93_Interference and the Balance of Power

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93_Interference and the Balance of Power

Post by Diaho »

Interference and the Balance of Power

Cassandra had located Seelnay and Donald, she had handed Seelnay the data pad and while Donald read over her shoulder Cassandra said.

"Dawn's on Ramaj to investigate the data in detail, I need not explain how important this mission is."

Seelnay handed the pad back, Donald stood in contemplation of what he'd read while Seelnay said.

"We need to take stock of our surroundings, if we are going to be the 'center of information for the Alliance' I guess we need to look around, not so much in person, but deploy probes… One wonders what else is out there… Good, bad or indifferent."

This wasn't the first time a massive exploration undertaking had been suggested yet this time Cassie was seriously considering Seelnay's thoughts. If the Zon become an ally the amount of resources spent monitoring them could be redirected to exploration. Depends on what happens in short term a long term plan might make sense. Time for her next meeting with Nadia was approaching, she decided to skirt the subject of the planet and concentrate on other matters, for now.

Marjee had come aboard, the information and explanation was presented. These vehicles, she'd seen before and her first comment was.

"They're crude by current standards; if memory servers quite undependable too, so why would the Empire give them such sub standard devices. But we are assuming the Empire gave them to…"

Marjee's comment brought silence to the room; an assumption had been made without facts to back it up. A probe was configured not only to observe but receive and retransmit any artificial signals it detected. A sophisticated device this probe will assume an advantageous position, cloak, and its AI will prevent detection, hopefully. The probe should arrive in eight hours; in that time Marjee will position her ship to receive data from the probe, while Shawn explores the surrounding system for any other surprises.

Cassandra, Nadia and a security detail left the VIP quarters. A walking, talking, journey towards the community farm commenced. The gravity on Shahrazad was a little less than on the Zon home world so Nadia seemed quite comfortable walking. She was taking in the sights and asking relevant questions. Arriving at the farm she said.

"What I would give for our citizens to view such a place and you said this is a small complex compared to others? Is it possible to help us transform parts of our home world to …?"

She pointed to the farm… Cassandra said it might be possible it would depend on the condition of the soil on Zon. Nadia stood and moved slowly in a circle taking in the view… reaching to the ground she examined the soil. It was dark, moist with an unusual smell. Taking some in her hand she placed it close to her face and said.

"So rich, and this smell, is this, what one would call 'top soil' '?

Cassandra nodded and Nadia continued.

"What I've seen on the plains is a light brown, grainy, dry powdery soil. There is soil similar to this in the mountains but the climate there hasn't supported our attempts to grow food successfully, with any abundance that is."

The walk continued towards the Village, once out of sight a figure appeared moved the where Cassandra and Nadia had stood examined the soil and returned towards the farm center.

In the farm center Lafiel was prepping plants for the next days planting session when Sobbash entered she had a soil sample in a container. Placing it on the table she asked this of Lafiel.

"How would you classify this soil?"

Lafiel looked at the soil, sniffed it, ran her fingers through it and said.

"Plant able, needs some compost, why do you ask?'

"I just observed Cassandra and Nadia in the fields. Nadia thought this was quality top soil, her description of the soil on Zon. I'd classify it comparable to what we mix to get starter soil."

A bit stunned Lafiel looked at the soil and at Sobbash and said.

"You're telling the planet is a mass of filler? That nothing grows there? How about the wilderness, was that area mentioned?"

"Nadia said the soil was comparable to what's on the table but fruitful production has eluded them."

Lafiel absorbed what Sobbash said and in an off handed tone said.

"I'm sure that would be correct, can't get useful production out of starter soil. Those people are going to need a lot of help… how soon can we start?"

Sobbash told Lafiel that hopefully after getting the abbreviated tour Nadia and Mir will welcome assistance and closed by saying this.

"They are a proud people, we must be careful on how we approach helping them. We dare not slight them even though they're responsible for their present plight. It's going to be a delicate balancing act. Those involved will have to remember that and act accordingly. What I would give for some soil samples. It would be interesting to see what they're up against."

In the Village a stop was made at an outdoor café for a brief repast. Nadia took note of how the Village blended into its surroundings and said.

"Quaint and quiet are all population centers on this world like this?"

Unbeknownst to Nadia that was a loaded question to which Cassandra gave a mostly correct answer. The ghost village and the Zon compounds weren't on the level of the Village but most other places were. The ghost village because of it location and the Zon residence was maintained by the Zon so it had a flavor all its own. They returned to the VIP quarters shortly before sunset. At that time Mir requested for Nadia to return, of course no reason was given. She left the next morning. The cruiser made a high speed departure once clear of the defense zone.

After Nadia left, Cassandra was in her office in a bit of a quandary. She reviewed her conversations with Nadia and found nothing wrong. She then considered if she said something that might have set Mir off. Hopefully the progress she thought she made… wasn't for naught.

The cruiser cleared the defense grid and the Captain carried out his orders from Mir. Below in her cabin Nadia finally got Mir to respond when the link opened she tersely said.

"Why, what happened I was making progress and to leave with no explanation…"

"Listen carefully to me, there has been an incident in one of the major population centers. We're picking up the pieces and counting the bodies… I'll tell you more when you get here… not sure if we're being monitored… see you soon stay safe."

The link closed, a stunned Nadia sat staring at the blank monitor until she arrived.


It's said good news travels fast and in this case bad news traveled at light speed. In her office the Zon Ambassador had just finished a secure link with Mir. She notified the President of the Alliance that she was requesting an emergency meeting of the Council and those who weren't in the complex be linked by secure feed. When asked the purpose she told the President just enough to have him call for the session at once.

On Shahrazad it was early in the morning when Sari woke Cassandra and told her of the communication received. Half awake she asked.

"Who in their right mind calls a meeting at this hour?"

Not blinking an eye Sari said.

"The Zon Ambassador and given that half of the council will be on a secure link, I believe you'll find out why Nadia left in such a hurry."

Awake and on her way to the Command Center Cassandra wonders what happened that would cause this kind of a response. Once in the Center and in the communications room the answer came quickly and vividly. The display became active, those on the link around the edges and the Zon Ambassador in the middle. Visibly shaken she said.

"Approximately twelve hours there was an explosion at one of our major distribution centers. The center was completely destroyed. Casualties number in the thousands. There were members of the Alliance at the center as well. It will take time to determine the names of those lost. We asked those attending to ascertain those who might have traveled to the center and to ask those enroute to refrain from the planet. An investigation is underway but we believe it might not have been accidental…"

The link erupted, the President called for order, and the Ambassador continued

"With the damage as complete as it was, it seems fairly certain this incident had help, from where and by whom, that is the unknown. This is why we are asking member nations to refrain from entering our space for the time being. As far as assistance, we'll need help, at this time we're not sure what kind of or how much, so please give us time. We've suffered a disaster never experienced in this history of this world. I thank you for your attention in this matter and will follow up as soon as it is practicable."

The emblem of the Alliance filled the screen and the link went silent. Eliana and Erin had arrived mid speech. Stunned would describe the mood of the room. With Dawn in space, Cassandra enlisted an old friend to sort this out. The link opened and a surprised Kenesh appeared. Her first words were.

"I'm retired, this had better be important."

Cassandra forwarded the video to Kenesh and waited for a response, it was not long in coming.

"Since you're contacting me, Dawn must be occupied elsewhere can I assume that being correct?"

"You can and if there was anyone else with your knowledge you know I'd be…"

"I know I'll check my sources, they seemed pretty convinced this was no accident… I'll get back to you and I also suggest wherever Dawn is she sees this as soon as possible."

The link goes dark Cassandra, not knowing what was going on in space, forwards the Zon Ambassador's statement to Shawn via Marjee. The message from Shawn about the planet crosses with her message and when she reads it. She closes the link and addresses Erin.

"I've just received a message from the planetary exploration group. Please inform the Council I need to speak with them about this and the Zon incident as soon as possible."

Shawn and Marjee received Cassandra's message with in seconds of each other. Dawn listens to the Ambassador and announces the following…

"I have a bad feeling, that this incident and the planet incident are related… don’t ask for an explanation, it's a feeling and I guess we'll either prove or disprove it. If we prove it, we'll cross the bridge when it gets here. Cassie has Kenesh working on her end I'm sure that took some convincing I wonder if she has our little tidbit of information."

Kenesh was organizing her files when the message from Shawn arrived. viewing it and the images attached she left her quarters, headed to the ghost village, found Kufadis swore him to secrecy and showed him what she had. He read it several times and looked at the images. Handing the data back to her he said.

"The reason you are here is to confirm what I think you're thinking… these tactics, it's possible, but there are still thousands of troops who received that training, figuring out who or which group will be a daunting task, a word of warning, have undisputable proof before you even utter what we are currently thinking to anyone else. if we're wrong an accusation like this… the universe will beat an unfriendly path to this planet… let me know what you find out before you go any further, promise me that."

"I will, under one condition, when Dawn returns she needs to know everything and I feel you're the best source. Am I wrong?"

"I'll talk to her, you talk to me first, I hope we are wrong, I do so hope that."

Kufadis returned to his work and Kenesh left the ghost village. she was lucky it was a distance back to her quarters it gave her time to compose her thoughts because Cassandra was awaiting her return.

"It must be nice to be able to take a walk at a moments notice." Cassandra said as Kenesh approached her.

"Says the person who dumped a ton of information in less the three hours on me, yes I took a walk to try to organize my thoughts, you realize it been years since I've done anything on this scale."

"And…" Cassandra said.

"I've put out some feelers there are those who I wanted to contact that… they were on the wrong side of a political purge and are no longer with us… its going to take time, which you're going to tell me we don't have and I know this, its best you leave me to try to do my best with several handicaps. On a related note how soon will Dawn be back?"

Wasn't the answer she expected, Kenesh was being quite honest. Cassie forgot how many of her contacts… she asked Kenesh to keep her updated and said Dawn would return in a week's time or less. Cassandra leaves, Kenesh breathes a sigh of relief. A search in earnest is begun to either confirm of discount what she and Kufadis were thinking.

Independence is at a Suran observation post at the longest part of their patrol route. It's a dual purpose stop, not only a rest bit for the crew, but some needed calibration of the main sensors. The Suran maintenance crew had just departed, Ariel is below in her cabin and Chitose is on the bridge finishing the final checks when the auto alert system activates. At that moment the Suran outpost raises it shields, which Chitose does as well, then notifies Ariel who is already on her way to the bridge.

The access to the bridge opens and…

"What set the alarm off?"

"There is an intense energy wave approaching us contact in less than five minutes. Shields are up most of the crew is aboard, those who aren't have found shelter on the outpost."

The main display shows the incoming wave it's then that Chitose isolates part of it and says.

"It's not a natural phenomena, look closely at the display, there are numerous spikes of different intensity contained within the wave… my best guess, we are seeing the result of an intense battle, I'm having the computer analyze the composition and decay rate of the wave. I'll have a better answer for you shortly."

The wave passes and does little damage to the station and the ship. Those who were aboard the station have returned and the initial analysis is complete. Ariel and Chitose are reviewing it, the information is interesting.

"I would say by the observed decay rate the battle happened within the past week. Location, if the wave wasn't disturbed by natural forces. Somewhere near here."

The main display has a star chart on it and superimposed is the area Chitose feels the wave originated from. Familiar territory it is but normally peaceful. Ariel is in a quandary, and sends the data to Command. Once accomplished she waits for a response delaying their departure, this delay will set in motion a series of events that will define many unanswered questions.


Ariel's report arrives at Command and passes through Kenesh before it reaches the Center. At first glance and she almost ignores it, then something Chitose wrote as an addendum catches her eye. Reading it twice she copies the data to a pad and heads to Kufadis. Upon showing him the report and as he's carefully digesting it he says.

"I don't like the look of this, is there anything else?"

Kenesh said that's all they had but pointed to Chitose's comment and said.

"For someone who has no history on the subject her hunch, um guess is fairly accurate, uncomfortably so. They're still at the outpost. Half of me wants to send them to investigate, the other half doesn't…"

"You like me are afraid of what they'll find, Kenesh, we've known each other for a long time and have had many confidential conversations, but if what we've been thinking is… if that battle was a result of… we need to inform the powers to be what we think. If we're wrong, okay. But if we're correct in our assumptions…"

"Kufadis as much as I would like to hand this to Cassandra, we've got some fairly vague information. Yet just telling Ariel to go snoop around without giving her a hint of what she might encounter, I can't do that, but I can't just sweep this under either. You really believe it's that… and nothing else?"

Kufadis look at the data once again. Points to an analysis line and says.

"That line right there is what's pushing me to hand this over to Command. I just wish we had a corresponding energy signature to go with that trace. But its action, as it decayed, we've seen that before. We know what it is. We know what it can do. You want me to deliver the 'bad' news or…"

Kenesh has stood motionless, listening to what Kufadis has said. Reading the line in the report over and over again, she reaches for the pad and says.

"I know you're right, we better tell Command what we think, I hope we are proven wrong."

Sobbash was observing the gathering of the crops when she saw Kenesh and Kufadis heading towards the Command Center. She'd tasked Lafiel with overseeing the test plots preparation, so if she was to follow Kenesh, Lafiel wouldn't notice her missing. Taking a different path she arrived just as Kenesh and Kufadis were entering the complex. Waiting a few moments she entered and… Kenesh was heard saying.

"Cassie, listen carefully, you asked me to investigate one thing, another has arisen and I believe they are connected. Ariel encountered an energy wave, but this was no ordinary event, we have enough data to determine it was left over from quite a battle, which it's said, there are confrontations all the time. This one however, the energy wave… see for yourself…"

A data chip was placed in the main viewer console. A trace and energy data appeared, from her vantage point Sobbash recognized it without explanation. Cassandra studied it and…

"I've seen this somewhere before. Okay Kenesh you've got my attention tell me what you've found."

Kenesh started to speak.

"We believe that belongs to…"

"Oh it's what you think it is Kenesh no doubt about it."

Sobbash spoke from the back of the room. Coming forward she continued.

"The device that generated the wave was outlawed decades ago, and by what I'm seeing, this is an improved model… Kenesh, where did Ariel stumble across this little gem?"

A star map appeared and the Suran outpost was displayed. Kenesh said Ariel was there when the wave arrived and the line that leads away from the station is the projected course. Not including any deviation for interference. Cassie looked at the line it traced its self back to… where Ramaj was exploring. Eliana, who was in the communications room, put everything together and said.

"Cassie you stay there I'll pass this along to Shawn and Marjee."

Eliana leaves the link and Sobbash continues.

"We've got assets out there? You need to send them somewhere safe and soon… do you have a firm energy signature for that trace?"

Kenesh shook her head and said that was all Ariel could ascertain without further exploration. She continued.

"Sobbash, how do you know about…?"

"What that is… I've had the displeasure of seeing one used… it worked better than expected, destroyed the planet and the two moons orbiting it. It was hailed as a stunning success; to tell the truth, it made me violently ill."

Hearing Kenesh and Sobbash talk it hit Cassandra. She blurted out what most in the room already had figured out.

"A planet killer, not possible those no longer exist."

Kufadis picks up the conversation from here.

"Its proper name is 'matter to energy, mass conversion device'. The other name was how it was used, but any matter that entered its sphere got disassembled and converted to energy. There were some who theorized that if a large enough unit could be constructed it would be as destructive as a black hole but controllable or so the theory went. This wave is a near duplicate of the early experiments however there's this difference here that we can't explain, given the information we presently have. I'll show you what I mean."

Kufadis produces a data chip loads it as well and projects both images one on top of the other and says.

"They're a perfect match till this point… is this distortion that it gained traveling through space or a modification… the only way to find out is to retrace the wave and when close to the source the residual should be strong enough to contain an energy signature as well."

Eliana returns from the communications station and says.

"Glad I went there, Ariel was getting impatient, I ordered her to stay put, I got through to Marjee, she and Shawn are meeting up with Ariel… with your permission…"

The main viewer catches Eliana's attention and she stops mid sentence… turning to Kenesh and Kufadis she asks.

"That wave, is that in reference to the matter to energy conversion I heard you talking about, you're serious aren't you?"

Kufadis nods, he is intrigued with Eliana's response and explores it a bit further.

"Have you seen that somewhere before?"

Eliana nods and continues.

"It was detected after a planet vanished; the planet was uninhabitable but contained a wealth of raw materials. It was determined the event that consumed the planet was not natural so, that's what they used… Is that what Ariel's eager to find?"

Sobbash steps forward and says.

"That's worse than any ticking time bomb, I've given you my opinion, I'm returning to the farm and I'll not discuss and I'll ask none of you discuss this with Lafiel unless it becomes absolutely necessary. She's adjusting quite nicely and I'd like the progress made not to be reversed by her stressing over something like this."

With that Sobbash leaves, Kenesh watches as she leaves the room, she then addresses those still gathered.

"That wave, the planet the Zon handed us, they are connected I'm uneasily certain of that. Who is responsible, their plans, and how it will affect the Alliance. Those are the questions we need to answer. Leaving anything to chance, if someone really does have an operational device like what's been described, the damage it could inflict, we can't afford to be passive. Lastly, do we do this on our own or do we drop this in the Alliance's lap not knowing who is behind it?"

Cassandra has listened; to Kenesh's words, especially her last statement… she starts by saying.

"That's quite an observation you've made. I would have said there is no way that this planet is involved but, there are over two million beings scattered on this world, one hopes their actions are peaceful but… The Alliance, not yet, not until we know who is behind this and like Sobbash said leave my mother out of it, in fact this is now on a need to know basis, unfortunately that means keeping the Council in the dark until we know who… Eli arrange a Commanders conference, our people out on the line need to know, also having Ariel, Marjee and Shawn work as a team… safety in numbers… as far as planet side… I'll make a list of those who need to be briefed… it won't be a large list I'll guarantee that... those in this room are free to discuss this. But at the moment this is the only place the discussion is allowed. I'll take suggestions, but for now I have to address our Commanders."

Eliana had set up the conference, as Cassandra entered the room and before she initiated the link she said.

"Cassie, tell me what you are about to tell them, I want to know before hand… I only heard part of the conversation. You know I don't like surprises."

Cassandra understood and laid out what they knew. Eliana was stunned… although space was vast how something like that could go on perceivably under their noses floored her. She activated the link and Cassandra started.

"Dai, Plakia, this will be the first you've heard of this. Ariel, Shawn and Marjee we're filling in some of the blanks you expressed earlier."

An explanation was given with what visual details were available as Cassandra finished, Plakia spoke.

"While Kufadis explanation is basically correct the original intent was a single use weapon of massive destruction. If and I have to stress IF… you are correct that a version of the aforementioned single use, has been produced as a mobile multiple use weapons system. It needs to be found and destroyed, those responsible, and any they have had contact with be dealt with accordingly. Let's hope this perverse technology knowledge is confined to a few and not a widely known fact. The latter being a thousand time more dangerous, with that said, what do you need from us?"

Cassandra explained what had been discussed in the Center and finished by saying.

"Eliana is heading to the fleet once this meeting is over, she'll brief KO who is still finishing a refit, we'll need everyone not involved in the first project; to monitor our local space and be ready to assist Shawn and group if necessary. I have no idea what you will find, but if you come across a superior force you'll not engage them. Report them, monitor their movements and if necessary break contact if you feel you've been discovered."

The link closes and as Eliana was leaving Cassandra said.

"You have operational command; make decisions as necessary following the guidelines set forth in the Center. Keep our people safe, and good luck."

Eliana mentioned that luck was something she hoped she had a lot of. As she made it to the shuttle pad, she found Seelnay waiting. Seelnay seemed to know most of what had been discussed and in a round about way said.

"I'll snoop around while you are gone, Kenesh is only one person and she'll need people she can rely on. With your permission I'd like to enlist Greta and her group too and Kenesh is aware we are having this discussion."

A perplexed look came to Eliana, why was Seelnay discussing this with her instead of Cassandra. Seelnay observed Eliana and added this.

"Why you and not Cassie… Cassie's is on the edge, you're going to be close to the action… if we find something I want to be able to inform you directly and bypass the 'chain' of command. I'm aware Cassie will know of this as well, you can either blame or commend Kenesh for this?"

The importance of all of this hit Eli; she thanked Seelnay and made her way to space, once aboard she made contact with KO. The first try was garbled and as the system aligned to KO's position Eli said.

"How close to being operational are you?"

A voice only answer which contained one word was received. "Soon"

Eliana headed to the refit platform around the forth moon, coming into visual range she understood KO's answer. Illusion was being towed from the platform, all systems were neatly stowed. As the ship entered open space everything deployed. Once that was accomplished KO appeared on the main screen and…

"I know something is going on… even thou systems were off line a priority communication has occurred in the past few hours. What it contained I'm not aware of unless that's why you are here..."

Eliana went to a tight beam and scrambled link. It took about a half hour to fully brief KO. Once accomplished. KO said.

"Looks like I'm with you… are we in a hurry or do I have time for a shakedown… I do have civilian techs aboard too. Should I ask them to leave?"

"Navigate within the system and If everything functions normally, then join me…I'm forwarding the location to you and leave the civilians at home."

The link closes Eliana launches toward a predetermined location. KO leaves the platform and slowly accelerates into open space, an hour later she drops off her tech team and makes the jump towards Eliana.

The 'remote' Marjee left when she joined with Ariel began receiving data from the probe. A link was established and the data shared within the group. At this moment nothing unusual was observed however the probe had only been on stations for a few hours. Marjee, who was the operational commander said.

"We spread out, and look for the source… I'll follow the projected path. Ariel a half light second to my starboard, Shawn the same distance to port, if after three hours we're not any closer, we'll stop and regroup, any questions?"

Only suggestion came from Chitose via Ariel and that was to proceed at a sub-light speed just short of breaking the barrier with this statement.

"It's a decaying source, once past light speed, there is a good possibility we'll run past it and disturb it to the point we may never find it again."

Marjee concurred and added that they would be monitoring data from the probe. Should something come of it, she'd send Ariel to investigate as long as they've discovered the source of the energy wave. Ships in position, a course was set, and the search began.

Nadia arrived at the spaceport; Mir collected her and whisked her off to a secure location. Once there she said.

"We've had to cordon off an area of fifty kilometers around the site of the blast, I hope we… Nadia it was a biological bomb… those who the blast didn't kill will probably die within the week, and we have no idea, at the moment, what the agent involved is. Something else you should know…. our mothers were in the area… the blast didn't get them but they're both critically ill and in isolation… I'm about to inform our Ambassador to the Alliance and have her ask for immediate assistance."

Overwhelmed, Nadia fainted. A few moments later she came to and said.

"I … want to see…"

"Not possible… we need to stay healthy… don't you think it's affecting me too?"

Nadia observed Mir; it was true she was hurting as much as she was. Composing herself she apologized and said.

"Have our Ambassador tell all… including everything concerning those involved, I'm not looking for sympathy but if our parents were the target I want them to know they probably have accomplished their mission, Mir keeping that secret might give the impression they escaped… that might cause another attempt… How many have died? How many more will die?"

Mir was taken aback at Nadia's reaction, it was agreed that all the information currently gather would be released, the populace of the planet needed to know what was going on as well, although several news organizations were guessing fairly close to the truth. Then Mir said.

"You asked two questions; I can answer one fairly accurately, the other I can guess at. We've recovered nine hundred victims. From the information we have another two to three hundred were in the area of the blast. As to your second question; the wind, thankfully, was light at the time of the explosion. Another twenty-five hundred are isolated and we figure maybe another three to five hundred might be affected. That's our best guess."

A link was established, the Ambassador was fed all the information they had and Mir said.

"Hold nothing back… tell all, ask for help, and if they ask who did it, tell them we don't know… at this time no group has taken responsibility for the attack… and it was an attack, this was no accident. Impress that fact on the Alliance."

The link closed, the Ambassador setup another briefing, when delivered it brought concern and outrage from those assembled and promises of aid. The Ambassador thanked those offering and would begin coordinating efforts from her end. The briefing was received on Shahrazad with a mixture of emotions.

The Council was being briefed about the explosion on Zon when the Zon Ambassador held her second briefing, the news from that didn't sit well with the Council. As Gwen finished sharing the news, the following was heard inside the chamber.

"A terrorist attack… the start of a revolution… a war from within…"

Numerous theories were being expressed it was Erin who brought silence to the room by saying…

"This is getting us nowhere, until the Zon investigate and release results we're speculating… we need to quit guessing and decide on how we are going to help… although I'm assuming we ARE going to lend aid and support to the Zon…"

As the senior statesmen Erin and Li had the respect of the Council and most of the populace. Her blunt statement and even harsher question brought silence to the chamber. Gwen and Tao announced that the Ambassador to Shahrazad would coordinate with the Zon officials and when an aid package was presented; the Council would decide on the appropriate response. As Gwen put it… 'If they need apples we shouldn't send them oranges'.

In the Command Center Cassandra forwarded the update to Eliana she distributes it to the balance of the fleet. As Dawn reads it she says.

"A biological bomb, who in their right mind… No, not in their right mind, resorts to that type of device…"

Sitting at a terminal she inputs the search parameters…. the search indicates it will take a few hours for the results to complete. A blank stare crosses her face, its Miranda that asks…

"Are you okay… your expressionless facial features have me concerned?"

Dawn's expression changed slightly and she said.

"I'm alright. I tend to zone out, go blank, when I'm trying to figure out something complex. Your concern is appreciated, I wonder if Marjee has any new data from the probe… that should be my top concern at the moment. The system is searching for an answer to what's bugging me about the Zon."

Just outside the Zon sphere of influence a small scout ship approaches a warship. A link is established and before a word is said from the scout ship the warship says.

"You imbeciles, you were instructed to plant a small explosive weapon to do minimal damage, but no, you decided to go all out, a biological bomb that has killed thousands. Here's a bit of information for you to digest, your bomb claimed the lives of the former leaders. What you did in one stupid action was take a peace seeking people and government and turn them into a vengeance machine that will have cart blanc from the Alliance when they find out who sent you. I'll give you the reward you deserve … Fire!"

A bright flash from the warship made the scout vanished. On the bridge the Captain addresses the bridge crew.

"I've failed you and I'm planning on taking responsibility for what has happened. I'm now a marked individual as long as I stay on this ship you're not safe. I intend to take a shuttle and return to base. I want you to escape."

Moving to the first officer, a terminal is opened, they bring up a star chart and said.

"Your only safe haven is Shahrazad, follow this course until you’re a half light second from their defensive grid. Approach with deflectors only, weapon systems off line, and flashing this code from your recognition lamps, you'll be intercepted, ask for asylum and tell them everything you know including what's in the data banks. Time is of the essence, base is probably figuring out what happened and you don't have much of a head start. Save yourself and the crew."

The Captain leaves the bridge and a shuttle is launched, once clear the warship vanishes. On the bridge the first officer studies the course plotted... It's a complex series of maneuvers, brushes with anomalies, with the purpose of hiding their ship from detection and masking the ships energy signature. They should arrive at Shahrazad in eleven hours. Staring at the main viewer she wonders what fate awaits their Captain but knows that was the last time she'll see them.

Marjee has picked up on a trail of energy being left by what she believes to be a wounded ship. She notifies Shawn and Ariel to maintain course while she investigates it. Twenty minutes later a passive scan shows she's approaching a sizable fleet with several ships showing apparent damage. Holding her position she watches as the fleet seems to be searching for something. Marking the position she asks Shawn and Ariel to approach her position but keep their distance.

Chitose announces she's picked up on the decaying energy signal, the course will bring the close to where Marjee is and Ariel notifies Marjee of that fact. Marjee instructs them to follow the wave and that she and Shawn will observe the fleet she's encountered.

Shawn arrives and a course of action is planned, although cloaked their location is at the edge of their passive scanning devices, however, should they engage any propulsion system the signature could be detected. It's decided that small thruster burst will be used to maneuver the ships to a more advantageous location. This information is passed along to Ariel who is still tracking the decaying energy signature her response is not promising.

"It's growing fainter like we're going away from the source. Plotting a reverse course will put us right in your lap. Chitose feels that the signature we're tracking is the reaction of the original discharge combine with the damage done. Those you're observing were probably attacked and not the attackers. Although we can't be one hundred percent sure, if we lose the track we'll return but stay well clear of you current location."

To be continued in: Interference and the Balance of Power Conclusion

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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