08_The Ambassadors

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08_The Ambassadors

Post by Diaho »

The Ambassadors

Jinto awoke to find he was alone in bed. He looked around room Lafiel was not in sight. Her clothes were missing along with her boots. Jinto sat up in bed there was a noise coming from outside a sound he’d heard before. The cobwebs were dissipating that sound he thought. “The sound of brush being cleared, yeah that was the... Brush Being Cleared?!?” “LAFIEL!” He was up like a shot and out the door. He looked down the path there was Lafiel, her hair up under that big hat. She was wearing a tank top, uniform pants and boots. She had a rake in her hands and had most of the area for the addition cleared. She turned saw Jinto and started laughing. She laughed so hard she had to use the rake for support.

Jinto was dumbfounded he said. “Okay. What’s so funny Lafiel?” Lafiel still laughing said. “You are. Just look at yourself. I know you said we should dress for comfort but I think your carrying it a bit to far.” Jinto looks at himself he saw immediately what Lafiel was talking about. He was in a nightshirt, yes, just a nightshirt. Lafiel still trying to contain herself continued. “Jinto it’s just you and I here but soon we will have guest. Don’t you think you might be giving the wrong impression?” Jinto started to laugh. He looked at Lafiel and said. “Could you wait till I put some more clothes on before you continue. I thought this was going to be a we and not a you project.” Lafiel stops. She puts one hand on her hip and held the rake with the other hand. She watched as Jinto went inside and thought. “Maybe I should have woke him up, but he was sleeping so soundly.”

“Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.” Jinto had a muffin in one hand and was waiting for the tea to finish. Lafiel had her heart set on finishing this project as soon as possible. She was almost obsessed with completing it. Jinto was at a loss. They had agreed that they would assemble the addition together and here she is already several hours ahead of him. Well he was going to get an explanation before they continued. The tea was ready; he took it and the muffin and went outside.

Lafiel had not moved from the spot Jinto left her at. She had put the head of the rake on the ground the handle between her hands and she was leaning on it. Jinto looks at her and says. “You comfy?” She straightened up, put the rake in her left hand and said. “Not really, but you said not to move till you got back. Jinto I’m sorry. I should have awakened you. But you looked so peaceful. I just could not. The cool of the morning was getting away from us. So I decided to clear the brush away. I would have come got you when I was finished. But you woke up and now you’re mad at me, am I correct?” Jinto looks at her she was already dirty and she had worked up a good sweat. She had just expressed her feelings and apologized for her actions. How in the universe could he be mad at her?

“No Lafiel I’m not angry I just did not understand. I guess there are times even on a ‘we’ project that one of us will have to do things without the other. I’m sorry I thought you were going ahead without me. I guess we are still getting to know each other.” She looks at him half eaten muffin in one hand cup of tea in the other an embarrassed look on his face and dipping his head in shame. She could bear it no more. “Jinto we are equals there is no shame to not being able to guess my every move as there is with me trying to out guess you. Jinto, this dipping your head every time you make a mistake. It’s got to stop or you will get to the point that everyone will be able to read you like a book.” Her words were true it was left over from the time Teel had really brow beat him. Ever since then the right set of circumstances triggers the dipping of his head.

“Jinto. I’m about done clearing the area why don’t you go back inside and when I’m finished we can discuss the rest of the project.” Jinto agrees and he heads back inside. Lafiel finished clearing the area. Then she picked up around her, took the rake back to the shelter and went in. Jinto was sitting in the kitchen looking out the window at the stream and thinking. “It’s so beautiful here it’s so peaceful why can’t I relax.” Lafiel sensed his dilemma. She sat next to him. “Jinto. You think we might be rushing into things? I mean. We just finished a very stressful trip. We’ve been here two days, now we are into this building project. Maybe we need to have sometime to relax before we start, although I find physical labor relaxing, maybe you don’t?” Jinto puts his arm around her. “Why don’t we take it easy the rest of today. Although I’ve done very little I’m still quite tired.” Lafiel smiles and says. “Okay Jinto. I’ll take a shower and we will relax the rest of the day.”

Lafiel came from the shower her hair in a towel a top and shorts on. Jinto was at the table studying the blueprints for the addition. Lafiel came over and took them from him. “We are relaxing Jinto. That’s not relaxing that’s working, no work just relaxing today Okay?” Jinto leans back in the chair he took a long look at Lafiel. She had tanned nicely, although her face seemed burned. It was a little red and not from anger.

Lafiel saw his long look and commented. “Is there something wrong Jinto?” He replied. “It’s your face. Its a little red that’s all I guess you had too much sun.” She looks at him. “Really? My face? The palms of my hands are red too and they are a little itchy.” Jinto leans forward he saw her hands. Then he asked her to wait there he would be right back. A walk around the cleared area confirmed his suspicions. Lafiel had found Poison Ivy and probably has a good case of it.

As Jinto came through the door, Lafiel was in tears. “Jinto. I itch everywhere what’s happened?” Jinto explained that she had gotten into Poison Ivy and the oil from the plant causes skin irritation and that it’s spread by touch and scratching. Jinto went and got some lotion he handed the bottle to Lafiel and said. “Put it on every place you itch.” Watching her apply the lotion, Jinto realized she had it on her hands and had spread it throughout her body when she undressed and showered. “Where are the clothes you were wearing and towels you used?” She pointed to the bathroom. Jinto put on gloves and took a plastic bag he gathered up the clothes, towels and put them in the washer. He set it to decontaminate the load.

He grabs a sheet and heads for Lafiel. She was still applying lotion in the middle of the room. “Lafiel do you itch everywhere?” Unhappily, she answers him. “Yes, mostly my hands, hips, face and arms the more lotion I put on the more places itch. Why? Why now?” The lotion Jinto gave her was fast acting but she had spread the Poison Ivy everywhere. Jinto’s only option was to apply the lotion to her and wrap her in the sheet till it could neutralize the effects of the irritant. “Lafiel your scalp too?” She nods. Jinto then explained his plan. He would help her disrobe apply the lotion liberally to her. Wrap her in the sheet and set her out in a sun chair while he cleaned everything up. “Leave your hair in the towel we will do it outside.” Lafiel took her clothes off and Jinto applied the lotion to the spots she could not reach. Then he wrapped her in the sheet and took her outside.

Once Lafiel was comfortable. Jinto proceeded to clean house. Everything that Lafiel had touched was cleaned. A quick pass with the scanner confirmed he’d gotten it all. Scanner in hand he went out to Lafiel. She scanned clear except for her hair. There were still several places where there was plant oil resided. A very through cleaning was in order. “I feel like a mummy. Jinto how did you know what had happened to me? You never grabbed the scanner. You just went outside. So how did you know?” Jinto smiles and looks at her. “I see your training on surface worlds needs a little refresher Lafiel.” She just scowled back at him. Picking up the bottle of lotion he proceeded to apply it to his hands and forearms.

Lafiel sat watching him ready himself for the next task then he started to shampoo her hair. Jinto had always liked her hair. It was so fine and flowing. But this time it’s length and the fact it was still wet was becoming a nuisance. He managed to get it cleaned up and he left her sitting wrapped in the sheet her hair drying in the sun. “Jinto how much longer do I have to sit like this?” Jinto looks at her and asked if she itched anywhere else. Her answered was. “NO!” He replied. “About fifteen minuets more, then I’ll rinse you off and keep you inside the rest of the day.” She was being impatient and now another problem was about to arise.

“My boy can you hear me? It seems your communications links are down.” Samson’s voice came from the shelter. Lafiel looks at Jinto. “Great! Now we got visitors and I’m the one barely clothed “ Jinto went inside, grabbed his creunoc stepped back outside and talked with Samson. “So. Where are you Samson?” Samson explained they were about three hours out. The communications net seemed to be down and this was the earliest chance to establish communication with them. Samson stated that he would check the net on the way in and he and Seelnay had brought the new power converter for them. Jinto finished, communications were closed, and he looks over to Lafiel. “Do you remember if the net was working when we arrived?”

She says. “I don’t remember Jinto. Right now we’ve got less than three hours before they arrive and I will not be seen by anyone but you looking like this.” Jinto looks at her. Her hair was drying the lotion had soaked through the sheet making it almost see through. This made his nightshirt incident look normal. “Well Seelnay’s seen you naked before, I’m sure that would not bother you. Samson on the other hand.” He looks at her she was showing no emotion but the gaze from her eyes told Jinto he’d better stop now should he like to live longer. The time passed Jinto helped Lafiel inside he put her hair up and put her in the shower.

He stepped outside to clean up the area. He was not outside long when Lafiel’s voice summoned him back inside. “Jinto Lynn get in here now!” Jinto entered the shelter and started towards Lafiel’s room. Lafiel was standing naked in her room looking in the mirror. “I’m orange!” She saw Jinto in the doorway. “Jinto I’m orange!” Jinto looks at her. She was indeed orange, a very pale shade, but orange nonetheless.

“There’s been a chemical reaction looks like the sunscreen and the lotion did not get along hence your discoloration.” Lafiel was not amused. “Jinto I’ve figured that out already. So what are you doing to fix it?” Jinto looks at her. She just dumped it in his lap. He felt it was his fault she went out and got in the Poison Ivy. “Well it was not going to work this time. She was not going to dump this on me.” Jinto thought. Samson’s voice brought him back. “My boy the net is fixed. We are fifteen minuets from entering the atmosphere. Should be there in half an hour tops, I’ve found your shuttle. We will park alongside it.” Jinto acknowledged the transmission and turned to Lafiel. “I guess you’re going to be orange for awhile.”

Lafiel exploded. This was not going to do. She was not going to be seen by anyone looking like this. “Jinto you’ve got twenty minuets to figure out what you are doing with me or I’m going to leave here in the shuttle.” “Yada Yada Yada! She was back to her old self again.” Jinto wished he had a communication link with the Hyde System. “Dr. Sasoum would know how to do this, it would be simple.” Then it hit him. Samson had not entered the atmosphere. He could link to the Hyde System for him.

“Samson can you hear me?” There was a moment of silence and then. “Yes my boy what is it?” Jinto asked if he could link to the Hyde System he needed to talk to Dr. Sasoum. The answer from the shuttle was surprising. “You’re in luck my boy. She’s here with us. I was taking her back to the Capital when we were done with your stop.” Jinto was relieved he turned to Lafiel. “You will stay? So she can reverse the process? You won’t mind if she sees you like this?” Lafiel said it was okay and she stormed back to her room. The shuttle landed and Samson and party waited for Jinto to meet them.

Jinto approached the group he asked to speak with Dr. Sasoum alone. She and Jinto stepped away, he explained what had happened to Lafiel. The doctor went wide-eyed. She went back in the shuttle returned with her medical bag and headed for the shelter. Seelnay seeing all of this wanted to follow as well. But Samson stops her. “We’ve got a power converter to set up. When we are done. Then you can see the Princess!” Like a scolded puppy she went back in the shuttle. Samson looks at Jinto. “Is everything alright Count Hyde?” Jinto assured Samson that things were Okay nothing disastrous had happen. It was just a little accident. Then he thought. “A little accident. Well Lafiel would not look at it that way. To her it was the end of the world.”

Dr. Sasoum arrived at the door. She called to Lafiel. Following her voice down the hall to her room. She found an angry orange Abh Princess. “Look at me. Look what that fool did to m...” She never finished. The doctor took over. “Princess. You’re lucky he realized what you got into and treated you as rapidly as he did. Had it gotten into your mucous membranes or your eyes, it could have killed or blinded you.” Lafiel went pale. The doctor went on. “You’re an Abh on a planet. The two normally can get along but you need to be careful of what you do. Your body is not able to fend off planet irritants like Jinto’s body can. There are irritants on this island that could, if left untreated, kill you.” Lafiel was wide-eyed. She never thought of this before. Abh’s were always masters of their environment, but this was not an Abh environment. It was beautiful, but deadly. She was confused.

The doctor looks at her smiles and says. “If you’re all calmed down now. I’d like to give you a through exam.” Lafiel was calm, orange and calm. The doctor started her examination. Several passes of the scanner were made. Lafiel sat quietly the doctor seem to be paying close attention to her spine and central internal organs. A pass round her head and one more down her back and the doctor was finished. “You just turned twenty-eight is that not correct?” Dr Sasoum asked. Lafiel nods, then she realizes that she has missed Jinto’s birthday again. She was going to have a party for him, but the crisis at the Capital came up. Then the appointment as ambassadors, the new shelter the….

”Princess!” Dr Sasoum’s words brought her back. “Ah. I’m sorry. I had something else on my mind. You were saying doctor.” The doctor gave her a stern look. “Do I have your attention Princess?” Lafiel nods. “Good. You are entering your last growing stage and your going to have a difficult time of it I’m afraid.” Lafiel looks at the doctor. “You’re certain of this? Can I see the results?” The doctor hands her the scanner. Lafiel internal bone structure was growing she was going to be taller, and she was also filling out. The scanner projected her new look. She was no longer going to be short and slender. She was to be tall and curvy, like, Plakia was. “You’ve got an interesting set of genes there Princess.” The doctor continued. “I’d like for you to take some supplements most of them to help your bones be strong. Being on this planet will help too, regular excise in normal gravity. But the most important thing is you cannot become pregnant. Not for at least two years. This is very important. Your body will need to settle in before you can carry a child. Last thing, don’t get any fancy clothes, in the next few months nothing is going to fit correctly.”

Lafiel stood their scanner in hand. “I might be as tall as Jinto” then it hit her. “I’m going to change, I’m going to be different, will Jinto still love me?” Dr Sasoum sensed the panic coming over Lafiel. “First we will get you looking Abh again. Then the two of us will inform Jinto of your upcoming changes.” Lafiel nods. The doctor asked her to wait, she was going to make a peel for her skin and would be back to apply it. The doctor left the room and Lafiel stood looking in the mirror. She looks at the scanner and she looks at herself. She tried to make a mental picture of her new self and all she could see was, Plakia. The tears ran down her cheeks, her pale orange cheeks and on to the floor.

“Admiral. Admiral Spoor.” Kufadis words were vapors. They never got to her brain. Since the change in the Empire, Spoor had been assigned the task of training the fleet in first contact protocols. Trying to undo a century of Abh arrogance was more difficult than even she had imagined. The resistance was mounting and a small rebellion was about to start. “Painiach.” Kufadis said. Spoor came to immediately. Kufadis had called her by her first name. He had never done that before and it caught her completely off guard.

She spun around and less than two feet from her was Kufadis. “It’s about time you answered. I thought I was going to have to do something drastic.” Kufadis had a smile on his face. “Did I pronounce it correctly Admiral?” Spoor was amazed. He had said it correctly. He had also kindled a memory within her of someone long ago who used to call her…

“Yes that was done very well Kufadis. I’m guessing you’ve been trying to tell me something. Well what is it?” Kufadis informed her that Admiral Trife was completing the final sweep of the Gamma sector and no other ships were in the area. He was now awaiting new orders. “Tell him to use Sord 568 and make a pass through System 2621. He’s looking for any signs of industrialized worlds. He is to note their position, but not make any contact. He’s not to be seen, make that perfectly clear Kufadis.” Kufadis went to relay her orders to Admiral Trife.

Spoor stood there, this new exploration and training was getting to her. Trife was one of six Admirals she could trust not to screw up the Empires new first contact protocol. Simply put it was long-range exploration of a system the notation of inhabited planets. The classification of them and any signs of space travel capabilities. All while the scouting fleet was to remain invisible to the system. The Ambassador division would then make first contact. Now there was a shortage of ambassadors. She was wondering if she was going to have to make the contact call herself. She was to avoid at all cost any engagement or detection by unknown spaceships. All of this was to done with stealth. Something the Abh was not accustomed to doing.

The power converter was uncrated. Jinto and Samson were preparing the pad to set it upon. Seelnay was getting ready to hoist it into place. Dr Sasoum was in the garden admiring the flowers and plants. She was looking for certain plants to make a natural skin peel for Lafiel. Scanner in hand, she headed for the beach. Along the shore she found all the raw materials she needed. As she came towards the ship she saw the power converter being lowered into place. “Good Seelnay will be free soon. I will need her assistance with this project.” She thought as she approached the ship. This power converter was to supplement the one already on the island. All Samson needed to do was bridge the power converters together and charge the reactor with water. Once the converter was stable they could leave. However Dr. Sasoum had other priorities. They would be staying for a few days extra.

“Jinto do you have a bath tub?” Dr Sasoum asked. Jinto explained that the showers were all they had and swimming in the lagoon was better than any bath. Seelnay was appalled. “The Princess only takes showers and swims in a dirty lagoon.” Everyone looks at her. She realized she had spoken her thoughts, loudly. “I’m sorry.” Jinto stops her “Seelnay. It’s okay. I’m happy Lafiel did not hear you. She would have been very upset.” Seelnay shook her head sheepishly then with a start she addressed the doctor. “You said you needed a tub? I’m assuming big enough for the Princess to be submerged in?” Dr Sasoum said that was the case she asked Seelnay what she was thinking. “Well I’ve got this old fuel tank in the hold.” Samson looks at her. “I thought you got rid of that thing long ago. You mean we’ve been hauling it around for the last six months?”

Seelnay just smiles, she heads into the ship. A few moments later she returned. Taking the hoist controls she lowered the pickup in to the hold, a metallic “Clang” was heard. She removed the tank from the hold and sat in on the sand in front of them. The tank was oval in shape about six feet long and four feet wide at it’s widest point there was a gaping hole in the top of the tank, the inlet and drain valves were still attached. Seelnay explained if she cut the tank at it’s mid point they would have a tub six feet long, four feet wide and thirty inches deep. The valves could be used to fill and drain the tub and if Jinto wished she could setup a heated circulation pump making it a hot tub of sorts. Jinto was in awe. Samson chuckled and the doctor said. “It’s Perfect. Just what the I ordered.”

Seelnay proceeds to take the laser torch and cut away the damaged parts of the tank she used those pieces to make legs that would stabilize the tub. About an hour later the tub was ready, using the hoist at its limit, Seelnay placed the tub behind the shelter. Samson and Jinto plumbed it into the fresh water and the waste recovery systems. In the mean time Seelnay and the doctor went back to the beach to gather the plants needed for the peel, that the doctor was going to make for Lafiel. Seelnay was amazed at the beauty of the island. She so wanted to stay there it was unlike any place she had ever seen. She stopped herself. She had duties to do. She thought, well maybe she could visit from time to time.

They left the beach and came back up the path Dr. Sasoum pointed Seelnay towards the garden and said she would meet her there in a few moments. The doctor then continued up the path towards the shelter. She laid the plants on the table to dry she asked Jinto and Samson to follow her they went to the garden. At the garden she asked that Samson and Jinto stay away from the shelter till she was done with Lafiel. Jinto agreed, he and Samson had some catching up to do it might take several hours. The doctor said she would send for them when she was finished. Taking Seelnay from the rose bushes they returned to the shelter.

“You set the tub up so the water can be heated did you not?” The doctor asked Seelnay. “Oh yes. Name a temperature it can be set and maintained.” Seelnay said with a smile. “Good fill the tub and set it to forty degrees C.” The doctor continued. “Seelnay the Princess had a reaction to the treatment Count Hyde gave her. She’s turned a very pale orange. When you get her, be warned, any comments will probably be met with anger.” Seelnay looks at the doctor. “Why don’t you use a chemical peel it will be faster…” The doctor stops her. “Not this time. We will need something gentle and slow acting. Her skin has been damaged. The chemical peel would scar her. No. We must do it this way.” Seelnay realized the gravity of the situation. She filled the tub and set the control to forty degrees C.

The skin of an Abh was like that of a lander. In this case the protective layers of Lafiel’s skin had shed due to her exposure to the sunlight and her sunburn. She was a couple of layers short when she got the Poison Ivy. The treatment Jinto gave her took more protective cells. Now she was in a growth spurt. The hormones with in her were making her skin soft and supple like newborn so her body might grow for the last time. Dr. Sasoum’s exam had revealed numerous small ulceration on Lafiel’s body, that discovery precluded the use of a chemical peel. The doctor decided on a natural leeching soak with algae and seaweed. She wished she had some body lotion to put on Lafiel after she was done. The perplexed look on the doctor’s face caught Seelnay’s attention. “Is there a problem doctor?” The doctor explained that some body oils would be nice to put on the Princess after the soak. But she had none and there was not enough time to make some from the raw materials on the planet. “Oh that’s not a problem I have a full collection of bath supplies on the ship. I keep them never knowing when I’ll see her Highness and she might want a bath. I’ve got everything you would need including some of her favorite rubs.” That problem solved. The process of making the soak for Lafiel started.

“So your telling me that thanks to Spoor and Ramaj. The Hyde fuel processing plant has made enough money to pay all of it’s debits and put money in the bank?” Samson nods his head. “We have enough business I need to hire more people. I was planning on trying Martine for people to work on the station. You know you’ve invested heavily in the growth of the planet?” Jinto was confused. “How is that Samson I don’t understand.” Samson proceeded to explain that the extra capital was invested in the Martine banking system it gave the planet the needed capital to expand on many fronts. In reality Jinto owned Martine, his influence financially had made his home plant independent. “So how many people know of this ownership of mine?” Jinto asked. Samson explained that Teel, the minister of finance and the head of the largest bank knew. But that average citizen knew nothing. Jinto was pleased. He had always wondered if he could help Martine become able to stand by itself.

“No! I’m not getting in that tub! That smell is awful! Jinto where are you?!?”

Those words rang down from the shelter. Samson looks at Jinto. “You going up there?” Jinto shook his head. “The doctor said she would come get us when she was done that’s how it will be. Now tell me more about the people we need to hire.” Samson sat back he looks at Jinto smiles and starts to explain the expansion of the depot.

“No! I shall not get in that tub!” Lafiel screams at Seelnay. The doctor, hearing the commotion came out of the shelter and confronted Lafiel. “You have two choices. Soak in that tub for two or three hours and leech the color out of you skin. OR be orange for at least six weeks it’s your choice. Your Highness.” Lafiel was still waking up she had fallen into a deep sleep before they had arrived. She slept thru the converter being installed, Seelnay’s work and installation of the tub. It was Seelnay who woke Lafiel, dressed her in a robe and brought her outside. One whiff of the contents of the tub set had Lafiel off. She now realized that this had to be done. She slipped off her robe. Seelnay helped her into the tub and she held her nose and started to soak. The soak felt wonderful. It soothed her skin, and it made her feel as if she were weightless. She released her nose, the soak smelled different. It was no longer the foul fishy smell it was like roses.

The doctor says to Seelnay. “When it starts to smell of onions then that’s the time to remove her and apply the oils from head to toe.” Seelnay asks the doctor. “What about her face and ears, they are not in the tub won’t they be orange?” The doctor explained that she was working on a mask when Lafiel had her outburst. She went inside and finished it. Her return brought a look from Lafiel. “And what are you going to do with that?” The doctor explained that it was going to be applied to her face neck and ears and that her scalp would have to shed normally. So she might see a little orange for a while. Seelnay pulled Lafiel’s hair back into a ponytail and the doctor applied the mask to all exposed skin. Lafiel was lucky the mask did not smell as bad as the soak had. She relaxed and waited for the time to pass. Seelnay sat in a chair and kept an eye on everything. The doctor went back to the shelter.

“Another forty people are you sure Samson? Can’t we get by with fewer? That’s so many. If business was to get bad then.” Jinto was still thinking of what to say and Samson took advantage to explain further. “Count Hyde, we can use all the help we can get. Since the Hyde system has now become an advance base for Atosuryua’s fleet. Forty would be the minimum we would need.” Jinto was stunned. “Wait Samson? When did she move in? I thought Spoor was using the System as her advance base?” Samson was confused, he was sure he’d sent the changes to Jinto. “My boy did you get the review two weeks ago? It was all in there. I was wondering why you were so calm about this and confused about my personnel needs.” Jinto explained he had not seen the review and could Samson bring him up to speed on it. Samson’s face went serious. He started to explain that Atosuryua’s fleet had been put in charge of ambassador protection duties. It’s a wish that Atosuryua had express to Ramaj, she and Kenesh had granted it. Jinto was taking in the statement.

Samson put the finishing touch on it. “You know Atosuryua is quite angry with the Princess. She felt she would sit on the throne and she wanted to be in a position to be the right hand of the Empress. You two being appointed ambassadors, well volunteering to be, has left her angry.” Jinto was not amused; he did not want Atosuryua underfoot. Samson wasn’t done. “What you don’t know is this system is now under her control. There is an Attack ship watching this planet as we speak. You two are no longer alone out here. I’m sure that’s why your net was disabled. So the Attack ship could sneak in unnoticed by you and the Princess. Face it you two are very important to the Empire. The Capital is not going to let anything happen to you two. That’s why the doctor was on board. She was ordered to come here and check on your well being and she will never be far from where you two are.”

Jinto taking it all in nods his head. “So you and Sobbash are back on speaking terms again eh?” Samson smiles. “So how long have you known? We tried to keep it quiet?” Jinto replied. “Aptic. When you two went and got drunk together. Then she was very disappointed when you left the Star Forces. She was very happy when she took us to Martine. The only outside factor was you my friend.” Samson looks at Jinto. “So you’ll keep our little secret?” Jinto smiles. “Of course keep sending me memos. I will take time to read them all. I guess, I will have to tell Lafiel of this, just not all of it. She’s not going to be happy.”

“Admiral look at this.” Kufadis was staring at his display, a group of ships were heading for the Sord he had not given any orders to them. Spoor came to his side he pointed the movement out to her. She stood there studying it all then, “So it has started. Bring the commander of that group up on the communications net.” The main display flickered an officer in a command chair was being displayed. Spoor spoke, “So where do you think you are going Kilo Commander? You’ve not been issued orders, you shall stop at once.” The screen flickered the Kilo Commander leaned forward, “We are returning to the depot. We have not had liberty in eighteen months. We are no longer at war and you’re no longer supreme commander. If you desire to communicate further, you know where we will be.” The display went dark.

Spoor was incensed. “Weapons officer target the lead ship.” Kufadis objected. “Sit down Kufadis!” Spoor continued, “I said target the lead ship and make sure they know they’ve been targeted. Load and bring the EM rifles active NOW!” The weapons office did exactly as Spoor commanded. “Incoming communication.” Kufadis said. “Put the Kilo Commander on Kufadis.” The display went on. An amazed face appeared on the screen. “You mean to shoot us?” Spoor cut in. “You are a Kilo Commander. I am an Admiral. I gave you an order to stop. You have fifteen seconds to stop or I shall fire upon you.” The weapons officer spoke. “Ship targeted. Rifles ready to fire on your command Admiral.” Spoor looks at the display. “Ten seconds. Weapons officer prepare to fire. Five, four, three.” Kufadis cuts in. “Admiral they’ve stopped.”

The Kilo Commander spoke. “You would have destroyed this ship. Why? All we want is some liberty. We would have returned.” Spoor cut him off. “You’ve lost the meaning of things. You want liberty? You request it. I’m not sure how your previous commander handled things, but you are part of this command. We do things by the book and my way. You don’t just take off when you wish, without permission. Do you understand me?” The Kilo Commander spoke. “I’m sorry Admiral I don’t know what came over me it will never happen again.” The display went blank. “Stand down the EM rifles.”

Spoor walks to where Kufadis sat he spoke to her. “Would you have fired upon them?” She leans over to his ear. “Yes I would have. I can not have officers taking off with groups of ships at will.” Kufadis looked at her. “You know he’s a member of your clan.” Spoor smiles. “Yes. I’ve known him since he was a little boy he used to be very disobedient when he was younger. I guess he has not grown out of it.” Kufadis shook his head. “Then what should I do with him?” Spoor smiled. “Give them liberty and see that he understands he’s going to be reprimanded when he returns.”

“System scan complete Captain. Their observation net is active; the shuttle is still on the surface. If we maintain our present course, in fifteen minuets their net will scan us. Your orders Captain?” Ekuryua looks at the display. “It’s time we introduced ourselves to the Count and the Princess. Let the net scan us, then hold your position.”

The tub was emitting an order of sweet onions Seelnay called for the doctor. She came from the shelter and looked over Lafiel, the leeching was successful. She pulled the mask away and there was an Abh colored face staring back. “Success. Seelnay take her inside give her a through rub down. I’ll go get Samson and Count Hyde. Seelnay helped Lafiel out of the tub and the doctor went to the garden. Samson and Jinto had finished their discussion and were glad to return to the shelter. “Well how is she?” Jinto inquired. “She’s just fine, its going to be several days of her staying inside. But she’s going to be fine.” Jinto was relieved the walk to the shelter was almost uneventful. As they approached the shelter, the net alarm went off. Jinto went inside and silenced the warning. He scanned the area in question. An Attack Frigate was sitting point two - five light years away. “So we have company.” From the hall Lafiel's voice was heard. ”Jinto who is it now?” Jinto told her not to worry it was an Attack Frigate and he would explain it all to her later. Seelnay told Lafiel to hold still so she could continue the rub down. Silence was all that followed.

“So your shadow became visible?” Samson was looking at his creunoc. “I know this ship it’s got a very tough and experienced Captain. Jinto walked over to Samson he looked at the data being display about the ship. It did not take long to find the line he was interested in. Ekuryua Noel, Commander, commanding. Jinto looks at Samson. “You figured she would send her best Captain to watch us.” The Baroness was going to be a problem Jinto was not looking forward to dealing with.

“My boy you are being hailed. Captain Ekuryua for you.” Jinto steps over to Samson. He handed him his creunoc Jinto took it and steps back. “Hello Noel it’s been sometime. I know why you are here.” Silence, then. “Well Jinto if you know why I’m here. Would you mind letting me in on the secret. I’m just following orders.” Jinto proceeds to tell Ekuryua that she has become their official baby sitter. The response from Ekuryua was not what Jinto expected, she was furious. “You mean I’m to sit out here in space and watch you two play on the planet down there. Well you’ve now made sense out of what I have in my hold. I have an unarmed transport, so besides being your baby sitter. I’m going to be your escort anywhere you two go. That’s just wonderful, Ekuryua OUT!”

She slammed the chair control. “Communications Chief get me Commander Sobbash.” The communications chief said it would be several hours before the message would get to the Hyde system given their present position. “Then move us to a better position.” Ekuryua shouted. The executive officer spoke. “Excuse me Captain but our orders state.“ Ekuryua glared at him. ”Screw those impossible orders! I want to talk to SOBBASH. NOW!”

“She’s leaving. She’s heading towards the Sord.” Jinto smiled. Samson was confused. “If she wanted to communicate with her command why didn’t she align herself with the Capital and use the relay there?” Jinto nods to him. “Think about it Samson. Noel is angry, but not stupid. If she went through the Capital link, someone there would surly hear the transmission and notify either Kenesh of Ramaj. She wants to talk to either Sobbash or Atosuryua. Not the rest of the Empire. She’ll go to the Sord and beam a signal directly to the Hyde system. She should have her answer within two hours. I believe she won’t be happy when she returns.” Samson looks at him. “You’re sure she’ll be back?” Jinto answers. “Oh yes, most definitely, and as I said, she will not be happy. I will use her unhappiness to our advantage.” Samson looks strangely at Jinto; he had never heard him use those terms before. It was like Jinto had it in for the Baroness. He shook it off and sat down.

The doctor had her own questions. “Jinto it seems you know I’m going to be around for awhile. Do you know why I’m here? Jinto looks at her. “No I’ve not figured out the reasons for you being here. I’m sure you’ll tell me when your ready. The doctor went to speak and at that moment a very tired Seelnay came out the door. “She’s asleep I did her from head to toe twice.” With that statement she relaxed in one of the lounge chairs and was asleep in an instant. “Jinto.”

Dr Sasoum continued. ”When Lafiel awakens she and I will need to talk with you. It IS part of the reason I’m here.” Jinto started to look worried before he could speak the doctor went on. “She IS fine. She’s not in any medical distress. You need to get some rest yourself. In fact we all have had a long day. Let put this off till morning. Jinto invited the doctor and Samson inside. Samson chose the sofa and the doctor took the other reclining chair. With everyone settled Jinto checked in on Lafiel and went to bed himself.

“He said I was to be their babysitter! Why did you not tell me this was my mission?” Ekuryua was staring at a very fuzzy display. The delay was thirty seconds she watched her words arrive and the expressions on Sobbash’s face change. Sobbash’s words came back. “You have your orders Captain. Carry them out, no exceptions Sobbash OUT!” She snapped the display off.

Then she opened a channel to the bridge. “Navigator return us to our previous position. Best speed.” She switched off the display and went to her bunk. She fell heavily upon it laying there looking at the ceiling. She thought. “Babysitter! Escort! What did I do to deserve this?” She soon drifted off to sleep.

The navigator acknowledged her orders. He switched the display off then he turned to the first officer. “Sobbash told her no and she is furious.” The first officer watching the course being plotted thought, “I hope she wakes in a better mood, if not, this is going to make warfare look tame.”

The sun in his eyes awoke Jinto, remembering he had guest he dressed accordingly. On his way down the hall he found Lafiel’s door open. The doctor leaning over a sleeping Lafiel scanner in hand, she was examining her. The doctor sensed Jinto’s presence and turned toward the door. She smiled at Jinto took one last reading and headed for the door. In the hall she spoke with Jinto. “She doing well. Her skin is healing nicely. She’s going to want to sleep for a while. She’ll be up and down. It maybe a week before she would be able to put in a full day.” Jinto looks at her. She was speaking of Lafiel as if she had a major medical problem and was recovering from and intervention.

He queries the doctor. “All she did was get a rash why is she now so frail?” A voice from the room addressed him “Jinto I’m fine. Is the doctor with you?” Jinto responded she was. Lafiel invited them both into her room. She was sitting on the edge of her bed. The robe Seelnay had put her to bed in still on, the smell of rubbing oils still present. Jinto sat next to her and the doctor stood before them. Lafiel looks at the doctor. “It’s time we tell him.” The doctor nods. Lafiel puts her arm around Jinto. “Jinto I love you. We have something to tell you.” Jinto looks at the doctor she went on to explain Lafiel’s growing spurt and the precautions Jinto will have to follow for the next six months or so. The doctor finished. Lafiel looks at Jinto his face was blank, his eyes looking at the scanner data.

She kissed him on the cheek. “Jinto are you going to be alright with my new appearance?” Jinto sat there, and then he suddenly smiled. “If you grow that much then I won’t have to be reaching for items you can’t get to.” Lafiel was shocked. “Is that all you can say? All you can think of?” Jinto laughed. “Now I know how you felt when I was introduced to you as a modified being. I love you Lafiel. I always will. It will be interesting to see what you finally grow up to be.” She looks at him. “So your saying I’m not grown up now? I’m still a child?” Lafiel winked. “You dirty old man. What you did to this child.” Jinto put his hand across her mouth. The doctor excused herself from the room. Jinto removed his hand and Lafiel continued. “When I’ve grown up. What are you planning on doing to a grown woman?” Jinto blushed; he kissed Lafiel on the cheek. “I guess you’ll have to wait and see what happens.”

After leaving Lafiel, Jinto went down the hall towards the kitchen. The smell of Samson’s cooking greeted him. Seelnay was still asleep in the chair and the doctor had stepped outside. Samson asked Jinto his preferences for breakfast. He told Samson that anything would be fine and that Lafiel would be out soon. He left the kitchen, opened the door and stepped outside. The doctor was standing at the top of the path that led to the shuttles. She was admiring the view. Jinto approached her he had but one question. “How long have you known about Lafiel’s condition?” She informed him that she suspected Lafiel had a change coming a year ago when she was last in the doctor’s care. “That’s why I came here my data showed that she should be ready about now.” Jinto stood along side the doctor. The sun was rising over the lake. “How often do you run across a case like Lafiel’s?” Jinto spoke still watching the sunrise. “She’s the first in over one hundred fifty years. That’s why all the fuss and Jinto that’s why I’m glad she is with you. You’ve got to hold to the no natural childbirth till she completed this change.” Jinto assured the doctor that a child was the farthest thing from his mind.

The sun broke over the water. Samson called them to breakfast, they started back towards the shelter Seelnay met them half way she had gone to the garden. Lafiel was already seated at the table starting on her second helping. Jinto scolded her for eating so much. She replied, “It’s not like I’m eating for two, well not yet.” Seelnay looked at the doctor, the doctor explained that she was not pregnant just growing. Samson made a wise comment about eating everything so Lafiel would be big and strong. A comment, which got a look from Lafiel, towards Samson, that he soon would not forget. So started this new day.

After breakfast it was decided that Samson, Seelnay, and Jinto would assemble the addition. Lafiel would supervise from her shaded position and the doctor decided to catnap the day away. Assembly of the addition went well, by the time for lunch they were better than half-done, by early evening they were finished. Three people in one day did what would have taken Jinto and Lafiel several days to complete. Lafiel who was watching commenting and napping throughout this project was the first person to enter after the job was completed. The covered walkway from the shelter to the addition was a great help to her. The heat from the sun still bothered her.

The addition had a moderately sized, centrally located, meeting area and several rooms that led off from it. They had effectively tripled their living / working area. Lafiel looks around she were pleased with what she saw. “With all this space I guess we won’t have people lounging all over or personal quarters now will we Jinto?” Jinto agreed.

Samson called them all to dinner. The doctor and Seelnay were seated at the table Jinto and Lafiel joined them. Dinner was a feast. Samson really out did him self. It was decided after dinner that the interior of the shelter would be completed the next day. The doctor said in another day or so and she would be ready to leave. The proximity alarm went off shortly after dinner Samson looks at Jinto. “Your shadow is back.” A quick scan proved Samson was right.

Early the next morning the interior was started; Lafiel sat in the center of the addition. She so wanted to help but she was still sensitive to light and pressure being placed upon her skin. Dr. Sasoum assured her that she was healing nicely and that there would be no scaring. Throughout that day Lafiel commented on the work being done. She was never critical and usually helpful. Jinto kept looking at her and wondering what had happened. She had never been this open around other people before. Jinto was feeling a little jealous. Lafiel was interacting with everyone around her and saying little to Jinto. He was use to having her complete attention.

Lafiel sat back in her chair. She looked around. What she saw made her happy. She then noticed Jinto in the corner of the room. “You know I don’t think I’ve said five words to him today. He’s never complained once.” She stood up and walked over to Jinto. He had his back to her so he did not see her coming. She put her hand on his shoulder. Turned him and kissed him in front of everyone. Jinto embraced her gently they stood there motionless for a moment. It was Seelnay that broke the silence. “You think you could at least waited till we left?” Jinto hearing Seelnay’s voice quietly commented to Lafiel. “You think she’s jealous?” Lafiel whispered back. “I don’t really care, are you jealous my dear?” Jinto shook his head and said. “Not anymore. But I do think we are making a scene don’t you?” Lafiel says. “It’s our home, let them leave if they don’t like it.”

Jinto took a step back. “Our home? You really feel that way? What about being a Kin of the Stars?” Lafiel looks him in the eye. “I can have two homes can’t I Jinto? There is space where I was born and there is here where I’m with you. Two homes, living in balance with each other, and not interfering with each other.” Jinto smiles, he steps back from Lafiel takes her hand and announced to everyone. “Lafiel and I would like to thank you for helping us finish our home. You have done a wonderful job. You are always welcome.” Having stood in silence while Jinto and Lafiel had their romantic moment and hearing most of the two homes comment, there was happiness from all in the room. Samson stood looking at Jinto and Lafiel, he thought. “Sobbash you were correct she kissed him. I think I’ll send you another bottle of your favorite drink.”

Three more days passed. Lafiel was feeling better, she was stronger and taking early morning walks again. The doctor said she was progressing nicely, and she had even grown a quarter of an inch. Lafiel felt that she was well enough to continue normally. She asked the doctor if there was anything else she should do. “No nothing else just follow my instructions and don’t worry I won’t be far away.” Lafiel looks at the doctor puzzled. “I thought you were heading for the Capital when you left here?” The doctor smiles, “Change of plans Princess. I’ll just have Samson shuttle me to the Attack Frigate. I’ll be very close if you need me.” Lafiel shook her head. “More unwelcome guest. Maybe we should just move them in next door.” She thought as they walked back to the shelter.

Breakfast complete. Samson and company packed up and prepared to depart. Jinto and Lafiel saw them off to the shuttle. Seelnay presented Lafiel with a bottle of her favorite rub; she also gave Lafiel a big hug. Samson and Jinto spoke briefly off to one side. Then they both approached Lafiel. Jinto stood by her side and Samson thanks them both for their hospitality. To which Lafiel thanked him and Seelnay for helping assemble the addition. The door of the shuttle closes, the ship silently slips on to the lake and departs. “Well it’s the two of us Lafiel.” Jinto said. Lafiel looking skyward said. “Don’t be too sure Jinto. I don’t think we will ever be really alone again.”

“Captain Ekuryua, I have a transfer for you.” Her response was typical. “Dock on the port side, drop her off at airlock four, then be on your way. I have no time for visiting. Ekuryua out.” She rose from the command chair. “When our visitor is on board, show her to my cabin, that’s where I’ll be.” She leaves the bridge. Seelnay docks at the air lock and the doctor transfers over.

The Executive Office meets the doctor at the airlock and then he escorts her to the Captains cabin. The door chime rang Ekuryua reached over to the console and opened the door. The doctor steps into the cabin and the door closes behind her. “I see, this is how it will be this visit, eh Noel?” Ekuryua looks up from her console, she stares the doctor in the face, and then she broke a small smile. “Hello Mother.”

To be continued in Growing Pains
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Re: 08_The Ambassadors

Post by Diaho »

Spacing post..

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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