09_Growing Pains

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09_Growing Pains

Post by Diaho »

Growing Pains

“Noel you know why I’m here.” The doctor stood before Ekuryua. “Yes Mother you’re to help me baby-sit the Count and the Princess.” Dr Sasoum got a scowl to her face. “Noel just what are your orders?” Ekuryua leaned back from the console.” I can’t tell you a mere civilian my orders. It matters not whether you’re my mother. No briefing this time.” Dr Sasoum reached into her folder. She produced a data crystal. “Look at this Noel.” Ekuryua took the crystal and placed it in the console reader. “I see you’ve managed to pull another fast one on me. Mother. So you’re Atosuryua attaché and I’m to share all I know with you.” Ekuryua looks at her mother. “I wonder whose boots you licked this time to get this appointment?”

“Noel.” Dr Sasoum looks at Ekuryua. “Don’t misunderstand me. I’m looking out for their welfare. I’m as fond as them as you are.” She faced Ekuryua. “Atosuryua would have her back in the Star Forces and encourage her to become Empress. I believe what She and Jinto are going to do. Will be a greater service to the Empire than her becoming Empress ever could do.” Ekuryua sat staring at her console the data from her mother’s crystal still being displayed. She removed the crystal and handed it back to Dr. Sasoum. She sat there expressionless looking at the doctor. Several thoughts kept going through her mind. “What do they have that I do not? Why does she care for them, more than she cares for me? Is she really telling me the truth this time or will it all be a lie like before?”

The doctor now sees the famous poker face from Ekuryua. She realizes that she is not going to be accepted without a fight. “Noel when you’re ready. You will show me your orders.” Ekuryua broke her silence. “When I’m ready mother. I’ll talk with you again.” She pushes a button on the console, a voice answers. “Yes Captain.” Ekuryua says. “Would you please come to my cabin and escort our guest to her quarters.” The voice replies. “Yes Captain right away.” Ekuryua looks at the doctor. She spoke slowly and clearly. “He called me Captain. Remember that mother. I am the Captain of this ship. My orders give me discretion as to how I am to accomplish my mission. I’ve heard your words and have seen the data. Remember this is my ship, my crew and my command. The door chime rang Ekuryua opens the door an Ensign was standing there. He took the doctor’s bag and asked her to follow him. Before she left the doctor spoke. “Very well Captain. I await your call.” She left. The cabin door closed and Ekuryua leaned back into her chair. “What madness has those three gotten me into now? Sobbash was so abrupt. Now my mothers here she can see everything I do. Why me? What did I do to deserve this?”

Ekuryua pressed a button on the console and spoke. “Communications officer?” “Yes Captain.” Ekuryua leans back in the chair. “Open me a secure channel to the planet. I wish to speak with Count Hyde. When you’re done patch it to my cabin.” “Yes Captain it should be no more that fifteen minutes.” Ekuryua switched off the console. She sat back and stared at the ceiling. “Let’s see how Jinto feels about all of this? Since it’s going to interfere with his life. He should know.”

The conference room was empty. The lights were set dim. Kenesh sat in the center seat. One lone display was lit. The door opens and Ramaj enters. She leans over Kenesh’s shoulder. “Still bothered by the extra Sords the Untied Mankind have opened?” Kenesh looks up. “Seventy seven unused discarded Sords scattered throughout the Empire. All of them recently activated. We’ve just begun to explore them. What bothers me is what lies beyond them. What new troubles wait for the Empire? We need to search and close the useless ones. As for the useful ones, we don’t have the resources to explore them all.” Ramaj looks at Kenesh. “You still feel that there is an enemy waiting to attack us on the other side of one of those Sords?” Kenesh quietly nods. Ramaj stares at the display. The known Sords were in blue. The newly open explored Sords were in green with a second color. The second color for the useless Sords was yellow and the unexplored Sords were in red. It was a colorful display. All of fleet movements were displayed as well. It was a maze of corners and dead ends. Kenesh hopes there are no traps set.

Jinto had spent most of the morning preparing the training classes for the first group of ambassador candidates that were to arrive within the next ten days. Lafiel had been helping too, but she still liked to catnap now and then. Jinto was finishing in the addition went the proximity alarm went off. He silenced the alarm and noted the time. “Exactly. That’s just like her to be to the second.”

The console flashed. It was an in coming communication from Ekuryua. “That’s strange. I wonder what she wants?” Jinto opens the channel and the communications officer appeared. “Count Hyde?” Jinto nods. “I’ll switch you over to the Captain.” The display changes, Ekuryua was sitting in her cabin. She looked relaxed. “Jinto are we alone?” Jinto replied that Lafiel was napping and they were alone. He also inquired about the encrypted channel. “What I have to tell you is for you ears alone. If you wish you may share it with her Highness.”

Jinto pulled the chair close to the display. He was looking directly at Ekuryua. “I’m ready. What is so important?” Ekuryua looks directly at him. “Jinto how much do you know about Dr. Sasoum?” Jinto told her what the doctor had told him at the Capital. He finished and asks. “Is there a problem? Did she not tell me the truth?”

Ekuryua replied. “What she told you was true. She is a brilliant in genetics. She did save your and her Highness lives. She does have a darker side you should know about. Jinto listens intently. You know she has a child?” Jinto shook his head. “Well she does. A daughter. ME!” Jinto about fell out of his chair. She was far from being done. “You realize that she is also Atosuryua’s attaché?” Jinto went pale. “That she is trying to pull rank on me. She want to know my orders concerning you and the Princess?” Jinto, in disbelief, continues to listen. “I will share my orders with you now.” Ekuryua pressed a button. A data file appears on Jinto’s screen. He reads it. Her orders came directly from Ramaj. She had received them while on her way to the planet. They over rode any other orders from any other source. They were very simple. “Protect and assist Count Hyde and the Viscountess at any cost. Supply any and all support.” To that end her orders gave her latitude to do anything necessary. The last line said. “You. Your ship and your crew are expendable.”

“My original orders from Atosuryua were to spy on you and report your progress to her. These orders over ride those orders. Since my mother is now aboard. I either have to believe her that she has your best interest at heart. Then show her those orders. Or I need to put her under house arrest till someone from the Capital can come and get her. You should know mother and I have had a lot of bad blood between us.”

Jinto, still in shock, shook his head. “I understand why you wanted to talk with me. Do you want me to decide what you’re to do with your mother?” Ekuryua leaned back in her chair. She was wondering what Jinto meant. “For now my mother is my problem. There’s one other thing you should know.” Jinto’s face was staring at hers. She knew she needed to tell him this. It would have been better in person. But maybe the distance would help.

“It concerns my appointment to the Basroil. I did not want to serve. But mother enticed me to volunteer. When I realized that you and the Princess were on board. I thought she had done something nice for me. Then when I realized she was interested in the two of you and she wanted me to feed her information. That’s when I exploded. The nice thing was the two of you left the Star Forces and I was no longer bound by her wishes. But now she’s back. Jinto I won’t betray you and Lafiel. I cannot. I care deeply for the two of you.”

Jinto was amazed he had felt that there was more to her just “being” on the Basroil. She had just called Lafiel by her name this was something else to think about. “So did you spy on us while we were on the Basroil?” Ekuryua smiles. “To be honest. Yes I did. But my notes were never delivered. In fact, I still have them to this day. They are a cherished memory of that time of a quiet Terran Noble and a head strong Abh Princess. You know I would have been happy at one time to split you two up. Now that thought is… Sorry Jinto I need to stop now I have other duties to take care of. I’ll be in touch later.” A smile came to her face. “You two take care. Ekuryua out.”

The screen went blank. Jinto shut off the terminal. He went outside to the edge of the path and gazed over the lake. “So Atosuryua wanted to know our every move and Ramaj wants us to be autonomous. Just what in the devil is going on here? Lafiel and I need to discuss this. I guess it’s good I recorded Ekuryua’s transmission.” Jinto stood looking over the lake. He could not relax. He could not reflect. He needed to tell everything he had inside to Lafiel. But was she ready for everything?

“Hey Jinto I’ve been looking for you.” Lafiel’s voice was behind him. She had awaken looked for him and seen him standing gazing into nowhere. She walked up beside him. “You’re worried about something. Is it me who you are worried about? If it is you need not worry I’m feeling fine.” Jinto reached for Lafiel’s hand. He found it and held it firmly. He still was looking across the lake. ”I was finishing the outlines for the training course and an highly encrypted message came in from Ekuryua. She… Well I recorded it. You will need to view it. She had a lot to say and a lot of it has a direct bearing on our future.” Lafiel held his hand. She was looking over the lake. “How soon do you want me to view this transmission?” A bird flew by. They both followed it with their eyes. “Lafiel. I thought when we were here. We would be as free as that bird.” He turns Lafiel towards him. “I feel we are going to be prisoners. Where ever we are. We do not have nor will we ever have a life of our own. I feel we are property of the Empire and that they will use as they wish.” Lafiel went wide-eyed. Jinto’s words had portrayed a picture that she did not wish to see. She took his other hand in hers and looked into his eyes. “Prisoners you say? The Empire’s pawns? I want to see that transmission. As soon as you’re ready to be beside me, when I view it.” They turned back to the lake. “Just awhile longer Lafiel. Just a while longer.” They stood watching the lake, arms around each other’s waist.

“My dear Spoor what brings you to my humble base?” Atosuryua’s face smiles on the display. Spoor having received a message from Samson had returned to the Hyde spaceport. “This use to be my base of operations. I’ve got some unfinished business with the yardmaster. Unless you’d like to pay the bill.” Spoor replied. “No, it’s fine just notify me when you’re ready to leave Admiral Spoor.” Atosuryua said. The display went blank

“You think she bought it?” Kufadis asked. Spoor spun around in her command chair. “If she asks Samson she’s going to know I still owe the Hyde System a lot of money. More than the Baroness has or will likely ever have.” Kufadis just sat there a light on the console and a stream of data grabs his attention. “Admiral the yard master wishes to speak with you.” Spoor turns back to the display. “Put him on Kufadis.” Samson’s face appears on the screen. “I’m sorry to call you back but the matter of this bill.” He paused. “I’d be more comfortable if we discussed it in person. I can be at your ship in let’s say twenty minutes.”

Spoor agreed. The communications were closed she turned back to Kufadis. “It’s got to be important. He used the bill ploy to get me here. I’ll meet him in conference room two when he arrives. You have the bridge. I’m going to my cabin.” Spoor rose and walked past Kufadis. She did not stop this time and the look on her face was all business. “Something is wrong I can feel it I’ve been with her too long all of the signs point to.” Kufadis leaned back from his console he stood and silently walked the bridge. “I guess she’ll tell me when she knows for sure. I really hope she does not leave me in the dark about this.”

Seelnay maneuvered the shuttle into the docking bay. She was to let Samson off and do an inspection of Spoors ship while he and Spoor talked. Samson was greeted by a yeoman and escorted to conference room two. On the bridge Kufadis and Seelnay were discussing the inspection procedure when he was call to the conference room. “Navigator work with the inspection ship. I’m off to conference room two.” The navigator acknowledged his orders and Kufadis made his way to conference room two.

Kufadis entered the room. Spoor and Samson were already talking. They stopped at his entrance. “You know my Chief of Staff.” Samson nods. “Kufadis, you’re here for two reasons. One you need to know what is going on and you will make a record of this conversation to deliver to Count Hyde.” Kufadis sat and started the recording. “So Ekuryua is watching the ambassadors and Dr Sasoum is with her. This ought to get very interesting.” Samson and Kufadis look with puzzlement at Admiral Spoor. She had just made a statement, only she understood. Spoor continued. “You’re aware she is the one who modified Count Hyde?” They nodded in agreement. “You also understand it was her alone that used Count Hyde’s notes to figure out the mind attack of the UMK?” Again they both agreed.

“Well if you know that much. You might well know this as well. She went to school with the Princess mother and is Ekuryua’s mother.” Samson and Kufadis, look at each other. “Ekuryua’s Mother?” Samson spoke first. “Let me guess. They are on bad terms too? She was quite unhappy when we dropped her mother off to her.” Spoor nods. “She is lucky. If she were my mother, I’d ejected her into space by now.” Samson took this opportunity to bring Spoor up to date on the happenings of the planet. “So they’re up and functional and the Princess is growing. I’d like to seen the look on her face when that got dropped on her.” Spoor went on. “It’s a shame that woman weaseled command of that part of space from me.”

Samson explained Atosuryua desire to force the Princess back to the Star Forces. Spoor stops him. “You mean that third class Baroness would try to take on the royal family to make her own ends?” Samson nods. “She a bigger fool than I thought. I guess she doesn’t realize that she is being watched as well. Oh this ought to make for a wonderful drama. However I cannot stay for the final curtain.” Spoor stood up and turned towards them. “I’ll give you a word of warning Samson. Tell that Commander of yours to be very careful. There are more players to this drama than she thinks. She a bright and intelligent woman. I’d really hate to see her used as a shield by someone trying to escape the wrath of the royal family. You should maybe get her to work for you at the station. I’m sure the proper strings could be pulled to release her from the Star Forces if you wished.” Samson just stared at Spoor. “Does everybody know about Sobbash and myself. I wonder?”

Spoor went on. “I guess we are about finished here. Kufadis give Samson a copy of everything we have on the Baroness. The ambassadors and the ruling council.” She looks at Samson. “You’ve done well. I will make sure you’re properly rewarded for your efforts. That you are maintaining a open channel to the Count and the Princess for me.” Just then Seelnay piped in. “I’m done with my inspection. I found a small fuel leak and fixed it. Are we ready to leave?” Spoor answered. “Come to the docking bay. He’ll be with you shortly.” Spoor turns to Samson. “I’ll transfer three hundred thousand into the account just in case anybody asks.” Samson thanks Spoor.

Kufadis took him to the docking bay. Once their Kufadis had a question. “The Princess is growing you say in what way is she growing?” Samson’s answer left more questions “Every direction my boy. Like a weed.” He entered the shuttle. The airlock closed. The docking door opens and Seelnay departs. Kufadis was left regretting he ever asked Samson the question. All his mind could picture was Lafiel looking like a weed. It was not a pleasant picture. He shook it off and heads for the bridge. He wondered if Samson had been left as confused as he was by Spoor little bombshells.

Seelnay maneuvered back to the depot. Samson was next to her deep in thought. It could have been a quite trip. ”Samson while you were on board Spoor’s ship. Commander Sobbash left you a message it is marked urgent.” Samson thanked her and played the message. “Samson. Dinner. The usual place, Twenty – thirty and no excuses.” Samson looks at the time. Nineteen – fifty, before he could speak a sudden increase in speed was felt. Seelnay spoke. “We would not want to keep the Commander waiting now would we?” Samson thanked her.

“Kufadis. Inform the Baroness we are departing within the half hour. Plot the fastest course to rendezvous with Admiral Trife and his fleet. Inform the balance of the group to follow us.” She steps over to Kufadis. “Just before we enter the Sord. Use the noise to blank a transmission to Debeusec. Send him everything we have. This little drama is getting out of hand. Somebody is going to get hurt.” Kufadis nods. As they entered the Sord, Kufadis sent the transmission. It would not be intercepted.

Debeusec sat quietly in his room at the Capital. On his desk before him were the most important things in his life. There were images of Lafiel, Duhiel, Lady Plakia and Ramaj. The newest addition was of Jinto and Lafiel taken at the Ambassadors ceremony. Ramaj and Kenesh had given Debeusec the daunting task of keeping track of personnel within the Empire. It was time consuming and rather boring at times. Today all of that was going to change. The message lamp flashed on his display. A large highly encrypted message file downloaded to his terminal. He knew whom it was from, by the way it was sent. “I wonder what Spoor has found this time. Whatever it is, it’s a lot of data.” Using the encryption key he decoded and started reading the file. His facial expression changed several times from shock, disbelief, dismay, to finally anger. He opened his COM link. “When is the first group of candidates to the ambassadors school leaving?” The personnel officer was getting use to sudden communications from Debeusec. So she just answered with little formality. “In eight hours.” Debeusec looks around his office. There was little outstanding work to be done and this new information had to be confirmed. “Is there room for one more on the shuttle?” The officer checked the list. There were two cancellations. ”Yes there is room.” Debeusec answered. ”Good. I’m going to be on that shuttle take care of things till I get back.”

Not wanting to attract much attention Sobbash was dressed in civilian attire, slacks, shirt and jacket. The place where she met Samson was a small pub on the depot. She was through her second drink when Samson arrived. “You’re late.” Samson pulled the chair out and sat in it. “Sorry I was delayed.” The waitress asked for his order. He said he’d take whatever Sobbash was drinking. She left to get his drink. “That was a pretty gutsy move Samson. You just waltz Spoor in here and tell me nothing. Atosuryua was stunned as well. Why did you not inform me of…?”

Samson looks her in the eye. “Sometimes too much knowledge is a bad thing. Had you known you would not have been surprised? The Baroness would have figured out what you’ve been up to. That cannot happen. In fact Spoor told me, to warn you, that there are many more players to this drama, as she called it, than any of us would know. I would like for you and I to keep some distance for awhile.” He took Sobbash’s hand and looked her in the eye. “I would like for you to consider an offer, to leave the Star Forces and come work with me Sobbash. We make a good team you and I.” Samson took a long sip from his drink. Sobbash ordered another one. It arrived she took a healthy belt from it and replied to Samson. “Leave the Star Forces and work for you? I’ve though about it.” She took a long look at Samson. “You think I’m in that much danger to take me to safety? I guess you and Spoor could pull all the strings to get me released.”

She took another drink. “Let’s leave the offer on the table and open. I won’t refuse you. Just now is not the time. I started this and I’m going to see it through. When this is all done the Empire will be better off and then I could consider running a fuel depot. Or maybe even a farm with you.” Samson smiles. He then proceeded to tell Sobbash most of what he and Spoor talked about. He finished with an eye opening statement. “You know Dr. Sasoum correct?” Sobbash nods her head. “You know she’s Ekuryua mother?” She went blank. Then started to turn red. It took a minuet or two but she finally answered his question. “No. I was unaware of the fact.” She looks very concerned. “Poor Noel. What have I done to her? Will she ever forgive me?” They had dinner, a couple of drinks and departed. It was a long walk back to the shuttle for Sobbash she had time to think. She was still comfortable with her decision. She felt she was not in over her head as of yet.

It took Jinto another three days till he was ready for Lafiel to watch Ekuryua’s transmission. When the time came they sat in the main room of the addition. Lafiel watched it twice, pausing about thirty minutes between viewings. When she finished. She opened an encrypted channel to Ekuryua. Initially her transmission was refused. Then later that evening the proximity alarm went off and Ekuryua was waiting for them. Jinto established communications and called to Lafiel. She was there in minutes. Lafiel sat down in front of the display. Ekuryua started the transmission. She stated she was surprised to see an Imperial family code on the first transmission. Lafiel cut in. “Ekuryua I’ll admit my call to you was sudden. But your waiting four hours to return it is unforgivable. What if we had trouble down here? In four hours we could have both been dead. My grandmother gave you orders to watch over us is this not correct?” Ekuryua looked panicked. She realized she has made a terrible mistake. “I hope you will accept my apologies. You are correct those are my orders.” Lafiel looks at the display. “What have you done with your mother? She was the reason you took your time to return my call was it not?”

Ekuryua was in her cabin. She had finally put her mother in restricted quarters. It was taking too long to figure out whose side she was on. “Yes. You are correct. I had to confine her to a restricted area. She says she has your best interest at heart. She’s not convinced me of that. I can not let her interfere with my orders.”

Jinto had been sitting along side Lafiel. This time he spoke. “Noel. The candidates will be here in six days. I ah we would like to have the matter of your mother settled before they arrive. You can either bring her down here and we’ll discuss it or we will come to you. If you are going to be our support, we will need your undivided attention. This matter with the doctor is distracting you too much. It endangers our mission. It’s not acceptable.” Jinto sat back. Lafiel looked at him. “Pretty informal greeting there Jinto.” Jinto just smiled. “Later.” He said. She just nods. Ekuryua was still thinking about whether to come to the planet or have them come to her. She decided it was less of a danger for the shuttle to come to the planet. “Tomorrow after sunrise. Would that be acceptable?” Lafiel said that was acceptable and she would see them tomorrow.

The channel was closed. Ekuryua push back from the display, she stood left her cabin and went down the hallway. Approaching a cabin door she pushed the bell. The door opened and she stepped inside. “Risch. You have to stop opening your door for just anyone.” Risch looks at her. “You’re the only one who rings the bell. Everyone else knocks. So it’s really simple. Bell rings, it’s you, open door.” Ekuryua smiles, his simple logic was child like that was one of the things she loved about him. “I’ve got something for you to do before zero eight hundred hours. Ready the shuttle for departure. Go over it carefully.” Risch looks at her. “That’s not much time. You want me to do this by myself, correct?” She nods. “The less people who know the better and I do trust you with my life.” He put his shirt back on as they left his cabin. She went towards her cabin and he heads for the hold.

Lafiel had closed the channel. Then she got real close to Jinto. “Noel? You casually called her Noel. Are you two up to something?” Jinto went pale. He stuttered and was looking for words. Lafiel started to chuckle and gave him a big hug. “Jinto. I love you. I know there is nothing between you and Ekuryua. I just wanted to see how you would respond being questioned about it. We got to work on this. If your ever get questioned by a fellow ambassador and he hits a subject like this. You are going to be compromised.” All Jinto could do was hug Lafiel back. But his mind was elsewhere. “They are going to be here in the morning. We will resolve this tomorrow. Can I keep the three of them from doing each other in?” He thought seriously on going to the shuttle and getting a laser pistol. Lafiel released her hug. She took Jinto back to their quarters they prepared for bed. It was going to be a long day ahead of them.

Sleep did not come easy. She wrestled with her decisions, and finally she drifted off. The flashing lamp and a familiar voice awoke her. “Noel it’s zero seven thirty you’re going to leave in thirty minutes.” She sat on the edge of her bunk reached for the Com button and pressed it. “Is the shuttle ready?” Risch assured her that everything was fine. She thanked him then she dressed. She drew a laser pistol from the arsenal and picked up the doctor. The door to the doctor’s cabin opened. Dr. Sasoum was not happy. “So this is how I’m to be treated the time I’m here?” Ekuryua spoke. “Mother get your things together. Your presence is requested on the planet. We leave as soon as you are ready.” The doctor looks shocked. “Was there and accident? Is someone ill?” Then she notices the laser pistol strapped firmly to Ekuryua’s side. “You’re armed. Then I guess it’s I that they wish to see. I’ll go quietly there will be no fuss.” Risch was waiting at the docking bay when they approached. “Captain the shuttle is ready.” Ekuryua walks over to him. “You should get some sleep. I kept you up all night. Thank you.” She kissed him on the cheek. Then she and the doctor boarded the shuttle. Risch stood behind the air lock door as the outer doors opened and the shuttle slowly rose thru the door and off to space.

Ekuryua took the command seat her mother sat alongside her. With the checklist completed. They departed the ship. It would take about forty-five minutes to arrive at the planet. Ekuryua was scanning the planet and the doctor spoke. “You kissed him. He must be someone of importance to you.” Ekuryua ignored her. She kept scanning. “So you’re no longer the cold fish? I knew someday that hard heart of yours would thaw.” Ekuryua looks over to the doctor. She spoke. “Cold and heartless? I guess you would be describing yourself as well. Where do you think I learned to be that way?” Ekuryua returned to the console. The doctor just sat there. Silence, prevailed the rest of the trip. As they approached the planet Ekuryua announced her arrival.

Jinto acknowledged the transmission. He turns to Lafiel. “You’re ready to do this? They’ll be here in twenty minutes. You’re not carrying a laser pistol are you?” Lafiel smiles. The outfit she was wearing had nowhere to hide a laser pistol and there was not one strapped to her hip. “Jinto your are being overly cautious. Nothing bad is going to happen. We are just going to have a little talk with the doctor and Ekuryua.” She paused and looks at Jinto. “However if she is going to be a problem, then we may have to...” The sound of the shuttle breaking the sound barrier stops her. Lafiel glanced skyward. She picked up the vapor trail of the ship. She turned to Jinto and said. “I’m ready. Let’s go greet them.” They headed down the path towards the lagoon. Jinto had only one thought he wondered what Lafiel was going to do if the doctor became a problem. He grabs her hand as they walked. She felt perfectly relaxed. In fact she seemed too calm. The shuttle was making the overhead turn to land on the lake. Jinto and Lafiel were waiting at the dock for its arrival.

Ekuryua applied the breaking thrusters after the transmission was completed. This would be her first time to a surface world. The maneuver completed. She aligned the shuttle to land on the surface of the lake. The lake was so smooth, jade green in color and calm. Everything around her looks so very peaceful. She looks at the doctor and hopes this would be an uneventful visit. She was not willing to go through a big ordeal. But then again she wanted to know the truth.

“Admiral Trife. Communications coming in from Admiral Spoor.” Trife was in his cabin. The next system to explore displayed on the view screen. He reached for the Com link. “Very well. Send it here and have the Major come to my cabin as well.” Trife sat back in his chair. A knock on the door, the Major came in and Trife put Spoor on the display. “Trife where are you in reference to Sord 568?” Spoor did not look happy. “We are exactly four point two–five hours out.” The Major answered. “Very good. Hold you position. I’m about seven hours behind you. We will investigate the Sord and the system together. Spoor out!”

The display went blank. Trife looks at his Chief of Staff. ”Well give the order to stop us. Let me know when Spoor arrives. I’ll be here.” With that the Major leaves Admiral Trife’s quarters. Trife leaned back in his chair. “Why in the world is she coming to join with me? Is there some danger that I don’t see? Well I guess I’ll find out when she gets here.” With that the Admiral dims his cabin lights and drifts off to sleep.

“Stop the fleet. Here?” The communications officer looked at the Major. “Those are the Admirals orders. We stop here and await Admiral Spoor’s arrival. You do understand?” The officer nods and transmits the orders. The Major had been with the Admiral for many years. He had rejected several promotions to stay as his Chief of Staff. Now he wondered if he had done the right thing.

The landing was flawless. Ekuryua docked beside the smaller shuttle. She opened the hatch. There were so many different smells. The air felt damp and fresh. It was not like the constantly recycled air aboard the ship. Jinto and Lafiel were waiting for them on the pier. Ekuryua steps on to the pier the doctor follows her. Jinto nudged Lafiel. He points to Ekuryua’s open jacket. The handle of the laser pistol was in plain sight. Jinto steps towards her. “You won’t have need for a pistol here.” Jinto reached for the weapon and Ekuryua pushed his hand away. “If you don’t mind. I’ll be keeping this on me. I’m more comfortable with it on. You do understand?”

Lafiel steps in front of Jinto. “Commander Ekuryua. You will surrender that laser pistol immediately!” Ekuryua answered in one word. “Impossible!” She continued. “I will carry out my orders and right now I feel that this pistol will help me in doing so.” Her hand went to the pistol. Her thumb undid the strap holding the pistol to its holster. She looks at Jinto. “Let’s go talk. I have no plans on using this. But I am responsible for your welfare and I will let nothing happen to you and her Highness.”

The doctor stood there growing pale by the moment. “Noel. You really think I would harm these two?” Ekuryua looks her in the eye. ”You are going to prove it to us. Before I give up this pistol. No more lying and deceit. The truth mother, the whole truth or I might bury you on this planet!” Lafiel looks at the two of them, standing faced off, as in a duel to the death. “You will follow me then.” Lafiel and Jinto turned towards the path that leads to the shelter. The doctor followed them and Ekuryua brought up the rear.

The morning breeze was cool and damp Ekuryua strapped the pistol back in its holster and zipped her jacket half way up. She was admiring the scenery as they walked towards the shelter. She was becoming relaxed. More than she had ever been before. At the fork in the path she gazed towards the flower garden noting she would have to see this before she left. Then up the path to the living quarters she saw the stream, the food garden and finally the buildings. It looked so comfortable and cozy. She wanted to stay. Jinto called to her. “Noel this way if you please.” She realized she was staring at all of this beauty and had lost her sense of mission. She gathered her thoughts and followed Jinto inside the addition.

They sat in the conference room at a round table. A vase of flowers sat in the middle of the table. Seeing those flowers, made seeing the flower gardens, a must in Ekuryua’s mind. Lafiel started the conversation. “Doctor Sasoum. I’d like to hear from you first.” She looks at Jinto he had told her to be tactful. She was going to be that way. The doctor looked very uncomfortable. She would not look Lafiel in the eye. Silence, for five minutes followed. Lafiel spoke again. “Doctor. You seem to have lost your speech faculties. I believe I invited you to tell your side of this first. Since you refuse to speak. Let us take a different approach.” Jinto looks at her. The tips of her ears have turned red. He knew tact was headed out the window. Lafiel positioned herself where she had eye contact with the doctor. “Doctor just what in the hell are you doing here? Why the sudden interest in Jinto and myself and what is you ties to Atosuryua?” Jinto looks at her and thought. “Tactful. My dear Lafiel, asking an Ablïarsec to be tactful that was too much to ask.” Ekuryua was on the edge of her seat. Jinto looks across at her he’d never seen Ekuryua so intent before.

The doctor cleared her throat and started. “I’m here to preserve the last natural couple left in the Empire. I’m here to help protect and watch you. The final part of my research will be. When you produce a child. To make sure it remains genetically natural.” She leans back in her chair. “For the past one hundred years. There has been a movement to return to the surface worlds. Some of the clans tire of space and wanted to return to their roots. A big part of the movement was to produce an advance Abh. One who could bear children without the help of technology. We had been experimenting with the children of landers and Abh’s. The Baron and Baroness Febdash were one experiment. It seems male children go insane without gene manipulation. The Baroness shows a very aggressive tendency. However she has no interest in males. The experiment was terminated when Your Highness killed the Baron Febdash. I still keep an eye on Atosuryua hoping she will change. But she has a power trip going on and off spring is the furthest thing from her mind. Plus she has a great dislike for men. Combining altered Abh and lander genes proved to be a failure.” She looks at Lafiel. “This is where you come in. Your mother and I had many conversations when we were young. She always liked the idea of a “Natural Abh”. When you were born. I knew you had not been altered, that you were a Natural Abh. Watching you grow. It was determined that you need a natural partner.” She looks at Jinto. “You my dear Count were a bonus. You met became friends and fell in love with the Princess. With no intervention from anyone.” She sat back. “Well that’s not true. Plakia and Debeusec managed to get you two together. But still, you found love on your own. No one push you into it.”

Lafiel was quietly fuming. Jinto was curious as to what the doctor would say next and Ekuryua was shocked that the Empire would openly allow experimentation on a scale such as her mother was presenting. The doctor continued. “Now we jump forward to your transformation Count Hyde. You were carefully altered to be compatible with any Abh female. Your are most compatible with the Princess. She looks at Ekuryua. “Noel. He’s compatible with you. If you ever want a “Natural Abh” child, he’s the one you need to mate with.” With that statement Lafiel stood up and slammed her fist on the table. “That’s enough. You have data to back up your story? For now I need to review your data. Then we can continue this conversation.” The doctor produced a data crystal and supporting documents. Lafiel took them and looked at Jinto. “Show Ekuryua around our home. The doctor is staying with me.” Jinto and Ekuryua stood up. They started to leave but Lafiel had one last thought. “I trust you two will behave yourselves.” Jinto turns towards her. Lafiel sat there with a small smile on her face, a smile he’d seen before. “Yes Lafiel we will behave.” Jinto and Noel left the room.

Once outside Noel exploded. “What are they thinking? Are we just playthings for the Empire to experiment on? I’m so ashamed of my mother’s actions. Jinto how do you feel about all of this?” Jinto looks at her. “Let’s walk towards the flower garden. I think better when I’m walking.” They started towards the flower garden. Once their Noel looks at the flowers and Jinto expressed his thoughts. “I hold the Empire responsible for many things. The conquest of my planet and the death of my father.” He looks at her and smiles. “The opportunity to join the Star Forces, the education, finally meeting Lafiel and the rest of you.”

Noel looked confused. “But they altered you. They tinkered with your very being. Does that not upset you?” Jinto held her hand. “They did not force me to do any of that. I accepted the treatment. I was unaware that I am now compatible with any Abh female. I belong to Lafiel and she feels that I am hers as well.” Noel looks again with puzzlement. “So you two have given up the freedom to mate anyway you wish and chose to be.” Jinto stops her. “You misunderstood me. Have you heard of the lander concept of marriage?” She looks again. “Marriage. The union of two people to produce offspring, am I correct?” Jinto smiles. “That’s the definition but being married is so much more. I have a book. I’ll give you on the subject. It should answer all of your questions. If you’re done here, there is more I wish to show you.” She said she was ready. Jinto took her to the high area that over looked the lake. Noel stood there the wind blowing gently thru her hair, the lake shining and the smells of the planet overwhelming her senses. From there they went to the lagoon. Jinto mentioned that this was their favorite place. The water was clear and cool. Perfect for swimming. The beach was flat and soft, perfect for moonlight walks. Noel was being convinced that planet living had advantages. Finally they returned to the private quarters. Jinto showed her the vegetable garden and Seelnay’s addition to their comfort. “A hot tub! You have your own hot tub. Well she is royalty. It looks so comfortable you think I can use it before I leave?” Jinto said that could be arranged.

They walked back towards the addition. As they approached Lafiel’s voice could be heard plainly. She was not happy. “So you were in league with my parents. You were the one who suggested that my father not mess with my genes?” Doctor Sasoum countered her statement by saying. “No. Read the file again Princess. We knew nothing of your parent’s attempt at a “Natural” child till after you were born. We could not interfere with your upbringing because you are a member of the royal family. Had we planned a test subject it would have been from one of the lessor know clans. So we could have controlled the situation. Then the war started your mother died and you wound up in combat. There was a fear we would lose you. Then after Lobnas II you left combat and stayed in the exploration division. We all breathed a sigh of relief. However the UMK launched their mind attack and we almost lost you again. Now you’ve joined the ambassador ranks and made this planet your base of operations. We felt you were safe again till your little run in with Poison Ivy.” Jinto and Ekuryua entered the room. Lafiel looks at him. “How much have you heard?” Jinto and Ekuryua sat down. He related what they had heard. She looks at him and says. “Fine, you’ve heard the important part.” She looks to the doctor. “So I’m the only Natural born Abh? What about my brother? You’re telling me father tinkered with his make up but left me alone?” The doctor looks at her. “We know nothing about your brother. Your father has kept him a top secret since his conception. Sorry. Your Highness, you’ll have to discuss that with your father.” Lafiel sat down she was still fuming.

The doctor turns towards Ekuryua. “Noel you wanted to know the truth the whole truth. I have something I need to tell you. You are a Natural Abh as well. I figured that I would be the best test subject. The only intervention was to make sure you would be female. I could not risk producing a child who might go insane. You are a Daughter of Love. Carried by me to term, and born naturally. It’s something I’ve wanted to tell you for years. You grew up without my love and I’m sorry that was the way it went.” Ekuryua was in shock. Her mother’s words had hit her like rifle rounds. “You carried me to term you felt me wiggle and kick inside you and you still treated me like you have. Why? What turned you into a cold hearted bitch?” The doctor wipes a tear from her eye. “It was my failure to conceive you a brother, a natural male. It seems carrying you to term left my body unable to support any more children. Your brother aborted six weeks after he was conceived. I dove into my work and blamed you for my failure to retain a child. That’s why I treated you as I have. I doubt you can forgive me. But that is the whole truth Noel.”

The doctor slumped in her chair and wept quietly. Lafiel was weeping as well. The doctor’s words had brought memories of her upbringing. Jinto was quietly showing emotion as well. His father had left him with Teel and Lina after his mother died. He had been a victim of work replacing grief and leaving him alone. Noel Ekuryua had heard the truth and it had set her free. She stood and walks towards her mother. She bent over the chair took her in her arms. The tears flowed freely. “Yes mother. I forgive you. I wish you had told me this sooner. Now I understand.” She pushed the hair from her face and kissed her on the cheek. “Mother. I love you.”

Jinto and Lafiel left the room. As they were leaving Noel handed Jinto the laser pistol. “You hang on to this. I’ll get it back before I leave.” Jinto took the pistol tucked it in his belt. He and Lafiel went to the cliff overlooking the lake and reflected. “Lafiel are you all right?” Lafiel had a tight grip on Jinto’s hand the tears glistened on her face. “Yes Jinto. I’m fine. Jinto, have I ever been cold around you?” Jinto turns her towards him. “At first you were cool towards me. But to be mean and cold, you have never been that way. Its taken time for your warm loving side to come through. But I always knew it was there. Lafiel I love you no matter how we may change externally. I love you. You are you and will always be my love and my friend.” She kisses him. He notices he does not have to bend over as far and Lafiel was not up on her tiptoes to reach him. She was growing. Changing on the outside, but as long as the inside remained the same he did not care.

They returned to the meeting room to find Ekuryua and the doctor gone. A note from Ekuryua said they had gone to the flower garden. Lafiel headed for their personal quarters she was going to take a nap before dinner and Jinto headed for the vegetable garden to pick some fresh beans for dinner.

Continued in the next post..

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 09_Growing Pains

Post by Diaho »

“Mother I have one question?” Noel was looking at the roses. They had freshly bloomed that morning. She was almost absorbed in the fragrance and the beauty of it all. The doctor standing beside her was taking all of this in as well. “Yes Noel. What is bothering you?” Noel raised her head from a bloom and spoke. “If I am a Natural Abh as you have said. Then why were you not worried about what happened to me. You seem so self involved with Jinto and Lafiel. What about me?” The doctor was expressionless. “Mother had I died. Would you not have been sad? You would have lost your only child and a Natural Abh as well. Do I still hold so little importance to you now?” Noel’s one-two punch had completely caught the doctor off guard. She was reeling from her words.

Gathering herself she finally spoke. “What a fool I was. You are correct. I treated you as a work in progress an experiment that had yet to bear fruit.” She pulled Noel from the flowers, faced her and put her hands on either side of her face. “My beautiful, wonderful child. When you were little you used to crawl up on my lap and sleep it was. As if you knew then. I had carried you. But my work became more important than you were. Noel I am so sorry.” She looks into Noel’s blue-green eyes they were filling with tears. “Can we begin now to act like mother and daughter or is it too late for us?” Noel put her arms around the doctor and pulled her head firmly into the doctor’s chest. Sobbing she spoke. “No mother its not too late. I always wanted a warm loving mother. Do you think you can play the part?” The doctor picks up Noel’s head looks into it, smiles and nods. When they returned to the shelter. The smell of Jinto's cooking greets them.

A simple meal, sausage, snap beans and a salad, Jinto was tiring. This was one of his low effort meals. Lafiel had awakened from her nap. She was dressed very casual. Ekuryua and the doctor sat across from Jinto and Lafiel. The meal completed Jinto spoke. “You are staying the night aren’t you? Ekuryua look at her creunoc it was time for her ship to contact her. “If all is quite on my ship. I would like to stay the night.” She looks at the doctor. “Mother would it be alright with you as well?” The doctor nods her agreement. She then asked Lafiel if she had been feeling well. Then they disappeared into the next room. Jinto had finished cleaning the dishes. Ekuryua had been watching at the table. He turned to her. “Is there something you want?” She smiled. “Hot tub.” Is what left her lips, “It’s been a long day and that tub looks so inviting, I’ve been in this uniform all day, I’d like to relax you think that is possible Jinto?”

Jinto stepped into the next room and asked Lafiel if she had anything Ekuryua could wear while he washed her uniform and after she used the hot tub. “So she’s going to use the tub? Are you going to watch Jinto?” Jinto took a deep breath. “Actually. I thought I’d join her.” Lafiel eyes shot to his. The tips of her ears were bright red. ”The two of you alone and naked in our hot tub?” Jinto smiles. Paybacks were fun. “Yes. Unless you care to make it a threesome.” Lafiel’s ears were now a molten red. So were her cheeks. She finally looked into Jinto’s eyes and saw he was pulling her leg. “I guess you found my weakness as well Jinto.” She rose from the couch and headed for her room. The doctor sat taking all of this in she finally spoke. “You two regularly tease each other like that?” Jinto said it was not a daily occurrence. But they were exploring the limits of each other’s personalities. “If we are going to work together and be put in situations where others might want to play against our weaknesses. We need to know those weaknesses and be secure in the thought that we would never betray each other or the Empire” The doctor looks at him. “Reverse mind games.” Jinto looked at her. “It’s more than that. It’s a complete knowledge of our emotional make up, our strengths and weaknesses and it has been a challenge to get as far as we have.” Lafiel returned with a one-piece swimsuit. “Here she can use this we were about the same size once and I no longer fit comfortably in it.” Jinto took the suit and headed for the other room as he left Lafiel spoke. “You two behave yourselves out there.” Jinto nods his head as he left.

The doctor asks. “So you do trust him?” Lafiel answers. “Actually I trust Noel too. She knows how important Jinto is to me. She had her chance to have him and passed on it. They will be fine. Now doctor, how much longer is my body going to be changing and while you’re here I need to ask a few questions.” They settled into a long conversation.

Jinto entered the room. Ekuryua was communicating with her ship. She had a worried look on her face. ”Very well if there are any changes contact me at once. Don’t wait for the normal time. Ekuryua out.” Jinto handed her the suit. She took it and looked carefully at it. “I never realized she was this small. It should fit me. Where can I change at?” Jinto pointed down the hall to the bathroom. ”Put your uniform outside of the door. I’ll start washing it as soon as I see it.” Jinto went to his room and changed. When he exited the room he saw the bathroom door open and Ekuryua’s uniform setting in the hall. He picked up the uniform and took to the laundry. He started the wash cycle and went looking for Ekuryua.

He found her sitting outside by the tub gazing at her surrounding. Jinto filled the tub and turned on the heating element. “Give it about five minutes and it will be ready. Is forty C okay?” Ekuryua turns towards him the towels draped around her shoulders. “Yes that will be a good starting temperature.” She motioned Jinto to sit by her. He sat in the chair across from her. She had a far away look. A look Jinto had not seen before. “Is something wrong? You seem to not be here.”

She looks at him. “ Yes you are correct Jinto. It concerns the communication I received from the ship. It seems the pirates are on the move again. The radio traffic from the Capital to the commands has been furious. You would think with the balance of the U.M.K. suing for peace the pirates would surrender. They no longer follow their central governments. They are bound and determine to keep the territories in turmoil. It looks like Admiral Kotoponi’s small scouting fleet will be the first to make contact. Admiral’s Spoor and Trife are heading to her aid. Atosuryua is blocking the Sords to the Capital and I’m to watch over you and Lafiel and remove you to the safety of the Capital if necessary.”

The tub beeps its ready tone. “Looks like the tub is ready. Do you want help getting in?” Jinto asked. “No I’m fine thanks.” With that she sat the towel in the chair and neatly slipped into the tub. Jinto joined her he sat across from her. He had forgotten how pale Abh’s are. The pale blue suit looks sky blue against Ekuryua’s skin. She relaxed and stretched out in the tub Jinto was watching the look on her face it went from concern to a very calm expression.

“Jinto. You never told me. How did you and Lafiel meet?” Jinto proceeds to tell her the story of their meeting. “So you were both on the Gosroth? How did you manage to get away?” Jinto related the entire trip from the Gosroth to the Capital hitting all of the high points. “So you two were in battle together from the very beginning of the war?” Jinto looks at her. “You could say that. It’s not so much the war as it was survival. It started at Febdash and ended when Admiral Spoor picked us up at Clasbul.” Ekuryua got puzzled. “So she really did kill Atosuryua’s brother? I always thought that was a… Jinto interrupted. ”It was a duel to the death and Lafiel and I were in an unarmed shuttle. He was keeping us prisoner and interfering with Lafiel’s mission.” Ekuryua looks at Jinto. “So you two were real close when you got to the Basroil?” Jinto smiles. “Actually no, it had been three years since we saw each other. The biggest problem was with the war and her being a Captain. We could not be kids any more a lot of innocence was lost. Do you understand?” Ekuryua nods. “I remember when I was young. There was no war. But then there was no love. I grew up pretty fast. I wish I could go back.”

Jinto decided he was going to ask a question that had been bothering him for years. “Noel just how old are you?” She smiles. “I figured you knew that fact. All you had to do was look at my service record. I know you just turned twenty-nine years old recently. You really want to know and hear it from me?” Jinto nods his head. She motioned him to the middle of the tub. Once there she whispered in his ear. Jinto looked at her in amazement. It was at that moment Noel gently kissed him on the cheek. “Guess you’ve never be kissed by an older woman before?” Jinto always knew that telling an Abh’s age was almost impossible, but she was. “Mother was forty-five when I was born. Now you know how old she is as well.” As Jinto returned to his end of the tub he watched Noel as he slid back. She actually looked younger than he did. He shook his head. From her position she spoke. “Jinto you need not worry there is someone in my life that I care for as much as you care for Lafiel. His name is Risch. He is my chief engineer and my friend. I have not realized till now how much I miss him.”

She stood up and got out of the tub the wet suit fitting her like a second skin. Jinto just watched as she took the towel, dried off and headed back to the shelter. Jinto thought to himself. “Here I was worrying about what Lafiel would look like as we aged. If Noel was any example, Abh’s do get better looking with age.” He hopped out of the tub secured and drained it. Then went back to the shelter.

Noel was sitting in the sun chair looking at the moon. She saw him and spoke as he approached. ”Do you feel it’s wrong for Abh’s to want to live on the surface worlds? Some of the die-hard clans will never leave space. So should a few decide what the rest of us are to do? I have to tell you the truth. This place scared the daylights out of me at first. But the more I’m here; the more I want to stay. Does that sound silly?” Jinto sat beside her. ”No that does not sound silly. But a mass exodus to the planets from the stars would destroy the Empire. That’s what the old timers fear and they are right.”

“We have the Empire to thank for where we are today. There will be changes but they must come slowly. If we were to rush in. The fragile balance of the universe could be irretrievably damaged. All of the work and sacrifice would be for nothing. Do you understand Noel? It’s important that you do. It will determine our futures.” She looks at him. “I believe I do. I’m beginning to understand a lot of things I never did before. You think my uniform is ready. I would like to change into something warm and dry?” Jinto stood up. “Let’s go look. If it’s not done, I’m sure we can find something for you to wear.” They went inside.

“So you’re telling me that morning sickness was not totally removed? I could get that way later on?” The doctor nods her head. “When I carried Noel. I was sick for the first three months. Then one morning poof it was gone. I was fine the rest of the time.” Lafiel just looked. She was unsure of what to say next. “Your Highness I think we’ve about covered everything. The book Jinto gave you is a very good guide it should answer all of you question when the time arrives. If not, I will be a call away.” Jinto and Noel were standing at the doorway taking in all of the conversation. Noel’s uniform was not dry and Jinto was about to ask Lafiel if there was something she could wear. Lafiel saw them. “Let me guess you need something to wear?” Noel nods her head. “Jinto get her the terry cloth robe from my closet. She can wear that till her clothes are ready.”

Jinto went to get the robe. Noel steps into the room. “Did you liked the tub?” Lafiel inquired. Noel smiles. “Yes it was wonderful. I feel great. Thank you.” Jinto returned with the robe and handed it to Noel. She left to change as she did Lafiel spoke. ”Just hang the suit up. Once it’s dry we will keep it for the next time you’re here. Is that alright with you?” Noel nods her approval as she leaves.

Removing the swimsuit and hanging it carefully Noel slipped into the robe. It was warm and soft it covered her to mid thigh. She tightened the belt around the middle and went back to the living room. Jinto stopped her before she got there. “Check your creunoc. The message lamp is flashing on the main console, it’s from your ship.” She looks at him. “I’ll take it here. You might as well listen in.” Not realizing how she was attired she push the answer button. A rather shocked First Officer came on line. “Captain we’ve been trying to get hold of you. I see you’ve been busy.” Ekuryua looks perplexed. Then she realized what she must look like. “Never mind how I look. What is the problem?” The First Officer continued. “We are getting a priority message for Dr. Sasoum shall I route it down there?” Ekuryua looks at Jinto. “You better go get them and bring them here.“ Jinto left the room and Ekuryua continued. “Route it to this console. The doctor is on her way. Ekuryua out.” Before the screen went blank the First Officer spoke. “Captain looks like you are enjoying yourself. I’m happy you are. I was getting worried about you.” Ekuryua understood her first officers concern. She smiles and ends the transmission.

Jinto, Lafiel and the Doctor enter the room Ekuryua turns towards them. ”Mother something has happened. The ship is receiving a priority transmission for you. They will be routing it to this terminal.” Dr Sasoum nods her head. At that moment the terminal comes to life. The doctor steps to the display and activates it. “It’s a recording and a data file from Admiral Kenesh. I wonder what she wants?” The doctor starts the recording. “Doctor there is a matter that requires your immediate attention at the Capital. I am sending you the file. I have dispatched a high speed shuttle to bring you back here at once. Do not reply to this transmission. Read the data file and we will discuss it when you arrive.” The display goes blank the data file appears on the screen. The Doctor starts to read the file. Then she stops the display and says. “I need you to leave me alone. Noel find out how soon the shuttle will arrive. Looks like we won’t be staying the night after all.”

“Admiral, the message has been sent.” Admiral Kenesh leans back in her chair. “Very well has the shuttle been dispatched?” The reply was yes. She switches off the console, her thoughts returned to the matter at hand. “I hope the doctor gets here before it’s too late. Why now did his condition and the young ones as well have to take this turn?”

Ekuryua had just finished with her creunoc. Jinto was approaching with her uniform from her left and Lafiel was in front of her. She took her uniform from Jinto she turned to leave then she turned back. “The shuttle will be here in three hours. We will have to leave in less than two hours. I want to talk to you before we leave. There are some things I want to say before I go.” She went down the hall and entered the bathroom to change. Jinto looks at Lafiel. “I don’t like this one bit. Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it. What do you feel Lafiel?” She looks past him. “I agree Jinto. Something is wrong. I was hoping they would stay till the candidates arrived. I really enjoyed their company. But that message, the shuttle and no acknowledgment of the transmission. Something is wrong. Maybe the doctor will tell us before she leaves if she can.”

Standing in front of the mirror she looks at herself. The Star Forces had been her entire life, until she arrived on this planet. Now the uniform in front of her no longer held the promise it once did. She likes the look of herself in the robe. She feels warm and secure. “Well someday soon. But not today, I have a ship I’m responsible for and people who need me.” She hangs the robe on a hook and puts on her uniform. She notices that the laser pistol is missing. She leaves the room looking for Jinto and Lafiel. She finds them in the kitchen with the doctor. “Something to drink Noel?” Jinto asked. “Coffee, black, and hot.” she answers.

Ekuryua turns towards the doctor. “We need to leave in one hour to meet the shuttle from the Capital. Can you tell us what has happened?” The doctor looked at them. “No I can not. It’s a bad situation and sorry I can not say any more.” The doctor leaves the table and goes outside. Ekuryua looks at Jinto and Lafiel. “Is there somewhere we can talk and I need my laser pistol back.” Lafiel answers. ”Your pistol is in the study we can talk in there.”

They leave for the study. In the study Jinto opens a desk drawer laying in it are three laser pistols. One is the pistol is the one Ekuryua brought with her the other two are an older design. Ekuryua recognizes them and the ships emblem engraved into them. “Those are from the Gosroth.” She was amazed anything could have survived the explosion. These pistols were almost in mint condition. She had to ask. “How did you come to have those pistols in your possession?”

Jinto explained that Plakia had issued them to him, and he and Lafiel had used them on Clasbul. They were surrendered to the police inspector when they were taken prisoner and when the Abh retook the planet the inspector returned them. “Lafiel got them from her father and she presented me with this one after Lobnas II.” Jinto picks up one of the laser pistols. There was a tag attached. “To my beloved Jinto. Never go to a surface world without me.” It was signed. “Love always. Lafiel.”

Ekuryua turns to both of them. “I have something I want to say.” She took a deep breath and looks at Lafiel. “First off, my I call you Lafiel?” Lafiel took a step back smiles and says. “Yes you can Noel. I’d be happy for you to call me that.” Ekuryua continued. “At first I though this mission of protecting you was going to be a waste of my time. Then after coming here and seeing all that you have done and are planning to do. I realize that I’m very proud to be able to serve you and I will continue to serve you for as long as you wish me to be here. I hope that visits to this place can be made often. There is so much more I want to learn about the surface worlds. You think that would be okay?”

Lafiel walks over to her and gives her a big hug that was returned. “You and your crew are always welcome. This means you will be back?” Ekuryua smiles. “Yes as soon as you are ready. This place would be a wonderful shore leave for my crew.” Jinto interjected. “In limited numbers. We could not handle one hundred crewmembers at once. This is a training outpost, not a resort, okay?” Lafiel laughed. “Yes Jinto you are correct and you and I do need our privacy as well. Besides we do have work to do.” Jinto seeing the time was approaching for Ekuryua and the doctor to leave spoke. ”I guess we need to find the doctor and get you two ready to depart.”


They left the study and found the doctor standing looking over the lake in the moonlight. “Mother are you Okay?” The doctor turned towards them. Her face showing the contents of the message she has read. “As much as I do not wish to leave you. Things will be better when I’m at the Capital and back in my lab. I can say no more please do not ask any questions on this subject.” Lafiel walks towards the doctor. “If there is anything I can do or have done. You will let me know?”

The doctor smiles, “Thank you Your…” Lafiel stops her. ”I have a name. I wish you would use it.” The doctor looks at her. “Thank you Lafiel for everything. I hope I am welcome to come back. Next time I won’t be such a burden.” Ekuryua walks to her mother. She gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. ”No Mother. You’ve not been a burden. We have been invited to come back at anytime.” They all turn and watch the moonlight shine off the lake.

When the time for their departure came. Jinto and Lafiel walked Ekuryua and the doctor to the shuttle. The doctor promised to keep them informed as best she could and Ekuryua said she would contact them went she was back to the ship. Jinto and Lafiel watched as the shuttle rose into the moonlit sky and disappeared. They turned and headed back towards the shelter. “Well Jinto we have five days before the candidates arrive. Are we ready?” He looks at Lafiel. “I believe so as long as there are no more distractions.”

Ekuryua charted a course to intercept the shuttle from the Capital they rendezvoused with in the half-hour. The transfer went smoothly and Ekuryua returned to her ship. Once aboard she went to the bridge, as the lift door opened alarms started to sound. “Captain the combat channel is active Admiral Kotoponi’s scouting fleet is taking fire and casualties. She is contacting Admiral Spoor. Ekuryua sat in the Captain’s seat “Put her on and raise the planet at once.” The communications officer put the transmission on speaker and transmitted a priority signal to the planet. Jinto came on “What is it Ekuryua?” “Jinto. Admiral Kotoponi is taking fire. The combat channel is active. I’m piping it down to you audio only understand?” Jinto acknowledged the transmission and called to Lafiel. “What is it Jinto?” He explained the situation to her and turned up the audio.

“Scouting fleet this is Admiral Spoor. Repeat your last transmission again.”

“Spoor they came pouring out of the Sord. They targeted everything that gave them a radar return. A third of my ships are damaged or destroyed. Several planets have taken damage as well. I can not hold out much longer how soon till you are here?”

[“Trife you heard?”] [“Yes Admiral Spoor I heard.”]

{“Best speed. Give it all you got. Kufadis how soon can we release mines?” Kufadis speaks. “Twenty-five minutes to the Sord. We can release mines now they will be at their limit but we can take some heat off Kotoponi’s fleet” “Kufadis launch the mines target anything without an Imperial FOF code.” Kufadis responds. ”Admiral the mines are launched”}

“Admiral Kotoponi. We are twenty minutes from the Sord. I am launching a mine attack now. How many types of ships do they have?”

“Radar is disabled, trying for visual identification. Spoor they are Hanian attack vessels of a type I’ve never seen before. There are hundreds of them. I’ve dispersed my fleet throughout the system. Your mines have arrived they are going back into the Sord. They are headed for you, all of them. We did not do any damage to them. Spoor do you understand the pirate fleet was undamaged and is headed for you.”

“Yes Admiral Kotoponi I understand they are undamaged. Gather your fleet and guard the Sord should we be unable to stop them go to the Hyde system join up with Atosuryua’s fleet give her all the information you have. Wish us luck.”

“Yes Admiral Spoor as you command. Good luck and good hunting. May the Empire be victorious.

The transmission becomes garbled and fades away. The exploding mines have disrupted long range communications. “Jinto that looks like it for awhile. We are still getting tactical data but it is becoming distorted as well. I’ll leave the channel open as soon as I know something you will know as well. Ekuryua out.” The light on the console dimmed and went to stand by blinking mode.

“Lafiel do you want to sleep here tonight and be near the console?” Lafiel just stared at the light almost mesmerized by it. Jinto gently touch her shoulder the reaction was abrupt. She lunged away from him then turned. “Jinto I don’t know why but I’m scared. You just startled me and I reacted. Did you say something?” He looks at her. She was upset more than her had ever seen her before. “I asked if you wanted to spend the night here close to the terminal. Are you Okay Lafiel?” She looks around her she was safe and sound. Why was she so afraid? “I want to stay here. I need to know what has happened. Jinto I’ve got a bad feeling about this. I can not dismiss it.” Jinto asks her. “Cot or sofa?” She thought for a moment. “Chair.” She sat in the chair in front of the console rested her head on the desk and waited. Jinto pulled a chair up along side her he laid his head down on the desk facing hers.

“Captain. Have a look at this.” Some of Admiral Kotoponi’s fleet began transmitting data. The picture they sent was not looking good. Admiral Spoor and Admiral Trife were deeply involved in the battle it looked as if both sides had heavy losses. The scan also showed the Twelfth Imperial fleet under the command of Admiral Nastoyia was making remarkable progress. They were to enter the Sord from behind trapping the pirates. The scouting fleet put them forty minutes from entering the Sord. The Twelfth Fleet consisted of attack vessels, six hundred in number. If Spoor and Trife could hold the advance then Nastoyia could shut the door.

Ekuryua sat back in her chair. “Nastoyia? Where have I heard that name before?” When she realized who it was she about fell out of her chair. Admiral Trife spurned Decca Commander Nastoyia. She left his command and spent time with Admiral Bebaus. Admiral Atosuryua had recruited her. She did all of her training under Sobbash. She was a tactical whiz kid. Now she was going to rescue the man she wished dead.

“Captain. Looks like you could use some sleep. We can handle it from here.” Ekuryua’s First Office had come along side her. She had not seen him till he was there. “Yes I could use some sleep.” She spoke into her creunoc. “Risch could you meet me in my quarters?” A startled Risch answered he would meet her there. Her First Officer startled as well, and said. “Captain. I’ll call you if anything happens. Go get some rest.” Ekuryua rose from her seat went to the lift and disappeared. Risch was waiting at her cabin when she arrived. Ekuryua open the door and invited him in. The door closed and a warm passionate kiss followed. “Noel. What brought this about?” Ekuryua looks at him. “Just be quite and hold me. I have a lot of things to tell you. But for now just hold me. Please hold me.” They embraced and they fell asleep that way.

“Captain! Captain Ekuryua. Please respond.” Ekuryua pushed Risch out of the way and pressed the flashing button. “Yes what is it?” The communications officer spoke. “Captain. You better get up here. The damage report. I’ve intercepted a damage report. You better get up here.” “On my way! Captain out.” She was still dressed. A quick adjustment to her uniform and she was in the lift heading for the bridge. The door opened a flurry of activity was happening. The communications officer had reopened the channel to the planet.

Lafiel was heard in the background. “That much damage and they still managed to get away. Where’s your Captain? I wish to speak with her at once.” Ekuryua sat in her chair. “I just arrived on the bridge Lafiel. What is the trouble?” The First Officer cuts in. “Your Highness let me brief the Captain. We will be back with you shortly.” There was a pause. “Very well. I’ll be standing by.”

“Captain the losses were sixty percent and the pirates about twenty of them escaped. Our mines were useless they have a new shield that absorbed the blast from the mines. Details are still sketchy the biggest concern is rescuing the damage fleet and putting them in normal space. Last thing. No one has heard from Admiral’s Spoor or Trife. Their ships were damaged that’s all we know for now.” Ekuryua sat back in her chair. “Admiral Nastoyia how is she?” The First Officer looks at her. “Her ship was damaged. She has managed repairs. She took every undamaged ship and went after the pirates. Her Highness knows this entire report. Captain she is quite distressed. Did you just call her by her first name?” Ekuryua looks at him. “Yes. I did. I have gotten to know her well enough to be called a friend. Put her back on.”

The main display came on Lafiel was sitting at the table. She looked as if she had not slept in a month. Jinto could be seen asleep on the table beside her. Ekuryua had some sleep. Her mind was beginning to function. “Noel. I assume you’ve seen the report. Do you think we are in danger? Any more news on Spoor or Trife?” She sat back. “No news. You’ve got an idea on the reason the mines weren’t effective don’t you?” Lafiel sat back as well. She stretched then looks to Jinto. “He’s the one who though of it. By the way can you see him?” Ekuryua replied. “Yes we can see him. What were his thoughts, I’d be interested to know.” Lafiel looks at her. “Okay I’m got to try to remember what he said without waking him. The shield takes a lot of energy to operate. What Jinto was thinking was to trigger the mine as it reached the shield absorb the energy of the mine and have it supply the power for the shield. Basically the more mines that contact the shield the stronger it becomes. Now as with everything powered if you feed it too much power it will overload and fail. The problem is the report does not say how many mines were launched at each ship and if any of the ships overloaded and exploded by themselves.”

Lafiel readjusted herself in the chair. It was plain to the untrained eye she was exhausted. “What you need to do is get a hold of Admiral Kotoponi and have a copy of her sensor logs sent to us. We can review them and maybe find a weakness, at least that’s what Jinto hoped we could find.” Lafiel was finding it harder to stay awake. She was now nodding off and on in front of the console. “Lafiel! Lafiel!” She stared at the display. “Yes Noel what is it?” Ekuryua leans forward. “Get some sleep I call you when the data gets here.” Lafiel’s face drops to the table. She spoke one last time. “That’s nice you do that.” She was asleep. Ekuryua put the channel in stand by. “Get me the information she wanted. Let me know as soon as you have it.” She looks at her First Officer. “I’m going back to my cabin. Ready the shuttle. When you have all the data Chief Risch and I will be going planet side. Those two are in no shape to do this on their own. They will need our help.” Her First Officer nods in agreement. “Get some rest Captain. I’ll take care of everything.” Ekuryua left the bridge she went to her cabin and found it empty. She wished Risch had stayed. But she really needed sleep. She figured it would take several hours to gather the data that would be plenty of time to rest. She was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Pain is what brings him back to consciousness. His vision is blurry. The smell of the explosion, he tries to look around. The emergency lighting was on. The smoke was so thick he was having trouble breathing. Instinct drove him to the compartment. With a helmet and oxygen bottle he could breath. The flow of oxygen to his brain brought the stark reality of what had happened home. The bridge crew laid strewn about like rag dolls tossed in anger. The explosion had occurred just a few decks below the bridge and the concussion from the blast had tossed the crew about.

With helmets and bottles in hand he went to check the crew. Putting the faceplate of his helmet in front of the crewmembers face he could see if they were breathing. He made his way to the command chair. It was empty. He looked around the general area, finally a blue braided ponytail lead him to her. She was laying face down just behind the command chair. Without checking he put a helmet on her and set the flow to max. Coughing and spasms followed. She was alive. He left her and checked the rest of the crew. Of the ten officers on the bridge six were dead and two were badly injured. He was able to move and she was still coming around. Activating his COM link he spoke. “This is Commander Kufadis. Can anybody hear me?” The chief engineer answered. “Commander Kufadis. We figured you all to be dead. How many personnel are alive on the bridge?” Kufadis answers. “Four for the time being. What is the ships status?” The engineer answered. “We are a group of three ships. Our bubble generator in barely operational, I just got environmental control functioning, most of the fires are under control. Adding your six dead we have sixty dead or missing. I think I can save the ship. Is the Admiral alive?”

Before Kufadis could answer, a weak but familiar voice came on the channel. “I’m alive. I think my leg is broken. Kufadis where are you?” She was still lying on her face. Kufadis was to her left and forward of her. He turns and walks back he knelt by her side. She looks up at him. ”Guess I owe you my life. Thank you. Kufadis.” He looks at her and smiles “Actually. I’ve saved the Empire the burden of an overly elaborate state funeral.” She glares at him thru her helmet then she chuckles. “Have your little fun now Kufadis. When I’m better I shall get even.” His response surprises her. “I’ll be looking forward to that day Admiral. You need to just keep your promise.” Kufadis looks around the lift doors were blocked by debris. He called to the engineer. ”Are we trapped on the bridge?” the answer was what he expected. “For the time being, you are. I’ve got a crew clearing the damage. With the limited man power it will be sometime, is the air clearing on the bridge?”

Kufadis looks around the smoke, which hid so much was clearing. The damage to the bridge became clear even with emergency lighting. “The air is clearing. Should we remove our helmets?” The answer was yes. Removing his helmet then removing the Admirals he noticed his vision was not clear. Spoor looking at his face gasped. Kufadis had a gash in his forehead probably from his console that went to his skull She could see the bone exposed below the flesh. “You’re injured. Get closer so I can look at it.” The blood was still oozing into his eyes hence his blurred vision. That and if he did not have a concussion he was lucky. She sat up and removed her sash from around her waist she tore it into several ribbons. One she folded into a pad, which she placed across the wound. Using the longer strip she secure it to his head. She used the rest of it to clear the blood from his eyes. “Better?” He could see her plainly her right leg was pointed in a direction that was not natural. “Yes I’m better. But your leg is real bad.” She looks at him. “Care to help me set it?” Spoor lies on her back. When she does it became apparent that her hip was dislocated and her leg was not broken. “Well Kufadis this will be easy. I’ll hold on to the rail you grab my leg above the knee and pull till it pops back in then slowly release the pressure. You got all of that?” He nods his head and grabs her leg. She braced herself and motioned Kufadis to proceed. He pulled on her leg. He felt it moving, and then a pop was felt and heard. He could see that the bulge in her slacks had disappeared. He gently released the pressure. The hip stayed put and Spoor fainted.

“Still no response from the planet?” Risch and Ekuryua had gotten into the shuttle it had been five hours since their last communication with the planet. “No Captain all is quite from below.” Ekuryua says to Risch. “Depressurize the bay, we are leaving at once.” The bay doors opened the shuttle roars from the ship. “Easy Noel. You’re going to damage the ship if you keep going like that.” She nods. “You know what happens when I’m upset and in a hurry.” The decent and landing were done in record time. She docks the shuttle and tells Risch to follow her. Up the path and to the shelter they went. Lafiel was still sleeping at the table. She had shut the COM link off and Jinto was on the sofa. “You wake him and I’ll wake her.” Risch nods. “Lafiel.” Lafiel’s hand moved to the COM link and pushed it. “Go away Noel. I want to sleep. Leave me alone.” She shook her. “Lafiel. I’m here on the planet in the room with you. Wake up.” The eyelids moved then opened. Two very tired eyes tried to focus on their surroundings. “Noel is that you? No it can’t be you just left. I’m dreaming.” The eyes closed. Risch was having better luck with Jinto. He was a wake and knew that a strange person was in the room along with Ekuryua.

Jinto got up and walked over to Lafiel. He motioned to Noel to stand clear. He leaned over and gently blew into Lafiel’s ear. She swatted the air around her ear. Jinto did it again. This time she sat straight up in the chair and looked at Jinto. “This had better be important if you’re playing again.” By this time Risch had come to Noel’s side. Jinto steps back and points. “We have company. You’re not being a good host.” Lafiel’s eyes took a second to focus. Then she started getting angry. She said to Ekuryua. “You were supposed to call. Not just drop in out of the blue.” Jinto pointed towards the terminal. Lafiel focuses to read it. Twenty request for communications all refused. The last message saying we are coming down. “Lafiel she did call. We slept through them all.” Lafiel was almost awake. She was still gathering her thoughts. “What of Spoor and Trife and are we safe?” Noel answers. “They are still alive. Spoor was injured. The extent of her injuries is unknown. We are safe for the time being. I’ve brought the logs you wanted. Oh this is Risch. I told you about him. We are going to help you sort through this data. Then I am to report to Ramaj with your findings.”

Lafiel looks around the room it was becoming daylight. “Maybe we should start with breakfast. I’m still tired I need to relax. This afternoon we can look at the data. Jinto how does that sound to you? A bite to eat then some relaxing time?” Jinto asks Noel. “Have you had anything to eat?” She says. “No” Jinto walks to the door. “Well I guess a meal and sometime relaxing are in order. I’ll make breakfast. Then you can either sun yourselves. Swim in the lagoon or use the hot tub.” Noel’s eyes lit up. “Hot tub” was her response. Risch just smiles his first visit to a surface world looks to be a very memorable one. Jinto heads for the kitchen. Lafiel heads for a sun chair. Noel said she was taking Risch on the island tour and they would be back for breakfast. There were four days till the candidates arrived.

She awoke the room was different. She was no longer on the bridge. She was on a hospital ship. How long had she been unconscious? She looks around. Kufadis was sitting beside her bed. His wounds attended to. He was sleeping. She reached over to him. Her touch woke him. “Hey you’re back. Have a nice vacation Admiral?” She looks at him. “How long was I out?” Kufadis says to her. “Two weeks. Your hip wasn’t the only problem you had. The doctors say you can return to duty in another six months or so.” Kufadis looks at her. “Try to move your legs Admiral.”

Spoor tried but her legs would not move. Her arms and fingers moved. But from her hips down there was no feeling. “You are a very lucky woman not only was you hip dislocated. Your back was broken. When I set you hip your back aligned it self. However it pinched a group of nerves. The doctors were able to repair all of the damage and they have a nerve block in your back, so you can’t move till your healed.

The ship is at the Hyde system for repairs it should be ready before you are and we lost seventy crewmembers. Total losses for the battle were sixty-eight percent for the Empire and eighty three percent for the pirates. Admiral Trife survived the battle and Admiral Nastoyia was in hot pursuit of them till a week ago. When they vanished around Sord 575.

She is rebuilding her fleet and plans to tear that portion of space to shred till she finds them.” Spoor smiles. “That’s fine Kufadis. You can fill in the details later. I think I want to take a nap now.” She drifted off to sleep. Kufadis rose from his chair he leaned over and gently kissed Spoor on the forehead. As he left the room he thought. “I almost lost you. The last two weeks were so lonely without you. I need to express my feelings to you when you are better.”

To Be Continued: In School Days.

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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