14_Happier Days

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14_Happier Days

Post by Diaho »

Happier Days

It had been a very long night, the business, that he had outlived his uncle to inherit, was facing problems. The complexity of them was overwhelming him. The display before him held her last message. He had read it several times hoping it would magically finish itself. “By the time you read this the battle will have started, it might even be finished. We hold no special advantage but if we don’t stop them here and now, you’ll be the next ones to feel their wrath. I have faith in Her Highness and Count Hyde they have planned this very well. I hold dear the time we spent together and hope to see you soon. Be well. Seelnay.”

The dawn was breaking, its light coming through the window; it faded her words and then completely covered them. Ku Dorin sat gazing out the window, even though his business was in trouble, it did not rate the importance that the note from her had. He realized that he still had a lot going for him and without her he was nothing. Shutting down the display he ventured off to try to sleep. He noted that it was going to be another beautiful day; the thought left him empty and lonely.

Gathering the forces she had remaining, Admiral Nastoyia left the region around Sord 575 and headed for the Rebel base. Hoping to catch them off guard she entered the system in force, what she found left her angry. The Rebels had withdrawn and taken everything that was transportable with them. The scouting fleet found several ion trails leaving the system. It was not known where they went or how many of them remained. She swept the system and before she left, she planted several spy satellites through the region. She figured if they returned, she’d know about it. Returning to Sord 575 she awaited further orders and rested her fleet.

Admiral Spoor paced the bridge impatiently. Engineer Paveryua had been aboard only a few minutes, however she wanted an answer now. Kufadis watching the Admiral building up a head of steam spoke, “If it’s true that there is a flaw in the design and that’s why the Basroil exploded, don’t you think we should give him sometime to discover if the same flaw is in the Lashkau?” She looks at him places her hands firmly on her hips and says, “If this ship is flawed, then let it be that way. There was a lot of time and money spent on it. Right now I don’t want to stay here any longer, the sooner we get to my territory the happier I’ll be.” She turns and looks into the vastness of space. Kufadis had not seen her like this; he sat there silently wondering what had gotten into her, what had her in this panic. He noticed that the power grid was off line and the ship was running on reserves. He hoped whatever Paveryua found would not be serious.

Nefee asked the guard to open the cell door. Entering the room he saw her sitting in a chair facing the wall, not moving she spoke. “You got what you wanted. It almost cost me my life, however, you did not get them all, did you?” Nefee stood before her she looks into his eyes they were emotionless. “You did the Empire a great service, you will be rewarded for your efforts. Now the problem is what shall I do with you? We are taking him to the Capital soon and I won’t put you in the position of seeing him again. However you are also presently labeled as a traitor to the Empire, so I can’t leave you walking around either.” She mused, “I could dye my hair and remain here nobody knows me.” Nefee shook his head, “When I was informed of who you were and what you were doing, I was told that you were half Abh. I’m guessing this is the lander in you that’s doing the talking?” She laughed, “My dear Admiral Bebaus you’re not the only person in this room whose thoughts could be considered to boarder on insanity. I was told I’m a little nutty to be doing what I did too.” Perplexed Nefee left the room, he would decided what to do with her later, right now he had a much bigger problem ahead of him.

The Hyde fuel depot covered twenty square miles of the asteroid that orbited the fifth planet of the Hyde System. Originally it was set up to be two or three square miles, but the sudden demand for fuel and then the repair depot had made it ten times its planned size. Merchants and vendors sprung up as the depot expanded. The depot had become a small thriving city in space, totally dependent on trade with Martine, its growing population either working at the fuel or repair depots. With this latest battle the population of the depot had tripled, mostly displace solders from the battle. Food was becoming an issue. Samson stood looking over an unused tract of land. He had arranged for the hydroponic gardens to be transferred here, from several ships that were going to be scrapped. Looking over the area he figured being a farmer here was just as good as going to Midgrad and trying to scratch out a living there. At least here he’d be close to her, then he thought how she’d do as a farmer. A very silly grin came to his face. He depressurized the newly installed airlock so the first equipment could be transferred into the gardens. This was going to be a challenge he thought as he watched the airlock fill with planting supplies.

Ekuryua’s crew had spent the last week repairing the battle damage they had incurred. Now that they were fully operational, they joined with the rest of Atosuryua’s fleet and did debris clean up duty. The Hyde System was strewn with pieces of ships and live ordinance from the battle. It was something to do while waiting for them to decide what was next on their agenda. Ekuryua had spent time while repairs were being done brushing up on the lander custom of marriage. She and Seelnay had spent many long nights at Seelnay’s place studying the customs. Being close to Jinto and Lafiel’s quarters, they also overheard the discussions that Jinto and Lafiel had. Sometimes they felt they were in the room with them, however three hundred feet separated them. Ekuryua mused; being back in space was so peaceful.

The couple of days rest had turned into nearly three weeks. Seelnay was worried. Jinto and Lafiel almost never came out of that small room. Their conversations, that could be plainly heard, bordered on all out warfare. She had sent Ku a message, stating that they had survived the battle and that she was unsure when they would be back to Delkto. She asked how the baby was doing, expressed the fact she missed him dearly and she was not going to wait much longer for Jinto and Lafiel to settle their affairs, before she headed for him by herself.

Seelnay met with the rest of her employees and set out a long-term plan for to follow while she was gone. Greta flared her nostrils at Seelnay, “Admit it, you’re in love this guy and you want to stay with him. We can run the place without you. Go, be happy you little fool.” Seelnay frowned; she had worked so hard to bring Seelnay and Company to the important position that it presently held. She felt that walking away from it was something she could not do. “Greta just do as I ask for now. I’ll be back before you know it.” Not waiting for an answer she left the room, the tears were staining her tunic as she ran out of the building.

The commanders in the field did not take Nastoyia’s report very well. At the Capital Ramaj flew into a tirade. She so wanted to finish them off this time, but ever elusive, the Rebels looked to be able to fight again. The Abh did have their most experienced commander and had taken out a big part of their fleet. It was not the victory Ramaj had planned on or was willing to accept at the moment. She issued several sets of orders most had to do with redeployment of the fleet and the final set included returning Dustain to the Capital, the recall of Debeusec and the fleet he commanded to the Capital.

“Have you heard from your sister?” Duhiel was relaxing in his cabin. His father’s hail caught him a bit off guard. “Not a word father, they did survive the battle as you know, why the inquiry father?” Debeusec’s face flickered in the display. “Ramaj has summoned me to the Capital. I’ll leave as soon as we’ve done speaking.” Duhiel studied his father face. “I’m guessing grandmother is not happy with the way the battle turned out is that why she wants you back Father? Neither you nor I had anything to do with.” Debeusec interrupts, “Your sister did, that is why if you hear from her, inform her of grandmothers displeasure. I doubt it will be directed at either of you children. However as your father if your grandmother is angry I will bear the brunt of it. Ramaj did say I was to leave immediately, I must go my son stay well. Give your sister my love and tell her I’m proud of her.” The display goes blank Duhiel watches as the fleet accelerates towards the Capital. Turning off the display he tries to sleep but his father words are ringing in his ears.


Working by himself, Samson started to assemble a planting station. The manual said two could assemble one in a pinch, but three or more people were preferred. Paveryua was still on the Lashkau, Seelnay had been absent most of the day, so he decided if he could get one or two units assembled and operating, they would accommodate the number of plants he had to get transferred before they died. Luck was on his side these being used units, were already partially assembled. Now if he could install the legs to the tray. Lying on his back, balancing the tray on his knees he reached for the legs that slid and quarter turned into the tray. Suddenly the unit slipped off his knees and was going to crash on the ground then it stopped.

Glancing across he saw two hands holding the tray from falling, but from his angle he could not see who it was. “Thanks, if you could hold it for just a second I’ll have the legs attached.” The tray stayed put, Samson installed the two legs then slid out to see who had saved him. His eyes clearing the end of the tray saw Sobbash hold the tray and not looking too happy. She let the weight of the tray gently on to the legs and said, “You get on me about doing crazy dangerous things and here I find you doing the same things you tell me not to. So what have you got to say for yourself?”

He looks at her, she was upset, to say the least, but time was getting away from him, this argument would have to wait. “You help me get these trays ready to plant in, those plants planted before we lose them and I’ll answer any question take any criticism you have, but right not Sobbash I’m fighting the clock.” He pointed to the tubs of plants that were removed from the ships. They needed to be transplanted soon. She saw the plants, understood Samson’s position and pitched in. They got the first two trays up and running in no time.

Sobbash seemed to have knowledge of how these units functioned. She powered up the second unit, her face grew concerned as she pointed to the indicator and spoke, “The power cells in these units need to be recharged they will run for a couple of hours.” Samson checks the other units to see if any of them have better power cells. He comes back with two charged cells. Sobbash takes them from him and changes them as he watches in amazement. She sees the look in his eyes and comments, “I worked on a food supply ship for six years before I became a combat officer, and these are like old friends to me. Ready to do some planting?” Samson nodded.

Removing her tunic and rolling up her sleeves Sobbash proceeds to charge the planting tray with the nutrient mush the plants will live in. Samson was pouring from a container and Sobbash was smoothing out the nutrient mush. With in five minutes they had both trays ready for planting. Sobbash was well educated in the planting method, and she even gave Samson a pointer or two. About an hour later both trays were planted and running in the green. While they were still a mess they decided to assemble the rest of the trays and position them for more planting later that day. Trays assembled, and discharged power cells collected; they went to leave the garden.

“Oh Samson, since we’re done, there are a couple of things left we have to finish.” Samson looked around him, the trays were set up, the plants planted, the cells collected. Now what could she be talking about? “You and I are two of a kind. We are fiercely independent and exceptionally proud. I understand why you did what you did. But next time Samson, ask for some help you big idiot. If you were to have hurt yourself I’d been hard pressed to forgive myself. As base commander I am responsible for your welfare.” She takes a dirty finger and leaves a streak across his face, “It looks good on you.” With a dirty hand he leaves a handprint on her bottom. “That looks good on you too.” Sobbash grabs one box of discharged power cells Samson grabs the other. Walking towards the depot office they wonder what the response of the day crew will be, they look like two children that have been playing in the dirt pile.

Nefee had struggled with his feelings for several hours before the reality of the situation finally sunk in. Although the person in the cell looked and spoke like Dusanyu, this was not the person who had humiliated he and his brother in the competition to become supreme commander. He put his fear and hatred aside, and entered the room. Dustain sat in a military jumpsuit, his beard was removed and his hair trimmed. The sense organ on his forehead was still covered by the flap of skin. It was an uncomfortable sight, still Nefee approached him, “We will be leaving soon I have orders to transport you to the Capital.” Dustain turns towards him “Can I see that young woman before I leave?” Nefee looks at him, “I don’t know. But I will ask her. That’s all I can promise.” Nefee left the room; he then heads for the Princess quarters.

Looking like a caged lioness, she paced the bridge. From his position he sat watching her not missing a thing. Finally she plopped in to her command chair. Taking the end of her ponytail in hand she nervously played with it. Kufadis had seen enough, he was going to get to the bottom of this now, no matter what happens standing up he walks over to the chair and positioned himself in front, pinning her in the chair. “What has gotten into you Painiach? I’ve never seen you this distraught before.” She tried to slide out of the chair but he had her firmly blocked. “You’re not getting away, not until you explain this sudden, irrational behavior of yours.” She bristled in the seat her eyes glowed. She was beginning to exert a lot of force against him. Undaunted he held his ground. “Tell me and I’ll let you out of here.”

Spoor finally relented. She relaxed in the chair and spoke to Kufadis. “I thought I was rid of that man. I figured I’d never see him again. Now he’s in Nefee’s brig alive and ready to make my life a shambles again.” Kufadis looks in her eyes. There was panic that he’d only seen once before, “You’re speaking of Dustain the Rebel commander?” She glared at him, “Yes I’m referring to him. The tormentor of my dreams.” Kufadis smiles. Spoor was not amused. “Just what do you think is so funny? My life is going to become a living hell and you’re standing there smiling?”

Kufadis kisses her on the forehead, “I finally understand. Being from a common family, I respect the royal family and even fear them sometimes. But you, are terrified of a ghost from your past.” Spoors color returns to normal. Kufadis continues. “Painiach, Dusanyu is dead. Dustain may look like him, but that’s as far as it goes. He does not know you or I and could care less of anything that has happened in the past. Release your fear of him let it go now. Because my love if you do not, it will destroy you and all of those around you.” Kufadis started to step back. But Spoor pulled him back towards her. “Not so fast. I’m not done. There’s one more thing.”

Kufadis looks puzzled but keeps listening. “It’s our other favorite member of the Royal family, well she wants me ah, us to be in the wedding party. That scares the daylights out of me. So I figured if we were not here.” For once Kufadis felt her real fear, he backed up a bit and held her face in his hands. “Is it the ceremony or the outcome that scares you more?” He could feel the temperature rise in her face she sternly looked at him. “What she does with her life has no affect on what I do with my life. Have I made myself clear?” He could feel the temperature drop. He then asks the pressing question. “So what did you say to her when she asked you?” The heat left her face completely. “Ah, I, ah, did not answer her. I told her I wanted to talk to you about it.” Kufadis looks a little stern “And how long ago did she ask?” Her face, now like ice, she adverts her eyes for his and says, “Almost two weeks ago.”

Kufadis pulls her from the chair and holds her in his arms. Spoor had no idea of what was going to happen next. Putting his head close to her ear he said, “I’m a little disappointed in you. I thought we were going to discuss our problems openly. Two weeks is a long time to keep something from me. I understand and I’m glad I know now, because we can still do something about it. Had you waited till we were on the other side of the Empire to say something, you might have seen my wrath!” He could feel her tense at his words then she relaxed. “Kufadis there will be no more secrets I’ll try to remember that, but it’s been a long time since I’ve had to consider the feelings of another person.” Kufadis stood back he placed his hands on her cheeks and looked her in the eyes. “That’s the nicest thing you’ve said in a long time, thank you for caring about my feelings.” Spoor stood there and smiled, she felt a great weight had been lifted from her. The lighting shifted to normal it seems Paveryua was finished looking over the ship. They waited for his answer together.

Nefee found Lafiel at the depots resource center. She was studying a book of older Abh customs. “Your Highness do you have a minute?” She glanced up and smiled and said, “Hello Nefee, have a seat. What can I do for you?” she marked the book and closed it as Nefee sat next to her. Nefee then passed Dustain’s request on to her. “I see, he wishes to speak to me before he leaves, what’s your take on this Nefee?”

Nefee was stunned. He figured a yes or no answer was what he would get, but here she was asking his opinion on this matter. “I’m not sure Princess. I studied the communications between you and him, there was a noticeable change in him the moment he saw you.” He paused. “You were the one he was suppose to kidnap and hold to persuade the Empire to surrender, I’d approach him with caution Your Highness.” Lafiel sat there pondering Nefee’s words, “How soon do you leave for the Capital?” Nefee looks at her, “Soon Your Highness, although I can’t divulge the exact time.” Lafiel nods “I understand. Send him my regards but this is not a good time for me to see him.” Nefee studies her face; she did have something preoccupying her time. He stood, thanked her for her time and then left the room.

Lafiel went back to her book. It seemed that accepting his proposal was the easiest part of this wedding experience. The first few days after the battle they had in fact rested and not discussed their future plans. About the fifth day it began slowly at first Jinto giving in on her desire to be married in uniform. Then there was a heated discussion over who to invite and where to have it. Lafiel thought she had a thorough understanding of the concept of marriage. This understanding proves to be the catalyst for several more heated discussions and Jinto spending a lot of time sleeping on the sofa. Finally they called a truce and Lafiel immersed herself in the customs and traditions of the institute of marriage.

She was going to do this by herself, although Seelnay had offer her help, Lafiel’s stubbornness had kicked in, this she was going to understand if it took her another twenty years. She had been studying the enormous text library of the depot and Seelnay had brought her several books from Martine. Finally frustrated she shut the book she was reading and started scanning the titles of the books before her. “The Complete History of Marriage. Abridge Customs of Marriage Through the Ages.” All very thick and complexly written text. She laid the last book down, she looks at it on the table, glances at the ceiling, then her emotions took over, ‘Why did I say yes? I thought the requirements to become Empress were tough this makes ruling an Empire look like child’s play.’

She gathered up the books from the table to return them to the shelves, a fairly small book fell from the table and on to the floor. Looking at it laying there she did not remember pulling it off the shelf, she bent over and picked it up the title immediately intrigued her. “Weddings Made Simple: A Brides Guide to the Perfect Day.” Setting the rest of the books aside she sat back down and opened this book, inside the cover was a note. “When you’re finished with this book. I’ll need it back. Seelnay.”

Lafiel shook her head, Seelnay must have slipped in while she was getting books and put this one on the table. She sat reading, the more she read the simpler the wedding day became. The more she relaxed, the more she understood, she was approaching this from the wrong direction, she was going to be traditional figuring that’s what Jinto would want.

She saw in the book that there were several different ways to have the ceremony. Being a member of the royal family a ceremony to her meant only one thing, a proper formal affair liking it to the coronation ceremony for ascension to the throne. It did not have to be like that, it could be informal or formal, lavish or spartan, and the possibilities were becoming endless.

Lafiel’s imagination started to take flight, she was sitting there day dreaming then it suddenly hit her, it was as Jinto had said she was to follow her heart she had not. She had been trying to please Jinto and just asking for the bare minimum to get by. She slipped the book into the pocket of her tunic put the rest of the books away and started for their quarters. There would not be a fight tonight and Jinto could leave the sofa for somewhere more comfortable to sleep.

Jinto awoke to find Lafiel gone at the moment it was a wonderful sensation. The argument they had before they went to bed was quite foolish. Jinto was having trouble, oh that’s right the color of the uniforms they were to wear at the ceremony. Jinto stood looking around him. He still loved Lafiel with all his heart; it was that love that had kept him from leaving a week ago.

Deciding to go see Samson, Jinto hoped that Lafiel would find herself very soon. The thought of not being with her had been down right scary then sometime in the last three days it became something he though he could live with, or in this case live without. Leaving her a note he left their quarters. It was mid morning when he left he figured he’d be back around dinnertime. He hoped Samson had time to talk, guy talk. He really did not want Lafiel’s name being mentioned but he knew it was bound to happen. Arriving at the depot office he opened the door, it seemed Samson was having a conversation with someone as he walked through the open door.

Samson and Sobbash were standing at a planning table. Sobbash had her back to the door. The first thing Jinto noticed was a familiar looking handprint on Sobbash’s backside. He decided to back out, but Samson saw him, “Come in my boy we were just talking about you.” Jinto noticed the Samson had a streak of dirt on his face and that he and Sobbash looked as if they had been playing in the dirt somewhere. Sobbash’s shirt was dirty her slacks as well, and the impression her looks were leaving, Jinto had a momentary flashback to the planet and he started to blush. Sobbash picked up on it and decided to put the issue to rest, “We’ve been planting food in the garden Count, no more, no less. Why do you look like that? What are you thinking?” Jinto smiled, “It’s nothing, I was just reminded of the first time I left a hand print like that on Lafiel’s bottom.”

Sobbash undaunted, looks at Jinto, “It was done in fun am I correct? Because this was done in fun and make nothing else out of it wing flyer.” Jinto was taken aback he’d seen Sobbash in many different moods over the years but this mood he immediately recognized. This was her all business and all joking aside mood. Jinto took a step towards the door. Sobbash stopped him. “You came here for a reason didn’t you?” Jinto looks at her and nods. Sobbash continues, “Do I need to leave the room?” Jinto’s mouth functions, “No I would like your input too Admiral.” Sobbash frowns “I really wish you would not address me that way Jinto.” Jinto smiles “Ok Sobbash, I understand you and Samson have been off playing in the dirt somewhere then?” Sobbash frowns, “Wing flyer, do I have your attention?” Jinto nods. Sobbash continues, “We have been planting food for all of us to eat in the garden nothing more, nothing less. She’s really got you confused doesn’t she?”

Jinto is taken aback for a moment then he replies to them. “It’s that obvious?” They both nod their heads, Samson motions for them to sit and he continues the conversation. “Count you look like a man who could use a couple of friends to confide in.” Jinto sheepishly agrees. “When we were setting up the garden awhile ago, you and the Princess were the topic of the conversation. I’m happy you stopped by because, after we were done here, I planned on going to look for you. We, Sobbash and I are concerned about how the two of you have been acting since the victory party. Tell me if I’m wrong are you two on the verge of splitting up?”

Jinto leans back in his chair, then comes forward looking them in the face, “Have you ever said something you wish you could not only take back, but remove from everyone’s mind?” Jinto took his hand and wiped the tears from his face. “I figured Lafiel would agree to an exchange of simple vows, nothing really constraining, when she left this morning to go study the subject in depth, she left me with the impression that she was wanting a ceremony rivaling a coronation. Now I wished I’d never said anything to her and just let our relationship stay the way it was.”

Samson looks into Jinto’s eyes, he seemed far away from the present conversation. Samson figured a slight jolt was in order. “So you would be happy being stagnate? Two separate entities that sometimes live together have fun together and maybe sleep together. Is that how you want to spend the next two hundred years, as the live in boyfriend, her consort?” Samson was becoming furious his upbringing was beginning to cloud his judgment. It was Sobbash who decided to step into the fray.

She put her hands on Samson’s shoulders and looks him in the face, “You’re doing what you said you didn’t want to do. You’re making this personal Samson, take a deep breath and relax.“ She turns to a very shaken Jinto and offers him her hand. “Take my hand Jinto.” Jinto takes her hand; it feels of soil, it is rough from planting; however it’s also warm and comforting. “I’ve stood by for the past ten tears and watched you and Her Highness become something very special. You two went past being friends at Lobnas II. What you two have gone through, at least the things I know about and now watching your relationship head this way makes me ill Jinto. I still believe that what you said to her, the question you asked her was the right thing to do. We Abh live without commitments and it affects all of us differently. Have you ever seen a freedom imprison oneself?”

Jinto sat taking in her words, he was confused as to what she meant, sensing his confusion she continued. “Jinto our freedom to do and love as we wish has left us unable to commit to any kind of long term relationship.” She looks at a confused Samson. “Some of us Abh are breaking away from that mold, for someone such as myself whose social status is that of a commoner. It’s easy to break free there are no strings that tie me to any tradition. Her Highness however is bound by tradition and over one thousand years of it, for her to just break free from that will prove very difficult, but not impossible. She’s done the impossible already, so it won’t be a hindrance. Jinto, consider this if she angers her clan enough, they have disowned members of the royal family before. You and she have a very important destiny to fulfill, this galaxy wishes to be at peace and the two of you maybe our only hope of lasting peace.”

Sobbash looks again at Jinto his confusion and that of Samson is beginning to clear, seeing this she continues, “The two of you, as a functioning couple can do wondrous things, I’ve seen this first hand. You two need to put your differences aside find a common thread that you can work with, finish what you asked her to, and she accepted to be, your companion for life.” She looks at Jinto. “Go wing flyer, work out your differences with the understanding that more than your happiness is at stake, understand that she is putting her future on the line to enter into this commitment, accept her wishes and express yours as well.” She releases Jinto’s hand she then puts her arm around Samson.

Jinto looks at them both, he’s heard a lot, and his next question catches them both off guard. “Seeing that you have figured out how Lafiel and I should live the rest of our lives, how are you two going plan your relationship?" Samson sat speechless Sobbash spoke, “I have to stay an Admiral for the next five years for my pension to mature, I plan on doing that, in the mean time Samson and I have started a garden here, that very well may become that farm he always wanted on Midgrad. Staying here on the Hyde depot will make me happy I think it will make Samson happy. Jinto it comes down to happiness in the end. We will be working together, planning together and hopefully happy together. We have had a few differences and will probably have few more. Working together is the key, understand ones feelings, being able to sense when things are not right, respecting the other person’s thoughts and opinions. You understand what I’m saying Jinto?”

Jinto was surprised, here they sat with a future planned out and they had hardly known each other till recently. Jinto’s confusion became evident it was Samson who spoke. “It’s simple my boy, after as many years that I’ve ah we have been around the natural tendency to find common ground comes easier than someone as young as the two of you are. You met as children and you’ve grown up a lot, but still you aren’t sure of what you really want, is that your problem?”

Jinto sat back in his chair; he figured that life would have shown him all the opportunities by now. It seems he was very wrong about that, he never figured that something as simple as a garden, could bring let alone keep two people together. Sobbash suggested that they met later on at her favorite tavern. Jinto mentioned he left a note that he would be back to have dinner with Lafiel. Samson smiled, “That’s good, let’s make it a foursome. You go get Her Highness while Sobbash and I clean up, then we will meet you two there, say in an hour and a half?” Jinto finally agreed to it with the condition that if Lafiel did not want to go that the party was off.

They left the depot office, Jinto headed back to their quarters he found Lafiel there; she readily agreed to go to dinner with Samson and Sobbash. They cleaned up and went very casual to dinner; entering the tavern Samson motioned them to a table in the rear. Lafiel and Sobbash were dressed similarly light blue blouses and dark gray slacks. Samson and Jinto were worlds apart Samson was wearing clean work clothes Jinto was in slacks and a print shirt. They still blended into the atmosphere of the tavern. Lafiel picked up a menu and started to read it Jinto looked around the tavern it was fairly well occupied the extra chairs at the table brought a question from him, “Are we expecting company?” Jinto said pointing to the empty chairs.

Before Samson could answer, Risch’s voice was heard, “Sorry we are late somebody had trouble finding something casual to wear.” Noel came into view she was wearing a pale green top and light gray slacks. Lafiel noticed she was wearing high heels. “I’m impressed Noel I figured you’d never wear those again not after Ku’s party.” Noel shot Lafiel a glance “Funny Your Highness very funny I feel good wearing these.” Lafiel cut in “You mean you feel taller.” Noel turned up her nose to Lafiel and sat next to Risch. Samson looked towards the door and Jinto questioned him. “Expecting somebody else?” Samson looked at Jinto, “Guess she’s not going to come, well it was short notice and she is a busy person. You ready to order?”

Everyone picked up their menus Sobbash gave pointers on what was good on the menu. Jinto was ready to commit to the fish dish when somebody blocked the light to his menu, figuring it was the hostess Jinto started to ask question about the dish. The answer that came from behind him left him in shock. “I spend days getting here and your first words to me are a food order. This being a Count has sure gone to your head, Jinto Lynn.” Jinto dropped his menu and spun around in his seat there stood Seelnay and Ku Dorin. “You got room for a couple more hungry souls?” All Jinto could do was point to the two empty chairs at the end of the table.

Once they were seated Seelnay started the conversation. “I was sitting in the office finishing up the inspection report and the next thing I knew I was in his arms. I was never so happy to see Ku I completely gave in to the moment. I remembered that you were having dinner here and well here we are. Oh, Samson. Admiral Spoor sends her regrets, she said she’d be unable to come tonight.” Ku looks at Lafiel, “I hear you two have had an exciting time while you’ve been here. How about we talk about it while we dine. I’ve not had anything since morning and I’m starving.”

Ku and Seelnay pick up their menus. They hold them as to make a little wall blocking everyone’s view. The next thing everyone knows a kiss or two is being made in the shelter of the menus. Jinto comments “That’s enough Ku what you’re looking for is not on the menu?” Seelnay drops her menu and addresses Jinto, “Says you!” She picks up her menu and she and Ku return to sneaking kisses. Lafiel giggles she grabs Jinto’s arm, “Guess she told you didn’t she?” Lafiel then proceeds to give Jinto a peck on the cheek, all Jinto can do is blush and call the hostess over to order. The hostess did well in getting eight very complex orders taken. Jinto made note she should get a generous tip when they were done.

The order taken Ku looks around the table there are two people present who he doesn’t recognize. Seelnay who is conversing with Noel and Lafiel is unaware of his plight. Ku is pretty sure from what Seelnay told him the gentlemen is Samson, it’s the woman who has his curiosity peaked. Ku figures it best to misaddress the gentleman than the lady so he speaks. “You’re Samson, am I correct in that fact?” Samson smiled “Yes I am and I’ll assume you’re Ku Dorin the Count’s friend from his school days.” Jinto listening to the girls chatter, suddenly hears his name mentioned, realizes that no one has introduced Ku to Samson and Sobbash. Jinto goes to speak but Ku has already introduced himself to them.

Samson smiles “The charming lady as you called her is Admiral Sobbash.” Sobbash drops an elbow in Samson’s ribs. “I told you about using that term in public didn’t I?” Samson is rubbing his side the memory of their last conversation now rings clear in his mind. “Sorry Sobbash I forgot can’t guarantee it won’t happen again, but if that elbow of yours is any indication of what will happen if I forget again, this should be the last time.” Ku was amazed here were a mixed couple acting if they had no differences between them. He thought Jinto and Lafiel were a unique couple, these two seem to be the same way, in fact it’s seemed no one was taking notice, they seem to truly be friends. Ku figured these two should share in the information he had brought with him.

Since dinner was aways off, Ku produced a photo album, sitting it in front of Samson and Sobbash he said, “Since you weren’t there, you might as well see how the costume party went.” Samson opened the book he and Sobbash stare in disbelief; finally Samson spoke loud enough for all to hear. “Costume party? Nobody mentioned a costume party and these costumes are.” He looks to Sobbash she becomes quite frank, “You wouldn’t catch me dead in something so revealing as those are.” The conservation stills Noel reaches for the book the first picture is all of them as they arrived at the party. Noel sees nothing wrong and she frankly comments back, “Jealous Sobbash? I’m sure I can find something like that for you to wear too.” The look on Sobbash’s face speaks volumes to Noel’s comment. Noel ignores her look.

She passes the book back to Samson and Sobbash. They continue to look through the book questioning Ku as they go along. Finally there is a photo of Seelnay holding a baby. Sobbash blushes and Samson asks, “You’re going to explain this, I don’t want to let my imagination run on this one.” Ku explains the unexpected arrival and the help Lafiel and Noel were to Seelnay. They turn the next page it a photo of Seelnay, Noel and Lafiel all holding the baby. Ku takes the book back and says, “That catches you up to date, and the rest of these pictures no one here has seen. We can look at these after dinner.”

With Ku’s words dinner arrived. Half way through dinner Seelnay has a revelation, she looks at Noel then Lafiel, and says, “We didn’t tell them did we, I mean we got here, you were ill Your Highness then the battle.” Seelnay grew pale. “Oh Samson and Sobbash, I am so sorry we did all those things, forgot to mention them to you and that’s why you’re in shock.” Sobbash smiled, “Seelnay my child, I should know by now if you’re involved, surprises will abound. I’m guessing Ku knows nothing of what you did during the battle then?”

Seelnay blushes and buries her head in Ku’s shoulder, “No he knows nothing and I’d like to be the one who tells him, is that ok?” Ku looks at her face he begins to speak, thinks a moment then says “Was it like delivering the baby?” She smiles, “Delivering the baby was a breeze compared to what I did.” Ku kisses her on the forehead. “When you’re ready, I’ll listen, you’re here everybody looks well then it was a good thing right?” Seelnay smiles she leans heavily into Ku. Jinto nods his approval to his friend and they continue to eat.

The meal complete Ku returns the photos book to the table opening it to the page after the bookmark he produces baby pictures. They quickly get passed around the table the general consensus of opinion is little Plakia is a cutie. Sobbash spends quite a bit of time looking at the photos, Samson notices this but says nothing he does how ever have a question “Seelnay what is the child’s name?” without batting an eye Seelnay answers “Plakia.” Sobbash almost chokes on her drink. Samson goes to help her and she brushes him off. “Let me guess Your Highness came up with the name am I correct?” Seelnay amazed at Sobbash’s perception answers “Yes she did, how did you know?” Lafiel sits with a smile on her face she looks at Seelnay and says. “It seems at one time Admiral Sobbash must have met my mother.” Sobbash smiles “She gave me passage on a merchant ship years before you were born Princess.” Lafiel nods “Though so, you seem to know many things Sobbash, we will have to talk one of these days.”

Lafiel took her fork and gently tapped her glass getting everyone’s attention she had a couple of things to say. “I want to thank Ku for coming all this way and there is something I think he should know.” She glances at Jinto he nods back. She turns towards Ku, “Awhile ago Jinto asked me a question which I had a hard time answering, finally I answered him and I wanted you to know.” She got flustered and red-faced. “He proposed to me and I accepted. I believe that’s the proper wording.” Ku about fell out of his chair Seelnay steadied him and Lafiel looked very confused. “Ku did I say it wrong? Do I need to explain it?” Ku waved her off, “No I completely understand what you just said, it just that, well I thought Abh’s did not believe in marriage.” Regaining his composer he continued, “So have you two set a date?”

Jinto shook his head, “Not yet we are still working out some things, where and how many for openers.” Lafiel stops Jinto. “Jinto I’ve been doing some more thinking on that and there are some ideas I’d like to share with you later on.” Jinto looks at Lafiel he was not expecting that statement from her. He figured he’d stop on the subject and see what she had on her mind. Seelnay sat next to Ku she was beaming for reasons that Jinto did not understand he. Lafiel went on “Ku how long were you planning on staying here?” Seeing that he had not been on the depot three hours, Lafiel’s question surprised him. “This has to be a short visit not more than seven days. Why do you ask?” She became relaxed “That’s good I’m glad it’s that long, then we can count on your help if we need it?” Ku was confused but he was glad Lafiel was happy.

The dinner concluded and the couples headed for their quarters except for Ku and Seelnay. They sat in the corner booth and had a very long talk. “You moved the ship with your mind? I don’t find that weird I find it fascinating. How long have you been able to do these things?” Seelnay continued “After Her Highness rescued me and I started to pilot a ship I realized I could interface with the Abh system by just thinking. I’ve worked at it from there. Ku I need to tell you this. The only reason I managed to do what I did. The reason I managed to keep everything together was my love for you. When that ship attacked us it was the thought of not seeing you again that drove me to concentrate on what I was doing. My love for you Ku is the only reason we all are here today. I’m sure of that and I don’t want to be without you ever again.” Ku kissed Seelnay “I’ve missed you too and I don’t want to be without you ever again. Can we go walk somewhere?”

Seelnay agreed they left the tavern and continued towards her quarters. “Ku you will spend the night with me won’t you?” the tightening of his arm around her waist was her answer. They continued slowly towards her quarters stopping and talking as they went. Ku was at peace for the first time in may years. This strangely bubbly woman had taken the years of pain he suffered away. Leaving her anywhere for any length of time was completely out of the question.

Sitting in the depot office Samson and Sobbash were continuing their previous discussion on the garden and setting priority’s as what to plant next. Sobbash caught sight of Ku and Seelnay heading for her quarters, she tapped Samson on the shoulder and pointer out the window. Samson smiled “I think I’m going to lose her soon. I do believe she’s going to run off with Ku and replacing her will be impossible.” Sobbash tapped Samson on the cheek he returned his look to her. Sobbash had something on her mind too. “Let me say what I want before you comment please?” Samson looked at her he went to a very serious look letting Sobbash know she had his complete attention.

“Samson after I finish my commitment to the Star Forces I want to stay here with you on this depot for the rest of my life, if you’ll have me that is.” Samson looked a bit confused he always knew Sobbash was older than he was he never bothered to ask her just how much older. She brought him back to the conversation at hand. “There is something else I’ve always wanted, seeing those pictures tonight brought it home again. I want a child and I want it with you.” Now Samson had tipped a few drinks during dinner and he and Sobbash had put down a couple more since they had been back. But he was sure he was nowhere near being drunk. However the words Sobbash just spoke made him reconsider it for a moment.

“Sobbash are you proposing and propositioning me at the same time?” She smiles at him “You’re not as drunk as I thought can I get an answer from you?” Samson pulls Sobbash from the chair she’s in and into his lap. “I’ll keep you and the child can we discuss that later?” Sobbash nods and then says “Just one question. You are able to?” He places his fingers across her lips. “That’s not the problem, it’s the idea of raising a child and ah well are you going to have any difficulties, you know, carrying a child?” She smiles “I appreciate your concerns but Abh women a lot older than I have successfully carried babies to term with no difficulties.” She kisses him on the forehead. They talk a while longer they head for their respective quarters. Passing Seelnay’s quarters Samson notices the lights are still on. It’s almost dawn. He’s thankful Paveryua is doing the duty in the morning.

Lafiel poured herself a Teal Non and asked Jinto what he wanted. She walked over to the table where Jinto was sitting handing him his drink she sat across from him. “Jinto?” He raised his head and looked at her “Yes Lafiel.” She looks at him “I’d like something small, simple, and intimate, I’m just getting married not ascending to the throne. Jinto can we have simple vows too?” Jinto was in shock he had prepared himself to have another long and complicated argument with Lafiel and here she was coming at him for a direction he never thought she would. “Lafiel can I ask what happened? Why the sudden change in plans?” she produced the book Seelnay had left her Jinto thumbed through it he closed the book and handed it back to her. She placed it on the table between them.

“Lafiel don’t be angry but I need to ask this. Are you really sure this is what you want to do?” Fearing the worst Jinto braced himself for her response. It came as a light breeze on a warm summers night. “Yes, are you happy doing it this way?” Lafiel was smiling she had not changed her look since he asked her the question. Convinced that this was the direction she wanted to go in Jinto picked up the book and started to read it in more detail. As daylight entered their quarters Lafiel invited him to join her. They curled up on the couch and fell asleep together for the first time in a very long time.

Sitting on the bridge the night lamps lit Noel thought about the dinner she just came from. The baby pictures were so cute. Something about seeing little children distracted her from what she was doing. Risch had entered the bridge and was standing behind her before she realized he was there. “Hey, wonder what you’re thinking Noel?” she looked at the display. The sun was rising over the depot, “Space for the most part is so black and white. I liked the sunrises and sunsets on the planet especially when we were soaking in the hot tub. I want to go back there soon Risch real soon. But our charges seem to have an agenda that is keeping us here.” Risch reached around the command chair and put his hands on Noel’s shoulders he gently started to massage them. “Personally I’m glad we are here and they are fighting at the depot, could you see us going through plane space with the two of them at it. Nope not me I’d rather be here until they figure out what they want and peacefully this time.”

He released her shoulders and gently spun her around to face him. “Did you see the look on Ku’s face when Lafiel told him? I thought he was going to pass out right there.” Noel smiled she leaned forward and kissed him. “You worry too much about them, try worrying about us every once and awhile. You and I got a lot of years ahead of us. I don’t want to spend them all playing escort to Jinto and Lafiel. I want something in another five or ten years and I was hoping you’d want it too.” Risch leaned forward she whispered in his ear. A smile went from ear to ear. “Noel, are you serious? You really want to do that. Well yes I’d be happy to go on that journey with you.” She leaned back in her chair “Well I guess that makes you this Captain’s mate doesn’t it now? They both had a good laugh over that statement.

They wondered if it would affect crew moral. “Just depends on how open we are about it Noel. What the crew doesn’t know.” Risch winked. Noel sprung out of the seat and into his arms. “You came you here to tell me something?” Risch hugged her “Yes I did it’s the end of the duty shift is in ten minutes would you care to join me in my cabin for a nightcap Captain. Noel whispered in his ear, “Only if I can stay the night, most of the crew is on shore leave so.” They wandered off the bridge when the relief crew arrived sitting in port was boring. They made the best of their present situation.

“Kufadis, has Admiral Bebaus cleared the Sord?” Kufadis did not have to look he’d already noticed the Admirals passing. “About ten minutes ago, he took twenty ships with him and the rest have returned to Admiral Nastoyia’s position.” Kufadis scanned the area, for the first time in almost two months the Hyde System was not crowded with Star Forces vessels. It was a peaceful and intimidating scene Kufadis viewed. He wondered if the battle had actually started the peace process. Spoor sat in her command chair fiddling with her ponytail a definite sign she was extremely bored. She suddenly rose from her chair and approached Kufadis. “Get permission to dock with the depot I’m going aboard there are a couple of matters that.” She trained her gaze at Kufadis, “Never mind you’re coming with me. I’ll be in my quarters come get me when we’ve docked.” Not awaiting an answer she strode off the bridge. Kufadis opened a link to the depot, getting permission he changed the course of the Lashkau to intercept the depot, they would arrive within the hour he sat back and looked at the vastness of space and wondered what was on her mind this time.

Duhiel sat in his cabin; the message from Lafiel had arrived two days earlier. He’d put it aside because of other pressing duties of that time, now he finally had time to review it in detail. He did not get past the first paragraph. Bringing the ships library on line he searched for references to the word “engagement” after some research he was relieved, at first he though Lafiel and Jinto were at odds with each other and preparing for battle. That hurdle put aside he finished the letter. Lafiel had detailed the events that had transpired since she left the planet. Duhiel sat reading in disbelief at first followed by a bit if envy. Here was his sister embarking on a great adventure and he sat patiently watching her home as she got to experience this new life she was embarking on, he would keep her home safe.

The final lines of the letter brought everything into perspective, “Duhiel I share this with you and you alone my brother and trusted friend. As our plans become finalized I will inform you then Father and Grandmother. I want your opinions on this, as you can see I’ve given it a lot of thought and for the first time in a very long time I sleep happy my brother. My love always, Lafiel.”

Duhiel drafted a response to Lafiel’s letter he dispatched it as soon as it was finished with in five days Lafiel would know his feelings on the matter. Sitting on the edge of the Sord scanning the system that contained the Capital, Duhiel wondered what being Emperor over all of what he saw was like. He wonder if he would be happy being Emperor, the daydream put aside he returned to the business at hand and ordered the ship to make low orbit over the planet and scan it for any irregularities. The planetary scan proved nothing out of the ordinary had happen since the last scan. He returned the ship to its sentry position and continued to wait for Lafiel’s return.

Docked at the depot Kufadis and Spoor made their way to the main office they were informed that Samson and Admiral Sobbash were in the food farm at the far side of the depot, exiting the office Spoor looks at Kufadis, ”Ready for a long walk Kufadis?” Kufadis nods and the two of them proceed to the food farm, it’s about a thirty-minute walk from the main offices. While they are walking Spoor finally tells Kufadis what has been troubling her lately. “You understand Ramaj and I go back many years together to the time where we were competing for the throne. She asked me right after Captain Lexshu died to watch over Her Highness, I never figured I’d be doing it for the last ten years. Now she wants to.” Spoor pauses thinks for a moment and then continues, “She wishes to have this grand ceremony and break a lot of traditions. I’ve not said a word to Ramaj about this and you shall not either Kufadis, when Ramaj finds out heads will probably roll.”

Kufadis never figured she was Her Highness baby sitter; the pieces were beginning to fall into place. “Admiral you’re afraid of Her Highness if you tell Ramaj and of Ramaj if you let Her Highness do this, so you’re retreating to your home world leaving all of this behind you?” Spoor nods “Last night if you had asked me that Kufadis, I would have taken your head off, but you’re correct I’m running or well I was planning on running away, that’s going to change very soon but I can’t do this alone so I’m going to ask for some advice and maybe some help.”

Kufadis took six more steps he stopped and Spoor stopped with him, he took a long hard look at her. “What is it Kufadis?” he took a deep breath exhaled it and said, “Are you planning on turning her friends, no, wait, are you planning on stopping the Princess and the Count from having their ceremony by using their friends to do it?” Spoor was infuriated, ”You’ve read me wrong Kufadis completely wrong, more than anything else I want those two to be happy and to that end I’ll enlist the help of their friends. Right now there are a lot of things I still do not understand or comprehend. This is where I need their friends to explain to me what is actually going to happen, do you understand me my dear chief?” Kufadis dipped his head he’d assumed that Spoor was, he felt her touch his chin, and she lifted his head then kissed his lips. “It’s ok Chief, you spoke your mind there is nothing to be ashamed of, I would have done the same thing if I were in your position.”

They continued to walk towards the food farm his fears removed Kufadis was beginning to feel better about this trip. They arrived to find Samson and Sobbash planting several trays in the central section. Walking into the garden Sobbash was first to notice them she tapped Samson on the shoulder and pointed in there direction. “We’ve got company looks official too.” Samson straightened up the hours of bending over planting trays had left him stiff; it was a pleasant although painful change. “Admiral Spoor this is a surprise what can I do for you?”

Spoor took in the scene that was before her, here were Samson and Sobbash dressed in coveralls covered in a mixture of dirt, planting mush, and plant material it was not a pleasing sight. “I’m sorry to show up unannounced but I need your help with.” Spoor was trying in vain to avoid showing her complete confusion over what Jinto and Lafiel were about to do. This ceremony the unknown parts of it left her skin crawling. “When you two get some free time I’d like talk with you about.” She stood motionless, confused. Kufadis picked up on it and continued for her. “We would like to discuss the plans that Her Highness and Count Hyde have shared with you.” Kufadis did not express it as eloquently as he had wished but the problem was out in the open.

Sobbash understood, she had sensed that Spoor was very uncomfortable with Lafiel’s statement at the victory party and Spoor’s absence from several functions since then was also an indicator, She had wondered how long it would take Spoor to seek someone out and discuss this problem. However she didn’t figure it would be Samson and she on the receiving end of the visit. “Admiral if you have about forty,” she glances at Samson he nods “About forty minutes we’ll be happy to discuss with you all that we understand, although I’d like Seelnay to be with us she seems to have a very broad understanding of the matter at hand.”

Spoor agrees she and Kufadis will meet them in the depot office within the hour and they depart. Samson looks at Sobbash. “I’ve got this feeling.” She grabs his hand “Yeah, me too. I hope this doesn’t go badly let’s finish this and clean up it’s going to be a very long evening I fear.” They finish their planting, change out of their coveralls, contact Seelnay and head off to meet up with Spoor.

“Ramaj we have cleared the Vorash Sord I await your further orders.” Ramaj sat in her office Kenesh sat across from her. “I’m bring them back to the Capital, Kenesh. Do you have any reservations? Kenesh had cleared her mind of the past she realized that Dustain was not Dusanyu although he may look like him his life experiences were very different. There was a small part that still wished, but she had almost doused that flame. “Bring him back. We are going to imprison him are we not?” Ramaj’s face grew angry, “I do not plan on imprisoning a fellow Abh, a member of my clan. I believe we can show him his heritage let him decide his path. It only matters that above everything else he was born Abh. What they did to him can be undone I do believe this Kenesh.” Kenesh rose “I’ll give the orders, I’m sorry you are right he at least should be given the choice of which path to take.” Kenesh left the room Ramaj stared at the empty chair before her wondering if she was doing the right thing. She dimmed the light and leaned back in her chair. Debeusec would be at the Capital before Nefee arrived. She felt confident that the arrival would go as she has hoped.

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 14_Happier Days

Post by Diaho »

The gentle chiming of the computer brought Risch awake. He focused his eyes on the display, it was mid afternoon. He and Noel had three hours before they were to be on duty again. Noel was still asleep she had not moved a muscle since they’d fallen asleep. Risch gently nudged her side and she started to move. “Hi, we’ve got three hours before we’re back on duty. It seems we slept the whole day away.”

Noel looks over his shoulder, he is correct they have slept a long time she smiles, “It’s was worth it. I feel wonderful, how about you?” Risch kisses her, “I’m fine, but it never seems that we have enough time alone, together. I mean we’ve been here but we were asleep.” She kisses him back. “I know, but just knowing that you’re here next to me feeling your warmth, hearing your heart beating along with mine, I could spend the rest of my life like this.” She pulls him very close to her. “Just like this Risch, you me and the vastness of the universe.” The computer chimes again. Noel looks annoyed. “I guess duty calls, but before duty.” She pulls the covers over their heads. Their arrival on the bridge was perfect, not a moment to spare. The Captain and the Chief Engineer seemed very relaxed. Was the notation the first officer left in his log

The walk back from the food farm was a running conversation between Samson and Sobbash. They decided that they would let Spoor state her apprehensions about Jinto and Lafiel and respond from there. “We should not give Spoor and more information that what is necessary to answer her questions. If something comes up that none of us can answer then she’ll have to take it up with them, don’t you agree Samson?” Walking at a brisk pace Samson nods his approval and adds, “We just need to keep an eye on Seelnay. You know how she tends to go into great detail about some things.” Sobbash agreed.

Rounding the corner to the depot office they bumped into Seelnay and explained what they knew about Admiral Spoor’s visit. Seelnay agreed she would keep everything very simple. They entered the office Spoor and Kufadis were waiting. They made there way to a conference room the question and answer session lasted five hours.

As expected Seelnay and Spoor did most of the talking, Samson and Sobbash did a lot of listening. Kufadis was taking notes as he had been instructed to do when the conversation began. His hands were getting tired and Spoor seemed to be getting her second wind. “Admiral let’s take a break. We’ve been at this long enough.” Spoor relented. It was now Kufadis turn to question Seelnay. He asked her to sit across the table from him. Putting the note tablet aside. He sat back and started what was going to be the decisive conversation.

“Seelnay do all the land worlds have such traditions?” Seelnay wanting to narrow the topic asked, “Are you asking about marriage or all traditions in general?” “For the moment Seelnay let’s talk about marriage.” Seelnay positioned her self and started to speak. “I only know of three races that do not hold the tradition of marriage sacred, the Abh being one of them. Most cultures as I explained earlier had a logical progression to get them to the institute of marriage. I find it strange though Commander that the Abh who are children of a surface culture would not carry on it’s traditions.” Kufadis moved his head from side to side. “It’s part of the freedoms we Abh cherish, free to do and be who ever we want to be.”

Seelnay bristled. “Does that include the freedom to be irresponsible too? It’s true that ninety-nine percent of Abh children have only one parent to raise them is it not?” Kufadis nods, “That is a true statement it has been that way for almost a thousand years, and your point is?” Seelnay gathered her thoughts. “Commander I’ll assume you had one parent. Didn’t you ever long to be raised by two parents to have a healthy family environment to come from?” “So Seelnay you really think I came from a broken home? Do you believe that about all Abh? Are there not single parent lander families on this depot? I understand what you’re getting at. However just because the system is not the same as what you’re use to. Don’t immediately label it as bad.”

Before she could speak Kufadis went on, “Let me see if I’ve understood the last five hours correctly. Marriage with the religion stripped away from it is a commitment between two individuals who love each other and want to make a stable environment to raise offspring in?” Seelnay nods. Kufadis goes on, “So may I ask why all the lavish ceremony why not just a simple exchange of vows, that is the word you used. It’s all the pomp and ceremony that has me taken back, the basic idea I can understand, the rest seems nonsense.” Spoor interrupted, “That’s because you’re a male my dear. I understand the premise of what she explained. There has to be a happy middle ground, isn’t that correct Seelnay?”

Seelnay smiled. “Hopefully, at least for Her Highness and the Count. I did something a few days ago that might get this ceremony back on track.” Seelnay proceeds to explain the addition of a book to the Princess reading stack. “She’s got the book with her as I speak, if she and Count Hyde can find common ground, we will have a ceremony soon. We keep forgetting she is a member of the royal family and lavish ceremony is part of her up bringing. Where as Count Hyde was thrown in to this life he’s presently leading and I do believe he wishes to return to simpler times. Her Highness happiness is the most important thing to him, but him putting his happiness aside to make her happy. Will lead to their eventual downfall.”

Kufadis nods, “That would be called a divorce am I correct?” Seelnay nods, “There are many reasons couples break up, too many to go into tonight. But it safe to assume the either lack of knowledge of the other person, rushing into it as my planet puts it, or one party giving up happiness to keep the other one happy, a lack of communication the inability to express one feelings freely. Have I confused you?” Kufadis smiles, “Actually you’ve given me a lot to think about Seelnay we are not that far apart Abh and landers at least on this subject the subject of happiness that is. Marriage, I guess if it’s done properly with enough thought and planning it would make a stable environment to raise offspring in.”

He looks at Spoor, and then returns to Seelnay. “It could actually be fun I think.” Spoor shakes her head. “I think we’ve all had enough discussion for one night. I thank you Seelnay for taking the time to talk with us. I feel I have a better understanding of what those two are planning to do.” She looks at Kufadis, “Come on Chief you’ve had your say. I’m getting tired.” Kufadis raises from his seat he and Spoor both leave the room.

Seelnay turns to Samson and Sobbash, “You two were pretty quiet have you got any questions?” She then notices that they are sitting there holding hands. “So you two have this figured out already don’t you?” Sobbash smiles, she looks at Samson then back to Seelnay, “My dear you’re not the only one this depot with the knowledge of how relationships are formed or how they should progress. I want to thank you though the Princess is a little naïve when it comes to relating with others. You’ve pointed them in the proper direction, now it’s time for you to get your life going. I do remember a certain young man you left sleeping to come here. Don’t you think you should be returning to him?”

Seelnay blushes, “Is it that obvious?” Samson and Sobbash both nod. Samson continues, “Although you never said anything about him, I knew he’s existed since you got back from Vorash. You’re very different when he’s around, it’s a good difference too, something I feel you should not lose, so get going.” Seelnay gets up from her chair and races out of the room. Samson turns to Sobbash, “Well we are finally alone it went better than I though it would.” Sobbash agreed then her look changed. “I wonder what Spoor will say to Ramaj or if she will even communicate this to the Capital.” Sobbash pauses then she says.

“The Princess should be the one to tell her family. Excuse me Samson. I need to confirm Spoors feelings I’ll be right back.” She leaves Samson and heads for the Lashkau. Upon her arrival the duty officer opens a link to Admiral Spoor she had not retired for the evening. He informs the admiral that Admiral Sobbash is here to speak with her. “Sobbash I just left you is it that important it could not wait till morning? Fine I’ll be right there.” Spoor approaches Sobbash “What is it?” Sobbash dismisses the duty officer from the room she turns to Spoor. “Are you going to report to Ramaj about the Princess?” Spoor looks at her. “So how long have you known about this?” Sobbash relaxes slightly “I’ve actually known since my promotion but I always felt since Lobnas II you were keeping an eye on and looking out for her.”

Spoor nods, “My dear friend Kenesh. Seems she didn’t tell you all of it, well I will. After the Princess was rescued at Clasbul and Ramaj found out she was alive. I was asked to keep an eye on her. Ramaj is a very cunning woman; you see over the years, we Spoors have had a running feud with the Royal family. Ramaj used that feud to cover my sticking my nose into the Princess business. It has worked well up until now. Sobbash you must swear you’ll never tell another living soul about what I’ve done or what I’m about to do. I need your to promise now before I say another thing to you.”

Sobbash promises, it’s not the only promise she’s been keeping lately. Spoor continues. “I plan on saying nothing until the Princess informs the Capital. I extremely happy she’s out here on the edge of the Empire and have kept her announcements to a minimum. It was the lavish ceremony that she wanted at first, I figured that kind of news would get to the Capital fast. That’s why I almost left all of you without notice. Although I do have duties I need to perform in my territory, but that can wait till this is over and done with. The Princess and the Count are our hope for a lasting peace. There inability to work together lately has a lot of people concerned, if they manage to get over this hurdle, well.”

Spoor looks to Sobbash she is waiting for a reply. It doesn’t take Sobbash very long. “Admiral I’m happy we had this conversation. I know where your heart is on this matter and I’ll not divulge any of what’s been said here. Those two working together are a very formidable combination. I’ve seen it first hand but I feel we should not totally rely on them to save the day. We all need to pitch in and realize what they been saying all along. If we are going to have lasting peace we all need to work together Abh and Lander alike. That’s going to be the hard pill to swallow, and that will be their biggest challenge. They need us as much as we need them don’t you think?” Spoor agrees. Sobbash bids Spoor goodnight and leaves the Lashkau. On her way back to Samson she realized that she was practicing what she just preached. She and Samson were working together, putting their differences aside and looking to the future together. The thought left her with a warm feeling inside. She found Samson, and they spent the rest of the evening discussing their future together. It was dawn when they finally retired

Two days had passed since Lafiel’s announcement of wanting a simple ceremony. She and Jinto had spent that time in their quarters only venturing out to eat. Seelnay’s book had been a great help to Lafiel. However that book was about to open up another discussion this one was, “Jinto, I’m really confused I’ve read and reread the section on vows, I understand they can be created by the couple. What gets me is in all of them the woman is supposed to obey the male and the man is not to obey the female?”

She lays the book in front of him, “Look here Jinto, love, honor and obey. I’m not a cat nor a slave. I will not say those things.” Jinto shuts the book. He produces a note pad from behind him, “Lafiel I was thinking more along these lines.” He shows her the pad and continues. “Were not getting married in a church or in front of a large crowd, but to those who are our witnesses I figured if they had the vows, then the meaning would be explained.” Lafiel reads the pad as Jinto has spoken. Tears are streaming from her eyes, “Jinto where did you find these? They are beautiful; I’m torn between the first two, although the third one expresses a lot in such a simple sentence. How would the third one go?”

Jinto takes the pad from Lafiel he looks her in the face and repeats these words, “I, Jinto, take you, Lafiel, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the woman you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”

Lafiel smiles and takes the pad from him and says, “I, Lafiel, take you, Jinto, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”

Jinto looks at her she is still crying. “You like the third one? The simplest one of the bunch you know we can modify and add if there is something else you want. Lafiel moves towards him, putting the pad down and steps into his arms. “Actually Jinto those words will be just fine.” She holds him till they tire of standing, then moving to the sofa, Lafiel asks. “Where, when and who do we invite?” Jinto makes a confession his first choice would be Martine, second their planet and third this depot.

Lafiel takes his head and puts it on her chest, “Now that I’ve seen Martine I can understand your insistence on being wed there. The planet that would be nice too, however most of our friends are here at the depot.” A moment of distress passes across her face; she tenses then looks at him.

“Jinto have you told Teel and Lina?” Jinto senses something is wrong, “No, I figured we get everything worked out first them let them know, it’s not like their going to leave Martine to see us go through with this. Have you said anything to your Father about this?” Lafiel held him tighter, “My father? No, my brother yes, in fact I was hoping for his reply by now. As for my Father and Grandmother as much as I love them, I will tell them after this.”

Jinto kisses Lafiel, “Lafiel are you telling me after we do this you might be at odds with your clan?” Jinto could feel her pulse quicken and her face flush. “Jinto I don’t know and further more I don’t care, right now I’m feeling very selfish. I’ve felt this way since you proposed to me, I also understand its a bride’s privilege to feel this way.” Jinto positions himself to be looking directly into Lafiel’s eyes. ”You’re scared aren’t you? Scared of this ceremony of what your family will think.”

She stops him. “I'm apprehensive Jinto not scared, as for my family, as long as I have you, what they think or do I could really care less about. I told you along time ago I never wanted to be Empress. I guess it’s Plakia’s genes speaking. Do you understand me Jinto? All I want is you and some peace in my life.” Her eyes never wavered they just remained two dark pools in a sea of fury.

Jinto pulled her closer and said, “I’m sorry Lafiel. I had to ask, I needed to know. It’s the same with me; just not as dire, Teel and Lina were the only parents I ever knew. Then the Empire came and I was taken away. I met you and I’ve never really looked back till I came to reclaim this system. Now I’ve grown close to Lina and really don’t want to disappoint her. If I have you by my side I feel I can do almost anything. I hope you understand Lafiel.”

The look in her eyes changed. She became very sympathetic, “Jinto I keep forgetting that the reason you and I are together is because of the aggressive nature of the Abh. Although I have to thank Dusanyu for sparing Martine, then Father and Plakia for sending me to you.” The tears begin to stream from her eyes. “Jinto it’s not fair, it’s not fair! Plakia’s dead your Father is dead, a lot of our friends have died and we are standing here feeling so selfish, it’s not fair.” She broke down and wailed. Jinto held her, he was crying too, it seemed that their destinies were finally entwined and were going forward together. They stayed the night on the sofa holding and comforting each other till dawn.

Lafiel awoke to natures calling. She gently slid away from Jinto and proceeded to the bathroom. Completing her calling she decided to take a shower. The water was warm. Its soothing rhythm from the shower head felt great. Hair and lower torso washed she started at her stomach her fingers kept gently washing around her navel, then she moved her hands away from the area imagining she was with child. She wondered how that would feel would she be able to carry to term. Her hands fell to her side she stood there the water cascading off her, dreaming this wonderful dream. The sudden change in water temperature brought her out of the shower in a hurry. Samson had warned her when they arrived that a steady supply of hot water was never guaranteed.

Cold, wet and shivering Lafiel took a towel from the rail she put her hair up in it. Reaching for a second towel she proceeded to dry herself off. On the wall behind the door was a full-length mirror after she dried herself and before she dried her hair she stood there taking in the result of her final growth spurt. It didn’t matter what Jinto said, she knew she was taller than he was. She stood admiring her looks, she had filled in at places she always though were a little thin. Turning side ways, taking the drying towel and rolling it into a ball she applied it to her middle. It looked very strange, so she dropped it to the floor. Childbirth was no longer a mystery to her she had a front row seat to the event. She wondered about the mechanics of it and whether she would look the same afterwards. She dried and untangled her hair slipped into a robe and went to wake Jinto. Jinto awoke, took a shower, then he and Lafiel dressed and went to breakfast.

The mess hall on the depot was deserted. They found meals to their liking and sat down to eat. Half way through his eggs Jinto spoke, “I’ll have Seelnay send a message to Teel and Lina since direct communication with the planet is forbidden.” Jinto stares out the window; the depot is positioned so as to have Martine rising like a moon. He feels depressed and turns back towards Lafiel she is smiling. “What are you so happy about?”

“Jinto I have this wonderful idea. How about Seelnay, Ku and I go to Martine? I can tell Lina and Teel. Then Ku can see some of your home world.” Jinto stared at her, undaunted she went on. “I know you would want to show him around and if it weren’t for the surrender document you could have. Then you would not have been with me, I understand that Jinto that you gave up your home world to stay with me.”

Jinto is visibly moved by Lafiel’s statement before he can speak Lafiel finishes. “I love and care about you Jinto, more than anything else. May I have your permission to take Seelnay and Ku planet side and express to Teel and Lina our plans?” Jinto sat there thinking, “She’s right. You need to let her take on things you can’t handle. She’s going to be you partner for life, she might as well get her feet wet now.”

“Go ahead Lafiel, I think you can express our feelings to them. However don’t ask me to tell your family Okay?” Lafiel leans across the table she kisses Jinto on the cheek. “I can agree to that, my family is going to be a tough sell I’m afraid.” They finish their meal and head for the depot office. Seelnay and Ku meet them there.

Jinto explains again why he can’t go planet side to Ku. Listening carefully Ku responds with “That really sucks.” Jinto watches as they head off to the docking bay. He turns and heads into the depot office. Paveryua is sitting in his office he calls Jinto in. “Though I’d let you know about the Lashkau. Their system was plagued with the same defect as the Basroil was. We’ve managed to fix most of it, but they can never exceed eighty five percent power to the main weapon.” Jinto sat there not showing any signs either way.

Paveryua spoke his mind. “Look Jinto, that was a raw deal you got dealt on Martine. I also understand why you did it, but you can’t let it keep dragging you down. The Princess is a beautiful woman; I’d given up everything I had to stay with her too. You’ve got to look forward stop looking back. Your life’s not in that direction, it’s in this one.” He points out the window the Seelnay is leaving dock and heading for Martine. “I’ve never said these things to you before, but I’m tired of you dragging around here. My advice to you is finish what you need to do around here and go somewhere else. As much as I enjoy your company this space is taking its toll on you.” Jinto stood up thanked Paveryua for his honesty and as he left asked, “Are you coming to the ceremony?” Paveryua nods in the affirmative “Just tell me when and where wing flyer.” Jinto says he will and leaves the office. Paveryua leans back in his chair and wonders if he’s done the right thing.

Seelnay was furious “What do you mean permission to land denied? I was just there yesterday.” The voice from the planet was not sympathetic. “Sorry miss you've declared you have an Abh aboard, since the battle the restriction on all Abh being forbidden planet side is being enforced. You may land at the orbital tower and plead your case there. But you may not land on the planet.” Seelnay asked for permission to land on the tower it was immediately granted.

The orbital tower was unusually quiet, Lafiel felt uneasy. Seelnay sensing her apprehension said, “Starboard side wardroom cabinet, third drawer.” Lafiel left the flight deck and headed down the corridor to the wardroom. She opened the drawer Seelnay had indicated and found a type-three laser pistol and belt. Sitting in the drawer along with them were ten power packs. Lafiel removed the belt and put it on, grabbing five packs and the pistol she returned to the flight deck. Ku was taken aback by Lafiel’s appearance seeing this she spoke. “Ku since Lobnas II Jinto and I have had one little understanding, when something we plan goes wrong or the situation changes drastically a little fire power is a good friend.”

Ku stares at her, Lafiel looks at home with a laser pistol strapped to her side. Then he remembers that she is an officer in the Star Forces besides being his best friends fiancée. Finally a group of Martine security forces approach the ship leading them is Lina. Lafiel doesn’t lower her guard at all, stepping off the ship the guards notice that Lafiel is armed and go to draw their weapons. “Stop leave them holstered!!” Lina exclaims.

Lafiel stands there this was not the greeting she wanted, but making the best of the present situation she speaks. “Hello Lina, I’m wondering is this how you’re going to treat your future daughter in law?” Lina is aghast she looks at Lafiel then notices the strange man with her is Jinto’s friend from school, she readily recognizes Seelnay. “Where’s Jinto?” She asks. Lafiel explains he’s on the fuel depot knowing he can’t set foot on Martine he decided not to come. “He sent me as an envoy, it would have been nice if your government had informed the depot of the new, no Abh policy. We would have sent you a message I’m guessing no matter what I say I’ll not be allowed to the surface.”

Lina produced a communication device from her pocket opening it she said, “Well Teel is it true what she’s saying that you forgot to inform the depot of the change in immigration rules again?” Teel Clint could be heard in the background trying to dodge the question. Lina wasn’t standing still for it at all. “Did you hear her? She says she and Jinto are engaged! You bumbling fool when I get my hands on you.” Lina snaps the device closed. “I’m sorry Princess. I’m only the Presidents wife you can’t go to the surface.” She walks towards Lafiel the guards becoming tenser with her movements. Extending her hands to Lafiel she says, “Come child let me hold you and congratulate you and Jinto.” Lafiel steps into her arms they share a moment together.

“When is the ceremony, where and are we invited?” Lafiel informs her that those plans were still in the air they were hoping at the depot and fairly soon. “I’ll let you know when we decide.” She turns to Seelnay, “Guess you better take me back to the depot then you and Ku go planet side, please.”

She turns back to Lina the guards have moved back to the far end of the platform Lina and Lafiel stand about six feet apart. “Be well mother in law, don’t not be to hard on Teel he’s just following the laws of this nation.” Lina smiles, “For you I’ll be lenient but his error won’t go unpunished if you understand me.” Lafiel nods turns towards the ship she enters it and the door closes. Lina walks away never turning around she feels this is the last time she’ll ever see Lafiel again.

Seelnay’s sudden return from the planet brings Jinto to the docking bay. As the dock pressurizes and the door opens he sees that Lafiel is armed and Ku is visually shaken. “What happened down there? Are you alright Lafiel, Ku, Seelnay?” Jinto inquires. Lafiel removes the pistol belt and hands it to Seelnay. She takes Jinto aside and explains what happened. Angered Jinto snaps open his creunoc but before he can speak Lafiel closes it. “Jinto do you trust me?” He answered that he did. “Then believe me when I tell you it’s been taken care of and at the highest levels possible.”

Jinto looks at Lafiel, “She was that mad?” Lafiel nods. “When I held her Jinto I could feel the angry coursing throughout her, I told her before I left not to be too hard on Teel he was just following the planets laws. I’m not sure if I made a very good impression on her, in fact I feel like that was the last time I’ll ever see her again.” Jinto turns towards the ship Ku and Seelnay have been standing waiting for them. “Are you going back?” Ku looks at Seelnay they both faced Jinto and say together, “No not now.” Ku continued, “Jinto I thought you had embellished the treaty with your planet but when the controller forbid us to land, then an armed guard approached the ship. I realized what you’ve gone through. My home is always open to you and I’d like to see that planet of yours someday too. Right now Jinto going to the surface, I’d rather not, you know how I feel about weapons, angry people and strange situations.” Jinto nods he asks Ku, “Maybe the four of us can have dinner later?” Ku agrees. They leave the docking bay. Once outside they go their separate ways.

“Jinto can we go somewhere peaceful? Is there a place on the depot where we can find peace? I know if we were on the planet I’d either be in the garden or overlooking the lake.” Lafiel pauses, “I do miss the planet. Do you?” Lafiel had been looking ahead. When Jinto didn’t answer she looked at him his expressionless face was streaked with tears. She put her arm around his waist and pulled him towards her as they walked. “Jinto do you want to leave here? This place, this system, and go else where?” Jinto kept walking. His mind heard Lafiel’s words but he was unable to answer her. He didn’t know what to say or do. He just put his arm around her waist and held her. He had lost so much this was the only thing that really meant anything to him now. They walked around the depot and finally returned to their quarters.

Jinto went to lie down and Lafiel straightened up the room. The communications console was flashing checking the message it was from her brother she went to open it there was a note attached to the video transcription. “Lafiel this message is for both you and Count Hyde it is my wish that both of you watch it together.” Lafiel hesitated she almost pushed the continue button but respecting her brothers wishes she waited till Jinto was awake and willing to watch. They sat together. Lafiel ask Jinto if he was ready to view this. His reply was, “What else could go wrong today.” She hit the play button.

Duhiel comes on to the screen his look was that of someone who had not seen a lot of sleep. “First off sister let me bring you up to date. Planetary scans remain normal although there was quite a storm on the far side of the planet last night. I sit in high orbit over the planet awaiting your return. Lafiel this covers the official business part of this message with that out of the way, now it’s time for the unofficial business.” Duhiel smiles, “Unofficially sister congratulations, you too Count Hyde I have a feeling the two of you will be very happy together. You’ll let me know unofficially when you have had the ceremony.” Duhiel’s demeanor changes, “Now for the hard part Lafiel, officially I must disapprove of your actions. As a candidate for Emperor I cannot condone your actions officially. Please understand my position sister and remember that I will always love you, and Count Hyde I’ve always thought of you as a friend I hope that’s not changed. This message will delete when its finished and everything concerning this issue has been deleted from the ships logs. Remember sister that I care for you dearly and unofficially I wish you and Count Hyde the very best. I hope to see you very soon. Be safe till then both of you.” The message fades and the system announces an auto delete has occurred.

Jinto looks at Lafiel she is sitting silently staring at the display. He’s seen this look before all he can do now is wait. Lafiel gets up turns the display off and stands in the middle of the room. “Well it wasn’t as bad as I figured it would be at least he didn’t disown me, disapproving and not condoning officially isn’t too bad.” Jinto stands, Lafiel has her back to him as he approaches, and he sees the real show from her. Taking her in his arms she sobs uncontrollably. Through the sobs she speaks. “Now you know why it took me so long to answer you. Why I’ve been so moody and despondent lately, if this is Duhiel’s reaction, I don’t want to think about the rest of the clans.”

Jinto realizes she’s ready to give up her world for him. Feeling very guilty he wishes he’d never asked her the question. She senses the change in him and looks him in the eyes “Jinto Lynn don’t you back out on me. I’ve always known that someday this would happen and like you I figured I’d think about when it happened.”

“Well honey it’s happened, too many people know about it and frankly. I don’t give a damn about what happens next as long as I get to keep you.” Jinto wipes her eyes. Looking her in the face he states, “Lafiel you’ve always been a lousy liar!” She stares back a wry smile crosses her face, “Baka Jinto Baka!”

Lafiel checks her creunoc, “Jinto we have a dinner date in an hour you want to cancel it?” Jinto looks at her. “No in fact I want to invite some more people to it. I think its about time we decide what our next move is and input from our friends will probably be confusing, but right now Lafiel I don’t want to be alone, if you understand me?”

She nods “If we stay here alone and this way it will tear us apart, have I read your mind my love?” Jinto smiles, “I know I asked you to marry me for a good reason you just showed it to me again. Why don’t you freshen up and I’ll contact the rest of our friends.”

Lafiel leaves the room and Jinto sets about rounding everyone up he doesn’t take no for an answer either. Spoor gives him the most resistance. Noel the least and he figures Samson and Sobbash were up to something because Sobbash answered Samson’s creunoc. Paveryua was the last to be invited and then Jinto called Seelnay and informed her of the change in plans, she said she was delighted and that there would be no problems.

Jinto waited for Lafiel. She came from the bathroom she still showed signs of her recent crying spell, Jinto said something about it and she replied, “So I cried, so let them see how sincere I really am, they are our friends Jinto. If they don’t understand by now then maybe we should look into some new ones.” She took his arm and they left their quarters. The walk to the dinner took about five minutes. Arriving late, everyone was already there. Jinto and Lafiel sat between Sobbash and Noel. Jinto sits next to Sobbash and Lafiel sits next to Noel.

Jinto rises and makes an announcement. “The reason I’ve called you here is that Lafiel and I wish to move one with our plans but we also would like to have ideas from you our friends too. Now do you wish to eat first then talk or talk then eat?” After a quick vote it was decided that talking first, then eating would be appropriate.

Noel nudges Lafiel, “You’ve been crying haven’t you?” Lafiel nods Noel continues, “Then this dinner is really serious, and the decisions you have to make I’m saying.” Lafiel keeps nodding Noel gets worried she leans over to Risch “She been crying and now she showing it in public.” Risch leans forward, sure enough Lafiel show signs of crying a lot and recently, they are not the only people at the table who notice. Spoor who is sitting across from Lafiel has noticed it too, not knowing what has transpired she cautiously asks, “Is everything alright Your Highness?” Lafiel’s face goes neutral she answers in one word “No”. Lafiel leans over to Jinto “I’ve got to get away for the moment, I’m about to break down again.” Jinto nods, Lafiel nudges Noel. Lafiel, Noel and Sobbash head for the ladies room.

Watching the three of them leave the table Spoor is free to inquire further, she addresses Jinto. “Does her family know?” Jinto nods. “He brother does he was well officially not very pleased. Debeusec and Ramaj are in the dark and Lafiel plans on keeping it that way.” Spoor now understood the gravity of the situation she leaned over to Kufadis, “You know she could get disowned for this action don’t you?” Kufadis shook his head; “It’s nonsense if you ask me. Pure nonsense we as Abh are told to be free and do as we wish now one of us wants to do that and.” Spoor interjected. “If she was not a member of the royal family there would not be any problems.”

Lafiel was in the bathroom less than thirty seconds and she completely broke down. Noel held her and Sobbash tried to get the story out of her. Through the sobs Lafiel managed to recount most of their day from the aborted trip to the surface the showdown with Jinto’s mother the message from her brother and the all of her personal fears. Seelnay had been about ten seconds behind Sobbash and Noel she entered just as Lafiel broke down. Seelnay filled in what missing information she could and then stood before Lafiel. “Princess I’m so sorry if I had checked the planetary information board before we left.”

Lafiel sobbing interrupts her. “Don’t blame yourself Seelnay it was going to happen sooner of later, I have to accept that some planets will never accept the apology from the Empire.” Lafiel stood up she dried the tears from her eyes. “You realize by openly crying in front of you I can be disowned by my family. My family prides its self on being ruthless and holding little compassion. I cried when Plakia died and my father warned me then never to cry in public again. Up until now Jinto’s been the only living soul to see me weep. I need you to keep a secret, never tell a living soul what transpired in this room tonight.”

The three of them took an oath and vowed never to divulge what happened. Seelnay opened her purse she applied a bit of make up to Lafiel’s cheeks the color match was close enough. She looked better than she did when she arrived. Lafiel looks at them, “Thank you we need to get back, there has been enough questions raised by my sudden leaving and Jinto’s alone out there with Spoor.”

She turns to Noel, “How soon can you be ready to leave the depot Noel?” Noel ponders for a moment, “Twelve hours at the maximum from the time you give the order Your Highness.” She turns to Sobbash she speaks openly, “As Sector Commander two hours and you’ll have a passage permit to anywhere you please Princess.” Lafiel thanks them as they leave the bathroom.

The table grows quiet as Lafiel sits down. She looks at them. “We are planning a wedding ceremony here not a funeral do not look so sad people, enjoy, now where were we?” At that moment the drinks arrived Lafiel was happy too, she was pretty dry. She picked up her glass and took a drink.

Ku was the first person to speak. “Princess are there any taboo subjects?” Lafiel answered. “Just one and if you hit it then I’ll tell you about it.” Ku cleared his throat, “It’s was said while you were gone that you risk losing a lot if you go through with this ceremony and your family finds out about it, why are you going on risking everything?”

Lafiel looks at Ku. “Didn’t you go out on a limb to keep your company a float risking losing favor with your family?” Ku nods, “But that was business, you’re talking about your family and a permanent disownment, there is a lot of difference Princess, a lot of difference.” Lafiel conceded. “That’s very possible Ku. But I love Jinto and I’m sure I want to do this. I guess if worse comes to worse and I get disowned. I could always become a Spoor.”

Spoor coughs and sprays her drink across the table. “You? Join my Clan? Why that’s unheard of and you’d have to have my permission. Which isn’t going to happen not while I’m living.” Lafiel smiles, she looks Spoor in the face and says, “Gotcha! That about gets me even for the last fifteen years.” Spoor at first was not amused. Then she realized Lafiel was getting use to not being a member of the royal household. Spoor asked her next question. “How soon and where are you going to do this? I guess who’s coming to this would be a good idea too.”

Lafiel grabs Jinto’s hand under the table, “The who would be all of you, the where?” She looked at Jinto, “Well on the depot, the planet, in space just where were you thinking?” Before Jinto could speak Noel nudged Lafiel, “Planet hot tub!” she whispered. Lafiel smiled, “That’s one vote for the planet I guess.” Spoor grumbled something about using the Lashkau. Samson said the depot was at their disposal, Ku mentioned that he knew of a great hall on his world to have it at. Seelnay, Sobbash, Kufadis and Risch sat silently, watching, listening and reflecting on everything that’s been said.

Jinto’s faces lit up he turned to Sobbash and whispered in her ear. Sobbash smiled she turned to Samson and whispered in his ear. The message made it way around the table. Lafiel watching this asked Jinto, “So what did you say? What it is?” at that moment Risch tells Noel she turns to Lafiel and looks at Jinto, He nods and she whisper to Lafiel “We are all here now, together and comfortable let have the ceremony before we eat.”

Lafiel shakes her head, “Not now. I’m not ready there are no plans I.” She composes herself the moment of panic is over. “Now Jinto? Here? In a tavern? It’s spontaneous. I’ll give you that.” She looks at herself, “I was planning on wearing something different of course this outfit is nice.” She faces Jinto. “Before dinner how about after dinner?” Jinto motions to Lafiel to come into whispering distance the whole table is very quiet and he’d like to explain it to her first. ”I have our vows, we have our friends and then we can celebrate at dinner. It’s fast and simple if that’s what you want?” Lafiel sits there thinking of reasons to say no. There aren’t any good reasons, she’s fairly relaxed and everyone is here.

“Ok Jinto. Lets go and get this done.” Jinto hands out folded pieces of paper to all gathered. Those going to Kufadis, Spoor Sobbash, Risch and Noel are written are in Abh. The others are written in Martine. Samson, Seelnay and Ku get those. Jinto stands, “Before you open those papers I have a few words to say. First Lafiel and I would like to welcome you. You are to be witnesses to our exchanging of vows. This is not what landers would consider a normal ceremony. However the vows Lafiel and I are about to exchange are genuine in scope and meaning. After we are done we would like all of you to consider us a couple bound by words and deeds.” He motions for Lafiel to stand and face him, she does, eagerly he hands her vows and then he says, “You may open the paper and follow along.” The sound of paper opening is heard around the table.

Jinto faces Lafiel and says, “I, Jinto Lynn, take you, Lafiel Ablïarsec, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the woman you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”

Lafiel replies, “I, Lafiel Ablïarsec, take you, Jinto Lynn, to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the man you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”

They turn and face the assembled group Jinto addresses them, “Lafiel and I thank you.” He turns again to Lafiel, “I guess you know what comes next.” She places her arms around him and kisses him for what seems an hour. Once they finish a cheer arises from the group. “I think we can order dinner now.” Jinto says, as he and Lafiel sit down.

Lafiel suddenly becomes disturbed she turns to Jinto, “Where are the pictures? There are supposed to be pictures.” Jinto points to the end of the table. Paveryua is sitting recording the entire event. She glares at Jinto; “You planned this ahead of time didn’t you? “ He nods, “It was up to you though, all you had to say was no, and we would have done as you wished.” Lafiel’s anger subsided, “Thank you Jinto it was a wonderful ceremony. Is it okay if I feel all tingly inside?” Jinto nods, “That makes two of us. I’m glad you liked it. It was simple enough, yet it’s something I won’t forget how about you?”

She leans over and kisses him it’s greeted with applause then Samson speaks, “Hey you two enough of that, order the food then you can kissy kissy the rest of the night, some of us are hungry.” Lafiel blushes and whispers to Jinto “Glad he’s with Sobbash. She going to have her hands full with him I think.” Jinto looks too, “Wow that didn’t take long you’re already pairing your friends off eh?” She grabs a menu stares at it and utters one word, “Baka!” Jinto places his hand on her thigh. “Its ok honey I love you always.” Giving her thigh a gentle squeeze, Lafiel drops the menu and addresses him. “Later dear that’s not on the menu at the moment.”

Dinner was ordered. The food arrived and everyone had their fill. The after dinner conversation started off a bit cautious, then it became a no holes barred discussion of customs, marriage, babies, and the future.

Spoor and Kufadis sat next to each other. The after dinner conversation was starting and the rest of the group had divided into male and female groups. “Kufadis you should join in, you don’t have to sit here with me. Who knows you might learn something useful.” Kufadis rose from his seat and address Spoor, “I was thinking the same thing Admiral. You should join them as well and who knows you might just learn something too.” Spoor bristled, “Wait till we get back to the ship.” Kufadis smiled, “I’ll take that as you’re not going to sleep when we get there statement?” Kufadis went over and joined the guys sitting at the table. Spoor fumes, she heads over to join the gals; pulling out a seat Spoor enters a conversation she is ill equipped to join. Lafiel was engaged with Seelnay in a detailed conversation that Noel, Sobbash and now Spoor were listening to intently.

“Seelnay I watched you deliver that child it was almost effortless. Do all children arrive in such a manner?” Seelnay shook her head, “Listen to me all of you. Every pregnancy and delivery is different. Some women have an easier time of it than others. My advice to all of you is if you decide to carry children is get medical intervention.” She looks at Lafiel, “In other words Your Highness don’t you and Count Hyde find some remote area and decide to raise children alone. I understand that carrying a child let alone carrying one to term is something Abh women do not do. I’d advise you to read the baby books I sent you, although they apply to land women, one-fact remains. We are all women sitting here. Although you have an advantage over me the ability to have children for a longer period of your life and you’ve been spared the curse of being a woman.”

Noel took Seelnay’s words and commented on them. “You call it a curse, I call it a reminder that you’re capable of bringing new life into the world. Sometimes the genetic freedoms that Abh women have let them forget their roots.” Noel paused Sobbash added her two cents worth. “Children is a topic that I’ve though about lately, at first the idea was disturbing but” she looks at Noel. “I’m guessing if you had no other obligations you would be sitting here with child, am I correct Captain?” Noel smiles, “It’s a wonderful thought isn’t it.” Seelnay returns them to reality. Being with child is the easy part after it’s born, then the work begins. All children are born helpless it’s up to the mother and father to keep the child safe till it’s grown enough to care for itself.” Seelnay continues, “Children are a twenty-four, seven, three hundred sixty eight day affair.” She smiles, “Well I guess if you’re in space calendar days, that means little to you.”

Spoor is getting uncomfortable with this discussion she changes the subject. “What are your plans Princess? I don’t think you’ll be staying around here any longer than needed, am I correct?” Lafiel muses, “Your right Admiral we’ve stayed here long enough, it’s time to go somewhere else.” She looks at Noel “We still on a twelve hour launch clock?” Noel nods, she glances at Sobbash “Two hours?” Sobbash nods. Lafiel returns to Spoor, I guess all Jinto and I have to do is decide when and where to go next.” Spoor is surprised she didn’t realize that Lafiel had such detailed plans already in motion.

Lafiel looks at her creunoc its with in three hours of day light. “Ladies can we call this an evening? I do have other plans. We can finish this before I leave.” There is a general agreement. Lafiel goes over to where Jinto is. Standing behind him she announces. “You’ve had him long enough it’s my turn now.” She proceeds to help Jinto from his seat and they leave the tavern together. The balance of the group spends the rest evening celebrating.

Lafiel quickens her pace back to their quarters Jinto goes along for the walk. Once inside Lafiel address him, “I know why you did what you did this evening, a ceremony like that, in front of our friends was necessary, there’s something missing, you and I know it. Now let’s finish it.” She steps into her room she appears in a dress uniform and is holding three candles, “Jinto you are going to help me fulfill my dreams of today.” Jinto smiles.

Lafiel sets the candles on the table in front of them. “This is what I want you to do, follow me please.” She lights a candle and places it in Jinto’s left hand then she does the same. “Now, together we repeat our vows and when we are done follow my lead.” They say their vows and when they are finished, Lafiel turns toward the lone candle sitting on the table. “Jinto you and I are signified by these two flames. Now that we have completed our vows we need to become one completely.” She approaches the unlit candle with her lit one, and Jinto does the same. Their flames meet together and the lone candle lights. Blowing out the separate candles Lafiel says, “This single flame burning in front of us signifies our new beginning. The joining of our souls till the end of time.”

Jinto notices the tears on Lafiel’s face are reflecting in the glow of the candlelight. He has his own surprise for her as well. ”Lafiel I also wish to give you something, a remembrance of this day, he produces a box from his jacket inside it is a pendant with a stone that Lafiel’s never seen before, it looks as if two stones are combined. “Lafiel if you’re wondering what this is, well it’s our birth stones. They have been fused together to make a new and very rare gem.” Lafiel is holding the pendant up to the candlelight is has a beautiful glow to it. Jinto continues, “When you look at it in detail you can still see our separate stones around the perimeter.” Lafiel still watches the pendant glitter in the candlelight, she places it around he neck and lets it fall to her chest, “Jinto I shall never take this off, it will always be with me as you are.” She embraces him he embraces her. The single flame from the candle gives them a comforting light. They kiss and form memories of this day that will last till the day they die.

Tears of joy stream from Lafiel’s face, tears she could never show in public, and tears she’s wanted to shed for the longest time. They stay there embraced completely happy with the day and each other. It is now dawn. The light from the sun is entering their quarters; it illuminates them and their surroundings. Jinto steps away from Lafiel she is ravishing looking, the pendant completes the picture. Picture, he thinks I need a picture of her, and he looks for their camera.

Lafiel giggles, Jinto stops and Lafiel points to the ceiling. Jinto follows her finger sitting there pointed at them the whole time is a camera. “You think I’d go to all of this trouble and not to have a visual record of it? Here I thought you knew me.” Jinto smiles, “I don’t know about you but I’m tired it’s been a long day.” Lafiel nods they head for the bedroom entering the room Jinto stares at the ceiling. Lafiel giggles, “What kind of Princess do you think I am? There are some things that shouldn’t be on video records.” Jinto helps her out of her uniform the both get ready and go to bed. Lafiel turns towards Jinto she nuzzles in his shoulder “Jinto you’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been, ever.” They both fall into a deep sleep

Ku awakens to the smell of breakfast, dressing and leaving his room he finds Seelnay cooking away in the kitchen. Walking up behind her he places his hands on her hips and says, “Do you ever relax? Every time I see you you’re doing something.” She replies, “I am relaxing and I enjoy cooking especially if its for you, now sit down and we’ll have breakfast.” Ku obeys her and takes a seat. Seelnay brings breakfast over sit and they begin to eat. “Ku how much longer can you stay here?” Ku fork in hand looks Seelnay in her eyes. “I see you’re mind reading again, I have to leave soon, I’ve been away too long as it is. Can you come back with me?” The glass almost hits the table, Ku grabs it as Seelnay drops it. She is dazed and then she speaks, ”You caught me off guard there I’m sorry, Yes I can go back with you I’ll need a day or two to arrange everything, is that soon enough?” Ku nods, he takes his fork and places some eggs on it. Taking the bite he smiles at Seelnay, she starts to eat too.

Continued in the next post

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 14_Happier Days

Post by Diaho »

Ekuryua sits on the bridge. It is a very quiet morning she reflects on the previous evening, wondering if Jinto and Lafiel had a separate ceremony a more personal one. In the middle of her thought, the communications officer interrupted her. “Captain we are being hailed by the Ambassador from the three thousand two hundred eighty-sixth reconnaissance squadron.” Ekuryua nods. “Put them on.” The link opened a visibly shaken Ambassador appears, “Ambassador Lynn are you there?” Ekuryua stands before him, “I am Kilo Commander Ekuryua the ambassador is unavailable at this time. Can I take a message?” “I must speak with him on a very important matter, you need to find him at once at once do you hear me!”

Ekuryua finally got the Ambassador settled down, explained to him that Jinto was not aboard and she would have to go after him. “Ambassador if you could give me the information. I’ll see he gets it as soon as we are done speaking.” The Ambassador finally relents. He sends a data file across to Ekuryua it’s labeled, Sol-Eros and marked top secret. “Captain you must get this information to Ambassador Lynn immediately these are very delicate negations. I expect to hear from him very soon.” The display darkens Ekuryua turns to the communications chief, “any luck?”

She shakes her head, “Their creunoc’s are off line, the comm. channel is blocked, I guess you’re going to have to go pound on their door.” Ekuryua frowns rolling her creunoc to he lips she calls Samson, he answers “Can you meet me at the Counts quarters and bring the master pass key with you?” Samson says he’ll meet her there; she closes the channel and looks at the first officer. “You’ll know where I’ll be, anything happens take care of it.” She takes a blank data crystal transfers the information to it and hurries off the bridge.

Ekuryua arrives at the Counts quarters Samson and Sobbash arrive shortly after she does. Samson addresses Ekuryua. “Has something happened or are you crashing the party?” Ekuryua smiles, “Not crashing the party. It looks like their going to work shortly, ever heard of Sol-Eros?” Samson chokes, “Yes I have, ah lets open the door and I’ll explain it once.” Samson triggers the entry link he speaks to the door, “My boy if you can hear me you need to open this door at once. You have one minute and I’m opening it manually.” The sounds of silence come over the door link. Samson looks at his creunoc. “Thirty seconds and we are coming in.” Still silence. Sobbash taps him on the shoulder, “You open the door and we will go in.” Samson looks at her, “What about the boy, what if they’re, both?” Sobbash hadn’t figured on that complication.

As Samson went to open the door, the lock dropped from inside and the door opened. Lafiel greeted them in a robe, holding a type three-laser pistol set to kill. “This had better be real important, you’re disturbing my beauty sleep.” Ekuryua stood in front of Lafiel. “It is, go wake Jinto, looks like you two are going to work.” She holds the data crystal before Lafiel’s eyes. “Fine, wait here. I’ll get Jinto, make ourselves presentable and be back.” Lafiel turns the door closes and the sounds of Jinto being awakened are heard.

Five minutes pass the door opens a slightly a bedraggled Jinto welcomes them in. Lafiel is coming from their bathroom she’s in a pale blue top and slacks, the pendant proudly showing on her chest. Jinto is in a shirt and slacks his hair is a mess. He shows them to the table and asks them to be seated.

Ekuryua hands Jinto the crystal, “This just came its marked top secret. The Ambassador who sent it was extremely passionate about you getting it as soon as possible. Personally I’d kicked the door in.” Lafiel tapped her shoulder. “I’d shot you were you stood and you know better.” Jinto takes the crystal inserts it in the console turns to everyone and says, “What you see here doesn’t leave this room it this understood?” They nod in agreement Jinto starts the playback.

Jinto recognizes the Ambassador he was at the training class Lafiel does too, and then the voice track starts. “Ambassador Lynn I need you help I started negations with the government of Sol-Eros twenty days ago. I’ve hit a impasse and I’ve also been banned from further contact with the planet. I’m sending you all the information that I have some of it you will find confusing it was this confusion that lead to my mistake. The planet is willing to meet with you and Her Highness. Review my information carefully. I’ll be awaiting you reply.” The display flickers and a set of documents appear Jinto reviews them with Lafiel as the others watch. They finish and Jinto turns to them. “Sol–Eros that planet I’ve heard of it before but I can’t”

Samson interrupts, “I have, they are followers of their source of light, Sol, they are a very strange race. It’s been said only the Abh surpass them in beauty and knowledge.” Samson moves around on his chair a bit. Jinto questions Samson a little more. “So what is it that is bothering you? You look pretty uncomfortable.” Samson cleared his throat “ I told you that they were followers of Sol they also worship Sol.” Jinto looked at him, “Sol as in their sun, you’re saying they are sun worshipers?” Samson nods, “Complete sun worshipers. I’m sure you’re little training class never covered this aspect of living.”

The others in the room are completely confused. Lafiel spoke, “So they worship their sun, Seelnay worships her selected being I see no difference.” Jinto is now as uncomfortable as Samson is he takes it upon himself to explain. “Simply put Lafiel, sun worshipers believe nothing should be in between themselves and the sun. So clothing of any kind is prohibited. It is probably a Capital crime to wear clothing on the planet.” Samson interjects, “You are allowed to wear leather slippers to protect your feet that’s all.” Jinto looks at Samson, “Is this from first hand experience, or things you’ve heard.” Samson never wavered, “It’s things I’ve heard, but if your Ambassador got himself banned from the planet. I’ll bet he went down there fully clothed and refused to disrobe.”

Since the revelation Lafiel had turned to the report from the Ambassador. Noel was looking over her shoulder. Their fingers collided at the same paragraph. Lafiel turns to Jinto. “Samson’s is correct our Ambassador did exactly what he thought and the government forced him off the planet.”
She looks at Jinto “I guess we better go and see if this mistake can be corrected, that is our job is it not?” Before he could speak Samson said something else, “It is rumored that visitors are welcomed as long as they show no physical signs of interest in the native population. You get my drift Count?” Jinto nods. “It’s something Lafiel and I will have to discuss before we accept this assignment. I thank you for coming and we do need to talk alone now. So if you will excuse us.” They bid their farewells and left the quarters.

Once outside Ekuryua had a question, “Samson what did you mean by physical signs of interest?” Samson turned to them both lowered his voice and explained in detail. Sobbash had a good idea already Noel was amazed, “Your kidding aren’t you?” Samson looks at her, “You take your boyfriend and put him on a planet full of beautiful naked women and answer that question for yourself.” Sobbash comments too. “ Males are more vulnerable, but remember females can show physical interest too. They will both have to be very careful.” She looks at Samson, “Wonder what the penalty for the transgression is?” Samson shakes his head, “Don’t know, never been there and don’t think I ever want to go.”

Samson and Sobbash look at Ekuryua. Sobbash speaks, “You’re going to have to keep a cool head on this one. Decisions better be figured out in advance, no showboating this time you understand me.” Ekuryua comes to attention. “Yes Admiral loud and clear. May I be excused?” Sobbash nods Ekuryua leaves. She looks at Samson, “You think they’re walking into a minefield.” Samson shakes his head, “Not so much a minefield but a real test of their relationship if they pull this off and are still the same people then they’ve accomplished a lot.”

“Well Lafiel, can you go on this mission knowing that we will probably be completely naked the time we spend on the surface? Can you handle the distractions of being surrounded by beautiful naked people?” Lafiel was showing little emotion she finally spoke to him, “Jinto, if you can do it. I can do it because we are stronger together than separate.” She walks into his arms, “You really think you can be around a group of beautiful naked women and not show it?” Jinto smiled. “With you by my side and knowing what you would do to me, yes I can.” Lafiel smiles, “I guess we need to answer the Ambassador, finish getting packed and leave here as soon as possible.” She grew sad for a moment, “I was hoping for a lot of time to be alone with you but I guess that’s going to have to wait.” Jinto kissed her he wondered if they were making the right decision this system did seen to be of great interest to the Empire.

Ekuryua hits the bridge like a whirlwind, “Communications officer call the crew back, we depart as soon as possible. Navigator plot a course to rendezvous with the three thousand two hundred eighty-sixth reconnaissance squadron. Chief engineer make sure we are completely supplied and battle ready. Everybody report status to the first officer.”

Rolling her creunoc to her lips she calls Seelnay, “Sorry Seelnay dinners off for tonight and probably for a long time to come. We’ve been ordered out and I’m not sure when or if we will be back.” Seelnay responds, “That’s fine Captain I was going to have to cancel myself. If you want to find me try Ku’s home world first it seems I’m headed out myself and I’m not sure when or if I’ll return. Tell the Princess and the Count for me will you and tell her to keep the book I’ll buy another copy on Ku’s home world. Take good care of them for me Noel. I’ll contact you as soon as I’ve settled in. ”

The conversation ended Ekuryua checked the time, speaking into her creunoc she said, “Admiral Spoor we are leaving as soon as they are aboard. Are you still planning to returning to your territory?” a different voice answers. “Those are her plans Commander if there are any changes I’ll let you know.” Not blinking an eye she answers, “Understood Commander, I’ll monitor the assigned frequency at the assigned times Ekuryua out.” She makes one last call, “Sobbash do you have my passage permit ready?”

“You’re cleared to depart I guess you know the Lashkau is leaving too. Spoor has left me in charge and Atosuryua is not happy about it.” Ekuryua smiles, “You’ll do just fine Admiral Sobbash just fine remember she’s on the other side of the system and you’ve got Samson to protect you. Seelnay’s leaving too, I guess she’s not filed a departure plan yet.” There is silence, “I see Ku is going to have his hands full, of course so am I, you stay in touch Ekuryua I see you some time later on. Keep yourself and them safe, Sobbash out.” Ekuryua closes her creunoc and returns to her cabin she will sleep till departure time it may be the only sleep she gets for a while.


“Admiral, Commander Ekuryua has checked in she’ll be monitoring as planned.” Kufadis rises out of his seat and walks over to Spoor he whispers in her ear, ”How much longer do we have to continue to spy on them?”

Spoor looks at him “As long as I’m under orders to, you think I like this any more than you do. Here they are starting a new life together and here I am recording all of it so her clan can sit and watch it like a cheap drama. The next time I see Ramaj I think I’ll bring her a bucket of ah.” Kufadis says “Popcorn” Spoor nods, “Yes popcorn buttered and salted so she may get the truest enjoyment from this drama.” Spoor turns in disgust “Kufadis get us out of here now!” Kufadis nods “Prepare to get underway, ahead three and one half Daimon. Generate space-time shot. Confirm Sord entry in one minute and forty-five seconds”

The Lashkau goes from a dead stop to almost a streak as it moves towards the transitional Sord. It space-time bubble forms and a moment later its transitioned through the Sord. Sobbash watchers as the Lashkau disappears she leans back in her seat wondering what will happen next. Samson enters her office “So Spoor’s gone wow that was fast.”

Sobbash looks at him “Yes she’s gone and she’s left me in charge, I’m waiting for Atosuryua’s first of many complaints to arrive.” Samson looks around “You going to sit here and wait doing nothing? I came by figuring you’d want to get your hands dirty for awhile you know how relaxing it is.” Sobbash smiles “Yeah that does sound relaxing and the noise will drone out communications. Shall we?” she offers Samson her hand. “You bet.” He takes it and they leave, on her way out she address her aide “Should Admiral Atosuryua call looking for me inform her I’m in the garden playing in the dirt, if she wants to see me that’s where she can find me. You got all of that?” Her aide nods and smiles “Yes Ma’am I do, I can communicate that to her.” Samson and Sobbash leave the headquarters building they head for the gardens arm in arm.

“Jinto I can’t raise the Lashkau, in fact according to my creunoc it’s no longer in this system.” From his creunoc Jinto’s getting the same information too. “Lafiel it looks like Admiral Spoor has gone home?” Lafiel agrees “This is very strange, Seelnay’s not responding, neither is Sobbash, let me see if I can raise Ekuryua.” She calls and is told the Captain is sleeping she’s left orders not to be disturbed. Indignant Lafiel closes her creunoc. “Come Jinto I know where Sobbash is I’m getting some answers before we leave.” They direct the base aid to deliver their luggage to the Assault Frigate, then Lafiel and Jinto head for the gardens. “Lafiel are you sure she’s there?” Lafiel kept walking “I know she is”

They end up at the gardens and Lafiel finds Samson and Sobbash inside. Banging on the glass she finally attracts their attention. They leave the planting area and enter the clean room. Lafiel corners Sobbash. “Where has everybody gone?” Sobbash stares at her “Curb you temper Princess the place you’re going to will not understand your outburst. Admiral Spoor has returned to her territory, Seelnay and Ku will be leaving shortly. Ekuryua has an open departure time she’s waiting for you two to show up. Samson and I are planting turnips did I miss anything? Do you have any more questions?”

Lafiel stood there the color returned to her face, Jinto said nothing. “Sobbash accept my apology you are correct I need to curb my temper, why didn’t they say something before they left?” Jinto nudged her “Remember you turned off all communications Samson had to almost kick in the door in this morning.” Lafiel frowned “You’re correct, I so wanted to be alone but I figured it would be a couple of days before anybody left.” Lafiel lets out a big sigh. “I’m sorry Sobbash I’ll let you and Samson return to your work. Come Jinto let’s go.”

Lafiel turns to leave, Sobbash addresses them “Jinto and Lafiel have a safe journey. You will contact us when your done I’m curious as to the outcome of your negations, that is if you can, if not please at least tell us where you are we don’t want to lose track of you two.”

Lafiel stops she turns back to Sobbash she walks up to her and gives her a hug. Sobbash returns it and Lafiel says, ”Thank you I keep forgetting how much the people around us really care. We will stay in touch you can be assured of that Sobbash.” Jinto hugs Sobbash too then they leave. Watching them disappear into the base Samson and Sobbash return to their garden wondering if they will ever see Jinto and Lafiel again.

“That’s just great their luggage is here but they are not I wonder just where our wondering Ambassadors are?” Ekuryua paces the bridge her first officer watches and then responds “Captain why don’t you try contacting them use your creunoc?” Ekuryua stares at the device on her arm activating it she speaks “Ambassador Lynn and party. You’re ride is waiting, I’m double parked and the meter is running, acknowledge this transmission please.” Silence then Jinto’s voice is heard, “Five minutes Ekuryua and we’ll be aboard.”

Picking up their pace Jinto and Lafiel head for the docking area, Lafiel inquires, “Jinto you understood what she said didn’t you?” Jinto nods “She been around Ku too much it’s one of his favorite statements I’ll explain it to you once we get aboard and underway, don’t let me forget, Okay?”
Rounding the corner they approach the docking tube that leads to Ekuryua’s ship. Jinto turns and looks over the depot Lafiel senses his apprehension “We’ve got work to do, we’ll come back.” She takes his hand and they board the ship together.

Released from the depot and floating towards the Sord, Jinto looks over the Hyde System. Martine is not visible from their position and it leaves him thinking of Teel and Lina. The sound of the ship changes, the space-time bubble generator is on line. The Hyde System becomes a gray blur from inside the bubble.

Sobbash glances through the dome of the depot, she taps Samson on the shoulder and points. The Attack Frigate is floating in plain view then it’s wrapped in a space-time bubble and gently slips into the Sord. Samson puts his hand on her arm “Wish you were with them don’t you?” She shakes her head, “No, the young need to do the exploring, I just hope they’ll be safe and find their true selves.” She looks Samson in the eye. “I’m done planting for the day. Why don’t you and I clean up and find somewhere quiet and talk, I’d like to talk right about now.” They finish cleaning up around the garden change into clean clothes and head back to the main part of the depot.

“Is that everything?” Ku looks around “Yes Seelnay I think we got it all.” Seelnay latches the hatch she double check the ships environment turning to Ku she point him to the command deck. “Sit there Ku, I’ll be over here.” They strap into the seats and Seelnay powers up the shuttle. “It was nice of Admiral Sobbash to lease us this extra communications shuttle, that way I could leave the Seelnay here, then Greta and the girls could continue working.” System checks complete Seelnay notices the Communications console is flashing. “Somebody left us a message I wonder who?”

Seelnay starts the message it’s from Jinto and Lafiel, “Seelnay and Ku by the time you listen to this we will have left the depot. While our mission is top secret I can tell you it should be a simple matter of negations. You two take care and we still have a grand celebration planned. Oh and don’t do anything that we haven’t done already.” The message ends Ku looks at Seelnay. “When do you think we should tell them?” Seelnay smiles. “Let’s wait I need to get use to it first.” She looks at her left hand the glowing ring on her third finger is a very new addition. Ku smiles the matching ring on his left hand twinkles in the cabin light. The computer announces that the shuttle systems are fully operational.

Getting her departure code she turns to Ku, “Ready to go Mr. Dorin?” Checking his belts he looks at her, “Ready when you are, Mrs. Dorin.” Seelnay concentrates, the ship slips away from the depot. The generator starts, a bubble is formed and they enter the Sord that leads to Vorash.

“When we were younger Lafiel. Ku and I would travel by taxi. I normally would be running late so the taxi was parked double, with the meter running, which meant.” Lafiel smiled, “Get a move on this is costing us a fortune.” Jinto shakes his head, “When did you find time to have Ku tell you that?” Lafiel giggles, “It doesn’t matter right now, let’s look over that report again something doesn’t seem right about Sol-Eros.” Jinto nods he put his creunoc to his lips “Captain Ekuryua are you there?” She answers immediately, “How long till the rendezvous?” Ekuryua tells him thirty hours. Jinto thanks her and closes the link.

“Lafiel we have thirty hours till the rendezvous how do you want to spend them?” Lafiel laid back on the bed, “How about we review the report, take a nap, have dinner, more report review, another nap and then.” Jinto smiles “Sound like a good plan to me. Which part do you want to look through first, system history or planet history I notice that this is not a complete report there is no mention of the present planets survey and no present system survey. I trained him better than that. Let’s look over what we’ve got and see if he has the rest when we meet him.” Lafiel grabs the system history and Jinto delves into the history of planet Sol-Eros

To Be Continued In the “Mystery of Sol-Eros”

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."

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Re: 14_Happier Days

Post by Diaho »

Spacing post..

"Ah! You don't know my name?
Its very simple, Lafiel you shall say.
In return I'd like to call you Jinto."


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