92_Undiscovered Colonies: The Zon and the Alliance

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92_Undiscovered Colonies: The Zon and the Alliance

Post by Diaho »

Undiscovered Colonies: The Zon and the Alliance

Nadia held her temper, Mir bit her tongue. Tara and Minchi spent a few months in a rehabilitation center. The Alliance approved the Zon's petition and offered aid. The aid wasn't refused but delayed, something the Alliance found puzzling.

In the greater scheme of things, as races expanded from their home worlds to other planets they established colonies, some of those colonies were of doubtful origin. I should go back here and explain the definition of a habitual planet as far as the subject of colonies and colonization is concerned.

There were three basic classes of habitual planets; Class One, Class Two, Class Three.

Class One:

A Class One planet was one which required little or no modification to support life and contained the raw materials to easily establish a colony. Inside Class One planets there were two sub classes. One A no sentient life-forms and One B a sentient culture either primitive or advanced. One A was easy to colonize… One B could pose problems; some races decided that if the current culture could not be easily assimilated it was annihilated…

Class Two:

Class Two planets could be made habitual with some effort and large sections of the planet could be rendered acceptable to colonization with a supply line established between an outpost and or a Class A world. There were five such known worlds in the space that included Shahrazad and the Alliance Headquarters.

Class Three:

Class Three planets were hostile to most sentient life forms but contained a wealth of raw materials. Energy fields could be established to make small areas of the world livable for those harvesting the raw materials, there was an effort by one race to try to terraform a hostile world. Initially successful it ultimately failed with a substantial loss of life. Another effort to create 'domed' cities met with some success, but being cooped up in a dome didn't appeal to most that went to those worlds… it is said that some domed worlds exist, but no active ones have been found.

There are exceptions, Shahrazad being one. When Jinto and Lafiel arrived it would have been classified as a Class Two planet however upon exploration the planet contained not one but two former civilizations, the climate, while initially hostile, after the planetary management system was revived and activated the planets class changed to Class One A-B exception (the exception being its hidden past.)

Zon membership with the Alliance brought the subject of space and planetary exploration front and center once again. The Zon were looking for sources of raw materials and maybe a Class One or Two planet with the hopes of establishing either a colony or the possibility of moving some of those on the home world to a 'safer' place. A bold move on Nadia's part was to entice those with in the Zon sphere with a sizable reward if any of the above mentioned, UNCLAIMED, planets were found.

Upon learning of Nadia's exploration suggestion, the Alliance Council sent a directive to the Zon Government notifying them of the 'proper' steps to explore and categorize planets. The short list says… use autonomous devices, such as probes or orbital monitoring stations. There shall be no interaction with a species discovered upon any unclassified world until certain parameters are met. Those parameters are extensive but the short version says. "Study them from afar, avoid contact at all cost, and learn everything that can be learned with autonomous devices." Then submit a detailed report to the Alliance Council for review and an action plan.

The last and only encounter that the Alliance experienced almost ended in failure… the team assigned was nearly detected. The mission was scrapped and this blueprint for study was established. Decades later the plan was tried on the previous discovered planet, after a year of remote observation it was decided to leave them be. They were a warring society and the Alliance's interference would greatly affect the 'natural' advancement of the planet and those who inhabited it. A monitoring station was left in orbit; there was a plan to leave a surface station in a seemingly remote area. That plan was tabled, as the area that was ideal for observation appeared to be in the path the populace was taking. Discovery of the station would be unacceptable…so all observations were done from space. On last report there seemed to be a time of peace although the numbers of living beings had been drastically reduced. If the station continued to send data that reflected the 'calm', then, at one point in the future, a manned mission to observe from orbit might be sent.

After a rather heated Council session Gwen and Tao were left a dilemma… Support of the Alliance proposal for assistance to the Zon, in light of Nadia's professed reward scheme for planetary discovery, or to remain neutral, not to oppose, but not completely support… several members had brought up the prospect of the Zon finding a fledgling world and… annexing or annihilating those on the world to further their quest for habitual worlds, or those with a wealth of resources. That expressed idea was contrary to the Council's charter concerning exploration, which the Alliance had adopted about half of it… the thought of the untrained, uneducated, space explorers looking for a quick stack of credits… left several members of the Council's blood boiling.

Cassandra was at the Alliance headquarters on completely unrelated business when the emergency meeting of those present was called. It was the Dorian Ambassador that called for the meeting with the subject being, the trespassing of a Zon freighter into the Dorian territorial zone… the Dorian's had 'escorted' the vessel from the area but only after more than words were exchanged. The Dorian Ambassador addressed the gathered members with this statement.

"A few hours ago our security forces had to remove a Zon freighter, by force, from our security zone. The amount of force required is detailed in the records from the cruiser that intercepted said freighter. It's my governments position if this is the careless way the Zon are going to conduct this exploration, exercise. We need to steer the new Zon Government in a proper direction or… next time, and this was clearly stated to the freighter Captain… we're going to shoot first and ask questions later… maybe."

The contingent for the Badlands sat silently, waiting for the translation to arrive, in the mean time the Suran Ambassador had risen and was directed to return to his seat by the Council President, a Dorian by the way. Sari was with Cassandra she had taken in the Dorian's words and was relating them to Cassandra when the Badlands commissioner rose and said.

"I suggest that we inform the Zon of the error of their ways and if met with the aforementioned Zon resistance we cut off our aid offer…"

His words had barely left his lips when the entire Suran contingent rose and left the room, leaving a stunned Dorian president looking at a half empty room and directly at Cassandra, who, didn't like being put on the spot nor in the spotlight. Sari was frantically typing on her pad… she handed it to Cassandra and after Cassandra had read it she said.

"I will present what I've heard to our planetary council and will advise the Alliance President of their decision."

With that Cassandra turned to her right and with Sari behind her left the chamber, as they cleared the threshold the Dorian Ambassador said for the record that Shahrazad and its Council were weak and their decision should be ignored. Sari pushed Cassandra out the door and down the hall while saying.

"Keep moving he's egging you on, wanting an unsolicited response, don't give into him or them. They know about your 'famous' temper. We're going home and presenting what we've heard to the Council and let them handle it. You really don't want to get involved… right?"

A red faced Cassandra was observed boarding the transport that had brought her to the Alliance. She had finally cooled off when they arrived at the Council chambers on the surface. Sari played the detail recording she had made; it included the off handed remarks from the Dorian Ambassador. The Council thanked them for the information and excused them from the meeting…. As the door closed the storm began.

Not having a proper ambassador the Zon did have an advisor to the Alliance. She was a skilled diplomat and former military commander. When word of what had transpired in the Alliance Council reached her, she contacted the home world and demanded a meeting with Nadia. The conversation was blunt.

"I'm not sure how to address you but, you have made a critical error in judgment, your 'bounty' for planetary exploration is being met with a lot of resistance. I've forwarded the record of the emergency session just finished, take note of all actions suggested and words said… in my opinion, we're about to be asked to leave the Alliance… is that what you really want?"

Mir was listening to the record as Nadia was listening to the advisor. Nadia took note of her facial expression and placed the link on pause. Moving to where Mir was…

"We've made a critical error Nadia; we need to immediately rescind the bounty for discovery and send an apology to the Dorian's, and find that freighter Captain make an example…"

Nadia was reviewing the record as well getting to the end she heard the Dorian Ambassador announce his displeasure with Cassandra and the Shahrazad Council… reestablishing the link she said.

"We will correct our errors… inform the Dorian Ambassador we will deal with the freighter Captain and inform him of our displeasure concerning his comments about Shahrazad. Please have a meeting with the Suran and Badlands delegations. I want to know their opinions and objections… we messed up, inform them it shall not happen again."

The link closed the Zon advisor took in her surroundings, saw the Suran Ambassador and had a conversation with him… he arranged a meeting with the Badlands delegation and the Zon advisor talked with them as well. A consensus was established; the Suran Ambassador said he would address the Alliance Council with the understanding reached, as a final note to the Zon advisor he said.

"If my voice has any meaning to your government I'd strongly support you being named the Ambassador to the Alliance with all the privileges it offers. Forward that to your government and on a personal note I'm surprised your government reacted promptly to the objections… normally Minchi and Tara would take weeks to even acknowledge there might be a problem."

When the link closed, Nadia and Mir started a conversation and Nadia said…

"Open a link to Shahrazad; I want to speak with Cassandra. Our advisor can deal with the others; I want to speak to her directly."

A link was opened and Nadia was informed that Cassandra was still inbound from the Alliance and that her request would be delivered once Cassandra arrived. Unable to talk to Cassandra, Nadia confided this to Mir.

"She's the one member we need to deal with directly; although she doesn't want to admit it the Alliance Council will follow her recommendations. With her as an enemy we will face road blocks… We need to make peace and get an understanding with her, now… I should have pursued it more aggressively when we first met her."

Mir moved to her side seeing the frustration she said.

"We had no information we could trust at that first meeting, Minchi's reflections were inaccurate at best and prejudice. I agree lets establish a lasting relationship with Shahrazad. They have a wealth of information and experience we could use… our history shows we have failed to learn from those around us. Something we should…"

"No Mir, not should, something we must correct… or end up going down the same road as … that’s not going to happen again. With that said… Ask our advisor if she's interested in being an ambassador, I believe she's qualified don't you?"

Time passed slowly, finally Cassandra contacted the Zon… hours were spent and once finished Nadia said.

"It went well, it’s a good start, and her inviting us to Shahrazad was a surprise. How soon do you think we'll be able to go?

Mir said it would be a month minimum, depending how well the new administration structure was taking shape. The thought of both of them being gone for an extended period wasn't possible at the current time… She suggested Nadia make the trip alone and in the future they'd go together once everything was in place.

Cassandra closed the link, Sari, who was there for the entire conversation, said.

"Guess we should clean up the VIP quarters, I have a feeling we'll require them soon."

Cassandra, still amazed at the previous conversation says.

"Hopefully they'll wait a bit before they arrive, I need some time to recoup, that was, was…"

"Taxing yet informational?" Sari said.

"Yeah something like that… I'll be in my quarters if you need me…. you know the rest."

Cassandra leaves, Sari contacts the maintenance crew and requested that the VIP quarters be prepared. Little did she know how soon they'd be needed?

A fast cruiser left the Zon home world. Aboard was Nadia, the conversation with Mir before she left, very fresh in her mind especially the part about…

"Nadia, take a fast cruiser and leave your personnel communicator open, should anything happen either here or on Shahrazad, the cruiser commander has orders to … retrieve you and bring you home post haste. Do remember to explain that to Cassandra when you see her, okay?"

Nadia agreed yet, this was her first trip as… it was going to be an adventure… something to cherish and there will be the diplomatic discussions, which Mir excelled at… but alas, Mir was home… she decided to make the best of it anyway.

By the forth day Cassandra had completely recovered when Sari said.

"We've been notified that Nadia is on her way here, estimated arrival in about six hours more or less."

Cassandra looked at Sari and then cast her eyes skyward and said.

"Meet her at the platform, try not to make a fuss and bring her planet side, I'll notify the Council…"

"You better tell the Zon community on this world as well… we don't want any problems." Sari interjected.

Cassandra stopped talking, looked at Sari then towards the Zon residential section and…

"Damn. I forgot all about them… you don't think we'll have any problems, do you?"

"Not if you, explain that Nadia's here to talk, not force their return to the home world, after Tara's only visit…"

Hearing Sari, Cassandra said.

"You're right, I know Nadia knows we have Zon on this world thanks to her encounter with Plakia, but… those here, I'll talk to them if you'll inform the Council… deal."

Sari had a feeling Cassandra was going to put the Council on her and if Cassie deals with the Zon, she'd be happy to explain to the Council the guest, that's about to arrive.

Eliana was planet side something she hadn't had time recently to do. Enjoying a repast at a local café she spotted Cassandra making her way towards the Zon community. Not thinking anything about it she raised her drink started to sip it when.

"You're a hard person to find, I'm back… to stay."

Eliana turned towards the sound of her sister's voice to find her standing right behind her, motioning for her to take the seat across from her, she said.

"Back to stay eh, that means the planetary government is stable?"

Taking the seat and facing Eliana her sister said.

"It took longer than I figured, but they are on the way to a peaceful co-existence I've given up my title, donated our land to the local government and…"

"So we're disowned and broke?" Eliana asked.

"No sister, we are still citizens and the family wealth, after the taxes were assessed, we are not overly wealthy, but were not broke either. I've place the bulk of the funds in an account which you and I have access to. A small portion is to be distributed to the few charities we support. For the moment can I share your quarters on this world, seeing that you enjoy being aboard ship…"

"Whoa um… what name have you assumed? As for staying planet side, sharing the quarters is fine for the moment, but it's been so hectic that unless something arises I plan on being around for awhile."

"It's Meredith, I should have told you before I arrived but then the surprise… I don't mind getting my bearings and I'll probably get my own place but… all of this is very new and I figured since you have experience I'd?

"Meredith, my dear sister, I'll be glad to show you how things function as long as you don't get in my way, okay? Did you register at the citizen's affairs office?"

A blank look, then a shrug, told Eli they were in for a long afternoon.

The Zon advisor was stunned… she had just been contacted by Mir asking if she'd be willing to be the Ambassador to the Alliance… she shook her head, read the message again and replied in the affirmative. Making her way to a café in the headquarters she took a seat and re read everything Mir had sent… The Suran Ambassador was passing by, spied her, and approaching the table said.

"If you're not busy…."

She still had a stunned looked, but recovered and invited him to sit, by asking this.

"Have you spoken with my government since last we conversed?"

"No I haven't is there a reason for this …"

Collecting herself she said.

"I've been asked to be the Zon Ambassador to the Alliance, and if you did not communicate with my government then they made this decision…"

It takes a lot to get a Suran to show surprise, the ambassador's blank expression and then he said …

"I believe congratulations might be in order but, you're planning on accepting aren't you?"

"I've accepted and I'll need help, can I count on your assistance, with in reason, so I might navigate this … new position?"

They spent the next half hour talking in generalities. They left a few minutes apart the new ambassador taking in her surroundings with a renewed spirit.

Cassandra had said, 'pick up Nadia and keep the commotion to a minimum'. When the cruiser arrived and Sari saw Nadia's attire, she knew keeping her inconspicuous was going to be impossible. Sari stood about one hundred and eighty cm. in height, and was considered tall, Nadia stood two hundred twenty cm, and with her flowing auburn hair, and that outfit, she stood out too much. Not caught flatfooted, Sari did have a plan B… instead of public transport she had a military shuttle waiting. It was a tight fit for Nadia, but she didn't seem to care, something completely out of character for the typical Zon. Arriving at the pad adjacent to the old ambassadors training center, now being used as VIP quarters, Sari took Nadia and settled her, and then contacted Cassandra telling her Nadia was ready to start talking when ever she was. She ended the conversation by saying.

"My suggestion to you is this, take every notion you have about the Zon and toss it out the window. Nadia is not your atypical Zon. Treating her as you would say Minchi or Tara will get you nowhere, fast. These are my impression; I suggest you approach her with an open mind."

Cassandra closed the link, Dawn, who was in her office at the time Sari communicated with Cassie, said.

"Interesting, reject everything we have experienced, no not reject, put that information aside and approach her with an open book. Part of this is my fault, both Nadia and Mir slipped under our observation network; sorry, I have failed you…"

The last part of Dawn's comment brought a stern look from Cassandra who said.

"It's no one persons fault, I'll not accept that excuse… in a way we are all responsible, that aside we have an opportunity to start a peaceful and constructive relationship with a former foe. I do not plan on giving her the 'keys to the city' yet I'll not let her feel slighted. Sari's correct in her statement. Tara and Minchi are individuals they do not reflect the race as a whole. It's time for a fresh look at the Zon in general and Nadia will give us some insight, although I wished Mir was here as well, but the two of them here, the time will come, but not now it seems. I'd like you to take notes and when we are finished we'll devise a new strategy to deal with the Zon in the future, okay?"

Dawn agreed and left. Cassandra tried to relax, her first meeting was scheduled in a few hours, it seemed Nadia was eager to get started with an agenda Cassandra was unsure about but would keep and open mind when dealing with her.

Erin and Li were taking their daily walk when they spied the transport arrive. They were the first from the Council to get a look at Nadia. As Sari took her into the VIP area Li said.

"That's interesting, first time I've seen a Zon in anything but a military style of dress, she could pass for a princess dressed like that."

Erin finished watching as Nadia disappear from sight, hearing Li's comment she turned and said.

"Aristocratic, probably not, military definitely not, it looks like Cassandra has quite the challenge ahead of her. I think we should inform the Council of what we saw and make sure we have an 'open mind' about what I feel will be a grand departure from our current thinking concerning the Zon."

An administrative session of the Alliance Council was about to begin, the only thing on the agenda was formally accepting and welcoming the new Zon Ambassador. Sitting off the main floor the new ambassador felt a bit uncertain, the Suran Ambassador was going to introduce the resolution and then ask for the conformation vote. The vote should go flawlessly as a lot of behind the scenes discussions had already occurred. However when the time came to seat the new ambassador, for a moment, the President of the council looked to make an objection, instead he nodded his head and voted his approval. Formalities over she was officially seated and in her acceptance speech to the surprise of all, except the Suran Ambassador, she said

"I want to express in the strongest terms possible that my government made a horrendous error in their planetary discovery efforts. The program has been permanently discontinued. I also wish to formally apologize to the Dorian Ambassador and wish he would inform his government of our misunderstanding concerning the encounter between one of our freighters and their defense forces. In conclusion I wish to stress the following; we've had a radical, for us Zon, change of governance, and a change I believe will be for the better, in the long run."

A rumble was detected in the room once it quieted she continued.

"I ask the members to inform their respective governments of this change and realize that undoing a couple of centuries of status quo will not occur overnight. There will probably be misunderstandings, for a while, which we wish to settle in this forum. If you or your respective governments have any questions please direct them to me and I will get the answer or resolve the problem with a minimum of delay… Thank you for accepting me to this position I know we will have a productive relationship."

She returned to her seat, as she was about to sit, thunderous applause erupted in the chamber; it took several minutes for the chamber to regain order. The President formally adjourned the meeting. As she departed, the Suran Ambassador stopped her and said.

"I have to admit when you first showed me the outline for your acceptance speech I was sure you'd refine it a little bit, but what you presented, even though I had an idea of what you were going to say, it caught me by surprise as well. Your government approved of this speech and plan on making it reality?"

The cool and normally collected Zon Ambassador confessed that her government had given her a loose outline and she took it and ran with it. A bit nervous she said as she pointed to a device in her ear.

"I wasn't alone on the stage, those were my words and Mir was carefully listening. Once finished she approved and when the chamber erupted in applause she commended me on my presentation. I guess you can say my government approved of it"

Taking note of her appearance and seeing the exhaustion setting in the Suran Ambassador excused him self and let the Zon Ambassador leave the chamber. On her way to her quarters she was observed standing at a view port, her gaze in direction of the Zon homeland.

On Shahrazad Sari had just delivered Nadia to the VIP quarters when news of the speech given in the Alliance Council chamber and its reaction arrived from their ambassador. Sari took it all in and went looking for Cassandra. Approaching her quarters Sari was intercepted by Dawn who said.

"I'll assume you've heard about the speech given at the Alliance Council chamber?"

Not pausing for a second Sari commented.

"I heard, I'm about to fill in Cassandra, I'm assuming you'll be joining me, in fact join me. I have information you'll be interested in as well."

Cassandra was outside of her quarters, sitting in the shade, reflecting on the day, she saw them approach and when at a comfortable distance she said.

"A welcoming committee, I think not, but since you're expressions are not panicked I'll assume this is an informational visit?"

Sari conveyed the content of the Zon Ambassador's speech; Cassandra took it in and understood it, however Sari last bit of information had her attention, more than the aforementioned speech.

"Nadia is in communications with Mir; I would say almost constantly, she informed me of this fact with the explanation; if should something go awry on Zon she's to leave post haste."

Dawn took in what Sari said was about to speak when Cassandra said.

"This meeting must be quite important if she risked leaving the home world unsettled to be here… this is not typical Zon behavior, okay, I believe a complete reexamination of the Zon as a whole is in order. How soon does she want to see me?

"To quote Nadia, she was a bit disappointed you didn't meet her when we first came planet side, although she understood, her appearance was sudden to quote her again. I'd say as soon as you're comfortable…"

Interrupting Cassandra said.

"Dawn if you're not doing anything I'm ready now and Sari, you should inform the Council of things they may not be aware of, including this entire conversation."

Looking at Dawn she pointed towards the VIP quarters and said

"Shall we go?"

They departed, Sari to the Council with Dawn and Cassandra heading to the VIP quarters.

Nadia was on the second level of a four level building. The upper levels were still being renovated yet the fourth level had an observation deck which Nadia asked if there was access to. The head of her security detail, assigned to her by Sari, said she'd take a look and see if the area was clear of obstructions. About ten minutes later a suitable walkway was cleared and Nadia was escorted to the observation deck. From there she had a commanding view of the surround area. It was here Cassandra and Dawn found her.

"Breathtaking, is the entire planet like this?" Nadia asked.

"Most of the planet is in its 'wild' state so, yes outside of the areas we use for growing crops and living quarters… but you'll notice it all fits, looks like it should be that way um… natural. We've worked hard to blend into the planet and not take it over."

Considering Cassandra's words Nadia looked again. It was true everything looked so; natural… you'd never know an advanced civilization inhabited this world... which brought this from Nadia.

"You have a space fleet second to none, in my opinion… but I see no signs of the infrastructure necessary to accomplish it. If I'm allowed to inquire, how do you do it…Magic?"

Knowing Mir was listening Cassandra chose her response carefully.

"Most of it is accomplished in space; some aspects are done either here or on a moon in orbit…"

As Cassandra finished the link with Mir became active with this being said.

"Nadia I swear you are still the inquisitive one… activate the video, I want to see what you're seeing and as far as how they do what they do. Give it a break okay."

Pulling a pendant from her blouse, Nadia pressed it gently and let it dangle from the attached lanyard. As it slowly spun Mir said.

"It's beyond beautiful, I'm so jealous, you get to experience that in person, the clear vision and smells. I'll bet it smells wonderful… I believe it's time to tell Cassandra why you um we are there…"

Placing the pendant around her neck and placing the viewing device squarely on her chest she faced Cassandra and said.

"I guess I'll start by saying we are sorry we caused you so much trouble with the Alliance, in a way your planet sponsored us and… we messed up… accept our apology, but there's something related and …."

Reaching for a data pad she opened it activated it and showing the display to Cassandra she continued.

"We've found a planet with, according to the passive scan made, it has intelligent life forms, well that's what the scan indicated. I'm leaving this with you, we do not have the resources or expertise and after the run in with the Alliance… you understand what I'm trying to say, right?"

Dawn, who was examining the tablet, answered before Cassandra could.

"I understand, if you had came to the Alliance with this it would have made your reversal seem hollow, I also understand why you're here and not on Doras or the Suran home world… you trust us and hope we'll not betray that trust am I correct?"

Nadia turned towards Dawn so Mir might see her, the words stung, and were quite true something Mir expected although from Cassandra not one of her subordinates. Dawn lifted her head from the tablet faced Nadia so Mir would get a clear view and continued.

"I guess an introduction is in order. I'm Dawn Dorin, head of the security and intelligence division, I probably know more about you two than anyone else on this planet. If I surprised you I apologize for that, but this little ticking bomb you just handed us… how long have you had this information?"

"About three weeks it took us two to authenticate it and add in Nadia's travel time there. Those who found it are being 'detained' until a resolution is agreed to… not the proper phrasing I'll admit but we've never been place in a position like this before and yes it was our fault… we…"

"We were looking for a solution to a very pressing problem and…."

"Nadia that's enough… one problem at a time as we agreed… we'll not overload our host any further."

Dawn and Cassandra excused themselves and went to the far end of the observation deck... downwind from Nadia. Dawn started the quiet conversation.

"This part of space we've barely skimmed over it… the detail of these scans this was no accident this was a sector by sector scan. My guess who ever did this was looking for something else and found a colony… from the information I see here that planet is just about ready to wonder out into space… we'd need to send a probe to target these areas but from what Nadia brought us those look like launching platforms… the good thing, well if you consider it good, they'll have sub light vehicles… it'll take them decades to reach the closet inhabited plant… well, that we know of, and it'll be on the edge of the Badlands… that's where the other problem could surface it's ugly head… you know…"

Cassandra stopped Dawn told her to wait and returned to an obviously nervous Nadia and said.

""We'll look into it for you; I know you've had a long day. How long were you planning on staying?"

"She can stay no more than a week; we need to address the congressional gathering, both of us… are you alright with… Cassandra, I know we just took advantage of a newly formed relationship but we had nowhere else to turn…"

Mir's words and Nadia's look… Cassandra said Nadia was welcome to stay and if for some reason she had to leave earlier it was understood no slight either way would be taken. Asking the detail to escort Nadia back Cassandra returned to Dawn… once everyone was out of ear shout. She said.

"Ramaj is at space dock… I'll cut the orders... take Shawn and quietly head in that direction. Once in probe range launch it and passively scan your questionable areas. You've got less than a week but you're not to be detected under any circumstances have I made myself clear? I'll send Marjee to position far enough away, but close enough to help if necessary."

Handing Cassandra the data pad, after copying it to her device, she said.

"Perfectly, however if I'm to leave five minutes ago you'll need to handle Donald and Mother… show her the data, and you'll explain to Donald… Shouldn't have him worrying about his sister eh?"

Shawn and Miranda were in a conversation when Dawn found them. They were discussing the orders that had just arrived. Seeing Dawn, Miranda said.

"Another 'quiet mission', this time I'm not taking no for an answer I'm going with him…"

"I think it would be a good idea if you did accompany us Miranda."

Dawn's response caught Miranda completely off guard, expecting a fight she got her way with no argument. Shawn inquired about the details and Dawn told him he'd get a complete briefing once they were safely underway. Taking note of the seriousness Dawn displayed and her agreeing to Miranda's um request without hesitation he stopped the conversation there, notified his second in command to ready the ship for immediate departure and the three of them headed to the transport pads.

Aboard and the ship in a secure room, Dawn started the briefing. She laid out in detail what they were after and the risks involved she finished by saying this.

"Neither Nadia nor Mir would divulge who found this planet; they just said they were being 'detained' until a resolution was found. In the old days that meant locked away never to see the light of day ever again. I'm hoping these two are different, but time is of the essences. We need conclusive data, also and I shudder to say this, make sure they've not been interfered with. I need not explain the maelstrom that will generate in the Alliance especially if a member state is… I'm done… you have my thoughts. Ready a cloaked, class five probe and once we're in range launch it. We need to find an anomaly we can use to make detailed observations. We'll maintain communications blackout from here on… if we get into or find trouble, that's the only time communications will be allowed. Our contact vessel will be Paveryua. Marjee should be enroute to a patrol station a few light years from the planet."

Dawn and Miranda left the room, Shawn stayed taking the images the Dawn had brought and examed those carefully, paying attention to the areas believed to be launching sites. Jinto had told him of the 'early' day of space exploration. The first crude rockets were single use; it was several decades later, that reusable launch vehicles were developed. Shawn was hoping to find evidence, either way, of how far they had progressed. What he discovered unsettled him. Dimming the display he called for Dawn to return. Motioning to the display he raised the luminance and…

"They seem further along than you suspected, my father taught us about the early days of space travel. Those launch vehicles are quite advanced. Probably capable of … how I wish Robert was… you said Marjee was enroute… I suggest we change course and let her see what I've discovered…. I'd like a second opinion."

Dawn was stunned… not remembering exactly what Jinto has said she knew what she saw wasn't …

"Do it, she's probably cloaked but you know how to find her am I correct?"

Opening the comm. link Shawn said.

"Bridge, reverse course, locate Paveryua, and when in range notify them we need to rendezvous, do it discretely and let me know when you've made contact. Also tell engineering to pull out the dampers."

Bridge acknowledges Shawn's orders; a definite change in the ships sound brings Miranda to the room.

"You mind explaining…"

Seeing the detail on the display she says…

"Not possible, enhance and then magnify the lower part of the vehicle."

Shawn did as she requested and….

"Oh I'd say they've been interfered with and not by any member of the Alliance that's for sure, you recognize those markings, don't you Shawn."

The markings, no doubt about it, it's an alphabet he was familiar with, the characters his mother used every time she wrote something important.

"Formal, Imperial Abh… but how, Miranda do you recognize those?" Shawn asked.

"I do and they're nothing but trouble… we're heading to Marjee aren't we?"

"You're correct in that statement do we need to…" Dawn got cut off.

"Yes, not only does Marjee need to know, but home and the Alliance needs to know, and the recon mission just became very important."

To Be Continued In: Interference and the Balance of Power

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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