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Get Crest of the Stars on Hulu

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:54 am
by lymhfeubdach
I really like crest of the stars and wish more fans were able see how great this show is. Well, the other day I come up with this really great idea get Crest of the stars on hulu. The website is very well know for showing classic and anime shows for free, also the number 4 well like website among American viewers. Hulu always looking for new content to add to their website, here the link: I think this idea can work if we can get enough fans to emails why hulu should add crest of the stars.

Re: Get Crest of the Stars on Hulu

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:48 am
by Ekuryua
Well, given Bandai's recent announcement that they're putting Gundam up on Youtube, it seems more likely that they'd do the same with Crest of the Stars. Perhaps we can petition them?

Re: Get Crest of the Stars on Hulu

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:57 pm
by Spaurh
It seems that the anime industry in Japan is starting to realize that Internet downloads may actually be a means of getting their products noticed by more Americans in lue of going through the fiasco of negotiating TV time on what few American television channels that still show anime. By far Americans spend more time on the Internet than they should and it is a great forum for getting a fairly large audience to view your product and learn your company name. With such things like Netflix (which offers free streaming video of some of their content to their subscribers) being such a huge success, Japan is ignoring a potential revenue stream by avoiding Internet downloads. In the current economy that is not a wise business decision. Fandom for COTS has fallen off since it last appeared on American TV and without that or anything new coming down the pipe to spark interest, there really is only word of mouth to spark any sort of sales for the series. But if like you say the series manages to turn up on either Hulu or Youtube there may be some new interest sparked for it. We can only hope.

Re: Get Crest of the Stars on Hulu

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:43 pm
by Midnight Star
I did see some COTS stuff on youtube. There were a few videos and episodes.

Re: Get Crest of the Stars on Hulu

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:04 am
by Ekuryua
But the question is... were they official? Did Bandai put them up?

Re: Get Crest of the Stars on Hulu

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:28 pm
by lymhfeubdach
Those crest of the stars ep. were post by a fan and sooner will be taken down. Now move on, the anime industry should have understand how streaming anime and add anime to itunes could help their bottom line a long time ago. If we all work together get crest of the stars on hulu, it would not help show alot, but also help other shows too.

Re: Get Crest of the Stars on Hulu

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:06 am
by lymhfeubdach
I'am still sending hulu e-mails to get show on website and was animenewsnetwork too. If guys want to help send e-mails get show on hulu this year.

Re: Get Crest of the Stars on Hulu

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:52 pm
by Katz
God I wish they would put COTS up on netflix.... mean even if it's just COTS and not BOTS parts it would really get a lot of people to see I wouldn't have to GET UP and put my disc in myself. Laziness for the win! :lol:

I haven't used Hulu really... is it truly worth it? I use my xbox 360 for netflix and I know they have Hulu on there but it's still limited and you can't watch in parties....which is the worst! I'm a party watcher people!! :rant:

Will they ever change it??? :?: