06_Relationships Reflections and Closure

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06_Relationships Reflections and Closure

Post by Diaho »

Relationships Reflections and Closure

“The scouting fleets communication shuttle has just docked and I’m downloading the report now.” Kufadis said not taking his eyes off the terminal. “Very well, put it on the main viewer when it’s ready Chief of Staff.” Admiral Spoor turned toward the main viewer her braided ponytail following in obedience. “Now what did they find out there? My heart’s racing a bit. I hope it’s not boring!” The viewer came to life and a Federation of Hania Fleet was being displayed, about twenty fleet’s worth. “Well we out number them two to one. Not an ideal situation. Your thoughts Chief of Staff?” Admiral Spoor was still viewing the screen with great intent.

“They are not all warships, and on that note, we out number them three to one. They stopped their advance when the scouting fleet made contact. We are about three hours away. Your orders Admiral?” Kufadis looked up from his terminal. Spoor stood motionless in front of him, one hand on her command rod the other on her hip, and a gaze fixed on the screen studying in great detail the map before her.

“Keep advancing for the moment Kufadis. Let’s see how they react to us.” Kufadis was dumbfounded; Admiral Spoor’s order was well different than she had been giving as of late. “Yes Admiral we will keep advancing on the present route.” Kufadis replied. “I hope she’s not planning on playing cat and mouse with them like she did with the last fleet we defeated.” Kufadis stared at his tactical display and sighed.

Thud!! Jinto was lying on the floor, as he looked up he saw a hand and foot hanging off the bed where his body had been. “She pushed me out of bed, just like Diaho has done before.” Jinto had been sleeping on his side with his back toward Lafiel. She had nudged him and he instinctively moved over till he ran out of bed. “Now what? I don’t want to disturb her but I’m not sleeping on the floor.” Jinto thought. He went over to the closet, grabbed a blanket for himself, and then returned to Lafiel making sure she was covered before he headed for the couch in the living area. They had fallen asleep just before dawn. It seemed to be mid morning to Jinto, but more importantly he wanted to sleep. As he looked out the window he noticed clouds on the horizon. “Look’s like it might rain,” he lay down on the couch and drifted off to sleep.

Flash, Bang, Boom! The first noises of a thunderstorm hit Jinto’s ears followed by a blood-curdling scream from the bedroom. He stood up. The room was dark from the storm and the flash of lightening and the boom of thunder greeted him. There was another scream and the sound of running feet from the hall. Lafiel was standing in front of him breathless, pale and scared senseless. She wrapped her arms around Jinto and said “Where were you, are we under attack?” Another bolt of lightening and crash of thunder that shook the shelter stops her. She dug in harder to Jinto’s flesh.

“Lafiel you’re hurting me relax. I guess you’ve never been in a thunderstorm before?” She looked at him with most of the terror gone from her eyes. She relaxed her grip on Jinto and asked. “Thunderstorm? Explain this to me I do not know of this.” Jinto took the blanket off the couch and wrapped the both of them in it. They sat facing the window. Jinto explained the water cycle to her and how the thunder and lightening come about.

She understood most of it then she started to ask for details but was interrupted by a sizable flash of lightening followed by the sound of thunder a few moments later. She then asked, “Jinto at first the light and sound were together now they are apart why is this?” Jinto explained that light travels at the same speed whether it’s on land or in space but sound does not travel at the same speed as light so by using a simple formula you can figure out how far the bolt is from you.

“I see, so you see the flash count slowly and the number you get to when you hear the boom is the distance from you.” Jinto nodded at that moment a flash occurred and Lafiel began counting. She had made it to three when the boom was heard. “Three?” Lafiel looked at Jinto. “Kilometers” Jinto said, “It’s a ground distance.” He then converted it to a unit of measurement that Lafiel would understand. As he finished, it started to rain. Lafiel had never seen rain from the skies before. She sat there amazed, and then she asked. “Jinto what is this rain like?” Jinto said it was like a shower in fact that is what landers called them, but before he could finish Lafiel had got up opened the door and stepped outside into the shower.

“IT’S COLD!” she screamed. Jinto stepped outside with her. They both stood there in the rain getting soaked. “Had you waited I could have told you that most of the time the falling rain is cold to us. There are times when it’s a comfortable temperature.” Jinto said. Lafiel did not care; she had become accustom to the temperature change. She stood there, the rain running over her hair down her back and on to the ground. Jinto stood looking, in the dim light of the storm, at his love enjoying something he thought she never would, a simple pleasure.

The storm was passing by and the sky started to lighten but the rain still fell. Jinto and Lafiel stood facing each other, they embraced and Lafiel said, “Thank you Jinto. Thank you.” She held him tighter than she had ever held him before, it was as if she was trying to become one with him. “Lafiel I’m having trouble breathing could you relax your hold a little bit?”

“Sorry Jinto, I guess, I never want to let go of you again. I’m getting cold can we go in and get warm?” She was starting to shiver. Jinto opened the door and they both went in. They stood there in the dim light and took off the wet clothes they had on. Then wrapped up in the blanket that Jinto had brought with him. They sat facing the window watching the storm pass, and then it happened. “Jinto what is that?” Lafiel asked. “What do you mean?” asked Jinto. “That colorful light over there to the right.“ Jinto looked, “Oh that’s a rainbow” He explained how the sunlight went through the water droplets and when conditions are right a rainbow is formed. He also said she could find stories about rainbows in the ship's computer but above all, rainbows are special. “Yes this is all special to me.” Lafiel said, “Jinto I’m still tired can we try sleeping again?” Jinto looked at her, “HERE?”

“There’s room for the two of us here on the couch. Just lay down, I’ll do the rest.” Jinto lay down and Lafiel slipped in next to him. She faced him and slipped her wet hair behind her back. “Is this okay?” she asked Jinto. “Yes it’s fine.” He felt like he was in the coffin at Clasbul but much more comfortable. Lafiel was lying next to him she was no longer repulsed by him, it all felt natural. They were asleep in an instant.

“Admiral Spoor we are now within firing range of the enemy fleet.” Kufadis was glued to the display, then in an instant. “Admiral, they are retreating. I do not think we will be able to catch them.”

“Fire a warning salvo across their path. Now!”

The ship shook before Spoor had finished her words. A salvo fired across the lead ship’s path, it paid it no heed. “Their speed is increasing we can not stay with them.” Kufadis said. “Can the scouting fleet stay with them?” Spoor was incensed. “Yes the scouting fleet can shadow them for four days then their fuel will become critical.”

Kufadis looked at Spoor for her response. “Very well Chief of Staff do that and find us somewhere to leave these damaged ships that are slowing us down. We will need to refuel as well.” Spoor stopped at Kufadis station she put her hand on his shoulder and said. “I’ll leave it to you, now I’m going to my quarters call me if anything else happens.” “Yes Admiral I shall. Get some rest it’s been a long three days.” Spoor released her hold on his shoulder and left the bridge.

It was sunlight that awoke Lafiel. The afternoon sun was coming in the window and was in her eyes. She turned away and looked at Jinto still asleep by her side. She moved the blanket so she could see his face. When she did she was not surprised. He had the same silly grin he has had every time she’s seen him asleep. “I wonder what he’s thinking? I’ll have to ask him when he awakens.” Lafiel kept looking at Jinto. She saw the scar from his brush with death on Clasbul. She also found the fading bruises she gave him. She was peeking under the cover when Jinto started to stir. Her eyes had made it to his navel when she heard “Playing peek a boo? You know what they say about curiosity.” Lafiel looks into his eyes and says. “No just doing a little exploring, seeing what there is to see.”

Jinto looked at her before he could speak Lafiel asked him. “When I awoke and looked at your face it had the same silly grin on it that I’ve seen every time you’ve been asleep. Would you care to explain it, if you can?” Jinto was about to speak again but Lafiel was not finished. “I admire your self control while your awake, but it seems your body has a different control setting when you’re asleep.”

Jinto looked at her dumbfounded then he realized what she was talking about. He had felt a great relief while he was sleeping. “Lafiel I’m so sor.” She stopped him. “Do not apologize for a natural action, I realize you have no control when you’re asleep. I’ll tell you a little secret, neither do I.

She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Jinto had a question that he needed answered. “So did we do it?” She chuckled and answered him “Well you did, but we haven’t, yet.” With that answer Jinto sighed, Lafiel went on.

“Its Okay Jinto, I’ve read up on these things. I understand dreams I have them too. We need to fulfill our dreams while we are awake.” She got off the couch and stood in front of the window shaking her hair out. “Jinto I like rain water, my hair’s hardly tangled at all. Jinto looked at Lafiel for the first time he saw all. She was hiding nothing. He liked what he saw. Lafiel looked at him noticed he was watching and he was responding. “Later Jinto, I’m hungry now, can you fix me something to eat?”

Jinto rose off the couch walked over to Lafiel took her in his arms and kissed her, letting his fingers rub gently up and down her spine. “So what would you like for dinner?” Jinto asked. “Something warm but not spicy. I’ll eat whatever you make for yourself. Now I’m going to slip into something. I’ll be back. I suggest you do the same or you might burn yourself cooking. We can’t have that now. Jinto, I’m sorry about the bruises. I’ll never hit you again can you forgive me?” Jinto hugged her and whispered in her ear, “Yes I forgave you a long time ago, now get dressed I’ll cook up something.” She giggled and walked to her room he went to his room put on a shirt and shorts and went to the kitchen.

Lafiel entered her room and stood before the mirror she was looking at herself. She saw before her a different person. A person she had never seen before. “I am beautiful, I can now see what he likes in me.” She turned to her side to see the small birthmark at the base of her spine and her one scar, “Something Jinto would need to know about.” She was no longer afraid to tell him. She knew it would change nothing between them. She would wait for him to inquire about it though. She grabbed a top; shorts and sandals dressed and went to join Jinto.

The smell of stew greeted Lafiel’s nose as she walked down the hall. “Is that Samson’s recipe? The one with the vegetable bouquet in it?” Jinto nodded and said, “I’ve added something special to it. I want to see if you like it.” Lafiel looked at the stew she saw beets and radishes a little onion then something green floated by. She reached for a spoon and started to put it into the pot. Jinto stopped her “Now what do you think you are doing? Too many cooks spoil the stew, dear. Have a seat it’s almost done.”

Lafiel was still getting used to these terms of endearment that Jinto had been using lately. She looked at him, smiled, and then sat at the table. Jinto served up two bowls, he sat one in front of Lafiel then sat across from her with the other. “Give it a try I hope you like it.” Jinto was waiting for review of the food he had just cooked. Lafiel looked at the bowl before her, it smelled wonderful although it did have a different aroma to it compared to when she had made it for Jinto. She took her spoon and stirred the stew, then, she saw it. A green snap bean, her favorite. “The only people who knew were her father and Plakia. But how did Jinto know? Father! Where did he get them they are very rare and this one was fresh? ”

“Jinto green snap beans are my favorite. Father told you that. Where did you get these from? They are very rare I could only have them once or twice a year.” Jinto motioned her to follow him he went out back to a spot they had cleared the last time they were there. Growing with the flowers that she and Jinto had planted were four beanstalks, two tomato plants, beets, radishes and potatoes. “I figured we’d come back here someday so I planted us some food.”

Jinto was beaming. Lafiel looked at the flowers, several were going to bloom in the near future. The vegetables all looked healthy. She saw Jinto and said. “You really do care about me, this is better than any present you could have given me. Now I’m hungry and the stews smells great can we go in and finish it? Then we can come back and look at this further.” Jinto grabbed her by the hand and lead her back inside. Dinner was marvelous.

“Your Highnesses, I know where Fleet Admiral Spoor and her battle group are.” Admiral Kenesh said with a smile. Emperor Dusanyu sat looking at the latest fleet report and said, “So you’ve found her. Where is she and how many ships has she lost?”

“She lost about five percent of the fleet, she has stopped at the Hyde system for refueling and to affect repairs. Actually it looks like she plans on leaving her damaged ships at Hyde and pursue the Hania Fleet.” Kenesh said. “In doing so she will have speed on her side, but they will only outnumber the enemy two point five to one. That’s pretty risky.”

‘Kenesh how many fleets do we have here to spare? I think I may come through the Vorash Sord and sneak in behind the Hania Fleet then close the door to their escape. Can we do that? But we do not tell Spoor of our plan.” Dusanyu look at his Chief of Staff waiting for an answer. “We have fifty fleets. If we split them in half that would give you twenty - five and Spoor’s forty or so to their twenty + that would give us three point five to one odds it’s better but not overwhelming.”

“If we can stay unnoticed, we will have the element of surprise on our side, and of course Spoor will be surprised as well. That should make her understand she cannot fight this war without the Imperial family’s help. I will be happy to see the look on her face when I block the escape route. Issue the orders we leave as soon as possible. You will stay home and care for our daughter?”

Dusanyu stood up and held Kenesh in his arms “I’ll be alright I promise. I want the two of you to be safe.” Kenesh nodded this would be the first time he had gone to battle without her. “Who are you going to choose for your acting Chief of Staff?” Kenesh asked. Dusanyu answered in one word “Debeusec.”

Admiral Spoor was studying the area chart when a voice from behind, brought her back to the reality of things. “Admiral Spoor have you heard a word I’ve said?” Samson’s voice was raised. “Yes fuel master, I heard. So you’re saying we have about eighty-five percent of the normal fuel load and all ships are fueled the same?” Spoor was staring off into space. “Yes Admiral you are correct. If you could delay another twenty hours I can top off the fleet.” She stopped him, “No, No, we can not wait. We shall leave with what we have. Care for the ships I left here. We will be back soon. Now is there anything else Mr. Samson? If not, I’d like to leave.”

Samson’s face flickered on the screen then he spoke. “Yes one last thing do you know how the Princess and the Count are doing? I’ve not heard from them for awhile.” Spoor looked at him for the first time since the conversation stated. “Your have my word, they are both safe and well.” Samson looked relieved “Thank you Admiral”. With that the channel closed. Spoor looked at Kufadis and said, “Let’s go get them Chief of Staff.” Kufadis issued the orders and the fleet left through the Hyde Sord.

Seelnay waited in the break room. She saw Samson coming down the hall. She stepped out and spoke to him. “Well did you ask? What did she say? Is she Ok? Where is she?” Samson placed his finger across her lips she fell silent. “Everything is fine, they are both safe. Now we have a lot of work to do. When we get caught up I‘ll finish the details Okay?” Seelnay nodded, she knew he was right and he was the boss so it would have to wait. They walked down the hall together towards the space dock.

“Lafiel how about a moonlight walk?” Jinto was just finishing the dishes. Lafiel did not answer. Jinto wiped his hands on a towel and went looking for Lafiel. He heard sounds coming from the garden. The closer he got the more annoying it became. Lafiel was standing with a bloom in her hand and she was, humming? Jinto stopped short of her and listened. What he heard was surprising, his beautiful Princess could not hit a note to save her soul. First sharp, and then flat, the music from her varied greatly. Finally, Jinto recognized the tune. It was her family song, and it should have been a hauntingly pleasant song but coming from Lafiel it was down right scary. Then she started to sing. Normally her speaking voice stayed in one octave range going higher when upset, angry or scared. What Jinto heard was a wide range of sounds coming from Lafiel, she still was hitting sour notes and it hurt his ears. He had enough, he stepped towards Lafiel, and she saw him and stopped. Seeing the look on his face she said. “How long were you there and explain that look on your face Jinto.”

Jinto looked at Lafiel and said, “About five minuets. I’ve never heard you sing before.” She looked at him and said. “Be honest Jinto what does my singing sound like?” Jinto thought he could avoid answering and said, “Well how does it sound to you?” She looked at him her face growing redder by the moment and said. “Jinto Lynn you shall be honest with me lest I do you in here and now. I’ll ask you again what do you think of my singing?” Jinto looked at her and thought, “It’s a big island I could out run her for awhile but she’d only get madder and get even one way or the other. I’d better answer her truthfully.” Jinto walked towards Lafiel stopped arms length from her and places his hand on hers, he said, “I’ve never heard anything like that before. It was so…” She squeezed his hands hard and said “Terrible?” Jinto nodded in agreement. Lafiel eyes flowed with a river of tears. She tried to pull loose of Jinto, but his grip was firm. She finally gave in, buried her head in his chest, and cried.

Standing there, holding a crying Lafiel. Jinto began to hum a lullaby from Martine. His notes were good, Lina had taught him to sing. He could hold his own, although, he was not as gifted a singer as Lina was. Lafiel hearing the melody coming from Jinto, she lifted her head from his chest, looked him in the eyes and said, “Let me guess you can sing too?” Jinto nods and started to sing the words to the lullaby. They were about the stars, dreams and hope. Lafiel stood there amazed at Jinto. This was something she never thought he was capable of doing. “Jinto can you teach me to sing like that?”

Her words caught him off guard. He spoke without thinking. “Well since you taught me to fly and be an Abh I guess I can teach you to sing.” She gave him a hug that hurt his spine. He was going to have to remember she was stronger than he was. “Lafiel you’re hugging me too tight it’s not comfortable.” She immediately relaxed her grip. “I guess I don’t know my own strength Jinto. I’ll try to be more careful in the future.” Jinto looked at her “Lafiel how about a moonlight walk?” She grabbed his arm and off they went.

It was a warm evening. The rain earlier had cleared the air; the sky was clear and the moon shown brightly. As they walked along the beach Lafiel would stop from time to time look at her self in the water and then look at Jinto then walk some more. Jinto was puzzled and asked her, “Lafiel what are you thinking? What are you doing?” She stopped and said “Jinto I have to admit I had no idea of how you and I should act while we are here. It’s the first time I’ve felt real love for you and I have had the time to express it to you. Do you think I’m silly? I still have to look at me and look at you to convince myself that this is not a dream.” Jinto looked at his reflection in the water then looked at Lafiel he said, “Do you think our parents felt this way about each other when they met? I mean the uncertainty the awkwardness the.”

Lafiel move to his side and place her arm around him and she said, “I’m glad you expressed those feelings. I feel them too. What should we do about them? I’d like things to be perfect.” Jinto looked at her and said, “Perfect? We are humans, not machines, let’s make mistakes and learn from them together.” Lafiel looked more puzzled than accepting of what Jinto said, she replied, “So you would be happy if I made mistakes and fumbled and bumbled through life like a clown?” Jinto was chuckling to himself but Lafiel saw the look in his eyes “So you think it would be funny for me to act like a silly peasant girl? You know, I’m royalty, an Admiral in the Star Forces.” She stopped herself and looked hard at Jinto “Right now those things do not matter to me, I am who I am.”

Jinto held her and said, “Who are you?” She looked in his face smiled and said “I’m a female in love with the male holding me and I could stay this way the rest of my life. Do you feel the same as I do Jinto?” Jinto nodded “Then shall we live out our dreams together?” Jinto was smiling and nodding. “Jinto do you know the first dream I want to share with you?” Jinto had this perplexed look and said, “There are so many can you give me a hint?” She looked at him and said “Jinto Lynn you are so dense sometimes. That’s what I love about you, let’s go to bed.” Jinto looked at her still perplexed “Lafiel I’m not tired now.” She grabbed his hand and led him towards the shelter and said, “Neither am I, figured it out yet?” Jinto’s faced flushed, he grabbed her hand they ran back together.

“Your Highness looks like we have company.” Dusanyu was studying an area chart when Debeusec words brought him around. “Who is it Chief of Staff?” “It’s Admiral Trife’s fleet, I wonder why he’s not with Admiral Spoor.” Debeusec answered. “Communications coming in, three second delay” the communications officer cut in. Admiral Trife appeared on the screen. After pleasantries were exchanged it was found that Admiral Spoor had left Trife’s fleet to block this exit from plane space. “So she has a smaller fleet than we figured. She will need our help.” Debeusec said to Dusanyu. “Order Trife to stay where he is and for him not to communicate the presence of this fleet to Admiral Spoor”

Debeusec look at the Emperor “As you wish Your Highness then we will enter the Sord and come in behind the Hania fleet?” “Exactly Spoor will think we are Trife’s fleet and she will not fire on us but will she be surprised.” Dusanyu smiled. The fleet slipped into plane space. Aboard his flagship Admiral Trife looked in awe and said “Are they in for a surprise.” Major Kyule looks the at the Admiral and says, “Which they are you speaking of?” Trife smiled headed off the bridge saying “Never mind, you take charge I’m going to take a nap.”

It was a fair distance to the shelter from the beach Jinto and Lafiel arrived winded. “Jinto I’ve not run like this since Clasbul, the gravity is less here but I’m a little tried.” Lafiel sat in the chair that faced the garden Jinto sat beside her. “You’re too tired to.” he was unsure what to say next. Lafiel looked at him she finished his sentence. “Be romantic with you? No I’m fine, but there’s something I want to talk about first.”

Jinto looked at her. “Ok what is it?” Lafiel the moon shining on her face began. “Jinto remember when we were on Clasbul, I needed to go to the bathroom, you gave me this speech about letting each other know what the other person was thinking and to do nothing alone?” Jinto nodded “Well I’ve got something I need to be honest about with you, it concerns what we are about to do.” Jinto looked at her and said, “Is it that you’re not ready for this?” She smiled shook her head and replied, “No Jinto I think I’m about as emotionally ready as I can be but there is something you need to know, a physical something.”

Jinto looked at her and said, ”Before you start would you like something to drink.” Lafiel nodded her head. Jinto continued. “I’m going to get some tea for me, the usual for you?” “Yes Jinto.” Jinto smiled and went inside. When he returned he found Lafiel sitting as before this time her shorts were pulled down below her navel showing a scar and an old one at that. “This is what I need to tell you about Jinto.” Jinto handed Lafiel her drink and sat next to her. Her abdomen was glistening in the moonlight. He looked carefully at the scar and Lafiel continued. “I was eight and we were playing jousting in the zero gravity room. The person I was with gave a well place blow. I was unable to block it, and the blow broke my pelvis.”

She was starting to cry Jinto held her hand. “The doctors were able to repair the broken bones but there was other damage that required a second procedure.” Jinto looked again he saw only one scar. Lafiel took a drink and went on. “There were no more incisions. They went in through the natural opening. I was in a lot of pain so I agreed to have this done but in the process my seal was broken. I wanted you to know this. You are the only person I ever wanted to do this with, but, I felt you’d be disappointed if you were not the one to break the seal.”

Jinto remember hearing in school about an “Abh Woman’s Pride” and how some women were so ashamed of the loss of their seal that they would only mate artificially. Lafiel was embarrassed that she was no longer intact for Jinto. He knew his next statement had to come from the heart as it could affect his entire future with Lafiel. He decided to have her tell him her feelings instead of trying to guess at them.

“Lafiel how do you feel about yourself now that you’ve told me this?” She looked at him it was not the answer she was expecting. “I’m relieved Jinto, does this change your feelings for me?” Jinto wiped the tears from her eyes and said, “No I’m glad you told me. That took a lot of courage Lafiel. You said you were in pain then have you had any pain since?”

Lafiel looked relieved, like a great weight had been lifted from her, she said, “No Jinto I’ve had no pain why do you ask?” Jinto his face turning red said, “Since I’ve never done this before. I’ve heard it can cause pain at the start. I really do not want to hurt you.” Lafiel laughed, Jinto was confused did he say something funny? He was waiting for an explanation from Lafiel. He did not have to wait long, “Jinto have you ever heard of the pleasure and pain of natural mating?”

Jinto still red faced shook his head. “Well it looks like your education on Abh women is sorely lacking in some aspects. Let’s go inside and I’ll teach you all you need to know and you can teach me about males.” Jinto stood up Lafiel joined him as they went inside Jinto said “I hope I can meet your expectations.” Lafiel looked at him and said, “I love you Jinto. You have not disappointed me and I do not think you will now.” They went inside the sun was rising on a new day and a new adventure for the two of them.

“Admiral I’ve got the latest tactical report. Looks like the Hania Fleet is running low on fuel. They’re going to fight in normal space.” Admiral Spoor leaned forward in her chair, command rod in her hand. “So the mud pigs and slow turtles want to slug it out in normal space. Fine, launch half the mines to block the entrance to the Sord. When we are in range open up on them with the EM rifles. How’s our fuel supply Kufadis?”

“We can go for twenty-four hours easily. We should have them defeated by then. If any should escape Admiral Trife will stop them.” Kufadis smiled. “How long till we engage the enemy fleet?” Spoor tapped her command rod waiting for the answer. “Two hours we will be in mine launching range Admiral.”

“Your Highness we are thirteen hundred sixty-five Kedrel from the Sord. I can see the Hania Fleet, it looks like they’re going to do battle in normal space.” Emperor Dusanyu looked at the tactical displayed, as his Chief of Staff continued. “I think that Spoor will try to block the Sord with mines, then go at the fleet all out till they are either destroyed or they surrender.”

The Emperor rose and said, “Very good Chief of Staff. This is how we shall proceed. When Spoor launches her mines we will come out of the Sord and vaporize anything in our path. Be ready to open a channel to Spoor on our arrival. She should know who her rescuers are.” Debeusec nodded in agreement, but his thoughts were elsewhere, “Plakia, this battle should end this war. I’ll finally have a chance to avenge your death.”

When Jinto awoke Lafiel was nowhere to be found. In shorts, shirt, and sandals he left the shelter in search of her. As he took the path to the lake she came from the garden. She was walking strangely and looked in pain. “Jinto I need your help. Something has stuck me.” She turned her backside to him. There was a tear in her shorts and the area around the rip had blood on it. Jinto looked at her wound. He went to gently touch the area and was greeted with, “Ouch that really hurts Jinto!” He took Lafiel by the hand they walked together towards the shelter.

When they got there Jinto had her lay on her side on the lounge chair. She was in pain and the area around the tear had more blood than before. “I’m going inside to get the medical kit. I’ll be back, can you try to lower your shorts while I’m gone?” Lafiel nodded.

Jinto went inside grabbed the kit and some towels. He had no idea of what Lafiel had done to herself. He could hear her in pain. He figured she was trying to remove her shorts. When he stepped outside again there was Lafiel bare bottomed and getting angry “Jinto don’t just stand there looking at me. I’m in pain, will you please do something!” Jinto knelt on the ground positioned himself so he could use the sun to see Lafiel’s wound. It did not take him long to find the cause. She had backed into something and whatever it was, was sticking out of her skin. “Lafiel I need you to hold real still. There is something stuck in your skin, I’m going to take the tweezers and remove it. Now hold still.” Jinto got lucky, his first attempt brought about six mm of rose thorn from Lafiel’s bottom.

She screeched but held firm as he removed it. Jinto put it so Lafiel could see it she was amazed as to its size then she asked, “What is that Jinto?” He told her it was a thorn from the rose bush in the garden and that it was in deep, then he said “ Lafiel I’m going to make sure I got it all this might feel a little funny.” Jinto proceeded to gently touch the area around the puncture site asking her if anything he was doing hurt. She answered no and Jinto proceeded to clean the wound. She did stiffen when he put the anti-biotic on the wound. A small Band-Aid and she was as good as new. “Jinto, thank you, could you go get the sunscreen for me?”

Jinto arose and went inside he returned with the bottle of honey colored liquid to find Lafiel completely naked. “May I?” he asked. “You may.” was her answer. Jinto applied the sunscreen from one end to the other covering her completely. She thanked him and said. “Jinto why don’t you join me. I’ll put some sunscreen on you also.” Jinto without hesitation stripped and he lay on his stomach. Lafiel rolled up on her side and did his back, and then she lay back down. She said. “I enjoyed this morning. I feel stupid about the rose thorn; I should look where I’m backing. Jinto we have three years till I have to answer whether I stay in the Star Forces or go on to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t know if you given it much thought, but what would you like to do? I know you’ve always looked out for me. Now, I’d like to know what do you feel?”

Jinto looked at Lafiel and said, “Can we sunbathe for awhile? I do not have an answer for you now. It’s because I’ve always followed you. You’re now saying we are equals. I like that Lafiel. I do love you. Come to me Lafiel.” She moved to his side. As she looked at him a familiar feeling came over her. “Here? Now? Outside?” Jinto looked at her and said, “Sure. Why not? I just have to avoid your injury.” She looked at him and said, “You know it does not hurt like it did earlier. I’m ready when you are Darling.” Jinto looked at her “Darling did she just call me Darling?” The breeze blew gently through Lafiel’s hair. It was going to be an interesting afternoon.

“Your Highness we are in position and the Hania Fleet does not know we are here. They are scanning towards Admiral Spoor’s fleet. We can be through the Sord in five minutes from you order. I’ve took the liberty of informing all commands to move when we move.” “Very well Chief of Staff let’s watch how this plays out, however if we are spotted we attack immediately understood?” “Understood Your Highness.” Debeusec watched as Spoor’s fleet positioned themselves for the attack. “Admiral Spoor is launching mines” “She early she’s way too early.” Debeusec thought. The enemy fleet is countering her attack “Bling” “We’ve been spotted. Commencing attack.”

Admiral Spoor had just launched her mines when Kufadis spoke “Admiral something is happening the enemy is scanning the Sord and part of their fleet is heading for it and our mines.” Spoor looked at her tactical display, shifted it to scan the Sord and saw it, Abh Battleships.

“Trife that fool! I’ll Court Marshall him for this. I told him to wait, the idiot.” Kufadis cut in “Admiral its the Emperor’s command ship. What are they doing here?” Spoor looked at the ID tag and said “Dusanyu and Kenesh come from the Capital to spoil my fun, typical Ablïarsec interference. Redirect all the mines and open fire on the enemy fleet.” Admiral Spoor’s flagship opened fire and the Imperial fleets followed suit as the enemy fleet entered normal space from the Sord it was a murderous cross – fire. The battle was over in less than two hours.

Admiral Spoor stood staring into the battlefield “Well Kufadis I guess we finished them off. I’d like a damage report as soon as possible.” Kufadis started to speak and the communications officer interrupted, “Communication from the Imperial flagship.” Spoor stood up adjusted her uniform and said, “Display it now!” Spoor was shocked for appearing on screen was Fleet Admiral Debeusec Ablïarsec. She was expecting to see Fleet Admiral Kenesh. “Debeusec, what a pleasant surprise. I figured you’d be at the capital, looks like you got drafted?” Debeusec smiled stepped aside and the Emperor stepped into view. “Well Spoor you thought I would let you win the war all by yourself. I’m sorry you did a commendable job, but we Ablïarsec have run this Empire very well so far and to let a Spoor claim the final victory. Well let’s say that will never happen.”

Spoor stood at attention throughout this entire speech she never relaxed she just spoke. “You gave me a position fit for an Ablïarsec. I decided since you treated me as one I would act as one. I wanted to finish them off to claim victory and rub your nose in it. But you being an Ablïarsec just had to have the last laugh. This battle is finished; you should have someone replace me as soon as possible. I want to be a Fleet Admiral again and never command the Imperial Fleet. As of this moment, I resign from the position of Admiral of the Fleet Star Forces. I’m taking five ships and I’m going home.” She looked at Kufadis he closed the channel, Spoor’s command ship and five others turned one hundred eighty degrees and departed the area.

“Sorry Your Highness they are refusing communications.” Debeusec said. The Emperor was silent as he just watched as Spoor’s ships departed from the area. “Very well, gather the fleet including the balance of Spoor’s command have the supply ships come out of plane space refuel us, then set a course for the Capital. Dispatch a shuttle to Admiral Trife’s fleet, have him patrol the area just in case we did not get them all.” The Emperor looked at his Chief of Staff and said “She was angry, but she spoke her mind I guess I asked too much of her?” Debeusec looked back and said, “She’ll get over it. Let’s return and celebrate our victory.” Dusanyu started off the bridge as he passed Debeusec he spoke quietly “You have command I’m going to think over everything that has happened. Kenesh will want a complete report. Take us home.” “As you wish Your Highness.” The main fleet refueled and entered the Sord to return to the Capital.

Jinto and Lafiel had just landed. They had gone to orbit to try some weightless ideas and to place three satellites in orbit. One in stationary orbit above the shelter, the other two, like small moons orbiting the planet. They were to be communication links and watchdogs for them. Jinto felt better now, no one could sneak up on them unannounced and their creunoc’s would function on the planet as well. Lafiel was in the shower and Jinto was preparing their meal. Jinto noticed that Lafiel was still more comfortable in space than on land. He wondered if she could ever be a land person. He would never force her to be, but if he could feel land beneath his feet from time to time that would be fine. Her questions about the future were a surprise to him as he never though she felt that way. After dinner they were going to discuss children and parenting he looked forward to this conversation. But now he needed to finish dinner. The shower was off and Lafiel would soon be in the room inquiring about dinner.

It was a quick and simple meal so they both took their time eating it. Lafiel was done first. She pushed her dish aside and spoke. “Jinto you agree that it’s best done with some amount of gravity don’t you?” Jinto nodded he was just finishing up. He pushed his dish aside and said, “Definitely, the Zero G experiment was confusing and that bulkhead... I don’t think my side has forgiven me yet.” Lafiel giggling said, “Jinto I have to admit you were very gallant turning at the last moment and letting yourself hit the bulkhead, instead of me. I do thank you for that. Are you still hurting?” Jinto looked at Lafiel and said “It’s Ok. I wish we would have stay in orbit longer, I could have relaxed the muscle before we re - entered then I don’t think it would have hurt as much. You’re alright, no ill effects Lafiel?” She just smiled leaned across the table and kissed Jinto.

“Children and parenting, tell me how it’s done on the land, and I’ll tell you how it’s done in space Jinto.” Jinto proceeded to explain how a man and woman meet, fall in love decide to share their lives together, have off spring and raise them together. He went through the basics on what he remembered about pregnant women, the delivery and the nurturing. Lafiel was looking in wonder and a little apprehension. “So land babies are delivered like natural space babies are delivered?”

Jinto looked at Lafiel and said, “According to Dr. Sasoum that’s one of the few things land and Abh women have in common.” Lafiel looked at Jinto and said, “There’s more? What more could there be?” Jinto walked towards his footlocker. He opened it took out a book and said, “I figured you’d ask that question. This is a book on land babies from conception to delivery and the changes that take place within the mother’s body. It’s an educational book. It goes into a lot of detail. Do you want to read it now or later? And do you still want go on with this conversation?”

Lafiel took the book from Jinto’s hand. It was not a thick book and on thumbing through it she noticed it had quite a few pictures. “I wish you would have given me this before we got started Jinto!” Jinto looked at her and said, “I did not know how much research you had done on the subject. I would have felt quite silly had I handed you that book and you already understood the contents of it.” Lafiel looked at him. She opened the book and started it. It was in Vorash, a language she understood well. Jinto cleared the table and went to do the dishes. He was in the kitchen about to finish when he heard Lafiel from the other room. “You have to be kidding. Land women go through all of this just to have a child? The Abh way is better!” Jinto was drying his hands it was the answer he had expected from Lafiel but she was about to surprise him.

Jinto entered the room; Lafiel was standing naked with book in hand open to the section describing the changes to the mother’s body. “Jinto let me get this straight. Through hormonal changes the breast get bigger and start to produce milk.” Jinto nodded, Lafiel continued, “They return to normal after the baby stops nursing?” She looked confused. “What if you want to feed the baby from a bottle does that stop the hormonal change?” Jinto chuckled shook his head and said “With land women no. Do you know something about Abh women I don’t?”

Lafiel was not amused. She looked at the book then at herself and said, “I like my shape. I guess” she looked at Jinto “Would you care if I got bigger here?” Before he could answer she went on, “I do not understand this statement about the hips. They move to let the baby out, but it says nowhere that they move back. Jinto do they move back?” Jinto just stood there for a moment. She had done it again, a question from out of nowhere that he was unsure of the answer to. “Lafiel I do not know the answer to that, you would have to ask the good doctor.”

She was not impressed with his answer. She looked at him sat the book down and put her hands on her hips. She said, “If I were a land woman would my hips return to normal?” Jinto looked at her. She was starting to get upset; he still could not answer her question. “Lafiel the answer is beyond my knowledge of the subject. It’s not like we are going to have children any time soon, we can answer that question when the time comes. Why are you so upset?” She looked at him and said, “I like my body I do not want it to change. But I want to have a child normally. I want to carry it to term feel it kick me, have morning sickness and get big breasts. But I like my hips where they are. I don’t want them to change. I’m being vain am I not Jinto?”

Jinto walked over to Lafiel and said “Vain? No not really. Put your clothes on let’s go for a walk you can tell me about the “Abh” way of making babies. Let’s put a hold on the parenting part till your pregnant. We will have nine months or so to discuss that Okay?” Lafiel dressed and they went outside as the sun was rising on another perfect day.

“Kufadis, you said a while back that you would want to serve in the Star Forces till you die. Do you still feel that way?” Spoor was sitting with her back towards him. She never looked back “Well Chief of Staff, you can answer anytime you wish to.” Silence greeted Spoor this time she spun around in her chair to find Kufadis deep in thought, almost mesmerized. “KUFADIS!” Spoor was looking directly at him. He did not move or flinch. He had heard her from the beginning; he just chose not to answer her till now. “Well Ma’am, didn’t you just tell the Emperor to kiss off. Then take the five ships loyal to you and desert the Star Forces? Well Ma’am?”

Spoor stood up and marched over to Kufadis. “Ma’am and deserted you say? You really thought I’ve deserted? I’ll tell you about that. Had I deserted, I’d vaporized that Imperial barge Dusanyu was on. He’s such a fool. Of course he’ll have to explain to Kenesh what happened to me, and why I did not come back. Then we shall see who’s the fool. Now my dear Kufadis, I asked a question of you. Could I get an answer, today, maybe?”

Kufadis spoke, “Well ma’am. Are you offering me a position in your kingdom? Cause I do not see much of a future with the Star Forces. We’ve become pirates, for lack of a better word.” Spoor stood hands on her hips and no expression on her face. She spoke quietly, “You think I’m offering you a job? Pirates? That’s good Kufadis, charming in fact. Before we go home I have a detour for us to take.” She moved to Kufadis side and brought up a set of star charts. “That planet, once there we’ll set up to orbit it. We may have to land on it. Have you ever been to a surface world before?”

Kufadis was wide eyed, “No why are we going there?” Spoor looked back, “Never you mind you’ll find out when we get there. Trust me Kufadis please.” Kufadis saw an expression in Spoor’s eyes that he’d never seen before. It was peaceful and calm so he decided to trust her. “I’ll signal the other ships. They are coming with us?” Spoor nodded and left the bridge. The six ships adjusted their course to the coordinates Kufadis had given them.

Lafiel was in the garden checking on the flowers and Jinto was taking a shower after his morning run. Lafiel had been running daily with Jinto but today she wanted to study the flowers. She was at the rose bush when her creunoc started flashing a yellow warning, “Seems we have visitors.” She stopped what she was doing and headed for the shelter.

Jinto was still in the shower. He’d started running right after they arrived. He felt better about his training with real gravity and he had built up some unused muscles. Lafiel enjoyed the new look Jinto was supporting. Lafiel in her own way was getting in shape when they started running she would always beat him, but she took quite a bit longer to recover. Now she could out run Jinto for a short distance, but they would finish together.

He was exiting the shower as Lafiel came in the main door. “Jinto put some clothes on find your creunoc. It looks like we have visitors.” She said. Jinto, towel still wrapped around him fumbled for his creunoc he activated it and sure enough a yellow warning was being flashed. Six large ships were approaching. They were still too far away to know what they were, but they were not hostile or the creunoc would have flashed red and beeped loudly. “Lafiel how long ago did the warning start?” Jinto still drying his hair asked.

“It’s been about ten minuets. I came from the garden to get you, so it’s not been longer than that.” Lafiel was staring at the creunoc. The light changed from yellow to green and an ID tag appeared. “Well Jinto will you look at that. It seems our visitor is someone we both know well.” Jinto grabbed the creunoc and read the information displayed and said, “I wonder what she wants Lafiel?” Jinto asked still in his towel. “I do not know, but she’s here I guess we will go greet her.” Before Lafiel could finish, the creunoc spoke “This is Kufadis I wish to speak to the Viscountess. Are you there?” Lafiel lifted her arm to a proper speaking distance and said, ”This is she, what can we do for you Kufadis?”

The creunoc fell silent for a moment then the voice continued, “The Grand Duchess and I are on our way to the surface. We wish to speak with you on a very urgent matter.” Lafiel looked at Jinto in the other room and said, “Jinto we’ve got company coming now. Put some clothes on this instance.” Lafiel had forgot she had an open channel to the shuttle. When she heard the Grand Duchess chuckling in the background she was embarrassed and angry.

She spoke back to the creunoc “How long before your arrival Grand Duchess?” The answer was typical Spoor, “How long do you need to get the good Count dressed? We can delay our arrival just take your time. I do hope we did not interrupt anything important.” Lafiel spoke without thinking, “No, nothing interesting is happening, we are awaiting your arrival.” There was silence and the channel was closed.

The communication lamp went out and Spoor could hold it no longer. She started laughing a laugh Kufadis had never heard before, a scary booming laugh. “My dear Kufadis.” The tears still falling form her cheeks. “I’d love to have seen the look on her face when she realized she left the communications channel open, but more so the Count’s look as well.” She was still laughing when Kufadis spoke. “We will arrive in twenty minuets, you can ask her that and whatever else we came here for. She’s not going to be happy about this.” Spoor stopped laughing and said. ”You know you are right. She not going to be happy about anything I’ve got to say to her, it must be done though.” The ship was starting to buffet. In ten minutes they would be there.

BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The sound came in rapid succession, causing Lafiel to stare all around her “Jinto there’s not a cloud in the sky where’s the thunder coming from?” Jinto now dressed, came from the shelter and he pointed to the sky where a fine line of cloud was being formed. “There, that’s Spoor’s shuttle entering the atmosphere. It broke the sound barrier when it reached the denser air mass.” Lafiel looked and said, “So like a bolt of lightening her shuttle is exploding the air?” She still was unsure of how these land noises worked but Jinto did not look worried so she figured it was Ok. Jinto smiled and said “We will go into this later, now let’s greet our guest.”

The shuttle had touched down and was approaching the lagoon where Lafiel and Jinto’s shuttle was docked. Once moored the Grand Duchess and Kufadis departed the shuttle. Spoor had set foot on land before, but for Kufadis on the other hand this was all new to him. Jinto and Lafiel were standing on the pier. It was the Grand Duchess who spoke, “My dear Count and Viscountess what a pleasure to see you.” She looked at Kufadis, “Count could you keep Kufadis company while the Viscountess and I talk?” Jinto nodded. She went on, “Is there somewhere private we can talk?” Lafiel looked at Jinto he was unsure of what to do, then Lafiel spoke “We can walk to the garden it’s far enough from here we won’t be heard.” Spoor looked at Kufadis and said, “This won’t take long, you and the Count have a nice chat Ok?” Kufadis nodded the Duchess and the Viscountess walked off.

Jinto looked at Kufadis and said, “You have any idea of what she wants?” Kufadis looked at Jinto and said, “Have you any idea of what has happen since the two of you left the Capital?” Jinto said, “No, I have no idea, did something important occur?” Kufadis proceeded to fill Jinto in on what had transpired. Jinto’s eyes grew wide and his mouth half opened as Kufadis went through it all. “So she told the Emperor off and we came here so she could speak with the Viscountess. I have no idea of the subject, but I’ll guess it has to do with her being an Ablïarsec. I forgot to tell you the Emperor had a different Chief of Staff. It was the Viscountess father. It left the Grand Duchess in quite a tiff.” Jinto just looked at Kufadis his mind still absorbing all Kufadis had just told him.

The path to the garden was wide enough for two people to navigate without trouble. Lafiel and Spoor walked side-by-side, Spoor was admiring the plants she spoke. “It’s just the two of us, and I believe you know why I’m here.” Lafiel was still walking, she stopped turned towards Spoor and said, “So you finally did it, and what part do the Count and I perform in this play?” Spoor turned and started down the path, she spoke slowly and distinctly,” I was expecting Dusanyu and Kenesh to show up but your father was quite a surprise.” Lafiel stopped, “My father? What was he doing there?” Spoor continued, “He was the Emperor’s Chief of Staff. It caught me completely off guard, I wanted to give both Dusanyu and Kenesh my ultimatum, but I just withdrew, although I did resign as Admiral of the Fleet.”

They had made it to the garden, and Lafiel warned Spoor of the very friendly rosebush. They sat and Spoor went on, “I will still need yours and the Count’s help. Are you wanting to help?” Lafiel looked at Spoor, and for the first she saw the true Grand Duchess, the generous person she had always been told of was standing there in front of her. She was head of the second most powerful family in the Empire. She could survive without the Empire’s help if she so wished. “I’d like to know what you are up to Grand Duchess. I won’t go against the Empire but I do loathe the Emperor and the way he took power was shameful. Where does Count Hyde fit in? I’m not clear on that.” Lafiel was waiting for her answer.

Spoor sat back in the chair looked at Lafiel and said, “Count Hyde has the fuel and maintenance facility that I need. But before I tell you anymore, I need your word that if you do not join me, you will not betray me.” Spoor was quite serious about this. Lafiel saw that she wanted to tell Lafiel everything, but she needed something from Lafiel as well. “As I said I shall not betray the Empire but Dusanyu, I despise that man and his puppet Chief of Staff Kenesh. Lafiel went on “He gained power too soon he was never ready to govern the Empire he is a fool, his action’s shame my family’s name but he cares not.” Lafiel took a deep breath she continued, “Grand Duchess I will help if I can and I swear neither the Count or I will betray you.”

Spoor took a data crystal from around her neck, she handed it to Lafiel and said, “I suggest that you and Count Hyde study this carefully. There are instructions on how to contact me contained in it. You must promise me that you will destroy it when you leave this planet or if someone comes looking for it.” Lafiel took the crystal she assured Spoor she would destroy it after it was reviewed. They started back to the shelter, the silence was deafening.

Jinto noticed the two of them returning from the garden. He and Kufadis met them at the pathway to the pier. They went down the path to the pier. When they got to the shuttle and before she left, Spoor spoke with Jinto. “Count Hyde I need to thank you. I used the Hyde system as a base for a while. Your people there were very helpful it seems I also owe you payment for fuel and services, so you will bill me my Dear Count?” Jinto nodded. They said their good-byes. Jinto and Lafiel watched as the shuttle departed, as they walked back to the shelter, Jinto noticed the crystal around Lafiel’s neck, he inquired as to what it was. Lafiel answer was pointed, “It maybe the rebirth of the Empire. Would you like to view it with me?” Jinto nodded in agreement, he grabbed Lafiel’s hand and they walked hand and hand towards the shelter as the sunset before them. Lafiel looked at this scene she spoke one word, “Stunning.”

To Be Continued in Rebirth of the Empire.

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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