first is Formal, which is a literal transliteration of Barohn characters into English. The second is American, which attempts to reproduce the original sound of the word rather than the original characters. For example, in Formal Barohn, Lafiel’s name would be written Lamhirh. In American Barohn, it is written Lafiel, which is phonetically similar to the original pronunciation (ラフィール). There is some minor controversy in the fan community about which version should be used.

I have a question about your copyright statement.
Let us address some common inquiries about our copyright statement.
If content on the main site originates from a translated or untranslated novel, short story, technical manual or interview, it is the intellectual property of Hiroyuki Morioka and copyrighted to the original publisher (usually Hayakawa books).
If content on the main site is taken from one of the animated series, it is the intellectual property of Hiroyuki Morioka and copyrighted to the animation studio (either Sunrise or Emotion) and Hayakawa books.
All images on this site are taken from either the animated series or N.A.S.A., unless otherwise stated. Although they have been modified by members of the PLC, they are still the copyright of their original owners.
All other content is the intellectual property and copyright of Project Lafiel, unless otherwise noted. All material copyrighted to Project Lafiel is considered copyleft and falls under our Creative Commons License.
The forums are separate from the main site. All original material on the forums is considered the intellectual property of the poster; however, by posting it on the forums, the author is releasing it under Project Lafiel’s Creative Commons License.
Our Creative Commons license states that you may redistribute our work if you provide attribution. In order to attribute us, please provide a link in either Times New Roman or Ariel, 12-pt font or larger, that says “Content Taken From Project Lafiel” and provides a link back to http://www.projectlafiel.net.
Example: Taken From Project Lafiel
If you have any further questions, please contact either Ekuryua or Diaho via PM on the forums.
End Transmission.

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