11_Trick or Treat

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11_Trick or Treat

Post by Diaho »

Trick or Treat

Spoor doses off to sleep again. Kufadis leaves her and searches for her doctor. The doctor is sitting in the dinning area. Kufadis asks if he can join her. She accepts. “I’ll come to the point. She’s sleeping more and more. It’s seldom she is awake for more than ten minutes at a time. Why is she like this?” The doctor looks at him with amazement. “You are saying she’s sleeping now?” Kufadis nods his head. She stands and starts for Spoors room with Kufadis hot on her heels. Upon entering the room, they find Spoor is out cold. The doctor takes a small scribe like instrument from her pocket and gently runs it across the bottom of Spoor’s left foot. There is no response. She lifts the sheet and proceeds up Spoor’s left leg, thigh and hip. There is still no response. She presses a button on the wall, an attendant answers. She instructs the attendant to call the neurosurgeon to the room.

Kufadis, finally summons the will to ask. “Something is wrong isn’t it?” The doctor replies, “Yes. She does not have any feeling and I’ve turned off the neuro block two hours ago. She should be awake and, I was hoping, in some discomfort.” The neurosurgeon arrives. The two doctors have a conversation out of Kufadis hearing range. The neurosurgeon walks over to Spoor. She produces a needle from her pocket. She proceeds to gently stick Spoor along the same course the other doctor had followed. There was no affect. She gently stuck her in the forearm. “OW! What do you think you’re doing?” Spoor was awake. The neurosurgeon moves to the foot of the bed. She takes the needle and pricks the bottom of Spoors foot. “Feel that Admiral?” Spoor looks down the bed at her feet. She saw the doctor poke her again with the needle. “Anything Admiral?” Spoor looks confused. “I don’t know why you’re so concerned. The neuro block is still attached.” The doctor picks up the device and holds it where Spoor can see it. It was disconnected. Spoor looks over to Kufadis. Concern was written across his face. “I guess this is not a good sign?” He nods. “Admiral. How do you feel now?” The doctors both ask together. Spoor looks at them. “Sleepy. In fact I’m going to take a nap now.” The doctors both head for her. “No you don’t Admiral. We need you awake. No sleepy time till you can feel your feet.”

The Doctors turn to Kufadis. “She is your commander. Help us keep her awake.” Kufadis is confused. “Will somebody explain to me what is happening?” The neurosurgeon explains. ”She’s addicted to the pain intervention. Her brain is refusing to accept that there is pain. So she’s still sleeping. It’s the induced sleep, as if the machine was still hooked up. But now that it’s not. She’s slowly getting away from us. If we cannot keep her awake till her body realizes that it’s no longer hooked to the device and starts functioning its own. We are going to lose her. She will go to sleep one time and not wake up. Do you need more detail?” Kufadis leans over to a very sleepy looking Spoor. “Admiral. Don’t leave me. I need you to stay awake.” She yawns and looks at him. “That’s nice Kufadis. We will talk after my nap. Okay?” She gets groggy. What series of thoughts that went through his mind. He later could not say. With an open hand he struck her face.

Her eyes were wide open and she was wincing in pain. “You Bastard. I’ll get out of this bed and.” She tries to move. Her arms and upper torso move. Kufadis was standing out of swinging range. She flailed for a few moments, and then she fell silent again. The side of her face was red and tears covered her cheeks. She was drifting off to sleep. “No you don’t!” He pinches her ear. This time he did not move fast enough, she caught him. They locked in a struggle that lasted a good twenty minutes. He blocks a few. She lands a few. Suddenly she winced in pain. The neurosurgeon had stabbed her foot. “Look if you’re going to gang up on me. Do one end or the other. Not both.” Kufadis releases his grip and Spoor waylaid him. He hit the floor pretty hard. He stands straightens his uniform and goes to her feet. Fingers of both hands attack both feet. She was laughing hysterically. Kufadis stops his assault. “Painiach? Can you feel your feet now?” She looks at him, his face bruising an evil little smile on it. “Yes I can.” He proceeds to touch every part of her foot. Heels, toes, arch all respond to his touch. So did both calves. He starts up her one thigh. “Kufadis. You can stop there. I believe I can feel everything. However I’m in a lot of pain, especially my face.

He walks over and looks at her face. She has a good impression of his hand showing. He was carrying a bruised cheek and would have a black eye shortly. “Kufadis. I ought to bring you up on charges. Blatantly striking a superior officer. It could be the vacuum of space for you.” Kufadis looks at her and painfully smiles. “Press your charges. At least you’ll be alive to see them served.” She looks at him. “That’s twice.” He looks confused. “Twice?” She smiles. “Twice you’ve saved my life. I can’t kill you. At least not yet, you’re going to help me fully recuperate, then.” She smiles and looks at the doctor. ”Can I take a nap now?” The doctor replies, “A short one. Then we need to wake you again.” She reaches out to Kufadis. “You look like hell. Get some rest. That’s an order.” He took her hand. “I’ll be down the hall. I’ll get some rest Admiral.” The doctor interrupts. “First thing, we get your face fixed.” She takes a good look at him. “The Admiral packs quite a wallop. I’m glad it was you and not I. We will wake her every two hours. For the next twenty - four hours. As it becomes easier to wake her, we will let her sleep longer, after the twenty - four hours have passed.” They leave the room. Spoor drifts off to sleep.

“Ten days?!? Why do I have to wait ten days Kenesh?” The display flickers. “Simple Nastoyia, we don’t have all the information to give you. Work on organizing your fleet and resting them. It’s going to be a difficult mission this time.” A second display opens next to the Admiral. It’s the fleet disposition chart. “There is very little between you and the Capital. I want some back up in there before I order you to take on the Rebels. Ten days won’t be all that long. Just be patience and I want to make this perfectly clear, unless the Rebels come out of Sord 577 and attack your fleet. You are not to leave that system.” Admiral Nastoyia looks at the chart, a large gap between her fleet and the Capital does indeed exist. “Fine Kenesh. I’ll sit tight for ten days. After that I’ll go looking for them on my own. I do have that authority.” The display jumps again a displeased Kenesh speaks. “Spoor will be back on her feet soon. She would be very upset if you destroyed part of her fleet going on a wild goose chase. Just sit tight Nastoyia. I don’t want to pull rank on you. But I have given you orders. I wish you would obey them and not argue every point.” Nastoyia understood. She had played her hand and Kenesh had trumped it. “As you wish. I await further orders. Nastoyia OUT!” The link was broken.

“So. How did she take it?” Ramaj kicks back in her chair. “Not well. I almost had to pull rank on her to get her to listen. She really got a one track mind.” Kenesh sat on the table, reduced the gravity, and started to float. “We know where the Rebel fleet is and the location of its supply base.” Kenesh rolls on her side. ”So. He is telling all. What other tidbits did we glean from him?” Ramaj looks to door. “He’s filled three standard data crystals and seems to be just starting. We know who produced him. He also believes that the original still lives.” Silence, fills the room. “Really. The original might still be alive? I wonder?” Kenesh rolls on her back. “I think. I’ll take a nap and think all of this through. We are going to check his story?” Ramaj touches a display, they both view it. “I’ve sent a scouting fleet to the location given, with instructions to observe but not be observed. For now we wait.” Kenesh closes her eyes. “That will be fine. Let me know what happens.” Ramaj dims the lights and leaves the room.

When they got back to the shelter Jinto and Lafiel went inside to change. Noel and Risch sat at the table they were both noticeably pale. “Proximity alarms.” Noel looks at him. “What?” He starts looking around. ”They must have proximity alarms planted around the island. But with all this ground cover you would never see them.” He looks at her, she was sitting very still. ”You okay?” She slowly shook her head. “You realize how close to being dust we came? She was getting ready to squeeze the trigger and then the next minute she’s hungry. Wow. I’m glad he’s living with her.” Risch held her hand. “Since we lost the first ship. I’ve accepted the fact that we may die at anytime. So I live each day to the fullest.” She looks at him. “Having a vessel of the United Mankind destroy my ship is one thing. Having a Princess of the Empire and my friend vaporize me is another. That was a stupid thing we did. Next time stop me from being that eager to die. Okay?”

“Well I’m glad you’ve seen the error of your ways.” Lafiel had just exited the door. “Noel. Thanks for finding the hole in our defense field. I’m sorry to have to get the point across that way. But Jinto and I cherish our privacy. We are prepared to defend it to the death, if necessary. I hope you understand us a little better now. We wanted to live in peace. But the Empire has other plans. Oh, and the though of me becoming Empress. Well keep thinking. I don’t think it’s going to happen. Now, my brother being Emperor, that is possible.” Jinto came out of the shelter. “Lafiel. I’ve reset the alarm and set the radius to over the mountains. However we should add two more sensors in sectors five and three. You want to do it before we leave?” Lafiel nods. She turns back to Noel and Risch. “Stay here. Relax. We will have dinner when we return. Oh. Touch nothing. The alarm is set.” She looks to Jinto, he was putting on a backpack. “Ready?” Jinto answers “Yes dear. Let’s go. I’m hungry already.” They left via a path that ran along the stream. Risch and Noel sat tight.

“Lafiel you think they are still sitting where we left them?” Lafiel consults her creunoc. ”Yes, they are still there. Jinto, it’s like they are glued to their seats.” Jinto chuckles. They head up the hill, past the masking array to set up the new detectors. “You’ve got those aimed correctly, Jinto?” Jinto took a bearing. “They’re close Lafiel. The computer can fine-tune them when we get back.”

She takes a look around. They are on the highest part of the island. The waterfall that feeds the stream is five hundred meters away. The view is breathtaking. “Too bad we can’t bring them up here. They would like the view. But then they would know our secret.” Jinto faces her. “Someday we are going to have to trust them. Sometime soon we can bring them to the waterfall at least.” Lafiel nods. “If you’re done. Everything checks out. I’m now very hungry. Let’s go eat.” Jinto secures the devices and links them into the system. “All I need to do is verify the settings and we can leave. I’m hungry too.” A last check and they return.

Noel and Risch were sitting exactly where Jinto and Lafiel had left them. “You guys hungry?” They both nod. “Then follow us. Lunch and then securing the facility is next. We should be able to leave in two hours.” Jinto aligns the detectors, tests the new configuration and set the monitoring system to ‘auto’. Any unauthorized entrance to the western half of the island would be relayed to them and Samson. This part was now secure and the satellite net was fully functional.

Jinto made a simple lunch. After that came the securing of the food stores, the shelter and addition. Lafiel had finished packing. She took very little, because nothing fit. A trip to the Vorash stores was in order. She did have her three formal gowns. She would have them altered at Vorash and there should be a package from Seelnay waiting with the Marquise. She looks at Jinto. “Ready to go?” He looks around one last time. “Yep Ready.”

The four of them head for the shuttle. It took little time for their belongings to be stored. Risch released the docking clamps and lines. Noel left the dock and headed for the open lake and then departed. Once clear of the planet she heads for her ship. Docked in the hold, then unloaded, they wait for the relief ship to arrive. They have about two hours to wait. Ekuryua shows them to their quarters. Then she and Risch head for the bridge. “You don’t know how good it feels to be somewhere I’m in control.” Risch just looks at her. “You’re telling me you were unhappy down there?” “No. I was very happy. I just was not in...” She keeps walking. “Guess I’m still a control freak. Well up here. It’s my ship and she’ll listen to me. We already made that agreement.”

Risch shook his head. “Admit it will you Noel. Having a laser pistol pointed at your head was very unnerving. Admit it, and get over it. Before it consumes you. We made a mistake by sneaking up on them. They’ve made it perfectly clear what will happen to those who try to show up unannounced.” They stood at the lift that leads to the bridge. “Noel. Go to the bridge. I’m headed to engineering. Let’s have dinner in my quarters tonight.” She shook her head. “Dinner in Captain’s mess, with them, tonight. You will show up?” He nods sheepishly. “Aye. Aye. Captain. Twenty hundred hours?” She pushes the up button. ”I’ll let them know. That’s a good time. I better ask how we should dress. Because formal, Lafiel did not bring.” The door opens she kisses him. ”Later Risch.” She steps into the lift and the door closes. He turns and heads for engineering.

The door opens. The bridge was alive with activity. “Captain. We are being hailed. It’s the Captain of the relief ship calling.” Ekuryua took the center chair. “Put them on the main display.” The display came on. She stood, a feeling of panic came over her. “You’re.” The ears gave him away. “Is my sister on board?” Ekuryua’s voice failed her. “Captain Ekuryua. Is my Sister on board?” She nods. Finally her first officer rescues her. “Yes Captain Ablïarsec, Her Highness is aboard.” He smiles. “I’d like to talk to my sister as soon as you can put her on. Do not tell her who it is.” Ekuryua finally spoke. “I’ll connect you immediately.” She presses a button the display went off. She fell back in her seat. “Captain. Are you alright?” Ekuryua nods. “It’s been a trying day. Too full of surprises.”

Jinto and Lafiel had just settled in. They had a week until they reached Vorash. They were going to relax on the way. They planned on minimum contact with the crew, so they were dressed accordingly. The communications console display lamp flashes. Jinto reaches over, he figures it was Ekuryua inviting them to dinner. So he very casually answers it. “Yes Captain. What is it.” The video and sound shock them both. “Good afternoon Count Hyde. Can I speak with my sister. Alone?” Lafiel grabs a robe. She was out of viewing range. Jinto had to sit there. She puts on the robe and turns the display towards her. As she does, she manages to toss Jinto his pants and a shirt, out the range of the viewer. Jinto slips his clothes on and leaves the room.

“Yes brother. What’s is on your mind?” The display flickers. “Did father visit you?” Lafiel sat down she adjusts the display to see him better. He was genuinely worried. “Yes. We had a good talk, he was well and did not fight with me. Why do you ask?” “Did he tell you about her?” Lafiel stares at the display. “HER? He said he was going to start looking again. You’re telling me, he’s found himself another companion?” “Yes sister and you’re not going to be happy about his choice.” “Well I told him she had to be at least forty years older than I.” “Well she fits that part. Did he tell you who she was?” “No. Do you know?” He smiles. “You know her as well. You did go to school with her. She was the senior cadet of the class.” Lafiel explodes. “He’s dating the only friend I had at school. Although I’ve not seen her in ten years I’m going to kill him!”

“Sorry Sis to break the news to you. That’s why I’m here. So he can’t use the planet while you’re away. I know you’ve upgraded the island security. I don’t want to know about it. I’ll just let you know. I don’t approve of his choice and I’m going to do everything in my power to derail his little fling. When he finds me here. He’ll know that you know as well. Sorry to spoil your trip Sis. I’ll keep the place safe. See you in eight weeks then.” The display went blank.

Lafiel sat there and stewed. The more she thought about her brother’s words. The madder she became. Then she took a pillow and beat it into submission. She finally fell asleep.

Jinto had made his way to the engineering department. Risch was surprised to see him there. “What happened? Made her mad already?” He shook his head. “Her brother just called her. He wanted to talk alone. So I wandered down here.” Risch shows him around. This ship is the newest model. The improvements made over the one he and Lafiel had served on made it seem primitive by comparison. “Engineer. Is Count Hyde with you?” Risch addresses the panel “Yes he is.” “He needs to return to his quarters immediately!” Jinto flew out of the engineering section. He was to their cabin in no time. He opens the door. The room is a wreck. Lafiel’s lying prone on the bed. The shreds of a pillow lay everywhere, Jinto stands there taking in all surrounding him. Should he wake her? No. Should he stay in the room? Yes. He pulls up a chair and begins to watch Lafiel. She was in a restless sleep. He knew it would not be very long till she was awake.

Finally, she rolls over. Her eyes open and she sees Jinto. “Sorry. I wrecked the room. It’s my father, but you will have to wait till I can tell you without exploding again. It does concern his new girlfriend. He’s deceived me. He’s been dating for sometime now and I KNOW HER, very well in fact.” She was glowing red. Jinto looks at her. “Ok Lafiel. Settle down. You need to finish your nap. I’ll head for the lounge.” She stops him. “Jinto. Stay here. Stay with me. Don’t leave me till I can get a handle on my emotions.” She reaches over to the dresser. “Father gave me this book before we left. Why don’t you look at it while I sleep. Okay?”

“Captain? Are we going to monitor all of the communications between these two and whom ever contacts them?” Ekuryua looks at the first officer. “No. Not all. Just the abnormal ones.” Opening a channel to the engineering department. She paged Jinto back to his cabin. The COM link closed she sat back in her chair. “I wonder if dinner is a good idea tonight?” Her first officer approaches her. “Your orders. Captain.” She looks at the display. “Vorash. Best speed possible. We will stay there a week or as long as they wish. After that is a trip to the Hyde System. We will refuel there and then, well we will see.” The ship was approaching the Sord a space-time shot was generated and they gently slid into the plane space.

“Captain. They’ve entered the Sord and we are on station in high orbit above the planet.” He looks at the planet on the display. “Don’t worry Sis. Your home is in good hands.” He addresses the bridge. “Nothing gets closer than point seven-five lights seconds away. “They get one warning. Any closer, fire across their flight path. If they fail to stop then stop them. Any Questions?” There were none.

Lafiel slept, it was not a sound sleep. Jinto sat reading the book Debeusec had given Lafiel. It was an accurate portrayal of the Abh as seen from the lander’s viewpoint. The more he read, the more he realized that over coming the stereotypes portrayed in that book, was going to be quite an obstacle. He figures Lafiel should be a little more relaxed before she reads the book. Lafiel’s stirring brought him around from reading the book. She had kicked the covers off and was now shivering in bed. He stands and moves towards the bed. He gently covers Lafiel. She relaxes and smiles. He returns to his seat and continues reading.

Another hour passes. Jinto was half way through the book. His creunoc flashed, he steps out of the room to answer it. Captain Ekuryua was on asking if he and Lafiel would join her for dinner. Jinto responded that Lafiel was asleep and he did not plan on waking her anytime soon. “When she wakes up. I’ll ask her about it. Until then you will have to wait.” Ekuryua said that she would wait.

Jinto closed the link and steps back into the room. Lafiel had not moved a muscle. He picks up the book and starts reading it. The next section had to do with the educational system that the UMK had established. Now there were notes written in Abh in the margins. The more Jinto read the more he realized that they were Plakia’s words and impressions. He always wondered how she had such a broad understanding of the UMK.

Another hour had passed and he was getting hungry. Seeing that he and Lafiel had eaten at the same time and she had had only a light snack. He was sure she was hungry as well. At that moment a loud tummy growl from Lafiel confirmed his suspicions. She turns towards him, sits up on the edge of the bed and notices he is reading the book. “Good. You got a start on it. Is it interesting?” Jinto stands up and walks over to her. Opening to a page crammed with Plakia’s notes. He puts the book in Lafiel’s lap. “The reading material is pretty standard lander fair. However the comments bear a lot of reading.” Lafiel looks at the book. She instantly recognized the handwriting. “More words from mother I see. Well Jinto. When you’re finished. I’ll read it as well. Then we can discuss it before we get to Vorash.” Another rumble from Lafiel fills the room. “Now we eat. Okay?” Jinto contacted Ekuryua and arranged for dinner. Lafiel freshened up and they left for the Captains dining room.

Ships of the line have the best kitchens in the Empire. Ekuryua’s frigate was especially well equipped. It was outfitted to care for the Count and Viscountess. A meal of such proportions they had not seen in recent history. Lafiel sat down. Jinto sat next to her. Ekuryua and Risch sat across from them. The head of the table, normally the Captains position remained empty. Lafiel made mention of that fact and Ekuryua answers. ”I’m having dinner with my friends. This is a very informal gathering. Sitting in that seats takes away from the intimacy of the meal.” Lafiel looks at Ekuryua. “You’re not in uniform.” It was true neither Ekuryua nor Risch were in uniform. They were all dressed casual. The table started to take on the atmosphere of the meals on the planet. It became very relaxed. Lafiel was pleased. “Can all our meals be this way?” Lafiel inquired. “I don’t see why not. The crew has been instructed to leave us alone while we are dining. Are you feeling better now Your Highness?”

Lafiel stares at her. “You listened in didn’t you?” Ekuryua nods. “Just following my orders. Making sure no harm comes to you. That’s why I sent Jinto back to you. He was in engineering and would have stayed for who knows how long had I not ordered him back to your cabin. It was better you coming around and finding him there. Was it not?” Lafiel sat there. “Ekuryua this is a wonderful dinner. I am enjoying it. However after it is done. You and I need to speak of this and other matters. Alone.” She took another serving of the fish and sipped her drink. Ekuryua did the same. Risch looks at Jinto. “Engineering tour once we are finished eating? You barely saw anything when you were down there earlier. I think you would be impressed.” He looks to Lafiel, she nods her head. “Sure I’d be happy to go.” The balance of dinner went quietly along. They finished and went on their separate ways.

The door closed. Lafiel locks it. She turns to Noel. “I have had it! I want to see those Orders of yours now!” Ekuryua enters data into the terminal, a file opens and the orders come into view. Lafiel read the orders carefully. She frowns. “Grandmother! Don’t I ever get a moment’s peace?” She looks at Noel. “She’s got you spying on us. Do you really want to do this?” Ekuryua sat back. She stares at the ceiling. “No. I don’t. That’s why I’ve not forwarded anything to the Capital since I got to the planet.”

She pulls up another set of documents. “Read these.” Lafiel looks at the display. There were two inquiries: one from Atosuryua, the other from Ramaj both looking for information. “Those arrived before we entered the Sord. I won’t answers Atosuryua’s, but I can not ignore Ramaj’s requests.” She says to Lafiel. “So what do we do? How can we answer your grandmother. Knowing that your father has been there? We say one thing and he says another and I’ll be out in the farthest rings of the Empire scouting for daylight.” She had the look of someone cornered and with no means of escape.

Lafiel read her emotions. “We will tell my grandmother enough of the truth that she will be satisfied. My father rarely converses with her. So we should be safe. I’ll submit the report and you will transmit it when we arrive at Vorash.” She then looks quite disturbed. “As for Atosuryua. I’ll have a little chat with her when we reach the Hyde system.” Noel quietly nods her head in agreement. “Lafiel. I’ll still tap in on your communications from time to time. Those are my orders unless you can get them changed.” Lafiel frowns. “This cabin is off limits. What Jinto and discuss in here is no ones business. Can we agree on that at least?” Noel sat there stone-faced. She would not answer Lafiel’s question, at this time. She stands and says to Lafiel. “I think we are done for now. I’ve got a ship to run. I will give thought to all you have said Lafiel.” Noel unlocks the door and exits the cabin. Jinto was coming back from engineering. She breezed past him like he was not there.

Entering their quarters, Lafiel motions to Jinto not to speak. She held a note. It said. “Give me your creunoc.” He hands her the device, she picks hers off of the table. She sat them side-by-side and starts them transmitting. Soon a white noise was being generated. It was annoying, but close conversation could occur. She whispers in his ear. “Jinto our quarters are being monitored. Make no sudden or loud noises.” For the first time, in a long time Lafiel could see anger in Jinto’s eyes.

She continues. “There is one place where we can talk in peace, the shuttle in the hold. Once there I can explain everything. I’ll need to disconnect the shuttle from the ships master crystal first. We must talk before we get to Vorash.” Jinto nods. “I’ll end the noise and we will continue with a boring conversation while we write our real plans down Okay?” Jinto nods and kisses her on the cheek. She shut down the noise generator and they finalized their plans.

The plan called for Jinto to wander back to engineering and silence the hold hatch alarm. Once that was accomplished. Lafiel would enter the hold disconnect the Shuttle from the master crystal and change the combination of the hatch. Then, only she and Jinto would have access to the hold and the shuttle. The plan worked because Ekuryua was not thinking Lafiel would take such drastic action so soon after her conversation. Lafiel had learned at Febdash, that a swift strike while all were content had the best chance of succeeding.

Jinto joins her in the hold. They went aboard the shuttle and Lafiel finishes her plan. “Watch this Jinto.” She switches the viewer to life signs. It shows their life signs moving towards their quarters and entering the room. The readings then show that they have retired for the time being.

“They think we are resting and we are actually here. I doubt if we can fool them more than once. But this time I have some very important information I wish to share with you.” Jinto understood Lafiel had gone to great lengths to get a moments peace. He was ready to listen.

“First off Jinto. I’ve see Ekuryua’s orders concerning us. She is to gather any and all information she deems necessary and forward it to grandmother.” Jinto winced. “Second, and much more important is Father’s new fling.” She stood there trying to control her seething anger. “Kilo Commander Kobasch.” Jinto stood motionless, that name meant, that. ”You’re right Jinto. My only friend and squadron commander from Captains school.”

She paused at first. She could not look him in the face. Then she finally made eye contact. “I was younger then. I’d had just met you and then been suddenly pulled apart from you. I had all of these feelings and emotions that I could not express or understand. Rena helped me understand and well she got me to express things that I did not understand. However we became too close.” She stops her eyes get misty. “Jinto for a time. I was in love with her.”

Jinto let her continue. “Plakia was dead. You were gone. I was taking up a challenge that had me overwhelmed. You realize I was the youngest person there. The ‘Royal Brat’ is what they would call me. I was withdrawing, hiding only going to class. Never mingling with the others. After Clasbul, I knew I could not survive on my own. I realized then you had really saved me from myself. Had I taken off on my own. I would have gotten captured and probably died. Rena helped me get over those fears and for that I fell in love with her. She helped me be able to make the friends at Captains school that I did and to graduate with the honors that I received. She was understanding, but still upset, when I broke off our relationship.” Her face reddens. “She could not have me. So now she’s gone after Father!” She buries her head in Jinto’s chest and weeps quietly.

Jinto stands there carefully thinking of what he wants to say. “So that’s why you were so aloof when we got to the Basroil? You had just broken off a serious relationship.” She held him tighter. “I want you to know Lafiel. You’ve been the only person in my life and I can tell you when I decided that. It was when you rescued the former Baron and myself. On Clasbul you reaffirmed those feelings. However I could never express them to you. Those three years apart from you were murder. Yes, the studies took most of my free time. But there were those lonely holiday times. Where most had somewhere to go and I just sat there, thinking? Most of my close friends knew of you. It’s just they did not know about you. Who you were or how we met.

When I got to the Basroil. I wanted immediately to take you in my arms. But your greeting was so strange. Now I know why. When we were in the escape pod. I wanted to tell you everything, but you were grieving over the loss of the Basroil. Then we wound up at Lobnas.” She held him even tighter to the point that breathing was becoming difficult. “Lafiel relax. I need to breathe.” She relaxed her grip, raised her head from his chest. The tear streaked cheeks and red eyes greeting him. “You never looked at another person. It was only I?” Jinto smiles. “Noel would have been the only other person. But we share nothing in common. She had to kidnap me to find out you were the only love in my life. Don’t get me wrong. If she were to die, I would be sad.” Lafiel’s eyes narrow, “However if anything were to happen to you. I’d be devastated to the point it would be hard for me to function. I’ve come close to losing you. I don’t want to do it again.”

Lafiel steps back. She takes Jinto’s hands. “Rena knows all my secrets and weakness. Now Father will have that information to use against me, if he wishes.” Jinto smiles. “Well we need to fix those problems of yours. If you can deal with your problems and fears out in the open, then they have no hold on you. As for the secrets, we need to discuss those as well. You don’t have to tell me everything. But the more I know. The more I can help you defend against being attacked.”

She stood there. He was not upset she had an affair. It was almost if he had known about it all along. How could he be so accepting of her transgression. So is this what landers call being dedicated to one person no matter what happens? She steps into to his arms, she says. “Jinto Lynn. I love you more than life itself.” She held him firmly. He returns the hold. “Jinto we need to get back before we are discovered missing.” Jinto agrees. They leave the hold. Lafiel returns everything to normal and they return to their cabin. They had succeeded in getting away with it this time. It would be another six days to Sord Vorash. They proceed to settle in for the rest of the trip. Knowing at Vorash they would regain their freedom.

Fitted with a brace Admiral Spoor stood looking at the treadmill. Her muscles had atrophied and her back was still smarting. Kufadis stood next to her. “It’s simple Admiral. You get on here, start to walk and...” Spoor stares at him. “You oaf. I know how a treadmill works. Why do I have to be restrained so I can hardly move?” The doctor enters the room. She had Spoor lift her legs one at a time. She then adjusted the brace to allow about sixty percent of normal movement. “We will start here Admiral. A little bit more each day till you have full movement. Then we can work on getting you, on you feet completely.”

Spoor starts walking. Her first few steps were very unsteady. Kufadis stood alongside her. Watching her every move it did not take very long and she lost her balance. Two quick moving arms around her waist gently held her till she could get her feet back beneath her. She regains her footing and looks at him. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you Kufadis?” He smiles “Okay Admiral. Here we go again.” She starts walking at a slower pace this time. Kufadis was right there beside her. She felt quite secure and protected. The session lasted a half-hour. She soaked in the hot tub for another fifteen minutes. Then Kufadis wheeled her back to her room. “Would you want dinner in the room, or would you rather I take to the dining hall?” She says to him. “I’ll eat here. When I go to the dining hall. It will be on my own two feet, understand?” Kufadis nods he knew her pride was still intact.

Kenesh was floating with displays twinkling and blinking around her. She had requested and finally got Admiral Kotoponi’s battle logs. They made interesting viewing. Entering the room. Ramaj views Kenesh’s interest in the one view she was slowly analyzing. “Find something?” Kenesh rolls on her side. “Yes the details are not too great. But this bears a lot of investigation. The scene is that of the EM shot hitting Spoor’s command ship. “Watch this.” She starts the display again. The shot seems to come from Nastoyia’s flagship. “I need Trife’s logs. Spoor’s ship was too badly damaged. Her central crystal storage was... It’s a miracle they made it to normal space.” Ramaj studies the scene. “I wonder why the Major did not mention this in his report? Then throw in the gap in Nastoyia’s fleet logs. Okay. Kenesh. You’ve convinced me that something very wrong has happened. We need to get to the bottom of this before the Rebels can be dealt with. I’ll start looking for replacement staff. Who ever fired that shot is in a lot of trouble.” She leaves the room.

Kenesh knew that Ramaj held Admirals Trife and Spoor very dearly. They were always asked to do the impossible in the early years of the war and they had preformed flawlessly. Now a fellow Abh had assaulted both of them. She knew Ramaj’s sense of justice would cloud her judgment. Getting to the bottom of this had become a top priority. She shut down the displays and stabilized the gravity. Walking out of the conference room she thought. “This was not an accident of battle. That shot was aimed on purpose and fired in anger.” She continues down the corridor. There was going to be trouble and she knew it.

Sitting with the book in her lap. Lafiel raised her head. ”Jinto what does this mean? Should we ever defeat the Abh, a galactic holiday should be started, deep in traditions, a celebration of all world cultures? Jinto what is a holiday? Is it like a vacation?” She looks very puzzled. Jinto brought up the translator. Since the word holiday meant vacation in Abh he needed to give her the landers definition. “Lafiel have a look at this.”

The definition was being displayed, the word, holiday. A day free from work that one may spend at leisure, especially a day on which custom or the law dictates a halting of general business activity to commemorate or celebrate a particular event. A religious feast day; a holy day, a day fixed by law or custom on which ordinary business is suspended in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person.

She stares at the display. The word religion stuck in her mind. “Jinto what is Religion? Why are the landers so fixed on that idea? Where is this God of theirs? How come we have never met it in battle?” Jinto stops her. “I’m not a good source for religious teaching. When we get to the Hyde system. Lina can maybe answer all of your questions. But I’ll have to see if she is available when we get there.”

Lafiel looks at the book, she places a bookmark in it and proceeds to the display. “Show me more information on the holidays. Reference: Vorash Kingdom. Planet Delkto.” The display danced, a list of holidays appears. Lafiel reads the list.

“Jinto what date Vorash time will we arrive?” Jinto looks at his creunoc. “If there are no delays, we should arrive on the twenty-eighth day of the month of Harvest. Why do you ask?” Her fingers were dancing across the display. “Jinto there is a holiday very close to the time we arrive. It’s called All Hallow even. Have you heard of it? Is occurs on the thirty-first day of the month of Harvest.” Jinto racks his brain. The term did not mean anything until he crossed referenced it to Martine time. The month of Harvest equaled the month of Oktober on the Martine calendar and the last day was. Halloween. “Oh my! That day! Yes. I’m aware of it. How does the computer say it’s celebrated?”

“There are several definitions, but most of them reference this fact. The evening of Harvest 31 All Hallow even observed especially by children in costumes who solicit treats, often by threatening minor pranks.” It goes on to define costume parties and what are normal Tricks or Treats? She looks at him. “Trick or treat? What does that mean?” Jinto points to the display and Lafiel says. “The computer gives too much conflicting information. It would take a couple of days to figure it all out.” She looks at Jinto. He was smiling. “You know don’t you?”

Jinto sat next to her. He typed in the data for the Martine celebration of Halloween. Lafiel viewed the file several times there were videos of children in costumes going door to door. The scene then switched to the grown up parties. There were costumes, food and enjoyment. “I see. Can we go to one of these parties on Delkto? You think your friend Ku would join us?” She was sitting all smiles and very bubbly. She really wanted to attend a party and she could not have picked a better holiday.

Jinto sat there. “You know Lafiel a costume party would be a good idea. We can dress up and mix with everyone. You could know my friends and they could know you without tipping our hand.” A blank stare greeted those words. “Tip our hand? You mean not telling them I’m ABH! Is that it?”

Jinto was taken aback. He was ready to tell Ku. But the rest of his friends, he was not sure how they would receive him. He is bringing an Abh Princess with him, besides having to explain the new addition to his forehead. It was time for the truth and to express his feelings. He hopes she will understand. “It’s not only you. It’s me too.” He removes his Alpha. Pointing to his sense organ. He continues. “Last time I was there. I did not have this. It was going to take sometime to explain it to Ku. Could you imagine the response from let’s say twenty people, if I suddenly exposed this and you popped your ears into view?”

Lafiel took in a long look. “I see. So going to a party would be a bad idea?” She looks as if all the wind had been removed from her sails. Jinto senses this. “No. That’s not what I’m saying. We should go. But make sure we keep who we are to ourselves. We can tell Ku before we leave and he can inform the rest of my friends. Do you understand?” She smiles and nods. “We can plan when we get there. Okay?” Jinto kisses her cheek and smiles.

“Computer I need all information on the holiday Halloween. Planet Martine and then cross-reference it to planet Delkto. All hallows even. Then display it in my cabin when it is finished.” Ekuryua sat back in the center seat her first officer stood along side her and comments. “Captain are you going to go to the planet with them?” She leans over to him. “Maybe. May be not. Depends if my being there will put them in more danger than not being there. You have the bridge. I’ll be in my quarters if you need me.” She opens a Com link. “Risch. Meet me in my quarters when you get a moment.” She looks around the bridge. The ship was headed for another adventure and she was in control of the situation or so she thought. She left the chair and entered the lift. The level her quarters where on arrived. The door opens and she heads towards them. Risch rounds the corner and they entered her quarters together.

“Costumes and pranks. This holiday sounds like it might be fun.” Risch just shook his head. “Noel you’re planning on getting yourself shot if you keep this up. You’re constantly spying on them and now your going to invite yourself on a trip to a very strange and potently hostile world? You know nobody there. At least Count Hyde lived there. Don’t do this Noel. It’s wrong. You could cause a great calamity that would make the planet scene look minuscule by comparison.” She proceeds to ignore him. Diving deep into the data displayed. She completely immersed herself. She wanted to know everything related to Trick or Treat. However he would have the last laugh in this situation. It would not take long either.

Relaxing in his cabin Debeusec was thinking over everything that had happened on the planet. He was still several days from the Capital. The light flashed on the console. He answered it. “Your Excellency a Kilo Commander Kobasch is requesting to speak with you.” He requests she be put on. The connection was made.

”Rena you’ve made good time. I was not expecting you to arrive till sometime tomorrow.” The rounded face, with amber colored eyes stares back through the thick royal blue hair. “I guess you’ve not heard then. I’m not at the planet. In fact I’m about twelve hours behind you. I’m on an intercept course. We should rendezvous in eight hours.” Debeusec leans back. This information did not make sense. “I thought you were in rotation to guard the planet. If you’re not there, then who is?” The display twitched.

“My orders are to get you and take you directly to the Capital. This ship and its commander have been dispatched to the planet.” The picture of an attack vessel appears. The markings told him that he would not need to see the commander’s picture. “Who issued your orders Rena?” “Your mother did. Although Admiral Kenesh sent them, they are so worded, only Ramaj writes that way. I’m to get you and take you to her and then to Admiral Bebaus fleet. That is all I know. You will come willingly, because I’m authorized to use force to deliver you.” He leans closer her face was still fuzzy but the look of concern was very apparent. “No. I will come willingly. Should I have the transport captain slow down?” She smiles. “No. I’ve got everything set. The transport captain is aware of my approach. I’ll see you in eight hours Your Excellency.” The display went dark the light stops flashing. He leans back and looks out the window.

Ending the communication. Kilo Commander Kobasch turns to her first officer. ”You have the bridge. I’ll be in my quarters if you need me.” The first officer took the center seat and she left the bridge. In the lift on her way to her quarters she thought. “I love him, but this is very difficult. I wish he’d tell Ramaj and Lafiel about me. I feel like we are sneaking around.” The door opens and she went to her cabin to lie down. As hard as she tried the rest she needed was fleeting.

The brace removed. She was lying in bed on her back, gently bringing her legs one at a time towards her chest. Aboard ship she had always managed to exercise on a daily basis. Now her body did not want to co-operate. The lower limbs refused to be flexible like they were before. She started to exceed the doctor’s recommendation for the amount of exercise, when her body suddenly revolted. A massive muscle contraction took hold of her right leg, she yelled in pain.

Standing in the hallway Kufadis heard her scream, he ran into the room. He found her on her right side the right leg bent almost ninety degrees the thigh and calf muscles pulled taunt. “You fool. You had to over do it!” He pressed the call button. The staff was already on the way. A shot of muscle relaxer and some painkillers and she started to get better. Still the leg still would not straighten out. Kufadis gently massaged the muscle in her thigh. “Better?” she nods “Seems I can’t leave you alone for any amount of time without you getting into trouble.”

She frowns. The pain was still showing on her face. He could feel the muscle respond to the relaxer and his gently rubbing. “I really hope this little stunt has not set you back. I was hoping we could start walking around the base soon. You should see the ship. The repairs are almost complete and the modifications. Well you will be happy. We can out fight anything our size and the increase in speed and maneuverability should be impressive.” She looks at him. “We got a pretty health bill waiting for us then?”

Kufadis shook his head. “Seems Count Hyde is bank rolling this project. At least I’ve not seen a bill and Samson has never approached me on the subject. It seems whatever the ship has needed. It has appeared all of it first line equipment. We’ve been completely refitted. It’s completely new and it’s all integrated. Just as you had it laid out in your master plan for a fleet battleship. I guess you can say we are now a prototype. The fire power we carry is awesome.” She smiles. ”And how did Samson get his hands on my master plan? Which were locked in the safe in my quarters?” Kufadis looks at her. “Ah I dunno?”

She motions to him, he leans over, she kisses his cheek and says. “Liar.” He moves back and continues to massage her leg. “Kufadis?” He looks up to her. “Thank you for everything. However it hurts a little lower down my leg. You can stop rubbing my butt!” His fingers slid down to mid thigh. ”Right there. Keep rubbing.” He continues to rub the affected area. She looks at the ceiling and thought. “He’s really good, I wish I’d known this sooner, I guess I’ll have to keep him, I’ll ask him later.” His fingers finally gave out at the same time she drifted off to sleep. Covering her up he leaves the room and heads for the lounge.

“Approaching the transport Captain.” Kilo Commander Kobasch leans forward the display was still fuzzy. “Stop us with in shuttle distance. I’ll pick up our passenger.” The transport was already stopped its docking hold open the light shining out into space. “Holding position Captain. Just whom are we picking up?” She was heading off the bridge. “You’ll find out when I get back. Hold this position.” She launched the shuttle and picks up Debeusec.

Before she departs the transport she looks at him. ”Still the silent relationship? My crew is to know nothing?” Debeusec sat next to her he kisses her. ”For the time being. The time to announce our relationship is drawing closer. Be patient for a little longer my love. We don’t need to have problems this early in our relationship.”

She departs the transport and heads for the ship. Their special passenger took the crew aback. Debeusec went directly to his cabin Kobasch join him after they were under way. “Your son knows? Does that mean Lafiel knows too?” He took her hands. “I’m afraid so. She won’t be happy and I wanted this to start off happy.” She looks at him. “So now what do we do?” His answer was simple. “We wait and we keep going on the way we are.” It was not the answer she was expecting.

Lafiel storms into the room. “She knows! I’ll.” She stops and realizes that the room may be monitored. She grabs a writing pad. Jinto walks towards her. “I just got asked what I was going to wear to the party! We got so involved in the conversation that we forgot she’d be listening. So Jinto what do we do?” He took the pad and wrote. “Nothing, she wants to go then we can’t stop her, but, she won’t like Delkto. Unless she likes the smell of hair dye and very skimpy outfits.” Lafiel reading over his shoulder smiles, she forgot about the lengths she would have to go through. She was used to it, but Ekuryua. That should prove fun.

“Ready to go walking Admiral?” It had been three days since her over exercising incident. Kufadis was waiting for her. Wearing warm up suits. They proceed to take a walk around the base. Everywhere they went they were greeted with, ‘glad to see you up and around Admiral Spoor.’ She was happy to be able to move again without assistance. On her own not having to depend on... She slows. Kufadis comes alongside her. “Are you okay? Have you pulled something?” She assured him she was fine, a smile came across her face. She was no longer alone and it was making her happy. The walk ends. This was the shortest of three courses that they had chosen. When she became comfortable with this one they would move on to the next. The third course took her to the ship. They had agreed that was their final goal.

“Sord Vorash is thirty minutes off, all hands prepare for entry into normal space.” The message repeated itself. Lafiel whispers into Jinto’s ear. “Finally freedom. I’ll talk with grandmother when we get to the Marquise home. This nonsense must end. Now.” He agrees. The last six days had really put a strain on their relationship. But on the other hand they had figured out a way to communicate without speaking. Something that would come in handy sooner than they thought.

The docking with the station went of flawlessly. Jinto and Lafiel disembarked to the waiting embrace of Seelnay. “I’m sorry Your Highness. I could not finish it in time so I’ve come here to...” She stood speechless looking at Lafiel. She rubs her eyes and looks again. Then she moves closer to her. She looks Lafiel in the eye. Then gazes at her feet. She was wearing flat-soled shoes. “You’ve grown! It won’t fit now.” Lafiel suddenly shushes her. “We can talk later.” She looks at Jinto. “Why don’t you contact Ku and see what his plans are. I’ll head over to the Marquise home and contact grandmother. You can meet me there when you’re done.” Jinto nods he heads for the communication room.

Lafiel took Seelnay by the hand and lead her towards the Marquise home. “How much is completed?” Lafiel asks. Seelnay looks at her. “I have the top and bottoms done. I’ll need to extend the bottoms and refit the top. The rest should fit. It might be a little snug. I’ll just have to try it on you.” Lafiel says to her. “You have twenty four hours to accomplish this. I’ll need it for the party Jinto and I are going to.” Seelnay, always ready to please, accepted the challenge. They arrive at the residence.

“Staying on the ship?” Ekuryua was in her cabin. Risch had just popped his head in she was still reading. ”Some of these lander tradition look like they are a lot of fun.” She looks up. “They’re safe. I need time to figure this out. Costumes, pranks and rules of conduct.” She sat there studying it all. “Well I’m going ashore and the balance of the crew has left. So if you need me call me.” She waves to him as he exits. Leaving the ship he spots Jinto. He was returning from the communications center. “Risch where is she?” He points to the ship. “I see. You want to go to the party? Three is an unlucky number.” Risch looks at him. “A party on the planet with all those strange and hostile people. I don’t think so. Thanks anyway.”

Jinto stands there he was amazed by Risch’s answer. “You doing anything now?” Risch shook his head. Jinto grabs his arm. “We need to talk. You have some misconception about surface worlds that I need to remedy.” They walk towards the canteen. Several hours later they leave. Risch had agreed to go with him and Lafiel to the surface as Ekuryua’s escort. He was also aware of what the mode of dress was to be. He was looking forward to that as well. They parted company. Risch heads back to the ship and Jinto went to meet up with Lafiel.

Arriving at the Marquise residence. Jinto was escorted to where Lafiel and Seelnay were. As he approached the door he could hear voices from inside. “It’s beautiful. Even if I say so myself.” Seelnay said. “You really think he’ll like it?” as if on cue. Jinto opens the door. What he saw took his breath away. His Princess of the Empire was dressed as an exotic harem girl. The pale blue outfit revealed more of Lafiel than he would like and the very sheer veil left him in awe. “You like it Jinto?” He just stood there frozen to the floor. She walks over to him. The outfit was like a second skin it left very little to the imagination. “Well how do I look? Is this enough skin for the surface?” She was less than three feet from him. All he could see was her she looked naked, but yet she was clothed. “Ah wow! It’s pretty revealing. Almost too revealing.” He was having trouble taking his eyes off her. It was getting difficult to think. The costume had a bewitching effect on him. “So it’s that good. Huh?” He nods. “Think they will notice me?” Again he nods. She looks at Seelnay. “Jet black hair or should I try something different.” Seelnay never got time to answer.

Jinto was unconsciously drooling. Lafiel picks up on it. “Jinto. I’ve not seen this look before, even when I’m naked. Would you like to explain this to me?” Seelnay, sensing the conversation was heading in a direction, where there should be only two in the room, excused herself and closing the door behind her, she leaves.

Lafiel walks up to Jinto. He was in a daze. Removing the veil she kissed him and he nearly attacked her. She laced her fingers in his and flexed her wrist. The pain brought him around. “Ow! Lafiel what did I do?” She smiles. “It’s not what you did. It’s what you were thinking of doing.” He looks again. The pain had taken away the effect of the outfit. However she looked ravishing in it. It would definitely command attention at the party. In fact it might attract too much attention.

“Jinto I need to contact grandmother. Then Seelnay and I are going shopping. I need some new clothes. I’ll also drop off my formal outfits to be altered. Were you successful in contacting Ku?” Jinto nods. “I was. He is having a costume party on the thirty-first and the four of us are invited. I spoke with Risch. He has reluctantly agreed to come with us as Ekuryua’s escort.” Jinto smiles. “I told him everything that he needed to do before going to the planet. He wondered if Ekuryua would really go through it.” Lafiel chuckles. “Maybe I should get her when I go shopping. She will need a costume something fitting her character. I’m going to change. I believe Grandmother would have a fit if she saw me in this. I’ll talk to you before I leave and you can relax here while I’m gone. The Marquise has given us this entire wing for our use. The communications panel is over there. There are servants ready to help. So make yourself comfortable and I’ll be right back." She leaves the room. Jinto finds a large overstuffed chair and falls asleep in it.

“Grandmother. May I ask a question?” Ramaj was sitting in her office at the Capital. Lafiel’s request to communicate with her came as a surprise. “Yes Lafiel what is it you wish to ask?” The display flickers. “Why did you order Ekuryua to spy on Jinto and myself?” Ramaj’s was surprised. “Spy on you? That’s pretty harsh. I asked her to watch over you and see no harm came to you.” Lafiel interrupts. “By any means necessary. I’ve seen the orders. She took it literally. She’s listened in on our conversations including in our private quarters. You need to modify those orders. Or I shall take steps to do it myself. I’m not a prisoner of the Empire. Or am I?”

Lafiel had, had outburst before when she was growing up and Ramaj had always been able to side step them. This outburst was completely different. Lafiel had never implied anything bad about the Empire till her last statement. Ramaj knew she had to put an end to this now or risk losing Lafiel. She focused on Lafiel. “I’m sorry Lafiel. I will have the orders modified immediately. I hope no permanent discomfort came to you or Count Hyde over this matter. I wish I could talk with you longer but there are pressing matters I have to take care of. Again my darling and only granddaughter, I am truly sorry if my orders caused you any discomfort. I’ll contact you later when things calm down a bit Okay?” Lafiel stood there motionless. Ramaj had given in without much argument. Her comments weren’t that demanding. There must be something very important going on at the Capital. “Thank you grandmother. I will await you next communication.” Ramaj ended the call from her end. Lafiel stood looking at the blank display. Returning to the room she finds Jinto asleep. She leaves him a note and goes looking for Seelnay.

“I’m sorry Your Highness. I never thought the outfit would cause such a stirring in a person. I’ll alter it right away.” Lafiel glares at her. “You’ll do no such thing! You lay one hand on that outfit and I’d do something you won’t like. You understand me. Seelnay?” She nods. The look on Lafiel’s face was scary enough. She was not going to tempt fate any further. I need to contact Captain Ekuryua. Then the three of us need to go shopping. The Captain is going to the party with us and she will need a costume. I have an idea of something that would fit her personality. She motions to Seelnay and whispers in her ear. Seelnay turns red, then starts to giggle. “Your Highness! I’d guess her at a size three. It’s a popular size what color are you thinking of?” Lafiel looks at her. “Something dark. A brown or black, her hair should be the same color. Don’t you think?” Seelnay ponders the situation. “I need to see her again. I’m not sure of her eye and skin color. We don’t want her looking like a ghost. Do we?”

Lafiel lifted the creunoc to her lips. “Captain Ekuryua can you hear me?” The answer came almost immediately. “Lafiel. I was getting ready to call you. It seems my orders have been changed and I’d like to discuss them with you.” Lafiel smiles. In her thoughts she comments. “Thank you grandmother.” Then she says. “Noel can you meet me in the promenade across from the docking bay in about thirty minutes?” “That works for me. I’ll be there. Ekuryua out.”

“Seelnay. I need to gather my formal gowns. Then drop them off at the Marquise tailors. From there we will meet up with Captain Ekuryua. Then we are going shopping. I need some more everyday clothes. It seems I’ve out grown most of my wardrobe.” Seelnay was intrigued with this idea. She was going to help Lafiel pick out clothes and maybe later. She would be able to bathe her. Happy thoughts were flowing through Seelnay’s head. “Do we tell the Captain about her costume or do we just buy her one and surprise her with it?” Seelnay inquired. “Let’s play it by ear. But not let on as to what she’s getting. I figure she’ll be looking for something as well.”

Seelnay smiles. “Do you think she would be after the same type of outfit you’re thinking of Your Highness?” Lafiel gathering up her gowns heads for the door. “I don’t know Seelnay. It would be more than a coincidence if she did. You ready to go?” Seelnay walks towards the door. She’s thinking this is going to be more fun than it should be. A small smile creeps across her face. She shuts the door as they leave.

They head for the tailor’s shop. It takes less time than Lafiel figured to be measured for the alterations. She and Seelnay have some extra time on their hands. They sit in the coffee shop cross from the gangway that leads to the docking bays. Lafiel asks Seelnay how the repair / fuel depot is doing. She answers that all is well. Seelnay also adds that Admiral Spoor is up and walking around the base. Her recovery is ahead of schedule. Lafiel is relieved to hear that news. “That nice young officer. Kufadis. I believe his name is. Has been constantly at the Admirals side since she arrived at the depot. They seem to be spending a lot of time together.”

Lafiel was listening. “You don’t say Seelnay? Tell me more.” Seelnay went on about the modifications to Spoors ship. The walks they take around base. “I’ve seen them holding hands on occasion too.” Lafiel thought. “It’s about time you landed yourself a mate Painiach after you lost your first love. I figured you’d stay in solitude, it’s nice I was wrong this time.” “You’ll be able to see her when you come to the depot.” Seelnay stops. She looks at Lafiel. “You are coming to the depot aren’t you?” Lafiel assured her that they were going to come and Seelnay felt relieved. Glancing across the shop to the gangway, she spots Ekuryua. Standing and waving, she gets her attention and she joins them.

“Coffee black.” Ekuryua commands the vending unit. A fresh cup appears. She takes it and starts to drink it. ” I don’t know what you said to Ramaj. But I’ve been requested to refrain from monitoring you as closely as before. Fact of the matter is. You get to call the shots on what I do and don’t do.” She frowns. “She even requested if necessary. I let you have the center seat. That was not part of the deal Lafiel. I command the ship you are an ambassador.” Lafiel was surprised. It looks like Ramaj is upset about something. She really lowered the boom on Ekuryua. “It’s you ship and your command. Always has been. I don’t want the seat. You’re going to have to believe me on this one. We will just not comply with that request of Ramaj’s. Okay?”

Ekuryua sips her coffee. “She’s a witness. I’ll hold you to that.” Lafiel frowns. “Look Noel. You better start trusting us. I don’t know what’s gotten into you. But you need to change that attitude of yours and quickly.” Ekuryua smiles. “Had you going. Trick or treat!” Lafiel shook her head. “That’s not funny Noel. I’m not sure that’s how it works. We will ask Jinto after we get done shopping.” Ekuryua’s eyes lit up. “Shopping! That’s wonderful. I’ll need a costume.” She stops. “You know I’m going with you right?” Lafiel had this confused look on her face. “Costumes? I need some everyday clothes. You know I’ve outgrown everything I own.” Ekuryua’s heart drops. She went to leave. Lafiel grabs her jacket. “Gotcha!”

Seelnay sat there, knowing that neither one of them understood the meaning of phrase Trick or Treat. It looks like it was going to be up to her to explain to them the meaning of the holiday. “Sorry, you two have both missed the point.” Lafiel and Ekuryua both stare at her. She began to explain the history of the night before, all saints day. Lafiel was the first to grasp the meaning of the holiday. It took a little longer for Ekuryua to get the picture.

Since Abh’s don’t believe in religion Seelnay used the good versus evil approach. It took more time than she thought and it was getting late. The shops would soon close and they had not bought a thing. “We can continue this later. The stores are going to start closing soon. We really need to do some shopping.” Seelnay stood. Ekuryua and Lafiel followed her. They left the coffee shop and head for the general merchandise shop.

The first clothing store did not appeal to Lafiel. She did purchase a medium weight mid thigh jacket for those cooler evenings on the island. Walking into the next shop she stops. What greeted her were several manikins dressed in costumes of the holiday. Lafiel motioned to Seelnay when she got there. She whispers to her. “Look at the third one.” Seelnay looks. “It’s perfect. Get it in...” She pauses. “What do you think? The black or the dark blue?” Ekuryua had her back to them. Seelnay took a good long look. “The black Your Highness. It will go with any color hair and it will contrast with your costume.” Lafiel agrees. “Do it. I’ll keep her busy.”

Seelnay slips off. She told the sales clerk that they were getting the outfit as a surprise. But they needed to measure her without her knowing what it was for. The clerk told Seelnay to leave it to her. She walks over to Ekuryua. “Hello, miss. Can I help you?” Ekuryua turns around. “Well I was looking for something. But I’m not sure of what I want.” The clerk nods her head. “Well can I measure you? We have limited sizes here and if I know your size. I can direct you to outfits we have on hand.” The clerk and Ekuryua went to a dressing room. The clerk steps out. She motions to Seelnay. “Which outfit and what color?” She points to the third one and says. “Black.” The clerk nods. “Not a problem. We have several in that size and color.” Seelnay told her to box it separately and they would take it with them. Ekuryua came out of the fitting room. She starts looking around but she does not see anything she likes.

Lafiel, on the other hand had several outfits picked out, Long sleeve, short sleeve, sleeveless shirts and blouses long and short pairs pants and a new swimsuit. She was choosing personal garments when Ekuryua approached her. ”I’m not seeing anything here. I think I’ll go back to the ship.” Lafiel stops looking and turns towards her. “You and Risch will have dinner with us tonight at the Marquise residence. Casual dress.” Ekuryua looks at her. “Is this an order?” Lafiel turning back to the stack of garments says. “I’m not ordering you. But I want to impress upon you. I will be quite upset if you fail to show up Noel.” Ekuryua accepted. Lafiel told her dinner would be served at twenty one hundred hours sharp.

Ekuryua left the store and Lafiel finished her shopping. On their way back Lafiel asked Seelnay. “Do you think Ekuryua will be upset with my choice of a costume for her?” Seelnay smiles. “From what I’ve seen of her around the depot and what you have told me Your Highness. I believe you’ve bought the prefect costume for her and it’s as skimpy as yours is. You two will steal the party.” As Lafiel walks along she has another thought. “I wonder if we will start a riot at the party? Jinto said the more skin the better. So we should be fine.” They walk back to the residence.

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 11_Trick or Treat

Post by Diaho »

Lafiel enters the room where she had left Jinto sleeping. He had not moved a muscle. “Jinto I’m back. Wake up darling. We are going to have dinner guest in two hours.” He started to stir. “Two hours you say. Wonder what we can do for two hours?” She laughs. Not that. Not enough time for that. I went shopping. I would like for you to look at what I bought.” Jinto sat up then stands up from the chair. He walks over to Lafiel. “Let’s see what you bought.” She led him down the hall to their room. Packages and loose clothing were laid out on the bed.

Then there was one solitary box lying up by the pillows. Jinto reached for it Lafiel stops him. “We open that one last. There is a story that goes along with what’s in that box.” She shows Jinto everything that she had bought. His eyes popped opened at the new swimsuit. She took notice. “It not a flimsy as the last one was. I liked the color and the fabric, it is supposed to retain a better fit when wet. Well that’s what the clerk said.” Jinto could not wait till they returned. He convinced her to quickly model it. Since Lafiel was planning on changing for dinner. She slipped on the suit and walked around the room. Jinto was pleased with what he saw. She changed into her dinner outfit and told Jinto if he were good. He’d see a lot of that suit.

She put the balance of the clothes away and set the box in the middle of the bed. “I bought this costume for Noel to wear to the party. I wanted something that matched her personality. Something that would fit the theme of the holiday party.” Jinto listen carefully to what she said. “So what is in the box?” She lifted the lid and Jinto’s jaw dropped. “You really think she will wear that? You think she’s a witch?” Lafiel corrected him. “It’s a sorceress outfit, a purveyor of magic.” Jinto turns on the console. “That word has several meanings Lafiel. This is the most common one.” The art, practices, or spells of a person who is supposed to exercise supernatural powers through the aid of evil spirits; black magic; witchery. Lafiel looks at the display. “Given what we went through the last seven days. Most of that seems fairly accurate.”

Jinto picks up the outfit; there was not much to it. A three-tie halter style top and hip hugging shorts all in a shinny black silky looking material. It came with a matching cape that appeared to go to mid thigh that secured with a tie around the neck. She lifted the bottom of the box to expose the funnel shaped hat. “Well Jinto you think she will like it? I plan on giving it to her at dinner tonight.” Jinto shook his head in a strange manner. “I don’t know Lafiel. Be prepared for her to refuse it. If you go in expecting that and she accepts it so much the better. You know some people hate surprises.”

“Risch! We are going to be late. Get a move on!” He finished putting on his shoes and grabs his creunoc. ”On my way Captain.” They met at the gangway and head for the Marquise residence. “If we are late. She’ll be upset. That’s what she told me. Now let’s pick up the pace.” They almost ran through the station towards the residence. The people in the terminal area paid very little attention to two Abh's running around the station. They arrived winded, but on time. “I’m hungry now that’s for sure. That little jog helped you become hungry too, Noel?”

She stood looking at the residence. She was more fearful than in awe. “I need to tell you a secret before we go in.” Risch stood there. “I’m listening.” She took a deep breath. “Large formal homes have always scared me. This style especially. I need you to help me be strong in there. I don’t want to go into reasons behind my fear right now. Just accept the fact I fear this place and help me be comfortable in it.” He took her hand. It was clammy and she was trembling. He kissed her. “I swore an oath to defend you and the Empire to the death. I guess it’s time I did what I swore to do.” She squeezed his hand and they knocked on the door. The chief servant greets them and shows them to the dinning room.

Lafiel had argued with the staff. She wanted them to prepare a modest meal. It still could have fed twenty easily. Jinto greeted Noel and Risch asked them to sit, and that Lafiel would join them shortly. Lafiel enters and sits next to Jinto. Dinner was served small talk and polite conversation occurred throughout the meal. Finishing her meal Lafiel changed the tone of the evening. “Jinto since you made the arrangements for the party. Do you want to inform us of what will be expected. The “code of conduct” so to say?”

Jinto leans back. He had just finished his meal. “Well it is a costume party.” Noel went pale. Risch grabs her hand under the table. “Lafiel and I have managed to get costumes for both of you. But before we show you those. I’d like to tell you what you might expect. They do not use sobering drugs on the planet. So there is a good possibility that most of them will be acting under the influence of alcohol. I’ll give you a packet on the holiday and the normal events that may or may not happen.

Since it is a costume party. We are using it to conceal the fact that we are Abh. So part of the dress is a change in hair color.” Noel squeezes Risch’s hand tightly. “And the realization that any derogatory comments made about the Empire will be ignored. We should be able to have fun. But just in case. Seelnay will be our escort. She will be armed as well and most importantly, she will stay sober.” Seelnay had slipped into the room as Jinto was speaking she nods in agreement to his statement.


Jinto and Risch left for the drawing room. Noel, Lafiel and Seelnay head for a guestroom. Jinto enters the drawing room. He and Risch have a drink and sit down. “So you said nothing to her, I see.” Risch sips his drink. “Nope. Not a thing. Is she going to be surprised.” Jinto sat back. “I think you are going to be surprised as well. You’ve decided on your hair color?” Risch nods. “A dark silver gray. I once saw a photo with this distinguished looking gent and he had dark silver gray hair. Now what about my costume?” Jinto stands. He walks over to the closet. Opening the door he removes a top hat and dark suit, a long cape came with it. Risch looks at it. “Excellent. I can be the stylish gent in the photo. Now how are we working the dying of the hair?” Jinto walks back to his chair sit down, and picks up his drink. “Seelnay will do the final touches before we leave. So that means you need to be here around sixteen hundred hours on the thirty-first. We will leave here at no later than eighteen hundred forty-five hours. We will arrive planet side for the twenty hundred hours start. Any questions?” Risch shook his head and sips his drink.

Entering the guest room Lafiel’s costume was set out on the bed. Noel’s was still in the box. Noel saw the outfit on the bed and exclaimed. “You want me to wear that?” Lafiel looks at her. “No silly. That’s mine. Yours is in the box.” Nervously she opens the box, her expression changes. Lafiel looks at her. “Do you like it?” Noel looks in the box and then looks at the bed. Her costume had more material and looks like it would cover more of her than Lafiel’s did.

“Your Highness. I did the final alterations you really should try it on and see if it is correct.” Lafiel agrees. She changes into it and stands in front of them. Noel finds the outfit just as bewitching as Jinto had. “You’re really going to wear that in public and in front of a bunch of strange people?” Lafiel smiles. “Why don’t you try yours on. Let me see how you look in it.” Noel gave in and in a matter of moments was wearing the outfit. “So how do I look?” Lafiel opens the closet door a full-length mirror was mounted to the inside of it.

“Have a look for yourself. “ Noel wanders towards the door. Seelnay was behind her. The costume fit well, with a couple of exceptions. Seelnay moves up close behind her. “Hold still Captain. I’ll just mark this spot.” She made a mark in the back where the fabric bulged out. “Now turn around. We need a little tuck here and shorten the piping here. Stand still Captain.” She went for a robe in the closet. “Here, slip this on and give me the costume. I’ll just be a minute.” Seelnay leaves the room. Noel looks at Lafiel. “Is there nothing she can’t do?” Lafiel smiles. “Nothing yet. She hand made this costume for me. She did Jinto’s for him and she found Risch’s. Besides that she gives the most wonderful baths and basically looks out for me. It took her a while to accept Jinto as my lover. But she’s willing to serve. One day I’ll tell you how we met.”

Noel looks around the room. It was reviving old memories. She was starting to panic. “Lafiel. I need to share a secret with you now! Before I have another panic attack.” Lafiel stood there confused. “Explain yourself better. I don’t unders...” Before she could finish Noel had wrapped herself around Lafiel. She was clammy and trembling. “Houses like this one remind me of when I was little.” She pauses. “You know my father was murdered in a house very much like this one and I was the one who found the body. I was five. I’ve always been scared of houses like this one, in rooms like this. Just hold me Lafiel please hold me!” She openly wept. About that time Seelnay enters the room. Lafiel quickly explains what had happened to Seelnay. They spend the next ten minutes calming Noel down.

“You want to try this on again?” Noel nods. She helps her on with the costume it now fits like a glove. “What color hair do you think I should have?” Seelnay puts the cape and hat on her. “Something dark. A dark brown or black.” She looks into her eyes. They look more green than blue in the dark outfit. “Maybe a dark red. What do you think Captain?”

She was looking in the mirror. Trying very hard to concentrate on the costume and leave her emotions not play into her decision. “Lafiel. What color are you using?” The answer was simple. “Black.” She continues to look. “How about dark reddish brown. Is that possible?” Seelnay answers that was possible. “Should I go get the guys now?” Lafiel looks to Noel. “You want to show off to the guys?” She smiles. “Yeah sure. Why not? Go get them Seelnay.” Seelnay leaves the room.

Jinto and Risch had finished discussing the finer parts of a surface world party. Risch would bring Noel up to speed on the ship later. Seelnay enters the room, “Count Hyde. Mister Risch. The Princess and the Captain request the pleasure of your company.” She stands there. “Before I take you there I need to speak with Mister Risch. Alone.” Seelnay steps into the hall Risch follows her. Jinto stood out of hearing range. But the body language was telling volumes. Risch nods Seelnay motioned to Jinto. He follows them down the hall.

Opening the door Lafiel and Noel stood there. Noel in her outfit, with cape and hat. Lafiel in her outfit, with veil and trimmings. Risch looks at Noel. His eyes bug out. But the best was yet to come. Noel had her arms under the cape. The next moment she brought them straight out to her side. The cape raised, it revealed that the costume fit her like a glove and the effect it had was mesmerizing. “Risch. Risch!” He shook his head. “Yes?” She laughs. “You’re drooling, honey. You need to stop that. It’s not very becoming.” She looks over to Jinto and Lafiel. ”I see you have the same problem too.”

Jinto answered her. “Oh. I’m aware. I’m drooling this time. It’s just that Seelnay is too good at what she does.” Seelnay shrugs her shoulders. “Hey. When you’ve got a perfect canvas to work with. How can you not avoid making a masterpiece. Everything looks good on the two of them. They even look good naked. Wish I could say the same for myself. Now don’t mess those costumes up. I spent a lot of time working on them.” She goes to leave the room. Before she does Lafiel addresser her. “Wait Seelnay.” She looks to Noel. “Draw a bath for two. Please.” Seelnay squeals with delight and leaves the room. Lafiel looks at Noel. “You’ve had a bad enough day, and you really need a relaxing bath. We can talk more about your fears too.”

She looks to Jinto. “You guys go do some guy stuff. While we girls bathe Okay?” Jinto looks at Risch. “Another drink?” Risch answers. “Yep”. Walking down the hall Risch comments. “They do look very nice dressed up like that.” He stops and Jinto does the same. “You think we might have to fight for their honors? Fend off your friends at the party? You did say they would probably be influenced by alcohol.” Jinto smiles. “The proper terminology is drinking alcohol and drunk by influence. Fight for their honor? Maybe, if we let things get that far out hand. Remember they are two combat-trained Star Forces officers. They won’t readily be taken in.” At least that’s what Jinto hoped. Now Risch had given him something else to think about. The evening of the thirty-first will be interesting. Arriving at the drawing room Jinto pours them both a drink. They sat and continued the present line of discussion.

Putting the costumes neatly on the bed and donning robes. Lafiel and Noel head for the bathing room. Here is where the grander and splendor of the Marquise house shown. It was a large and ornate in ground tub fed by several fountains and jets of warm bubbling water. Seelnay had set the temperature to forty C. She gathered her cleaning supplies and piling a large stack of soft absorbent towels nearby. Lafiel opens the door to the room and the scent was heavenly. “Seelnay I want to soak first. Add a little rose oil to the water. Then we will call for you Okay?” Seelnay smiles. She helps them into to the tub. Adding the rose oil she says. “I’ll be in the drying room. I can hear you from there. Just call when you are ready.”

The floating tray contained her favorite beverage. A container of lope was conveniently next to the teal non.” Noel? Do you like teal non?” Lafiel asked. Noel was floating. The stress of the day leaving her body and it was being replaced by the calming noises the tub made. “It’s okay. Not my favorite. I think I’ll pass.” Lafiel’s excitement about seeing Ku and going to the party was infectious. They spent an hour speaking of it and tackling Noel’s fears. “Ready to be bathed Noel?” She nods. “Seelnay we are ready. Do the Captain first. I want to soak a little longer.”

Seelnay enters the room. She starts to gently wash Noel. Not being use to this kind of treatment, she was unsure of how to respond. Seelnay sensed her apprehension and said. “Just relax Captain. I’m very good at what I do. The Princess will attest to that. Although the first time I bathed her, I was a little clumsy.” With that she proceeds to tell Noel of how she and the Princess met, the rebellion at Febdash and the death of the Baron. How Lafiel had helped her become, Seelnay and Company and most of their adventures together. Noel just sat in amazement. She watched Lafiel the whole time. Only three times did Lafiel correct Seelnay’s story. Lafiel had taken this woman who had no future and not only gave her the future she desired, but the added purpose of serving Lafiel. Seelnay was doing all of this willingly. Never once being ordered to.

So this is the commanding respect I’ve always heard about, but have never seen. Noel thought. Rinsing her off and escorting her from the tub to the drying room Seelnay spoke. “She’s a good person, I’d gladly give my life to save hers.” She took a stern tone to her voice. “Captain Ekuryua. Your are responsible for the Princesses welfare is that not correct?” Lying on the table face first. Noel spoke. “Yes I am. Why do you ask?” Seelnay drying her shoulders responds. “She means everything to me. I will be very upset if anything bad was to happen to Her Highness. That’s why I’m very happy to be your escort to the planet. I just wanted you to know where I stand and how I will react if she is threatened.” Noel lies there. “I see and I do understand Seelnay. We can speak more of this tomorrow.” She rolls her over and finishes drying and oiling Noel. It’s been heaven, although a little view of Seelnay’s hell has been revealed.

Dried, oiled and sitting in a robe. Noel watches as Seelnay washes Lafiel. It was a long and involved process especially her hair. Once she was done Seelnay escorts Lafiel to the drying room. Noel follows. Seelnay proceeds to give Lafiel the same treatment she had given her. This time she notices that the years were not being kind to Seelnay’s hands. They were red and looked very sore. Undaunted Seelnay finished giving Lafiel the royal treatment. Drying her hair and putting on her robe on her, Seelnay gathered up her supplies and drained the tub. They went back to the guestroom, put on causal clothes and went to meet up with Jinto and Risch.

Entering the drawing room Noel spoke. “I feel wonderful. It was very nice. Thank you Seelnay.” Seelnay smiles. “If there is nothing else. I’ll finish straightening things up.” Lafiel could think of nothing else. Seelnay excused herself from the room. Noel watched as she left. She was rubbing her already inflamed hands. Noel returned to the conversation that was underway. The topics varied, finally it was getting late and Noel did not want to spend the night in the mansion. Her fears were in check. But she was not willing to see how far she could go, at least not yet. Bidding their good nights they left.

On the way back to the ship, Noel kept looking back at the mansion till it was out of sight. “Leaves you a bit shaky, still?” Risch asks. “Not as much as it first did. When we get to the ship. I’ll describe everything to you. Lafiel is a very complex woman. I’m just now seeing the surface. I now know why Atosuryua wants her to be Empress. I also understand why she will never be one. I’m glad I don’t have to live her life. I think, I’d go insane if I had to make all of the choices she has had to.” They arrive at the gangway to the ship. She kisses him. “Tomorrow that coffee shop over there fourteen hundred hours. Don’t be late.” He nods. They enter the ship and head for their separate quarters. Sleep comes almost instantly to Noel. The bath was very relaxing. Risch enters his quarters before he retires he goes over the things he and Jinto have discussed. Then he reflects on Noel’s hidden fear. “I knew she was vulnerable. I knew somewhere her armor had a weak point, but I would have never guessed it was there.” It took sometime but sleep finally came to him.

“Whoa! Slow down Admiral. You’re going to hurt yourself again.” She was not listening. The pace she was setting was intense. The brisk walk had gone past jogging and was on its way to marathon running. Kufadis was having trouble keeping up with her. Although she was slower, she made up for it in the stride she took.

Her long legs were covering more territory than his did. She was ten meters ahead of him when it happened. She started to slow and finally limp. As he approached he could see the muscle spasm in her right leg. Slowing to a brisk walk he came up beside her. She was in great pain. Rubbing the calf muscle for a few minutes relieved the spasm.

“I don’t get it. You push yourself past the stopping point. Then have to get that last little extra and this is what happens. Do you realize how much ground you have given up because of your stubbornness? Well do you?” Spoor gingerly puts weight back on the leg and slowly turns towards him. He had just stood up and was adjusting his jacket. She lunged at him. The leg gave way and they both tumble to the ground.

Not only was her pride hurt. Now her left knee was scraped as well. She lay across Kufadis lap pinning his legs with her body. His upper torso was ninety degrees to the ground. The opportunity presented itself and he took it. The first hand landed firmly across her bottom. “I’m tired of you acting like a spoiled child. I’ve spent all of this time trying to help you get going again and you and your self destructive ways.” A second hand fell where the first had landed. “You want to act like a spoiled child? Fine I can treat you like one.” A third hand starts to fall. She pushes herself out of the way. Leg, knee and now bottom stinging, she gingerly sat on her bottom and faces him.

“You really think I’m a child? A spoiled one at that? How dare yo...” She stops. She rethinks and she looks again. “You know. You might have something their Kufadis. It just that Count Hyde and the Princess will be here soon and I wanted to be able to.” Kufadis shook his fist at her. ”Be whole and normal like nothing had happened. Is that it? Is that why you’ve pushed yourself like this. To show her you were fine? You silly fool, you keep this up and you’ll be greeting her from a wheel chair. Haven’t you figured out that I may care for you? That I may even love you? Will you stop trying to be a one woman Empire and accept the fact that somebody besides you cares for your miserable hide? Well Painiach. Grand Duchess of Laitpanr, House of Spoor, do you understand me?”

She sat there. It had been a very long time since anyone had addressed her that way. His words still ringing almost stinging in her ears made her realize that he truly cares about her. A hidden side of her starts to rise again. She got on her knees. Then back on her feet slowly. She offered her hand to him and helped him stand. His surprise was immediate. She had never offered anything before. Standing before him most of her weight on her left leg she smiles. “You said you cared about me that you might even love me is that true?” He nods sheepishly. “Come here Kufadis.” He came towards her. She embraced him and shifts her weight to his frame. “Will you please help me back to the care unit. I really don’t think I can do it on my own. Please Kufadis.”

They start back, as they went along Spoor was able to return most of her weight back to her own feet. When they arrived she sat on the bench in front of the center. “Kufadis?” “Yes Admiral?” “Thank you. Would you go get me a wheel chair and then take me to the garden. I’d like to talk with you some more.” He left she watches as he walks away. Soon he returns with a wheel chair. He went to help her get in. She stood and embraced him, kissing him gently on the lips. “You know I might just care about you too Kufadis. Not sure if I love you. But I do care about you.” They head for the garden.

Risch sat waiting. It was almost fourteen hundred hours and Ekuryua was never late. He saw her darting down the gangway and towards the coffee shop. He stood so she could see him, which she did. The next thing he knew she was sitting with him. “Sorry. Seelnay is very talkative. But I’ve learned what I needed to. That costume Lafiel bought do you know the type of person who normally wear something like that is called?” Before he could answer .“A witch I looked up the meaning and let’s say it’s not very flattering. Seelnay just confirmed my hunch. Have I been a witch? Risch.”

He looks up the meaning of the word. He pauses before he speaks. “In the true meaning of the word. No. But this second meaning.” A woman considered being spiteful or overbearing. “Fits the way you were acting from the time we arrived at the planet till you got here.” She looks at him and realizes he was right. “I don’t want to go as a witch. Everybody there will know what Jinto and Lafiel think of me.” Risch smiles. “There is one part of that costume that says witch. It’s the hat, lose the hat and you’re not a witch. I’m going as a refined gentleman. You can be my very beautiful companion. Which is not a lie. You are very beautiful Noel. We can do that. What do you think?” She did not take long to make up her mind. “Yes Risch. That will be fine. We can do that.”

Risch spent the rest of the time filling Noel in on planetary party customs and what to be looking for and aware of so an incident would not happen. He finishes. “Remember. Seelnay will be there and she will be armed. Should we have to blast our way out of there. Anyone of us can pilot the shuttle but we leave no one behind. Jinto was quite specific on that point. He was also very sure that nothing would happen and we would all have a memorable night. His planning does run all the options though.” It was the night of the thirtieth. Less than twenty-four standard hours remain before they would leave to go plant side and to the party. It seems everybody was ready. Risch and Noel had dinner at the coffee shop and returned to the ship. Tomorrow was going to be a busy and memorable day.

“Admiral are you ready to go back to your room?” Sitting in the chair made her feel better. “Yes Kufadis. I’m ready. Wheel me to the door. I think I can walk in from there.” He starts pushing the chair towards the door. “You are right Kufadis. I tend to ask more of myself than those around me. It’s a habit I need to break.” He looks down into to her eyes. “Don’t break the habit Admiral. Modify it. I’ll help you with that if you wish.” They arrive at the door Kufadis helps her out of the chair. She is still a bit unsteady. He puts the chair aside and offers to help her go inside. She readily accepts the help and they walk like two drunks towards the door. Pushing the door open and guiding her towards the bed the both land on it together sitting side by side. “I can change by myself Kufadis. I’ll see you in the morning.” He stands and goes to leave. “Okay Admiral. We start at square one in the morning. No arguments.” She sits there smiling. “Okay Kufadis. No arguments. Good night Kufadis.” As he leaves he turns out the lights. “Good night Admiral.”

“I’ve contacted the garrison on the planet. They are aware that the Princess will be in the area shaded in blue. They can send help within minutes.” The first officer looks at the display. “Captain if you feel it is too dangerous. Then you should not go. Convince them to stay on the platform.” Ekuryua sits back she stretches into nothingness. ”Wish I could convince them. But Count Hyde assures me that there will be no trouble. I’d like to believe him. But this is a backup plan only if I signal does it commence. Our escort will be armed. I really hope the Count is right. Bottom line is engineer Risch and I are going understand?” As usual he knew she had her mind made up before she even got to the bridge. He only spoke to protect is position. “Understood Captain. Enjoy yourself.” She stands up and leaves the bridge. She meets Risch at the gangway and they head for the Marquise’s home.

“Princess! Stop moving! You’re going to get the dye somewhere you won’t want it.” Lafiel had started without Seelnay. Now she had quite a job ahead of her. It seems this dye was not like the earlier version she was use too. ”It’s not spreading like before. I’m a mess. Seelnay help me.” Seelnay grabs a couple of towels and wraps Lafiel’s body to keep any more dye from getting on her. Then she took her to the drying table and laid her on her stomach. “This dye is fast acting and easily removed. But you must start at the top and brush it in. Now hold still and I’ll fix you up.” She starts on the top of her head and brushes the dye in. “Seelnay can’t you make it go faster. It’s getting late.” Frustrated. Seelnay forgets protocol and responds. “Sure. Let me cut about a foot of this hair off your head and I’ll be done in no time ma’am.” Lafiel shrieks. “NO! That’s fine Seelnay. I’ll be good. I promise.” Seelnay finishes her hair then does her eyebrows. With Lafiel completed and Jinto not requiring her services. Seelnay waits for Noel and Risch to arrive. “They both have short hair this won’t take very long,” She thought.

“Noel? Are you alright?” They stand before the Marquise home and she hesitates to enter the path that leads to the door. Taking in a deep breath and letting out slowly. She starts up the path. “I’m fine Risch. If I’m going to be escorting them, I need to get these feelings out of my system. I’m sure most government buildings will give me the same chills and you won’t always be with me.” Seelnay met them at the door and escorts them to the bathing room. Noel a bit hesitant let Risch go first. Seelnay sat Risch in a chair. She applied the color. His medium blue hair was covered in no time leaving a silvery gray look. Finishing his eyebrows. Seelnay stood back and looks at her work. She frowns. “What’s the matter?” Risch asks. “You’re too pale now. I can fix that. Grab your towel and follow me.” She looks at Noel. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” Down the hall a short distance was a tanning bed. She set the tanning bed for a few minutes knowing that Abh’s burn easily. She slid Risch in and said. I’ll be back for you after I do the Captain.”

Returning to the bathing room. She found Noel sitting in the chair with her eyes closed. “I’m ready. Let’s get this over with.” Seelnay applied the cool liquid to her hair. It has a pleasant smell to it. The next thing she realized Seelnay was towel drying her hair and brushing in her eyebrows. “Captain you’re a bit pale too. Let’s darken you up a bit.” She leads Noel to the room. She removes Risch, whom was a shade darker than before and places Noel in the bed. As she does the finishing touches to Risch, as Noel was ready to leave the bed. She was a very light brown, just a little bit darker than Risch. They look as if they had just come from a week’s vacation on an island near the ocean. A final touch up to them both and then into their costumes.

Seelnay lead them to where Jinto and Lafiel were waiting. Jinto, dressed as a sultan and Lafiel dressed as a harem girl wait for them. “Noel? Where is your hat?” Lafiel asks. Noel explained that being a witch was not her style. She then apologizes for the hell she had put Jinto and her through. “I’m going to be a beautiful companion to my distinguished gentlemen over here.”

She stood next to Risch they made a perfect couple. Jinto turns towards Seelnay. “I guess we are ready to go.” Seelnay nods. She checks her laser pistol. It was neatly hidden in her jacket. “Let’s go.” They walk to the shuttle pad, board the shuttle and leave for the surface.

Ku had arranged for them to land the shuttle very close to the party. It would be a short walk from the shuttle pad to the entrance of the meeting hall. The weather on the planet was mild and it was forecast to be a beautiful evening. Seelnay landed on the marks. The shuttle door opens and Ku Dorin was wait for them. Jinto came out first followed by Lafiel, Noel, and Risch, with Seelnay bringing up the rear. Ku eyes immediately fixed upon Lafiel. “Whoa! Jinto who is this?” Before he could speak Lafiel answers. “I’m the reason he shall never need a harem!” Ku saw Noel and took a step back. Now there were two beautiful women with Jinto. Before a word could be said Noel spoke. “Where’s the party? I’m hungry!” Patting Jinto on the back she states. “Oh. I’m taken. He’s all hers.” Noel stands next to Risch. Lafiel smiles. Seelnay looks around. “Me? I’m the chauffeur.” Ku was in a state of shock. The original four had become five. Jinto never said that he’d be bringing such beautiful females along. Off to the side Noel and Risch stand waiting “Can you see okay?” Risch nods. “Seelnay does great work the hat is just as good as my headband. Is your tiara operating as well?” She nods. Jinto had known how it felt to be blind by Abh standards so he had Seelnay modify his turban, Lafiel’s veil, Risch and Noel’s hats. When Noel did not want to wear her hat. Seelnay bought an ornate tiara and modified it the night before the party. They would have two advantages at the party. They would have eyes in the back of their head and the alcohol would not affect them.

“Ku. You okay buddy?” Jinto had his arm around his long time friend. Ku Dorin had just seen the sight of a lifetime and it had taken his breath away. “Are you going to take us to the party or do I need to find my own way?” Ku returns to the here and now. He led them to the party. “Jinto. How about we go in the side entrance that way you can quietly blend in with everyone?” Jinto agrees. He never wanted to make a big entrance. “So who all is here?” Jinto inquired. “Everyone you’ve known, all of the team, with their girlfriends and wives. Most of the rest of our classmates showed up. There are about fifty people inside.” Ku said as they approached the door. “Jinto she’s really beautiful. You’re a lucky guy.” He opened the door and Lafiel thanks him for his comment on her way in.

The lighting inside was set at a medium level it was easy to see around without being overly bright. The smells of food and drink plus the sounds of conversation and music filled the room. As they enter, the noise diminishes, most of Jinto teammates stood in awe. The girlfriends and wives were more annoyed than impressed. Ku shows them to a table close to the food and drink area. They sat down and Jinto spoke. “As I figured, the women here will find you as a threat. Do as I told you. Talk with them and politely, refuse any advances from the males.

Risch you and Noel go get food first. Lafiel and I will follow and Seelnay you don’t mind being last?” She nods in agreement. “It will give me time to look around. This place is easy to leave from.” She points to the six exits she has found. “I think this is going to be a fun night. I did not know there would be a lot of cute guys here.” Lafiel touches her face. “Focus. Seelnay. Remember why you’re here.” Seelnay frowns. She knew the Princess was right, but still. Noel and Risch left to get their food. When they had returned Jinto and Lafiel went to get their meal. When they returned Seelnay wondered over to the food and drink bar. She returned and they ate together. Around them conversations abounded an area was cleared and several couples were dancing. For the most part Ku had mingled through the crowd telling everyone to just be calm with Jinto and his guest. It had worked. They were being accepted.

Noel looks at Risch. “Want to try dancing?” Risch sat there, he had just finishing his meal. He knew she wanted to dance. It’s all she had talked about while they were on the ship. They had even practiced some in the hold, where the communications shuttle was berthed. He had done some dancing in school and Noel was pretty good as well. “Sure let’s have at it.” He stands. Noel stands and removes her cape. The noise level in the room drops and then it slowly rises. They make their way to the dance floor and did a good job of dancing. Most of the people around were watching and clapping.

The music slowed to a more romantic beat and Lafiel looks at Jinto. “It’s nice and slow. Want to take me for a spin?” They got up and head for the dance floor. Seelnay stood up and moved to a support pillar where she could get a good view of the floor. She leans against it. There were ten couples on the floor the music was slow and romantic. Everybody was holding their partner tight. After the first selection played there was a pause in the music. Jinto felt a tap on his shoulder. “You mind if I cut in Jinto?” It was Ku he looks at Lafiel. “Might I have the next dance?” She looks to Jinto He nods his approval and steps aside. Ku takes Lafiel in his arms and Seelnay gets quite upset. But she continues to watch, just a lot more carefully.

The music starts and they start dancing. Lafiel had formal ballroom dancing so even the worst partner in the room she could make look good. Ku sensed she could dance and then proceeds around the room. At a quiet point in the song Ku asks Lafiel one question. “You’re Abh aren’t you?” Lafiel kept dancing she responds. “Does it make any difference who I am? Do I feel like a cold heartless machine to you?” Ku pulls her a little tighter towards him. She felt warm and alive and she had her own opinions. He never pressed the subject further. They continued to dance until the music paused, and then Ku returned Lafiel to Jinto. “Thank you. It was a dance I won’t forget.” Ku stood alongside them. “Jinto before you leave, can the three of us talk away from the others?” Jinto looks at Ku. “Sure, at the shuttle, before we depart. Is that okay with you?” Ku put his hand on Jinto’s shoulder. “That will be fine. Now enjoy yourselves the evening is still young.

They mingle. Jinto always-introduces Lafiel as his companion for life. Never using her name. When asked Lafiel in would explain that her name was difficult to pronounce. It worked well. Seelnay found someone to talk to. Lafiel nudged Jinto and points. Leaning against the pillar was Seelnay with Ku standing next to her. They were talking but Seelnay’s eyes never left Lafiel’s location. They split into a different pairings. Noel and Lafiel started talking to the other women and Jinto and Risch started mingling with Jinto’s male friends. All the time Seelnay with Ku by her side kept watch on Lafiel.

One of the women there was pregnant. Lafiel and Noel immediately were drawn towards her. A lighthearted conversation ensued with question about children and being pregnant starts. “You want to feel the baby? Lafiel touched her first. Her hand was greeted with a small foot soundly placed against it. “Oh. I’m sorry. Seems she’s going to be active tonight.” Noel’s hand was next. She got a similar response. They both stood looking at the woman not much bigger than they were. She stood there very round and looking very uncomfortable. “How far along are you?” Lafiel hope she had said it correctly. The woman’s answer indicated that she had. “I’m in the last week. I can deliver at anytime. This will be my third one.” Lafiel looks confused. “Shouldn’t you be in the hospital if you’re that close to delivering?” The woman laughs. My first two took forever to deliver. I’ll get plenty of warning before she arrives.” Then she got this strange look on her face. She sank to her knees and a stream of fluid appeared from beneath her skirt. She looks at them. “Maybe not this time. My water just broke.” They knelt beside her.

The minute they disappeared from view Seelnay bolted across the room. Jinto caught sight of her and grabbing Risch followed her. Upon arriving it took just a few seconds for Seelnay to assess the situation. “First child?” Now in pain she screamed. “No it’s my third!” Ku had followed her as well she looks to him. “We need some where private. NOW!”

Ku said there was a waiting room off the main entrance to the hall. “Can you walk?” Seelnay asks. The answer was she believed she could. The balance of the party had become quite. Ku looks around and says. “Look’s like she’s going to have a baby. Just enjoy yourself everything is just fine.”

The party started again. Lafiel, Noel and Seelnay led the woman to the waiting room. Jinto, Risch and Ku stood guard outside. They laid her on a coffee table and Seelnay took a look. ”You're seven cm. Have you had anything to drink tonight?” Her response was. “I’m seven already! No! Nothing to drink, I’m going to have the baby here am I not?” Seelnay looks at her. “I’m afraid so. You’re lucky. This will be my second time doing this.” She looks to Noel, “Captain. I need the medical kit out of the shuttle. Some towels a pillow or two and some more lighting. See what you can find and make it snappy. Were are minutes from a baby arriving.” Walking out the door she sent Risch to the shuttle for the medical kit and the battle lanterns. She asks if he would grab her cape as well. Obeying her orders he leaves. She asks Jinto and Ku to get towels blankets and find pillows. She then stood watch at the door.

Throwing protocol to the wind Seelnay spoke candidly. “Princess, help me get her undressed from the waist down.” Lafiel slips her shoes and socks off. Then she and Seelnay finished removing her undergarments and skirt. The woman looks at Lafiel. “She called you Princess. Just who are you?” Another contraction interrupted her questioning of Lafiel. Once it had subsided Lafiel took her hand. “I’m a friend who’s going to help you deliver this child into the world. After all is done I’ll explain it to you, I promise.” The look of Lafiel’s eyes told the women she had nothing to fear. She held her hand. “When the contractions get closer. I’ll need to observe the birth canal. I wish I had better light. I wonder where the Captain is.” Seelnay’s questions were about to be answered.

The door opens and Noel enters with towels, pillows, blankets, battle lanterns and the medical kit. She slips her cape on. Seelnay asks them to help her. “We need to get a pillow under her hips.” They managed to accomplish that. Seelnay grabs a battle lantern and hands it to Noel. “Captain shine it over my shoulder and up the birth canal. I need to see how far along she is.” Noel follows her instructions. “She’s starting to crown. It’s going to happen soon. Okay, you two listen. I won’t have time to repeat this twice. Grab the disinfectant. Spray your arms from the elbow to the fingertips. Towels under her and spread some out on the sofa to put the baby on. Once she crowns the baby will come quickly since this is her third time. As the head emerges it will naturally roll to one side or the other. We will need to help her not push till I can get the airway clear. We will also have to look and make sure the umbilical cord has not made its way around the baby’s neck. The baby will be very slippery and it will be moving uncontrollably. Princess it will be up to you to wrap the baby in the towels. Leave the face open after it’s born and lay it on the sofa after I cut the cord. Now just follow my instructions and this will go off without a hitch.

The rapid succession of contractions brought the head into view. The cord was partially entangled. Lafiel slips a finger between the cord and the baby’s head. The cord came free. Seelnay clears the airway and Noel coaches her not to push. Once the airway was clear. The shoulders delivered quickly and the final contraction the baby girl slips clear of the birth canal. Lafiel held her in a towel. The baby started to cry. Seelnay cut the cord and Lafiel wrapped the baby in the towels and sat her on the sofa. Checking the mother for any other complications. Seelnay moves to the baby. She was a wonderful pink and had a very health cry. Noting the time she hands the baby to the woman. “Seelnay what do we do about the cord?” Noel asks. Seelnay looks at her. “Rookie. The cords still attached to the placenta. It will naturally deliver in about ten or fifteen minutes. Go look at the baby. I’ll start cleaning up.”

Standing at the door Jinto wonder how it was going. Risch and Ku were pacing like fathers to be. Suddenly the cry of a newborn broke the air. “Wow she did it. Seelnay really did it!” Ku was dancing around it was as it had been his child just born. Risch smiles and Jinto looks at him. “Well be ready to be bombarded with baby questions. Those two just got one hell of an education. I told you this would be a memorable trip.”

He looks over to Ku. “You think we ought to notify the baby’s father and transport her to the hospital?” Ku stood there. “I guess you would not know. She has no idea. She was the victim of a sexual assault. Her husband left her when she refused to abort the child or put it up for adoption. Ku stood motionless, sadness was written across his face. Risch went to say something stops and looks at Jinto. “Do landers do single parenting?” Before he could answer Ku spoke up. “We do have single parenting. Some of it’s by choice. Some by necessity, but to have the one you love leave you because of something you had no control over. Then there are two more children that she has to finish raising by her self. No it’s not a fair system. But it is the one we are stuck with.” He faces Jinto. Jinto. Your friends are all Abh’s, are they not?”

Jinto was hoping that this could be done in a more private setting but the time had come to tell all. “Yes Ku. They are all of the Abh race. This is Risch. He is the chief engineer of the warship that brought us here. His date is Noel. She is the Captain of the ship. Seelnay is one of my girlfriend’s vassals and my girlfriend is the Abh officer that picked me up here the first time. Anymore questions?”

Ku looks at him. “Tell me more about your girlfriend. She is different from the rest.” The door opens and Lafiel stands there with the baby wrapped neatly in her arms. “Jinto. I promised. I’d tell Ku who I was. I guess its time.” Noel was standing behind her. She hands her the baby. Removing the veil and swinging her hair back, Ku knew whom she was with out another word being spoken. “First Princess of the Cluve Royal Family. Why Jinto you old dog. How did you land her?” Lafiel was not impressed with Ku’s statement. “We met by accident. I came to return him to the Capital to finish his training. Due to circumstances beyond our control we were tossed into a war. He has served by my side since then. I will fight to the death for him. And Ku. I do love him.” Ku took in Lafiel’s words he thought about his impressions of the Abh. He decided then and there a re evaluation of the Abh, as a race was desperately needed.

“Captain. Princess. Bring the baby back. It’s not yours, you are suppose to be showing her to them not getting her involved in politics at such a young age.” Seelnay’s words boomed out the door. “Wait here Noel and I will be back. Ku we have a lot to discuss.” Lafiel and Noel take the baby and return to the room. They hand the baby to Seelnay. She hands her back to her mother. “Princess, Captain, Seelnay, Would you consider being her god mothers?” Noel and Lafiel stare at Seelnay who explains how being a Godmother works, being a female sponsor or guardian. “So we are unofficially her mothers even though we did not give birth to?” There was still confusion. Holding the baby on her chest the woman simply explained that they would always be a part of this child’s life as long as she lived and they were always invited to visit and be with her. Lafiel and Noel grasped that explanation. “When she’s old enough to understand I’ll explain this night to her. How a Princess of the Empire, a Captain of the Star Forces and the most wonderful vassal helped bring her into the world. Now, what to name her?”

Lafiel stood there she uttered one word. “Plakia.” The woman sat up still holding the child in her lap. “Plakia. I like that name. Where did it originate from?” Lafiel took a deep breath. “It was my mothers name. She died very early in the war.” Lafiel was fighting hard to keep the tears in check and she was losing the battle. The woman saw this and hands the baby to her. “If you going to cry, let her know as well.” Lafiel took the bundle and looks at it. The small pink wrinkled face looks at her with eyes that were not focused. She yawns and falls asleep in Lafiel’s arms. Lafiel’s tears flow from happiness. She finally passes the baby back.

Noel coming to her senses finally asks the question. “Who are you?” The woman smiles, “I guess in all the confusion I forgot. I’m the former Nasse Pratt. My husband left when he found out I was pregnant with this child.” She proceeds to explain the entire story of how she was assaulted and when she would not give up or terminate the child. Her husband left in disgust. How she was managing to eek out a life for herself and her two boys on the meager wages of a waitress.

Lafiel was floored. The Abh would never treat a citizen that way. She had the power. Noel and Seelnay had seen this before. “Citizen Nasse from this moment on and until you die, you shall receive the favor and support of the Cluve Royal Family. I’ll not have a Godchild of mine go hungry. Wear rags. Or not get a good education.”

Nasse was in shock. Not only had she just delivered a child. That child had just delivered her and hers from a life of misery. Seeing that she was strong enough to be moved. Lafiel had Ku summon the proper medical attention. “We will be by in the morning to see you before we leave.” Lafiel said, as the attendants load her into the ambulance. With Nasse and baby Plakia on their way. Lafiel turns to Ku Dorin. “I’m appointing you guardian for those four people. You will look out for them in our absence?” Ku nods. “The party has pretty well wound down. I would like for you to come by my home so we could talk more.” Lafiel answers for the group. “ Ku we’d be happy to, as long as we can change into something warmer and more comfortable. We have extra outfits in the shuttle.” Ku agrees. ”That’s fine I’ll bring the car around front by the shuttle. You can leave it here overnight. It will be safe.”

Seelnay voiced an objection. “I need somewhere close to your home where I can land the shuttle?” Ku said there was a field behind the house that the shuttle could land in. “Fine. After they have changed. I’ll trust you to deliver them safely to your home and then I’ll bring the shuttle over.” Seelnay said. “Agreed.” Ku said. The five of them headed for the shuttle and Ku went to get his car. Dressed causal and hair still dyed they met Ku, piled into his car and left the hall for his home. Ku refused to let Jinto drive, much to Lafiel’s dismay. It had been a while since they drove in a car together.
Seelnay was sitting in the shuttle tracking their movements. She contacts Ekuryua’s ship. “Looks like we will be spending the night on the planet. When I’ve moved the shuttle, inform the garrison of our new location. So far there has been no trouble. Seelnay out.”

The moon was full, a ‘Harvest Moon’ Ku had called it. Big, bright and a bit orange in color it hung low in the sky. She sat next to Jinto in the front seat. Ku was to her left and Noel and Risch had the back seat to themselves. It was a beautiful evening and with the top down Lafiel let her hair flow in the breeze. They arrived at Ku’s house. Noel sent a beacon and the shuttle arrived in minutes. Securing the shuttle Seelnay ventured inside. They were all in the living room. Ku had changed out of his team uniform and into a more causal look. He built a fire in the fireplace. The warm smoke scented air filled the room.

Jinto mused. This was the same room a few years back Ku had given him the, I hate Abh speech in and now he was being a gracious host to members of the Abh race. Lafiel starts the conversation. “Ku why a Harem? Why did you not want to come work for Jinto unless there was a Harem as part of the deal?” Ku clears his throat. Then he looks at Jinto. “She was there?” Jinto nods his head. Ku turns back towards Lafiel who was waiting patiently for an answer. “Well Princess. I never figured Jinto would find a girl. So to keep him self satisfied he would have a Harem by then. Since I was his best friend. I figure he’d let me run it. If some of the offspring looked like me, then it was a fringe benefit. Lafiel was not amused. Ku had this, women as play things syndrome, she had read about. It was this line of though that left Nasse husband less and pregnant. It was not sitting well with her and Jinto was sensing it along with the rest of them. Ku was not on the wavelength everybody else was. “Then women are a conquest for you and nothing more?”

Ku stares in shock. Then he though, “Wait she does not realize I’m joking. I better fix this now before she fixes me.” He clears his throat. “That was then. Now. I know better. If you’ve noticed while I was at the party I drank very little and did not flirt at all including with you. There was one person who I was interested in. It happened right after Jinto left the last time. She was an Abh, a member of the communications outpost. It took a while to realize she was a hundred years older than I was. She looked so much younger than I did and she was so full of life.” Jinto interrupts. “You’re using the same past tense phrases as when you told me about your father. Is she dead?” Ku buries his face in his hands he starts sobbing. “Jinto it was my fault she is dead. We were out. I had been drinking. She said she would drive, but I had to be the stubborn macho male and drive. I fell asleep. We hit a tree and I killed her.” The authorities and the Abh questioned me. They called it an unfortunate accident and suspended my driving privileges for five years. Now every time I see a blue haired Abh female. It kills off a little bit of me inside.”

Ku looks at Lafiel and Noel. “You do have blue hair don’t you?” They both nod. Lafiel rises from the couch where she had been seated between Jinto and Noel and heads towards Ku who is sitting alone across from her. “Stand up.” She commands Ku. Slowly Ku rises. He’s looking Lafiel in the face. She stands as tall as he does and those dark eyes of hers like the deep dark dungeon he feels like he’s in. “You’ve heard of Abh Hell have you not?” He sheepishly nods his head. “I thought that was superstition. But the more I think about it the more I understand. It’s about my soul is it not? I took the life of an Abh and Abh Hell is taking my soul.” Lafiel looks at Seelnay. We need to remove the dye from my hair if I’m going to help him.” Seelnay, never refusing or questioning Lafiel’s orders, asks where a large sink with running water is. Ku, still in a daze, points towards the kitchen. “Don’t move Ku. I’ll be right back.” Noel follows her and Seelnay. Ku is standing where Lafiel has left him. Jinto and Risch sit on the couch and stare at each other.

The dye removed. Noel and Lafiel dry their hair out. Noel’s being short, dries faster. Lafiel’s is starting to tangle and she’s getting frustrated. “Seelnay can you do something with this hair of mine, besides cut it off?” Lafiel asks. A bottle of spray de tangle comes out of that magic bag she carries. A few moments later Lafiel’s hair is untangled and dry enough for her and Noel to enter the room. Ku gets his first look at the real Lafiel. His heart sinks lower. Her hair is almost the same colors as hers was.

Lafiel picks up on Ku’s depression. “Do I look like her?” Ku nods. “Well you’ve got good taste in women. Ku, hold me as you would hold her and tell me you’re sorry for what you’ve done.” Ku takes Lafiel in his arms. The tears streaming down his face. He held Lafiel so firmly, yet gently. She realizes he actually loved this person. “I am so sorry. I should have let you drive. You would still be alive today and my heart would still be singing. I was so stupid. So arrogant and so inconsiderate of your life. Can you forgive me?” Lafiel was still dry-eyed, although Ku statement would have moved most other women to tears.

She looks at Seelnay and Noel, they were both in tears. “Yes Ku. I forgive you. I feel your pain and your loss. She stood back and looks him in the face. “You now have a chance to redeem yourself. I’ve given you a solemn duty to perform, to watch over Nasse and her children, while Jinto and I are gone from this planet. If you perform this duty as I’ve instructed. Your soul will become yours again.” Ku looks into her eyes. They were incredibly beautiful. No longer the scary sight from before. He took Lafiel in his arms again and this time he gently kissed her cheek. “My friend Jinto has found the most wonderful person in the stars. I am so happy for him.” Lafiel hugs him. “Thank you Ku. You need to tell him what you just told me too.” Ku stands back. Lafiel sits next to Jinto. Noel joins Risch and Ku announces to the gather friends what he had said to Lafiel. Jinto stood and gave his friend a big hug. Ku had finally accepted the Abh and now he was a friend and ally again.

The balance of the evening was spent telling Ku everything that had happen to Jinto and Lafiel since they met. Noel and Risch listened very carefully. Seelnay sat along side Ku she comforted him when he need it and he held her through those scary times. No one gather there had heard the entire story before. Lafiel and Jinto alternated telling the parts they knew best. Ku was surprised and appalled at Lobnas II and the deal Jinto’s home world dealt him.

It was time to drop the bomb. Jinto removed his alpha. Ku got his first look at Jinto sensory gland. Thankfully it was not the first one he had seen. “So your Abh now?” Ku asks. Jinto starts to speak. But Lafiel deftly cuts him off. ”He’s half Abh. He’ll live as long as I will and his children will have Abh characteristics in them. Although he’s not as attractive as a pure Abh male.”

Jinto looks her way at that statement. “But I would not want him any other way. Speaking of children. Ours will be whatever they’re conceived to be. We’ve decided to do no tinkering with their genes. The only exception would be in the case of a debilitating genetic abnormality. That’s a one in ten thousand shot. We plan on staying together till death do us part.” She hugs Jinto.

“Ku, we have not had a easy life and the next two hundred plus years will be a challenge. I’m sorry. Jinto and I will watch all of his friends grow old and die. Even baby Plakia will grow old and die before our life spans end. Its part of the curse of being Abh, it’s why the Abh never establish relationships with landers. Its part of the arrogance Jinto and I are trying to change. Do you understand Ku, Seelnay? Most of Lafiel’s words Ku had heard before. For Seelnay it was a new experience. She had realize that Lafiel might out live her but her children and even her grandchildren it boggled her mind. She buried her head in Ku’s chest and cried. Jinto remarks. “Looks like Ku found a new friend.” Lafiel took the opposite approach. “Looks like Seelnay found a boy friend.” Those two sat there holding each other. Noel and Risch were snoozing on the couch holding each other up and Jinto and Lafiel sat looking at each other. “Would you mind explaining, the not as handsome as a pure Abh male statement. Lafiel?” She giggles. “So you were listening after all.”

Lafiel looks around her. The sun was rising on this world and she had a godchild to visit sometime that day. She motions to Jinto. They pulled Noel and Risch apart lay them on the couch side by side and cover them. Then they got Ku and Seelnay to retire in Ku’s room. Finally she and Jinto went to the shuttle and they fell asleep in Zero G. It was mid day when Noel, Risch and Seelnay woke them.

“Very funny! Your Highness! Putting Ku and I in the same bed. That was a good one. I’ll remember that the next time I do your hair Princess and Count Hyde. I’ll have Samson get you. Seelnay wore this silly grin. Jinto and Lafiel look at each other and in their unspoken language they both went. “Yes!” Jinto returns to Ku’s house he finds Ku straightening up after last night. “Need any help Ku?” Ku looks at Jinto. “No. You and the Princess were more than enough help.” Jinto spoke. “She has a name. It is La fi el. Now you try it Ku.” Ku was a fast learner he got it the first time through. “Address her that way from now on. Please.”

Ku had finished with the cleaning. He needs to ask Jinto something important. Now was as good of a time as any. “Jinto that woman Seelnay. Is she seeing anyone?” Jinto smiles. “No Ku. As far as I know she is not attached. However she is fiercely loyal to Lafiel. I don’t know if she would put someone ahead of Lafiel. But personally I wish she would find someone to take most of her affections. Not that I want you too. But if you two ever hit it off you can come to work at the Hyde system depot. Seelnay is stationed there. If you are worried about your responsibility to Nasse, well we can transfer her and her family to Hyde depot too.” Ku stands there dumbfounded. Jinto knew. Somehow he knew. He wonders if Seelnay had told him. “We need a ride to the hospital. Lafiel’s all excited. She wants to go see the baby. Can I borrow the Car?” Reaching for the keys and his coat Ku answers Jinto. “No! On this planet I drive. You ride. Remember Lafiel told me about your driving last night. Sorry. No go Jinto. I’m ready. How many are going?” Jinto points to the car. It was already full. Ku’s car held six nicely. However Seelnay wanted to sit next to Ku. Lafiel sat next to her and Jinto sat in the back with Noel and Risch.

The trip to the hospital took about and hour. Arriving at he hospital the staff was taken aback by three Abh’s entering the building. Lafiel looks at Jinto. “Why are they acting so strange?” Passing the windows in the hall Jinto had Lafiel look out one. “What do you see Lafiel?” She gasps. Her hair was blue as was Noel’s and Risch’s. “Do you think we will scare Nasse and the baby?” Jinto laughs. “Your hair won’t scare them. But that look on your face is pretty scary, my dear.” Lafiel looks in the glass again. She did look pretty scary, making a face she said. “Boo!” The image of her doing that even rattled her. She resolved not to be scary in front of the baby. Entering the room they found Nasse nursing little Plakia. Seelnay had seen nursing women before but Noel and Lafiel had not. Without being too intrusive they stood on each side of the bed and observed the feeding. Undaunted the baby nursed readily, Nasse gently moving her from one side to the other side. Finally satisfied, the baby fell asleep while nursing.

Nasse looks at the two women staring at her. “Never had children either one of you?” They sheepishly shook their heads. “You know you both are missing something it’s wonderful and frightful at the same time.” She then noticed their hair. “So this is the real color of your hair?” Lafiel answers. “Yes. I hope we did not scare you?” Nasse laughs. “No if it had not been blue that would have scared me. Who did the coloring? It was prefect.” They point to the end of the bed, Seelnay just smiles. “She’s a mid wife and a hairstylist what else can she do?” Seelnay rattled off everything she has done. It was an impressive list. Nasse was not the only person in the room that was impressed with Seelnay’s abilities.

Noel and Lafiel took turns holding the baby. She took to the strange people handling her very well. Noel managed to get a thunderous burp from the baby. Which brought laughter from all gathered in the room. The time passed quickly. It was time to leave. Returning the baby to Nasse. Lafiel promised that on their way back in about four weeks they would stop by to visit. She informed Nasse if she was in need of anything to contact Ku. Ku stood nodding. He had accepted the fact that he was now, ‘Uncle Ku’ he felt he needed a little responsibility in his life.

There was something else, she stood beside him taking in all of the happenings in the room and yet. She was also focused on another project, a project that consumed all of her free time till recently. Seelnay had perfected being involved in a situation yet looking as she did not know or care what was going on around her. Ku watched her most of that day. What he saw and felt the previous evening was no mistake. This was a very special lady standing next to him.

“Are we going to the Hyde System sometime this century?" Annoyed. Seelnay asked. “If we are leaving. I would still like to have daylight to depart the planet. Things are easier to avoid in the daylight. That means we need to leave in less than four hours. Unless you plan on spending the night again?” Seelnay had waited till they left Nasse’s room. But the group had stopped in the hallway to have another ‘cute baby’ discussion. She was becoming annoyed. She could not figure out what was distracting her. She had a feeling what it was and leaving the planet would confirm her suspicions. Staying was making the confusion in her head worse.

Noel looks at Seelnay. “If you need to get back to Hyde sooner than we can get you there. I can take you to the platform and you can catch the regular shuttle from there.” Noel’s offer angered Seelnay. She was not going to leave Lafiel’s side until they got back to the Hyde Depot. She gave into the distraction. She would need to deal with on her own, and running away from it was not an option at this time. “That’s okay Captain. I was just trying to move things along. I’ll wait to go with you.”

The group finally starts towards the door. Seelnay hung back this time Ku hung back too. “Seelnay it’s me you wish to get away from is it not?” She leans against him. “I don’t know what happened last night. But when you are around I cannot think straight. I’m becoming unable to care for the Princess and it’s making me very upset.” Ku put his arm around her. They followed about thirty feet behind the group. “You and I shared a bed together last night. Fully clothed I might add. I awoke to your face, so close to mine. That pleasant smile of yours even while you slept. So I gently kissed you and you just smiled more.” She felt relieved. It had not been a dream. He had actually kissed her, the confusion with in her left.

She stops and faces him. “I always though I’d be awake when I received my first kiss. I had this dream that you had kissed me and it seemed so real, because it was real. She hit her tiptoes and kisses Ku Dorin. He put his arms around her and returns the kiss. Jinto, Lafiel, Noel and Risch slowed their pace a smile comes over all of them. Having eyes in the back of their heads did have some advantages. Lafiel gently squeezes Jinto’s hand. He looks into her eyes they spoke, ‘yes Yes YES!’ Seelnay and Ku caught up with the group. They returned to Ku’s house.

Behind Ku’s house over looking the fields, Jinto, Noel, Risch and Seelnay stood. Jinto was commenting how much Planet Delkto looks like his home planet of Martine. “It’s just that they don’t have the exotic rain forest that Martine has.” He pauses Noel looks at him. Lines of tears are running down his face. Seelnay and Risch had picked up on it. Noel put her arm around Jinto. “I never realized that losing your home meant that much to you. Look on the bright side. You have the island world and this one. However I can understand how you can become attached to a spinning ball of matter in space.” Jinto smiles then he starts to chuckle. “I never look at a planet that way before. It is a correct description on the simplest level. I guess landers attach too much meaning to their spinning ball of matter in space. Thanks for the reality check Noel. You are right. I have a lot to be thankful for.” They turn and gaze out over the landscape.

Sitting at the table Lafiel and Ku go over the arrangements to care for Nasse and her family. “Ku here is the account information. As you use funds all I require is receipts for the purchases. If you are unable to get receipts then what the funds were spent for will do.” She hands Ku a data crystal. Ku reads it. “Lafiel. This is too much money it will last a life time.” Lafiel smiles. “Exactly Ku. It’s meant to keep them safe as long as they live with Nasse. You and I are the only persons to know how much is in this account. You may never tell them. Now the last thing is and I’m not very tactful, is the early death clause in the agreement. Should a member of the family die suddenly there are provisions to cover all expenses regarding the burial services. Should Nasse remarry. We will cover that when the time comes. When the boys are out on their own, the support stops. When Plakia marries a generous gift will be made to her. Then the funding will cease. Look this over we will be back in four weeks. We can discuss any changes then. Ok Ku?” Ku puts the crystal around his neck. “Four weeks. I’ll be waiting. You think Seelnay will be returning with you?” Lafiel stood up she smiles at Ku. “Why don’t you go out and ask her.”

They join the rest of the group standing in the field. Ku walks over to Seelnay. “Lafiel said they would be back in four weeks are you going to be with them?” Seelnay looks around, everyone in sight was smiling. “If I’m caught up at the depot I don’t see any reason why I can’t. You know there is always the regular shuttle to Hyde you can visit as well Ku.” He smiles. “I can? As soon as I get Nasse settled. I can come and visit you?” She gives him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You know how to write don’t you? I like video letters and I respond to them.” He smiles. “Ok Seelnay you’re on.” Ku helps them board the shuttle, good byes were said and Seelnay blasted off into the sunset.

Ku watched as they disappeared into the blue. Grasping the crystal around his neck he felt his soul returning. All was right with his world. Free of Delkto’s gravitational pull Seelnay set course for the orbital platform. Noel sat next to her. “Are you okay?” Seelnay nods. “Captain. Do you remember your first kiss?” Noel smiles, it had not been that long ago. She remembered it quite vividly. “Yes Seelnay I do remember it. Why do you ask?” Seelnay blushes. “I don’t remember my first, because I was asleep when it happened. But I’ll not forget the second one!” Noel giggles, Seelnay joins her. The orbital station looms into view.

Docking completed Noel had a question. “Seelnay what is it like piloting a shuttle with only a mental link?” Seelnay answers. “It was scary at first. I don’t see all the detail an Abh pilot sees. It is like I have a wireless interface with the ships navigational system. I can do simple, basic things, but to take a ship into combat. No way! My mind could not handle it. Just doing a complex ship inspection leaves me mentally exhausted at times. That’s why at Hyde I use an Abh pilot and concentrate on doing the inspection. It’s rare that I do both anymore.”

Seelnay is one of those rare humans called a psycho kinetic. She has the ability to move objects with her mind. Her brain waves are close enough to Abh readings that she is able to operate Abh systems without direct connection. She is one in one hundred billion. Lafiel had found her by accident.

They split up after docking. Lafiel and Jinto went to the Marquise residence to gather their belongings and thank the Marquise for his hospitality. Seelnay went to the tailors and picked up Lafiel’s formal gowns. Risch and Noel went to the Attack Frigate and prepared to depart. Seelnay arrived at the ship first, followed by Jinto and Lafiel. Clearance was given and the ship departed the orbital tower.

“Captain on the bridge.” Ekuryua sits in the center seat. “Status.” The first office turns to her. “We are awaiting permission to enter the Sord. The ship is fully operational there are three messages waiting to be reviewed. One of them came as we departed, it is marked Urgent, Captain. It’s from the Capital.” Before she could think, the navigator chimed in “Permission to enter the Sord granted. Captain. We have very little time to do so.” She sat in the chair and opens a channel. “Prepare Space Time Shot. All hands prepare to enter plane space in fifty five seconds.” The generator hums to life, a perfect bubble encompasses the ship and they slip into the Sord. “I’ll be in quarters if you need me.” Her first officer acknowledges her and she leaves the bridge.


The ride in the lift and going to her quarters seems all to routine. The message console flashes. She opens her messages in order. A message from her mother looking for some personal information about Lafiel, “I’ll send something later.” She thought. A message from the Hyde system requesting an arrival date, four days of course we might beat the message there. The final message appears marked Urgent: Read Before Leaving Sord Vorash. Ekuryua sat there for a moment.

She punches open a COM link. Jinto answers. “You two need to come to my cabin immediately.” Jinto says they were on their way. Opening a second link she spoke. “Chief engineer come to my cabin at once.” “Yes captain on my way!” The door chime rang. “Come in” it was Jinto and Lafiel, and Risch was a few seconds behind. Lafiel spoke. “What is it Noel? Why the sudden meeting in your cabin?” She points at the display. “I think you need to see the contents of this message along with myself since it’s your expedition.” Noel opens the message four sets of eyes start reading it. Lafiel gasped. Jinto stood in disbelief. Noel acts. Opening a ship wide link she spoke. “This is the Captain speaking. I’ve received a message from the Capital. The contents of it require me to take the following actions. Navigator. Reverse course. Get us to normal space as soon as possible. First officer. You will bring the ship to battle stations. While I cannot divulge the contents of this message until it’s verified. Consider any warship we come across as hostile. Captain out!”

“Captain. I’ll return to engineering now. I await further orders.” Risch leaves her cabin. Lafiel and Jinto are standing motionless holding hands reading and re-reading the two paragraphs displayed. Lafiel starts squeezing Jinto’s hand very hard. “This can’t be Jinto. This can’t be. It must be a mistake. How soon till you can verify this message?” Noel looks at the clock. “About four hours. We will station keep in the vicinity of the Sord till we get an answer. Go back to your cabin and try to relax.” Lafiel releases Jinto’s hand. He stood there shaking it. “You’re right Noel. I need to relax.” She leaves the cabin. Jinto looks at Noel. “If that message is correct.” Noel shakes her head. “Jinto. If that message is correct. I don’t want to be Lafiel.”

To be continued: In the next Short Story: Confrontation.

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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