05_Mind games

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05_Mind games

Post by Diaho »

Mind Games

She lay awake half the night before finally drifting off to sleep. The flashing red light on her communications console brought her back to consciousness from a short rest. Her arm reached for the console button as the rest of her sat up in bed. “Yes, Chief of Staff?” She instinctively answered still although she was half asleep.

“Sorry to wake you Admiral Spoor, but we have just received a urgent communication from Admiral Atosuryua’s headquarters. I will forward it to your quarters.”

“Very well Kufadis, I’ll come to the bridge when I’ve finished reading the report.”

A document appears on her screen and she started to read it. Her body became tensed as she read. It was a report from Commander Lynn concerning his relieving Admiral Ablïarsec of command. Commander Lynn had also included in the report the exact reasons for his actions as well as some personal opinions that brought her wide-eyed. “Count Hyde is quite a remarkable person. Half Terran and half Abh gives him a unique prospective. His insight on this issue may well be correct.” She finished the report, dressed and left for the bridge.

Admiral Spoor was in a position she neither wanted nor liked. After Palhun in 958 Emperor Dusanyu appointed her “Admiral of the Fleet”, until an Ablïarsec could be found to replace her. It was to her a slap in the face and very boring. She was a warrior not an administrator. She hoped a successor would be found soon. She arrived on the bridge, and met with her senior staff. Then she held a briefing on what was transpiring and asked for recommendations. It was a long meeting.

Jinto had just left Lafiel’s cabin. He had brought her lunch since she had not ventured out of her cabin since her ordeal. Jinto’s face and side still hurt, he never realized how physically strong Lafiel was. They were two days out from the Sord on their way to meet with Admiral Atosuryua. Jinto was not looking forward to seeing the Baroness Febdash. He knew what he had done was correct but it might mean the end of Lafiel’s military career. “I hope they will understand all the data I’ve collected. It’s the only thing that will save Lafiel.” They were twenty-three hours from the rendezvous with the Baroness. It was all happening too fast.

Jinto’s report had made it to the Capital where the fleet medical staffs were analyzing it. This was the third incident of its kind in that part of plane space. Members of Admiral Kenesh’s staff were awaiting the results too. The question to be answered was, “are these emotional outbursts random or somehow linked to that part of space? Why hasn’t everyone who enters that space been affected?” There had been so little data until now. Jinto’s report changed all of that.

Aboard the flagship in a conference room sat Atosuryua and Sobbash. Charts and reports floated in the room with them. They studied all of it with great interest.

“We were lucky Commander Lynn knows her as well as he does. We could have lost all of them if she had gone insane like the Captain of the Rumas did. His first officer had to render him unconscious and he’s never been the same since.” Sobbash commented.

“Sobbash what is your gut feeling on this matter? You’ve been edgy since Commander Lynn’s report arrived. Tell me what you are thinking.” Atosuryua demanded.

Sobbash and Atosuryua had grown close over the years. They easily resounded off each other, and thus they were an effective command team. Atosuryua already knew Sobbash's answer, but she wanted to hear her to put it into words. “It’s got to be artificial, a weapon of some kind is what my gut feeling tells me. It’s a new way for the United Mankind to try to defeat us” Sobbash said. “I have no proof of this, it’s just a feeling.” Atosuryua look at her and said, “I agree it’s artificial, but, a weapon? I still need proof of that.”

“Admiral, Commander Lynn arrives in eighteen hours. What do we do when he gets here?” Sobbash inquired.

“You will take command of the ship Sobbash, and the squadron will stay here with us until this is all settled.” Atosuryua continued, “We will send those two on to the capital and hope for the best.” “Yes Admiral I understand.” Sobbash left the room. Atosuryua looked at the reports and thought, “This could mean the end of her career, I hope no permanent damage was done.” She turns off the displays and leaves the room.

Admiral Spoor sat in her ready room looking over her fleet reports. These were briefs prepared by her Chief of Staff Kufadis. Great care was given to correct data. She had three hundred and seventy-five full fleets currently under her command. This amounted to the total striking force of the Imperial Star Forces. There were no fleets for her to attack. The United Mankind fleets were playing “Cat and Mouse” with the Star Forces and had not let themselves be cornered into a fight. “Something going to happen, it’s going to happen soon, just where it will come from and how it will manifest itself, that’s what I wished I knew.” Admiral Spoor stared off into the void. This was worse than being bored; she was annoyed with the present situation.

“Commander Lynn” It was Ekuryua’s voice. “Commander Sobbash for you.” Jinto lifted his creunoc to his lips and said. “I’ll take it in my cabin Ekuryua.” Opening the door to his cabin and turning on the lights Jinto reached for the console button. He hesitated for a moment before he pushed the button. Sobbash’s face appeared immediately. She at first had a concerned look, and then she smiled.

“Well Jinto you don’t look too bad. After reading your report, I figured I’d find your arm in a cast or such.” Sobbash had a smile (almost a laugh) on her face, and then she went serious. “How’s the Admiral doing? Atosuryua and I are very concerned about her well being.”

“Sobbash I would have to describe her as very calm. She seems detached from what’s happening around her.” Jinto continued. “It’s not that she is unaware of what’s happening. She seems to not care about it. I’m very worried about her.”

“Jinto there’s been five more unexplained events since your report was sent.” Sobbash was all seriousness. “Two of them happen after ships went through the Sord you spoke about. One happened here onboard a supply ship that had not been in that part of space at all. Command is almost in a panic.” Sobbash continued. “We will talk when I take command of the ship. The squadron will remain with Admiral Atosuryua and myself. Our orders are to observe the crews and see what happens. You and Lafiel will travel to the capital so fleet medical can look her over. We will rendezvous in fifteen hours. Any questions Jinto?” “Yes one question. Has anyone died from this?” Jinto asked. “No one has died, but there are four people who will never be themselves again.” Sobbash answered.

Jinto was in shock “Would Lafiel be one of ones never to return?” he worried. He thanked Sobbash and ended the communication. He sat back heavily in his chair, sighed a great sigh as he looked at Lafiel’s picture. “You’ve saved me Lafiel, I hope I can save you my love.” In less than fifteen hours, he would have to try to move her. Would she fight him or go peacefully with him? He did not know.

Sobbash sat in her chair looking at the screen that just went blank. “She’s a strong person but until we know what has happened to them all we are unable to help anyone, should Jinto lose her.” Sobbash stiffened in her chair at the thought of that happening. She got up and headed for the bridge to talk again with Atosuryua.

Atosuryua sat on the bridge reading a report when Sobbash entered. “I’ve been looking over what Jinto did after he turn the squadron around. It seems he has a grasp on what’s happening.” Sobbash looked surprised. “Then you have not seen this report?” Atosuryua waves a report before Sobbash’s face. “No I have not seen this,” replied Sobbash. “Take a moment and read it, we will talk about it when you’re done.” Sobbash takes the report and heads for her seat where she starts reading it.

Jinto’s report explains his decision to turn the squadron around and the steps he took to prevent the rest of crew from being harmed. Only the radar was used for navigation. Anytime when the area sensors were used, they were operated for a limited time. The crewmembers rotated only allowing each member only a limited amount of exposure to the data stream. Then as they traveled the ship’s sensors were recording any and all happenings.

Jinto said he had sensed something, while he and Lafiel were on the bridge, just before her incident. She had been studying plane space for a long time with the area sensors. She was very fatigued when she finished. It was during that time Jinto figured she was “Infected.”

It was time; the rendezvous was approaching. “Time to get Lafiel.” Jinto thought as he headed down the corridor to her cabin door, “Lafiel may I come in?” The door opened Lafiel stood there in slacks, a blouse, jacket, and a large sun hat on her head. Both the hat and her hair were covering her face. “I’m ready Jinto. Can we do this quietly?” Lafiel said in a monotone voice. “Yes, We’ll go to the shuttle and depart, the only person we will see should be Sobbash.” Jinto replied. “I’m ready, let’s go.” Lafiel was out the door. Jinto stopped and grabbed her command rod, put it on his side and followed her.

Lafiel walked slowly down the corridor towards the shuttle dock. The door opened. Ekuryua and Sobbash were in the dock talking, they fell silent when the door opened. Lafiel entered and walked towards the shuttle door but Sobbash stopped her. “Admiral, are you alright?” Lafiel stops and turns towards Sobbash, she tilted her head back so the hair would leave her face and answered Sobbash. “I’m fine I would like to leave now.” She said and with that she turned towards the shuttle and entered it. Sobbash was in a state of disbelief; the face she had just seen was so beautiful and peaceful. Lafiel was so calm, showing none of the fire or determination she normally had. It was as if her will had been stripped from her.

Jinto approached Sobbash with Lafiel's the command rod in his hands. “I leave the squadron in your capable hands. Take care of it till we get back.” Jinto said. He looked very tired. Taking the rod Sobbash said, “Leave it to us, we will take care of the squadron. You seem to have a bigger worry.” Sobbash looked Jinto eye to eye. “She is strong, she will be alright” Jinto looks at Sobbash and replies, “I hope you are correct Sobbash.”

Jinto turns, and Ekuryua salutes him. He returns her salute, and then he enters the shuttle. The bay doors close then the outer doors opened and the shuttle departed. Ekuryua looks at Sobbash and says, “Will she be alright?” Sobbash replies, “We can only hope.” They left the shuttle dock and headed for the bridge.

The crew was aware that the Admiral was ill and a change of command was being made. What they did not realize was the information that they had collected which Commander Lynn had a copy of with him, could well save the Empire from a fate worse than death. “If Jinto can get the data crystal to the Capital along with his passenger safely.” Sobbash thoughts went to the fading craft as it left her sight.

Lafiel was seated next to him, asleep. The journey to the capital would take seven hours. “It would be nice if she slept the whole time she been a little scary to talk to.” Jinto thought. She slept with her hat still on but her hair had parted so Jinto could see her face. Her face even though expressionless had a beauty all of it’s own. It was hard for Jinto not to stare at her for the entire trip. She awoke just before they arrived. Once at the Capital they were separated and she went to the medical facility while Jinto headed for fleet headquarters.

Arriving at headquarters Jinto was greeted by a familiar face. “Jinto, welcome. How is she doing?” Debeusec asked. “There’s been no change since we last spoke. They took her off to medical when we arrived.” Jinto replied. “I would wait to see her Admiral, let her settle in, please.” Jinto’s words caught Debeusec by surprise. “Very well Jinto let’s go present your report, Admiral Kenesh is waiting.” Debeusec replied. The two of them headed down the hallway to a conference room.

Opening the door they could see Admiral Kenesh seated at a large conference table with charts and graphs that surround all of them as Debeusec and Jinto sat down. Jinto removed the data crystal from around his neck and handed it to Admiral Kenesh. She inserted the crystal into a reader and the data started appearing before them.

“I see it’s like a..” Kenesh trailed off looking confused. Jinto interrupted, “A song. A brain wave song. It looks for fault in the individual and exploits it.”

“So it affects everyone differently?” Admiral Kenesh asked.

“Yes.” Jinto said. “With Lafiel, she has had concerns since Lobnas II that she was not fit to command. The song exploited this and made it real to her.” Jinto continues. “It’s not hypnosis, it is more of a deeply planted thought that rises in sleep. I have not figured out the trigger. Without that we have no way to combat this or return anyone to normal. I did something to Lafiel that no one else has done. I awakened her in the middle of what ever was happening. I’m still smarting for it, but she has not reacted like the rest.“ Debeusec stops Jinto.

“What you are saying is that this song finds a mental weakness, exploits it, and makes it, shall I say REAL?”

“Yes Admiral that’s my best guess with the information I had.” Jinto replied.

“Jinto why has it not affected you?” Debeusec asked, being blunt.

“It has.” Jinto said. “It exploited my fear I would lose Lafiel and that has happened. I’ve accepted it for the moment, but I won’t give up on her or anyone else.” Jinto looks like he had not slept in a week. “My wish is that medical finds the way out of this. If not, and the Untied Mankind launches a full scale attack we will lose.” Jinto leans back in his chair and stares at the ceiling.

“Commander Lynn when did you sleep last?” Admiral Kenesh’s question caught him off guard. “Three days ago. I cat nap from time to time but it’s been three days since I have had any real sleep. Jinto replied. “Commander Lynn I’m ordering you to rest. We need you at your best if we are going to figure this out. Admiral Ablïarsec escort Commander Lynn to his quarters. We are finished for the time being, well almost.” Admiral Kenesh said, and then her tone suddenly changed. “Commander Lynn.” Jinto stops and looks Kenesh in the face. “There have been seventy confirmed cases, all of them serious enough to have the person relieved of duty and one death, the Captain of the Rumas hung himself. The numbers are climbing we must find a cure for this fast.”

Jinto went pale, “Yes Admiral we must.” Debeusec looks to Jinto; “Come along I’ll show you to your quarters.” With that they left, Debeusec's hand on Jinto’s shoulder. “It will be alright just wait Jinto.” Jinto hoped he was right. His quarters were close to the medical facility. They were big, with more room than he had seen in a long time. He stood at the food computer, wanting something to drink. “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot”. The cup dropped into place, and warm brown liquid fills the cup. Jinto removes the cup, and then sits in a nearby chair had a sip or two before he drifted off to sleep.

The beeping of the communications console brought Jinto to an awakened state. “Yes what is it?” Jinto answered. “Commander Lynn you need to come to the medical branch immediately.” the voice said and when the voice stopped, Jinto heard another very familiar voice in the background screaming his name. “Commander Lynn have you heard a word that I said?” “Yes I’ll be there!“ Jinto replied. Dressing rapidly and with shoes in hand he dashed towards the medical branch.

Jinto was approaching the door when he noticed Admiral Spoor was in the lobby. “What’s she doing here?” Jinto was about to find out. “Admiral Spoor you will excuse me, I’m needed elsewhere,” Jinto said as he darted past her. The next thing he knew the Admiral was hot on his heels. Arriving at the elevator Jinto pushed the up button and Admiral Spoor spoke “I’m coming with you Commander Lynn we need to talk.”

The door opened, they both entered, and after the door shut Spoor started. “I need to know why you have not lost your mind or have become violent like all the others have? Is it that you’re half Lander or is it something else?” Before Jinto could answer the door opened on the floor Lafiel was on.

JINTO! Where is he? What is this place? You shall tell me. Why am I strapped down? JINTO! JINTO!
Jinto left Spoor in the car and dashed down the hall. Opening the door to Lafiel’s room he saw her strapped to the bed. Two attendants were trying to calm her down and several objects had been tossed about the room. “Look’s like she put up a good fight,” he thought. Approaching the bed she saw him and stopped struggling “Where were you? Where am I? Explain this Jinto and untie me.” Lafiel screeched.

Looking at the attendant Jinto asked, “What happened?” The attendant pulled Jinto aside and said, “We had to put her under last night. She would not sleep, and then about an hour ago her brain activity went off the scale. She awoke began throwing things around and screaming out your name. That’s when we called you to come here.” She replied.

Jinto turns towards the bed. Lafiel was lying there being fairly calm; she had been listening to what Jinto was being told. “Jinto where am I and what is this place?” Lafiel was puzzled. Jinto explained she was in the Capital and she had been relieved of command by her own choice. She stops him. “Command of what? You know well I was kicked out of the Star Forces after the ‘Disaster at Lobnas II.” Jinto looks stunned and Lafiel continues. “It was my bad judgment to save you, that cost Admiral Spoor and her fleet their lives. We are merchants now, and I never want to see the Star Forces again!” Jinto stares at her in disbelief; before he could say a word he heard a sound from behind. He turned around and Spoor was motioning him to leave the room. She was outside the door and beyond Lafiel’s sight.

“Lafiel I’ll be right back, is that okay with you?” Jinto looks towards Spoor as she steps back out of sight. “Do not be gone long and could you have them untie me?” Lafiel asked. Jinto looked at the attendant she shook her head ‘NO’. Jinto faces Lafiel and says, “Can you wait till I get back please?” “Ok do not be long, Jinto I love you.” was Lafiel’s reply.

Jinto left the room and Spoor met him at the end of the hall. “Let’s drop the formalities, I will call you Count and you can call me Grand Duchess. She’s like the others.” Spoor continues. “A repressed memory becomes reality. At the moment, any attempt to convince her otherwise will drive her insane.” Spoor looks quite serious. “That’s why I stopped you and why I did not walk into the room.”

Jinto felt uncomfortable “Grand Duchess, I’d like to use our military ranks instead.” Spoor gently laughed.
“Ok Commander Lynn, you’re on, but we need to examine you thoroughly. You’re different and you’ve not shown any of the symptoms that the others have. I believe you’re the key to solving this.” She continued, “I need to be blunt. If we do not find a cure for this and the United Mankind launches a full scale attack using this weapon we will be soundly defeated.”

Her words resounded off Jinto’s ears. He knew Abh ships were useless without an Abh to pilot them. “So that’s what they were after. To take out the weak link in the Empire, the Abh themselves. The United Mankind knew that they could not win a fair fight with the Empire so they came up with a way to disable the Abh.” His face lost all expression.

“Commander Lynn what are you thinking?” Spoor saw him deep in thought then watched him go blank.
“Admiral how did they get to know so much about the make up of a Abh, unless they have Abh’s to study.” Jinto asked.

“Commander I’ll let you in on a secret the United Mankind has Abh prisoners. They came from the over running of Clasbul station, and some of them were from other battles. How many and who, we do not know. That’s how the United Mankind destroyed the transport ship in 958 they tapped into our mental links. That’s why we cannot find them. They are one step ahead of us and the reason they have not attacked us is that they still did not know how to defeat us until now.” Spoor continues, “You need to return, the Princess will get impatient. Well at least that part of her seems normal. You two could leave here. Get a small ship and explore the universe together. Or you can stay here; help the Empire and risk losing her forever. I do not relish your choice, but we will need your answer soon.” Spoor finished.

“Admiral what’s to keep Lafiel from going insane? If seeing you would drive her to it, anything could trigger it. I cannot chance that, I will stay here and whatever happens. Happens. How soon do the tests start?”

“Go back and see her now. I’ll send for you when we are ready.” Spoor replied. She walks down the hall and gets into the elevator. Jinto walks back towards Lafiel’s room. He knows he’s made the right decision. He went in the room, and upon finding Lafiel asleep he decided he would not wake her. Sitting next to the bed, he took a good look at her. Her hair was a mess and her arm’s were reddened at the wrist from the straps. She was breathing normally and her color was good. The monitors showed she was in a restful sleep. He sat back in the chair and napped. He figured he would need all the rest he could get.

“Commander Lynn?” a voice brought Jinto around. He looked to his right and Lafiel was gone. He stood up.
“Where is La” the voice stops him. “We took her to a exam room, you will see her soon. Right now come with me the Admiral is waiting for you.” Jinto followed the attendant down the hall to a darkened room. Admiral Spoor and several others were waiting inside. “Count Hyde we have some test to run on you. This should not take long. I’ll leave you with these people. I have other matters to attend to.” Admiral Spoor said as she left the room.

Jinto went through a complete physical and mental review. In the room next to him Lafiel was being examined also. The exams were completed. Within the results an uncommon thread was found. It was not a mental attack simply to drive an Abh insane. It was an attack to start a genetic progression that excites the genes that kill an Abh before he or she becomes infirm. The reason Jinto was not affected he was half Abh, no obedience or death gene.

The United Mankind had not yet perfected their attack; otherwise all of the Abh's whom had come in contact with it would have died in their sleep. Now that the reason for the attack was found, they still needed to figure out the delivery system, how to counter it, and then how to reverse it. “How could they have stooped to such a lowly attack? Then again they have never fought a fair fight.” Jinto thought as he walked back to his quarters “We know what they are after, now can I still save Lafiel?” In his room he knew it was no longer as hopeless as it had seem this morning.

Another late night call awoke Jinto, this time it was Dr. Sasoum the Chief of the Medical branch and the person who had modified Jinto. “Jinto we need you down here as soon as possible.” Dr Sasoum continued, “We’ve found it, I’m sure of it, but we need you here to be certain.”

Jinto’s response was to the point. “I’m on my way.” He arrived at the medical facility where Dr. Sasoum was waiting for him. “What have you found doctor?” Jinto asked.

“It was so simple. But there are some things I need to explain first.” The doctor continues, “We Abh are one race with one set of gene coding, Terran's are many races with much gene intermixing. The United Mankind has found a flaw in our gene coding and is trying to exploit it. Do you follow me so far Jinto?” Jinto nods his head.

“Here is where I need your help. Or problem lies with the obedience gene and it’s triggering. When an Abh tries to be disobedient they suffer a migraine headache, it’s a trigger to warn them. It was leftover from ancient times and is really not needed today. Most Abh’s would be embarrassed to even think of being disobedient. The gene works while they're asleep. The one who displays a tendency to be disobedient is retrained in their sleep. Usually four hours or so will do it. That’s why Lafiel did not change completely. You interrupted the change by awakening her. I’m still at a loss as to why she no longer wants to command. This is where I need your help. If we can figure it all out, then we should be able to correct it. However I do not know if we can return her, or the rest, to the personality they had before. It’s still to early for that.”

“So how did you get this far doctor?” was Jinto’s next question. “It was your logs, the song as you called it was actually several different types of brain washing. All different forms of disobedience, rebellion, rejection, revelation, revolution, all a negative stream of data fed into the sub-space noise set to our communication bandwidth. Remember when you and Lafiel first shared memories?” Jinto nods and the doctor continued, “The two of you used that communications stream and as you know its effect is profound.” Jinto was confused and asked, “So anybody that has sensed the United Mankind data stream for a period of time was affected?”

“Yes, but it looks like it had to be a long exposure. Short exposure to the stream, seems to have little affect on the mind of the user. We have found a way to filter it out, we simply tell the computer to ignore it and the user will never sense it. That’s the beauty of it, the enemy does not know we can selectively filter sub space noise. Now for the one hundred or so people that I have in my care. You and I need to find the final piece of the puzzle. Are you ready Jinto?”

“Yes doctor let’s get started, what should I do?” was Jinto’s reply. “Jinto I’m going to hook you and Lafiel up and I want you to go through her memories and find what she saw that changed her. I’ll be monitoring your progress from here.” Dr Sasoum continued “There is danger in this, but I need to know what she saw or heard to trigger the present state of mind that she is in.” Jinto entered the room. Lafiel lay sleeping she was already hooked up to a monitoring device. The bed next to her was empty so Jinto kicked off his shoes and laid down on it. The doctor hooked him up to the monitor.

“Jinto at first she won’t know you are there. I will see what you see and should anything go wrong I can stop it all from here.” Her words left Jinto uneasy and it showed on the monitor. “Jinto you are the only one who has seen her mind you will know when it is no longer safe to proceed.” The doctor looks at him. “Are you ready?” Jinto nods,
“Yes lets get this over with.”

So it started, the door opened to a place where Jinto had been before. This time it was different. A struggle was going on in her head. Conflicting streams of thought jumbled ideas? Jinto fought hard to find a calm place. He finally found one. It was the bridge of the Basroil before they entered the Lobnas II system.

Everything seemed fine, so he went forward through his capture, the launch of the last ship off Lobnas II, through the gate, entering a space-time bubble, and then it all went blank. Then he saw it, “The Gosroth being destroyed. How could she know what that scene was like? Unless? The damage to the patrol ship was massive. Then a laser blasted through it and it vanished.” What Jinto had seen was the attack record from the Untied Mankind vessel that had destroyed Gosroth.

Samson’s voice could be heard in the background, “Is that all that’s left of the first fleet?” A feeling of great pain and disappointment now filled Jinto. He was feeling what she was feeling she must have felt that she had destroyed the Gosroth. Jinto was tiring he had to stop it was not making any sense, he motioned to the doctor she broke the link.

Lafiel was still in a deep sleep when he left the room. He and the doctor went down the hall to a small room. Jinto made himself a glass of tea and the doctor had coffee. Jinto sat down, as he did the doctor spoke. “Jinto you asked earlier if there was a common thread?” Jinto nods. “There is, I feel I can tell you now after seeing Lafiel’s responses. All of my patients are female, everyone affected is female.” Jinto stops her, “The captain of the.” She continued, “The Captain was conceived female and altered to be a male. Jinto do you know of the early problems Abh females had?” Jinto shook his head.

Dr. Sasoum looks Jinto straight in the eye and says, “I’m going to give you a understanding of Abh women most Abh men do not have. Jinto blushed and the doctor continued. “Early Abh women were much like Terran women except they lived longer. This meant there was a limit on their ability to produce eggs for conception. On the generation ships a way was found not only to extend a women’s fertile span, but also to relieve her of the problems of being a women.

Jinto looked confused, the doctor smiled, “You did not have a sister did you?” Jinto nods in agreement. Dr. Sasoum smiles and continues. “Let me move forward and it should explain itself out. Abh females and Terran females are the same till they reach their thirteenth birthday. When the hormonal changes start, Abh females cycle through for about twelve to fourteen months then become dormant, where Terran females cycle through till they hit menopause. You know about birth control pills?” Jinto nods the doctor continues.

“Abh women have a cycle starting pill. When the time is right and an artificial conception is to take place. One pill starts egg production so an egg can be harvested to produce a child. The cycle continues for a month then stops. Normal conception cannot take place. Should she wish to conceive normally a series of pills are to be taken over a given time, and then she is ready to conceive normally. Most times the fetus is placed in an artificial womb but some women do carry them to term.”

“So that means Abh women are fertile to the day they die?” Jinto inquired. “Yes” Dr. Sasoum continued. “The monthly problems, mood swings and bone mass changes were all put on hold. Jinto I’ll let you in on a little secret your not the only half Abh in the room, my mother was Terran. She was a brilliant genetic scientist. She carried me to term and taught me the ways of Terran women.” She smiles. “In a way I’m carrying on her work. That’s why I need your help; somehow the United Mankind has found a way to destabilize the genetic makeup of Abh females. We need to find it and counter it soon. I know you’re tired but we need to unlock Lafiel’s mind. Are you ready to continue?” Jinto replied “Yes I want Lafiel back!”

On their way to Lafiel’s room the doctor asked. “Jinto what does the destruction of the Gosroth have to do with Admiral Spoor’s fleet at Lobnas II?” Jinto looked at her with amazement, and then realized, she did not know. “The Captain of the Gosroth was Lafiel’s mother, her genetic donor, she was aware of this when we left the ship. The destruction of Gosroth hit her very hard I do not think she’s ever gotten over it.” Dr. Sasoum stops in her tracks.

She looks at Jinto with disbelief then spoke, “Plakia was Lafiel’s mother? I was not aware of that.” She stood there in the hall staring into space, deep in thought. Jinto interrupted her thought. “Doctor, are we still going to continue with.” She stops him. “Jinto I have to ask a personal question, I will also need an honest answer.” Jinto wondered what brought this about. Why would Plakia being Lafiel’s mother bring about a personal question from the doctor? “Go ahead and ask, I will do my best to answer it.” Jinto replied.

“Jinto first I need to tell you something else, before I ask my question.” Dr. Sasoum was all business now. “Plakia and I knew each other before she went into the Star Forces. I had lost track of her, I did not know of her life in the Star Forces. I was informed of her death after the war started.” She continues. “Jinto I have two question of you; the first is have you and Lafiel been intimate physically? And does Lafiel have any other female siblings?”

Jinto went red then pale, but he responded to the question as asked. “If you mean physical love making? The answer is No. She has no other female siblings. What has this to do with Plakia being her mother?”

“Plakia was a very warm and romantic person.” Dr. Sasoum went on. “I was trying to figure out why her daughter did not show the same tendencies. I was hoping to use love as a way to get her to open up. I guess I’m going at this the wrong way.

“No you’re wrong, Lafiel is loving it’s just that she keeps it to herself and she is playful.” Jinto’s anger at the doctor’s presumption that Lafiel was cold was showing. “What is our next step?” Jinto was becoming impatient. “Are we going to stand in the hall and discuss Lafiel’s life history, or are we going to try to return her to normal?”

“Jinto here’s what I want to do.” Dr. Sasoum has a confident look on her face. “I’m going to hook the two of you together let her know you are there and I want you to gently set her straight on the conflict in her mind.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Jinto asked “You would not let her see Admiral Spoor because you thought it would drive her insane. I do not understand. This sounds very dangerous. You need to convince me that I won’t be the instrument of Lafiel’s insanity.” One very upset face says, “Jinto does Lafiel love and trust you? Yes or No?” Dr. Sasoum delivers this one question point blank and with narrowed eyes. Jinto answers her, “Yes she does. She knows I would never knowingly hurt or let harm come to her.”

“Jinto that’s what I’m betting on. That she will believe you without hesitation or reservation. I want you to keep telling her you love her and keep correcting what you know as wrong. Are you ready and do you trust me?” Dr. Sasoum was waiting for the answer it did not take Jinto long. He turned and headed for Lafiel’s room stating. “Well why are we wasting time here for let’s go help Lafiel.”
Lafiel lay asleep in an induced rest. A soft blue light lit her face and head, while the rest of her was in darkness. Jinto stood along side the bed and Dr. Sasoum hooked them up, “Doctor.” Jinto said quietly, “Let me get to a place of peace before you let her sense my presence okay?”

The doctor nods she switched the device on. Jinto was again in the turmoil that was Lafiel’s mind. His journey was easier this time, and he quickly found a place of peace. Jinto, ready as he would ever be, had the doctor make Lafiel aware of him being with her.

“Lafiel my love I’m here. Answer me.” Jinto was aware she had heard him but her answer was unexpected.

“You still hate me for what I did. Leaving you at Lobnas II, for losing Spoor’s fleet. How can you love me? I’m a monster, an unfeeling uncaring Ablïarsec monster. I will never have love; I’ve done so many things wrong. How can you ever love me?”

Jinto did not waver. “Lafiel you’re wrong. I do not hate you. You did the correct thing at Lobnas II. You save the landers, and you did not destroy Spoor’s fleet. Your mind has been altered. Think hard my love the Lashkau was badly damaged but Spoor lives. She was at the ceremony that promoted you to Admiral please remember Lafiel.”

Lafiel’s eyes opened and although she is in a sleep state Jinto could sense she was seeing him. He smiled at her and continued. “I never hated you, I’ve been upset with you as you have been upset with me. You are my world, my love, and I am yours forever. Think Lafiel, show me what you’re thinking.”

Jinto looks into her eyes; they were cold and black as the deepest part of space. In the center the pupil opened slightly as small tears started to form in the corners of her eyes. “Jinto I want to believe you. I understand what you’re saying but the voice in my head keeps telling me I’m a horrible person, and I do horrible things. I’ll never be loved or in love, that I will spend my life lonely, without the touch of another or the hope of motherhood, incomplete, barren, hopeless.” Lafiel’s tears flow freely across her cheeks.

Jinto grabs her hand; she pulls him into bed with her. They lay there, bound to each other. Jinto realizes that Lafiel was awake and also communicating with him through the device. “Jinto do you know how often I wanted to come to your cabin and crawl into bed with you like we are now? Just to be with you? Just to feel your warmth? Smell the smell of you? To love being with you alone?”

Jinto realized the doctor was still in the room. He did not care what she saw or heard. Lafiel was trying to come back to him and he would do anything to retrieve her mind, soul, and love. “We’ve spent so much time alone with each other Clasbul, Aptic, my recovery time from Lobnas II, the vacation why didn’t we do this sooner. I never knew this side of you. I like it and it makes me want you and love you even more.”

Lafiel and Jinto were wrapped up in each other’s arms, completely oblivious to their surroundings. Dr Sasoum had left the room; she was listening from the hall. “Should this lead to something unexpected. I should be out of the room.” Dr Sasoum thought.

Jinto and Lafiel fell fast asleep together. The doctor came in and disconnected the device covered them both and left the ward. Love was the answer and she had a lot of healing to do. She also had a report to file with headquarters.

“I make it approximately two hundred fleets Admiral. They came from the third unexplored Sord and are heading straight for the Capital.” Kufadis continued. “Thanks to Commander Lynn and the medical staff we have a way to defend against their attack. Should I order a full-scale assault on the enemy fleet Admiral?”

“No Chief of Staff, I have a better plan, station twenty fleets of Kal class war ships at the Sord leading to the Capital. Hide the balance of the fleet behind the planets around the Sord and in the spatial distortion area of the Sord. Let those fools think they have us at ten to one odds. Monitor the emissions from the Sord. When the transmission is received, have the Kal class vessels maneuver haphazard in normal space, looking like they’ve been affected. When the enemy fleet has emerged from plane space, we will tear them to shreds. However, if, they surrender, I want lots of prisoners. They’ve got a lot of questions to answer. Last thing Chief of Staff I want the ship or ships that are sending the transmissions intact and functional at all cost.”

“Yes Admiral, I’ll issue the orders right away. The enemy fleet should be here in twelve hours.” The fleets hid within the Sord distortion and in the shadow of the planets and moons awaiting the enemy’s arrival. Six hours before the enemy arrived, the transmission started, the filters worked. The Kal class and the rest of the fleet were unaffected. About two hours later the Kal class war ships started maneuvering in a disorganized pattern within the area about the Sord. So disorganized were their actions, they blocked any radar returns from the ships in hiding.

“Admiral we’ve determined the location of the transmitting ship it will be one of the first out of the Sord.” Kufadis said. “Tag it, inform the fleet not to destroy it “ Spoor continued, “Have they slowed any?”

“No Admiral it looks like they will come at us at battle speed. The Kal class will have to scatter to avoid being rammed. We will have to wait to the last second to avoid tipping our hand. We may lose some ships.” Spoor cut him off. “Can’t be helped it’s got to look real to them, in battle, losses happen. We may have to lose a few to gain a final victory. Is there enough room for the enemy to exit the Sord?” “Yes the Kal class ships have moved away from the exit there should be no problem” Kufadis said, “They will be here in fifteen minuets Admiral Spoor”

The United Mankind fleet came, guns blazing out of the Sord. Several Kal class ships were damaged or destroyed. The transmission ship appeared and headed towards a small moon, it was captured immediately. At that moment the fireworks began. Abh ships filled normal space from every direction. Electro magnetic cannons firing, anti proton laser blazing. The ships hiding in the Sord distortion cut off any escape route back through the Sord. After an hour and a half it was finished. Most of the United Mankind fleet lay in ruins.

Admiral Spoor had lost seventy-five fleets either damaged or destroyed. They had managed to capture the communications ship and several hundred enemy vessels. Admiral Spoor took a shuttle to the captured communications ship. The ship had already been boarded, what she found was appalling. Several Abh’s were imprisoned aboard the ship. They were all hooked to a central computer, and were being used as the eyes and ears for the enemy. Most of them were malnourished and beaten. Spoor had the crew of the vessel sent to the Capital. She had the ship towed to the Imperial shipyards and the Abh’s aboard transported to the medical facilities at the Capital.

The fleets gathered to celebrate the victory. On the flagship Kufadis was at the celebration he looked around and noticed someone missing. “Computer, Admiral Spoor’s location.” “Admiral Spoor is on the bridge.” The computer responded. Exiting the lift at the bridge he was greeted by a familiar sight. Spoor lounging in her command chair, her hair draped across the armrest, staring at the view screen into open space.

“Admiral is everything all right?” Kufadis asked. “Chief of Staff do you think I acted properly?” Spoor replied. “Admiral I do not understand your question?” Kufadis replied. “The battle, I think it’s was planned to well. I should have let some of them escape. Now we have no more large battles ahead. It will be so boring.” Spoor looked depressed. “Admiral I do not think this will be the end, there are still factions out there that we will need to deal with.” She cut him off. “NO, NO, Kufadis! There will not be anything that I can do. The commanders will clean up the mess and I’ll just sit at the Capital BORED to tears!”

Kufadis walks towards Admiral Spoor, the person he had followed for ten years. He looked her in the eye and said. “Admiral I’ve followed you to hell and back. You are, and have always have been an excellent commander. I see no reason for you to be at the Capital bored to tears. Let’s take the fleet and go looking for stragglers. You’ve been in on this since the beginning I feel you should finish it Admiral.” Kufadis put his hand on Spoors shoulder she looks back and smiles at him. “You think the Emperor will be angry if the Commander and Chief of the Star Forces goes on a witch hunt and takes most of the fleet with her?”

“I’m sure he’ll be furious. This would be payback for him handing you this command against your wishes Admiral.” Kufadis was smiling, almost beaming. “You think he’d fire me so I could finally go home Kufadis?” “There is a good possibility of the happening Admiral.” Kufadis was still smiling.

“Chief of Staff as soon as the parties over, organize the best fifty fleets and let’s go get them!” Spoor was grinning from ear to ear, an evil grin. “As you command Admiral.” Kufadis started towards his console. “Kufadis?” Spoor was looking at him. “Admiral?” Kufadis stopped and turned towards her. “Thank you.” Spoor turned back to the view screen looking into space.

It had been six weeks since the battle concluded. Lafiel had been making steady progress. Physically she was normal, lately she had been showing a different emotional side that Jinto found confusing. While Lafiel was on a morning walk, Jinto stopped by Dr. Sasoum’s office for a talk. The doctor greeted Jinto, they sat and she started the conversation with. “Jinto what brings you here?”

Jinto looks at her with confusion and says. “It’s Lafiel there’s a side of her that’s coming out. I’m having trouble figuring out where she is heading. She seems child like.” The doctor looks at him and smiles. “Since we talked last, a lot of things have been discovered. Let me touch on the high points and it should make sense to you. One common thread has shown up in all of my patients. Jinto do you understand the phrase, biological clock, as it would apply to a women?” Jinto shook his head the doctor continued, “Terran women reach a time in they’re life if they have not had children, they get an overwhelming urge to mate and have offspring. This problem was suppose to have been resolved in the Abh genetic code, however those people exposed to the attack seem to be breaking free of the code.”

“Everyone is different.” She continues. “Lafiel is becoming child like you say. Do you know or has she spoken to you about her childhood Jinto?” Jinto looked at her and said, “All I know is that it was unhappy. That was the reason for her entering the Star Forces at a very young age, as for the details, no we had never discussed them.”

The doctor looks at Jinto with a puzzled look. “I see. You should find out more about her childhood. I was about to release her to your care. Is there a place the two of you can go to be away from the hectic pace, a retreat somewhere?” Jinto smiles. “There’s a place about twelve hours from the Capital where we could go, she does like it there.”

“That’s wonderful. Can you and Lafiel be back here in about an hour? There is one more thing I need Lafiel to do before I let her leave.” Dr. Sasoum was getting up from her chair; she looks to Jinto for his reply. “Yes we can be back in a hour.” “Wonderful I’ll see you then.” The doctor leaves the room.

Jinto left to find out more about Lafiel’s childhood from the only true source, her father. Jinto found Debeusec at the flower garden. He was sitting on a bench as if waiting for Jinto to arrive. They had a conversation about Lafiel and the mistakes he had made as a parent to her. Jinto left the garden with a much deeper understanding of Lafiel than he had ever imagined. Somewhere under that rough and hardened outside lay a little girl whose feelings had been hurt before. Jinto had to be sure they would not be hurt again. Jinto went to pick up Lafiel and meet Dr. Sasoum.

Jinto and Lafiel arrived at the office of Dr. Sasoum to find she was waiting for them. “Lafiel I have someone who wishes to see you before you leave.” The doctor started down the hallway and Jinto and Lafiel followed. The hallway ended at an outside area. There was a woman sitting at a table her back to them. As they approached the woman Lafiel suddenly gasped and grabbed Jinto’s hand. “It’s not possible you were on the Gosroth you can not be sitting here.”

Lafiel stopped in her tracks, Jinto still firmly attached to her hand stopped too. The woman turned to face Lafiel and said, “Your are correct Your Highness I was aboard the Gosroth. At the last exchange before the ship was destroyed, three of us were blown clear of the ship. We had a front row seat for the destruction of the ship. She continued. “Before the enemy ship left we were picked up and imprisoned. The other two have since died, and Admiral Spoor rescued me. I wanted to see you when I found out you were here, to tell you how bravely your mother fought. Yes, most of the crew figured out she was your mother. Come sit next to me so I may tell you of the last hours of Gosroth.”

Lafiel released her grip on Jinto’s hand and sat next to the woman, she turns to Jinto and says. “Can you comeback in a couple of hours Jinto?” Jinto nods. Lafiel continued, “I’ll be alright just don’t forget to get me okay?” “See you in a couple of hours Lafiel.” with that Jinto and the doctor departed. On the way up the hall the doctor said, “This should provide the end to the Gosroth for Lafiel and she should be able to walk forward from this holding no blame.” Jinto looks at the doctor and asks. “How long has she been here? Why did you not tell us sooner? How did she survive?”

The doctor explained she wanted to wait till they both were well enough to see each other. She wanted to see how Lafiel would handle a surprise from her past. Lastly that woman was a member of the engineering crew and was in a pressure suit when she was ejected into a merged, but stable space-time bubble. Jinto apologized for being blunt as they proceeded to the office. Once at her office the doctor made arrangement for Jinto and Lafiel to leave the medical facility.

Jinto went to gather his belongings then to pick Lafiel up at the courtyard. Lafiel seemed to be all right when he picked her up. They went to get her belongings and prepared to leave the Capital. She had them stop by to see her father before they left. It was a nice good bye. Debeusec wished them well and Lafiel gave him a big hug. Jinto shook his hand and said he would take good care of Lafiel. They went by Dr. Sasoum’s office for good byes and thanks, and then headed off to the spaceport.

Upon arrival at he spaceport Lafiel opened a letter that her father had given her. “Jinto look at this will you.” Jinto read the letter over her shoulder. It was from the Emperor stating that everyone affected by the attack could choose to come back to the Star Forces after three years rest or leave with no questions asked. “Looks like we have something to discuss Jinto.” Jinto look at Lafiel, “Let’s do it later I’m still tired. I like to get there and relax before we have to decide on this.” Lafiel nodded in agreement. They boarded the shuttle and departed the Capital.

The trip to the planet was uneventful. Jinto’s landing was flawless. They unpacked and set up house keeping on the island as before. It was mid day on the planet and Jinto wanted to relax. He had some paperwork with him from Samson that he started to review. Lafiel was off in the other room changing. He heard the door open and the sound of Lafiel coming down the hall. She passed in front of him stood in front of the patio doors that lead outside and said. “Jinto I want to do something different with my hair.” Jinto heard her words but continued reading. Lafiel continued. “Maybe I should cut it I liked Baroness Febdash style or maybe I should do it in a pony tail Jinto what do you think?”

Jinto finally looked up, and what he saw made him drop the file in his lap. Here was Lafiel in a pale yellow mid thigh sundress. Standing in front of the door the afternoon sun showing through the dress making it translucent. Her hands in her hair left the rest of her purely visible. She was modeling for him. “Well what do you think Jinto? Should I cut it or put it up or just leave it alone?” She turned her back towards the door, facing Jinto and said, “Well Jinto do you find me attractive?” Jinto sat in the chair in wide-eyed in disbelief with a smile on his face. Before he could speak Lafiel came to him and took the file folder from his lap. The folder had been hiding a physical response to what his eyes had been viewing and now Lafiel was aware of it too.

“I’ve got a feeling this is not the first time I’ve stirred these feelings inside of you.” Lafiel said. “Let me guess the coffin at Clasbul, the capsule at Aptic and more recently the night we spent together in the medical facility. I am correct am I not?” Jinto red-faced looked her straight in the eyes and said. “Yes, this is so unlike you I at a loss for words.”

Lafiel sat the folder to one side and sat beside Jinto in the chair. She looks at him and says. “Jinto I‘ve got all these new feelings I want to explore. Most of these feelings have to do with you. I want to be able to express them to you and I want you to be able to do the same without embarrassment. I know it will be difficult at first, but I love you Jinto. I know you love me too. I want us to be able to express that love freely and without reservation.”

Jinto turns and kisses Lafiel, he notices she has goose bumps on her arm. “Are you not cold in that dress?” Jinto whispered. “Yes it’s a bit cool, but I know a way to warm me up.” Lafiel responded. “Here?” Jinto said. “No silly, not here, in there.” she points to her room. Jinto took her in his arms and proceeded down the hall to her room. He laid her gently on the bed, raised the covers and lay next to her. They cuddled for about an hour.

Nature awoke Jinto. On his way to the bathroom he noticed a bottle of blue pills on Lafiel’s dresser. He immediately recognized them as cycle starting pills. Lafiel awoke she turned and saw Jinto holding the bottle. “Jinto those are for later, much later. Do not worry about them for now; I’ve had them since Lobnas II. You do what you need to do and get back here I’m getting cold.” She rolled back on her side and adjusted the cover. A moment later Jinto joined her. “Jinto what do you want for dinner?” She asked when he returned. “I’ll let you know later, right now I’m satisfied.” He replied.

They awoke an hour before sunset, had a light snack, and then a walk on the beach. It was going to be a breathtaking sunset. The sun shown off Lafiel’s hair and gently reflected off the pale yellow sundress. They were walking hand in hand, barefoot letting the warm water lap at their feet. Looking across the lake at the sunset Lafiel was moved to ask. “Jinto is this how married people act?” Jinto stops and looks at Lafiel. “What brought this about? Why the sudden interest in a custom of landers?” Jinto asked. “I was wondering what it must be like to stay with one person for your entire life, isn’t the phrase till death do you part?” Lafiel was standing with her arms around Jinto, gently speaking in his ear. “I’ve heard of the concept of marriage I just wondered what it must be like.”

Jinto looks to Lafiel as he speaks slowly, “It’s like this and more. It’s love and the commitment of two people above everything else. It’s trust and friendship, but you can have all of these things without marriage. Marriage is the union of two people to become one as a stable source for child rearing.” His words confused her, she thought and replied. “You mean landers have love, trust, commitment and children without marriage?” The sun was setting it was starting to get cold, and Lafiel was starting to shiver. “Let’s go back and I’ll explain what I’ve said. Since I’ve never been married I maybe uncertain on some aspects of it, I’m going by what I’ve been told Lafiel.”

They returned to the cottage, made a warm drink apiece and continued more open conversation. The two of them were communicating on a level they never dreamed possible. There was not a taboo subject. There were some heated words but understanding was the rule. As the sunrises over the woods the two tired people in this world head for bed.

“Jinto if it’s alright I’d like to sleep with you, if you’re comfortable with this.” Lafiel stood at the door to his room not knowing what to do next. “Can we do like we did earlier same bed but something between us?” Jinto was embarrassed.
Lafiel looks at him and says, “So you are afraid I might attack you in the middle of the night and deflower you?” Jinto was stunned. “Lafiel you should be fearing that from me. I have no idea what I’ll do in my sleep.”

Lafiel looks at him. “That was very honest Jinto. I don’t think you’ve ever been that honest with me before. Now I wish to honest with you. I trust you Jinto. Join me, you better hurry because I do not know how much longer I can stay awake.” They enter the bedroom together, disrobed to their underclothes and slip into bed.

Both of them were looking forward to an undisturbed sleep. They moved to the middle of the bed and said.

“Good night Lafiel.” “Good night Jinto.”

It was the beginning of a new day and a new life for both of them.

To be continued in: Relationships, Reflections and Closure.

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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