42_The Future

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42_The Future

Post by Diaho »

The Future

Twenty years have passed since the Zumia rebellion ended. The shape of the neighboring galaxy has also changed. Our treaty negations have netted us some unexpected bounties. There will be more about that later, so you’re curious as to what has happened these past years? Listen well I’ve got a lot to tell you, I’ll begin with recent events.

Duhiel’s 25th anniversary celebration just began. The gala lasted two months and the official celebration won’t end for another eight months. Under his rule the Empire has gone through many changes most I approve of some I thought were unnecessary but, he’s sitting on the Jade Throne, I’m not, and thankfully so. Growth and expansion of the Empire’s sphere of influence peaked about twelve years ago. Since then it’s been cultivating relationships and patching up old wounds. On the whole the Empire, under Duhiel’s leadership, is as strong as it’s ever been. I find it comforting to have such a strong and stable ally.

I’ll discuss this system next. Shahrazad has seen remarkable growth since the Zumia uprising. We have refugees from that conflict along with a Zon community on the far side of the Village. Our Zon community, a little history is in order I believe. After Tara and Minchi returned to the home world, Tara launched a wholesale house cleaning that only an Abh could have done more ruthlessly.

The Zon isolated themselves for almost fifteen years, in that time those displaced by Tara’s purge sought asylum on many worlds, this world being one of the more popular destinations. We now have two thousand Zon and counting. The Zon brought many traits to this world some welcomed, some not so. They are hard working and not afraid to ‘get dirty‘. To that end most of them have ended up in our manufacturing sector, however the Zon are exceptionally STUBBRON. That stubbornness has caused many a dilemma for this government in the past. At the moment it’s been almost five years since the last Zon uprising and after the Council gave them the choice of either accepting our rules or going back to Zon the matter seems to be settled, I hope.

The Zumia war was short lived and very bloody. Nearly one third of the population perished before Faust and his cronies were slaughtered. Our refugees were the intellectual core of the revolution. Once on this world they accepted the fact that returning home would never be possible and started a new life here. Their contributions have been for the most part of great help.

Our relationship with Doras has never been stronger. Zachary advanced to the rank of Admiral of the Fleet. Five years after that he became Doras first military trained prime minister. He’s not changed one bit, at the last official function, he stalked Dai the entire time she was there. However his eyes wondered a couple times towards Plakia Lexshu but they still seem to be focused on Dai. That man will never change of this I’m very certain.

Seven years ago I became Governor of this world when Lafiel…

The cemetery by the falls has two newer additions to it. One contains the remains of my beloved Samson the other Jinto and Lafiel’s son Charles. The accident, which wasn’t an accident at all, occurred when Samson and Charles were recycling fuel rods we’d acquired from what we thought was a reputable source. They were in fact bombs made to resemble fuel rods and once their contents were exposed to the atmosphere they exploded violently.

Saio and Robert had left about an hour earlier. Samson and Charles had headed to the work shop, a converted hot house on the far end of the property, and I was cleaning house when the explosion occurred. It knocked me off my feet and once I realized where it had originated from I rushed there, I was the first to arrive.

The blast killed Charles instantly, Samson lived long enough to warn me about the devices then he died in my arms. Noel arrived next then Lafiel. I was too consumed in my own grief to stop Lafiel from finding the boy’s body. She flipped out. Poor Noel had the weight of the entire matter dumped in her lap she handled it as best she could. The investigation lasted a short period of time. When the true source of the devices was found and not only had we been targeted but so were many in the Alliance. The response was swift and deadly.

After that Jinto and Lafiel became reclusive. While I mourned Samson’s loss I also had the memories of many good years with him to comfort me. Jinto and Lafiel only had ten years with Charles not enough time to make lasting memories. Jinto approached the Council six months after the incident and requested they start a search for a new governor. Erin and Li approached me later that day and I accepted. The transfer of power went smoothly. Noel serves as my assistant and occasionally Jinto or Lafiel contact me. For the most part they now live a very secluded life only appearing in the Village when it is necessary. Those of us on the island see them infrequently and only Cassie has complete access to them at anytime.

Cassie has followed in Lafiel’s stead; she commands the fourth generation starship Independence. I’ll go into all of that later. Now my biggest concern is it is approaching the anniversary of the incident that claimed Samson and Charles. Most of the time they have passed peacefully, yet every once and awhile Jinto and Lafiel express themselves; how should I say this, in a rather strange way. Hopefully this year will be peaceful but…

“Comm. link active Captain. Defiance and Discovery are standing by…”

Independence and group were on the last leg of a six month voyage. A combination goodwill and a show of force tour of the underdeveloped members of the Alliance. There had been rumblings in the outer worlds for sometime and Sobbash decided to ‘show the flag’ so to speak. Their reception, for the most part, was warm, only two worlds seem offended by their presence, but that changed as soon as Cassie turned on her charm.

“Grandmother, Auntie Dai, looks like we’ll get home in time after all. Remember I want this to be a calm time, should either Mom or Dad decides to be outlandish, I’ll stop it, you keep an eye on everyone else. Agreed?”

Plakia and Dai nodded in agreement; life had not been the same since that incident, even though everyone figured with time things would return to normality so to speak. They have not in the least and it was beginning to weight on Cassie.

“Mother, are you here?”

Robert’s voice echoed down the hall. I answered that I was he found me in the den reminiscing.

“Cassie has reported in she’s twenty hours out and requesting you contact her as soon as possible.”

I thanked Robert and asked if he and Lily would be over later. He said they would and left. Who would have thought our son and Noel’s daughter would be an item. Robert followed in his father’s foot steps. Fresh out of engineering school he turned down a commission with a prestigious firm to become chief engineer on this world. His responsibilities include the three warships and the industrial power grids. Lily graduated with honors from a Dorian university her major ship design. She and Robert are designing the replacement for the aging Discovery. We’ve been three ships since Altair. That single encounter solidified the Alliance, well at least for the last twenty years that is.

Captain’s personal log: “It’s been one hundred and seventy days since we left Shahrazad. Not once in the time we’ve been gone have my parents bothered to call, write, nothing. I know they are alive the system that monitors their house tells me this but, damn it all, I’m all they have left. You know once and awhile a little indication that they might miss me would improve my disposition. We’ll arrive about thirty hours before ‘D’ day that should give me enough time to scout out my parents and make sure nothing outlandish will happen, I hope.”

Independence slows to sub light speed; just as Cassie’s about to quiz the bridge the Chief Engineer calls to her.

“Captain, are you there?”

“Go ahead Donald I’m listening.”

“Its Discovery they’ve had another grid malfunction, we’ve got two choices, wait here till they get it sorted out or take them in tow. Doing that will add about twenty hours to our arrival time unless they manage to fix the issue and Arisa wasn’t sounding real confident this time.”

“Look Captain this aging bucket of bolts has about given its last gasp. I can give us sub light in six or seven hours. Star Drive is out of the question, I’m going to have to cannibalize that grid for enough parts to do what I’m hoping is going to work. The other choice is to get a tow home and I’m not real confident we should be sticking around this part of space anyway. Guess you better notify Independence and Defiance, unless a true miracle appears before me, it’s going to be a while before we can move on our own.”

Dai called Independence Dawn was in command while Cassie was away, she hooked Donald up with Arisa, and they discussed the problem. Then Independence and Defiance slowed to sub light and maneuvered back to where Discovery was. Cassie had just arrived on the bridge when the second communication from Discovery arrived.

“Well Dawn, are you going to tow us home or wait till we figure this mess out?”

Cassie took the center seat and opened the link she was rather blunt.

“I don’t see the reason to rush Auntie Dai unless you’ve got a hot date waiting for you at home.”

Dai glared at Cassie she changed to the ships internal cameras and said.

“A hot date darling, well no, but if you’ll take note its becoming rather difficult to move about in this ship.”

Dai’s words were true most every corridor and passage way had cables lying on their decks. Cassie noted the main lift doors were open and cables were coming out from there as well. Giving Cassie a quick tour of the ship Dai continued.

“Cassandra dear this floating museum will be the death of us all if you don’t tow us home. Can you understand my reason for being a bit impatient, now?”

Cassie sat back and took a look around the bridge all of her staff was in awe of what Dai had shown them. They had no idea how bad it really was until that moment. Dawn made a suggestion on how to get home faster.

“Captain if we alter course and go direct from here we’ll knock five or six hours off our arrival time however that’ll mean traversing Zon Space. You think they’ll let us pass?”

Before there was time to consider the option Arisa voiced her objection loudly.

“The hell you will. Look Independence let me make myself perfectly clear on this subject. Discovery is no longer a starship in any sense of the word. We are a floating, unarmed, unshielded, motel. Don’t you dare take us anywhere near any possibility of combat. You get what I’m saying Independence?”

Arisa’s choice of words left a certain emotion stimulated Cassie was about to reply when Dawn motioned to her.

“Captain if we skirt this neutral area we’ll still manage to knock off about two hours and since we’ve gone this route before there should be no objections from the Zon.”

“Missy you better be certain of that, because you’re betting our lives on your decision. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got a bunch of cable to string. Notice to crew; food vendors will go off line in ten minutes if you’re hungry, eat now.”

The link was closed with Discovery, Independence and Defiance rigged towing lines to them and started home. While Dawn’s idea had merit Cassie figured it was time to call home and report in. This new twist was going to mean they’d be showing up with little time to spare something Cassie was not happy about.

I have Independence on standby and sent Robert to get Sobbash. This gives me a moment to converse with my daughter who I rarely see as of late. Working on the new Discovery has become an obsession with both of them and Risch. Although I understand his involvement in this matter and can accept him being gone. At least while he’s home he does communicate with me something Lily has been avoiding at least it’s my observation so its time to check my theory.

“Lily have you got a moment. I’d like to talk to you?”

“Sure Mom, give me a sec, Dad and I are almost done here.”

Robert, Dad and I have been the past month almost non-stop working out the final numbers to use on the sixth generation Star Drive that will be aboard Discovery. A drive unit that was originally conceived by our fathers just before Samson died. It was Roberts dream to use this system to power the ship and I’ve done my best in designing the Discovery to accept that drive unit. The prototype tests exceeded even my Dad’s wildest expectations however the production unit is having a few teething pains nothing severe but none the less annoying and delaying. I know we are on a tight schedule. The current Discovery was just out of a major repair and barely operational when it left here six months ago. I shudder to think what condition it’s in now.

This new Discovery is a blend of several technologies. The ship is based on a highly modified Dorian design, it will be the largest ship in our fleet but will need fewer crew than the current Discovery does. Outside of the ‘drive system’ its components, while updated, will still function as they do now. This should make cross training for most of the crew a breeze. I hope it is, the engineering staff on the other hand will be using a completely foreign technology and I’m feared at first there will be some resistance. Robert has returned and said Sobbash is behind him I guess I’d better go see what mother wants.

I find mother sitting in the communications room. I approach her from behind and place my arms around her, she turns in her chair to face me, she’s been crying, surprised I inquire why and she replies.

“I’ve tried to be everything to you that my mother wasn’t to me and let me tell you young lady it wasn’t easy. Now that it looks like you’re about to go off on your own for real this time I’m getting…”

I take a half step back and helped my mother to her feet. She falls into my arms quietly sobbing. I know what has happened and I’m getting rather angry about it. Mom and Grandmother have been at it once again. To grandmother my Mom was the grand experiment, and then I came along and replaced her as the top subject of grandmother’s obsession ‘The Perfect Abh’. There will never be such a being, not as long as we are partly human, but grandmother doesn’t seem to grasp that fact.

Like my mother I have telepathic abilities. They, for the most part, lie dormant, although as of late Seelnay, Scholar and I have explored ever so slightly my possibilities. That’s why at this moment I know what has happened to Mom and at this moment she should be sensing my presence.

“I’m surprised Lily, I thought you didn’t like that ability and now it would seem you can use it quite well. I think I smell a couple of rats which I’ll deal with later.”

Annoyed I jumped into my mother’s mind and read her the riot act. To my surprise I found the experience quite pleasant and fairly scary. For the first time in our lives we shared our ‘real’ thoughts with one and another. The few minutes we were connected seemed like years. It was Sobbash entering the building that caused Mom to disconnect and return to her seat.

“Oh Lily I didn’t know you were here if this is a bad time I can come back…”

“Sobbash everything is fine. Cassie’s on standby but before I connect you have a look at this scan. Stick around Lily I believe you’ll be interested in this as well.”

The long range scan appeared and Sobbash shook her head it took me a moment to figure out what was going on but it finally clicked. Independence and Defiance were towing Discovery back home. My worst fears have come true it would seem the grid failed just as Tay predicted. Without thinking I rolled my creunoc to my lips and said.

“Honey, get Dad and come to the communications room please.”

Mom and Sobbash stared at me; I guess the cat was out of the bag so to speak. In the time that Robert and I have been spending together we’ve become very close. I was going to wait till Cassie and the rest were here but I guess it’ll be two announcements.

“Honey, get Dad and come to the communications room please.”

Lily’s voice boomed from my creunoc, Risch stopped what he was doing approached me and said.

“Son, looks like you and I need to have a chat after we see what Lily deems so important.”

Robert and Dad didn’t take very long in arriving. Mom showed them the long range scan and Dad shook his head.

“I’ll bet Arisa’s fit to be tied, do we know what’s happed for sure?”

Mom activated the link and we all learned together of Discovery’s fate. Cassie fed us the conversation she had with Dai and Arisa plus the ships images. Dad, Robert and I were shocked when we saw the inside of the ship. Moving the images to a larger view we had a good idea of the ships status.

“Look’s like most of their systems have failed at one time or the other. Arisa’s patch job while commendable was doomed to failure from the beginning. There’s nothing we can do from here just hope that those two don’t have any difficulties or our fleet will be…”

“Not so Risch, I’ve made contact with a Dorian tug it’s enroute to bring Discovery home. That said Cassie has been toying with the idea of short cutting around the edge of Zon space as you heard Arisa wasn’t too keen on the idea at all. Although the time savings would…”

Sobbash moved to the main display and placed projected courses for our fleet and the tug on the star chart. It was true if Cassie altered course within the next hour it would cut several hours off the time required to get Discovery back home.

“Noel, get the Zon and Minister Zachary on the link. Maybe the three of us can work out something agreeable. Send it to my office when you’ve hooked everyone up.”

As Sobbash was leaving she asked Robert to accompany her, I knew then this was going to be a memorable day.

Mom was working on setting up Sobbash’s conference call. Dad and I had made our way to a room just off the corridor from the communications room it was there he said a few things to me.

“Lily I pretty much have let you chose your own direction in life, it would seem you and Robert have made great strides in becoming a team and in that way it looks to me you’ve fallen…”

I placed my fingers across Dad’s lips and moved to his side. Taking his hands in mine I faced him and said.

“When you told me how you and mom came together I thought it rather dramatic. After the past months of being with Robert almost constantly, I began to realize how very romantic it actually was, granted there was a good possibility that you and mother might have perish, in which case we would not be having this conversation. Dad I’ve found in Robert everything I’ve always admired in you. I wanted to wait till Cassie and the rest returned to tell everyone at once, but Daddy I do believe there is something rather important Robert wishes to talk to you about.”

Dad pulled me towards him placing a kiss on my cheek he said.

“Have him come see me when he’s ready. For now you better tell your mother what is going on, you know how she hates being the last one to know anything.”

I left Dad standing in the room and sought out my mother our conversation lasted almost an hour.

Sobbash and Robert made their way back to her office while she conversed with Zachary and the Zon; Robert sat reflecting on the days events.

A lot had transpired and at a faster pace than he though yet he remembered some things Samson had taught him, ‘seize the moment’ and ‘make the best of any situation’. With one sentence Lily had nullified a carefully laid out set of plans however it was time to alter them on the fly but he wished to talk with her before he went off on his own.

“Then we are in agreement, you’ll let our ships transverse the area and allow the Dorian tug access. You have my thanks Minchi send our best to Tara as well.”

Zachary and I coordinated with our ships and then I went looking for Robert. I didn’t have to look far I found him sitting in the waiting room thumbing through an old photo pad. As I entered the room he raised his head and looked at me in that moment I saw the little boy I loved dearly. I sat down next to him and looked at the images he was viewing. They were from years ago when the kids would be playing together. Lily and Cassie were drawing and Robert was staring at the sky.

“Do you miss those simpler times son?”

Robert nodded then he lowered the device and said.

“It’s funny; since Dad died, Risch and Jinto have been like fathers to me, Risch more so than Jinto. Now I feel like I’m about to betray him and take his only child from him. I know it’s silly to think like this but…”

Robert gazed into my eyes looking for a response I took a seat next to him. Abh’s are trained from a young age to accept being single parents; I received such training when I was young. However Saio and Robert grew up in a two parent home. I find my self in a rather uncomfortable position of trying to be both mother and father to Robert. This conversation he and his father should be having, given the circumstances, I’m going to give it my best shot and hope I’ve learned enough from Samson to fill his shoes in this case.

“Robert when your father and I first met, spending the rest of our lives together was the farthest thing from my mind. Ignoring the fact we were embroiled in a war which at any second could take our lives. I didn’t feel the love at first sight like many I know have. Over the years we grew closer and grew apart but it was always the rediscovering of each other that I found the most fulfilling. Lily is a wonderful person I see the changes she’s brought out in you and I must admit I approve of each one of them. I guess what I’m trying to say son is, you are old enough to make your own decisions and I do believe you’ve given this one considerable thought. Although Lily has let the cat out of the bag so to speak I believe if your father was here he’d be as happy as I am at this moment.”

Robert moved closer he placed his arms around me and gave me a hug followed by a kiss on my cheek. He told me he was glad this subject came up as it did because he was unsure of how to approach me about it. I found it quite unsettling for a few moments then realized neither Samson nor I had to communicate with our parents about our relationship. We were on our own by then and did as we pleased. I wondered how my parent would have handled Samson and me. That’s going to be one of those unanswered questions but for now Robert has our answer and I hope he and Lily find all the happiness Samson and I had.

Its funny Lily just left me and even though I’ve had an idea for sometime she and Robert were becoming closer I was still amazed on how swiftly it came. It’s not like Robert is a complete stranger either it’s just that…

“Noel, are you in the building?”

Seelnay’s voice echoed down the corridor I stood up and walked to the door sticking my head out of it I saw Seelnay and Scholar had come for a visit. How fortunate for me I didn’t have to go looking for them because I had a few things I really wanted to talk with them about and now seemed a wonderful time.

“Scholar she’s in the communications room, Noel where’s Sobbash there’s been an incident aboard the Ku Dorin.”

I continued down the corridor meeting them half way. The Ku Dorin has been in refit for the past eight weeks. Mostly shield and armament upgrades to combat the recent surge in unauthorized interception and boarding of transports belonging to the Alliance. We were giving Captain Pratt the ability to blast out of a confrontation. Now something has gone awry and I’m about to find out what. Seelnay caught her breath and explained.

“The Captain’s on her way to the hospital along with one of the Zon engineers. The story security related to me there was an altercation in engineering with the Zon slamming the Captain into a bulkhead followed by the First Officer blasting the Zon with his side arm. The only reason the Zon’s not dead was the protective clothing she was wearing. Security’s holding the First Officer and we’re heading to the Village. You know once the Zon get wind of this there will be trouble. Let Sobbash know as soon as possible. We’ll report from the hospital once we know something.”

Scholar and Seelnay dashed back out the door I heard her hover cycle roar off toward the Village it was then Sobbash signaled me.

“I just saw those two leaving here at light speed I’m assuming there is something I should know about Noel?”

I related the conversation I had with them to Sobbash, she instructed me to notify Security that there was a strong possibility of trouble in the Zon section and to deploy officers accordingly. Then she told me to hold down the fort while she headed to the transport base. The next thing I knew she was off to the train that took one to the base. I sat monitoring the security frequencies and watching Cassie’s progress. Believe it or not Cassie was having a much better day than I was.

Atosuryua met me at the station she was off base when the incident occurred. Arriving at her office I reviewed the images of the altercation, Plakia Pratt was blindsided by the Zon with little if any warning. Kufadis acted in accordance with established procedure until he went to assist the Captain. His first shot knocked down the Zon his second and uncalled for shot left her unconscious. I know Kufadis and the Captain have a ‘special’ relationship but this action witnessed not only by the crew but several Zon engineers will just raise the tension once again.

I called Security and notified them to move back from the Zon section and watch the perimeter carefully. My next call was to Erin I notified her of the incident and she said she would convene an emergency session of the Council. My next visit was to Kufadis I wanted to hear his side of it before I laid down the law to him.

Shortly after the Altair confrontation Dai and Kufadis started becoming distant. Five years after that Kufadis transferred to transport duty and severed all contact with Dai. He and Plakia Pratt trained together and in those years became closer. Age and Abh’s usually don’t raise any eyebrows but when there are humans involved then prejudices seem to apply. Granted I was much older than Samson but it never seem to matter to anyone or at least no one voiced an objection. However with the Captain being half the age of Kufadis the rumors and innuendo’s started flying. I know Nasse knew of and approved of Plakia and Kufadis relationship. For me that was enough anything anyone else said I considered they spoke from either ignorance or jealously. We arrived at the brig Kufadis was seated in a cell I approached the door and said.

“I’ve seen the scans from inside the ship along with the recorded sounds. You will tell me honestly what happened then we’ll decide what to do next.”

Kufadis related the confrontation as he saw it and it fit what was on the recording until the point after he shot the Zon that is where the visual images didn’t agree with his testimony. I left him and returned to Atosuryua’s office we reviewed the images once again and they did not uphold Kufadis side of the story. I called to the hospital and Saio answered. Saio also followed in her fathers foot steps but instead of the mechanical she concentrated on repairing the human condition. She’s chief surgeon and I was surprised she answered the call. I asked her the condition of the two recent admission to the hospital she didn’t mince words with me.

“Mom, Plakia’s lucky she’s alive and won’t be crippled by this event. Her injuries are as follows; Concussion, four fractured ribs, dislocated hip, fracture femur and six loose teeth. The Zon should know better by now humans can not withstand even a glancing blow. Oh and our Zon patient; well Kufadis only did half the job it seems. Outside of some second degrees burns she’ll live, but you can’t talk to her right now. After the rubbish that spewed out of her mouth when she woke up I put her back to sleep had I not taken an oath it would have been permanently.”

Saio’s always been level headed and aware of what she was saying. This outburst from her coupled with Kufadis story made me realize that the evidence has been tampered with. I made my way to the ship to get at the truth. Security met me at the gangway and escorted me aboard. The ship was in disarray but the main computer room seemed fairly well ordered which I found interesting. I plugged into the system and scanned the logs; several discrepancies became apparent it was tracking them down to their source that was going to take time.

In the mean time Noel had notified me of rumblings coming from the Zon area and that Security was stepping up their containment. I had to find the truth and soon or we’d have another uprising on our hands. Something I wished to avoid at all cost.

“In my humble opinion, should the Zon rise again, I believe we should remove those troublemakers and send them packing. To me it does not matter that their home world refuses to take them back, but, after the last event we made it quite clear that any differences that the Zon had with any of us were to be mediated through this body. This vicious attack on one of our Captains will not stand. I could see no reason for this to occur and if we let them get away with this, what will they try next? I implore the Council to see my side of this issue and deport immediately the one who did this deed.”

As the council hall erupted Erin hammered them back to some semblance of order. She knew this was going to happen but in an open forum she dare not silence the leader of the majority party. The tide was turning and if the Zon decided to rebel there might not be a community left. However if the Zon were all deported the loss to this world would be devastating. Calmer heads need to prevail and Erin now had her hands full.

“Chie, Security is moving again they’re still clear of the perimeter but the show of force is amazing. Do we really know what happened?”

Chie, appointed leader of the Zon community was sifting through everything she had been told and had two conflicting stories on her hands. One said Myra attacked Captain Pratt without warning. As she was about to finish her off the First Officer fired to stop her, she turned on him and he laid her out cold. The other story implied Myra attacked the Captain after she insulted her and the First Officer tried unsuccessfully to kill Myra. The things that held true were; Myra attacked the Captain for some reason and the First Officer tried to kill her. Outside of that there was a rift in the testimony she had gathered she needed visual proof and soon.

“Chie’s struggling with the testimony. Did you alter the video files?”

The Zon sitting in the room stared at the floor then at the ceiling before she answered. Everything happened so fast she knew it was an incomplete job and she had to divulge the truth and now.

“We’ve got a problem; I didn’t think you were going to lie to Chie. The current memory is altered but I never had a chance to write to the crystal memory if they compare the files they’re going to know and we’re going to be toast.”

A chair flew in her direction she dodged it and gazed at the one who threw it. Gathering her thoughts she continued.

“I’ve known for quite sometime your feelings towards those aboard the Ku Dorin however, in hindsight, I would never have dreamt that you who try such a ruse to further your own agenda. We need to give it up and come clean on this issue if not you’ll get us all banished from this world and I for one will not let you do that.”

Angered the Zon charged her, grabbing the chair that had been thrown at her she hit her opponent and she went crashing through the window. Once outside the building their commotion was spotted by a Security team and they were subdued. Taken to headquarters it didn’t take Lala long to get to the bottom of the commotion. Notifying Sobbash she confined them to separate cells and ordered a pull back of forces from the Zon area. Sobbash and Atosuryua arrived within the half hour and once the plot was exposed Sobbash call the Zon leaders to a meeting and explained what had transpired.

Hearing the true story Chie agreed that those involved were to be deported from this world as soon as possible, with the exception of the one who finally told the truth. She was to spend the next ninety days in confinement then she would be reintroduced back into society. Something that, until now, had been unheard of but Sobbash was going to repay honesty with a second chance to make good. A decision that would prove pivotal in future relationship with the Zon community, Sobbash and Atosuryua returned to the transport base and released Kufadis. Then Sobbash had a talk with him about his actions.

“Kufadis I’m going to be blunt. What you and Ms Pratt do is your own affair. And I’ll not question your actions until, like today, they start to affect those around you and cause discourse. Granted those Zon had their own agenda but they used the two of you to accomplish it and while it wasn’t fair, once a weakness is seen someone’s going to exploit it again.”

Kufadis was stone faced; his lack of response followed by his unwillingness to visit Captain Pratt left Sobbash with the feeling that they have had a falling out. Taking in what Sobbash had said Kufadis asked to be excused. She granted it and Kufadis left the area. The scanner showed he was heading to the lagoon just south of the transport base a favorite place to sit and reflect. Sobbash left him to his reflection and returned to the island, checking in she heard that Cassie was on course, the Dorian tug would intercept them in the quarter hour and everything else seemed normal. She told Noel to stop by once the evening crew relived her and Sobbash returned home.

I have a guilty pleasure something which, before I met Samson, I failed at miserably that pleasure is cooking. I stop by the hot house, gather some vegetables. Then I start the grill behind the house and start preparing a meal for more than one. That’s my only problem I’ve cooked for more than one for so long that reducing the portion to one usually ends up with a burnt disaster on my hands. Let’s see, sea bass from the blue oceans of Deltoke, a homemade Miso soup and a garden salad. That should be enough to feed the three of us. Noel stops by and helps with the salad. Risch shows up shortly there after and informs us the shake down of the new ship is back on schedule. Robert and Lily will not be over this evening they are having a discussion about the day’s occurrences. One hopes it will be a calm discussion but knowing those two as I do. My creunoc goes off I open the link to find Seelnay describing…

“Security had to drug that foul mouthed Zon but they managed to finally drag her out of here. Nasse’s with Plakia she reported that she’s awake and in little discomfort. Nasse plans on remaining here the night, Scholar and I will stay here with her, is Cassie doing well?”

I reported that Cassie was doing well and they should be here mid day tomorrow. I also asked that Seelnay and Scholar be here when they arrived, there was something I wanted to discuss with them. Seelnay acknowledged my request and the link closed. I looked at the meal I had ready and commented to Noel.

“Do you really think we’re going to be able to finish this meal uninterrupted?”

Noel shrugged her shoulders and help met set the table. Risch moved the sea bass from the grill to the serving plate and then to the table. Meal ready, table set, chilled apple wine poured; we managed to finish without interruption. Clean up was accomplished as the sun finally disappeared behind the tree line. We sat outside sipping wine watching the last rays of daylight leave us till morning and considering everything that happened; today wasn’t too bad after all. We retired to our quarters before the bugs carried us off. I spent the next couple of hours preparing for tomorrow, something I always dread, the day preceding that horrific day.

Captain’s log: “We’ve made contact with the Dorian tug and its taken Discovery in tow. Once we exit Zon space there will be an escort from the Fifth Fleet waiting to protect Discovery on the way home. From that point grandmother and I will jump home. We’ll arrive just before sunrise; Discovery will arrive about mid day. This will give me time to contact my parents and get a feel for their intentions this year.”

I close the log entry and contact the bridge.

“Captain I’ve just finalized the course to home. Defiance is syncing with us as we speak. Once the escort takes over we’ll be ready to jump at your command. I allowed a fifteen second lag in the event time so we arrive first as you requested. We’ll appear just out of scanning range of the planet and the dock’s been notified to expect us. Have I missed anything Captain?”

I complemented Dawn on her work and made my way to the bridge. As I entered the escort fleet signaled they would take over with in the quarter hour. I opened a link to Dai and said.

“We’ll see you about mid day. Do we need to have anything special prepared for your arrival?”

“No Cassandra my dear we’ll be just fine. I figure when we get back we’ll remove all of our personal effects from the ship and store them on the space station. Arisa said about an hour ago she gave up on rerouting the grid. We’re comfortable over here. I guess this really will be our last voyage aboard this ship eh?”

“Auntie Dai I hope everything goes well and I have a feeling you won’t be without a ship for very long. Lily and Robert seem to be making great strides according to the report Sobbash sent. Here’s hoping you’ll have a new center seat to break in soon.”

I closed the link it was time to go the Dorian’s had taken Dai into their formation and they were veering off so we’d have a clear course to jump. Once clear we left Discovery behind a painful decision for me but they were in good hands.

We just cleared the area as Independence jumped Defiance followed fifteen seconds later. No matter how many times I see it a ship jumping to FTL it still amazes me. I won’t be bored on this trip Zachary is on the command ship we have a link open discussing everything under the stars. Zachary and romance don’t mix but he’s a friend I can talk to with great enjoyment and at this moment I really need a friendly face talking to me about trivial matters.

Robert and I missed dinner; it was just after sunset when the numbers we refined with Dad returned a positive result in the simulation. Although tired, neither one of us would be able to sleep until the programming was loaded to the drive system and tests were run. We made our way to the Guardian’s complex to run a full power test on the ship. Tay met us at the pad and reviewed our numbers once again.

“I see no problem with your results Lily. Discovery IV is moored in test cell fifteen. Let’s feed these numbers to the system and give it a whirl. Last time you were so close this time I feel you’ve got it down pat.”

Tay’s enthusiasm is infectious. We’ve always had to take it with a bit of caution. But I wanted this test to succeed, and be able to report to Dai she would have an operation ship on her arrival. We almost broke protocol, almost, I must stress.

“We are agreed then. Initially we start at fifty percent on the system and increase by five percent per two minutes until we reach eighty percent. Once stable there we’ll simulate a full power up for thirty seconds if that’s successful. In the morning we’ll move the ship to low orbit and conduct remote full power test there. I think after that a final review of the data will be in order, before we let the A.I. run a short FTL test. That said if all goes well the shake down trip could be in less than five days.”

Robert’s thinking was sound and we started the tests. The system responded as we had planned eighty percent power, was just as stable as fifty percent was and the full power simulation fell right into the predicted curve. It was a glowing success. Robert downloaded the data to review in the morning; I took a scanner and headed to the ship. An area scan was completed and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. We spent the night at the complex it was right before I fell asleep that I realized what the date was. I mentioned the fact to Robert he took me in his arms and said.

“Couldn’t have planned it any better if we’d tried. The ship will make its first flight on the anniversary that spurred me to use this design. I couldn’t have done it without you Lily thank you.”

He held me for what seemed like hours but it wasn’t. We retired shortly after that embrace. I found sleep came very easily. Tomorrow was going to be a historic date in the history of this planet. Or I hoped very much so.

To Be Continued In: Remembrances of Things Past

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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